PAGE NINE . Wart a Loan? This Page; Tells Wlkeire id) It ; I- .tit" Ttt .OREGON STATESMAN, Salta, Oregon, Thursday Morning, March 16, 1939 Maiii Statesman Classified Ads CaU9101 CUuwtried AdTvttWat Single Insertion per H ia Three Insertion per liner .20e Six Inaortlena per Its .r.l On month per tin ......4 1 it aim am c baric He ' Copy for this pete wfM tmifl : the eenln bettor mitUW tie for ela0aMea celred sfter tfcl time wfll -be ram under the beading. "Toe Let te Claeetfy.' The Rt teem n eaaaneiieovarebasn .rial reepofurihUttr Tat siva s 'wlrti'h enpsr m advert! ttshed In t columns, and i hr thle-paper In t ffcntt writ re ertnt ehnt "Wtrt f n edtei tlaetoent ta which the tnimi?thwl Mtfc The Btateamait leeei ea-fh rtaht t relctf cjeetVmaMe advertising: U further reserve the right Ue all twrtWM edev rha proper elaaaifk-ntWM. A "RltndT Ad an ad rontatntne Statesman hot number for en-nd- dreaa t tar the protectlne) of the advertiser and miwt therefore he Mmii t letter- I la Blal.eum 1 net at liberty r dtvnlsje nfrom. tlen as to the of m adver tiser Mine "Blred" ed. livestock DEAD AND wart. Picked free Pit eolteet .UnmaMim Rend Who IJR1B ASSORTMENT ereU hrek en horiei and melee New -ahnmt errfrtns ereekly CRIWrT 1ly ate ea anyone. No rerrrlne rhenre Oe mm pel It I ve nrWe hafnre eee) eeev 1 here and eee hew imvh Inwe nr "rorVee ere Oneraefeed ee iina nliel Pree dellrery - Kim Neafc here hlvHwey tnet north ef Salem. BALE, I COWS: 1 -tt teete : X t t.7. S helfera. 1 yr. M. t hetfer retvea, I A I mo. old. Olea HUkee tti. S. Boy 27. Salem. H iL weet of Liberty at ore. Help Wanted ttl WEKKT.T. Orow moeheoome Cellar, ahed. We hey to lb. World laraeat rwiiKiir. WHKK WrtOPI. Mia rooma. ttia-Snd. Seattle. Waah. .. 1 Help Wanted Female SCHOOL GIRL to work for room and beard. t4 Union. HKPK. man A wife. SSI Lee. 1(09. Situations Wanted TOUNO MAN wanta work. P. MOe U-STENOORAPfTER WTTH limited e pertenre will work for email waeye te etart. Tek 417. i - ! WANTED. FARM work hy eTrr lerred younff man ttood ref. SIS Un ion. - ' - - I MIDDLE-AGED womea with arirl II. wishes houeework. 1714 Market For Sale MiIlanen8 BIKES A REPAIRS Rameden: t POULTRY PERTIIAEER. eaeed dry for flower and lawn. Ph rttPt Lfe"e natehery. ; REBUILT AND eneranteed ereeh era. All make from lit an Snee. Mae tea ISS. Hon Rroa.. iArirm.ruirir nnn rxn nnnnrn inrrrriV" ADDING MACHINESt typewrtter - eaeh lerlatera. ereleo. aalee, reotwa re. ;! pair. Roe Typewriter K.. (VerJ 1 RrVER SILT A fertTHaer. PK TIM KFTTCirP PERTILIZER. BO weed. We deliver. ReeeonoWe prtrea, U4 Lee.' . . - .- . ' a DAFFODILS. 1e TW. U Cherry 1 C-FT. TRATLKR honae. fttProry equipped. l N. Front. Balem. . WELL-ROTTED fertiliser "anod black top dirt DouKlne. Ph. 4 SCR. e4obaaavJ4aeaiejapapeit i-TT. MARRT.R llonld rerhonle eod fountain. Box 115. ptateeman. THOROTTGH RRET TOJTNO male black Cocker Spaniel. A teeuty. ltS Court Ph. 1914. SMALL TRATT.KR oe for eale flrat claaa condition. Prtoe reeeofaoie Call after I o'clock. 1170 Market I USED REFRTOERATOW. A "ed Hotpolnt ranee. Reaa. See J. McMmI- lan at Seare-Roemick. - s WantPtl- MisepTIanPoas WANTED COIjOREn fnrere and market eoullry. Ph. 11 FT Te'e Het WE HAVE "Taarrela of money, to buy need furniture A honaehotd aooda Get oar PrW flrat. Salem 'Aortioe House. II N. Hlirh. . WANT GOOD iteed telephone te mt on cmintrr lino. Teeter A Rnah Co, JSS N. Liberty. Phone.,!!. " MisrpIIanrHins KAMtOHTNlNQ and PATNTIKn i perk need. Free eettmate. Ph. TSS1 Fop llent Rotims ftme for ladve M H rmta T CCT , SI .EEP. RM- rloee nv Ph. 44BA HSK. AND ale, mom. Ill R 14th. BSkdBbjnheswnjM RMSm It AND SI month. 