The OREGON STATESMAN, Salen, . Oregon, Thursday Morning, March 16, 1939 PAGE TEN Adams Given New.Contract Silverton Board Rehire all r Teachers, Except Three" Who Resigned SILVERTON- Harold Adams, superintendent of Silverton schools, waa this week given a three-year contract, according to Information issued fro t the I school clerk's office i Wednesday, lie came here last summer from Corvallis on a one-year contract. No chapses bave been made In basic salaries ot teaches re tired. It Is v unknown whether Ulss Elizabeth Corrigan, who Is way on year's leave, will re turn next September so ner piace here has not yet been filled. Miss Gertrude Branthover has 'been! teaching la Miss Corrigan's place this year. ; Willard P. Steward, high school teacher, was granted A - year's leave of absence. Mist Ma Tie Kiev, resigned a few weeks ago, to accept a Portland posi tion, and her place la temporar ily being filled by Mrs. Iam Has kins (Rath Scott)., It is unlikely anyone will be hired to fill this vacancy for the spring term. ' Miss Velma Hill, Eugene Field teacher, has resigned. Teachers rehired Include senior high school: Herman J. Kramer, . Wallace J. .Cochran, Floyd Ellef son, W. A. Gates, . Lucy Howe, Lois, Me tcalf.., Margaret. Savage, Willard P. Stewart, Doris Wiese, G. W. DeLay, Alice Fish; Ethel Hardie, 'Leonard Hudson, Jean Parmen, Joseph W. Smith," Isobel Tracy. :-: ; ; i Junior high school: Harold C. Davis, Lewis Bartlett, hlaine Clower, -Vera I. Cox, Oil vk. De Gulre, Koyt Mueller, Richard W. ' Pickell, Fred F. Sears, Mildred KIckersbn, 'Irene Roubal. r ' Eugene Field: Harry Cameron, June Braley, Elizabeth Haf en brack, Velma Hill, Edna Merrltt, Helvte Silver,. Harriett -Ann Smith, Florence Wlmber, Muriel Bentson, Thelma- Davis, LucOe Henkle, : Olga Johnson, Lanna Olson, Katherine Slawson, Flor ence Story.' ' ' r - - Miss Stella ' Dybevlk has been rehired , as secretary and book keeper; Milton Kolln. teacher of crippled children ; Gladys Fletch er, librarian; P. IL Tucker, jani tor; Charles Amos, assistant janitor..."': Nellie B. Zook Dies at Silverton s SILVERTONNellie B. Zook, 69, wife of - Rev. : Frank Zook, pastor of the Christian church. died at her home here this morn tag. ' ; Survivors, besides the trldow- er, are the following children Mrs. James Sweet ot Bell, Calif, Jtlrs. - Ruth ' Boyle of Portland, Naomi and Paul, and a. foster daughter,- Terrun, at home. Re mains are at the Lrson son chapel. . . -f . 1 Q-j 3 17 1 THIS BEAVTIFTJIt : r Jit .tSf Diamond Bridal Duotte 49 . Compare 1 This . Superb I Ring Craftsaanship ' ONLY. 75c WEEKLY f - CD im'4 Co ; By DOROTHY (Continued from page 4) - to size of the' other states. v ' These states -would have cut tural self-government and - many, ot the prerogatives enjoyed by the states of the American nion. Bat there would be a sUong. fed eral government, with control over foreign policy, trade fi nance, currency and a- large measure1 of ,i regulation . of ' eco- nomlc lite. lw ' - -' J In the economic field the new federal republic would retain large amount ot state capitalism,, but In limited areas, outside ot which free enterprise would be encouraged and released 'trom great number of the existing re strictions : and - controls. They would probably have to abrogate the debts of -he nasi relch and sUrt with a new currency on a new basis, as Germany; did .once ceiore in uz. . t ' For the time being, at 'least they would have to retain for eign trade restrictions, .hut the object would be to achieve as oaickJy 4 as possible economic liberation Internally and extern ally, m -n:: I ; ( They . would J restore v; Intellee tual freedom and repeal, the Nu remberg racial laws, which 1 they consider -atterly nonsensical. , Jews still, resident In" ueimany would - have the full' restitution of ' their- rights as citizens. The repatriation .of all , t ho s e who have left would not be encour aged ' for economic reasons. - i They would put the; executive power in the hands of a presi dent or a chancellor 'and a strong government responsible to the people, not to the parliaments, and " they would not-restore the party system. - ! The Fourth Reich" of which they dream will not be a single party state or a many party state but a no party state. It will have a . bi-cameral parliament, the upper house representing, the states and the lower house se lected from electoral districts. , A candidate would be nomi nated . by being able to get a certain minimum of signatures on a popular petition asking for his nomination. ; He would be personally re sponsible to the