PAGG EIGHT Tfet OUTGO?! STATESMAN, Salen, Own, Wedaedr Monday Mirch.22 1939 r? gleiti Market Quotations v--w-i ; now --v :"' i (lujtag -Tke.) ' (Tke arleea alow aapplle4 by a local rrwar an indicative ef tka 4ailT market erica naf4 t rowers ay 8aktei buyers -aal at not guaranteed by Tea 1nu taaa 1 j - . .- - i Applet All varlell, ley ea, : fey.- r b. j-w MS U MO f . Baaa-a. lb, aa at! Of. Caiataa J T Grm-tirait. Tosas pinks 3.50 : .Ban-tar . i ' Data. fresa, IK r Loosens, crate. ; Oranges. ' Baal. 4am. Cabbage, lb. a, TIORAXUI (Baring fricni .14 4.50 ta 50 .40 03 r Carrots. Cslif, ert, 4o3 JO to IM CkHf " , , ; 0 Celery. Utaa. erato .., .. ; Celery Hrerta. 40S. ,, f Letters. Cetll. , S.SO 4.73 Onion, bailinc 10 ibs. No. 50 Iba. Grita ratona. 4es.-. Redieke, Aos. . - Peppers, green. ''- Prs:y Pet ties, I oral ifl. Nel. 60 lb. Ur i , ' ftkbbarb. fcotkoase -.- HabbaNL lb. - Tamips, 4os- 70 to 0 40 .45 .17 .40 1.10 .84 .00 . .03 .40 Brora . (Prteo pail by IMapamdaat Packing plant .-'-,,.- ta grown . - . Wslnats rrsnaeeUrt. finer, lit; Slum, 10c smalt Sc; orchard rua, 4 t lOe. Wslnat mosts IS to 10 lb. , f.lberte Barcelona, large. 1 2 4; fan cy life; babta, ; U; orOhrd ran Jl to 18. - . filbert All mote4 oat (Co-op Prices to Grow at) Walaata I'riea range, depending npon way nuts ma la 14 different fradca 1 1 V4 -lie. Duebllly 1 eest higher.. , 4 . -. . - hops a - (Baying Prices) Clusters, nominal 1937, lb. - 7 to .08 Cluster. 1034. lb. 10H U ..3IVi Puggles, top .... . . . WOOL AJTD 1I0HAIB (Baying Prices) Woo! medium, lb. Coarsn, ; lb. , ,, . Lambs, lb. ... .Itobair. lb. EGGS AID POULT KT (Bnylag Pricaa of AadroMa'i) .23 .23 .14 .33 Larta antra. Medium extras . Large standard PalU Colored fryi Ceioredmedium. lb. : ... h .. White leghorns, heavy White l-eghoms, light Havy bens, lb. . Old rooster LIVZSTOCK (Baying price for Mo. 1 stock, based on conditions and salts reported np ' i . Lambs, top .... 8 00 Kwes i 8.00 to 4 50 Hon. loo - - . 7-75 Ibs. lbs. 7.25 to 7.50 7.00 to 7.25 ; 6.00 .5 00 to 6 00 . 5 00 to 6.00 .4 00 to 7.00 9 50 130 ISO .310 300 Sews Beef cows Built Heifers Top ' teal Dairy type rows. Dred teal. lb. MAKIOP cnMEil saying met Batterfat. A grade -3 Leghora kail, oter SH Iba - .13 Leghorn bens, ander 8H lbs" , - .11 Banters, 4 lbs aad orsr- .13 fryers -,. ' .13 . .3.50 to 5 00 .13 - : Oradt B raw.'per cemt Milk. Salem Co-ap basic pool price 92.04.. - r , Co-op Rradc A btterft ; price, FOB Meat, Me.;;-V (Mil based - en oaas atoatbly batrrfat aterago.) i - . - ;DltribMfop prk, $2JSa. ; hA grade iwllwiW-HUtellT-" ered 23c; B grade 23e. . . A grade prfut, 20 ) e; B't :r grade 2SHe; qaarter 27 He t t- a , - rt v . Itlarts Slump Cvtore4 hens. oter i IbV. Uld rooaterst lb. .16 03 Iko. 3 kens So !: Xe 2 sprfngs. 5e least . euv rsjtvsa Large 'spettal -. ... . 33 Largo oztraa . n .14 . Large standards . , . ! : llediam extras ; ; -.14 kfrdlnm standards .1 Undergrades . , -.14- PulleU ; .14 OBADT, HAT and SEEDS WheaU perl buabel Se. I white. ecki .- -. -4 ' Bed -45 Oata grey, ton 38 00 White : 35 00 Teed bailey, ton 22.00 to 24.00 Clowr Lay. Ian 13 00 to 18 00 Oat and Vetel bay, ton12.00 to 13.00 Alfa'fa, ton ; , .15 00 to 16.00 AlaikeCloter lb. .0 to .11 Red Cloter. lb. . Egg mash. Xo. 1 grade. 