Tht CnGOIi STATESMAN, Balt OregoV Wednesday Montin;, March 22 1933 PAGE FOUXl -No Favor Strays Vs; No Fear SkaU Am"- -: rrom rim Statesman, March XI. IHl f Sheldon F. Sackett -iV. Editor and Manager. ; : THE STATESMAN PUBIJSHING COn rti Charles A. Sprains. Pre. ; Sheldoa F. Sackett, Secy. Stanbrf of th AMOctatcd Prew i , . The AMMtatPd Press Is exclusively entlUod to the use fer fWlem- mm of all sews dispatches credited t U or not otherwise credited t tats peso. ,.i..,S. Fcp Co. Goes to The Portland Electric Power company -whose officers. income bondholders and preferred stockholders have exper ienced a continuous headache since the 4 unlainented Central Public Service corporation relinauished control, has decided to go to the SEC hospital for an observation period before de ciding: upon the financial operation needed to rehabilitate the company's system. The immediate cause for the hospitalization of the con cern is the inability of the Pep Co., holding concern for the power and traction interests, to pay interest on its $15.900,. 000 of income bonds. Thirty per cent of the principal of the bonds will soon be due in interest and by the terms of the in denture under which they were issued, 25 per cent of the bondholders could petition the trustee to foreclose on the coK lateral,-wipe out the stockholders, and seize the comnany subject to the underlying bond debt The manafiremeiit of the company believes there Is an equity of value remammjr for the preferred stockholders whose securities have a par value of $18,000,000 with $7,000,000 of preferred dividends also accrued against the stock. Much of the trouble with Pen Co. is its own fault, a car ryover from reckless tinancinj? imposed upon the Portland concern by the eastern promoters who crrabbed and jeckles ty overcapitalized it in the boom days of utility holding: com pany finance. Some of the trouble lies in the fear amc-ntr un derlying; bondholders that Bonneville's development would prohibit the Portland General Electrical Co.. main subaid - iary, from ever returning to comparative prosperity. Some of the difficulty of t,he company lies in increasing taxes whirn fell alike on all utilities and made the net nrof its of a decade ago Impossible, The traction bnsiness. which used to mak money, Has also been in the doldrums for eleht years, estoo pinjr the concern from earning one cent of net profit on the $15,671,183 book nlsce on this asset. This multitude of difficulties has tied the management of Pep Co. in financial knots. The constant new investment needed to keep the jrfant Ib order and to provide reasonable expansion could not be obtained in the open market trip un derlying bonds sold so low no new bond buyers were avsilahle. So depreciation reserves and such net profits as ordinarily would have filtered to the holding concern were drafted into servicing the underlyine debt pavinrloff at. a slow rate the $7,000,000 open bank debt the Central Public Service sad died on the company and providing a minimum of plant adi tions and betterments. Pep Co. primarily dependent on Port land General Electric Co. dividends, starved. Other utilities, without the staggering, ton-heavy debt and unwieldy capital structure were abley to refinance their nderlyimr bond on a favorable market whereas the Portland property is still paying four and one-Half to five per cent an nual interest on its underlvinsr securitites. The reorganization plan, soon to be submitted to SEC for consideration, should clear away some of Pen Cos prob lems and give an opportunity for moderate recuperation. Of a certainty the comnAny is tmdulv burdened with the income bonds which should he renlaceri bv stocks, without maturity date and preferably with dividends not cumulative but de pendent on earnintrs. The book values of the comnanv reveal a deficit of $9,000,000 without consideration of the accumu lated dividends arainst the preferred stock and usins the ; company's own valuation on its that the recovery of the preferred stockholders can be more than a small fraction of the cost price. The recent TV A settlement should be helpful, however. in the reorganization. There the government showed its will ingness to nav a. reasonable value for ntilitv companies and if Orecron citizens, under the PUD restrictions of the last leg islature, or if the Bonneville authority, should determine to acquire Pep Co., the underlying security holders need not fear ascaledown. J. The SEC and the