- . .... , . ....MUiunii, QMCB, vrtgon, r noay juorning, juarcn Z4, XTTCRN TOOK. 1AIX8 EILYERTON Mm. Oscar Bro tea and Aer daoghtev, Mrs. Cora Grtdtn: returned - Wednesday fiom Klamath Falls where they were called two vieki ago by the death of their ton and broth er, Guy Stebbin. .0 c. E1ARKET AND LOCKER BOXES E55 "rSSx 6723 Specials Pre-Cooked Picnics lb. 6c 25c Spring Lamb Leg, lb. 'Shoulders Lamb, lb.... ""Breasts of Spring ; Lamb, lb.. , . . :Fresh 1 Pork t ' Liver A 'Pore Home - Rendered -:. Lard O Fresh Pork " Back- ,bones. w Seasoning Salt Porkrlb 15c 10c 25c lbs. 25c ib, 25c 8c (nights Pythias Stage Initiation Grand Officers Present as 75th Jubilee Class ; Is Accepted DALLAS If annion lodge, Knights of Pythias, - initiated IS eandidatea into the rank of page Tuesday night designating the group as the diamond , Jubilee class. - . vi;-..: : - Present were Frank1 Eentfro of Aurora, - grand chancellor; Walter Gleeson of Portland, grand keeper of records and' seals; Johri L. foote of SC Helens and Edison Ballasgh of St. Helens, both past grand chancellors, and "Doc" Patterson of Vancouver Wash., superintendent i of the Oregon-W ashingtoa Pythian home. .--: j IS Initiates The IS candidates were: Ver nie Jackson, G. Melerotto, Or lando Peters, Matin i 4 Knittell, Franklin H. Chattas, Jr. William Blackley, Joe Card,. Herscbel E. Beanpre, Brace P. Bckman, Jack Lalng, Fred McFotridge, Arthur A. Hay, James E. Lewis, Wil liam L. Stillwell and J.C. Plea ant. " ' ' - ' About 75 were present for the evening. Visitors were present from Oregon City, Salem, Silver ton, Aurora, Hubbard, Indepen dence, Portland, Corvallis, St. Helens and Vancouver. McCannels Plan Trip in June ' J WALDO HILLS Dr. and Mrs. A. J. McCanhel plan to leave for the midwest In early June and spend a month traveling with stops in Michigan, ' Minnesota, the Dakotas and into Canada. The McCannda hare been spending the winter, at Case ad ia where he is In charge of the Its Sergeant Cy! 8ergeaat-t-Anns Cy Young Famed Cy Young, one of base- tMu m greatest pitching immortals, no longer strikes 'em out. He ushers 'em out, instead. Cy is now sergeant-at-orms, as the sign on his desk proves, of the Ohio i state senate in Columbus.- medical work at the CCC cams In April they will more to De troit with the camp. Move to Country JEFFERSON Mr. anil Mrm C. M. Hague, who have been living in Mrs. Bishop's house , on Third street, moved Thursday tn the EL C. Hart farm sonthe&at of here. Mr. and Mr. Frank Bla- sek moved to their new home in Mill City this week. Rev. P. R. Campbell and famllv left Tom. day for Wheatland, Wyo., where ne has accepted a pastorate. Shinbs Rose Dashes Fiuit Trees Rhododendrons, grafted named varieties $2.50 up Bushy Seedling Rhododen drons with flower bada.Sl.25 Hedge La are Is, dos $2.00 Grafted Walnut Trees 50c op Fruit Trees of all kinds. Primroses ..15c Gladiolus Bulbs, - do. . 15c Daphne 50c up A Small Down Payment and 5 Monthly Payments Will Landscape Your New Home. Phone 8212 for Plan and Price. Knight Pcarcy Nursery South liberty St., ltf Blocks South of Armory upen nunaay iu:su till f . m W V' 'f J ' I 'J V f N . Wonder Package i " Stationery 75 sheets ;, ' It enrelopet " Quality bond paper. 25c 1 .... 4 1 i 50c pkg. of 10 Gillette Blae Blades ..- .- and .. , : 25e Tube Gillette - Brusnkss Shaving - . -: Crean ' A' 75 vnmrn?'