4 Oak. FURJC. RSXP. rnuu doe In. P. HSKP. ROOMS. 411 N. Front LADT TO share my home. Ph. lit Room and Board fWHTSES AND apt e II. Percy Ullman, fS Marlon. Phone ssia, - ADTKRTISINO" TTeiters IdTertltlin EepreieotstlTes rM.RiH flit til"; Saa Fraoeinro, Loe Aeeeiea. . Seattle Csstera Aflrertlalax i RcDreteatatlres 5 ! - '.Bryant Griffith A Bnmeon. Toe, ' ahsa. New Tork. Detroit - . Rnetna Atlanta- - Patarad mt tkm rViarefce" f EatoM Orree. ea Seeead Cieee Meteer. PM neeear esara waraiaeaeae ihnMm efrtee ta deate Comeeercail ' tmL - - - - . STJBoCiUPTION RAfESl : Man Sabecrtptien Rate tn Adyane wutii orecoa: Deny ana twwr Me. te cents: 1 Mo. 01 SO: Mo ! year 45.B0. Eleewbere SO eenie per . er II.C 9 for I mf n Mvaora Per e-y 1 cent. NewaxtABda I rente Re Cirmri fcA cents a month. IT 2 e year 1a edvattce ta lUrioa ftloney to Loan Consolidate All Your Bills ftClHJCB TOUR MONT1ILT PATMENTS WITH A LOAN FRdM 8A- LaOS'S .OLDEST IN DEPKN I KNT F1NANCB COMPANY WHERS TOUR SEED WILL RECEIVE PERSONAL AS BRKtrRIt THB-IjOAN IS MADS, PAXMENT PLAN IS ARRAVUEO TO FITTfkUR INCOME. NO CO MAKERS. ONLT TOO TO SICK. REPAT ANT DAT TD REDUCE COSTS. NO rem ... : General Finance Corp. Uf SO. COMJlCRCtAI ST. ? UC SVIII FIRST tJOOR SOUTH Or LADD RUSH BANS CONVENIENT ORTtDITO rLOOR tOCATTON Oar team requirement w smalT monthly payments. If tt to sot convenient to call at our office, writs. tM directions be place, mount of toco and iav PEOPLE'S FINANCE Co. s-m U-lte Salem. Room and Board BM&. -BRKFST. or il eoeela. 070 )uumxii.iinrimniiiri-1 " Ml . KU arlr. home. SSS7. a ppewiATE IKKD meelsT Nice home? See -Ma Beweo. SOS N. Liberty. ROOM. BOARD. 1347 CDort For RentApartmenti m niHtH -aota erty Oacoraled ad roomy Toa S ee dallthteil -Oak -end S Commeteiali VOAM'V "MAWTiKNIt -Conn -uxnjTji-fxnj"unnr rgn - l WJCIO-rUltM. room and eJteaee tie. maMmatle hrai.-iecirie reins. tot aear cap Hoi. Prefer .employe evia-CaU IU4 or 4S. n viN ttcKTU furnlehed eourt ,-mpt. wHk prtnte bath, laundry aad saraae. hm arryir. rani i. main rut t , -44S 8. Winter FURN.OR uafuro- -lie s. CMtaa njLrui.nnn.nn rr - e S-RM. HTD.' apt. T 14 Center. 1 RM. hitcJarnetta. btd. Ill Water. , ..... S RM. FURNipU34S Ferr. SMALL APT adulta. Ifll State. COTTAGES. DAT. week or month aMioen's Cot taxes. S. tn a ratv bwt V-I-S R- 130 "N. Liberty. Ph. HH. FURNISHED DUPLEX apartment baaaroent -furnace, iirepoir, r. ramie A refrta era3l" - S. M. BiArUJV. rnoo : HEATED. VACANT Mar. IT. H-wa- tex pH. bath, liahta. ar TURN. APT8 I0.S mo. on. adulU Maytaa. Also 1 apt with prir. oatu aar 34 i.;pn. : - : - ww - PTTRV IbrMe, wtrrMt lULaryii'iri " " ir ' Smale nuull. l, iz rwr CLOSE IN. fur. . I hdrm. apt OtlA nmrkTTMT FivH. 1 rm. partly furn apt. with private hath. Cottae Realty Cow . van. a n OlOTl T. TTTRN.. III. nouj' mi Mmt Adntta only. 100S If. Mad M MOD. fan. State. NICE 1 RM. rum. apt. SOO Union. 4 R. APARTMENT . 123 SO .010.0 t R. sleeping- room t R. apartment .ts.e .111.00 a R. bouse F. H. WEIR, ill Oreg. BllK. Ph. 0411 1 RMS. FURN. H 4CW. $20. Till. 1 RM. APT. SIS So. Coml. 1 FURN. FRONT rooms and kltch. enette. water. lUbts. pbone. Aauitp. 54! Milt SIS. rrxBE IN. SIS and 127.50. (Fur nished.) S7N. CemL v k k VT AtTtTT. 1. finest 5-rm. mod. apt in town, automatle beat A water. Box si. statesman. 