reoreanizers should aeree on the gen eral principle that the time is ripe for reorganization." that --further delay is expensive to the companyand they should recognize the practical difficulty. Pen Co. has lEusecunne cap . ital for additions. Entire reorganization of the eauity debt and stock, siraplication of the ture of the company, are all corporation act The market on the eauity, shares indicates that most Oregon investors have realized ere this that they are in for a bad loss. The only Question now is how much it shall be and how each share sorb it; Fighting Begins at Home ' No thoughtful observer of the conclusion that Europe's and that war; is highly possible if not immediately probably between the fascistic and democratic nations of Europe. Nor can it be doubted that any further strain on the continent is seriously disturbing to American emotions. While American sentiment is predominantly against any direct connection by the United States with the anti emotional reaction of the nation opposed to the ruthless theft of Czechoslovakia. .T But the United States will not serve itself or other democ racies well if it allows the back its own drive to fundamental economic recovery. For a decade how the United States-has of fear. Throughout the early' the breakup of the reparations agreements the default on foreign debts owed, this nation trian credit, broke with devastating effect on the western continent There followed the New Deal; and its wave of rea or fancied erisis.-The breathing spells, the eras of good feel- ing, the end of reform and the substitution of recovery, have been too ephemeral and unsustained. v . - J If the United States now allows itself to enter a period of perpetual fear over what is real opportunity it has for As an infant nation, the United od of the Napoleonic wars, kept (even at the cost of a hurtful emerged more prosperous than ir an undeveloped country j stronger from the earthquake which then upturned Europe the modern American can do likewise. vtv - The best safeguard to democracy will be its; continued and improved operation in the United States. A frontal attack on unemployment, the restoration of a healthy private cap italism with . the necessary social controls which the last dec ade has necessitated, a sustained and widespread prosperity for the 130,000,000 citizens of the greatest contributions the proving to the world the value of representative government ' The fear of war has already had the effect in England oJ welding' a stronger government and a greater unity among divergent political parties. The United States may. hope for similar resultants, not with the view of mobilizing its man power and ts wealth for belligerent attack on any other na tion but for mobilizing its inherent ability to defeat the de pression complex of the last decade. . ..; . : - . Practical. American citizens should not spend too much time mulling over the bad headlines and retreating to mental , poison gas chambers to bide their time until catastrophe breaks. The war on which all United States citizens need now unite is the battle to bring good times to this country, and to see that democracy works in ment - w itatfestaau 4 the SEC Hospital assets. These do not indicate financial and corporate struc in line with the utilitv holding of security holders shall ab the world scene can gainsay affairs are seriously involved - Hitler group in Europe, the is anti-fascistic and strongly continental disturbance to hold lived in fear or the shadow days of the sreat depression and the final collapse of Aus going to happen in Europe, the prolonged recovery will be lost States went through the perl out of the continental conflict embargo under Jefferson) and victor or vanquished abroad could emerge unscathed and the United Statesthese are 1 United JBtates can make to every activity of or govern , , , Cito for By B. J. HENDRICKS The historic Neamlth 1-22-1$ boost at No.? 173 Nona " ' -CotUge is - betas fives'' -some modern improYemeats: Noticing-., work commencing in the front part of the Nesmlth house, 671 North. Cottage street, Salem, It was feared another historic landmark was coins. Inquiry showed that Instead some worth, while improvements are being made; some face lift ins,: streamlining. . - i...:.-..