The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1939, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tbt . OREGON STATESMAN,; SalexvOreffon, Wednesday Morning,' ilarcrt 22; 19S3
Local News Briefs
Vacancies Increase Serjeant
Sam Gimpelson of the army re
cruiting; station has been advised
by Major H. D. BagnalL Portland,
that the vacancy list tor the Port
land district has been, augmented
by the addition, ot the medical de
partment, Lettermen General hos
pital, at the presidio of San Fran
cisco, for. which IS men ma be
enlisted from this district. Limit
ed vacancies also exist in the 7th
Infantry ' at Vancouver barracks,
the 3rd coast artillery at Fort Ste
vens and. n various bands in the
th corse area, for musicians Qual
ified with clarinet; bell-lyre, cor
net and trombone. The Salem re
cruit ins; office Is in the postotfice j
Novell to Speak- "The Invasion
. of Csecbo-Slovakia and Its Affect
on the Democracies of the. World'
will be the subject of: an address
by Dr-A. Iran Lovell, history in-
He will speak before the WPA
adult education class tonight at 8
p.m.. In room 8-C of the old high
school. This class Is sponsored by
the Salem public schools and the
state department of education and
is part of a state-wide program of
education. Anyone interested in
discussing live current issues is in
vited to attend.
For lowest rates on farm fire in
surance, see Wm. Bliven, 327-328
Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7906.
' To ' Build S310O Home Ed
Forgard procured a building per
mit yesterday to erect a one-story
'dwelling and grange at 810 North
17th street, to cost $3100. Othet
permits: were to: Otto.Albers. to
repair !a dwelling at 4S5 South
21st. $50: George Johnson, to re-
pair a private garage at tso worm
14th, $15; Frank Vinson, to re
pair a dwelling at 195 South 18tb
$50; Busick's Market, to repair a
grocery - building at 470 North
Commercial. $135; L. Carson, to
repair, a dwelling at $79 North
Cottage, $170. -
lch Boy pnt Mathls. 171 S Com
Boy Injured A split chin and j
, a broken tootn were sustaiaeo oy
i. Leslie Klampe, 1 4-year-old high
. school' boy, when he fainted and
fell in the Kuhn shoe repair shop
y e s t x d a 3 morning. Young
Klampe. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F
Klampe, route six, bad Just come
from a doctor's office, where be
- bad been receiving treatment
when the accident occurred. He
was treated by city first aid car
officers, who called a doctor.
work Wanted Several roung
men who hae been working at
Hotel De Minto for their board
during the winter are looking for
work trimming lawns and garden
ing. Salem people In need of thi
type of laborers are asked to call
Kill AiUiitu-iii luc tu yuiti-c sta
1)111 ItJ.U.t V 1 1
tion. "
Big Auction Today, 1 p.m. F. N.
Woodry'e Mart. Furniture from
four Salem homes.
I Club 4 Tonight Richard Ad-
lard will lecture on China and ex
hibit pictures at tonight's meeting
of Townaecd clnb No. 4 to be held
at the Highland school buildings
I at 7:30 p. m. The public is wet
Auction tonlte and every nite 7:30
tP;?S to
must be sold to settle estate, come I
eecly. Terms arranged at auction.
No reserve. Let your friends know.
.Ykta Heights Meet Residents
. coming under the. proposed Vista
Hlphta vitr dijitrlct will meet
tonight at S o'clock at the Waddle
garage to nominate board mem
bers for the district.
A Aid to Meet The Ladles' Aid
06 Bethany Evangelical and Re
f -formed church will meet Thursday
- at 2 p.m. with Mrs. John Over
man. East Center street. Friends
invited. , , T - -
Chorus Practices The Town-
send chorus, at Its last meeting
with Mrs. May Abbe of North
Cottage street, spent the tnll time
In practice. Twenty five members
." ' '- Golden 'C
; Wesley j. "Cap" Golden, at a
local hospital March 19. Late res
ident of 935 Madison street. Sur
vived by widow, Mrs. HatUe Gol
den; daughter, Miss Estella
Golden; sons, Arthar Golden of
Salem. Fred Golden of Vancou I
ror, wasa., ana waiter uoiaen or
aVarch Field, Calif.: sister. Mrs.