80 lb. bag 1.00 Lry (eed. 0 lb. Hen sristen leea Cracked corn Wb : bag 1.30 1.65 ; 1.63 .1.35 to 1.40 Grain I Falls m Eiiropean r Political Situation ' - -Looks Better V CHICAGO. March i tlJPTh price -of -;hat ; In major wortd markets slomped sharplr today as lme grain uw iw. s ma penoi- miauc new oi ine tuaropean po Iltlcal iltuaUon. v- i nJ '' Chicago ralne fell -1' 'cents. May droppins to 464, equal to the three-months low established prior to the .war scare last' weeki before there was a rally. Winni peg quotations dropped ' 1 V4 . while LiTerpool was almost 2 cents lower at one stage. Howerer, prices recotered much of their early losses, with Chicago quota tions gaining as much as a cent before closing. ; Action of foreign grain and se curities markets as well as strength In domestic stocks was interpreted in the grain trade as an indication of easing tension orer the war scare. Wheat closed 14 -H lower than yesterday. May July 67-. Gardeners' Mart V PORTLAND. Ore., March 21-AP) (lifi Dept. Acricultnre). Applet Oregon Newtowna, med to Ige, ex fey, 1.50 J. 60: fey. 123 1.33; nnclaia, ( and t, 70 80c; Spitxenberg, ex fry, 1.50 160: fey. 1.25 1.35; Wain. Delicious, mrd lo Ige. e fey. 1,75 2.10; fey. 140 173; fey, 1.50 1.60; romb. or fey nd fey. loose 3i 3 He ib : Homes, 0 grade, f and f. 75 air; small. 50 60c; fey, 1.3V t 40; loose. 3 pound. Artichoke Calif., 2.35-2.50 ; 40-75e per dose a. , , Atocados Cslif., fuerte, 24-30. l!0 1 50 , Asparagus Calif, small 10 lie; med to Ige. 12 14. Bananas Per bunch, ie lb.; small lots, unquoted. Bruisels Sprouts 12-eup, 70-80c. Cabbage Oregon Ballbead. new crates, ordinary, 00 1.15; Calif., crates, 2.25 3 50. . -. Carrots Local, topped, 85-50e lng; sacks 1.00-1.50. Calif., bundled 40-45e. Cauliflower Local, No. 1, 1.00-1,10; Cslif. 1.25-1.35. i Celery Calif.. Utah. 1.83 2.10.; whit. J. 002.35; heart! 1.25 1.50. Citrus Fruit Grapefruit, Texas msrsb seedless. 2 75 3.00: pink, 3.00 3.10; Ari sona faney. 1.60 200; Florida, boxes. 46-64. 300 8 25; Calif., 1.80 1.90. Lemon Faaey.. all aisea, 8.73 S.25; choice. 3.70 8.50; apple box, 1.00-3.00. Lime. 00c. Oranges California' navels, 200 392a, 2.152.75; large. 2.75-4.00; choice and pp, 1.70 2.00; amall low as 150. Eggplant lalif., 1112c lb.; lug, 2.00 2 15. Cucumbers Hothouse, dos BOo-1.83. Lettuce Cslif., Imperials, iced 4-5 los., 2.75-3.00; 6, 2.50; dry, 275-3.00; Arix. iced. 8.00-3 25; dry.. 2.75-3.00. Garlic Oregon, 8-10e; poor low ns 5c Mushrooms tultlvsted. I lb., 80 85c Onions Oregon yellows, 50-pound sks, TJB No. 1. 1.00-1.25; 10 Jb. sacks. 25-27e; boilers, tO lbs., 14 15e; nets, brown, 4 Ine; white. 5 5H- . .. Pears Oregon, Bote., toose, 50 40e; ox fey. 1.25 1.35; Anjous, ex fey, 1.50 1.75; fey 1.25 1.50. Peas Calif.. 1112c; bamp. 2.75-8. Peppers Florida, 16-18c lb. Potatoes Oregon, local Russets and Long Whites. So. 1. 1.00-1.10; No. 1, 50 Ib. sacks. 50 65c; No. 2., 35 38e; Da chute No. 1. icnoets. 1.15 1.25; 25 1b. sk.. 32 34e: No. 2, 50 lb 38 40e; Klam ath No. 1 -Russets, 1.25-1.30; fey, 1.40 1.55; Florids, 2.50-2.60 per 54 lbs." Rhubarb Ore., Wash, hothouse ex fey, 110-1.15; fancy, 1.00-1.15; choice, 80 85e; outdoor 1.00. " SWeet Potatoes Calif., 50-lb. crates. No. 1. 1.50-1.60; No. 2, 1.10-1.25; yams, 2.00-2.10. Tomatoes Ore., 2 50-2.73 as is. Spinach Wash., 90c-125; Ore., 75-B5c. Bunched Vegetables Oregon, per dot. bunches: Beet, 25-4 Oe; ;- onions, 15 27He; rsdishes winter 17H-20c; lugs $1 1.25 dox., leeki, 25-35e; mas tar d roots, ftOe dox.; broccoli, 40-55; Calif, parsley, 30 40e; radishes, 30-35e; turnip, 30-35e, broceoli. eratee, 2.50; beets, 50 60 e dox.; crates. 