The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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Tht C2EG0N STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Blorniag, March 22, 1939
Uiss Bartlett to
iBe Harried on
April 14 - :
The spring season is always en
- Incentive lor announcements and
weddings and the latest to Join :
the ranks of spring brides-elect i
Miss Jean Bartlett, daughter" ot :;
i Mr. and Mrs. King Bartlett.
' r -whose betrothal to Robert S.
Gentikow, was revealed to a
C group of friends last night at a
smartly ; arranged buffet supper i
i parti for which, Mrs. Bartlett
" j.was hostess..-.-" '.'
The wedding la planned as an
event of April 1 at St. -Joseph
- Catholic' church. Miss Bartlett is ;
Hrell ' known among the younger
;et and ; attended - Salem schools ;
and Willamette university." She is
a member of Delta Phi sorority.
Mr, Genttkow Js - a graduate of
Sacred Heart academy and la a;
'Salem postal employe.
. Vammma tl- ;
WcleTwith Si. bearing the
"!!Wf - ff. rnnBii and the
mf.i.rerf seated aTsmaU :
&?liTTilz now-
- eBraP?ototoenti?
r.--"3ud for Mis.
i J CClIA A901 klCll iM SOW 4AevaF
Burnslde, Ml Lois Burton, Miss
.- Ruth Alice Grant, Miss June
Johnson, Miss Marguerite Smith,
Miss June Charboneau, Miss Ver
ne Voper,l : Mlsa June - Brasted,
-Miss Elizabeth James, Miss Kay
Pillette, Miss Eleanor Perry,
Miss Mary Fox. Miss Pauline
Drager, Miss . Virginia Fahey,
. Miss Jeanette Brown Miss Edna
'Matthis, Miss Leone Burdick,
' Miss Winona Smith. Miss Doris
Taylor, Mrs. Woodrow' Schrum
and Mrs. King Bartlett.
Miss-Austin "Will Head
White Shrine v
Miss 11a Austin was elected
to the office o( worthy high
. priestess of the White Shrine of;
' Jerusalem to succeed Miss Con
stance Kantner, at a meeting on
Monday night at the Masonic
temple. The election followed a
. birthday dinner in' celebration
of the 18 th annirersary of . the
founding of the shrine. .
Other officers elected were
Mr. Iran Stewart, watchman of
the shepherds; Stella Henry, no
ble phophetess; Mr. Herman Lat
: Icy, associate watchman of the
: shepherds; Miss . Ruth Moore,
chaplain; Mrs. A. Aliin, worthy
"shepherdess; Mrs. Edna McEl
haney, worthy guide; Mrs. Bet
ty Smith, worthy scribe; Mrs.
, Herman Lafky, worthy treasurer.
Miss Kantner presided at the
meeting when the following were
escorted to the east: Mrs. Ruth
.Talbot, supreme deputy high
JSSJS "d ciaudV Bonl
watchman of the shepherds, both
J ot Bethany Shrine, Vancouver,
meyer, supreme - deputy or WU-
tameiie sarin e: Mrs. Julia Moore.
V a Also es-
corted to the east andpresente 1
with a badge for "belns the
Mccail Ih '.'iS
' ' f rom Mn intn thVnViT .r
. -W w aw t .a HVHM
A floral affarintr waa trin
thrworthV hiVh rf-t-Z-
Kantler hT f f iJ m
Call and thm Wi.r tT7.i
t&S9.?Xz!. - 7
showinr aoriTenir.' twV
Daffodil And vaiiow
' "
v. wuwuii CUiurB.
4 ' f ,
tt ' t i 1 t
UOUr 8 KeCOrded Program
' . ' . "
At T.irroiv
from t,.i
a JTb tS;
riVrJi, iTKwt
' The Prologue
lo's "Pagllaeci"
otMl harttnn !.,. . vi(,
recorde? muste in the music room
el the Salem puWie UbSS thi7a?-
ternoorfrom a i uT 4 " " :
:T-r;' hto,;-
Prid and Minoat " ' g'-rf
mlu Chl-brs-sT..?." V V"''" '
GveU is r aitjor.'...;...BtthoTcB Bai(r
, 1 .IId,;..,,,! and Mrs. Elma Dickey.
-rntt Kreiiier. ioUni .
