The OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Blorning, March 22, 1939 PAGE NIKE? Want a Loam? TM: Page It - sra Tells Where Obtain to ! Safejman Classified Ads ' Call 9101 Stagle Insertion par Mae .10 Three Insertion per MM 20c Sti Insertion per line S(h On month per line ft M Mini ma in .charge It . Copy tor thin page wt until I :! the eventnn before oobtVn tlon for ' elawsrflratloa Cnsvv re ceived after thta time wilt be ran under tho beading. "Too Late u Classify. . v, - Tho Statesman iiwtMt no finan cial . responsibility for errers whh-h mnr appear lirjMvrtlsemeo.ta rmh .llahed In tu cnhimnn. and In esse where thle paper la Ml fanlv win r rwtnt thai nart of an advertisement In which tho typographical mistake (HTUrt, i . Tho Statesman reeerve the right to relet queatlnnaMa vHWn: It further rwnrm tho rhrht to place an advertising under tho proper classification. A "Blind" Artan ad containing a Statesman ho nnmhr for an nd dresa t for the invifrtlo of tho advertiser and muet therefore bo nswered hv letter The Statesman la not at tlhertv to dtvulae Informa tion a to tho Mentttv of an adver tiser using "Blind" ad. Livestock ptrkedopfree Ph eoiieet 441,1 Salem v HORSES HARM -mtji -KS I.1RI1E AJtSORTM RNT well brok oa harm and mules' New attlpmente arriving weekly CREDIT gladly lv a anrooo. No carrvln eharae KMinaiitln nrlee before yen Oe prices are' Guaranteed ao re proof n ted iw dellverv , Elrov Nah bam en Mhwflv tuot north of Salem. n nnnn rin iiiii - mmm FOR 8AT.K Milk Ar.rf) Tel L 7M. iroat. fresh In Auctions MOVTNO TO California : will aeTI household fumlshlnim at 115 5 North Fifth St. on Wednedar. Mar. 22nd Jt 1 p. m. : reMr- davenport, eleetrle enamel ranae. Slnaer aewinc njarhlne chest of drawers, vanlrv two Shvimon beda and sprinan. mattroaaea. Mwvta washer like new. three-war lamps, two deer rifles, ruaa. enrtnlna, kW.b ' ,vteistuv' ehalra. breakfast set. nrv wood, bedroom suite, ranae. jadi" piimeroue other artWea. Ed"' Ha wklna. owner: Will N. Teeter, anet. ArmoN - ArrrrioN - attctton THIS AFTERNOOV. at 1 n. m. h.n n.ln fnrnttnre end. f"r niKbinca of fmir hnrnm. Moved n the earloua 1 emfortabio -roorns ni F S'. Wnndrv Anctlnn and Mart. Ill N. Smnmer M. tn HoUv wtxid. for' the convenience of the twin lic.!Thl mnslafnetw la from N "Fifth St Mr. Foeter dah-neh nf Minto's Island. H. T Brown. 54" N Fmnt. and W. TT. Sears of Ball""" who la mot-lna to - Ollfornla. Corn one, come all to tW i Auction sale or Htnod used furniture, alee, .ranaea 'rsdioa. maa, nlno.-.thol. lawn mow trsii fruit, etc. Snaea wilt not lrnj' adv. the nnmemua artieloa for st Tliere win be no aalo Thorodav nlaV on accormt bf Snrlna-Onentna. A nmn ber- of fnee, aifta wtJh-noMWtlw wIlH-alvaw awarT -Tetv vmw -friend A oelchnors about this b! sale. F. H m.ENN Woodrr. - Anctloneera. Ph 5110. i Help Wanted ; ea wrmv Om muehrnom rllar. ahMl We tmv 0e lb WrrlT lantent rompanv. FREE ROOK. Mnsh roorna 2ft1-2nd Seattle. Wash. HELP WANTED Experienced mnr farmer. . Induire 1550 N. Capitol Street! Heln Wanted Female i EXP. GIRL foe aen. haewk. and care of child. Phone 7244. 10 WOMEN WANTED to handle na finnaTlv known Drodwta, Evnerience nnneceaaaryw train yon. Oond fu tuM iih r znod nav. For Inter view rail at 1495 N. Chwrr week days between -US a. m. and 7 :0 p. mT , Salesmen Wanted noma . mrr RTTiaxIne Ttrodiict. 7Se profit each sale. 11 aalea per day easv Writ Box 71. Gervals. Ore. Situations Wanted TOTING MAN wants hr. workvepaa' fng or garden work. Ph. 2552. EXP. WOMAN wants hr. wK. asst EXP. LATVT with danahter desire. otaekeepina bv or before - April is Ref. Boa 419. Statesman. i tPinran iawm mowlna. land aranlnar. nrunlnr lawns laid oat and desbmed reasonable ratea Blr-eraon Tel. 2094. - - t annnmr. OR mnvalescent natlents cared for In mr home. Mrs. Gilbert, North 15th Street., DAT WORE. Ph. 1230. For Sale Iisrellaneont BIKES A a ua. HICVA1RJI Rameflen m REBUILT AND awaranteed wasn- era All tnakea from $1 op Spec. Mav tae 215. Hoca Brno.. a r xirtaT hew TTnlvoraal Tacitum cleaner coat 29.75 full price lit 50 Salem Auction House. Jio n. uyLn n "u'lrn" " i nmwn UAnwtiKSt -tvnewrtrers cash reaiater. oca lea sales, rentals, re