- f, vr Both yQt rr. for- .aJk...r:rt OLD COLONY ALARM CLOCKS ; Dependable 40-hour movement .' Guaranteed Colors 79c FREE! Z 35c WUdroot Instant Shampoo - With 0e sis WUdroot Hair Tonic Both f1ta for t4iC - ELEXTREX ; HAIR DRYER Motor-driven. Long-life heating unit.. 02.19 Introductory Offer , . COLGATE HALO' SHAMPOO " " Medium sise free with large site. Both for ' 49C 500 KLET3ZO ' Facial Tissues Soft, llntlesa. , lie Rozbury House- Om hold Rubber Gloves AW 80s Symbol Latex Non-Slip . Rubber Gloves 39C ' zee Kienzo Silrer Polislu. S9e Klenxo Cleaning Cloth 1 lb. Elkay's Moth CrrgUli. i 7 -ox. Apex Moth Cake . h 1 pt Elkay's Moth rfO ' Proofing Liquid.. 3VC 19c 39c 43c ; n 1 )l erats. iJJCic nn. 1 REX-EME Useful for skia irriUtioos. Mi r-, aJ V 1 -mri.o..Jfn . Pack5dooMe-eJg pi. sz. Floor-Brit "iquidUbx TmtsSzeRexall IIa6 Disinfecfe mm Dtedetlits. XOsgi . A7t I V ResMves spots nriOty, safclr CWsn wiadews iaajiay. 19 mi 1 39c Dries fast, with luster. 60c Zonite Antiseptic . 60c Lysol Disinfectant os. Rexall Hygienic Powder. 91 M-D Powder . 11.50 Takara Powder 50c Bo-Car-Ol Powder 50e Hexol Germicide. 47c 43C 50c 09c 01 43c 43c 50f4ot. sit CoagASnip Rex i I I an a MM I 1 4 II Soothes throats irritated ' tvmtiAtm 1. U1J. : J ike the Ilavor. Use coupon : f-?je0 to save 16. ' " r, - (voi4 ter s ?r - .4 ww we eM m sajaSBSBaB-BB-v-nj 1 a !r'.'i, ,,.1 1 1 1 3Se Grove's i Bromo-Qulnlnei I5e Carter's . ' " Liver . Pillar- . 80c Nature's Remedy . 0e Dr. MUea' Alka-SeltxerT 25e Bayer's S0e Sal Hepatlci 21c. i7c.: l5c I9c 25c 1 qt. Russian I Mineral Oil 1 pt. Kennard's ' Witch Hazel ' 1 pL Aromatle Cascara l ib. HosplUl Cotton 10?,TableU Pure "Aspirin, 5-gr , 1 gaL American Mineral On.; 49c 23c 69c 19c 19 c 90c Tevre always welcome at oar store where' yoe get fast, friendly service. t Prescriptioas always fixed in accordance with the ingredients and kept reasonable. ' District Of 7HK Is 29th ? IILVERTON Mrs. Albert Grinds of SUverton is announcing plans for the Salem district con vention et the Women's Home Missionary society of which she Is president. The meetins will fiiit . Methodist Eniaeonat New berg March 19, opening at 10 .m. wiu oevouons by Rev. Harry G. Crouse. Ther win k - - - " iivih of the treasurer. Ura m.iah rn.u op, a talk The Quiet Hour," by Jesse suncn. The noontide prayer will be given by Rev.'L. A, Griffith. Mrs. Ruth I Reed will be in charxe of the mam ft rial ara ices and Rot. Daniel Stevens of fjorvauis wm give the main ad dress, -. 4 .. -i,. Miss Milllcent T. SSiiiao - peak during the afternoon, and Mrs. uuoert Newland wiU give the highlights from the national meet ing. The closing prayer will be by Dr. Louis Magin, who will install officers. Special numbers will In elnde vocal solos bv Clifton Par. rett and Mrs. Howard Miller, and a playlet by the Standard Bearers ez newDerg. Transform Room To Holland Scene 1 KEIZER Recently the 4th and Sth grade room at Reiser was turned Into a picture book of Hol land. Desks were pushed back for high protecting dikes, and .lofty sand ; dunes .were built, behind which; was constructed small flat pasture lands, dotted with cattle, ' Quaint houses, farms, orchards, market gardens, hot ' beds and houses, giant whirling wind mills, gabled r cottages, gay tulip beds, hay fields, beds of real daffodils and a network of many canals. Among the fields and gardens walked rosy-cheeked, bright-eyed Dutch children. The pupils afterward