1-RM. FURN. apt, - 41 Liberty. nTRW WVT riMiL cloaa to state Mda. A 'high school Jts, w, gar. In S7S N. lttn. Hu m i. e RMS. DOWNSTAIRS, tmronu. turhts. water. Maytaa, aduna, ?i 1(20 Ferry, j- r . - - FURNISHED APT. 114 Wener. TURN. APT. priy. both. SS3 a 11th. T laaBasameBaaeaAes oltmpicl J-BM. nnfurn. apt ta- eant Apr. !. JTi. 7748. S-RM. HTP. apt, 444 8. Hlh.r 'For Cent lloastss 0 RMS. mod. Ret. Sooth. Ph. S0F1L .FURN A UN FURN. Jieeev for teat - R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UERRR IS5S N. Capitol Phone- SOU . niRNIHHKIl afwl tlNPITRII hnnae H. P. GRANT. Kit Court St Ph 074 ; MOD. SRM. fam. cottas. Cdae- water- Court. Electric mfrlaorator. ca as. pium aeis. A R, HOUSE. 1 1T! Marion. MODERN i. HOUSE! - S bedrma. sleep, porch, newly reoo rated, close to state heuee. per mo. . rm. house, $10.00 per mo. RICH L RElllANK 1ST 8. Hlch Street Phone, IS SI SEVEN RM. modern dweUm. bean' tl fully landscaped yarn. - rtinsoaai Hilt - IV AJf Kk, MARTIX Phone 4410 - . MsAaksesaAtlsOAyhanhBankBAAMAAtR ? MOD. 4 RMS. barnU 121. Pb. 711. TURN. 4 ; R. HSE. car. l N LBwrty. ' BEAUTIFUL MODERN 7 room hsnss fin location. Immediate poe- 4 IS r. 11 to. - - ATTRACT. I RM. mod. Spaa, hnn- ralow: ISO. Lars aardenw 100 center. ULunAjiju'i nnrnri i r-r-tp-1"" C RM. MOD- I bedrma, clean. Meal home. reasonable , rent.- Ino 17 N. ltta. Ph. -7S1I v MOD, FURN. ho. Ph. I7ZX. For Rent J OFFICB ROOMS. IS r State street tajoole raaaa see. toi. l T-ROOai DWKU UNO, tondacoped yard. Falrramiat BIU. AU rown trr. iaki . anartmeni . w u.rtin Office ohooe 4410. " . -HOUS'-S AND APTSr FURNISHED- ' SIS TO 040. A ecniei. khj .nnn i i- n ...... HOUSE. ALSO ayuw tU DteleJ. rnn nirxT ' ACRE TRACT with I room tHW0 ChFlds r KZ1 Money to Loan CONSIDERATION ASTER At WELL phone mt For Any Purpose t to 1101 e - Low Cat ' 1 awnths t9 paT Ne Dley ftm ladlacreat tuauli tea.. Pheoo 4UI ,211. first National Bank BuUdrng Oregoa FURNITURE LOANS UP TO $300.00 Repay by Week or Month 20 MONTHS TO REPAY Also Loans on Personal Notes and Automobiles STATE FINANCE CO. f CHILDS A aflUJCW nrriran S-S10 . Phono aii S4A State Straet. BaJem. Orecoa LOW RATES AUTO LOANS CONTRACT REFINANCED MONET TO boy new er aed earn fnram money at new low re tea Immedtata action. No red tape. 1 TO I MONTHS TO PAT Rot H. Simmons 114 : South Commercfct Street ??- Ue. No. M.I St aMaaaaaaaawwwMawMMW BRNJ. ruivyi tv -J i . Hoot popular. Inon la Oreaoa. A new eHima) e nta Ma banaflta avare Ask about- HL r. O. WCUNft K. Church MaaaaaaaaaaaM FHA LOANS Bex; mt . t. Ahrm A Elli Idol. Maaonlc Bide - - - jrrvrv'sfVaaTijrukJXfMM PERSONAL Finance Co. ONE-STOP LOANS ' PHone3191 THEN CALL- FOR TOUR MONET i i ll Pare 0 In 11 moa. t.HI "Pare too to IS moa. !JH! fIT S1S0 In II moa. a1 ??ppffy" In " wev Scr Floor. New Bligh Bldg. SIS Stat St K.ln. scam uceaee Number 8-131 M-1SS Loans Wanted WANTED MMivira uam TO LOAN pay intereet . W. W R A HiCN HOR8T A Ctt 414. Uberty tt Phon 04SS ' "" ! - - -in u-tnj-Ln.1 LOANS WANTED an fan. property Refer borrawtaa lani -i M.aVI A . . .. w . WANT S12SA rt t IT" - s. . siaieamatnv Financial 4 WB HAVE never mid lees than thla rat oa serine ana inrsmmenta Inenreol ' I aeOvaj. , Federal Sarin a A Loaa Aaea JWutnal P4 Phone 4044 141 & Uberty St For Rent Farms ATTENTION PRODUCE GARDENER - OR UNION GROWER . WILL LEASE one to three years. MIL -or leas with option 'to buy. 21 acres Santiara river bottom. SO acre under cultivation. Good house; electric ugnta ana power. Right oa paved high way and river. Sandy loam' river bot tom oll. easy to irrigate. 