electors and not to a party I In this way the,; planners of the Fourth Reich . hope - to make real the' leadership principle which, in the ; Third Reich, is completely travestied, since the Third Reich has nb responsible leaders but a single leader irre movable and responsible to no one but himself and his own voices. . , : 1. ' As far as Austria and the Su detenland are concerned, the plan Is either - to Incorporate them as federal states, or to lipqulsh them provided the other nations of vthe Dannbian basin, formerly incorporated or partial ly Incorporated in the Austro Hnngarian - empire Czechoslo vakia, Hungary, Rumania and Lnj Mm LrV LNJ Lockets Pendants Crosses Rings, Bracelets The finest Pay BS 1 5 - PIECES ctunmrw ALADFOHKS irrO;iEIDALTD.; L9 (II X SALAD Foma ; DH (EdDOT THOMPSON Yugo-Slavia will create . a Da ne Dian federation Independent ot but friendly" to Germany.In this case they . would prefer to see: Austria and the , Sudetenland in that federation. In the Fourth Reich,' religious teaching will be compulsory for all i school ' children, i But i their parents will be, allowed to tedde whether they wish them to be Instructed in the Protestant, Catholic or Jewish religions. ' The planners of the federated German . a rejiuhlte .eniisage. u their greatest gesture toward the cutslde. world total disarmament. They -ww convinced that -If the strongest nation . in - Europe , dis arms, vis-a-vis Its neighbors, the others will' do the same, and there -will -result -out --of- this -a new era of economic prosperity and of real peace. They iirlll, however''malhtaln "i" "very strong federal police, which- will f be necessary -during reconstruction. They will abandon all claims to colonies,, because they consider colonies., a liability,, itnd - not an asset in the modern world. They will advocate the open door -for all nations In all colonies and a collaborative effort for their development.. , They hope that the 'birth of the federal German republic will mean the , beginning of : an eventual federation ot all the nations, of. Europe. Fantastic? It is not anything like as fantastic ' as the Third Reich ! It is only ? fantastic be cause we are accustomed to be lieve - t h a t anything reasonable and Intelligent is impossible! Perhaps It is fantastic, but there are people in Germany who formerly were politically aligned from . the extreme right to the extreme left - who ' today dream of this republic. - - - - ' They are reviewing the history of 1 the last twenty years. The great- military- dynasty of the Hohenzollerns eollapsed in blood and revolution. ; .... - That was followed by a brief period of communism In Bav rla, with Spartaeist risings al! over Germany, m These were quelled by the first German republic, the repub lic of Weimar. ; M ' The Weimar republic was a mixture of all the half-baked liberal Ideas of , the nineteenth century with twenti-odd politl eal parties, socialistic measures supported by the draining off of private enterprise, liberty run nlng into license', proportional representation to diffuse respon sibility and weak central gov ernment patched ' together cut of party coalitions. They don't want this back. And this was followed r-y the brown despotism of Hitler, which has tyrannized a free peoile at tempted to destroy its culture and science, isolated, it Intellec tually from the western vorld thrown the bulk of its productive processes into armaments and Your Choice selection we have ever shown Lovely Lorna Pattern 32-Piece pinnerware Complete Set tor. Six - llkt. Oold IZ) -01 . --Decorated - - C. Ererbrlts China 1 0 ) - . mi - - " rT 14 kt -W Leather 1 Solid Gold : 1 fWatch Straps! I .Wedding Rjng I I 8 Oc Values 1 v2W'"25'c.J Sfcv ' h " V7" Customer II J " v i la Chronilnm -Fraine , II j -s. Colors 1 . i ..... r . i t f r I i i i i t ' it t- Cold Retards Garden Stand Sweet Peas Are Sickly" too, but Fall Sown Grain I la Looking Good PRATUM Continuing cold weather .Is. having a bad effect en garaen. peas ana sweet peas. Last year at this time sweet peas that . had come up In the fall were at least i feet tall, while now Tolunteer sweet peas have almost! disappeared and the few that, are left are a sickly look ing mess; also seed town during winter and early spring is tither slow In coming : up or slugs- nip the young plants before they get a chance to develop. Garden peas are also very slow in coming, out in. the open, but the cool spring weather seems to have a good effect on tall sown grain which Is doing real - welL Berries Look Healthy The ! small amount of berries grown In this