2.00-2.15; green onions, 35-40C ; endive, 2.25 2.15. Root Vegetables: Rotabsgst, 1.25-1.50 ICTF GJLSSON By Evelyn Wells 71 . Iim tandp redsxUrix out wil after I aWlflas ann4d1nin I! fKo JBrl1o4dBrik. CHAPTER XXIV JTnat ma aafstv tolrn-wt f t. Vm. tnont men in the upper regions of ness. Sutter, the alien, had entered the green. Sacramento Tallej, they California in 1839 with eight Kana loat three of their few remaining; kaa, an Indian servant bought from 1 - m.. , . via. - s - I rt J ttx uuiacaw aoe arumaiS Went matl Bl I vwwa, auuj st BuiHtug;, x-is wi thr aM . m M m . . , I KtfiH rieilnfH mrA ! kail fus. ovcue v grass. .ASUS oying BDQ I " wu, w - -ww t m -cicMa crestara I - tiw. kMill. t I. ,U. J! M.S x,.L. IlKlWlflM tntA MWMMlHll. KtM n4K American River. Amongst them this" California aaunicipatity. f raced, Fremont's splendid hunter. Now, in his forges, Iron was giow- froveau. llnB? to ba beaten inta rAtrm aharaa - "Ill go after hint," volunteered Derosier, - knowing - how Fremont loved Proveaj. r ; After a, wbHa Kit and Fremont climbed hfll but saw no sign of either Dcroiier of Proveao. "I fear Derosier is lost la the woods," said Fremont uneasily. They reached the river. Towne was still deranged from the suffer lng and starvation. , "What delidously warm water," be raved, "I am going swimminsr " "Thjwater U icy cold," protested Kit. "Thin fa Fehrn- . . But Towns tort off his buckskins and plunged blithelv intn tv i mounUin torrent, protesting it was summer and he was suffering from uw , m uespair tney watched his bony body buffeted from rock to rock and rescued him at last, bleeding and unconscious, a mile down the river. . And when Derosier wandered at saw into camp, ne too, had gone mad. . ' "I hare been arona antw an tin,,- he sulked, not knowing he had been u is sing; .or uays. A few dsys later Derosier again wandered off never to be heard from tnin. ; Meanwhile Preuss, the artist, not au-uwuis; un ouers Bad halted to search for Derosier and rescue Towne, walked alone down the river. Preuaa never rrA m Leaving the unfortunate Towne for the others to care for, Kit and Fre- tnonc numea after Preuss. TheV followad Kla f-;i .v. river bank. They reached a smould ering ore., i , -.-Preuss! Pre.ssP shouted Fre mont joyously. , To their horror a naked Indian appearea in the willows, stared at vocra ana vanisoea. Night was coming on. They r sornaa u oesperauon to camp. For food they baked lonr slender better suited to the palates of the Sacramento Indians. Days later, they came soon Prams. Ka and witt only a "small pocket knife, nsu oouftrea on imau roots and large ants, which he insisted had a "pleaaantiy acid taste." And now the vallev - .--.- and orangs tinted with wide-lipped . California topples. Villages of In - diana fled before the ghastly pro cession of skeleton men" leading skeleton horses. Nearly all their norses naa Been sailed for food, Na tive runners probably carried word of them to Sutter's Fort. For alonx the willaw-drinn!-. hank came a broad-ahouldered, , atoekv. amzins fisrnra. riHina. t;v - a blue-eyed king; amid a retinue of Indians and Kanakas. "Halloo!" shouted the stranger, but no stranger at all to Kit. i "Sutter I" he cried.' "Lieutenant Fremont, it Is Sutter." - The eyes of all were wet and wheels. Wheat from his own fields was being ground- in his graineriest Wine was being pressed front Rnf-f.. on RiUa 9-r aim bis own vast herds were being tan ned in the courtyard to ship east around tha Hnrn Anil Snfter Ka waa ao vastly rich, shook his bald neaa over ueir sunenngs ana naa ue weak ana deranged put to eed to be eared for, and sent out haunches of roast meat to those who were straggling down the river And find in v that Fremont waa grieving for the loss of his famous 1 sr. aorse rroveau -lose, pernaps, to sire in California a nameless strain of snlendid wild horn Snrl- nra. sen ted Fremont with an iron-gray staiuon to Decome still more famed. 