PAGE SIX Informal Affairs Hark Social ; Calendar V- Bridge luncheons and Informal Sartles bar been numerous this eek with hosteiwes entertaining Informally. Mr. Jack Currle waa hostess to membra of the Town ' and Country club at her subur ban, bom near 811 vert on Wednes day afternoon. Luncheon waa nerved followed by aereral honra of carda. Additional gnests war , Mrs.- George Flagg, Mra.. Arthur ? Raba, Mra. Errln Smith and Mra. William L. McOlnnla and Mra. Harry Pritslaff of SUverton. 'V Hostess For Two Affaire Mra. Jamea MeFarland enter - talned for members of ler club Wednesday afternoon with a salad luncheon at her home: Mra. Ray Webber waa an .additional guest. The St. Patrick moUf was need In the decorations and carda: were In play during the afternoon. Club member are Mra. Herbert f . Bailey, Mrs. Elmer Berg, Mra. Ralph t. Eggstaff. Mra. Stanley Krueger. Mra. Herman Hllle, Mra. John H. Ilagley and Mrs. Mcrar- land. . ...-,!. Friday Mra. McFarland will ba t hostess to . ber contract club with a dessert luncheon and several hours of carda. The guests will be Mra. John H. Bagley, Mrs., John Carkin,, Mra. Oscar- Cutler, Mra. J. M-Devers, Mra. Walter SpauldV j Ins, Mra. Kenneth Murdock, Mre. . H S. Swart, Mrs. John Craig. Mrs. Charles Cole. Mrs. E. R. Straus baugb and Mrs. L. C. McLeod. Dessert Supper . Mr. and Mra. David Wright will entertain' Informally at their home! - on Stewart street. tonight in com-: pliment to members of their club. " A dessert supper will be served to be. followed by an evening of con . tract. Club members are Mr. and Mrs. A: A. Gueffroy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yocom, Mr. and Mrs. Leon,. Glea- son, Mr; and Mra. F. O. DeLano, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kurt and Mr. and Mra. David Wright. i. - . . Six Entries Chosen In Press Contest Judging of the six best en tries in the New Tork Herald ' Tribune press contest which waa sponsored In Oregon by the Ore eon" Federation of Women's clubs' press and " publicity, de partment baa - been - completed. - - Entries were submitted from such' widely . separated clubs i of the state as Pendleton, Forest Grove, Milton and St. Helena. From the number received by Mra. A. P. Soils of f SUverton, chairman, the following cluba were represented by their presa chairmen: : Washington County Federation of Women's clubs, Mra. W. S. Roberts of Forest Grove; Bandon Junior Woman's club, Mlsa A I Ice? Jean Davk; Marihfleld Woman's Civic club, Atn Conn ell; SUverton Woman 'a club, Mrs. C. H. Whitman; Pen dleton Junior Woman's club, Mrs. H. B. Holdman; Salem ' Woman's club. Miss. TCula McCul lyi From these six entries the Herald Tribnne wilt select two winners and these two, win in turn 1m eligible for the national cask awards of 126. $16 and $10.: Judges t for the state eonteat were Mr Mahlon S. Hoblitt , of ' . the SUverton Appeal-Tribune, Miss Elinor Pilbury, dub editor of the Oregon Tournal and Mr.; Arden X. Pangborn, - mar aging ' editor of the Morning Oregon-" laa. -:.; ' - ,," " . .- . l ' f vi -f Eastern Star Group ; Meets for Cards The Eastern Star Social After noon club met for an afternoon , of cards Tuesday at the Maaonle ' temple. Seven tablea. - were In. - play and bonora : went to Mrs, . Lena . Beechler and Mrs. Nina. Adams. The table decorations . carried oat the St. Patrick's day -motif. , - c- The committee in charre ' in cluded Mrs. Marjorle Marriott, Mrs. Hetty Robinson,-Mrs. Lettie Loose,. Mrs. .Maude Tallman, Mrs. Bessie Edwards. Mrs. Helen Sav age, Mrs. Mabel Cone and Miss Ulva Derby. ' - - The Fldae Afternoon Study' club. International peace organ!