--.,-Vvf;,?;-- : Abstractors' records show that on NoTember 25, 1153, James W. Nesmlth bought from W. H. and Chloe A. Willson, original town site proprietors, the then recently platted lots 1 to S of block That Is the half block at the northwest corner of Union -and Cottage streets. Nesmlth, ? who that year had been appointed United States marshal for Ore-! gon, erected tne nonse tnat sunds back of the corner lot next to the corner) ot that half block. The historic Nesmlth family ired in that house for a time. bnt apparently not for a great hlle, the reason probably being that Mr. Nesmlth found his farming; interests needing his closer attention: for he at one time owned 190f acres ot tine land near the present town ot RlckresJL about eight miles west of Salem. He deeded that property, June 1855, to Sarah Bell, and she held it till October 8, 1891. when she sold it to the Wm. Haters, who owned it aad property next to it until recently. One finds m the 1874 Salem Directory this line: "Bell, J. C. merchant, res n cor Cottage and Union." Also in the 1871 Salem Directory : "BeU, J. C res n w cor Cottage and Union." This may . mean, that 4 he Nesmlth house was erected on the corner and remained there till the Ha- gers acquired it, when they erected the residence that stands on the corner noW. m crime the Nesmlth house some vards north. But' this, -Titer teUeres the Neamith house stands where it stood when it was erected by United States Marshal Ntsmith. Further Information on that point, if any, -will be welcome. S S The present owner of . the his toric Nesmlth house is Mrs. 1- en L. Carson, a compAratlrely new comer in Salem, arrtrmx about four years ago 'rom Wood land, Wash. But she should be rery wel come among old timers here, since she Is renoTatlna and re pairing the historic house. In stead of razing it A lara-e book Would be re quired to hold the whole history ot James W. Nesmlth. and it could, be made 4n Interesting one. : Only :,rief sketches can have room In this series. The forbears of James W. Nesmlth . came, previouxi to the ReTolution, to America from Londonderry, Ireland. He was born in Missouri. We find him nrst relating himself to the his tory of Oregon when he was made orderly sergeant, with the duties of adjutant, of the tarn AM A . whs Appiegaie ' covered wazon train of 1843; the first lmmlgra- ucn tnat brought wagons all the way through; the one that defi nitely made the Oregon Country American instead ot British. bringing about 1000 people. men, women aud children: set- tiers. Some say 900. .One says AAA - eTJeT. Nesmlth was then 22. He en rcued the mesu of the covered wagon train "a Die to carry arms," over If years: 298 of them. In his .'amoua address of 1875. at the annual meetlns--af ue vregon noneer association, held at the . state fair grounds. ne saia: 'Alas! alas! of my 295 com raaes who marched across thm ooraer of the Fithneh. mih with rifles on their shoulders. on tne morning of the 20th of May, 1843, but 11 are here to- oay to respond to the rollcalL "Time has sadly decimated our ranks, and the thin line that to- aay presents itself as the rem nam or the old auard of US' is in. ' melancholy contrast with that gallant battalion of brays hearts and strong arms which so full of life and hope marched over tne border i 2 years ago. -Many of them have fallen in neiense of our-infant settlement against the ruthless savages that surrounded is, and now fill hon ored out undecorated graves. f m i .- i ... ovmm . i naye , witn - my own nanas. consigned to. their last resting places; others Ik. ve found nomes in tne surrounding states ana territories, while a few are scattered about over Oregon. In ew years, tne last of us will nave taken our departure for "w' iiu as , x nope. and our piaces will be occupied by stran gers. rosterity wiU not, how ever, lorget the sacrifices, the trials and nrlraltons w hi dured In our efforts to make the Wilderness bud and blossom aj tne rose.Vi:;"pi rr "- . mj amy uia not require me to make a list of the women and muureu, iM i nave always re gretted mat it was omitted. . en are generally governed In tneir actions by Mine rational motive, i I have often been asked Dy renned. cultivated people in Washington ,. (vkfrt, he v had erved as u. s. senator and rep reseniauve , la congress) the reason tor my coming to Oregon at tnat early day. and I hare found ft a difficult question to answer. I was a poor, homeless youth. destitute alike of friends, money ana eaacauon. Actuated v rrecaicu spiru ot saveniure, one , I m a place to me was ; the same another. No tie of near kindred or possessions ocuud me to any spot ox tne - earth's surf see. Thinking my condition might be made better, and knowing it could not be vorse, I took the leap in the dark, i "But in the Immlrratlon that accompanied mv . ttera were . ' . ' - ' - - . 