1.1 Toro- the Bull of the Sacra mento." "He will be called Sacramento. after this haven," said Fremont Fremont found Sutter a man of his own thoughts. They conferred cogetner ao tnat even Kit could not hear. Nor did be mind srreatlv. for his mind was not attentive to ambi tion but to dutv. "I teD von. Lieutenant. MovWa hold on California is slinDinsr. Aeh. this is a rich country! Everv ahin camci away irom twenty to forty thousand hides and one hundred thousand dollars worth of oil been made in sixteen months. The Americans are beginning to enter California nearly fifty immigrants already this year. The Americans scattered in California would be willing to rise. ..." "Ton arm cert-Lin. Rnft-T tain they want American rule?" J a. Thomas - U.. I-trlria. nv American Miirol at IXnmtmr so, and so thinks Vailejo and 'other attuucauis ox uta upper ciaaa. Tbey would like to see American energy and American trade cntav. CalL. fornia was asleep under Spain and re continues to sleep onaer Mexico. Fremont, If I declare the independ ence of my municipality will your unitea states annex met" "I think ft ratiM kat mrrmr,A Sutter. Ton aranld have. t .nnl. 7 WashinttoB.- -ne-r taia aied in eonJaetare. After each conversations there would be a feverish aiow nhrtnt bw mont Out of such talk would coins dreams that ended with the crash ox cannon una tramp or uauiorma. Kit S thonvht rlrrl tit eru-V eTV and tnmuwl tn Inuf. In Tana in Apm of 1844 the explorers left Snttar'ai Vnrt Thm wmMmmA a... the San Joaquin vafley that Kit re- naBiuoervQ aa a soy trapper WUa taptgLta wtng Young, dead now thraa tnra Tkra tmmmA v. ur. Jave Desert Kit bad fled over with ine arunken trappers. Into the trap laid by Mojave Indians. Tbev struck tn,d Spanish. Trail they left t-duizornia. i- w , ( - - "I never wrnttt ta ao te mmmtw, vowed Kit, as once he had to Young, w j v v Ma w v . I - w v. aaj out WKt at) HSHS Ml X OUXIg, "The tales told by Kit brought me I hut Fremont's thoughts continued a t; ?.,-.- cn.. a. ItA mrwuJAmm- .a aV. . w yam vi mai, an sinwr M ' I " i i fwi tnont as he regaled his famished guests with roast - veniaon- and bread and - broiled Z salmon-' and brandy and wine of bis own making, an hour later in the adobe confines of Butters Fort. "Kit said It was a paradise, and 1 have round it so : Snttar told with nrlda rf kfa . municipality. North and south and California. One afternoon they made early camnu . . .. .... Suddenly ta their midst, without wnrtuBK, ppearea two haggard Bungs on exnausted horses. One man. Andrea Fuantaa mnA iM. handstmeLuk-eyed boy of eleven. Pablo Hernandes. .. ... . here In this desert V demsnded the startled Fre- Thai man nioka tor hfmaatlf mnA the trembling child.. "There .were seven of as my wife, this child's father and mother, a K m wamu nimfq uimcome ana myMlX wfcnV4rT.-r fAyjntfi fltfwsi-a. hamaaa Los Angeles to New Mexico. A nunarea Indians surrounded our camp. They captured the others and all our horses. Pablo and I escaped, being mounted. The 'Others. . . ." His haggard features twitted and at. t. . . a ma ooy wept mtteny. As always it was Kit who anrans? to action. "With your permiaaion," toe said ; to Fremont, but had no need to ask ' leave. Fremont, transfixed with pity, waved him godspeed. iwo women oeia by Indians aome where in the wastes of Arizona I every man sensed the horror. Godey stepped dose to Kit With i his silken floating curls and beard- leaa