- aatioa of the American . Legion auxiliary,' spent Tuesday, 'after toon at the home of Mrs. Frank Marshall. Mrs. ' J. Seellara, ' who was-a guest of. the clubr read an entertaining biography of the girlhood of Queen Maria' of . Ronmanla, and . Mrs. C. E. Guenlher read a paper on Tha Heart of Roumania Ita People.' The current areata were con ducted ' by Mrs. Lelf Bergavlk; Present were Mrs.' Clyde Kaiser, Mrs. Walter Spauldlng, Mrs. Lief Bergsvlk, Mrs. Glenn Seeley, Mra. " Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. Hrida Waters, Mrs. a E. Guenther, Mrs. John E. Cooler. Mrs. E. J. Seellara and Mrs. Frank .Mar- Shall. - :: - - -:r J'-- Ir. mmd Mrs, Bern G. Woelke entertained at. dinner Tuesday avenisg. . Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Morrison. Eugene . Morrison. V Irian - Morrison, all of Portland, .Mrs. Paulino : Ycl of Marshfleld. Justine Woalka and Wlllard Grant. Other guests bidden later In the' evening for. pinochle were Mr. and Mrs. ouls W: Brawn, Orvln Brown am Mr., and Mrs. Gus Lermaa. " ' Mr. and Mrs. Boy Klein of Denver, Colo., former Salem resi dents, are being welcomed In the capital.' They are "visiting for several weeks st the home ct their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth - Klein, to whom a daaghter, Doris Louise, was born Monday at t&o Salsa Ceneral hospital. - , - ; The Salem Cocncil of Woman's organisations will hold its regu lar meetln? in the fireplace room' of ' the Salem public library at 2 'o'clock:: today. " Mr. W. If.: II; -".ton will speak on the com munity chest. , Reprasentatlvea from . all women's : organisations ' are-eligible. . ?!rs. ITarrytV. Collins and ber, jfau-iUr-la-la', . Mrs. Bradford. Cclllcs, are entertaining ' with a nether and daughter tea on Fri day t:i:rncoa; at the- formCr'a yce. Calling hours are from 3:23 to 6:30 o'clock. CLUB CALENDAR , rburaday, March It ? ? Caoitol tent hire HD Macca bees. Fraternal temple, P-nu - WO Faculty club - wlta Mrs. E. T. Brown, 1:1$ p. nu Liberty Women's club with . Mra. W. R. Dallas, S o'clock. Hayesville Woman's lab with Mrs. M. S. Fisher. West Salem Women's club at elnbboase, t p. nu r Chapter G of PEO with Mra. W. W. ; Moore, C3$ .North Church, street, 1:10 p. m. Hollywood Merry-Go-Ro n , with Mra. Irene HenselL 2 p. m. WiUametta Tent hive Macca bees, KP hall, $ p. m. . Fidelia class f First Baptist , church with Mra. T. W. Davlea, . 241 North Cottage street, 2 P". Grant PTA, 4 p. n. at schoolhouse, pictures of TMCA camps on program. Friday. March 17 " Degree of Honor, $ p. nu Pythian hall, benefit ca party. Hal Htbbard auxiliary with Mra. . Hugh Craig, 2 p. m. a . ; i Unitarian Women's Alliance, social meeting with Mrs. John R. Pollock, $02. North Winter ( street 2:S0 p. m. r Married- People's class, of First Baptist church, ' meeting and dinner t:46 at church.". St. Patrick's day tea for Women's Missionary society of Englewood. United Brethren church with Mrs. W. A. Reaves, 2:30 to 4 p. m. . Woman'a ' auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal ; church with Mrs. J. B. By water, 216 West .Superior, 2:30 p. m. Sigma Tan mothers meet at : chapter bouse on Oak street, 2 : p. m. ' ' ' i Ladles'' Dakota club, with . Mrs. J. Kartemeyer, route ' 4. ' Cars leave - Center and ' Liberty at 1:30 p. m. - - OE3 Past Matrons' associa tion with Mrs. Godfrey at i 7:30 p. m. s Satnrday, March 18 : Marion County PTA at Tur ner, 2 p. m. Mrs. Rhoten Will Head PEO Group Next Year Bropny, Mrs. T. H. Galloway, Mrs. Carl Emmons was hostess Mrs. U., G. Shipley, Mrs. J. J. gm . r to members of chapter BC. PEO Panton, Mra. Miller B. Harden, o OOTT LJanCS ZO Sisterhood at ber home Tuesday Mra. William H. Burghardt, Mra. Zfii " afternoon for a delightful affair Homer Goulet, sr., , Mrs. T. O. FollOW GcMieS celebraUng the third birthday of Russell, Mrs. Oliver C .Locke, the organixatlon of the chapter. Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, Mra. JTo h TJl& ht " Luncheon was served and guest, fc.- 5" Mf,nrsh. 1 were seated at small tablea with SlKw.Lf ftr Out-of-town guests are numer eovers placed for 20 guests. Yel- SSJ? "waVSci" the capital this week with low and white cakes wereerved Iwtrd Dur Mr? V I membera of the high school set and the decoraUve scheme carried tti IfJ entertaining house guests for the out the yellow and white colors. A Sy. HaSVtwt basketball tournament which special guest was Frank Frank , gj yoSIi & B JrV. opened yesterday. Informal lunch Myera. 1 1 ; r. ke, Ifri Gin-e aSSl - reakfasta and dinners will New officers for the ensuing vT wV v .f7.JT. V mark the aoclal calendar for the I?" W!f! 1."d Ud.e Mra George Rhoten, president; mru. armor oaies, nce-presiaem; Mrs. Claire Lee, recording sec- rrWJrV'eSS: ponding secretary; Mrs. Gall San- ders, chaplain; Mrs, Louise An- derson, guard. Mrs; Emmons is the retiring president. e Dessert Bridge Party Event of Today Mrs. Herman Miller has In vited a group of matrons to a iTilJnLrT. ' rrT rSTTtS. oa. Belle- r.ntairub?ernrp motif will be used In the appoint- menu. Several hours of contract will follow the lnneheon Theg?e.tshwll nfSSa, O. D. LI . . . . . . . lil.m.- V.. B..t.M. M-m amitmsTj aifc -as. ai s a akmauai, aaa sa J. Deane Patterson. Mra. Llmer Berg, Mra. r Kenneth . Murdock, Mra. James - Teed, I Mrs. R. O. Wlkstrom. Mrs. Harris Llets. . " " Englewood PTA Meets At Sehoouiouse : ; The ' Englewood PTA met on Tuesday night tor a' business and arwisl meettnri Tht trann tir. .rr.V ZZmtZ - wousiy arranged to sponsor a . at least one Campfire Girla unit s frhe c2Sa U cW to ail 1 it v rimm-li m 5w - . young; business girla. An SiwSnS rK irt totroductory lesson . waa given enAmeet?? S Sm ' Fj?"1. nlt a iocU1 ho" gtrefKneVdK differencea and Mra. Dorothy . Daugberty told about the "read- A v n. J . mgStsn wSnriirtadno tawa 35ha Tetao! lllss Graxe Geibel Mra folrn ISh Blak. and Mia. Blanch Grentain- diVfternon at Grey's. Cov- 'a a 'a' era were placed for Mrs. Arch w f .. ,-, A r fc v- .?V s-k . Jerman, Mrs. Robert Shinn, Mrs. r The Royal Neighbors of Ajneri- SSeMei!lUnA M-T Ly?, Cro1?e l ea, met at the Fraternal ; temple W: Al .i ? Mrm- l Monday, at 2 o'clock. Out-of-town ? ? SUTerton visitors 'a Included Deputy State X fr ki ? "Supervisor- Nicholson and Neigh- ; bor 8wartout of Scotts Mills and uinaSSL-t Kelghbora:; Beckner.-; Harrla' and t iStStej' ber, -t0m Streeter of Labisb: . Lunch was wf'SL! hon Ing "by a committee of wblefcJpjftnW: Genevieve ,01eson was chairman. 7 "T7. ,lITc. - ... . -e -'- . ' Mrs.. Sydney . Kramer had aa Mrs. D. L. Spalding has aa eir lnneheon gnests Wednesday guest her sister-in-law. Mra; Li HH. O'EelDy;- Mrs. Allan Squire; of Sisne, ni. Mrs. Spald- Zr"0Tt VB Un- E. - Perry of tag waa- la the eaat last summer fortland. Later the group at- ' and returned wlth Mrs. Squire, jeaded the afternoon session of who 'remained In Oakland until the legislature. -last Sunday when she came to --: ".: Salem.: Mra. Squire will return - Home from St. Helens Hall for home next Wednesday. - r ."Pring .vacation Is Mlas Ren-e - , , ... - , ' " t Cajlan, daughter ot Mr; and Mrs. The second In a series of naeet- David Caplan. Miss Caplan baa ings