nalra Roen Tme writer Ex.. 455 Court. OAFFODIIA 1e rZ. t Chertv ROTTED FKRTTT JZER 4 C . ALL PORCELAIN Wrdavwood ans ranee, like new. antornatlclectrle timer, also ilaht and condiment a rajn. 1 . v 25S N. Llbertv Next to Power Co. ! ADVURT1SINO Western AlTertlalnf : Representatives ' FangefHan Oo Ltd. Saa Fraftcliwo,' Los An re lea. 7.1 Seattle . v-. Eaatera AdfertUlaf v ? f ' Representatives ' - Bryant Ortffltb A Brunson. Tnk : Chicago. New York. Detroit ' . RABton. Atlanta - Catered mt fka PoatefiC et'fIa Ore 90. as Second Ckree- y after. Pw hAMf mmmrw aurilii reef Of nerfe. Bsafaaas eftoe tli Seat Coataiereiel Straea. mmmmmmmmmmmm SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subactiptlon Ratee to Advance Within Oregon : Dally and Sunday MoT C cents: t Mo. 1 SO: Mo $2 50 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere 10 cents per Mo, or $ 00 for 1 year tn advance Per eory I centa. Newastanda I cents r Is) i rarrier 50 rents a month- $7.1 a year tn advance In Marios r - 1 a 'scent ootmtlee. Money to Loan Consolidate All Your Bills REDUCB TOUR MONTH l.T PATH LEM' OLDEST INDEPENDENT FINANCS COM PA NT WHERE TO0R NEEDS WILL RECEIVE PERSON A I AS BKFTIRK- THE LOAN IS at AUK. PAYMENT PLAN IS ARRANUEO TO FIT TOUR INCOME. NO CO MAKERS. ONLT TOO TO SIGN. REPAY ANY OAT TO REDUCB COSTS. NO PEES. General Finance Corp. IS! SO. COolMKRClAL ST. UC S-ttl FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF LXDD A BUSH BANK , CONVENIENT GROUND FLOOR LOCATION LOANS Our main requirement la small monthly payment. If It la not convenient to call at our office, write, giving directions to place, amount of loan and In come per month.. PEOPLE'S FINANCE Co. S-213 M-220 Salonv For Sale -Miscellaneons SMALL TRAILER house for sale first class condition. Price reasonable Call after S O'clock. 1170 Market USED SERVICE ew. machine, la new condition. Full price $9.50. Salem Auction House. 2C0 X. High. ; ALMOST 'NEW, fully automatic aas water heater, $19.50. TEATER RUSH CO. 255 N. Liberty Next to Power Ca MILK GOAT, rabbit a I0 Hoyt. NEW U A H. ELECTRIC ran (re- porcelain flnUh. only $49.50. Terms a low as fZ.39 per" mo. GOOD HOUSEKKEI'IRO IKU. 451 Court Street ROTTED FERTILIZER 82. TRUCRLOAD REDLANDS ripe sweet lutcy novel oranges direct from grower to us. All slsea at price you can afford to pay. Hood River and local Newtnwna Rome Beaut v Ortley and Wmeaap apples. Open Sun daa Pure appljulee, fresh dally. fu nil AIM Ull'tK ni'iuvo WEST 8ALRM USED 'HOTPOINT wash, machine In fine condition. - Full itrloe $17.S0 Salem Auction Houar. 20 N. High. H(Vm RIVER -annlea. Larce supple Several varieties. Truckload. It of extra aweet southern nranaea lowest prices. At Oranae Spot on Fred. Koaa next to Hwy. Fuel Co. Ph. 0444. OVE 1911 POXTI AC Coach disman tied. No reasonable offer relected. 1901 N. Tilth. PIANO. 2S5.0A. 545 S. f7th. GOOD SINGER aewmk machine 1135 Mill. BICTCLE. $3.00. ISi N. 12th aaalMaaaWaaaabAka ONE NEW l-plv Goodrich tire tub nd wheel for V-$ truck. Allert Hilke 1173 Second St. anaeaaabaaaaaaaaaaa AUCTION OThe Jnrnlture and fur nishings of : tour, home- today." at "l p m. ar the- K. W. v -onry nnnm mama. 'lsia .N. Summer St.. in Holly wood. Free rifts. Come one, come ai to this big sale BIG SPECIAL In need ranges: 4 to chooee from, all kinds, from M.7 cp. F. N. Woodry'a Auction and Fur niture Mart. WELL-ROTTED fertilizer 50. xruTjxiriJxn jiuuui ruirnii"ij"nj"sj"-ii " m TRAILER HOrPE soerlals tht week, $75 up. See King. 519 N. Front. Miscellaneons HOUSE PAINTING KALSOMINING EXPERIENCED. CALL us for fig ure. Ph. 7552. Wanted Miscellanous WiNTErvliX)mRED frvers and market poultry. Ph. 122FX. Lee's Hat chery. RrrsiXRSS MAN would like roooi two meala and use of garage. Home nrlvileaea nrivate family. P. I O. Box 514, Salem. For Rent Rooms Rma fat ladle N Cntiage Ph 5S7 SI.KKP. RM.. rtoN In. Ph. 449t. SLP. RM, close In. Ph. 6515. i. n i,ni iri.'.."w.i. " - " " CLEAN ROOMS with quiet private familv. aaraae. h. unenj ou ROOMS FOR gentlemen private bath do in. TeL 4791. HSKPU SLEEP, rnuu lt 8. 14th. SLEEPING ROOM. 1125 MOL HSKPG. KILi $7. 