1 mile from Jefferson. Poewe anion at once. See SCHNEIDER. IS So. High, Selem For Sale Real Estate BUILDING- LOTS GOOD LOTS ea paved street, eaeet- tent locatkoB Ptlee S0 a: own. 114 W. tt QRARKN HO RST COL REALTORS 1S4 a Ubertv St Phoo'44A 8X8 BCAUTirVL Caacad " Tor raeea large view tracts overtook hm etty. valley, mountama. C A. nseeevt- a. on nor. Fa. 4ia 4awMmiiaMiAaMaaaaAMiinawpwe WE RAVE TH ft PROSPECT IF TOU want to Ball, exchenge. rant. e Mr. Laraa with Haw kins A Roberts. mmmmmmm0k0tkmT0m0k0km0t0t0m0 S SIX ROOM new mod: boa see and ene rm. oowa by appointmant ow. . saw cermav Tee. eee. r GENERAL REAL ; estate we eaa eU your preporty If nrtced rtgbt iet a appraise k. -... t A B RAMS A ELLia INC. t Masonic BuUdinjr llSi- 4aMMMMMaHMMMMMIWIMVieMIIMW MODERN HOUSE. Pay Oka rent S2.4 nor month will nay iaciDal mterest taxes and fir . Insurance. HAWKINS A ROBERTB. loo. Ph. 41. S RM. BSE. bath, Engleweod disc: 1SS ernr bawnce 111 per asonth. ' ''?" ...'' S rm. hse. A hath. Englcwood diet. reasonable offer considered paymta. to auit. Percy Ullman.. 5 narton. i FOR 8 ALB or rent bouse and two lota. Inquire at 111 North Uberty 8t v IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, good Income property.. Dwelling for I fain UieA Buudinf llzt. can be mad Into three more or for chicken, batteries or abaet. Small bids, oa higbway foe business and room for larger: H mL N. of viaduct & A. Baldwin, owner. FOR REAL ESTATE deals service-that Is good, consult T rrvnsrnori m ttSl Edgewater Street Phone 1411 FOR SALE or trade for town prop erty. 10 acres, jcooouitom ana .ojii iniMlm fruit ud nut trees. IM mUe from Ladd At Bub hank. Boa No. tii. A EUte-man. ao40BMaMmsaay SSJZ SL StghT For Sale Heal Estate A GOOD BUT I ACRES KEIZER bottom eoO rood S room home, only flCOt. Terna. Call Mr. Bartlett Irlth CHILXIS HIUB. REALTORS XU State Street - Pbone tlL BRAND NEW t bedim, home la Kn- Slewood. Lot Izl77. 420 ! oewn. Ph. , .; r v .i SMALL HOMB BARGAIN ACRE WITH aaarlr new S room houe plumMnav -eleetrlcftr. located doee Ja aortb. price, SIM, ftte ooern. oaL tense. w, H. ORABEKRORSTfc CO, Hltll.TlIM - 111 8. Liberty Street - Phone MCI SPECIAL . t ACRE TRACT near eltr limit wiu ecu tor ijeee oa easy terma. no- erai nueotmi lor ecen. . cau Mra, Bile -erttb CHILDS MILLER, REALTORS lit. StaU Street Pboae till TAIRMOUNT HILL Beentifnl I no. med. hae motor 1 vmmrm old. Nicely laadecaped. rock smrdea A ehrtibe. All naoa yowne; bearma; Ira It arapea. Lot ltxm ft- all clear. Can be hougfct for reaa. 4a. payment. BalJ use rem. CASLETON B. LANS Phoeo 407i - i'acirtc Mistnrar Realtor RENT RAVER NEAT 4 ROOM hena. Waat bkn. rurnicure e-aea: mu nrtca nn ini down and flB.Ot per month. ajuc kjcu oubbgcs, 147 n. Com.- St 1000 WILL HANDLE A- S ROOM STRICTLY mod. home with unfinished attic floored, located atanon. onty &. a H. SANDERS 111 S. Hlxh 1111 ' ISS00 HOME LOCATED NEAR Enarlewood achooL east front late construction. C rooma, must be all cash. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 114 a Liberty Street Phone 0441 MODERN S RM. -knnt an IB. Waah' 8ti Basement furnace. S3000. Term. Phi S6S0. . . hr-)-mnrvwiiri rtn Jtn nn nj-inj-uru-i- Lruir FURN. I'SIL homo with nook, hath and oarage. A real value at SS00, also down. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 771 Edgewater Pbone 5121 mm.m mi n exi oaaMXwnawwwwMw LOOKING FOR a anan? Here it two lota high A dry. shade A fruit trees ana a snacK. xl rt. Price ot to S450; woultr be good buy at S1000 See LOUIS BECHTEL, 141 State. Room 4. ' TODAVS SPECIAL TOU ARE Offered thla 0 rm ftoma located oa Urge lot near- state bldxa. ooj Court St, BELOW VALUE. Baee- naeni. rornace. garage, on payed alley, not and fruit tree well nUnnxt lt. chen. Price ISS7S.0. isoo down DON'T WAIT. SEE IT TODAT. AJ.L. K. A. JOHNSON WITH W. H. GRABENHORST A OO 184 a Liberty Street Phone C44S. NEW. MOD. 1 rm ha. . tutwri fluM i.iiir. .- i i'i.i.r firepL, nice gar. near new h. a' 100, R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER I860 N. Caoitol 111S N. CAPFPOt. RTwinirr flV. WILL . BUT thte modern I room noma, oak floors, gas fur pace, fireplace, full cement basement double plumbing, 1 pearoome down and S up. den ote garage. Z100 down, haL easy term. SEE. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 1S4 S. Liberty Street Phone 141: UT ---- --n-ini-ij-unjijiu NEW BRnWW.ttuin a v low. Fireplace, no basement. Double aa v a IIUi AUUaIgi prage. cor. lot wtth fruit and sbrub- wory. . term fn. fisse. 125 DOWN WILL buy a. 4 room mod f 7J"Pom "replace, hardwood i -; r' heieement, furnace. My. traya, garaga. immeoiate pc : eloo and priced at I21S0.OO. x-. a BUUU REALTOR ! 420 Oregoa Building I Pbone -Sill ' r K1CED TO 8ELL e ' An&a .uhtatrtii . block of the Salem Helgbte echool. baa partly finished; new 4 R. home Jrtce 01500. $100. down. haL $18 per mo. its a real varae, room to build W.V?.hSE -THIS BAR- W. it GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 a Liberty Street Phone 44SS. '"'"--ii i -in u S1750. I BEDROOM nnwR r place A river view, ontv tiae Anmm Via per mo. A modern home in a triot only SJ250. $2S down A balance like real. ' J. E. REAT Phone 1121 420 Oregon. Bide R. HOUSE. NR. tb Kli.hnu.A echool with nice shrubbery around the wne. Lairg garaen spot. A rew fruit nd Prtl to sell quickly at $100. Reaa., down pay. BaL by month F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 0411 ......... ... . - --,-,-,-,fvv-,f iiauyiaria BRETS AVE. I bdrrn. mad. ha. . varv- ' uown, oa i. easy, w21 fUK 1 1 IH I . A !V h Phone 407S Pacific Highway Realtor GOOD I RML Vmu .Ilk l. W M. "w t once SS0 value for tit casn. COTTAGE REALTT CO. 242 North Cottage Street , M-irwVn"ii-irLnji.n -RM- HSE- L -A SIM n . hal. anc like rent. Ph. 1510. - nnn. 20 A. 4 MILES EAST of Enkm. Rea. sonable If aoid' within five r w Gesner 1st houaa-aoath of Mi'tcheire service station -on Tfenter St LOOK, aac rw-knrv WILL BUT a byiaA am ar. located east aear Silverton rood. Price '- payable Iper mo. BUILD Wll 6 MA LA. HOME HERE. w. ja. GRABENHORST A CO, t. REALTORS . IS4 S. Liberty Street Phone 4441. St. WELL. TTRIWTK'HVTI hnnnlMr. Frigid lr. fnrnae. haaament laundry trar a. elec Washer hardarnod floor. Shown byiipoomtment only, by LOU- Exchange Real Estate TRADE CfTT orooerty for farm horns Opportunities In exchanges. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. EXCHANGE WANT GOOD lot for eoultv in hoan- ttfnl room own ea loo .. near new higb school pries I4S00. Consider subortma aome. - ... - Call Mrs. ETOs with ' CHILDS A MILLERS REALTORS S44 Stat Street. -- Phon 0U1 WE HAVE I mod fartna to trade for residential Salem. For farther lnformatka,s Geov ZuTlin- aen wren -. ; .; ---..v.;- P. H. BELL. 4S0 Oregoa Building Phone Sill . - - T R. HOUSE. N. HIGH, hide hi nacg, traoe tor 4 it houses ' A. C JKNSEN or Q. A. aCADSKI SSI - Oregon Bldg. Phono 1411. T A EAST OF town, with good t Kf tally nod. houss with full bemt Lara elae. weatav