$lia Pease ot King. Ky.; grand-
,thter Janice Golden of Tan.
ouver. Wash. Senrlees will he
held from the Clough-Barriek
,-sbspel Wednesday, March 22. at
1 2s $0 p.m. Interment Belcrest Ma
puto rial park.
f Emma G. Phernetton, 80, at
-4he residence, 1583 Beuevue,
March 20. Sarived br daughters,
airs, reari uungnou 1 01 urt-
nille. Califs Miss Dora Phernet-1
tan of Salem. Mrs. A. J. Sweeney
ot- Scio: sons. C T. Fhernetton
ot Salem and E. C. Phernetton of
Portland. Funeral services Wed
nesday. March 22. at 2:30 p.
from the Clough-Barriek company.
Rev. Arno Q. Wanlger officiating.
, Interment in IOOF cemetery.
In this city March 21, Oneal
r-Olson, aged $3 years. Late resi-
t dent of 180 North 21st street
l Brother of Mrs. R. D. Hansen and
I Mrs. Nele Estrea ot Salem. Tuner
w al services, will be held from the
W. T. Rlgdou company chapel
Wednesday, March 22; nt 2:31 p.
W m. Interment City -View cemetery.
Rev. P. W. Ertksen wtll officiate.
ft V-CMOR I AL.'
v V . at MiTaat f -
- The modern tr en d ia
more and more to Indoor
, vault . burial or cremation,
"the two better ways. - -
ah y
II I 11
1 1
Coming Events
March. 25 M inonri club
meet. 7:80 pjn 246 J S. Com
mercial. .. -J, i
April 8-KastfT.
April 14-18 State coaven-
tloa American Association of
University Women.
April 20-23 On-con ' Chris
tian Kndeavor convention..
March 23 Seventieth annl.
Ternary of Woman's Foreign
MiMilonary society. First ME
church. . s
Would Limit Angling The
state game commission has offer
ed to plant 50,000 trout of legal
sixe in the south fork of Silver
creek provided a proposal to close
this stream to fishing to all per-.
sons ' other than boys and eirls
under 14 years of age is carried
out. The south fork runs through
the Silver Falls recreational area
where large numbers of boys and
girls are encamped during the
summer months. Harold H. Buck'
ley. superintendent of the area. I
bas offered to police angling
, inrlln. I
along the stream it the closure is
Movies at Rotary Motion pic
tures will be shown by Harold, B.
Say, travel director tor the state
highway commission, as part ot
a wild life week program at the
Salem Rotary club luncheon at
the Marion hotel today noon. The
program will be directed by Wal
ter B. Minier. The club will send a
delegation to Corvallis Thursday
night to attend an inter-city Ro
tary meeting set to start at 7:30
Tomorrow night at Armory
tion pictures Governor's ball.
Astoria Regatta, Pendleton
Roundup, all in color, 7:30 and
9 p.m. Admission 10c.
First Aid Class Ends The fi
nal meeting of the class for first
aid instructors, ot a series cop
ducted by Ben W. Carpenter,
northwest director of first aid,
under auspices of the Marion
county Red Cross chapter, will be
held tonight at 7:15 o'clock in
the old high school building. AU
persons Interested in first aid in-
structorshlp are urged to attend.
There were about 30 at the last
previous session.
Mank Faces Prison His par
ole revoked yesterday by Circuit
Judge L. H. MeMahan, Clair E.
Mauk was taken into custody by
sheriff's deputies early' last night
and beld for delivery to the state
penitentiary to start serving a one-
year sentence for non-support. He
failed to comply with conditions
of a parole to Deputy Sheriff B. G.
Honeycut, the court ruled.
Council Accepts Formally
The county court yesterday re
ceived formal notice in resolution
form of the Salem city council's
acceptance of the court's proposal
for oil-paving ot Turner road in
side the city limits. The city will
contribute $150 to the cost of the
work and when the surfacing is
finished . takeover the road and
maintain it as a city. street.
Water District Nominates A
meeting to nominate directors for
the proposed Vista Heights water
district will be held at Waddles
t 8 o'clock tonight. The
... ,
directors, or commissioners, will
be voted on at the April 5 special
election at which the proposal to
form the district will be put be
fore the voters affected
Auction sal Nash Furniture Co.
won't last long. Hurry! We're
quitting business. Everything
must be sold. Sale every night.
7:30, until final notice.
Governor Invited -Representa
tives of the Columbia Empire In
dustries, Inc., called at the execu
tive offices Tuesday afternoon and
invited Governor" Charles. A.
Sprague to be present at the. open
ing of their membership drive.