210 Center. NICE SLEEPING ma. 051 Center Street Room and Board HOUSES AND Dts $2. us. Percy Ullman, fa Marlon. Phone ill a RMS. BRKKST. or all meals. C7$9 APPRECIATE UDOD menis? Nice homer See Ma Bowen. COS N. Uberty BOARD A ROOM. 441 N. High. For Rent Apartments IKE FISH EM ant. Modernised aewlv decorated and roomy Too'D be delighted. Oak and S Commercial VACANCY HAWTHlUtNK Omirt CLEAN 2 ROOM furnished aoort ant. with private bain, wunarv ana a rage, ttua aarvarav leei urm. 2 RM. HTD. antr 152 Canter. t RM. FURN. apU 041 Ferry. COTTAGES. DAT. Weak or tenth. 8hoa'a Cottagea. & 12th A Pae. hwv 1-2-1 ft. C29 N. Liberty. Ph. an. 2 RM. APT, 205 So. Com! rrLOSE IN. 211 and. $27.50, (Far- n imbed. 1 111 H. Com'l. : UT-njinirnnnrnriri-irinri-i-i-i'-------- 1.RM. FURN. apt, 420 N Uberty. umjuLi ij-i riririririiiar" - -ni.TMPic LRU. nsfura.' apt va cant Apr. 1. Ph. 7741. . ., qui 11 11 nil )".rii"M.'.-.iiii S.RM.' HTD. apt, -444 8. High. 2 RM. FURN. cor. apt Prt ahower. ax. floor garage. $22. Adults, cau ' luTJUxriryi r nrinrnr ri -mmmmm LIV. RM, ktrhaet 43 N. Lincny. jt-JUjiajjttjoijxixrkj M ' KKWLT f urn. Heat, water refrlg, tar, adult. $11 N. Cottage St -xju-ui-iMi.fMrinrwiyy-i-i-iiri'-'J" "-r - rm I7VFTI KN.. 114. one rm. rum $10. Lta, water. May Ug. 142 Ferry. FURN. APT, heated. 410 N. 13th. 1 RM. BACHELOR apt, SIM SUta. MOD. 2 R. turn, ad, 10 Saginaw Money to Loan ENTB WITH A LOAN fltOU SA CONSIDERATION AFTER AS WELL PHONB lilt For Any Purpose m to $204 Low Co it 20 montha to pay No Delay No fndiacreet Inquiries. - Phone 4441 First National Bank Building 20L Oregon LOW RATES AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or need ears. Private money at new low -ratea Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 111 South Comnurctal KlrMt Phone tl CI Lie. Na M-1II BEN J. FRANKLIN ham Isana Host oonuiar loan In nrum A feature to thla leas benefit oorrower. Ask about It See F. Q. DELANO. 290 N. Chnrcb " " -1 iJiiuTjxrtjiAiraXVaaTjrJ FHA LOANS t. alao nrtvato loans Ahrama A Ellis Inc. Msaonle Bids PERSONAL Finance Co. ONE-STOP LOANS Phone 3191 THEN CALL FOR TOUR MONET I 103 mo. repay $ 41 b 12 tnoa 7J7 mo. repays $100 la 1$ moo. $12 09 mo. repays $110 to II tnoa. $13 1$ mo. repay S35 In 1$ moa Second Floor. New Rllgh Bldg. 51$ State Kt Ralam OrMm tate License Numbera 8-122 M-141 5 MONET TO loan on farma cltv. or buainese property. SiHUtKS ill 8L Hurh-.5121 Loans Wanted WANTED PRiYATB MONEY TO LOAN on aood Salem caal mm. at. Will nay a interest W. H. QRARENHORST A CO. 4 ' REALTORS 24 S Uberty. St . Pboao- 4441 aaiBSbaaaaSaaaakaa LOANS WANTED on farm and city propartv' Before borrowing ttwulre st Hawkins Roberta. . . ... ,: , CLIENT WANTS fl 500. real estate ecurlty. 14 Breyman Bid. 130 N. Com. Financial 42; WB HAVE sever bald lea than thla rata os sarin as and Investments Insured to $500 Mutual Fceral Savtnan A Lena Asa's Phono 4944 142 8- Liberty SL For Rent Apartments 3 R. FURN, BATH, steam heat, ga rage. Z00& n. capltoL APT. FOR rent .355 Bellevue, COZT. NEWLT decorated S rm. apt. Very desirable. Adults. 920 Mill. MOD. FRN. t rm, adit 770 N. Com. A CLOSE' IN fin modern apartment Phone $490. HEAT. HOT water, prlv, bath, lights gar.. Z2. Z45S State. 3 RM. APT Ml 8. Hth. SM. FURN. apt, 250 a CotUge. 3 RM. FURN. apt. Heat, lights, wa ter. Frig. Prlv. bath. Adultv B0 N Summer. Ph. 4494. NICE 2 R. f urn. apt, 67 Union. CLEAN. 4 RM. furn. Refrlg.. heat. washer, gar, adults 275 N. 20th. S RM. ATTRACTIVE - first floor heated apartment 210 N. 14th. For Rent Houses FURN. A UN FURN. bass, for rent R A. FORKNER-H. T UEBER 1552 N Capitol Phono 1031 MOD. 2-RM. furn. cottaae. Edge water Court Electric refrigerator, aa nn Its Phone 141L WWlIWiiIWiwWMWWW S R. HOUSE: 117$ Marlon. ATTRACT. -5 RM. mod. Span. bun- galow. $a. lArge garden. ! C Center NEW C-RM. hse. Automatic heat Just coma At 125 N. 14th. 7-RM. MOD. Call 11 "D Street 5 RM. HOUSE. 175 8. 11th St, 111 Phone 7344 or call 21C0 Sute St - 4 ROOMS ELEC WATER heater A stove. Oil ctrc. beater. 255 N. 24th. Ph. 2149. GOOD HOME, eloaa In. new furnace fireplace, hurdwood floors, bullt-lna inquire 545 Court Phone 572 For Rent Farms RENT. II A. 1 MT. N. Brooka. Barn hoa shed.. 2 wells. 