3 - '---HAia-rrr-"- " WE9JTESDAT 1STS 3U. T:SO Kawa. t:4S Thus O'Dsy. 1:00 Marslng lfaaitstieas. S:15 Havaa af Beat. St4S-Kewa t :00 Pastor's CsU. 3:14 Hiu sad gscorts. 3:45 rriaadly Circle. 10:15 Nsws. 10:0 Prt. R. rraakUa Tktmsttl. 10:45 Taioa ef Ezpariascs. 11:00 Vecsl VarisUst. 11:15 True Story Drssud. ll:JO WiUaaietta U CaapaL 11:45 Valaa Parade. 13:15 News, 13:30 Hillbilly fkrenada. 13:35 Hugo Monaco's Orckattrs. 11:45 Book 1:00 I-.ereiting Facta. 1:15- x'ico Tico Trio. 1:30 Instrumental Noreltioi. 1:45 Book a Week. 3:00 Spice of Ule. 3:15 Johnioa family. 1:80 It's Bo Office. 3:00 Feminine Fancies. S:30 Metrolopitaa Strings.. 4 :00 faltoa Lewis, ir. 4:15 Let's Play Bridge. 4:30 Sa This Is Radio. 6:00 Frances Sayra. 5:80 -Johnny Lawrence Club. 6:45 Dinner Boar Melodies. 6:15 Spring Opening Skit. 6:30 Choral Moods. ' 6:45 Tonight's Headlines. 1:00 Walts Time. 7:50 Lone Banger. 3:00 News. 8:15 Frank ItalL 8:30 Guy Lombardo'a Orchestra. 8:45 Dick Jurgens' Orchestra. 9:00 Newspaper ot tbo Air. 9:15 Freddy Martin 'a Orchestra. S -SO Ballroom. 10:00 Jack McLean's Orchestra. 10:30 Conck Footer's Orchestra. 11:00 Jim Walsh's Orchestra.- , BOW-WEDNESDAY 420 Xs. 7:00 Story of the Month. 7:15 Trail Blasm. 7:45 News. S 05 Viennese Ensemble. 8:30 Stars of Today. 9:00 Elisabeth EarL 8;15 The O'NeiU. 9:30 Tena and Tim.' 9:45 Fireside Singers. 10:00 John's Other Wife. 10:15 Jast Plain Bill. 10 :30 Dangerous Bosdi. 10:45 Dr. Kate. 11:00 Betty and Bob. 11:15 Orirom's Daughter. 11:30 Valiant Lady. 11:45 Batty Crocker. 12:00 Mary Marlia. 12:15 Ma Perkins. 12:30 Pepper Young's Family. staid men jf mature years and cultivated . intellects men who left comparative!: comfortable homes and friends, with: their wives and children, gave up the advantages : . of civilization to cross a desert continent beset with hostile savages, to go they knew sot whither; and with a certainty that In the event ot a defeat by the Indians, or finding Oregon uninhabitable, there could be no possibility of re turning. The chances were more than even that if they escaped the scalping knife ot the Indian savages, it would only be to perish by starvation. . (Continued tomorrow.) IO Years Ago Twenty five market road pe titions : involving nearly 100 miles of new market road n Marion county were allowed, by the county court Thursday. Sons of Union Veterans of Civil War of Salem were in Newberg last night' to organL group there and Department Organiser Chart bs Fessenden of Salem and Glen AdVns, a past commander, were organizers. j Tully 00 delegates to the state Christian Endeavor cohven tion In Salem has . been Signed according to C A. Kells, gen eral chairman. - ? 4 ; i 1 20 Yeapo Ago March Z2, 191 J: Rep. W. C HawTe arrived in Salem last night from Wash ington, " . D. C , jteeompanled . by Mrs. Hawley. Sophomorea of Willamette uni versity won first place at the annual Freshman .ftle last night at ine armory, v ; ; . r , x Middle of April Curtis B Cross and Stensloff Bros, are ex pecting to begin construction work on their new packing pianv?onh of vthe ,rity, .., IThlGianfs Causeway 12 :4 Oaidiag Lickt. iie itacastage wits, 1:1$ Stella Dallas. ' 1:30 Vic aad Ssda. 1:45 Girl Aloaa. S:00 Hooeeboat Hannah. 3:15 Hadio Boriaw. , 3.-30 Dssce Hoar. 3 :30 Hollrwood Flashes. Si45 Charles Soars. 3 :Ow Newa. 8:151 Lots A Mystery. 3:30 Wassts's Mages iie. 4:00 Easy Acss. 4:15 Mr. Keoa. 4:30 Orchestra. 4:46 Maaieal InUrlada. S .-Ofr 8tars ef Today. 6:30 Hobby Lobby. 8:00 Horse and Boggy Days. 8 : IV Orchestra. 6:44 Variety Parade. 7:00 Kay Sysar's KoUaga. 8:00 Amos '' Andy. 8:15 Edwia O. Hill. 8:80 Oschettre. 3:00 Tswa Hall Toslghi 10:00 Newa Flashes. ' 10:15 Orchestra, , XZX WEDMESDAT 1130 Xa. 6:30 Musical nock. 7:00 Family Altar Hoar. 7 :30 Financial Barries. 7:45 Sweethearta. , 7:55 Market QaotatloBa. 8:00 Dr. Brock. 3:30 Paul Pago. S : 45 Originalities. 9:00 Alice Cornett 9:15 Show Window. 9:30 Farm and Hons. 10:15 Agriculture Today. 10:30 News. 10:45 Home Institute. 11:00 Nature Trails. 11 :1S Melody Time. 11:30 Voice ot Americas Women. 11:45 Badio Beview. 11:50 Marias Band. 12:00 Dept. Agriculture. . 12:15 Take a Bote. 12:80 Newa 12:45 Market Keports. 12:50 Quiet Hour. 1:80 Club jiatlaeo. 2 :00 Orchestra. 3:15 Financial 4 Grain. 