The governor said he would at
tend it possible.
Trnth 8tndy Tonight "Healing
for Organic Diseases"' will be the
topic for the Truth Study class,
meeting tonight at 155 South Lib-
erty street. Miss Olive Stevens is
the leader.
Klein To Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Klein, 225 Chemeketa, a
daughter, Doris Louise, born
March 11. at the Salem General
Wettv To Mr. and Mrs. Homer
I wsiiy, 1 norm uin, a uiib-
ter. Adele Joanne, bom March "
U the Deaconess hosplUL
Welty. 975 North Fifth, n dangh-
Hudson To Mr. nnd Mrs. orni
O. Hudson. Rt. I, Salem, a daugh-
ter, Shirley Louise, born March
1$ at the Bungalow Maternity
Bom 1 , - - . 1 ' .
-rT10 mr- mjxa mn- UJM
Shephard. Duncan Avenue, n son.
Jon Duane. born March 24 at the!
Salem-General hospital.
Kntper To Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil -
liam Kulper. Grand Ronde. a
daughur. Barbara Elaine, horn
March 16 at the Deaconess hoa-
Werner To Mr. and Mrs. May-
nard Werner, Lebanon, a daugh
ter, Sharon Peari, bora March 6
at the Deaconess hospital.
Rlcketts To Mr. and Mrs. John
Rlcketts. Rt 7. Salem, a son. Gor
don George, horn March 16 at the
Deaconess hospital.'
Miller To Mr. and Mrs. John
v '
Deaconess hospital.
Bnckley To Mr. ; and Mrs.
James L. Buekley, Albany, a
daughter. Patricia Ann.. bora
Mareh It at the Deaconess hos
pital. -; :-,..' v '
ItcfUag- To Mr. and Mrs. Jo
sept Belling Rt 5. Salem, n son.
Kenneth Joe. bora March If at
the Deaconess hospital.- -
Leakardt To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Lenhardt, Gervals, a
sou; Charles LeRoy, bora March
11. nt - the; Bungalow Maternity
home, j
Court & HIii Ph:7165
Auto Collision
Basis of Suit
Fout Alleges- Damage of
$9055 Sustained; two
Trial Dates Set
' . ... .:; .' . -
O. E. Font filed suit la circuit
court! yesterday agarnst C. C. Col
: well for 19055 damages for In
juries he ' alleged he received as
a result ot a, collision between
their automobiles on the ' Salem-
Silvertoa road near Lana avenue
last December 7: Font alleged he
suffered a- strained back, concus
slon and a severe fracture 1 that
shortened hi leg 'by about an
Inch. He asked for $7500 general
damages, $960 for loss of wages
ar a carpenter and $595 for hos
pital and medical expenses.
Two cases were set for trial In
department two ot circuit court
yesterday. Matters In connection
with the Mary F. Gregolre estate
will be further aired April 24,
with certain defendants yesterday
in , .,t ,VI
. "T . n
property, un Apru 2 6 tne case oi
Nlst vs. Barrlght will be , hetr4
if settlement negotiations , now in
progress are not -successful.
Circuit Court -
Beutler-Quistad - Lumber com
pany vs. United Brotherhood of
Carpenters and Joiners at al: tem
porary restraining order contin
ued; name 6f defendant Frank
Sievert corrected to read Fred Sie-
wert; affidavit ot prejudice and
motion tor change . of judge en
tered against Judge Lewelling by
aeiendant C, W. Crary; defense
demurrer filed.-:
A. T. Savage vs. L N. and
Mrs. I. N. : "Miller; Judgment at
urming stayton justice court
judgment for plaintiff. '
Marguerite Ambrose vs.- Rob
ert D. Ambrose; defendant or
dered to pay $25 a month tor care
of infant children and mainten
ance, ot plaintiff. .
Ingalls et al vs. In galls et al:
partition decree f or plaintiffs.
uuy H. Smith vs. Oscar and
Hanna Carlson: notice to olain-
tiff that defendant have deposit-
Held License Charge Frank
Edward Chastain, 29, was arrested
here yesterday and held in the
county Jail awaiting arrival-of Lin-
coin county officers, on charge
oi anving an automobile without
an operator's license: Warrant for
bis arrest was issued out of the
Toledo Justice court and bail set
at $io.
ooiaen .Funeral Capital nost
ino. s, American Legion, will con-
duct graveside services for Cant
vvesiey e. Golden at Belcrest Me
morial park this afternoon follow-
Ing services at the Clougb-Barrick
mortuary at 1:30 n. m. Cantata
Golden died suddenly Sundsy
nignt or a Heart attack.