gave a Holland day program for parents and friends. Jef f erson Loses : More Landmarks JEFFERSON Two old build ings In town are being rased this week. Glen Bllyeu la tearing down, his barn on his property on north Main street The bam on Mrs. " Rosa ' Buchanan's property on Second street la alaa hin torn down. Because of the busy season, there was only e small attend ance at the card nartv anonsored by the Community Booster club Wednesday night, a the Odd Fellows ball. Prises in pinochle were won br Mrs. J. R. UcKm and W. L. Jones; .and In "600," Mrs. R. a Thomas end C J. Thurston. RnUclirnan Suffers Injury From Steel CENTRAL HOWELL Rot Rutschman suffered an lnlnrv which necessitates several days stay at the SUverton hosoital when a piece of steel from a wedge was burled in his leg at the knee. The accident happened Tuesday while he was cnttinf wooo. ' ... ''-v-.;'-''' v.-. Many residents of tho school district have expressed their gratification at the action of the school board In retaining Mrs. Grace Sehon and Mrs. Jessie Rains as teachers for another year. Both teachers have taught here for a term of years. .. Special Music to Feature Services SILVERTON Special music br the choir and Incidental music, by the violins olaved h Un William Swift and Fred Baker, wiu leatsre the Sunday morn ing service at the M.E. church. Rev. D. Lester Fields will muv on "The Vision and the Man." Epworth league has been ar ranged' for 0:30 with the eve ning worship hour to follow at 7:30. Rev. Mr. Fields' evening subject is "Is This God's World?" The Junto choir will sins in the evenlnr under tha di rection of Misa Msrv Alfred and Miss Mildred Hubbs. Keizer Quhbers Plan Fair Entries KEIZER Howard Saucy has purchased a calf from the Frank Clark herd and will enter it at the Marion county 4H fair to be held soon. Don Sun and Donald Ettner will also enter calves. Donald's heifer received first prise at the 1933 state fair. Honored on Birthday wnnnnnniiu. otto &fetv was pleasantly surprised on hor birthday anniversary by a group of relatives and friends. Present were Mrs. Ana Wals of Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kramer, Mrs. Richards of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henny, Mr. and Mrs. John Hcnnv and danrhter of Brooks, Miss Sarah. Lemery, Albert Lemery ad Ben of St. Louis, Miss .'Florence Lemery, Joe Zlegler and Mr. and Mrs. 8. Silmons and the honored guest. , 1 I I II julia m raiesT bread Sliced Neto Low Price 1 lb. loaf r2lb.loaiES Rice Screenings rancy quality. j-lb. cello, bag...... Italian Prunes Oregon grown. g-lb. bag AIRWAY COFFEE s. vThe aristocrat of thrifty coffees. Ton '" seldom : see .s u c h fine coffee -costing so little. i ib. 13c 3 ibs..35c Nob mn COFFEE Save p to 10c a lb. 1 lb. 20c .39c Edwards' COFFEE Comes two ways, drip or regular grind. S2L23C Van Camp's Pork & Beans, No. elf for aSJi; cans.. Camay The bride's beauty soap. 3 bars 17C Rinso, 24-oz. package - 20c Wesson Oil for salads and cooking, quart. 39c Del Maize Niblet Corn, whole kernels, m m 12-oz. cans t for sjV Ovaltfne, big dollar size for 59c Waldorf Tissue, emsj soft and absorbent O for awC Snowdrift, 3-pound can. 49c Except Clam Chowder, Consomme and Chicken Gumbo. 