13 A. clover, f A. fallow land. Owner 120$ MG St, The 1 lie, two. -J . . -i For Rent OFFICB ROOMS -til State street Inquire 300 Tel 2713. T-ROOM DWELLING. Ian dsn red vard. PatiiiwHint HIIL Alao s-roons fur. nlshed snnrtment $11.5. Ivaa G Martls. Office phone 4411. - AOREAGB FOR rent, t R. -boose, barn.' chicken houses, pasture wRb tunning water. 005 Piedmont, W 8a lent -.7 ' : ' - For Sale Real Estate ' BUILDING LOTS GOOD LOTS en paved street excel lent location Pries $600 $26 sows. Ill per month. v, . W. H. QRARENHORST A CO REALTORS 1S,R IJbtV St Phos 1411 WB HAVE TH tROSP2XT IF YOU want to .sell, sxchange rent see Mr. lAraen with .Haw kins A. Roberts. OR RENT trailer hews furn. or un farn. 590 N. Hlsn. - For Sale Real Estate SEB BEAUTIFUL - Oueado Tor races, urn now tracts evsrioosing etty. valley, mouitttat C A. Rebert eea. owner. Ph. $418. -- S SIX ROOM new mod. nooata and one i rm. Shown by appotntroonL owa or. Easy torma. Tel. Hal . GENERAL REAL osuto wo can U your property It priced riant let ua appraise It ABKAM3 ELX.I8. 1NU Masonic Building Mi ' MODERN HOUSE Pay like rest SZI.04 per month will pay princlpaL taterest. taiea and fire Insurance. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. Inc. Ph. 41. 19 ACRES. NEAR Salem, paved road, new five room bouse, ample barn, family orchard, desirable location, all good soil, immediate possession. Price $3500, substantial cash payment Phono S333 or caU at 15S S. Hikn St. Salem. NOTICE STATE EMPLOYEES walk to work from our 1939 model home, east front lot picket fence, black soli. 2 larce bedrooms, large light living room. beautiful kitchen and dinette, pecan floors, 6 feature modern bath, auto matic heat. Built to last a life time. You'll be surorised at the value and proud of It as owner. Especially oleas- ant terms to you. fnont zzw. FAIRMOUNT HllX Beautiful rm. mod. hse, only I year old. Nicely landscaped, rock garden A ahruba am kinds rounr bearina fruit A aranea. Lot 100x172 ft, an ' clear. Can b bought for res, do. payment Bat like rent CARL ETON E. LANE Phone 4076 Pacific Highway Realtor 1$ ACRES ADJOINING paved road one mile east of penitentiary lojr cor ners. All good land, no building, desir able for a home or subdividing. Should have $4500. but wUI take leas. What offer? Phone $353 or call at 155 & High St, Salem. MOD. IDEAL home In country on S river road, V, ml. S. W. of Salem ertlf course. With or without amall acreage tract Ph. 9(22. RM. MOD. home. large living rm.. automatic beat lara enclosed yard. double garage, fssoo, $500 down, from responsible party. PH. t. NEW. MOD. small horns, with hdwd. floors and f IrepL, near new sr. blgn zieo. terms. K. A. FORKNER H. X. CIBEH 1151 N. Cspttol 1 A. WITH FINE creek, good road. and elec. fine. Just the place for coun try noma. Must go. nncevivo. Term. see Larsen HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. 5 A- BUILDINGS. GOOD well fine spring; Elec. line on Toed. Some fruit Ideal chicken ranch. Price 125. Terma. See Larsen HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. 5 ROOM MOD. borne. no fireplace). located 250 N. 23d 42550 $350 down and $22 per mo. U. 1. SANDERS XI 8. Hlgn Bill NEW 4-RM. hse. with garage, bath, bedrooms Some shrubs. $1200 with xzno down. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 775 Edgewater - Phone 5622. FOR RENT FEW ACRES 10 miles out on high. way some fruit fair set buildings lis per month, see Mr. Child with CHILDS at MILLER. REALTORS 244 State Street Phone 9241 eee1M4MjeMaaae A HOME AMONG THE FIRS NEW COLONIAL 8-rm. home, ultra modern: 2 fireplaces, double plumbing. bedrooms. This must be seen to be arerfated, 34.000 will buy bla beau WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 775 Edgewater Phone 5(22 TO CLOSE AN ESTATE WE OFFER a good 8 room how large east front lot street paved near schools and store. A real buy for $2 100. Small down payment balance like rent. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 144 Stste Street Phone 8261. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NEAT 4 ROOM plastered hou well located in N. Salem. Price reduced from $1(00 to 11200 for quick sale. 1 ALSO ( rooms 2 bedrooma. large lot ga rage, good cement basement for only $1800 with $100 down balance $15.00 per month. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 341 State Street Phone 92(1 12.000 WILL BUT s 4-rm. modern home, except - basement. Also garage and chicken hse. $200 will handle. WEST SALEM REAL. ESTATE 775 Edgewater . Phone 642S. DRIVE BY tht 4 bedroom horn. large lot. plenty fruit 1595 No. Church. ataae oner. C. H. SANDERS 11$ R High 5121 Sntfeejesbaat4 4 RMS. A NOOK. 2 bed rma. strictly modern. South Salem, want to trad for 7 rm. hse. pay some difference. Modern S rms. A ' nook. 3 bed rma. hwd. floors, full basement furnace, fireplace, double garage, dose to school nus, south saiem. IMO). 4400 cash. KICH KEIMANN, 17. B. High St rHONE BCSZ 11500. NICE 4 RM bungalow. 2 bed- rma, bath, wash rm.. fruit rm, garag. pavinc. . 100. rm. cottage, bath, corner lot paving A walks all In. a-arare. $26 down. MONET TO LOAN AT ( PERCENT MEL YIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 726 Court Street . - Phone 2722 2 -BEDROOM MODERN bom with hardwood floors A evarvthmg a snap. $200 down A balance like rent $1000. ncsrlv comnlated home, built In newest style, large lot with good soil. sso down and $15 per month. J. E. REAT Phone 1121 42 Oregon Bids. 5 RM. HSE. wow vacant $1800. very easy terms 4 rm. bee. : with bath, on pavement $110. terms .O. E. RAE 1I5S K. Cottag Phon 1711 Exchange Real , Estate TRADE CITY orooerty for farm bames Oupoi tunltles in exchanges HAWKINS A ROBERTS. IN& MAsS4tfMWkalSa1aa4SMaBa ALL OR nart of rlose-ln block. large lota oak trees, paved streets for nearbv tmprored acreage, fnone se Also .50x11 lot on N. 24th St Paved street snd walk. Only $250, For Sale Farms 25 A. FARM. S A. cherries. bsL cult land. On elec. line, fine road. Ideal Mace for home. Price $2. Term See Larsen - - , HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC jsnabBe 14 A, I A. WALNUTS. I A. filbert bsL cult Old houes. Electricity close Only $1300, on easy terms. See Larson HAWKINS at .ROBERTS. WiU 22 A. 1 ML N. I Brooks: Barn, bog sheds. 2 wells. 4 A. boysen Wgaa- berries. 12 A. clover. 4 A. fallow. Own sr. 1201 "G" St, The Dalles, Ore. I Attention Farmers ! : I WILL BE at the office of P. H. BelL 412 Oreton Building, Salem, Ore gon, Monday, March 27, 113). frora IM l m. to 22:00 snd at the Inde pendence- En terprtae ornce. Irniepen dn from 1 :2 s. m. to 4 :20 nv aa for the. nurnoaa of discussing . farm ales. Easy terms, very reasons hie in terest, liberal contract Roy W. Nelson, Field Representative, Union Central Life Insurance Co. i - - i Acreage "4- FROM 10 TO (0 A. of level tmlnv sroved land. 12 miles north oa high way. some Umber, dandy home sltsa $75 per A. Also nr stun page lor $1 per cord. Pn. 6680. - Acreage IMPR. ACREAGE. , tenno. St. 1. Box 111. innririririnrinrii'Lixnjuui 4 A. arm isaa cash S MILES FROM Salem. eorde oak timber and countr road throuch place. Ph. SS80. It ACRES : ABOUT mmm In fralt balance in crop, new 4 room bouse. barn, chicken house, electric Ucbts and water system. Priced real low for $2200. S47 ACRE STOCK FARM: about ?B acres in cuuivstioo, most all in crop, good fences, creek and eprmna. rood room nouee. Z barns, amine- water. and electric lights, about T040 ords of i oak and fir Umber. Will trade stocked and equipped tor smaller place. or puaineaa property. Kl'STKIN ADOLPH, INC 110 Vt North Commercial Street CHICKEN RANCH. 17 A W. ter ytem, A. in fruit big house. $ mi from town. $3500. Easy terms. WUI take in house A lot New 4 rm. bungalow, one acre, close 10 ecnooi. srnau down payment bal ance like rent 10 A, 3 rm. house, aloe . 1100 210 uown, Daiance iis.oo per month. rm. nouses, elec, water, with I A UD to 5 A.. IKOO and im ISA own, siu per mo. including interest tun. 1 KtlMASN. 157 S. Hlah St 1 A. 4 RM. HOUSE: close In on Sil- verton road. bath. Uahts. cltv water. well A electric pump, garage, chicken uouse, ssau. 114 A. close In on naved road .all In iruii nuts, oatn. lights, trell, eleo tnc pump, washrm. A laundry trays juu aown. MOXET TO LOAN AT 4 PERCEXT 72$ Court Street Phone 2725 Suburban I KWM HOUSE, electric nl system. One acre good land. Close to city 1 units, race ioo. N. J. LINDGREN 175 R High TeL 2893 Wanted Real Estate WNTD SM. borne, priced right 1151 ., - i-l-ii-ii-ii-ii-)nj-Ln.nruiuiju WE NEED real estate llatlnara Would appreciate- yours. Cm' H. SANDERS 11$ S. Hlsh 6151 Business Opportunities I ACRES. FILLING station and grocery 6 rm. house. Barn, chicken snd brooder hse. City wster, elec Small taxes. 