Twte 2t is7ro- IMothern GroUD Meeta
. bars. - - is v. .J. t'.U.
i PWUdelplliOrcli.tra,
- - . Leopold 8(okwiki, eendactor
rrelogiia from .' PJrliaocit. LooneaTallo -
TaWISBa fikkilt ' kai!-. &
us aiarcn -meeting at the River-
utw .-iciHHH. jmmDn present
were Ellen V. Ford, Mrs. Esther:
Keiperr Mrs LeoU Sloan., uin
Mary Gibson, ?M'. Maurice Hnn-
nicut. Mrs; Barnett. Miss Lucille
. - ana uuviug
Hughes. 'vMlsssr Dorothy Dental
GuestS Of the eveninr inrlnA.rf
Air. and -M r S r Jamea Bnntt
Linn coantr euperintendent, -Mr.
anaunrs. Herman ZelleiV Mr. and
r8'V,frei : Sommer. M. and
KIM. HAVlhl U.
- . " ram
t a in e 4 the alumnae of Alpha",
Ir?l Om' rority., Monday
night at her Kfngwood Heights
aome ,a-dessert supper. Mrs.
raul ' - Jbiale Was the IMtntlnv
,,.,, . s . t
nostess. i A short, business meeu
ing end social evening followed.?
The Seven 8. Sisterhood cUm of
tne First Christian church will
meet tin Thursday afternoon In
the church -parlor at 2 o'clock, i
' . Mrs, Sally Cook is chairman of
the hostess committee Miss Max-'
ine Sautter will be- the- guest
speaker. All friends of the class
are. Invited.
Miss ; Eve Knower will rev tew
The ' Mlddl. Window" br
Goudge and The Days; of Our:
Tears'.' by Van Paaf fen, at the
meeting of the book review see-;
tion of , the . Salem, Womai's
club, which is held . this . after
noon at the library. : .
Mrs, Arch. Jet-man ' entertained ,
cjembers' of her study club" in-'
- formally , at her suburbarr home
Monday afternoon.
' '. .' .
IIIss Catherine ; O'Reilly of
Fcrtland was In, the capital this
weekend as the guest ot Miss
Il'lda Fries. " .
jn.B r 1 1 1 r H I n nmmais m .n,r.-n...ff . ... Kuril v nisninv . i n a s inn. .. uni
RvA'Ntfllnl. r ilk... ..j w i l . i A Int.. t AirK, Mrs. L.. ti.
Powell. t i ' .- .. .v. . Blent anil Rata nhi win .nt.ii. Clarence KODie ana
nctn tf AT ft ' a a
Jnl2lZI ulliDiiilli X1VAJ
regent who p
ference meetings of the Oregon so-
ciety, Daughters of the American
Revolution which were held at the
capltol on Monday and Tuesday of
this week. (Cut courtesy the Ore-
0 w -
Wednesday, March 22
Ladles of GAR, reterans'
room of armory, 12:30 lunch,
inspection by department presi
dent follows.
Ladies' Aid of First Metho
dist church in Carrier room,
2:30 p. m.
Ladles' auxiliary to Nebraska
club, with Mrs. L. I. Flathers,
1010 North Fifth street, 2 p. m.
Carnation club with Mrs. H.
E. Spaulding, 2010 North Fifth
street, 2 p. m.
General Ladies Aid. First
Presbyterian church, tea 2 p.m.
Woman's Alliance, First Con-
gregational church, no-hoit
luncheon at 1 p. m. at church.
Thursday, March 23
Ladies Aid of Evangelical and
Reformed church, 2 p. m., Mrs.
John Overman, East , Center
street. ,
International relations divi
sion of AAUW in Santlam room,
chamber of commerce, 8 p. m.
KCKT club with Mrs. Fred
Barker, 1190 North Cottage
street, 2 p. m.
Town and Gown club, Lau
sanne hall, 2:30 p. m., Rev.
Hutchinson, speaker, music.
Friday, March 24
Woman's Bible class First
Methodist church with Mrs.
Oren Stratton, 955 Belmont
street, 2 p. m.
.Good Neighbors Meet at
St flair Hnmp
ai iaiF norae
' k...' .i.k .nnAj m. vr,
rs' club honored Mr. and Mrs.
hn St. Clair at their country
t.i c nuiw A MA..n4s-w
home Saturday evening on the
occasion of thei. wedding anni-
o r m ... !L
wUn n0nors K0lng t0 Mr' ana
MrB- John olson. Mrs. U. Rezni-
Austin cater.