faea Via inrAmA I lira a t-l-1 rtl his dark unswerving glance revealed uis iron nerve. "Ill go with you, Kit" Without another wiml tkav sprang to their horses. rremont's heart sank, watching them go. "Think of It: two mm rtMnm alone into the desert to rescue two women from a hundred savages, he exclaimed. "Did ever nn-H man exist upon this earth before?" Carson and Godey! Dashing over the Arizona desert they entered narrow oenie m the mountains, fol lowing the trail left by Fuentes and the Child. Nlfi-ht blotted It. nl nrltK. out having eaten they slept un- oianxetea oesiae tnelr weary horses and at dawn rode again. "Ahl- breathed Kit, reining his horse as he sighted over a sandy rue un sput-poie ups ox four In dian tepees. Tvinar their harM thaw , j , , waa hands and knees over the dunes. Bo fore them were tha nttlen hn-aaa surrounded by a hundred naked In- uians. . Wall ehara-e tKam ABrtb t a-maawaaa-dl Kit, and Kit and Godey raced afoot with rifles drawn down on tha In dian camp, ' - Running, thev rave the mnnnUln. eer war whoop: viva 'em Green River I" The Startled aavaovn tr,nnVa Kit knew they would that the two men were probably followed by an army of infuriated whites. It would never occur to Indians that two men would charge an encamp- aaavaiw ShOUtine tha trvrffana a..w-J few paused to fire. A yard-long afttavaaaMaja aaaaa-m J a Z J t.i uoaej-n neca ana daiiaied fram hi. s,nv.u n Two Indians lay dyinf and the oth- wa iieu en norses or afoot The hundred savagea vanished, v , 'aae.ioeir ncajps,- shouted Kit. or the boys will never believe us." Godey ran ta tha twm KAt ta one. to their hamw at-i - i the ghastly scalping proem and sprang to oia teet streaming blood and howlins? like amlf n- . wn lock appeared an ancient Indian crontv woo snoo her gnarled fist at Godey and screamed hideously. thing left ma com pletely unnerved," Kit reported la ter In shocked tones to Fremont But thev f orvot wim . i they found the bodies of the men of euentrs party riddled with arrows and mutiliated. And later the) naked bodies of the two women, staked to the ground. Thirty honrn after gft anI CiAm left on their search they returned. wneoping iuce savages ana driving the stolen horses before them. From Coder's rifle dangled the - two two scalps. The pair had ridden one hundred miles in thirty hours. : (To be continued.) - Wbtations at jeOVrUMXXi. Ors, Harch B1 (Al) Dairy predate prices: Batter: Ixtras 23)4; sUadards. Uy arlato firaU SSH; firata 33 H. - Botteefat: SSja-Soe. Eggs: Largo extras It; largo Stand ards IS; aMdiaas aatra 1S; avediam sUndards-lte. - ... . . .. . . CAwm: Triplets. ll; loaf, 14a. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore- Karek 31 (API Wheat: Open High Low Close May .-.;;.,; ; 44 - " '04 - "4S S4 Cash-Grain: Oats. Ka. 3 34 lb,, .waits, 37.60; No. 2-34 lb. gray nominal. Barley, Nov 2, IT akiaswent. 34.75, No, X ilox, 0b Wbest Bid: Soft white 48; west ern' white 68; wertern red 48. -Hard rod winter ordinary S7;ll per cent 67 5 13 per cent ; 13 per cent 71; 14 per cent 74. - Hard white-Baa rt ordinary 68 ; 13 ?er cent 69; 18 per cent 71; 14 per cent 4. Hard white-Baart ordinary 68; 13 per . cent 49; 18 per cent 71; 14 per cent 73. ' - .. , Today's Car Receipt ; Wheat 14 ; floor IS; corn S; eats 8; millfeed 3. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. March tl (AP) (VSDA) Hogs: Salable receipts, 850. Blow, steady. Price range: Barrows and gilta, gd-ch, 140-160 lba. : g 7.35 8.00 do gd-eb 160-180 lba, 7.60 W 8.25 do gd-eb 180-200 lbs. 7.85 8.25 do gd-eb 200-220 lbs. 7.60 8.25 do gdeh 220 250 lbs 7.35 8:10 do gd-ch 250-290 lbs. 7.10 7.60 do gd-ch 290 850 lbs. 6.85 7.85 do medium, 140-160 lbs. 7.00 7.40 Packing aews, gd, 275-350 lbs. . 