TCt 03EG0N STATESMAN, Salen, Oregon, Thursday Morning, March 16, 1939 PAGE TURKU Davis Invests In Home Site : Former Lebanon Youth Heard in Broadcast From Tokyo, Japan ' LEBANON M. D. Darls, real tor, purchased. 6-room- houie - and lot ' on Grove And : Isabella, stieet from , tbe WU1U- Berg-, .ican estate and after repairing and remodeling the building will .'moTt Into It. Davis also old Wllbert Tong's acres -In the' Tennessee . section to C E Wessell. ."' :r :. . -'., -' -' Jack Bellinger of Tokyo, Ja pan, was ' heard s Monday night over. some'Xebanori .-dloi , In , a. 15-mtnute discussion of Us work and plana. :. His. term of , teach Ins will expire' In April and.' he , and - jars. Bellinger .H1 return to the United Slates., - Both have taught for" the past - two years and have bad . experiences ' and ' travel of much . '. educational "value. Bellinger :1s.:' a former Lebanon 'youth, the sari of lira. Emma .Bellinger. , r.'f" ... -r . ; Rehire Instructor ' Mrs. Sara ; Morris has been employed for the third yearas teacher, in' the Tennessee school The Townsend club held . Its .- regular meeting at the Church of Christ Tuesday night v ... . Marian Standley of Lebanon was elected president f the Irnlor Red Cross of Linn county ' at the meeting at Tangent, last '. week. : . . .' Less Unemployment " ' With a group of 20 men on .- the , La comb irrigation . project and a larger number in timber work near , Green Mountain the ' unemployment problem in that section is less acute the past few .weeks.-" ' .Albert Simons,' scoutmaster of j troop 61. has resigned . his po-i-. tion as bis work as a teacher 'n i the ' Lebanon-.' schools allows too i little time for scout work. Wil liam , Shepperd- succeeded him.- rifc Rally Held at Dallas f. J -DALLAS The all -day, spring -district rally of tbe. -Missionary to cieties'pt the Christian, church was held 'here. Tuesday wllb-about 70 present .'from -Dayteni- Fall City Perrydale, McMlnnville and Dal' las. a : ' Mr. Swandler of Portland, head of. the mission work, of the Chris ttlan church in, Oregon presided.1 - Speakers included Mrs. Corne lius, returned .missionary, from .Mexico;' Mrs.' Hendricks M Milton, state president of the Christian . church Missionary societies; - Rev. , Guy . Drill, pastor of -. the First t Christian church at Salem, .and .Rev.' Walter Meyers from tb Northwest Christian college at En gene. Two Men Spilled In Turner Ditch ' .TURNER An - accident oc curred late ; Monday afternoon when two men, a Mr. Reasoner and companion of near Marion, driving a truck north, struck the mailbox post In front ' the O. P. Glvena home, skidded across' the road and turned up side down In .the deep ditch full I of water, entering Mill creek. t Their heads were barely above j water. Help was summoned : from Turner o aid In the res cue. They were unable to talk for a time and were in need of first aid.- : Bush Takes Job At Lyons Store " FOX VALLEY- Walter r Bush , of Salem is employed at the Red ana White store In Lyons. He is , a nephew of Mrs. O. Paul John ston. --- .-.-. ,-' , The , Fox Valley PTA and -school sponsored a program and t pie social at the school Friday night. The affair was well at- tended and - netted over ' $20 i: which - will go o;Tielp- pay for electricity recently Installed at : the school. " ' .' ' --i" 'J - The Paul Johnston' family Is moving ; to - the - G. P. Joh.ston ? farm to be with his mother, Mrs. " Daisy Johnston.' Pie Social Friday p" A ? MISSION , BOTTOM The regu lar meeting of the PTA will be held at the schoolhouse r-Mday night with a program of local talent" and a 'pie sociaL Pro Cecds will ; be tused to pay ex-: pensea' to summer school for the winner of the local 4H contest. . Broadcast Soccesav'r? -"I" AUMSVILLE The Anmsville t number . broadcast - by 4-H elub .contestants Saturday, over KSLM. I f won for Grace Ashf ord an oppor ' tunity to broadcast at station ' KOAC In Corvallla in April. Miss Violet Perkins was her accom panist. -' ;v T . " . . ' Commiinity lubs " MIDDLE I daOYE Tbe Merry Minglers, Jn charge of the com munity elub-program at the scboolhbnso; here. Friday night, ' have- obtained the Hasel Gre a school puppet show as the spe cial attraction. Local talent will - furnish music r I r . ' HAZEL 1 GREEN A capacity bouse was ' present for t the coji munity club program., ' The two comedies, . "She Dotes oa Lob- ster" and .."A Lady Blows