asateni Lore hen house, good 1araj A amrag. Plenty ef fruit and ah robbery around the boose. On a payed road. .Will trad for city prorMHTrV " t .r - ' -. oca., wita ailarg aemse at oar. EW. A other aoavanteneae. Is N. How ell Prairie. Every foet of this land la rood black antl k to cult Clear of en. ctmtbranco. Will take In a boose here la Saleea iva time oa the haL One doeoa't need moeh moeey own ke good farm. Let me know what ye bavo to oner. . : , :- - ft : . i F. BL WXXB, til Ores. Bids. Ph. 1411 WNTD. ta. homo, priced rfeht llll For Sale Used Cars BUY NOW AT USED CAR LOT Marion & liberty 1938 FORD TUDOR.. 1937. FORD TUDOR..- 1936 FORD DeLUXE 4-DR. TOURING, radio and heater... 1933 PONT1AC 4-DR. SEDAN. 1932 STUDEBAKER 4-DR. SEDAN VALLEY MOTOR -2 TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" Herb Misson - Ben Drager Art Hanson Lot: Marion & Acreage CLOSE AN ESTATE ACRES. OLD brag. S50 cord fir, stream, nice bldg. site. elec. tel. Good soil. mL city center. Price $10000100 down, less for cash. U. SANDEKS 11 B. tUgn OlSl ltt ACRES. SMALL timber, spring. elec. S mt out Has 1 room funiiabed bouse. Can now be sold at a give-away H. tULPIU iKw lis B. HO IHI ... IV A. CLOSE IN on naved road A bus Une, 7 rm. bouse, bath, light, elec trie pump, all In fruit A nuts. S1SS0. i A. on highway 00, mt from the city, nice bungalow, some fruit IX s&e. 50 down. MONEY TO LOAN AT PERCENT MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone S72S. IMPR. ACREAGE, terms. ISO 8. High. Bnainesa Opportunities CONF. A GROC. priced to sen. Up Ina rooms. 237 8. Winter. rnR SALE Complete tavern equip ment Can be seen at Fireside un. i mile W. Silverton. i?OFFEE ahoD. lUOCh confectionery. Good location, living quarters. 1128 Edgewater. BIGGEST LITTLE restaurant In Salem. Close te both through highway. Counter and booths. Electrical refrig eration, ice cream making machine. atlme- oanacttv B. 1.1 Vina ouarvera in rear. Ideal for couple or family. Rea son for leaving have other business interests. No . reasonable cash offer refused. Phone 4S11 for particular For Sale Wood FUEL ON ea" payments. No down payment. S anon the or- longer l pay. nr mimhi .x aava. mnr asmiH, anv - khid. Full meaatfr. Cbaa. . Smith. Tat tilt. IIS N. Chorea. ; njUVWVsVTTY'"rii"' - - ,JMAaaaAi DRY Ind UROWTH wood Tor sale. 4 ft er sawed, delivered to Salem se at the farm. .Phon iini. DRT OLD nr. $S II. Phon TS07, aeaspaeeAeaaaeaMaeaeeaksakse4 nOT ntLn A nA nrtH. -fir. 14. 4t ttfsk. 1U BurcortM. ITlft N Summor. P. t $. m0f000m0m00000000000000000 QRAEN. 411 N. Slsb4 wood 117. WWWWWWMMIWWMIMWaWWMWe DRT SEC gwth. Fen wick. Ph. 4527 DRT A8H. f S SO, ok IS.75. P. 0708 aajsgJaasJsjeaafcjeasaJtsQhsa V.l DRT WOOU $.i0 Ph. SI&4 saJeeasnaeleareeaase DRT WOOD market. $19 N. Chnrch. esaajaAessssaOOakseP FOR BEST dir. phon 1MF1. eehdSaeaBjeffsaaseA0shj g. 4 rf CO. 1 in. none ary n growth. 1 In. dry old fir tl.S. Ph. CS70. -LTLn.n.n.un.n.1 ma DRT IS- OAK. IS SO. Ph. S8F2L DRT FIR. If. I4.7S cd. P. 27L saseaeeaaeeasay DRT WOOD, - all kind Vfitft. hsrarra-MMa" - - DRT.WOOa Ph. IS21. Dan uneeta. -DRT WOOD, all kinds. Tet 1700. Wood Sawing WOtW .WINa See. Il-m. 74IL naed r this rarectOTT e a enomthly : tests - eu. Ratet 1 tIit eemh- . Aiietioneer a w: lucas. it . imv.nv sat Auto Brakes ICtk tmnek. St Sonfb Commercial Batteries NEW BAT., guar.' t jr Kit A day aer. OHe Cnrd, !. $S.7S each. Bicycles mm ueai nit .niMioirneB VrSeoVt 147 sTComl. Ph. 4S1 A Bodr and Fender Repairs rrm BOOT