T'ttA ....In . .M. m 1 a a
was attractive with a
lare ke centered with a bride
na room- at. ratncK s ravors
- "n used with covers placed
for: " .
Mr. and
' uu mn AUDUU viert
Mr. and Mrs. lyle Castor., Mr.
Si StJHJSr&. fi
r . . . . .
Mr, n Tt rnn-rinia- Vf, nA
- mmm- ff aaa. a 0
Mrs. William McKinney, Mr. and
Mrs. U. Resnicek. Mr. and Mrs.
Trthn i Hlenn M w m t TvA.
aZZL. o. Vr""
ricB, r. ucy at wiair, airs.
..v... uc; aw. K,im.u , mi a.
f- Hayne. and Mr. and Mrs. .
,0B StinCl,r r ' .
.Ml?- Elma. DlckJ eterta,ae
j .
V JJmtn SZ
S cSS Sr wSt
dricS ? '
? it th ui W the Wrti,. '
anniverwrof Mr Sna?t SJ
l"nr ot Ma MDtrt Joluis
waa honored Covers were placed
Hrl io& St: Cli r Mr. S2r
f?j ";. a ' Par i
Atf Gibson Home
club was entertained at the hdmel
Murray and Mrs, J.iW. Hansell.
irouowing a Short business meet-
ing a sooUl afternoon folowed-f "
Thaaa nraant .
Brown. Mrs. J. E . r.nnt.r. ufi
' Lloyd Drorbaugh. Mrs. ; J. w
" ' , T " '
tl Hansell,, Mrs. J. S.' Murray, MnCrf ij -Ii'fy '
Mrs. Bw Vnmm Mr Ij.I. nr.''
c a. litiior. nn, ueorn vtnni
rtn. Mra onarva u..
: Dnan, Gibson. . . t
N K :y ;
Miss SaUy GodboH of Red.
i - l. . ....
vicu bl . so v uiiormai oreaaiast
Sunday - morale when Miss
Harriett , Hawkins entertained::;
:"f . - .
s Mrs: Jessie C. Jones' and Mr.
init . Mn rr.fTilnM -
7 I . v -
turned yesterday i, after spending
the weekend at the home of Mr.
"a at ST it a a.
uU iui..ic u rorwr in aea
37 State St. .. .
.... i-....
' ,H.of Mlssanice NeUon, was' hon- tonlht and DelU ,Phl Thursday et C0Bper' . . .
Jvrs. Richardson
Honor Guest at
Mrs. John Y. Richardson, , na
tional Americanism chairman and
"past stats regent, was the honor
. guest at t the Tuesday luncheon
held In connection with the 26tn
annual conference of the Oregon
sute society, Daughters of the
American Revelation at the stats
eapitol. coffee shop. Mrs. Richard
son urged' the 'promotion of an
Americanism program for next
year and restricted immigration.
Over 40,000 aliens came into the
United States last year through
Seattle and Mrs. Richardson
. maaiI t9 sin. ImmlwMM
VUOBOCv IUO aawt VI m iuiufs-
A feature of the luncheon was
the introduction of the good eit-
isenship pilgrim Mis Rosemary .
Schroeder, and her mother. Mrs.
HairttM of JS
to represent Oregon and attend
the continental congress in Wash- '
ington, D. C. Mr. Rex Putnam,
state superintendent of public in
struction, spoke briefly. The annu
al drawing for the pilgrimage is
held in Mr. Putnam's office and
in his remarks he stated that the
DAR is one of the few remaining
militant organizations which be
lieves America is America.
An out-of town guest at the
luncheon was Mrs. H. E. Kennedy
of Ottowa, Kansas. Mrs.; W. E.
Hanson, chairman of the! decora
tions of the conference, spoke in
formally on the flax used for the
doll favors at the luncheon.
FtnVtn flnrt Partv flt
t0Kla "" ai
George rake Home
The home of Mrs. George Fake
on E street was the scene of the
Etoka . club meeting and te a Tues-
day afternoon. Assisting hostesses
were Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs.
Arthur Upston, Mrs. H. O. Tay
lor, Mrs. Ernest Lee and Mrs.