3:20 Jlro Fis. 2:35 Your Nary. 2:45 Curbstone Qnis. 3:00 Fry Courtney. 8:15 Orchestra. 3:25 Newa. 3:30 Marlowo and Lyon. 8:45 Romance Lyrics. 4:00 Between Bookenda. 4:15 Virginia Lena. 4:80 Orchestra 5:00 Musical Story. 6:80 Springtime Melody. 6:00 Idea Mart. 8:30 Sport Column. 6:45 Freshest Thing la Town. 7:00 Your Health. 7:80 Interest in Democracy. 8:00 Newa. 8:15 Knew Your Grocer. 8:80 Answer Game. i 9:00 Melody Memoirs. 9:30 Wrestling Matches. 10:30 Orchestra. 11:00 Newa. ' 11:15 Police Reports. 11:18 Paul Csrtos. e e o KOAC WEDVBSDAT 660 Kc 9:00 Today's Progressa. - 9 :03 Homomakara'. Hoar. 9:08 Neighbor Reyaolds, 10:00 Weather Forecast. 10.15 Story Hoar for AdaJte. 10 :55 Today'a News. 11:15 Mrs. Grace P. Morris. 11:30 Tear 8ports IQ. 13:00 News. 12:18 Safety Talk. 13:30 Market, Crop BeporU. 1 :1S Varaity. 3:00 AAUW Study Club. 2:45 Guard Your Health. 3:43 Facta aad Affaires. 3:15 DAB. 3:45 The Monitor Views tha News. 4:00 Symphonic Half Boar. 4:80 Stories for Boys aad Girls. 6:80 Oa tha Campaaee. 6:45 Vespers. 6:15 News. , 6:10 Agriculture Viewed ay Editors. 8:46 Market. Crop Beporta. 7:00 Agr. Engineers. 7:16 Wild.!fe Club. 7:80 Catholic Centennial. 7 : 45 Consumers' Fanes. 8:16 Mosie ef doraeslerskls. ' 9:00 OSC Bound Table. 9:30 Dept. of Manic. 9:45 Artificial Illumination. - IsYoprWife Afraid to Stay Alone? ANSI ST a aaaa anaware fTs - - im KJUSSET .. 7:88 ta 88 . 86. j V KSU1V1VIBS mo Kc J; 3COXM wEnSSSBAT-948 8;80 Mark at Beporta. : Xlock. S :0 Sows. :8 This aad That. 9:15 Nancy Jaaaaa. 9:30 Halea Trent. 9:45 Oar Gal Sudsy. lOrOv Te Goldborcs. SOrU Lit Can B Bewattfal. 10 US Warn ia taa Newa. 11:90 Bis Bister. 11:15 Rssl Lfe Stories. 11:30 Son ool of the Air. 13 .00 Newa 13:15 Singia' Sam. 13:45 FVetchar Wiley. 1:00 Pretty Kitty Kelly. 1:15 Myrt sad Marge. 1:38 Hilltop Hooaa. 1 :45 atepmether. S O Seattergood Balnea. 3:15 Dr. 8osaa. 3:30 Bella Again. S:4S Etoa Boya. 8:00 March of Games. I:e Nawrpeper of the Air. 4:45 Erwln Too. 6:00 FtTa o'Clock Flaah. 6:15 Howie Wing. 5:10 Leon T. Draws. Ss55 Nowa. S :00 Star Theatre. 7:00 Mea aad a GirL 7:30 Ask-It-Basket. S :00 Orchestra. 8:15 Lum sad Abnar. 8:80 Orchestra. 9:00 Gang Busters. 9:30 Sophia Tucker. 10 .-00 Fire Star Final 10:16 Xightcap Yarae. 10 :S0 Oreaeatra. Klamath Falls Skiiers Seriously Hurt in Park MKDFORD, March Sl-tfVC. H. Barell and Charles DuFour, both of Klamath Falls, were se riously Injured in Crater Lake park skiing accidents yesterday. Barell suffered a broken leg and DuFour's ankle was hurt Both were skiing down narrow trails when they fell. PORKERSON FIXED WEST SALEM L. Paulson Porkerson was brougLt befora Justice of the Peace Elmer Cook and fined IS for operating a two-wheel trailer of over 780- pound capacity without a license. No. 20-5 8yaopsis of Annual Statement of the Gram Dealers National Mutual Fire la auraneo Compear of Indianapolis, is tha State of Indiana, oa the thirty-first day of December. 1938. made ta tha Insur ance Commissioner of tha State of Oregon. pwreaaat to law: CAPITAL Amount sf ledger assets Doe. II, 1917, S3,5SS,O0S.S4. INCOME - Bet premiums received daring the year, 32.188.32W1. Interest, dividends and rants recejved annas tha roar, sue 080.47, laeeane- froen other sources recaiTsd during the yaar. 8806.94. Total income, 82,228.214.93. OlSBUBSEMENTS Ktt loaaoa paid dariag the year lac lad lag adiaatmeat ospoaaea. 8919.896.eaV. Commiaaioas and salaries paid dariag tao year,, Taxes, Ucewaea aad feoa paid daring tas yaar. sia.ass 44. - Diridenda paid during the year, 3468,- 632.65 Amount t all other expenditures. aaaa, i3.4. - Total expenditures, 12.897,801.64. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market VSIOOl. 9414,088.78. . ,. Laaaa oa mortgage and collateral, etc f 1IS.MU.UV. Valaa of bonda ewaed (market), 82, 385.948.74. false of stocks ewaed (market value). BVOv93V.OU. Cash ia banks sad oa hand, 3288. 633 41. Premiums ia coarse of collection writ ten aiaca September SO. 1938. 8246. 123.49. Interest aad ranta dsa sad accrued. . . Other assets (sot), 3733 00. .Total admitted aaaata, 33.602,986.63, LIABILITIES . Greaa claima for hsaaea aapald, $7T, 8321. - . ... . ' Amoast ef s seamed premloms ea all satstaneieg risks, 81,487.243.95. Daa foiv commlaaioa aad brokerage. AU other lUbilltias. $439,373 99 ' Tatal liahilitiea, except capital, S3.. ; Gaaraaty faad. 9200.000.00. " - Surplaa ere aU Bakilitios, fLSM. 900.00. : . . - Barphie as ragnrds aeUcynoldsrs, ft. Total, SS.SOS.See.SS.3 ...BC8IXE88 IS OBEGOS?''