FENDER iwoalre: ante trim- aeat eovere, aiase TeTlecement eat painting 8KB tb Herren "wens Co. Ill T St Phone Sits. COMPLKTB WRECK erVJM iath. Phone T1Sl Standard Statleav Chhnney Sweep TELEPBONa 441. R. . Korthn. fvrrr irrvw nmuni etaaaed GoV tors, oownapouu eieanea. rnon Chiropractors! . . Drt'a L. SCOTT. PSC ChtronctO. It rL Hlgh7Tet Roe. Stll Excarslls3T : EXCAVATING OF -h UnAaw Beee meats dag. Dirt hauled or moved. Dtrt cor aate. eaiem saaa aaa wravm ,v Phone 40A - - 4 Caetaianpf a 447 Coort rhene I1 V. SALENS Florists, 14SF Zewato. . , Business Directory For Sale Used Cars & SAVE THE ..$595 465 t 415 215 i.. 185 Liberty Street 10 FORD DeLUXE Sedan, good coo- radio, beater Inquire SIS N. Uberty. '14 FORD V-S. RECONDITIONED motor, new paint heater, seat covers, new brake band. Must sell this week. Add. Dakota Station. Rt 7. Boa 14S. Salem. Ph. S2SS. '31 DODGE COUPE. 'IS Ferd Tudor Touring, ttt a 11th. THE BEST 'It DeLuze Plymouth In Salem. For sale by owner. Inquire aii SS Hoyt Avenue. Personal umici.ti -woKTHWMlLar sweet- sjsart. busbaad. wUe tor yea. Boa IS lei Angslsa, LONELT? MAKE new friends, writ Box 1SS, Port Orchard. Washington. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF CLAIM AND REG ISTRATION OF TKAUK MARK Notlco lo koroby riven, pur tuant to Tttls- LXX, Cnspter 1. Oregon Codo It 10. that tha Utt- dersl-ned, Thfl W. E. Lone Co., an nilaols corporation havlns lta principal otnes at lis worth Clark. Street. CbJcaro. IUlnols, ha adopted and ed and de sires to secure within the State of Oregon the exclaaire owner- shin and nae of tn louowinj trade-mar: and has filed the same with the Secretary of Bute of the State of Orefon, conalatins of. the following word: PANTRY PACKAGE Said trade-mark, la to be .ap plied to food prod acta, namely bread and other bakery goods aold by the applicant, eald The W. E. Long Co. The name of the private cor noratlon owning the same Is The W. E. Long Co., an Illinois cor poration. The W. E. Long Co. Piatt St Black, C0-lt Piatt Building, Portland, Oregon, Attorneys for applicant. - - Date of first publication: March 2, Date of last publication March 13. lSt. M. 2-1-16-23- NOTICE OF HEARING OF OB- JTECTION8 TO FINAL ACCOUN' NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVFN that JOSIE RUCH. a the duly appointed. Qualified and acting administratrix: of the estate of HENRY RUCH deceased, .h duly rendered and presented for settlement and f 1 1 e d In the Crnnty Court of the County of Marlon. State of Oregon, a final account of her administration of aald estate: and that Friday, the seventh day of April. 1921. et the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of aid day, at the courtroom of said eourt in the Lanndries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY. THE WBIDER LAUNDRT 2SS a High Tet IIS BTassage TREATMENTS AT home. Logan, IIS9. Blattresses SAUCat FLUITF-RTKI and j 1 factory. NEW sfXTTRE&S made t order, old remade: carpet cteaalns. els- tng t rrarr ma weeving. si istn A Wil bur. TeL I44L OTTO F. XWICKER CAPITOL BEDDDtQ CO. 4S Natnropatliic Phyaklan DR. W. a. ROCKWE1X. Ke rarer tV le Phvslcia. 170 irraToonde RA TeL 4201 Offlc Heora 1! a. m. to 1:1 P. m. rRH UAH. CDNSUbTA TION. . Printing FOR STATION ERT. earda tiempblera program books er any kmd ef prtnt- ina. eau The statesmen rrmtms u nartment til - 8. Coinmerclal. Tel. pbone SI IL .'.- .' , Ung aeanlng Rt7US;CI.CA!(ED by rfamnton Beach saetbod ra year h Celt Celsme ASIA sXECntOLCX CLEANTNO a g r aad photsterd foroiror.