, XtUUy lMn.icv.- Urak c&0SXXUKI; STATZSMAty SxlO)rt FU Convention IKS 'Condemns? Hitler's Seizure of Territory Turner Clubbers points given for tests of the differ ent diseases, physical and dental detects being- corrected, correct diet," "d personal health habits. The sewing club met with Mrs. Whitehead March .21. The pro gram included: Piano solo. Dor een - Boyer; ; solo, Virginia Soren son; piano solo, Rosalie White; reading, Jean Bail; and piano solo, Ruth Bones. ' ' ' ' " The Happy Hour Health club i taking samples ot the water of the various homes and sending them to Corvallis to be tested this week. . Vie for May Qneen HUBBARD The grade baseball season will open here Friday when Mt. Angel will invade the Hub-. bard diamond. Coach Cody ot Hubbard 1 expects great things from his team. : Hubbard May day has been set for Friday, Ms y 5. Candidates for; queen are: Florence Campbell. Mary A. Hammond, Doris LoveJ Carol Momaw, Blanch Ma(fton Viola Tyson and Edith Toung, i To Be April! In Health Contest Party 25th LAKE LABISH A card party, the last of the series will be held Saturday night, when an oyst r supper will be served. These de lightful card parties would con tinue longer but the Camp Labish Royal Neighbors are busy getting set for the Dowel convention scheduled for May 3, when Labish camp will be hostess. TURNER The Marion county County Locals Will Meet at health, unit representatives gave - Turner High School Auditorium vaccination, toxoid, and tubercu lin tests to health club members March 21. The clubs are compet ing in the county health scholar The quarterly contention ol ship contest The perfect score for the Marion County Farmers Un this contest is 1000 points, with ion will be held Saturday, April 1, at the Turner Ugh school au ditorium. Installation of officers. with State President George w. Pctts as installing officer, will be held promptly at 10 o'clock followed- by reports from local delegates and routine business. JVU resolutions thcnld beglren to the secretary to be read to the assembly before noon. ' , ' 1 ' ' ' ' J ' I" . . S "i 5" ,,, ' . . 1 ' T ' ' - : .: - i .:?....: , , ' . .. ,:, ... :.:;;' appointed these committee chalr irca for the eiisulng year: Mar keting, Komer S"iith ; resolu tions, Ronald Jones; legislative. Harley Llbby; educational and 'cooperatire, Martin Host fold and S. Hamrick; good o" the order, Henry Torrend ; livestock, W, L. : Creech. , . - S. Hamrick of Bethel, chalman ot the board ot directors of the Marion County Farmers' 1 Union Cooperatire .Hospital association, will give r detailed .report of the' progress of the association. District number one of the county, which Includes Marlon, AamsTille, Sublimity, Sidney Talbot and Clover dale will be ia charge of serving the noon lun cheon. Members who attend should bring their own table ser vice, covered hot dishes, salads or desserts. Meat, tread, butter, coffee, cream and sugar will be furnished by the county organ ization and the entertaining locals. The United States government formally communicated to Germany Its stinging "condemnation" of Hit lr'a ulniM ftf rTwKInvaIrIa a. aa of w.i( haLwiuu Bmmtmww aT Etite'Samam.WMIM crairr, iarinjr camera i , is snowa as be reieasea to wasimstoB. i. corrcspoBaemia toe note. The note also said this government doea not recognize that any legal basia exists" for Germany's protectorate over isonemia ana Moravia AP Telemau Teacher Institute Set at Mill City SILVERTON Harold Davis, president of the Marion County Teachers' association, reports that Linn and Marion county teachers will gather Saturday at Mill City for a teachers' Insti tute. Sectional meeting will take pine between :45 and 10:30 with Miss Mable Needham of Mill City in charge of the primary group. Miss Minnie Frick of Oregon' State college speaking to the intermediate group and Frank Bennett, sup erintendent of Albany schools, speaking to the bigh school group. A puppet show will be given from 10:30 to 11:15 by the Ha zel Green teachers nl