Henry Carl.
A short business meeting was
held and a social hour followed.
Bouquets of daffodils were used
about the rooms and the serving
table was centered with cala
lilies and pink and blue stock
flanked by green tapers. Mrs. E.
J. Donnell presided at the tea
The Will amette university
girl's trio sang a group of num
bers. Composing the trio were Mrs. Fred Alban Weil, who has
Miss Helen Dean. Miss Carol
Kead, Miss iren Bliss and Miss
T- 1 1 - n . l I .
neue crown was mo accompanist, is. leaving tne ena 01 tne uiuutu uiu; uiugcu c' iuw Mrs. JrYank Decke-bach re
Special guests were Mrs. Earl f ot San Jose. Calif., to make her week in compliment to a large turned to Salem Sunday night
urown, Mrs. Krcei Munamger,
Mrs. E. T. Andresen, Mrs. F. O.
tiaverman. Mrs. K. KaSSmUSSen
and Mrs. T. R Newman. Mem-
bem nresent wnrA ifrn. i J.
Donnell, Mrs. Harry Elgin, Mrs.
Richard Erickson. Mrs. 8. B.
iett. Mr R y r.nw i
. uu-
' tt ni: M Tt?art J??n"
.on, Mr. Daisy Mclntyre Mra.
ivLT ' .."T:
K. M. MCKee, Mrs. ueorge Sehon,
HfL lt . I M 'IHT nr Mrs n B V
i?rV ' , ,.n Dao-
Charles Fowler, Mrs. Arthur Ups-
wrBe x., mn. nn-
ry Carl and Mrs. Ernest Lee.
ijmner and ilecention to
UCr dUU cecpuqn lO
111 A "
0W"e Anniversary
ThA 7ntl. ...I.....
auo s w vaa BUUIICI oai J Ul lUV
founding of the Woman's Foreign
Mlssionarr societr will be eele.
a. a . tail m a . a . .
f1 nursuay wgnt at me ran
xaetnoaist cnurcn witn a reception
Methodist church with a reception
m the Carrier room at 6 o'clock
honoring Mrs. M. B. Parouneglan,
branch president. A New England
urmcu presiaent. a new isngiana
dinner and program will be held
ta the fining room. The husbands
toTlUd to attend- ReeerraUone
a.y m,lde trough Mrs. G. H.
QttUley, 737-or Mrs. A. A. Lee,
485' not ,ater than Wednesday
BOob. i
Mrs. C. F. Wilson is chairman
Mri; A. A. TJnderhill.' Mrs.
Ellabth Rallstipr an1 Xfra T ..
At -p61lker.s .tat),a -, ,n .
'dlhinr room will be th hnnnr '
.dLSSf mT'mTb VJlrJ
presiding officer,, Mrs. La Moine'
Clark; "Ann Versary", MrS.'E E.J
Mrsll" bl'
V! !5n$f!0? Mrs hi. B
" "
Hall; and rMias Barbara Jones.
. iVl
Spring Rushinz Beins '
. "v.m vu
Alpha Phi Alpha, Beta Chi and
"j Delta "Phi, sororities on thejWll-
jamette unrversltr campus ! are
ousy this week with informal
' Preferential dinners will be held
at the houses on Saturday night
with pledging Saaday morning
.Bids wlllbe handed into the.
dn' nfflia Vrflsv In xharo. o
- .
rushing affairs are Miss Betty Wil-
Uams, Alpha Phi Alpha. Miss Ma4
fLa.t . :. . .. i.
u tens, ;.eta ,"uni, Miss June,
Muvuiiuu, ueua rni.. ; if
Multiple vision lenses have so many variations today that
there is no reason why they should restrict your vision for
" instance, the Shuron Trifocal Lens gives extra field of vision
so essential to teachers, clerks, typists, etc J. . We special
ize in designing and fitting glasses to your daily needs
if your present glasses restrict you in any way consult us."