-' ; ' - FOB , THE TEAM . : Ket presaiama roeaiTed danag tha yaar. S13.V14.19. . . ,. W.f? H1 aarfag . ths yeor, 3V f Be lieaas incarrad darhg , the rear. 33.919.67, Kama of Company, drain Dealers -Ks tiosml Malaal Firs Issnrsare Caapaay. . KaaM f Praaiaoat, J. i. ntaaaraid. Kaana ad- Banetarr. Gaaw MeCsatar. Statatorr natdoat atlas r fae aatelaa. iJUaaraCausUlosar, Salass.. Oregoa. , PORTLAND. March 21 - OP) - IV J. Griffith, state WPA admin istrator, said todar ne naa oeen aotlfled that If eoagress ftUed . ... M JUI - 1 1 to - appropriate an , , sauuoou tlEO.000.000 for WPA work, the Oregon employment quota would be cut to lB.SOa persons, effecUve April S. ; No. 47-4- 8rPi ( StstMesst ef the trmm Hmtmal rir laawsae inwia Uom lit, ( Walagta CvutJ. Ullto sere, la --the aute ef Orga, as th OOrty-tirrt 4y ef Secssiber, ISSs, atsds te tea ' lutnu - Ossuaimaieasr sf tht atate ef Onsn, eat at f law: ... : CaPlTAI, Astemat et aspiwl sUek pI4 - up, WC01II If at raUasM MMivas Sorisg tas ysar, .9Ss,es.o. . . - M JaMrwt. Aividaaas aaa nsta rseiTa4 daris a yssr, f3.M7.S5. , Iiiimi ilea etaar soareM racalrad Tsui iaeaae, S3eS8S.XS. - DlSUUKSgMKSTS Ktt Ism paia aartag tka year laelod teg aojtatBt pui, $17,7tS.S9. Ceausiasieas sa4 salarias paid Sarins taa yaar, SS.rr5.60. Taiw, ticaaMa aad faas psid ariaf tha yaar. SSSS.14. XMri4a4a paid ea capital stack dorlsg tsa rv aaaa. Aaiaaat at an ataar axpaaditarai, Tatal ajyaaaitraa. fSS.SSO.4S. AUMITTKO ASSETS Vslaa ef real eswte ewaed (karkst valaa). ft.30S.1S. Lmu aa starts" S aad ceilataral, atc varne et Mass ewaes ioookj, S.40. Valaa ef stacks ewaaA (sMrkat valaa). Caak la baaks aa4 ae kaaa. fl3.3S.lS. ftrsnasM im caersa ef eolUctioa writ tea aiaea Saptestaar 90, 1888, son. ' lataraat sad ruts dae aad sccrsed, fl.eto.13. Otbar-saMts (sst), saaa. Tatal adanttad aaaata, S80.l24.64. UAB1UT1ES Oraai etsims for loaacg as paid, sons. AsMvat ef an tars 6a pramhusi ea all eatataaaiaf risks, aaaa. Daa for esouaisaioa aad broksrsfs, A11 atkar lisbUiUat, $204.2. Total liabilitiaa. axeapt capital, $204.23. Capital paid ap. bob. Savphia avar all Uabilitiaa, $60,120.15. Ssrplns as regards policyholder, $60,130.15. Total, $60,334.64. BUSINESS IX OREGON FOB THE TEAR Nat prt miuats racaivad daring tha year, fS3.eS4.S0. Bat laasas paid dariag tas yaar, $17,- Nat laasas iaeurrad dnriag the year. flT.m.SB. Kaaie af Oaapaay, yanaara Ifntaal Flra lasuraaea Asasciatiaa af Wsaaiagtoa Caaaty. a aaaa af rraaidaat. K. K. daarbar. Maaaa af Saeratary. Q. E. KaatgeaMry. Statatary raeideat attaraey far aerrica. No. Sraaanis of Annual Statameat of the Has Ore wen' Fire Belief Auocistioa ef BettsTBie. Orexon. sf Doaaia. ta the State Of Oros-oa, oa tha thirty-first day f Her ember. 1938. made to the laaBraaee CaaamUUeaer ef the Bute ot vrsgoa. fursaaat te law: vsrriAb Amount of capital atock paid ap, a a. INCOME Ket premiums roceirtd daring Us year. S11.074.1S. latere., eurtsoaaa aa renta raeaiToa donas Ue year., lacoato frees otsver aoarcas racslrod daring Us year. 33,075.12. Total tacomo. gl4.724.94. DI8BUBSEMENT8 Ket lassos paid darinc tha yaar inclad- lag adjustment expenses, $19,979.05. OoBiBiisssons and salaries paid dariag Ua yaar, 83,399.75. Taxes, lieeaaee aaa (aea pais sartag tts rear, Dividends paid ea espitsl stock daring tbo year, aoae. . Amount at au ataar . axpenaitarea. S551.5S. Total expenditures, $23,958.80, ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate awnad (market value). 3967.88. Loans oa mortgagee sad collateral, etc.. aoae. Value sf bonds owned (book), $33,' 319.00. Valaa of stocks owned (market valoe). aaaa. Cash is basks ssd a hand. $16,232.04. Premiums ia course et collection writ- tea since Seotember SO. 1938. aoae. Internet and rents duo and accrued. aoae. Other aaseta (net). $786.00. Total admitted aaaata, 851.195.87. LIABILITIES Gross claima ior losses unpaid, sons. Amount of anearaad premiums oa all outstanding riaka, none. Due for eemmiasioa aad brokerage. aoae. All other liabilities accrued tor taxes. S78.5S. Total liahilitiea. except capital, $78.56. Capital paid ap, none. -Surplus over all liabilities, $51,131.81. Sarplas ss regards policyholders, $51,- 1Z1.S1. Tatal, $51,195.37. BUSINESS IX OBEGOJi FOB THE TEAB yet premiums received daring the year, B11.U44.1S. Ket loaaoa paid daring Ua year. $19,- 640.00. Ket losses incurred during the year, $19,840.00. Kama of Company, Hop Growers Firs Belief Associatioa ot