6.50 7.00 do good, 850-425 Ibs. 4.25 6.75 do good, 425-550 lbs. : 4.25 6.50 do medium. 275-550 lbs.- 6.00(3) 6.50 Pigs (fdrs. stkr.), gd-ch. 70-140 lbs. 7.50 8.00 Cattle: ReealDta 100. ealraa 25 Stead Pries range: ' Sfeert, good 900-1100 lbs $ do sted. 750-II 00 lbs. do eons pin 750 1100 lbs. Boiforn. gd 750 900 lbs. ao mea aao sot - lbs. do aom ola 650 900 lba. Caws, gd-ch. sit wts., aa med. all wts do aom pin, all wts do law cat eat, all wts Balls (yrlgs exe'd). good (boot), all wts - do mediant, all wts. do cut-com (nln) all wts Vealors, choi-e, nil wts do good, all wts. do medium, nil wts. do call com (pin) nil wts do cut-corn (pin) .. Cnltes, mediam xao 400 Ibs do eom (pin) 250 400 Ibs Sheen; Receinta. AA - IMm a.. Lambs, good choice ao meamm goo . a i i bitni wu .wic. ... ao common (pisin;, nea 8.75 8.00 4 75 4.25 7.25 4.00 4.75 5.75 4,75 8.50 4.23 6.60 4.50 9.00 8.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 400 4.50 9.40 8.75 8 00 S.50 8.25 7 25 T.13 6.75 4.75 4.75 6.73 4.25 4 50 9.50 9.00 8.50 6.50 5.50 7.50 6.00 total Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., March 31 (AP) Coma try meats Billing prica ta retailers : Ooaatry killed begs. Wit botcher aador 160 lba, 1011 lb; vealara.- 15e lb.; light aad tbia 10-13 lb.; bear 10-11 lb.: lamba 13-UH lb.; owea 4-9e lb,; bUa.-lC-lle 'b.J enttor oows So lb.; oanneVeows 4-4 H. - " Lir o Poaltry Baying prices :-.liOgaorn Ha ta XW lba- 30o broilers. lb.; 3H lba. ?0e; light colored aprings, S to Ibs4 17-lSelb.; atar 3 lbs 17-lSeTre.f Laghara bens, ever 4tt lbs., 14a Ib.; ander tk lbs., 15a lb.;' colored' bens, ta i lbs. le; wear 4 lbs. 19o lb.; No. S grade, 5e less , Tnrkeyt Selling prices: Dressed, aaw eroa kens 24e 1 - .: toms. 26e -ih.' Bay.. ing prices: New bens 34o lb.; tons, 24e.- Potatoee Yakimn gem. ( ) : cental ; local 1.00; Dessbntes Gems, 1.15; Klamath Palls, No. 1 Gems, 1.15-1.55; CaUt sweets. 1.40-1.80; Calif, yams 1.75; naw Pis. votatoos. 2.50-2.60. . Onions Oregon, No. 1, 2.00-2.25 per eonUl; sets Ss In. . Wool Willamette valley, nominal; me diant 22 23 lb.; coarse nnd braids. 22-23 lb.; lambs nnd fall SO lb.; eastern Ore gon 20-26 He Bay Selling price to retailers: Alfalfa No. 1, 10.00 ton; oat-vetch, 12.00 ton; clover. 11.00 ton; timothy, eastern Ore gon 19.00; do valley 14.00 ton Portland. Hop New crop Clusters, l-21hke lb.; Paggle 23c lb. - - - Mohair Nominal; 1938, 26-27 lb. Caiears bark Baying price, 1939 peel 5c lb. Sugar Berry and fruit, 100s, 4.90, bale 5.05; beet, 4.80 cental. Domestic flour Selling prica, city de livery, 1 to 25 bbi lots: family patent, 49s, 5.75 6.35; bakers' bard wheat, net, 8 70 5.15; bakers' bloestem, 4.15-4.50; blended wheat floor, 84.35-4.60; soft wbest flour, 4.55; grshsm, 40s, 4.50; wholo wbest, 49s, 4.95 bbL Wool in Boston salable 100, , $ 8.00 8.15 7.25 7.75 650 7.25 a o e O c 4t a.Atiiur a.J . 2.50 4.25 ewt; lugs, 85-40c. Beets, 1:25-1.50; lugs 85-40c Turnips. 1.00-1.25 ssck: lugs. 20 80e. Parsnips. 45-50c lug; sacks. 