Bids Close. Jail Fare Bids for
supplying meals to county jail
prisoners will close at 10 o'clock
today before the county court. The
court recently called for outside
proposals to feed the -prisoners.
wno at present . are ' fed by the
sheriff at 57 V, cents a day ber
Club Schedules Program The
Missouri club, which meets Friday
night of thla week at 24$ South
rommnrrui. h. u.h.iniai .
Commercial, has scheduled a pro
gram that consists of scenic films
of Oregon, presented by J. L. Lo-
der, and a talk by Leo Arany.
manager of the Salem airport.
Fine Is Remitted Governor
Charles A. Sprague Tuesday re
mitted a $50 fine imoosed March
on Arthur V. Moore, Clackamas
county, accused of unlawful sale
of fish. Remission ot the fine was
recommended by the Clackamas
county officials.
Papermakers Benefit dance. Brad
Collins' 1 band. Fraternal tern Die.
Fri., March 24. Adm. 25c Let's go.
Piling Permits Given The
countv court vestardiT rrntH
permits to haul 75-foot piling over
the Elkhom road to J. W. mn 1.
I R- Beck and Lo W. Bailey. Theyl
I will be limited to eight sticks per
irauer ioaa. The permits will ex-
Pire March 31.
Bereana to Meet The regular
monthly meeting ot the Calvary
Baptist church Berean class will I
h held Thursday at 8:30 p. m. I
at the church, followed by a social
voJonaa?tlV iwJ a
1 y-
IS SSidSr m U "lrep"
Salem Pair so Wed .Alfred u
Smith and Goidle L. Covle. both
I nf roots two RaUm. h. w
I Issued n marrUge license at Van -
eouver. Wash. .
Lots Florist. 121$ If. Lib. 159 2."
1 un. Hug Injured Mrs. George
I H lustained a fractured hip
I yesterday when she slipped, on n
. Waxed floor in the Salem hotel !
Returns to Heme Jean Dttter.l
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
I mond Dltter, returned to her home
Monday after a week's hospitalisa
tion ac ue sales Deaconess.
Xoath Bess! A meetln of
Townsend Youth club will be held
Thursday at, 8 n. m. at the Engle
i rail attendance.
J ' ta . m
- 8wegJe Pension. Meet The
general public la Invited to attend
a meeting of the Swegle Town
send club at the school building
Tnursoay at 1 p. aa.
Positive Relief for
ArUuitis, Lnnhaga
Sciatica cr R&eczutUsia
for Appetnt
Phone 4021 939 Bellevne
Silvertgri Majorettes Are Tops
v J ., - - s $
r -
These high, stepping majorettes &o
third in the Willamette valley
: the Salem Elks lodge at the E3kn
left, they are; Frances Sparks, first with 98.7 points; Beatrice Leon
ard, second; Elinor Canoy, tmra.
ed 30.7S withcounty clerk' to
redeem taz-foreelosed property
and an additional $103.78, as in
terest claimed, under protest; su
preme court recently invalidated
plaintiffs tax title but required
defendants to repay him what he
had paid the county.
Edith G. Davidson -vs. Richard
E. Davidson; plaintiff granted di
vorce, $10 a month support
money. ; . .w;
Gabriel Powder & Supply com
pany vs. J. C. Thompson- and Au
drey Ewing; decree giving plain
tiff $139.93 Judgment and $50
attorney fee and allowing lien
Charlotte Clark guardianship;
decree awarding girl's custody to
her father, Charles Clark.
rohle-Staver company vs. W. R.
Daugherty;. dismissal asked; set
tled .out of court
Rudolph H. Gjelness vs. state
land board; $341.20 judgment for
plaintiff for return of money es
cheated to state.
A. G. Anderson vs. J. E. Webbs
al; decree quieting title to lots
9 and 10, Mill addition. SUverton.
Eena company vs. Walter H.
Zosel et al; transcript filing time
extended to May 3.
Federal Farm Mortgage corpor
ation vs. Curtis Service et al; mo
tion for dismissal.
vaieaa Darley Lampman vs.
Marion E. Lampman; citation for
I hearing on alleged $125.20 delln
quency in aeienaant's psyments
under divorce decree.