Batteuile. Kama of President. Fred Dental. Noma of Secretary, Lyman H. Shorty. No. 23-8 8yaopais of Annual Statement of the Bankers Life Insurance Company of Ne braska of Liaoola. is the State ef Kobrss La, oa Ue thirty-first day of December, 1988, made to us lasuraaea Uommia aioaer sf Us State sf Oregoa, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital atock paid ap, $5W,V00.0(F. INCOME Tatal premium income for the year, $3,130,323.98. latoreat, divideads aad' renta received dariac the year. 8L657.S44.63. laeomo from other aoarcas received dariag tbo year, S376.932.58. Total iarosna, $5,066,001.17. DISBURSEMENTS Fata for losses, endowments, annul ties sad aurrtnder valaeSi $2,887,896.01 Divideads paid to policyholders dariag tha yaar. $93,300.04. JMvtdaada paid oa capital atock dariag taa year, soe.uou.wo. Cemmiaaioaa aad aalariea paid during i bo year. a3w, Taxes, Ucoaaea aad fees paid duriag taa year. siS7.sis.55. Amoast of all ether expasditures. Total expenditares, $4,850,303.94. AS8KTS Valaa ef real estate ewaed (market TBlael. 99.eI.l7 14. Loans oa mortgages and collateral, ate. Bo,a3,aaa.zi ' Value of bonda owned (amortised) S14,1SZ,1SS7. . Value cl stocks ewaod (market value aona. Prem'am notes sod policy loans, $8, 391.885.17. Cask U banks ssd es hand. $351. 320.83. Interest and renta due and accrued. $465,647.87. Ket sBcolloctod and deferred premiums, $437,679.88. Other nssets (act), -$8,089 21. Total admitted aaaata, 840,784,293.11. . - LIABILITIES ' - Ket reserves, $30,248,978.45. Gross claims for loaaes snpaid, $53, 361.00. All other Uabl.iUea, $5,699,778.43. Total liahilitiea, except capital, $35, 904.018.88. ; Capital paid Bp. $5O.SoO.OO. Sarplaa eves all liabilities, $4,380. 373.23. , ? j . - Surplua ss regarda policyholdara, $4, $80,373.23. . , : - Total, f , : V.. BCS1NFS8 IN OKCeOX k . ' -FOB THE XEAB -J-j. ' Gross (mini racaired dariag Hoe year. 358.696.68. - if e . . - - Prsmiama awd diridawda swsaraod dur ing; the year. 313.3T3.65. Laesea sad rial ma paid daring the year, $a.es7.M, .....rv- - Fame of Cemanay,. Baabora Life la turaaco Campsay ef Kebraska. - ., Seme ef Pmidsst, H. SL Wllaos. Haass od flee rotary. T. M. Saadara. - Statatary resMoat attoraay few aorriea. I O. Sb. AfWIII, P4I vrwts " I wr stseV Fly Casting mid Tying ' College Clots' Latest PORTLAND, March 21 - (ff) -, Reed college added a new non curricular course when Merton 1 Bromo" Sulser, Portland expert, started teaching the Intricacies of fly easting and fly-tying. ' " . Ko. 50-12 Sysopsis ef Annual Statement of the Stat farm Fire insurance Company of Bloomicgton. ia tbo State of Illinois, on the thirty-first day of December, 1U38, mads to the lasuraaea Commissioner of Uo State of Orosoa, pursuant to law: CAPITAL i Amoaat et capital stock paid op, f25O.O0O.00. INCOME Ket promiama received during the year, $259,933.86. latoreat,: di fid ends aad rents received dariag tas year. $14,121.05. income frost ether aoarcas received daring Ua year, $1,639.90. Total income. $272,694.81. DISBLBbEMENTS Set losses paid during Uo year includ lag adjustment upturn, $197,418.19. Ueanaussiana sua salaries paid aurins Ue yaar, 8103,658.54. Tsxoe, licenses and fees Paid danaa Ua year, $23,818.88. Dividends paid oa capital stock duriag tbo year, nana. Amount of au oUsr expenditures. $44,528.85. Total expeaajturea, B3SS.4zo.44. ' ADMITTED ASSETS Value sf reel estate owned (market value), aona Loans oa mortgagee aad collateral, etc , none. Value ef beads owned (amortized). $544,200.67. Value of stocks owned (book value). $8,864.00. Cash la banks and on band, $83,433.12. Premiums ia course ot collection ant tan aiaca September 80. 1988, $26,903.82. Interest and renta due and accrued, $4,564.79. Utaer asaeta (act), 8168.40. Total admitted assets, $668,14L70. LIABILITIES Ket claims for losses unDsid. 813.- 789.00. Amoast of anearaed oremiuma an all outstanding risks, $13,95.64. Due lor commission and brokerage, $18,700.25. All other liabilities $22,258.22. Total liahilitiea, except capital. $243,- 57.11. Capital paid ap. $250,000.00. Sarplaa over all liabilities, $174,484.59. Surplus as regarda policyholders, $424, 484.69. Total, $668,1 kl."9. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB THE VEAK Ket p rami urns teceived durisg the year. $3,595.65. Net ioaeea paid daring the year, $128.78. et losses iacurred during Uo year, $128.73. Kama sf Compasy, State Farm Fire Insurance Company. Name of Proaidaat. U. i. Macherle. Kama of Saeratary, T. V. Campbell. Ko. 14-11 Sr op sis ot Aaanal Statement of the Caion Insurance Hociety of Caatos. Ltd. of City ot Victoria, is the Coloay ef Heag Kong, oa Uo thirty-first day of December. 