of the art group f - the "fr house guest Mlsa Zlleaa Ealea Junior Woman's club will rcPoaald of Portland. : be held tccisht at the art center in studio C at 2 o'clock." Mr. Isaac Watklns w&l lecture to the group and ' an interested girla end club members are Invited to attend. Miss Madge Reld and Miss Evelyn Akers are arranging the meeting. - -SPEOALr- Onr Usual Wave, Complete 75c Perm. Ou , , , . Push Wave, f n-SO Complete ' Open Thursday Ere.' . by Appointment -: - " Phone 8663 - 107 First National Bank Bldr. 1 CASTLB PHIUL WATERS - S.abciBiieif Father Alcuin to SpeakatAAUW Luncheon , i . .... .... .. , Father Alcuin of Mt. Angel has : been engaged ' aa the guest ' speaker at the meeting of the Salem branch, 'American Associa tion of University Women Satnr day afternoon at 1 o'clock In the Mirror room of the Marlon hotel. Father Alcuin will speak an his knowledge and experiences . ol conditions Is Spain, Austria and Germany. . AH graduates of colleges west' of : tha- rocklea, exclusive ,ct the , University of Oregon, will b i honored at : the meeting. Those 'wishing reservations for tha -luncheon meeting are asked to call 3291 or. 1532. i At the meeting plana will be announced for the annual state ' convention of AAUW to ba held In Salem April 14 to 16. Com mittees will be appointed by -tha - . chairman, Mlsa Beryl Holt, state vice-president. i i Mrs. Phillip Barrett, chairman of -the .nominating committee, will submit namea for the 1932 officers. Mrs. Waldo . Zeller, president, will preside at this 1 1mportant meeting. .. .... - e . Guild Members Feted At Luncheon Mrs. George Swift was hostess : to members of the Junior Guild '; of St. Paul's , Episcopal church. 'Tuesday afternoon at the parish house. Assisting hostesses were Mra. Frank.. Patterson, -Mrs. ' Frank Minto and - Mra. Claude Johns. The buffet luncheon table waa centered with a bouqun of daffodils In a c r y a t a 1 bowl ' flanked by pale green tapers In 1 crystal holders. ' Those present were Mrs. Cor nelia Thomas, Mra. R. J. Hay barger, Mrs. Hugh J. Chrisman, Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. O. K. Cola of SUverton, Mrs. Charles Jory, Mra. J. c. Campbell, Mra. John 'rank Mlnto and Mrs. aande jOBBB Broadcast Tonight WiU Hp Varied - p cu The 596th consecutive -ueeklv Standard Srmnhonv honr. to h broadcast over NBC Pacific coast Red Network stetions at 8:15 o'clock tonight, will be ilayed by the Standard Symphony orches- 2!, le'' dlrecte Henry Svedrofsky. For his program, Mr. Sved- mwwu vawauv.w the works of Jan SibeUus. Nleo- w Rlmsky-KorsakoT, Peter .TUw? ,n r ff h VS tSS r Spk, No. Tu D M.jor, so.s . :. Sibelius t W.U. X. iV- ' ' ' wi aaaas arawsn - aeh.rMae. Klmtky-Xonakev I'Skaa Taata Faatlral t Sasaadf ike Wrack t f. sup f -.. Ta TtewWiK-OM Kighta, ; . Btrsw - ataaiwa -. Chanr Class Holds First Meeting Tuesday " The 2. ir.T' . " -r v . . sponsorea oy , the business and industrial .immii-' jvKw: Vul sl."-. 'SHAYS QODUCED 25 PDvUfl THAVEL CASE - WITH kVtZY CAC2 HAT ; U ." ILSiG'S 2 : L .. , -J - oaxq. eaox aoxxct TeMfefnl WwWU aha Wwrten ' - uak axu rwuaa, oa. The OREGON STATESMAN,' Salea, o-o Minn 2IAZINB BURENTFcmcV Editor- Style - SmiUi NOW will yon get '''iLl' iS' v -. One way to get action. Though the little woman already has that spring look of animation In a Jacket-blouse of pebbly crepe fuchsia with stunning diagonal stripes of violet. Note the bandmaster col- lar and many, many little buttons. The new, longer Jacket la 1m- portart news la the black suit on single closing at the waist. Flattering, Indeed, with a sheer, snirrea pink blouse worn beneatH! Copyright. 