James E. Bunnell vs. John P,
and Polly S. Murphy; answer of
Polly S. Murphy claiming balance
due on mortgage is hers with ex
ception of $5 owing to her hus
band, John P. Murphy.
Probate Court
John F. Miller estate: bearlnr
April 25, final account. Mary Mill
er, executrix; $577.94 received
and $412.03 paid out.
James M. Marks guardlanshio:
By Frantx, Jack Price and Wal-
er Co,grove ; named appraisers,
I Anna Maria Steffes estate;
Anna Maria Steffes estate: ap
praisal, szeix.70, by Don and D.
m. Goode and Robert Woods:
hearing set April 29 on final ac
count of Phillip Steffes, executor.
snowing 32773.57 received and
31366.34 paid out
Ethel Bray guardianship: 175 0
personal bond of Thomas Hayes,
surety, and Ida Hamilton, guar
aian, substituted for corporate
Martin E. Smith estate: eloslnr
order, George A. Smith, executor.
James Currie estate: John W.
named administrator of
$4000 real and personal property
estate and George Amort. Glen
HUdebrandt and Jack Green ap-
I pralsers.
I Stephen Ruber estate; hearing
I set April 4 on elalm of Alveda
plD80n for nursing serv
ices, board and room; original
iv ciaim in. error.
W. L. Bentley esUU: netitlon
atR.ll. Bentley against executors
dismissed by. circuit court.
Vera T. Paris esUte: Robert D"
Paris named executor of $975
estate and E. 0.Stadter. CM
Miller and Marion Taylor apprals-
EmUy and Margaret Reynolds
llrdllu: 0orW Dcau.
1 nwu, raapecuveiy, ior
matatenancV ot
& during past year and $1$ n
l montn for each during the ensu
1 Tear.
oriA H. Clark estate: hearing
I April 25. final account. Cecil T.
1 CI", administrator; $359.80 re-
celved and paid out
Elvn Montgomery estate: How
ard Montgomery, administrator.
auuoruea to sell lots 4 and
U. Whitney's addition, Salem.
Justice Cotrrt
Thomas B. Gabriel: trUl at
n. as. today, chargu of failtng to
1 fin your hearty cooperation and patron
' i- ; ; agre dttrino; our. extensive alterations and
eiuaT4injr.(l , . ' .;.-':.. 1
:iW are now" In position to, cater to. the
ladies with our new enlarged fountain and .
. - restaurant facilities. A modern, up-to-date
rest room ia now available to ladies at aH '
: " ; thnes. a : . . r. j v".' ;
We Thanh You .Again, and Sincerely Invite
: Your Continued Good WUtand Patronage ,
Sflverton took first, second and
rnS nsajorette contest staged by
temple last Thnrsday night. From
live right of way.
Gerald Bronssard; given 24
hoars to plead to assault and bat
tery charge; 310$ bail pot fur
L. P. Slebenthaler; $5 tine, no
operators license.
T. V. Ryan; - hearing on an
check charge . continued.
Municipal Court
sam Martin, vagrancy; sen
tenced to lfc days in jail.
Harry Ecklund, vagrancy; 30
days suspended.
Majorette Event
Directed by Elks
Annual Contest Proposed
Due to Success First
One Here Enjoyed
To SUverton go the honors for
first, second and third places in
the Willamette valley drum ma
jorette contest staged by the Sa-Uo
lem Elks lodge last Thursday
night at the lodge temple.
Competition was close in the
high stepping, baton twirling cod-
tests which was witnessed by a
highly enthusiastic audience of
some four to five hundred spec
tators. Frances Sparks of Silver
ton was first place winner with a
score of 98.7 out ot a possible 100.
Beautrice. Leonard and Elinor Ca
noy tied for second place with a
score of 98.5. A beautiful drum
majorette statue type trophy was
awarded, to Miss Sparks, and du
plicate second place trophies to
the two contestants tied for sec
ond place. Music was furnished by
the 48-piece Oregon state cham
pion SUverton American Legion
Junior band, directed by Hal
Campbell. Tom Hill, chairman of
the committee .acted as master
of ceremonies. Judging was done
by three former members of the
Capitol post national champion
American Legion drum corps, A.
Hamilton, H. E. Dave Shade and
Frank Jirha. Merritt' Davis acted
as auditor.
"We appreciate the splendid
cooperation given us by all the
contestants and Hal Campbell and
the American Legion Junior band,
in making thla contest the tre
mendous suecess it was," stated
Ted Paulus, exalted ruler of the
Elks. It is indicated that thla con
test may be made an annual event
Canby, Oregon City and Eugene
majorettes also competed.