neighborhood seem to face spring rn a healthy con dition.; Camel las. which have been budding .for 1 several months without making hardly -any' no ticeable change.' nave' slowly taken on - unusual large propor tions and are beginning to show red. It is expected that a week of sunshine Till bring them out in their full glory with excep tionally large blossoms. Willamina Scouts Get Advancement WILLAMINA The Yamhill county Boy Scouts' court ot hon or was held in the school gym nasium recently. Scouts from all .parts of the county were present.: Kerny Beneflel, Or ley Brock, Glenn Larkins, Curtis Beneflel and Paul Franklin re ceived second class merit badges and Jack Shetterly; Wayne Rick ert, Delmar Jensen, Oscar Bene flel, Charles Colburn and J. A. started out on an expansion unlimited scope. Now, what the German people want Is not-a red dictatorship In place of a brown, one. What they want Is the rector stlon . of legitimate government, of a reign of law Instead of ar bitrary despotic decrees; of civil Ian rights and Immunities; of Intellectual . and religious free dom, and of collaboration with the rest of the western world They want a regime in harmony with Germany's great cultural and Intellectual ' traditions? government of ordered liberty. The great word of those who waltj and work for- the German liberation Is not socialism al though the new regime will have a large measure of state roclal ism. t But the word that fires the German heart today la "frel- helt ! "freedom 1 , . Copyright, 1939, New York Tri !..' bune. Inc.- ONCE: - WE SLASH PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW MERCHANDISE With Double the Floor Space This Year We Are in a Position to Give Salem the1 Finest Nationally Advertised Merchandise at the Lowest Possible Prices Wonted! SOQ OTEVENG f r hi! 1 SAW ,.is:i it r i r St" 1'. Ml Jensen, Jr. received first, class merit badges.; H y :-, - David Glass, son of Mrs. AV bert . Glass,' Is home from ithe McMInnvuie nospitai wnere am tad been the past six weeks,be-. lng treated for ear tronble, in an effort rto prerentTnastoId amnMah A-; Wl eondttlom la mneh Improved t h o r h he Is still under the doctors care. ? Luke Hyder has Tacated his work shop here, the property having been pnrcnasea irom 0. A. lUlkS Dy; B. w. niewaru , Three Families in New Residences ?- t WTLLAMTNA Recent ex changes of . residences were the W. CTremblay, famfly to the Rot Cobb house: Mr.' and Mrs. Al -Newbr to the "house tacated by them, and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lupro to the house vacated - by the Newbys. The , Lrupros nave purchased the property, of Otto Heider. ' 4 ; William Mclntyre of Highland was In town one day last week looking for a location for a gen era! store. ... ; -" Jack Crook and little son I10- ren. who left here last July to spend an indefinite time In Tex as and Illinois, returned .to the Earl Smith home Monday. Loren will live , with the Smiths, his grandparents. Cooperation Is Theme for Club WOODBURN The East Wood burn' Highway Commercial club held its regular weekly meeting at Brandt's tavern . Tuesday noon. Clyde Smith, president, appointed as an, attendance committee, Mr. Brandt, Kenneth McGrath. George Cummins and Elmer Mattson Rev. T. J. O'Connor of the Christian church gave an Interest ing talk on cooperation, bringing out the point that much mora can be accomplished in a community by cooperation than can be accom plished otherwise. Want Salem to Aid In Road Request SHjVE'RTON At the Tuesday night business meeting " of the Silverton chamber of commerce the group voted to request the local committee to get In touch with. the saiem chamber in an effort to bring combined pres sure on the county court to ob tain at least a rough surface for the Salem-Silverton highway In the near fnture. '' Announcement was made that the program committee hoped to bring a speaker from the state college for the last March meet ing and that Victor P. Morse of the university would be guest speaker in April. f .indahl Rites Today WOODBURN Funeral services for Martlnlus J. Lindahl will be held at the Beechler O'Halr mor tuary Thursday at 2 p.m. instead pt Saturday as previously report ed. -JV - v - A Now Acconntc 5 'th Anniversary Sale ; DOWN To Open an Account DROVN omaizce NATIONALLY ADVERTISED 1 I 1 . El 0 CC:tlK!E3T CUBIT Oltnitt.t (it la TVs bmsI estsest kfilel MS Si ll 1 4Va BuSi mJS jM mk VV W Iw? wllfj vCVVVwrv ww fMT Wrt. 14-JCl. wUH m Mtvrt fM to tml 4J BnAeskMBA aailMl ffWI ffwWfl WVf - - 1 : m - Selects Of fiders Mrs. E. V. Dalton Retained as President ; Group - . , to Attend Meet , . - f f . . ... DALLAS The annual election ot;, officers and opening of the mite boxes were special features at the regular monthly meeting of the Women's ' Missionary so ciety" of " the Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon. - A covered dish luncheon was served at 11: JO with Mrs. K. V. Dalton andiUrs Sidney E,Whltworth aeUng as'hostesses r ' - O Ulcers elected : to ' serve for the new yearf Mrsl E. Dal ton, . reelected r president; Mrs. Robert 1C Van Orsdei; rice presi dent; Mrs. Donald ' Gabber, re elected secretary; Mrs. L. W. Plummer, reelected treasurer; Mrs. Robert -Kutch,; secretary of missionary' education; Mrs. R. C Wilson, membership secretary: Mrs. J. G. Van Orsdei, secretary of stewardship;: Mrs. L. G. Smith, secretary of sewing. To Attend Presbyterial Members from this society plan - to attend the -Willamette Presbyterial meeting In the First Presbyterian church at ' Salem Thursday and Friday of this week with B. V. Dalton, Mrs. Mark Hayter and i Mrs. Frank Johnson - elected delegates. - Reports on the : study book, "City Shadows,", were given by Mrs. E. V. Dalton, : Mrs. Robert Kutch, Mrs. Sidney E. Whit- V - V An Interior view of Stevens-Brown enlarged Jewelry store at 184 North Liberty. This popular fastitwtiost Is celebrating Its fifth birthday this week and the public Is cordially invited Jo inspect this nsodera . Jewelry and optometry store. . GIVE THEM THE " CONFIDENCE THAT COMES WITH THE OWNERSHIP OF A DEPENDABLE, . ACCURATE. - - ' SMARTLY STYLED; g Riin NATURAL GOLD COLOR WRIST WATCH ' ' I'leea.' u CUawxre Frnlt Jake t ciwstts t "Water . Twsblers 95; Eheibets - 6 71ne Glasses - C3ose , Out V ssligca Annivers a r y i BSSB Hasijr Other Models if I f' e f&?! t I DlspUy at,Cwt Prices h 'PcUt r tc Pow :r- 50c Weekly ' - I ' S5y J "VJw.- i' 5a i if worth, Mrs., L.. W. Plummer; Mrs. Frank Johnson. Mrs.' Mark Hayter. 'Mrs. R. C : Wilson and Miss " Anne Haugeberg. . " " " ' Ben Harris Dies 1 ? And Brother Hurt SHELBURN C." D. Harris, who recently returned from a stay with his twin sons, Ben and Bert Harris in various parts of California, this week received a message telling of the death of Ben and serious injury to Bert in an auto collision in New York. ..The boys, expert acrobats, had traveled extensively In this coun try and Europe. --, , Ben's body Is expected in Ore gon soon where it will be buried. Seasons' Party, Program Held W06DBURN The Lutheran Daughters of the Reformation held a birthday party at the Lu theran, hall Wednesday.. Four ta bles decorated according to sea sons of the year, each bore three cakes representing each month of the season. Everyone paid a pen ny for every year of their sge. This .program waa presented: Talk by Rer. O. As per; vocal trio, Dorothy Lee Wilkins, lone Ander son, and Thelma Asper; piano duet . by . Edna Hermanson ; and Muriel Haroldson; accordion solo by Joy Randall; Norwegian song by Bernice Hanson; piano solo by Margery Evenson and aong by all. Celebrating 5 th Birthday i A.. - i ! t s - . , a. 1 . .1 . -t 1,11 BUYS A SMART, NEW euiii Anniversary' SALE PIUCS 0- Only One ; Ccstoaer, Grangers Guests As Mickle Speaks . SILVERTON Grangers were guests of the Lions club Tues day night at a dinner at Tony's. J. D. . Mickle, head of the state department of agriculture, guest speaker, discussed the work ot the state department. Roy Larson, with the law en forcement of the state depart ment, also spoke briefly. .'The speakers were introduced by Harry Riches, Marion county agricultural agent. Plans were started for a ladies' night entertainment and an en- trtilnmnt fnr nthnr. local . Next week's meeting vlll be devoted to business. : Aurora Youths to Play in All-Northwest Band AURORA William B. Krass of Aurora and Gale Qulnn of Canby were selected from the senior-class band of Canby un ion high school to play in the all-northwest band at Tacoma March 29 to April X. The play ers In . the northwest band are selected from schools In the Pa cific northwest and Alaska. The band's appearance will be In connection with the north west musie teachers' conference in Tacoma. The Southern Pacific company this week erected a new crane beside the tracks to catch the mall from trains going through Aurora. -. Pay Only 5CC Wkly 4Vm.AsR0GERS :vjz2 cy ONEIDA LTDl J desiti.AaS4cal Gift et Cridt tVo.U(tfalfot sliced toamoes, waCei,poacnl rspiaespple, Cttcnmbers. etc f. - i x, v e- ,1 U)Tin71TSTWTNT; I 1 illJ lILi W : . CKE3IT XCT7ELEn3 a C?TTCIA1.3 : i: it. Liurnir STr.i:irr cnnDiT jnwrLEr3 & cmaATf3 184 it. LirnmTY street mm i