- Opticians - - Gmplete
- - '
Style - miUi
all, there's bo sense la
Woman.g aTorite point of reticence
41 -.J 'i ''- iv.v,'
. - !ir,
il I i J sA
"vl, ' ,hA , J
speaking of symptoms, what could be more symptomatic of this "f- " "fnJ"y
modern age than spun rayon! It fashions her smart dress in two (Leona Leisy) are receiving con
lovely shades of blue, the darker used for pin stripes. A narrow f10" n, h? birtn f
band hugs the neck, self-covered buttons close the waist with aim- J8' el Jo.nne'4 bo
pie restraint. And groups of four pleats each at either side of the Saturday, March 18 at the
skirt, back and front, lend rhythmic motion wherever she goes. ueaconess nospuai.
yj 6 '
Tea Will Honor
jsr 117-J f
irlTS. WW Cll CLL
Smith Home
been house mother of Delta Phi
sorority for several years, ana wno
. . . . . . V.
home with her son-in-iaw ana
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charle3
West f Janet Weill. WIU D6 tne
hnnnr rnt at a delirhtfnl tea this
Aftornnnn f thA hnmA of Mn.
Walter H. Smith on Mission
Etreet. .
rniHnr linum are from three to
o'clock and guests will be
members of the Delta Phi Moth-
ra lnh and natronesses of the
clBD and patronesses or tne
f A
Mrs. W. R. Speck wljl greet the
gnCBt. at the door. Mrs. M.( C.
Flndley has been asked to preside
at the tea Uble and assisting will
be Mrs. Don Upjohn, Mrs. A. C. F.
rerry ana Mrs. waiter smuo. ine
jj, centered with an ar-
. '
rangement of spring flowers in
shades ot blue and yellow flanked
v. ..11 vt..
UJ UL11 UIUO la yxZl B
W - A "T 1
nunts Are nonorea on
Mrs. Ira Fitts is enterUlnlna in
Silver Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
r. uu . a. auui
honored on the occasion of their
! silver wedding anniveraary Satur-
;toy waea ! of their frtends
called at their home on East Mey-
The evening was spent formal.
Vf and the group presented them
with a silver tea service. Bouquets
: ceDtered w!tn redding
dolyn Hunt modeled her mother's
wedding dress and another daug h-
ter. Mis. Carolyn Hunt; and Mis.
Marjorie Corbett modeled dresses
u" w.""""?1'
JJrs WaUace Luncheon
luncheon hostess today at her in
burban home for a group of dub
friends. The afternoon will be
spent informally and spring flow
ers will be used about, the rooms
and on the table. . - -
The guests are Mrs. Charles A.
S"- !
Mrs. Ernest C. Richards, Mrs.
Reuben P. Boise, Mrs. Frank Sne-
V";: n V witt xir.
' "" ' ,7' "
i. osruei, wis. wuimui c.
McMahan. Mrs.
Miss Margar-
Sirs. LoweD Stlffler of Belling.
nanL returned home on Sunday
mrltH nnrnnta MP " mnA Mra
. . . . .
aianin Bcnroeuer, Biia- axr suit?
ler's parents, Mrand Mrs Lloyd
stlffier Mr n.l uri RMrnA
T -v.
have recentlv moved to Salem
5 from pouth. ijakota.
t !S
Optical Service;
Salemf Oreffon
o. o
Women' Editor
advertising my age!
spring, symptoms early ... And
Mrs. Hall S. Lnsk, wife of Judge
Hostesses Plan
Parties for
This Week
Mrs. Harley O. White, Mrs Eric
Butler and Mrs. E. A. Kurtz are
entertaining wun a series oi
a . awwmmwmjV . a m 4 I a. m 4V I.
group 01 matrons.
The first affair will be held
Thnrrt if rnnnn t tho Wh
Aamoavt innAhann wn ka u-TAt
and contract will be in play for
several hours, covers will be
placed for 24 guests.
The other two parties will be
held at the White home on Friday
mi) RufnMav nlht a rfonaort
and Saturday night.
supper win oe servcu witn carus in
Ml a ... 9 . .
play during the evening. Seven ta-
bles will be in play Friday night
and six tables on Saturday.
Easter decorations will be
used on the Ubles and about the
rooms win jxe Douauets oc aano-
dila. rioletTand other anrtnc
Mrs. Fitts Will Be
Luncheon Hostess
f ormally today at her home on
East Wilson street for the plea-
sure of a croup oi inenas. A one
dock cnJL , wU1 b tvrrt
followed by tttnnoou ot C0D.
tracL Sprm, nowers will provide
tt aecorative note,
Cover, will be placed for Mrs.