1.75- 2.00. Horseradish, 15e pound. BOSTON, Msreh 21-(AP) (USDA) Wools were moving very slowly in the Boston market today. Most buyers were adhering to a waiting attitude pending the osteoma of opening of the fall aea aon goods. - Occasional small transsetions afforded the '.nly basis indicating the trend of prices. Atersge ta short French combing length fine territory spot wools of the old clip hare been sold In original bags, at 42 to 63 cents, scoured basis. A few small -transactions bate been closed on country-packed mixed grade lots of three eighths nnd quarter blood bright fleece wools nt around 24 to 28 cent, in the grease, to ba delivered east in May. Walnut Orchardist Commences Work RIVERYIEW W. A. Walters Ib grubbing out the several acres of walnut and prune orchard on his place here. Walters came here about four years ago from' Nebras ka and bought the farm from C Muzzy. All fall planted crops are in ex cellent condition this spring. The prospects are for a bumper crop s tews Rally As Fear Less Carrier Shares Up With . 'Forecast of. Heavier . -Freight Load Closirig Quotations NEW YORK, March ll-(-Tdday'a closing prices: NEW YORK, . March - -l-(P- Tneir rears or- lmmeutate - Euro pean troubles' lessened, traders pushed the prices of leading stock market shares 1 to 3 points higher today. '-;' ' Trading was quiet however; and the rally waa Considered In the. j nature of, a technical rebound i from' the declines of last week. Im petus waa given the upward move ment by similar swings to the plus side by markets In London and Amsterdam. :. Domestic ' news, brokers said, had little effect although fore easts railroad freight carloadings for last week might be up to a new high for the year helped the carried shares. The Associated Press average of CO representative stocks rose dur ing the session .8 of a point to 49.7. Transactions totaled 689,610, snares compared wun jmo.suo yesterday. j Aircraft stocks were In demand most of the day, and gains of wide fractions were recorded for Boe ing, Douglas and United. Al Chem Dye.l7J Allied Storea . . i American Can . 81 Am For Power . i Am Power A Lt. - B Am Rad Std San 14. Am Roll Mills .17 Am Smelt Ref 4JH Am Tel Tel.;XS7. Am Tobacco B.V SSH Am Water Wks. Anaconda ..... Armour 111 . .'. . . .... Bait ft Ohio Bendlz Avia . '. Beth Steel Boeing Air Borge- Warner . Budd-Mfg ..... Callahan Z-L .. Calumet Hec . . . Canadian Pacific J I Case Cater pil.Trac .. Celanese ...... Certain-Teed .. Ches tt Ohio . Chrysler 11 1T4 34 . 16 A- 34 67 Elec Power Lt Erie' BR ..... . General Electric General. Foods ST. ' 1 4 86 50 4 20 10H 36 75 Consol Bdisoa . 31 National DUt... Consol Oil ... I 8 hi Natl Power A Lt Corn Products . 5 Northern Pacific Cnrtlss Wright . - i Packard Motors. Da Pone de N..14 J C Penney .... Douglas Aircraft. 68 Phillips Petrol . Press steel car. 14 Pub Service NJ. it hi Pullman .. 41 Safeway Stores . General Motors. . 46 Sears Roebuck . G6odyear Tire . 32 Shell. Union .... Great. Nor Ry Pf 2&hi Sou Cal Edison. Hudson Motors . 6 Southern Pacific Illinois Central . 15 Standard Brands Insp Copper . . . 14 SUnd- Oil Calif . Iat Harvester . . 59 Stand Oil NJ . . . 49 Studebaker .... 39 Sup OH . . .. . . 7 Timk Roll Bear 8& Trans-America . 36 Union Carbide . 50 United Aircraft . 103 United Airlines . 46 US Rubber .... 49 US Steel 7 Walworth 27 Western Union . 21 White Motora .. 14 Woolworth .... Int Nickel Can . 26vInt Paper & P Pf 28 Int Tel ft Tel... Johns Manville . Kennecott ..... Libbey O Ford . Ugg ft Myers B Loew's Monty Ward . . . Nash Kelvinator National Biscuit National Cash . . Natl Dairy Prod 28 . 10 3 84 38 10 35 33 33 71 12 26 16 6 2 48 . 7 2 46 6 83 33 11 44 57 6 21 10 47 Stocks and Bonds STOCK AVERAGES March 21 Compiled by The Associated Press Net Chg. Tuesday Previous day Month ago Year ago . 