1938, made ta tha lasuraaea musiaeiaaer af tha State of Oregon, pursuant to law: vArlTAL Amoant sf capital deposit, $400,000.00. INCOME Ket premiums received durins Uo Tear. $730,929.32. lstarest. dividend and rents received during tha yaar. $97,946.65. lasooee from other aoarcea received during tha year. 875,930.05. Total income, 8904,806.02. 11SBUKKMKTS Ket bases paid daring the year Includ ing adjustment expenses. 3458,169.44. Commissions aad aalariea pais during Us year. $251,07L40. Taxes, licenses and fees psid during the year. $13,610.18. Dividends paid oa capital atock during Ua year, aoae., Amoaat ef sil ether sxpesditares. $307,948.33. Total axpenstturee. f ADMITTED ASSETS Vslnt of rssl estate owned (market vslae), sons. Loans on mortgages aad collateral, etc.. aoae. Value of bonds ewaed (amortised), $2,638,633.59. Value of stocks owned (market vslae), none. Cash la banks aad oa hand. 3168.- 667.33. Premiums is course of collection writ ten sines September SO, 1938. $72,667.01. Interest snd rests das ssd seemed, $15,813.84. Other sssets (set). $12,977.74. Total admitted sssets. 32,908,759.01. LIABILITIES Gross claima far losses anpaid, $811, 023.86. Amoaat of unearned premiums os all eutstaading risks, $411,740.69. Dae for coeamissioa and brokerage, $6,000.00. AU other liabilities. $55,098.63. Total liabilities, except capital, $783,. 862.18. Capital paid up. $400,000.00. Surplus , over all liabilities, $1,724, 896.83. Surplus aa regarda policyholders, $2, 124.896.88. Total, 82.908,759.01. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB THE TEAB Ket premiums received during the year, $14,464.17. Net losses paid daring Uo year, $7, 120.11. Net losses incurred during the year, $9 873.1L - Kama of Company, Union Insurance Society et Canton, Ltd. Kama ot United States Managers, W. J. Boberts h. Co., Inc. Statutory resident attorney for service, Honorable Hugh U. Earla. - NOTE: On the basis of December 81, 1988, Market Quotations tor sil bonds owned, this Company's assets weald be increased to $3,049,029.71. No. 18-10 Synopsis of Annual Statement ot the F.reman'a Fond Insurance Company of San Francisco, ia the Ststs of Csliforaia, on the thirty-first day of December, 1939, made to tha insurance Commissioner of tha 8tate of Oregon, paraoant to law: CAPITAL Amount of espitsl stock Paid ap, $7,500,000.00. INCOME Ket premiums received daring the year, $15,251,308.11. Interest, divideads and renta received dariag the year, 81,688,146.61. la coma from other aoarcas received dariag tha year, $221,982.77. Total income, $17456,437.69. DISBURSEMENTS Ket losses paid dariag the year Includ tag adjastmaat, $7,456,609.24. Commissions aad aalariea paid durins Ue year. $5,618,628.48. Taxes, li-eases aad foes psid daring the year. $782127.96. Dividenda paid oa capital atock during Uo year. 3i.20u.ouO 00. Amount of sil other expenditures, $1. 693.485.6$. Total expenditores, $16,746,051.26. ADMITTED ASSETS Value sf real eststs owsed (market vslue). $2,658,288.89. Loane oa motlgagea and collateral, ete $1,003,786.60. , Value of banda owned (amortised). $14,774,680.07. Value ot stocks owned (msrset value), $17,074,274.00. Cash ia banka and oa hsnd, $2,391, 892.67. Premiums is course of collection writ toe siBce September 80, 1938, $2,542, 356.95. Interest end renta due snd accrued, $178,101.37. Other assets (net). $193,401.30. Total admitted assets. $40,811,276.65. LIABILITIES Grooa claima for losses unpaid, $3. 484,265.21. Amoant ef esesrsed1 premiums es ail oatstat-diag risks. $12,691,857 8$. Daa fir eommisaioa and brokerage. $91,807 16. AU other liabilities. $1,207,658.56. Total liabilities, except capital, $17, 47S.tfSS.79. s -.' - ' Capi-al paid ap $7,699,000.00. Sarplas ever aU stabilities, $15,836. 187.68. .. '.l Surplaa aa regarda seUsyheldcrs, $23. S36.167.S6. .., ; Total. $40.81 1.276.65. BC8INE88 -IN OBEGOlf " j FOB THE TEAB - '. Bot pfwmiaats rocoivod daring the year, $881,820.01. Ket loaaes paid dariag . the year, $243,439.42. . , Ket loaaes saeaircd dariag the year. $165,075.80. v, - I - , Ksme of Cam pa ay, Flremas's Fund la larascs Co. - - : Kasae ad Praatdeat. Chaa. B. Page. ' Kama of Sac rotary, W. Stealer Pearee. Statatary iwaidoat attaraey tec service, S. vdV VaaasdJak