Recommend Four
Postal Substitutes
Postmaster H.H. Crawford yes
terday recommended,- four men
from the eligible civil service list
to substitute carrier appointments
effective April 1. The four are
Carl S. Gretstnger, Melvln W.
Scott, Thomas B. Kensgy and Ray
E. Follls.
The recommendations com aa
result of vacancies which will oc
cur aa result ot the advancement
of' regular substitute carriers, to
posts on the three new Salem , car
rier routea authorised earlier this
Win Card Prizes
oi cards were in play at the card
party at Waldo Hills clubhouse
Friday night with arrangements
being made by Mrs. E. A. Fin
lay. Prises went to Robert
Riches, Mrs. Verl King, kiss
Lets Anne Riches. Max Scrtber
and Dudley Morton.
Nearly Rieady
Large Local Cast-Working
on Stage Production
to Open Friday
Final rehearsals are la progress
for Salem's big musical comedy,
"Coast - to Coast" sponsored' by
the VFW for benefit of the 8ea
Scouts, and to, be presented Friday
and Saturday nights of this week
at the Leslie junior high school
auditorium. The comedy Is direct
ed by Helen Blake Williams.
Miss Vivian Benner takes the
role ot Jean Bosworth, music store
aurnnv Vf T) Of mcrvt as Kaa risk sflf-
f kult role, of , the - miserly Titus '
Penny back; and Neil Fleming is
Don Palmer, who thwarts the Pen
ny back scheme.
Many in Cast .
The cast also includes Mary
Hughes, the- girl with a quick an
swer, for everyone; Harold Jep-
son, who hat n good idea tor ev
ery . situation: Irria Miller and
Ernest Boak. swashbackling radio
broadcasting promoters; Ague
Drummond. the most beautiful
girl in the world; Bill. Dyer,
nephew of Penny back; Mrs. T. E.
Mercer, the tempermental ex-opera
star; - Joe Prang, colored porter;
nnd Herman. Bargener. east in a
Major Bowes role.
In addition to the fast moving
play, the program provides -six
dancing and singing choruses and
an amateur hour tor the last act
The entire cast will include about
100 people.
Serving on committees for the
affair are Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Mndd. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wolfe.
Mrs. Cyril Mayden, Joe Stlrniman,
Lester Jones and W. C. Cavender.
Advance ticket sale. In charge ot
the Sea ScouU and VFW mem
bers, is reported good.
Wolf Creek Road
Opening Retarded
Slides Develop in Winter
Commission Is Told at
Session Here
The section of the Wolf creek
highway between Sunset camp and
Elsie probably will not be ready
open before July 1, members
of the state highway commission
In session here Tuesday announ
Henry F. Cabell, chairman of
the commission, said he had made
a personal Inspection of the high
way and found that large slides
had developed during the winter
months. Cabell added that a thick
layer ot stone would be required
to surface the poor soil In tne
Members of the commission ex
pressed disappointment in the ap
pearance of the roadside. They
said much of the beauty was de
stroyed by a tire which killed
many giant trees In the primeval
forest which the road traverses,
The commission voted to name
the Wilson river span "Reeher
bridge." in honor of the pioneer
Reeher family.
Virtually all business transact
ed by the commission Tuesday
was of routine nature and no road
or bridge contracts were awarded
Sie wert Geared
In Justice Court
A Justice court Jury found Rob-
art Erwin Siewert Innocent of
charge of drunken driving in
verdict returned here yesterday
afternoon. The youth, arrested on
the charge last January, was -the
fourth motorist appearing on the
charge this week. One other was
fonnd guilty, one pleaded guilty
and the fourth obtained a delay in
trial date until next week.
deer buys the produce
Good crops at rood prices . , . isn't that the
kind of farm reLet that farmers reaDy want?
. Shies 1S3&; the brewms; Industry has bought IS
bSSkm pounds of American farm products . . .
Add to that the wrrfr ioba that Beer has
asnde ... and the fact that Beer pays a mil
lion doQari a day In tazas:loeaL state,' national.
To aafeguard these advantagas, the brew-
BEER... a
Speaks Tonight .
Warren D. Mmllim, labor secretary
of the National CoaacU for tne
Prevention of War, who will
apeak tonight at 8 o'clock nt the
"Labor tannic on MArmaments
and the Standards of Living,
The public is invited.