16-oz. cans 2 cans FRIDAY AND SATURDAY HAMS New Cure If Tendered lili 25c Center Slices, pound 33c BACK FAT SQUARES Fine for seasoning, pound. . ASSORTED LUNCH MEAT Several varieties, )Cg pound aJv RING BOLOGNA OR LIVER SAUSAGE a. Each J w C FRESH OYSTERS Fresh from the ocean, quart awaSC DEEP SEA CRABS Not small ones, as 2 for . Z5C CRAB MEATS Fresh picked, seiee Yt pound Z JV COTTAGE CHEESE ri1!: 10c LARD OR SHORTENING Fresh bulk, am. 4 poudns DC FAIJCY Sliced DilCOU Lean and mild, pound 25c gtokely's Tomato Juice, Amitm Orange Jsttee, . Dole's Pineapple Juice, 40-oa. ... Tex-Sun Unswt. Grptrt. ! Juice, No. S rMm da tor Dr.. Phillips Fancy m-Vr. Orapefrvit, No. cans. 4 for Red Star Pnutes, m - i . No. 2H cans for Ubby's Pineapple, , i. j No. 2M cans . ;:;;,. Stokely's BaKlett Pears, No. 214 cans ' Staregon Blackberries, . " Ne. 9 mi. . ' t Broken Sliced Finenpple.i ' No. a cans !. 15c 5c 25c flgc I9c 25c 116c n6c 10c lie Get Your Vitamins and Minerals by Eating Fresh Eggs Lowest Market Price ALBERS FLAPJACK PANCAKE FLOUR Save on the big sack. No. 10 sack. 49C SAFEWAY FLOUR VALUES KITCHEN CRAFT is milled from Just the top grades of wheat. Look for the Interesting new recipe folder Inside every sack. 49-lb. sack flo.fl2 Harvest Blossom FLOUR 49-lb. sack 1.09 Airtight Flour f-lb. sack 89c Gold Medal Flour, No. 10 sack.. ... 39c HONEY MAID Crackers Graham The Only Graham Crackers Made with Honey Oregon Harvest No. 300 Can 4 iw PRODUCE DEPT FRL & SAT. ONLY . ASPARAGUS Tender, Green em 1 Spears & lbs. IpX, TURNIPS Young Spring, " Really Tender :211J aObch. Tasty Cut No, 2 3an 41 S C Mmm V.PQH39BS 25-oz. Can I6 9c New Local SPINACH 3si0c .......33c .2 for 15c RADISHES & GREEN ONIONS 3 1: bunches ioc I artichokes : : Each .1 - J ' i GRAPEFRUIT - Arizona Sunldst, '.- f eiri 80 size, dozen . : 0 C I -. POTATOES . ; f No 1 Klamath fl A : Gems Lrzr-JlU lbs. fl5c Lunch Box SANDWICH SPREAD -';t' It Sleepy Hollow, Syrup, "quart Sbinoia or Z-in-1 Shoe Polish May Day Salad Oil, quarts Fels Naptha Soap.. 5 bars 23c , Ivory Soap, s giant size... 3 for 25c Stokely's Party. Peas, No. 2 cans Z2 for 25c Stokely's Honey Pod Peas, No. 2 cans. 10c Hamilton Sauerkraut; No. 2Vj cans .4.3 for 25c Van Camp's GoL Hominy, No. iy cans 2 for 19c Garden Spinach, No. 2Yi cans.u .12 for 25c Ruby Catsun .1 2hnf io Domestic Sardines, 4 tina 5 for 25c 19c 19c 9e 9i Tesa tig Bars, pomd : f if Halferty Mineed Clams, No. 1 cans..4.. Libb7S ; Red 'Salmnn. Nn -1 ' hiii T Happy Vale Pink Salmon, No. 1 cans. rcanux isuiier, pound: H!,!,y!8 Corned B 12-oz- tin ....:. .117c Ubby's Deyiled Meat, 4's... .. .....3for 10c f, . Highway Ripe OUyes, No. 1 cans.....2 for 25c Saniflush, can.:. ... . ..19c filRex LytLi-. . 2 for 15c Bakers Premium Chocolate, -Ib. cake.15c Clapp's Baby Foods .3 cans 25c Searchlight Matches, cartonr.rrrzrr19c Seedless Raisins, 2-Ib. hagUl -f ;m Jofly Time Pop Corn, 10-oz. tins ....iL2 for 23c 5r?IrnI?erby Beer ll"oz- Mtles J3 for 27c Table Salt, 8-Ib. bag.....! .. - . ,, . isc unerno Aliik. can.. ' Red Mexican Beans, 5-lb. bag. . riayiair uog rood, l-lb. cans.. ......19e .2 for 9c it Aunt Dinah Molasses, 2yt can tvnenen isrooms. .15e 25c Paradise Sweet Pickles, 28-cz. jaw ; , 23c Puss in Boots Cat Food, 8-oz. cans.6 for 25c uaiiers uyster HonpKMtt. euL:.-.LL:5e i Standard Hot Ranfe :t:$ bots. 10c rt Phillips' Pork & Beans, Nov 2H cans. 3 for 25e ? " Stokely's Red Kid. Beans, No. 2 cans.2 for 196 Lunch; Box - Sandwich XtrTM Snread ; Wbnderfal Qnalitv Jar 4i2Sm Oaart 39c Prices ,a Effective on , Frf., Sat and Mon. Marl? 24-2547 , I