at 11:15 Mr. Bennett will give the morn ing's address, Curriculum." Over 200 teachers are expected from the two counties. Go-to-Church Sunday Looms DALLAS The Dallas Minis terial association has designated Sunday, March 26,. as "Go-To-church-Sunday." An invitation is extended the people ot the en tire community to attend services Sunday morning at the church ot their choice. Special services and special musical numbers are being ar ranged by the nine cooperating churches. The nine churches are: Fist Methodist church. Evangeli cal Mennonlte Brethren, First Christian church. Christian and Missionary Alliance, First Evan gelical church. Mennonlte Breth ren, Salt Creek Baptist, ririt Phsbyterian church an J the Grace Mennonlte church. On theRKecord By DOROTHY THOMPSON 4H Winners Listed In Jefferson Fair t Gym Jamboree j Slated Tuesday DALLAS-r-The; g-ls' physical education classes at 'Dallas high , school are sonsorlng a gym-jamboree Tuesday night, March 28, In the high school gymnasium at 7:30 o'clock. All girls in the high school will take part. Vhe program' will Include a grand March, skill tests, relays, callsthenlccs, volleyball and kiekball games. The tumb ling team and the drill team will also take part and a girls' bas ketball game will be played. Miss Anna May Unrath. physi cal education Instructor at the high school, will be in charge. JEFFERSON The 4H club fair total receipts were $50.20, the greater part of which is pro fit. The proceeds will be used to send 4H boys and girls to sum mer school at Corval'ls. Prizes for the best hobby display were First, Donald Smith for his rock collections; second. Jack Knight for arrowheads; third, Gary Bar na for stamps. Doll show, Sara Margaret and Martha Jane Hut chings' dolles were voted the prettiest twins; Jean Hampton, the ' funniest and Bobby Glaser had . the freakiest doll. Wattiers Parents SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Al Wattier are announcing the birth of an eight pound daughter at the family home March 20. (Continued from page ) countries or ot a group of coun tries may be nullified by com petition from industry In some other country that might refuse to become, party to the agree ment, and that in such circum stances it might be necessary for the organizations to obtain the help ot their governments, and that the two organizations agreed to collaborate In seeking such help. - Under the trade treaty with the United States the British gov ernment cannot give any con cessions to Germany in the em pire market that she does not give to us, but had this agree ment gone into effect the Ger mans might very well have de veloped their trade In Brazil, for .instance, in agreement with Bri tain and with British financial aid. The real dilemma ot the Cham berlain government is that it is to a very large extent dominated by British financial and indus trial Interests, and that these in terests, are suffering from a cer tain myopia, which makes it dif ficult for them to Bee clearly the exact state ot affairs in the world. The German financial and in dustrial interests are a complete instrument of the nazi national policy and completely under the control of that policy. But the financial and indus trial interests of the democra cies have divided allegiances. The result of , last week's po litical events has been that this agreement is off, but it is by no means out of th& question that If quiet settles' down temporarily on the European front these ne gotiations will be i resumed. It is, indeed, somewhat diffi cult to understand why the Brit ish and French : governments should have been so suddenly appalled at what Is happening In central Europe. After all, it was obvious, and it was indeed agreed upon, that Munich meant fori Germany a free hand In the east. snd there Is nothing whatever; new about the nasi method -of using that free hand. , It is quite Impossible to believe that the British government should be less ;.ble to foresee the inevitable outcome ot Munich for