H H prfneehouse, jr.. Mrs. Jo-
h F-ltnil ninton fitand-
Jrt "veVneobb Mrs HLH
Tea. a lwahhy child is aa !
' active chUd.' Comfortable I -he
atthful shoes are oi vital im
r port Mice hecanse every busy v '
; 1 day - pots sauch. stress and
straia ea active growing leet '
' PROPB-BXLT Shoes are care- ;
fairy scientifically; constructed
el soft pliant, lenff-wearing
Uathers. The patenled leatures
ira flnB,caresste9 support to "
" the loot and correct as well as
, prevent, anward turning
ankles. Here your child la
scinrirlrslly.Etted by a grad ;
nate rootelogist. i -. ? '.. '
135 N. liberty St. Ph. 9121
IFcmapdl 0
Adolynk Club Bidden
To Owens Home
Mrs. B. E. Owens has hidden
members of the Adolynk eluh to
her Fairmount hill home today
for a, one o'clock luncheon and
several ' hours of contract. Mrs.
Chester Olson will be an addition
al guest. ,
Members of the club are Mrs. A.
. I Adolphson, Mr. Edna Rowland,
Mrs, E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Law
rence Imlah, Mrs. James Teed,
Mrs. Albert Gragg, Mrs. Harris
Lletx, Mrs. George Nelson and
Mrs. Owens.
Mrs. Heater to Honor
Club Members
Mrs. Maurice Heater has in
vited members of her club to her
country home at Union Hill to
night for several hours of con
tract, A late supper will be serv
ed by the hostess.
The guests will be Mrs. H. H.
Princehouse, jr., Mrs. Delbert
Schwabbauer, Mrs. Clinton Stan
dish, Mrs. John Flcklin, Mrs.
Joseph Felton, Mrs. Verne Robb,
Miss Jessie Cooper and Mrs.
Miss Helen and Miss Grace
Gilkey, daughters of Mr. and
Mrs.. Leonard Gilkey, have re
turned to Oregon State college
to resume their studies after
spending the spring vacation in
Salem with their parents.
Mrs. Victor R. Griggs of Port
land, a former Salem resident, was
the guest .Tuesday of Mrs. Thom
as Everett May and attended the
tQ her home tMg morning
Lusk, is entertaining at luncheon
for-a group of Salem folk Thurs
day at the Barclay house at Ore
gon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frantx
of St. Helens were visitors in
the capital this weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
following a week's visit with
her mother, Mrs. L. 8. Robe, in
Rnrtnn Wash
TmAi vitwisAwa aaissw
Ulning at luncheon today for the
pleasure of members of her club
at her North Summer street home.
Mr. TJonaWI HeRunr la
aDendinr tha week In Portland
iae aueoi vi uer yarcuis, jar,
. . - . -. V - 4 lf-
and Mrs. George Lawrence.
Additional Society
on Page 10
i i-'
in mi Vtl-riiii- il,
: . . . that's why you need
automatic GAS water heating! .
J ' Gas heats Viztztfasterjetter, needs attention costs lea
I tap
Serve Casserole
TSbugh picnic time is around
several corners for most fami
lies, community dinners where
the family gathers to enjoy
spring weather together, are in
vogue. There's usually a. good
big main dish necessary. Here
are two menus for large groups:
Jellied pork ring
Danish apple cake
Buttered broccoli
Cream scones
l r.A. H.9
of veal and 2-S diced shoulder of
pork) 2 Quarts cold water. 1
Quart celery cut line (use out-
side sulks and leaves). Have
butcher crack f e knuckle of
veaL Add water and celery, salt
and pepper to knuckle and bring
to a boil in the pressure cooker.
Then add pork and cook 1 hour
at 15 pounds pressure, (if not
using pressure cooker, boil
knuckle t hours and then Add
pork and boil i hour longer).
Drain liquid rrom meat ana ooti
it down until it is ready to Jell.
Remove bones from meat and
add to Jelly. Turn into two ring
molds. When cold and solid,
turn out on lettuce op a platter
and fill with maca-oni salad,
Make 2 large loaves.
Mix package cooked maca
roni. 4 sliced green onions. 1
cup diced celery, 1-3 cup diced
pickle, 3 hard cooked eggs, 1
diced pimiento and enough may
onnaise to moisten.