In." were well given by local .alent Mrs. Ralph - Gilbert played dur- lng acta and Theodore Rortvold i sang solos, accompanied by MarJ i orio Giles. Mrs Ross Miles and ' Miss Geraldlne - directed tha ' VlVU :' " - ' -.' . ' H A YESVILLE The myes- ' vtlle community club will , bold Its regular meeting, Friday night. Th Mitchell nlavera of ' Salem Tumor Slowly - V v. . ; , m V r.: -, ,z - - ft hi .... . baaeaVaieaei VN The life of two-year-old Harold Holt, jr shown la the arms of bis . mother, slowly Ik being crashed oat by many-beaded tumor for . which medical .science has no cure. It has attacked the liver, the 'lungs and one remaining, kidney, and physicians say the child may " bang on for another week or two, although he already has lived past his time. The family home Is fa Pittsburgh, Pav ', ; . : -l Three Arrested For Polk Officers DALLAS Hillls Russell Bra den was arrested at- Salem Tues day morning . on a local Justice court warrant charging non-support. He was arraigned and bound over .to the grand jury. Bail was set $.50$.'.' . - Edward Nell . 3rundridge and Charles 'Herman ' Stein ke were each , arrested on. a' , jam viola tion, charge. They appearet .be fcre Justice of the Peace" Elmer Cook" at West Salem and each' wai fined $25. They' irt iervinr out the finer in the PoITc county Jail. . .' . :r - Scouts Awarded Badges of Werit DALLAS A court of honor for the Boy Scouts of Polk county was held Here Monday night with M. B. Flndley. presiding. J. A. In-, glis, A. R. . Hart man, C. W. Smith. V. Ray Boydston and Cecil Rlggi were also members of the court. Earl ShulU of Troop 24 of Dal las was advanced to star rank First class merit badges were presented to Bill Rader, Jack Wil son, Earl - S?nltt, Fen ton BUyeu. Jim Boydston- and Hugh Smith, all of troop 24 and Richard Rlggs of troop 39, Dallas. . ' - Second class merit badges were presented to Kendall . Helgerson and Bennle Smith of troop 39: and to Dick Hartman -of troop 24. Chinese Checkers Occupy Clabbers STAYTON Mrs. Grant Mur p h y delightfully entertained members of the Three Links club of the Stayton Kebekah ledge at her home recently. Mrs. L. H. Wright, president, Ld the business meeting. Chinese check er were enjoyed. ' ' 'he hostess was assisted by her daughter. Miss Gertrude Murphy, In serv ing. Those present were: Mrs. El len . Reynolds, Mrs. A: C. Van Nuys, ' Mrs. C. A. Baldwin. Mrs. Etta Brewer, Mrs. R. G. Wood. Mrs. L. H. Wright, Mrs. Edgar Hamlin.' "Mrs. ' Ezra Hilton, Mrs. Edna - Sloper, Mrs. joe Harris, Mrs. D. George Cole, Miss Ger trude Murphy and the hostess. Duff Addresses Stadent Group DALLAS Rev. Walter Duff Jr. was the speaker Tuesday aft ernoon at the meeting of the new ' ly organized Student Christian Fellowship ' group at the local high school.- ' ' ; : The Student Christian Felow- shlp group met for the first time two weeks' ago when Clarence Pe ters -was named president: Olga Schults, ' -as vice-president 4 ano Ruth Buhler as secretary. Rev. Nalllnger of the Salt Creek Bap tist church'helped' in the organis ation. .... - . j, vn.isUi . The purpose of the organisation Is to stimulate Christian : fellow ship among 'the high school stu dents. - - -, . !, , Call Out Firemen Aurora, Canby. AURORA Tuesday - norning at 2 o'clock the Aurora fire: de partment was called to the home of P." J. Hunt," Just : outside " the city; limits of Aurora, mhen he discovered bis basement full of tn okt found to have been -aused by shingles placed too near, the furnace. - ' " . j- . e UNDERGOES OPERATION UNION HILL Mrs. W. H.-Ra-bens underwent 'a uaajor oper ation at the Deaconess hospital In Salem Saturday morning. She 1 ' Improving satisfactorily. ; :iimi ii' it Killing Child 4 i - anese Iieaders at Feed HAZEL' OREEN-S nday night the social : rooms of . the Sunday-school unit of the Jap anese ' church ' were ' the scene of a banquet to honor Rev. S. 3. Smith, superintendent of the Jap anese work in' California : Oregon, Washington, . ; Utah 'and' '' daho and to celebrate- the - first' - wed ding' anniversary" of ? Rev." xHori koshl and- Mrs. Horikoshi, the coming of the baby Elliot, and Rev. - Mr.- Horikoshi's birthday. The Japanese have . 