1420 Old Salem Rd, Stiver ton. Personal kUNELTT ""WORTH WHILST asMet. aaart, nuaasso. wv for you. Bos Tl lat Assets. For Sale Wood DRY Snd GROWTH wood for sale. ft or sawed, delivered tn Salem at the farm. Phone 15F12. DRT WOOD. Pn. 6221. Dsn Sheets. seskjesaeegjk DRY WOOD all kinds TeL 1700. 14 L OLD fir. $5 cd. Ph. 4124. DRY OLD fir. 6.54. Phon 7107 GRAEN. cords 4 412 N. 21st 4 -wood 5274. ft, $12.00. DRY SEC; gwth. Fenwlck, Ph. 4527 aWIWMMa1saJ4aa DRY ASH. $6.60. oak $6.76. P. 0702 A-t DRT WnOU. Ph. 2354. vm0mm mmgmm DRY WOOD market- 250 N. Church. 4eaM'VbiaakbaVM0ak FOR BEST dry. phone 100F1S. FUEL ON ess) psymenta Ns down payment month or longer to pay. First payment 2 days. Any amount- any kind. Full . measure. Chaa. E smith Tet ZI1. 1154 N. Church. 1aaaaaase4r4aajl OLD FIR. IS: 2nd awth- 14: ilab. si.&: asn. : knots. 4.5. TeL 94 sSasaaaanaaainesjssaeSseaaaaaeasrfaaawSsSW MILL BLK, $4.50. Fir A Oak. 4822. $4.90 CD. 1$ growth. TN. bone dry 2nd 1$ In. dry old fir $5.64. Ph. (270.. Lost and Found LOST BRIEF case containing -al uable papers, near Roval Court Apta Return to Janitor at Roval Courts or to oince. 4fl9 Guardian Bldg. and r celve reward. FOUND PAIR of crutches Owner call at Statesman. LOST PR. black kid glove nr. Klorfeln Pkg. Co. Sat Leave at States man. For Sale Used Cars WOULD LIKE to sell eaultv tn '$7 Cher. Sedan. Inq. at shoe shop. Tur ner. 2 FORD COUPE. 1114 Cross. Business Cards ta this directory, raa ea a monthly basis only. Rstet f I per line per month. Agrictdtnral lime PTlR ACID aotls Teats 48 e. e. Mfg. by Oregon Portland Cement Co. Orders recTd. for deL at Room ie. laoa m Bush Bank Bldg, saiem. Anctioneer a W. LUCAS. 444 K. 14th. Fh. 44$T Aato Brakes Mike Fanek. $7$ South Cotnroarctat Batteries NEW BAT, guar. 1 yrr $2.74 etcn. Nit A day ssr. Olle Oollsrd.. 610$. Bicycles BICTCLES, NEW snd recondTT levied HirrV vrSoott I4t A Com! Ph. 4$t$ Body and Fender Repairs FOR ROOT A FENDER . repairs ante tr1m seat covers, glass replarement auto palntlns; 8RR the Herrall Owen Co. 236 A OWL St Phone $19. - COMPLSTTB- WRECK fwt $41 9. 12th. Photis 12. Susdsrd Slatlosv Chimney Sweep TELEPRONS '4111. It C XX orttass CHIM FURN. veroom etc wed Oat tera, downapoata cleans A Pliooo 444 Chiropractors DR. O. L. SLStTT, PSC Chlroprsetor. 254 N. High. TeL Res. $572. v Excavating KXCATATINO OF. alt kinds B se men U dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Ce. Phoae 4444. For Sale rUsed Cars You Always Get a Better Used Car from a Buick Dealer 1131 Buick Sedsa 127 Buick Sedsn , 1924 Buick Sedan .1935.04 . 4 9 . 55.44 1935 Buick Sedan , . 445.44 1936 Buick Coupe 141 Buick Sedan 1931 Buick Coupe 192 Buick Coach 1997 Ford Sedan 1937 Ford Tudor 1934 Ford Tudor . 35.44 . 125.00 .1(5.40 . $5.44 . 475.44- 445.44 2(5.40 45.J0 1929 Ford Coupe 1984 Chev. Coupe 1914 Chev. Coupe . 2950 215.09 1132 Chev. coach 1231 Chev. Con, Cpe. 115.00 445.0 65.00 7(5 00 1934 Terraplane Coach izs Essex coach 1937 Chrysler Sedan 1935 Plymouth Tudor . 1934 Graham Sedan 1932 Graham Sedan 375.00 335.00 145.00 135-90 135.00 (95.00 1931 Graham Sedan 1930 Graham Sedan 1937 Pontlac Sedan 1937 Old Sedan 1937 Dodge Sedan 1935 Dodge Sedan 1932 Dodge Sedan 1929 Durant Coupe C25.00 395 09 295.00 (5.00 1935 Packard Sedan 1927 Nash Sedan (5.00 OTTO J. WILSON Used Car Dept. 381 North Commercial Phone 6451 A FINE BUT '23 V-$ Ford. $186 Bamt apt, 171 N. Capitol. Ph. (168. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BALE RESIDENCE BUILDING AT SALEM The Oregon State Highway Com mission has Xor sale and removal from new highway right ot way one modern 7 -room house, In good condition, located at 2906 South Commercial Street, on the corner ot Falrrlew Arena and South Pa cific Highway, In South Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. Sealed bid for the purchase of this building will be received by the State Highway Commission in the Auditorium of the Public Serv ice Building, Portland, Oregon, at 1:00 o'clock a.m. on Thursday, April C, 1139. Proposal forms and full lnfor-. nation for bidders nay be ob tained at the office of the State Highway Commission, State Office Building. Salem, Oregon. Each bid must be submitted oa s proposal form obtained from the State Highway Commission and must be accompanied by a certi fied check or bank draft la an amount not less than fifty per cent (50) of the amount bid. The v eight 1 .reserved to reject any or All proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for the State ot Oregon. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION By: H. B. Glaiayer, Secretary. M 22-2 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- . . WENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned haa filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account, as the ad ministratrix ot the estate of R. M, Cammack, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 25th day of April, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of said dar. as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House st Salem. In Msrion County, Ore gon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objection thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 22nd day of March, 1939. MARY CAMMACK, Administratrix of the Estate of R. M. Cammack,1; Deceased. WALTER S. LAM KIN, Attorney for Administratrix, Salem. Oregon. M22-29-AS-12-19. Directory Florists Brelthaupfa 447 Court, Phone 694. W. SAIJC1I FlorlstA 140 a3gnratsr. Laundries THB NKW SALEM IJITJKDRT THE weiDRR f.ArTsinsv 24 8. High Tel Sll Massage TREATMENTS AT home. Logan. 4329 Bla ttresses SALEM FLUFF-RUU mmS Mattrem factory. NEW MATTRESS mad te order old remade: cartwt eJeaotnc tow: fluff rug weaving. & 1 2th A bur. TeL $441. OTTO F., ZWIC wn. ZWICKER Eat. I91L CAPITOL BEDD1NQ CO. Phone 489 Natpropathic "Physician" W. H. ROCKWELL. Naturapsrb lO Phvatelaa.' 1TII .rilramniub wa Tet 4309 Office Roars 1 1 a. m. to $ :t P fn- FREE EXAM. A CONSULT A- Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamohlets programs book or any kind ef srlnt in, call The Slatesmaa Print Ina De partment. 216 S. Commercial. Tele phone 9 11. -...s- T-.:; v- Rng Cleaning RUtlS Ct.EANED by Ha milt on Reach metnoa rs yonr Rome, prtcei ablev CaU Colemsa 6tlJ. EtJBCTROIJrX CT.EAVma .Rill aad . upholstered - furniture, cleaned. rhsmpooed and deroethed tn tne Phon I52L . . , , - Transfer FOR LOCAL aw diet sot transfer. age. burner oIL caH 3131. Larmor Transfer Ce. Trucks te Portland daily Well Drilling B. A. WEST. Rt C. Bos 446. P. llF6. Ko. ia-a Sraosst ef Assail Statement of the Westera Millers Mataal Fire Iaemraar Cosjpaav ef Ksasss City, ia the State ef ausaoeri, ea the thirty-first day ef De- eemeer, -188$, aukde te tka lasai Cwnlniem of te ' State ef Oregea. persaaat te laws : CAPITAL Asiseat of capital steek said as. antaat - , - . ZXCOKE Ret premism -received dnrlsg the year. 9440.764.70. v- - laterest airieenet ss4 rests receive daring toe year. 438.005A4. - As i ! from easer sesrees received dar- tag the yea. 43.381.24. - - Total iaeesM, D1SBOBSZXX5T8 ' Ket leases aid darlag the year laelad hig adjattateat ex peases, $2ft0.487.7. Losiwiniens im aaiane paid darlag Ik year 17.457.S. i Taxes, licenses ana tees Paid Sarin the yesr. ST 4,057.10. . Dividends paid darlag 4ks year. 414. 009J4. AsMmat ef sU ether xnsndltarse. $120.664 12. Total expeaaitaree. 473B.B20JS. ' 1 - ADMITTED ASSETS Fslae ef real estate ewaed (market value!, none.. - Loans oa aiertgsses and collateral, etc, sone. j Vslse ef beads ewaed (smortised). $744,784.60. Valne of stocks owned (market valoe). ass. TOO 00. Cask la Baaks aad on Bane. S4V.llo.S7. Preminias ia eearae ef eolleetiea writ- tea lines September 80. 1938. $80,409.74. Interest and rents dae aad aeeraed. f3.S7l.81. Other assets (act), 45.V37.2S. Total admitted assets, $984,262.65. LIABILITIES Greta claims for losaea nnpaid. $40. 883.08: Amoant of anesrned prrminma ea all oststaadiBK risks. $530,078.35. Doe far coaamiasios aad brokers re. f 13.04V.04. All other liabilities. 