1SJS, Esquire reaturea. Inc. TlBltori- The younger set will also dance following the gamea on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. To night a group of high school girls will 'be hostesses for a sport dance at CastiUiaa hall following the last game from 10 to 12 o'clock. Bud Mercer's orchestra has been engaged to play for dan- eln" nd anyone Interested is In- Tited to attend. Three Dances Arranging the dance are Miss fjyllis Fisher. Miss Florence Duf- fy. Miss Genevieve Doud, Miss Marjorle Mae Wblttington, Mlsa Jane Mackenxie. s Club will hold Its an- ffi irUto the affairs. On Friday the ! honra will be from : to 12 and Saturday 1 to 12 o'clock. All .etball nlBavfc JUU : viuu !. Ml. laBJI IN UTUII1 tO atlCna. viu. - oelock the annual Viking Review wUl be held at the high school aa- eiterium. Thia traditional prodae- ?T- 1. v -U. 7 T til vlaltln (Mini nlsvfna- In thm tonrnatment. ' , Mis. Betty Annnsen U chairman of the committee In m eluding Wesley McWain. Bob Relnboldt. Miss VirginU Steed. Miss Darhara Crein end Mi.a Ol . -ji -:r, "rST" - Tr, H i fealty adviser. w hom on LeUe atreet for m v ??I lttA6tJ V f0r ' "e e membera of her bridge club to her home tonight. FoUowlng sev- !2J J10 ? contract .upper STATEpLIAII ! BABY EDITIC: -A V Proofs to Choose From ' i V Positively No Obligation ' . , , Appointment Neccssaxy. : ? -;t.tfv ; All Vhotos Taken. Exclusively by - ESnOEiti ii ELLIStSTIIDIO - 423 OREGON BUILDING U : : Oregon, Thursday Mornisjr, March 16, 1939 o o - - me those aocka? the left Also Its shawl rerers ana Raspberries Cooked With Rice Raspberries and rice are baked together to make an interesting dessert. The raw rice takes up the Juice from the berries, soma additional liquid may be aaaea. RICE AND RED BASFBEHR1U9 cup rice teaspoon salt V cno sugar 1 cup Ted raspberry pulp and Juice Wash the rice thoroughly, cook until tender. - Add salt, sugar, raspberry pulp and juice. Bake In a moderate oven for one hour. Serve with top milk. a . Apricots Combined "With Cheese, Nuts APRICOT r SURPRISE SALAD 2 packages cream cheese 1 tablespoon milk 1 can apricots MU8ic of MacDoweR tO . Be Heard Tonight The weekly radio program over KSLM being sponsored by of those who we "terest-d to "f'ln5B f th aim- e? munlty. Aa one or the alms of J?!'tJ 1IK1 .., Wliu. . the noted composer Edward Mao- ffofrfm. which Includes: "To and "To a Water TJlyft ?r S?6" L IrK? let: "The Pansy," The Yellow Daisy and "TOO UOVOi Py Gladys Mclntyre Tnomas. ao- JZti?'- JlJlSJuk Si lA J. $7-2 "ettu",c.' mZl panwa oy jnwwu, 4117, Beaming Eyes" and i cradle 0 k- 1 Mm sdowS "cinb-pSS ,m"' ? JSfffT: Wharton, Gretchen Reinhardt, Ruth Wamke and Grace Sher- man with Thelma Flnlay accom- JJVI Hti Mr. and Mrs. Daa McLellan have as their guest for several days. Mrs. i Fred V Ueuallen of 27 More Days ri, iTo Have Your ' Bab Picture . Waken for the Only llodern Furniture j Recalls Style ' Of Past The moat popular furniture styles crafted In mahogany to- day Include copies of the 18th century master craftsmen and designers, Chippendale, Sheraton, Hepplewhlte and Adam; CUonial American reproductions; ; Federal American reproductions, and Svedish modern designs done In tha llrht natural finishes called harvest, wheat straw and the honey tones. t Tha brothers Adam, Robert,- lames. John and William were arbiters of ' architectural r fashion In the middle of the 18th cen- tury fat England They not' only v-n. w.. .! v v. they designed furniture for these homes and attended to every detail . of decoration. ; Robert Adam, ..the most fam--ons brother, is supposed