4 -. beautiful custom of having a social occa-rton- -rnvtttng -friends" to rejoice on the birth of a baby. Songs, a talk by - Mrs. Paul Ellis, "Our Young -People; a talk by Mr. Kaneko, and an ad dress ta Japanese, by Dr. Smith were enjoyed by 40 persons. - Dr. Smith spoke at the church in English and Japanese at the morning service. -' - r- Fifth in Tryouts TURNER MrsI Biancbe Wil liams took a group of grade pu pils to Salem. Saturday to enter the Marion county 4H club radio broadcasting contest. They rank ed fifth and will go to ; Corvallis April 10 for final contest. Stu dents are: James Boyer, Keith Bones, Jean Ball. ' Marjorle Showers. Eddie Hatfield, Melvin Baker, Robert Ball, Bernadlne White. They put on a skit. BLAKELY ARRESTED SILVERTON Adln Blakely of Salem was handed a $10 fine in George H abbs' police court Tues day on a drunken charge. Local police made the arrest. er's News SPRING VALLEY The regu lar meeting of the Spring Valley community club held at the com munity school house, featured a minstrel show by 20 women of the auxiliary of the Eagles of Salem. They played to a full house. The $16 cleared will be - used toward a new stage platform. .- LIBERTY The Red Hills grange held Its regular meeting at the grange hall . Tuesday night. The prune situation received a thorough going over In floor, dis cussion during the grange meet ing. Readings by Halda Beckley and group singing .were ' featured on the St. Patrick's program, v. .. This grange will observe its an nual visitation night Friday when It will visit the. Union HU1 grange, occupy the officers chairs and. put on the program.-- ! ; UNION : HILL The regular monthly, business meeting of the Union , Hill "grange ; will be Friday night, March 17. The Red Hills grange, will ' visit atad their offi cers will be in ) charge of the tweeting. odd Jap Grang UP7 :WOCUGnGUOI!3GG nil : i 255 N. Liberty . . Next to Parents-Sons ; ' t Held Frank Bennet of Albany Is Main Speaker for " FFA Event INDEPENDENCE r-The Inde pendence chapter of the Future Farmers of America held. It an nual parent-son banquet at . the Presbyterian church' Vuesday night. Frank Bennett, superin tendent : of . the Albany high school, gave the address on "Good Timber." He ' stated that American needs " manhood and that ; young men must learn to live on their own reputation and develop the confidence of others. ' Clifton Miller, : president of FFA' chapter, presided with Douglas Freeman, vice president, toastmaster. Alva ' Dickenson reported that the local chapter had conducted nine activities and the tenth was to be a trip 'to the world :a!r at San Francisco at the close of the school - year. . . ';. , Award Judging Letters - Howard Bennett, FFA Instruc tor, awarded letters for livestock judging to : William Matsua and Orval Cline. Junior Cobine was unable on account of Illness to be present to receive his. V A. L. Thomas, vice - president of the First National Bank of Independence presented the $10 to the boys taking the first four places In the FFA speatlnr con. test. The ' boys were Donald Rowland, Clifton Miller, Orval Cline and Douglas Treeman. ; Guests who spoke briefly were Paul Robinson, principal of the Independence high school; Thom as R. Smith, president of . the Lions club; -A. W. Foster, presi dent of tbe school board; G. H. Fowler, president of the - cham ber of commerce; Rtlph H. Kletzlng, editor, of ' the Enter prise; Walter Leth, Dallas coun ty agent. Tbe FFA orchestra played.-:- - . , ' Social Events Are Held, Hayesville HA YESVILLB Mr. a ad Mrs. Charles Andresen entertained "at four. Ubles of "60" Saturday night. Awards we're given to Mrs. Virgil J PetrinCPerry ' San ders; Mrs. Peiry Sanders i id C. A. ZleiinskL - Guests were Mr. and Mrs. . C. A. Zielinski, Mr. and Mrs. Perry. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Perrlne, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wacken. Mr. and - Mrs. Merle! Casement,. Mr. and Trs. Carl; Stettler, Mr. and Mrs. . Theodore Wacken and Mr. and Mrs. C. S Andresen. Mrs. A. R. Lucas entertained Sunday night honoring the birthdays- of A. R. Lucas and - Mrs. C. E. Andresen. '. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George RIchter, Vivian and Eu gene, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Keog. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lu cas, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ber ryhill, Donald, Patty and Roger Dean, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. An dresen, Mrs. P. N. Andresen. Paul and Gerald Andresen, Bert Lucas and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Lucas. Nebraskans Rent Simon Tract CLEAR LAKE M. L. Welliv er and family, formerly of North Platte, Neb.,. have rented the 7 acre. Simon , tract and are mak ing quite extensive improvement In the place. They are pruning the old apple orchard, grubbing stumps and repairing the house. One of O 1 1 o Russell'" best cows gave blrtb t two fine heifer calves one -lay this week. They are from the Beatty reg istered Jersey bull so Otto feels pretty proud of them. Floyd Herrold has just finish ed planting about two acres of onions for seed. He planted his principal acreage last fall. Mrs. Floyd Herrold has nearly recov ered from her recent serious Ill ness. '' Educational Film . Is Shown Students HUBBARD Tbe Hubbard schools were entertained Monday afternoon with an educational and travel picture put on by the National Biscuit company. Tbe Altar society of St. Agnes church was entertained at the home of Mrs. Joe Sonnen Tues day afternoon. f Co-hostess' was Mrs. Jaeob Sonnen. The next meeting: will be held with Mrs. Henry Hunt Tuesday, April .4- The Holy Name society of tne Can by and Hubbard .parish met at the borne of George r Orimps Tuesday night -Plans "were lald for more aggressive work in the parish. .:-.-;,-r:sr :; ' : ; Economical Hot Water Dependable Hot Water . " Full' Automatic , , Hetric; j' " Water Heaters Ab Low at . $4.50 Down and $23 Per ilonth with your electric light bill. ' ; : ; : Power Co. Phone 4311 i Banoue A Affirmative Team Finishes Season With 3 to 0 Win ' DALLAS Betty Smith and El Tin Van Santen, members of the Dallas high school affirmative debate team, won from an In dependence high school team by a 3-0 decision of the Judges here Tuesday afternoon. " David Walte presided . and Judges were from Llnfield college.- This is 'the fourth consecutive win and tbe last debate in the series in the Mid-Willamette dis trict for the Dallas affirmative team. The Dallas negative team of Evelyn Ickea and David Walte la scheduled to meet a Salem high school team. at Salem latei this week. The debate at Salem will complete . the district schedule. PTA Hears Talk On Preparedness Mrs. Leon M. Brown Gnest Speaker at Turner , Gathering TURNER The PTA helA It. rernlar nnnthW mttnr Mnn day night in the school audito rium. Mrs. Leon M. Brown, chairman of national defniiA nf the Salem American Legion aux iliary, gave a well received ad- areas on frepareaness for the united states." A - trio from the Mfeialnror studio, Salem, and also aceor- cuon numbers by a small pupil were appreciated. Pnoila Give Skits Mrs. Edith Sundlie presented. ner tnird and fourth rrades each in skits prepared from their school work. The third grade dramatized a visit tn animal. land and the fourth grade, "A visit to Holland." The pupils had made a stage width picture, retresentinr the subiect of their skit : Edith and Janette Boyer sang a duet" with Mrs. Boyer at the . piano - and the orchestra p.yea. Plans were discussed for can- n.nsr food Tnstnrtala "nr nMt year's use for school : ot lunches. county fta meeting will be held here Saturday, March 18 at 1 p. m. in the auditorium. - Plan Chicken Supper HAZEL GREEN Mrs. W. W. Rutherford was hostess .to the Nemo sewing club. A chicken supper is being planned for the husbands and children of the club members April 7 at the schoolhouse. Mrs. LaRoy : Van Cleave and Miss Daisy Ruther ford assisted .the hostess. Men's News! News! '."'" V.""- - ' .'V " f " t . i n ! r 1 . ' 1 n.-. I NEXT DOOH U. S. NATL DANS MILGRIM! SPRINGS NEW STYLE SCENE I- V i 1111 STRAIGHT Front, Suing Back : Coat With Pockets $19.50 $29.50 to $59 50 4 Z-- Bags 2.95 to 4.95 409 415 COURT r , ran m a m Old Buster Brovm Wdmeh5sOiildren5s i&bsolutely Nothing to Be Reserved We n n :ir;r I r 7 I ' : - LJ LJ U - Jl Ellen Kayo ' ' .& Basque Frock MO- TjP i The little' Jacket - f 1MK 1 vfTf' adds .lingerie 'fron . S tffcf ' f - -ro to top a flared S ' V5SV 1 ' J7p aklrt. Navy. ( B C $18L50to W- W :m $39.50 te fili FLOWERS - sJ 8 t raw bat. 1 1 .X. krimmul with m 11 If . bouquet in its stove- 1 . I W$'M S . - pipe crown. II I I $4.95 to $10.00 Other Javy Fashions ni COATS, SUITS AIID ACCESSORIES A Deposit Win Reservt Yoor Easter Outfit I LGRI I SS30E STORE Shoe Store & . - ' Must Clear News : 1 BIG SALE STARTS OLD BUSTE3 " Kill HIIIW. Wl SALEM- OVfllEQ Gut! Dr.OOT LOCATION ' will entertain with fSUed pro- ' rram. . . . . ' - - . . ' . '- ... - '.