- deeaed, chanponed ad demotbed tn the home. Pnon isii. t 3 Transfer FOR LOCAL e distant transfer, etov eg, banter oIL rail IISL fAiver Transfer C Track t PorUaad daty. A WrST. CS, C Boa 441 9. UIF. GO Army's Biggest AJmoot completed Is this new army base on the outaldrts of Sao saunento, CbX Air view show ttatliree giant tanrar the U-sha gupply Oepot and railroad aiding. The baa coyer 22 acres and wd be the largest In the country. Here faulty plane will be examined, tested and. S neceasary, rebaQL The base Is strategically loeatod in esse Marlon County Courthouao In the City of Salem, Marion County. Oregon, have been uly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and the pises tor the hear ing of objections to said final account, and the-" settlement thereof. Dated and first published the ninth day of March, 1921. . JOSIE ' RUCH, as Adminis tratrix of the Estate of HENRY RUCH, Deceased. CARSON St CARSON. Attorneys for Adaiaistratrlx. M 9-1 l-Z 1-20 A S. Typical Tom Found For Sawyer Play SILVERTON His teaehera and companions alike agree that no more "Tom Sawrertsb." boy could be selected for that char acter than Harry Bowen, youth ful son of Mr. and Mrs. Del Bow- en, who will play the lead in "Adventure of Tom Sawyer" on March 24 by the Jaaior high school, under the direction of Richard PlekeU. - Bert Burr will play tits part of Huckleberry Finn. Others ta lag part are Mazine Dick, Jack Eastman. Marjory Kaufman. Jerry Merrlman, Lois Wampole, Betty Towe, Alvin Dahlen. Jean Ann Miller, LaaUe Moon. Gva Jordon, Bill Johnson and Maur ice Bachler. - - SaUforHawaU WOODBURN Esther Erlckson ef Wood barn and May Jensen of Portland, beauty parlor operators, left Portland Tuesday night for Victoria, BC, where they took s steamer Wednesday afternoon for Honolulu, Hawaii, for s two months vacation. . Crdss Word Puzzle I 2 3 H VyXX lV 17 a lO ft . ' : : ft ' v mL l& . ; : I;. 72 16 'p IT- .. 3?- T 11 h i &i i i i yi i ; Dy KUGKNK SUEFFER 1XCSIZONTAL 1 Persia 47 igrr 4-7?niteT'8 Uemrplemeot a-c Bsins foreafrylirx tt more to i ; " '. sBel .a a whs tS-iarr clothes closet , sderns 15-toonotJde ; IS printer' " error Cd-a fl rmstilng .in swill lt-ekniful SO Incalculable . period time ' ox 4 J. Unlay fowl 2U-ymbolfoTV ncrewita 1 . aaksm ' . n . terday's puxde. 24 ocean S tl mil ahee? S8 aartblna i. t(r-MrtrtLlen' t-4IsolTe V . t - Indian 7 : ' .. vueUS' n-txtii . . .leas'?-' ' p i iu - in speed - C-circl . , ' . 4U-isdSaIts . srtide C-tirzcftht op is raajiUM. UtK 0 1 Airplane Base a or Death Aid Case lXZarie lies. Atari BurcidulteT lcaree aa her trial on chargea of aiding her husband commit sui cide begtna. BurrkhiUor was found dead of carbon ttonoxide gas laths garage ef their Hast. - two sn on aai t m TTn iTsm swa fcrxeweaai - - sm eal"s " llswSSl AlViatw CS epread leely - fordrybsg- t , VTJtTICAL ' X higTbact mountain lP--4itarai . . "'WOTat . ' 11 ctrpoU IJeilode IT Idnrdom fa I ctheagt ' Asia . IPSooth Afri- C89 eDeXtCdg) ' language v smnneta : f ' SS cola of ; AiOTQCCO t5-mark kftlrj " - wovjnf : . Z7 dultnaJe; 1 29-ooty ; Isr Crete . (sbtr.) 4 swemngs 1 iDdiion :: coyering eager . .-, the solution to yes- 13 grary r'jJa ss rnrf : . , M-Tc- . li.: -3' : '41 hrui s! 43Jierbart , ' A - particles " 1 whrp - ; i 43-wMe- " I LA Da .'pitcher r-.lernaIhors ; 2 eecleeiastie . -i title ' IV eolidiude " ti pieced out 67 dast . ; ' t leaefXicr ' '" 2 ercbolfcr aiuminom - -jit' - " i : if ; . T ' S44 f 'et Street