Unclaimed Goods
At Patrol Office
Loot of Dozen Youths Is
Awaiting Its Owners;
Articles Various
The state police headquarters
patrol office east ot the state high
way, shops resembled a second
hand store yesterday as officers
continued to hold ready for pub-
lie inspection a large variety of
articles stolen from automobiles
in Salem and vicinity by n gang ot
IX boys. The officers know the
goods are stolen articles and in
moat Instances approximately
where the cars from which they
were taken were parked. Sergeant
Farley -Mogaa said. Their problem
ia to locate the owners.
An incomplete list of the stolen
goods being held for identification
Included three cameras, six over
coats, a pair ot binoculars, three
boys' raincoats, several lap robes.
12 good nasallgnts, aa assortment
of bicycle lights and generators
and a new first aid kit Sergeant
Mogan advised motorists who lost
articles from their automobiles in
recent months to call and see It
any of the goods at the patrol of
fice belong to them
Motion Pictures
Will Be Repeated
Because ot the number of re
quests tor the return ot motion
pictures, including the governor's
inaugural ball, shown at the ar
mory here March 9 and 10, the
films will "be shown again at the
armory Thursday night' of thla!
week at 7: SO and 9 o'clock.
The films also include "Build
ing ot a Modern Home in Salem,"
the Astoria regatta, Pendleton
roundup, Salem chamber of com
merce, all ot which are in color,
and also the US navy picture,
"Wings ot Gold," and "Let's Go
At tho
...Quick. use this
socialized aid fcr
nosc nnd upper
throat. ..where most
colds start. Helps
presort many colds.
Facts TTiat Concern Kaj
to I
-t J S7Pf rH v
ti. f jJv I ACajLASSACAYiNTAxtjl
- If i - ' - . . ' , - -
beverage of moderation
nvio -in Tina
For CCG Rosters
Ex-Service Men to File for
Jobs April 1 to 20 of
This Year
Marion county chapter, Amer
ican Red Cross, has been advised
that vacancies in the veterans con
tingent ot the civilian ' conserva
tion corps wiU be tilled during the
next replacement period , April 1
to-April 20, 1939. Any honorably
discharged veteran,' who Is physic
ally able to carry on in ordinary
manual labor, is eligible for en-.
roument; veterans, tor re-enrollment
in the CCC most hare been
discharged from . the former en
rollment for a period ot six
Service . Is Reqaired
Veterans eligible are those who
saw service in the armed forces of
the United States in the following
wars and for the perioda indi
cated: World war. April t. 1917-July .
2, 1921; Spanish American - war,
April 21, 1898-July S, 190Z; Phil
ippine Insurrection. Aug. IS, 189 1-
July , 1902; Moro expedition.
Aug. IS, 1898-July 15, 1903; Box
er rebellion, June 20, 1900-May :
12. 1901.
Instructions are that veterans
write to the veterans administra
tion, Portland, tor application
blanks and that they file applica
tions at the earliest possible date.
IttgKt.of-Way for
Widening Needed
A stalemate in plans for the .
widening and resurfacing of the
Salem-Silverton highway during
the coming summer threatens un
less two pieces of needed right-of-way
can be secured reasonably, tt
developed here yesterday at a con
ference attended by Dr. P. A. Loar
and John H. Porter of Sllverton,
Oscar Cutler, state highway de
partment market road engineer,
and the county court All right-of-way
needed except the two small
pieces on which the owners have
placed a price have been pledged
for the Improvement
If the right-of-way problem can
be solved and approval of the pro
ject Is given by the federal bu
reau of public roads as anticipat
ed, approximately ISO, 000 la fed
eral aid secondary road funds and .
. . AAA a wrv. . . . ...
!, in nrA luuua , wui vm
available for the widening and
surfacing job. The county would
in addition expend $10,000 la
mohey and equipment use.
made by DEER
HJLi r
1 ifuGBSfSjl I
I rasmrupauMamnon
I r&sszr com uss jo m$i 1
r i Jl !v vA
m m m .a
I in? industry stands ready to cooperate fully
i with all law anforeemsat authorities. The
; brewers can enforce no laws ... but they do
f insist that retail beer outlets should give no
ITewU yew t3t m aweJUet t uescribes the
tueweis program of direct action T Address:
United Brewers Industrial Foundation, 19 East
40th St, New York, N. Y. , .. -