814,550 36. Total liabilities, except capital, $597. 872.44. - - Capital paid np, motoal. Sarplss ever all liabilities. $386,291.21 Surplus as regard! policyholders. $386.- 21.21. Total, $944,263.65. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB THE TEAK Ket premiums received daring tat year. $3,777.44. lit. losses paid Sunns the year, Sl.476.40. Met .tosses iacarred Soriac the yesr. f 1,32.0. Ksbm ef Company. Westera Millers Ma taal Fire Inrasaaee Cearpaajr. Ksaae ef rresideat, E. O. X.yaie. Nsaae et Secretary, R. M. Rogers. Funnymen ' " : ,n 1 r --4. ... .-..---::..--..::. -1 i ' 4 I I BkBBSasSBBBBS W. C. Fields, Charlie McCarthy and Edgar Bergea, ia "Tost Can't Cheat An Haaeet Man, arhtch epeas today at the Elelnore. Oa tba same bill la 'The Bfjstcry of the Whit Room" with Helea Mark aad Brace Cabot. Cross Word Puzzle 12 16 2i 22 1 U3 26 21 2? m SO 32 33 35 34 30 wo HI 1 4) HI By EUUENK OSIZOMTAl. Is 1793t 1$ Was 1 ta fslaer f tagbsa 24 Above 17 IseMaad tl .Nsastive 8 la tb IV-Fas 2-litalae of Abrasaai S3 Oa tee 44Wewm iV: 86 Barrea , , 87-WkrwBSS ; SS-Levelv demea r-. ; '. BnlMve ta aalai - - "V . 4 What Fieaih SsvefaWaahd was aaaas j . amaaf ay Caortotle CeeaayT . 42 ia what state was the ant caaftal ef the Caafsdsraryt M Patyaaslsa aad ef tertflitF 4 Lav lo iiiiiaallea patter; f a Wide awake 14 Tree " It Aftamso faaetioa is Wi miaaiii 12 TJuinah esssaaadar 14 Pfamtagoat 14 ta was aswvaaes I Ska aapttal CanhealsiaAlaT 14 Kaaieal srasaa 44-By sMSM ef - ' -II Bssskemeass r . . . . raarncAi. 1 Goenla Betf '- 8 Whs the feaadar aad aveeAet sf htsmhaaT -4 What eaasMtt was askea flea 4raaaay by the Treaty ef VsraslUeat 6-Beiatad 4 Vomm mm bUet - f WHhnt .....- No. 57-2 Srsopils at Aasasl Statement et the Americaa Drsggiats' Fire tasaraaee- JOe. f CiaciasaU. ia tha 8tete ot Ohio.- ea. the thirty-tint day ot December. 13. amde te the lasarane the Sute el Oregoa, parsaaat to lawt CAPITAL .. Antoaat ef capital ttock paid 85, - $750,000.00. c ISCOMB Ket premlasu received darisg th year, $S81.44.54. ' ft,.r latere t, divideads sad rents received Juris the year. $128,013.74. IaeesM freta ether seareos received daring the year, 41.775 5. Total iaeesse, S521.72.. X1SBCB8EMKKT8 Ket losses paid darlag the yesr laelad. -lag adjastmsat-eapeases, f 127,711.14. - Commiaaioai and salaries paid doria the year. $81.83.20. Taxes, Ureases sad fees paid darlag tha year 447.126.23. Dividends paid ea capital stock dories the year, $90,000.00. . Amoant ef all ether expenattsrea, $157,888.18. . Total expenditures. $514,060.88. ADMITTED ASSETS Value ef reel estate eased (market value). $770,831.45. Loaaa oa mortgages collateral, ete none. Value ot boo da owned (smortixedl. -$1,255,560.70. slue ef stocki cwnrd (market valoe). $44,325.00. Caah ia banks and oa haad. 472.76G.42. Premiums ia course ef collection writ tea aiaee September 30, 1838, $76,832.80. latereat and rents das and seemed, $25,822.21. Other sssets (net). $1,160.18. Total sdmittee. Besets, $2,246,883.27. . LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid. $22,. 403. IS. Amount e( unearned premiums ea all outatanding risks. $218,68.88. Dus tor cemmiaaion snd brokersgs, none. All other liabilities. $74,361.48. Totsl liabilities, sxcept capital, $315, 834.00. Capital paid up. $730,000.00. Surplua ever sll Usbilitiea, $l,18t 064.27. Surplus as regard policyholders, $L 931.064.27. Total. 42,246,888.27. BUSINESS IX OREGON FOR THE TEAK Kst premiums received during tfc Teat, $5,743.46. Net leaaes paid during tha yesr, $174 41. Ket losses iacorrsd duriag the yesr. $11.41. Kama of Company. The AmerJeaa Drag glsta' Fire Iaaaraace Oo. Kama ef Presideat, J. H. Beal. Ksme ef Secretary, Freak H. Freerleks. at Elsinore "f ' 1 r my m. ' - in 2o V? 2 25 3t 3. 3 H2 S1 SHEKFER fiililia that drove Wakystel aa irtir 21 Who ea the 4iaak sad aurthT 2-Ave7 tl Tree - . 17 Coral bland $4 Oily syeeai4joa SI raetfy Oae ef a Skarla trflm 14-Mtetake 87 l esnhai aatphumaa Wiator vehicle . 41 Exstt 4$ Maacafla 1 f 44 Total t Herewith Is ths solntloa to terday pttxzle. . ' . , S-t IMS hr saw 1 WX fsswve ley 24 Sadew r ' 86 What fc saa minis pai at 4be aaeae ad the aevel by Slaihmirst Oma r