Czecho-Slovaka than a col-1 umnist writing in New York. I am inclined tJ think that what has really horrified the British is the realisation that Mr. Hitler is not striking direct ly east at Russia bnt is striking southeast through -Rumania, to ward the Black Sea and the Dar danells, where he ean meet Mus solini's navy. His Toute is may be east but cast toward Iraq, Arabaia and India. This column has always been in favor of the UnUed States hav ing a very active foreign policy, in the complete convictioir that it will be impossible for us in the long run o isolate ourselves from the European situation. But I do not believe that the United States should give Its support for nothing or tag along after other countries, but rather make it clear that if it is in this ! game it wishes to I , consnled at every step of the game and not be regarded as Che rich uncle who pays the others' gambling debts. Coyright. 1939, New York Tribune Inc. DANCERS GATHER ZENA A number ot the mem bers ot the Happy our Dance club gathered at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strode Satur day night. Dancing was to music played by Mrs. Milton Stephens, Norman Klrkwood. Dale Cress well and Herman Cresswell. Winning Pair . i5h ....... :-::.: .::-.: jft ' . .' ,, . s' :- . . : . . ...... V, t J s - , - i ? f r - . f- Vivien Leigh ; t dark Oabts Here's how Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable, In costume, wiU look on the screen in their respective roles of Scarlett CHara andRhett Butler, chief characters of "Gone With tot Wind," tamed best seller being made Into a motion picture. To Wo man, 2?v? ry Day tm "EXPOSITION" Dny Ao matter how she looks or feels, always puts her "best voice" forward leke she is on Ih telephone. ' Flavor is tht "Voice" of coffee What kind of impression does your coffee make on the one who lift the cup to his lips? It it re membered with pleasure? Is a second cup asked for? If you want yout coffee to be the successful Mzpositkmof any meal, serve Hills Bros. Cof fee. For 6i years its matchless flavor has been -welcomed by the most critical tastes. Millions of " women serve Hills Bros. Coffee with confidence because they have heard these words again and again cNow that's what I call good coffee! ILLS DDOS COFFEE J m mm mtr 9oeam mut I " wnsMuieMtft ummoti , 4 it J Tht Oavudt Gxind res ! sMeirs sr r utm f cemsaaaae ' 260 N. Liberty Phone 3032 pill MIeXaCT MISMf Colombia Best COFFEE Always Tops9 Ground to your require ments for pot, sflex or percolator. sa Fancy Sugar, 2'a Tin 1 Si i aubsriy Piescrves V" Marasca Pure Cheaper Than Ton Can Can Them Yourself Toilet Soap Woodbury 10c Size 3 baxs 19c FREE Bottle ot Woodbury's Lotion Free with Each Three Bars ; - . Pairing Fonder Clabber Girl tm 25-Ox. Tiii ilC cnisco 31b. tin 49c 0XYD9L Wash. . Pow. Lge. Pkg. 19c 2 f 01 37c Ivory Soap 3 IITI UXXE FAtKAtE Albert Prices ?X Effective l tv.y Fri Sat Mon. Mar.20527 V I nj3QjTO Famous for Flavor Yellow Cling J flz-j s. Real Value, Tin f iiViJ doz. 5 fT3 North Cove, ! VL?73 ;:v : ''.41- " .V - . ; mm St (in i for I J I II P mi Merswliest IFLOUR COtUMtUP0C0Cl ULSA. . fei Northern Hid ITncat : Cf rM SU Sa, Mon. l - TInfwii?M WWW m h m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m m mm mm mm mm m i i - - i v m i i u v- i (5jjJQ5h Famous for Flavor ib. - flSc nj Trl ( Ivanhoe Yellow Cling J- fjfQ )0l Jflj i) 7 to 9 Peaches, Real Value, Tin fclivyVS Sewn "'"" -lie 25c iAlTtf,A!0 -i OR Del Monte Tonan. 29c iT DAKER DEPT. Wine Cakes, ea. Choc. Eclaires, 1 doz. Turnovers Apple, Cherry Pineapple m Cream Puffs Real Whipped 0 tor I Butterhorns, Crisp & Flaky Tor Every Use9 mm Bi nnn WM! ' n r 11 1 Prime Elib lb. Boned and Rolled, lb.. Rib . Stealt Lb. .... PURE "C-nOUIJD DEEP - CbincDit Salnonfmrj Sligsd ';: I ILM PRODUCE I Fancy Ripe (tfOmT0ES , . . ... . jj Solid T"" 1ETT0CE a cog asQ- : Xarge White Heads Caoliflotves- - ' i r ? .... " ; - 00. . ; Larsre Rose Brand Sunkist 0RAIIGE3G iet:o:j3- We Reserve Right to limit Quantities