1939 high 1939 low 80 Indue All 70.8 69.7 70.6 58.3 77.0 67.8 15 Raila A .5 20.6 20.1 20.3 14.3 23.8 18.9 15 Dtil A .6 87.4 86.8 37.8 28.5 ,40.0 35.5 St. Patrick Party Held by Clubbers HUBBARD The contract bridge club celebrated St. Pat rick's day Friday night at the country home of M r s . A. J. Smith. Present were Mrs. Charles Flddis, Mrs. Hugh Wells, Mrs. George Grimps, Mrs. Dorothy Garren, Mrs. Louretta Berkholtz, and the Misses Frances Weaver, Lenore Scholl and Ruby Crittenden. The community guild of the Congregational church will hold an interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. L. A. Miller Wed nesday afternoon, March 22. In the evening the Hubbard guild will Join the Elliott Prafrie La dies' Aid in a 6:30 o'clock din ner at Elliott Prairie. The Pink and Lavender club ii making plans for a special meeting Thursday. March 23, to be held at the home ot Mrs. Anna Bevins. BOND AVERAGES Net Chg. Tuesday Previous day Month ago Year ago 1939 high 1939 low 30 Raila A .6 61.5 60.9 59.1 55.6 64.9 57.5 10 Indua A .3 100.4 100.1 99.5 84.5 100.7 98.7 10 Dtil A .1 94.3 94.2 94.6 89.8 95.7 92.2 60 Stock A .8 49.7 ! 48.9 ' 49.6 39.7 53.4 . 47.3 10 Forgn A .5 61.4 60.9 61.3 63.8 04.0 59.4 milmlSumfA of hay. Vetch and oat, clover and alfalfa hay are the main marketed field crops here. with Our Loan Service No need to be in debt, to have unpaid bills it's thriftier to pay all your bills with a convenient loan made through us. STATE FINANCE CO. A Home-Owned Institution (Childs' ft Miller's Office) 844 State St., Salem. Ore. Phone 0261 Lie. No. S-216 M-222 POLLY AND HER PALS Thar She Blows! By CLIFF STERRETT : I ; T - . - 1 - NOPE-YB WRONG THERE I IT f YEP. PURTV NEAR. ALL Wk f iA X&rfi "r?S!v; i?r ) PNS AOOS STRANGER. I COME By f MV ANCESTORS WUZ I. Of ? ittM V t5f UKE THAT 6fcTS THIS SOBTA WRK JESS , XI NUH&HA&POOHEtt iy . Vfe ( ?;&r fe S MICKEY MOUSE Wouldn't Fool Your By WALT DISNEY WELL OF CCTSE, EP WWNT WANNA d i itc raT rci7c: ' i SAIUN'BOrVT I FDrXTS WHUT AM SAlp BOSS' )f NOW LCOK, 1 f WE'VE GOT TO A ( I LATirT urr arvjr nj ir msi I i THIS IS Nn A rr iw iscavut y a I StOBn.tMatfl TIME FOR "S It Wwwt -c 5T T WEEKS!. y-TI I VQUR TALL V, IN A , Vj u ' "T anaaniMaaatansjawann- C COME ON f LET'S " V r SETTLE THIS n -- RIGHT NOWf! J CAR SHE AM, BOSS' LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY A Guest of the Bride and Groom ARC VOU SURE THe CUOCK AnvfT 6LOW? AAAVBC I CUGMT PUT ON Ay MAT AK COAT AM EAlXI4rArJi,PbOPA IS nvuvi'Oenvie Tuitiu rttrtr TIT SUREJAINT i A-TCJ? TtOUNS MXl TEN THuJSANO TVME5-.THC. tZUDCK 19 RlSHT TO THE AAtkliTE. f AAR. WaAOt. SAlO HETO SENO MI9 CAR FOR HXJ AT TWELVS CrCLOCK v- SHARP f 1 TVtCRC I By BRANDON WALSH MrwWTl AM" VTJU COULD taO OUT mmnwii llv33! "wi f-.X . "flfAT ' 1 STEPS AW NOJ COULD TELLME A&AiN j fZl EE JOAAE SWEtLrOXCA ..- fl? J WHtCH lSTBtSTrNaAtf FORK SOUP OR AATrnZVT THE CHOaXrET- f TO USE AT A 911. LUNCH I MEAN n aGrvE MDU A n, CAKE J k I J2CARcxEs,wfoouLi5Be j bs t3cvRiL-S JlHERe ac: -JfclF; enpj.Ryr f " C ' at, TOOTS AND CASPER The Die Is Cast! By JIMMY MURPHY I -.r-rx-.-..--1 I fail a-I TU 1T1 MV l I VOU WANT 1 ' "Vd I IkSJSSSM. ll-L. Biry"THS n 1 50Q SHARES"! CASrt. H I rTv, MAKEAKiaWitl V I I CASH OR Mwe .111 THAT idO.OOO.'S VrXXJLD BUY ICOO SHARES ON 50 "4 MARtlN-THe4. WHEN IT DOUBLED nx, DEPOSIT, AND HAVE SZOflCOa PROFIT LEFT rOK IV1T SELPJ ON SECOND TrtOU-rHT MAKE IT looa 50 MAR-jIN OKAY. I LL EXECUIt THE ORDER AT Or4CE. VVE-LU I'VE DOME it amtS Kiova 1WISH1 MADNT! 1 CAN'T AFFORD TO vBT IN BAD VtTTH MV RCM UNCLE, BUT I CAN'T BACK .OUT .NOW. THUIBLE THEATREtarrinj: Popeyt The Bigger They Come a-a t'rwl. , b- 2S-- west ana east ez mm stretched ftus monfea