Spanish meat loaf
Baked potatoes
raiillftAwAP An crotln
Corn starch pudding with choco-
late meringue
1 medium thick slice salt pork,
diced and fried out.
- 1 small onion, diced and fried
pork fat.
2 pounds ground round steak
Cup quick Cooking tapioca
1 cups milk
1 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
Mix thoroughly, put in a loaf
pan, pour over It 1 can tomato
soup, and set in a 400 degree
oven. After 15 minutes reset for
350 degrees and bake about 1
hour and 30 minutes altogether.
Makes 1 large or 2 small loaves.
Pork Roast Stuffed as
Dinner Special
A rib pork roast, stuffed for
Sunday dinner, makes a hand
some company meat.
Use a rib roast weighing 2a
to 3 pounds or a large tender
loin of pork. Make stuffing of:
. 2 cups bread crumbs
1 teaspoon salt
y teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon sage
1 medium onion, chopped
1 cup chopped celery
1 large apple, diced
1 teaspoon Worcestershire
1 . tablespoon chopped parsley
Water to moisten
Split tenderloin or the roast,
fill with stuffing. Fasten edges
ot split together with skewers
or pins. Salt and pepper out
side. Place in open pan and
roast at S7S degree, for Vi
u - - - . - ; s - ' VV 1
v... a, 1
cheaper ... is always available to buy end use Make clcan-
to give unrestricted aervice. liness easier for your fam
- An automatic eas water heater' ily, tooCallany plumber
Keeps piennrui not water on aeaier or visit our laow-
24 hours a day- never rooms today. ,.
' '. Small down paymenf cowenenl terms .'"
Sontli U!sh Street
Today -s Menu
Fan broiled calf's heart is a
new recipe to many, and will
be featured on the 'day's mens.
Grapefruit salad
Pan broiled calf's heart
Buttered mustard greens
Hashed brown potatoes
Deep dish rhubarb pie
Ton will be surprised at the
dellclousness of pan - broiled
heart. Clean thoroughly, then
slice about inch thick,
lengthwise. Soak is suited wa
ter (1 teaspoon salt to 1 Quart
of water) 1 hour, then dry
?vrU8h..w"n eoned beaten egg.
" v in, r"mD"."e"
u"er la hot skillet, he Heart on both sides
If Tedc Pn broil
V?17 abo,u ,15 minutes. Turn
completely off, cover, then
a"ow. tot cook Jn "tored heat for
" minutes. Beef heart may also
7, uuur iirsu
Food Frauds Prove
Among the interesting food
irauas iecentiy round by the
Federal Foods and Drugs ad-
ministration is synthetic horse.
raaisn wnicn Is sometimes made
from ground , turnips flavored
with synthetic mustard oil or
parsnip root. It is said to lack
"i?" uavoroi tne real
"VC m I"' th!'fraill is
the tang md flavor of the real
not practiced by reputable manu
facturers arc is not large in
comparison with some of the
more serious conditions which
the food and drug workers en
counter. It is, howeer. a :ood
!"m?le of
cheap cheating,"
and arouses as much opposition
among reputable dealers as
among consumers, the adminis
tration finds.
To handle these, complaints
the food technicians had to de-
Tlse,ar,e,fu,1 laboratory tests that
"7 '"'"6ua 'i uorseraa-
sh 'rom tne cheaper bubstitutes.
7e7 sueeded. and are making
V"8 form of substitution too
danerous to be profitable. In-
! Pect0. however, aTe still keep-
y "f y4'"1 BUU
are ready to submit doubtful
specimens for the kind of analy
sis that will detect adulterations.
Salmon Bisque Served
With Cheese Wafers
Salmon bisque is a dressy
soup to serve with cheese wafers
for elegance.
Flake one pound canned or
fresh salmon, let simmer in boil
ing water in saucepan for
hour. Drain and mash. Dissolve
a pinch of soda in a pint of milk
and heat in a double boiler. Stir
into this a pint of well-seasoned
stock, or a can of tomato soup,
and thicken with 2 tablespoons
flour rubbed into 2 tablespoons
of butter. When thick and
smooth stir in the salmon, sea
son and serve with cheese tid-
Oak Tree Shop
Mrs. B. O. Schncking
Flowering Trees
- Potted Plants
Braided Bugs
Phone 5919
v 'r. i