to have been responsible for the bulk of the furniture designs. He em ployed, atralght, vertical for his chair and table supports, and his decorations used on mirrors. furniture and - mouldings were the swags of husks or bellflow- ter. Add tomatoes, rice and sea- two or three times during bak ers. patterned after the flower , eonlng. Serve hot between rllces' ing. Remove picks and serve. of the acanthus plant; rosettes, the Greek anthemlon or the con- Tentlonallsed honeysuckle, scan- thus leaf scrolls, wreaths. Gre- clan vase and lamp and lyres. . Many furniture pieces,' though of mahogany or aatlnwood were painted white, green, or grey and others were gilded. 1 Duncan Phyfe, foremost Amer- m!So uttB beautiful train and using -subtle- riar;e MMinradorni. nates throughout hi. work. All r.r. t?" v.r f 'II l". ."," J dintin,. lm mJSc "l! 7" . 1 JJ! "L".:. ti.Il?t72 r-nT r. IvTL Vi.- I .,Zl77 Z,.VJ .VJC-a .. " Cjh .s"!" which are applied to different pieces. Thesc decorations on Duncan Phyfe furniture follow those on M. 41 XUi UlbUI, IIUIVW huun vu cup chopped nuts y cup French dressing 1 tablespoon lime Juice Mix cream cheese and milk until smooth. Add nuts. Form Into balls. Arrange three apri-. cot halves on lettuce, Place cheese ball In center, of each. Mix dressing and lime Juice, Serve on aalad. We're celebrating our 37th year with a store full of the most sensational bargains you've ever seen! Bargains for YOU, your HOME and your FAMILY bargains in every department of onr store. It will pay yon to come in! Here are just a few of the many bargains that await yon! A Save on men's union sxirrs Ltne np fellows 1 8am- merweight, , :gfrtj shorf sleevas i V .Priscillaj CURTAINS Colorful new dots flgurea." PalrM f 4 ,60"xz l-f yds.A Washable rayon CREPE New spring prints. Crown tested. XV' wide. 37c Save now! Yd. Large size crib BLANKETS Extra . large, b 1 1 m f t y. warm! Juvenile de signs. . 1 J, . . .igasa- Z 37c AD-Ieather t WORK GLOVES V. Sturdy, smooth grain cowhide. AnnI-, sb versary priced-. l J w - :: Jnmbo size . ':'..' : BATH TOWELS Thick! Absorbent! I4wx it-"else! SoUd wlta white 37c bordei 7 Anniversary feature BATH TOWEIaS JT Soft, Cutfyl lT.Hxll!. - Plaids, stripes, solids 1 - - A tor 37c ; Corned Beef in AnjGarils Delicious j ' CArneA tteef. even the canned Si?hr a5nr?nV!cr tare, with all the assurance being In high favor with both. cooka and diners. ' If von want unusual dishes. I yon need not shy away from good ? old corned beef, or hash either CORNED BEEF HASH PUFFS 3 eggs separated 1 can eorned beet hash 1-3 -cap eatsu p cup water 2 tablespoons chopped pickles Parsley I Beat egg yolks until light and whites until stiff. Mas corned beef hash with fork.-Add yolks and mix well. Fold In egg whites and drop by spoonfuls on but- tered baking sheet. Brown under broiler. In meantime dilute cat- sup, add pickles and heat Top puffa with hot sauce. , Garnish with parsley and serve lmmedi- f al v " ; CREOLE SANDWICHES 1 tablespoon minced onion 1 tablespoon minced green pepper '. 1 1 tablespoon butter : 1 cup tomatoes 1 cup cooked rice V Salt and pepper . 1 can corned beef '- ' ; Fry onion and pepper , In but- of chilled, corned , beef, 1 CORNED BEEF SANDWICH t , . DE LUXE 1 Spread bread with butter and prepared mustard. . Add a slice of chilled eorned beef. Toast on both sides. I ' m ...t-.!- tw da'es. ISSPJffi? tables S8 tnron,sn e mouths for drWCT Pua. Sometimes the 1 ! onament, at other times It Is low relief, perhaps decorating the leg of a table or chair. Carved rosettes, drapery sxags, wheat ears, fluting and other ornamenU decorate the main pieces of furniture. Thomaa Chippendale, Those name Is perhaps beat known of all the famous furniture cratu- ,r"10J?" , 7"uo" of style, a development and re- f m. - tlfa. The early Chippendale fur niture was not always so com fortable because of the sharply carved decorative baeks. The early pieces by Chlppen- dale bore characteristics such aa the cabriole leg, center splats and bars, plereed and scrolled. Tha lidrlA ttsik hm mA later date and he also onade the fret backs and square backs. 311 Hurry ladies! J II I t RedUotVcZuet f J j 1 Rich dobby weave 1 Warm, fluffy cotton y V rayon taffeta. I paster plaids;- 32 to 44. -yy , 66Mx76V"yOAJ WOMEN'S RAYON PANTIES.:.... :...:.ICC t Medium and brief styles. Reinforced crotch. "-: CREPE TW1OT SLLK H0SELl:-Ui.. BSC Fan-faahloned, rlngleaa. perfect quality ehltfons. V ; BETTER QUALITY 7ASH FROCKS 2 for 0 11 . New spring styles, fast colors, 14 to SS! ; Lovely rayon aceUtes, crepes and taffetas, t to 14., ' . - . I Ote.SlXK iproRrJ.AS..:....;..-;: j.CD ? It-Bib construction! New India! shape! , I SOLID COLOR BROADCLOTH, yd......;.C c Closely woven! Whits and fast color shades. . - v SUNBONNET BATISTE, ydl...L.ltQc I Fast eolor patterns! Don't mlsa this ralue! v - !WOMEN OVERNIGHT CASE H.G6 SI" Long. Tweed covering. Pocket In lid. . ! BIENtST2SmtcaslC. I Waterproofed simulated leather: i MEN'S COTTONBRIEFSi:.: j Special feature! Double back for long wear! I ; I MEN'S SHIRD SHORTS, ca Fast color, ahorts Swigs rib shirts, w " A. iBOYSt SHHITSAND SHORTS, eai:1..10C 1 just like: dads. Stock np and save. - . - I MEN'S SHIRTS iND SHORTS, JlL.27C Shorts are, finest mercerixed broadcloth, 8aafoTixed! - -fU5& ahrunk.); Finest combed cotton shirts! 1IENVBR0ADCLX)TH PAjAIAS.:;..-.t3!3C 'Fast color solids and patterns. ''Satinowr ' . , MEN'S FCY HANDKERCHIEFS C for 3C ,. Cxtra! Colored woven borders 1 lt"xXVl French t . 't hems!-. r ::;;: , rX ' " j ::( : i- J Today's Menu Asparagua salad wUl Uke to mato dressing to go with Uve meat eourse v Asparagua aalad . Tomato dressing . Mock crown roast of pork with sweet potatoes Buttered celery sauce Boiled custard on sponge cake MOCK CROWN BOAST .. Tor service" for six, purchase two aldea of , spareribs, and have the butcher crack each through the center. Boll Ja salted water to cover until ribs may be slip- ped from the wteau eeiecc straight, thin plecee of meat and divide Into six strips- 01 eqnai length. Pick meat from remain' Ing portions to make one and half cups and blend with one cup of mashed sweet potaoes, one-half cup of raisins, U tea- spoons of celery salt, and pepper to teste. Form poteto mixture into six cone shaped patties and ASrh with nrnnirH meat circle . each with prepared meat strlDs. fastening .with nicks. In- sert four of the smallest ribs In each to five a, semblance of miniature crown roasts. Place la greased baking pan and baste with one cap of whole-fruit nec- tar of any desired flavor or other canned fruit Juice blended with one teaspoon of I e m o n Juice. Bake in a moderately hot oven. for about thirty minutes, basting Qt OLD ENGLISH No Ruhbbs Vax Metal Wcx Applier ietft for . . , . , 1 Every koasewtfe will want this aewtr de signed ssctal base Lamb's Wool AspKer with the No Knbbinc liquid WaxT Just Spread the was oa Soar ec baofeaa-kad let k DRY to s ltre. Kewilt s tru mux Sim that protects sad is eatr to keep dean. RAY L. FAEir.IEEl HARDWARE CO. - S04 N. CoflkX - PhoM 5005 Be sore to read our big 6-PAGE CIRCULAR If yon have mot received yow copy, get com at onr door si job tonw in. Has shirt fold. .a 25c Y ICC laut'ifair 3 i a