The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1939, Page 5, Image 5

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    TLl C2TG0:i STATESMAN, CsIssb'Orem Wednesday Elonilar, KarchJ5,,1533
Tucker Bound
Grocery to ilter A, b i 1 d tag
permit to alter a'grocery building
At ITS North Liberty street to
amount of fsOsf. was Issued to
tne Salem Fred Meyer company
yesterday. Other permits were to
Chkrtotte Blrdwell to erect a one
':' story dwelling at 1020 North J 0th.
ft?; E. O. Me Mullen, to reroof
dwelling sYtt7t Myrtle, $100;
tad'4- Fred , Behrbaunv to alter a
dwelling at IH North lth, flSO.
Are your earninis Insured and
earning 4 7 See Salem Federal.
i ".- Speaks to Japaacae Dr. Frank
Hereon Smith, .superintendent of
the Japanese Methodist missions
of the Pacific cosst, war a visit-
ing speaker , in the Salem Japan
- 'cm church on Sunday, March 12.
He spoke .-In English at the jun
,lor church service in the morning.
' and at night he spoke la Japanese
.to a group or older members and
friends. Dr. Smith left Monday for
Portland. r ;
'- j ' Lloas Convent! o Set The an
nual Oregon state Lions club con
ttentlon. for which 8alem will be
host this year,-will be held June
111, It and SO, according to O. D
"Frosty Olson, general chairman,
Preliminary convention planning
announcements may. be made at
Thursday's, meeting of the local
club, for which a surprise program
is scheduled. :
Bob Ballard now located at First
National Bank Bldg. Barber shop.
BMvea Moves Office William
Bllven, manager of Willamette In
surance agency, end a local real-
: tor. aanouncea the removal of bla
office from Masonic building to
more spacious quarters in rooms
227 and 222 in the Oregon Build
ing in order to bring more effi
cient service to his clientele.
Attend Of f IcialsV Meet Marlon
county wan represented yesterday
at the 'commonwealth conference
I at Eugene by Commissioner Jim
Smith and engineer N. C. Hubbs,
who were interested in road meet
ings en the progra t. C. C. Ward
deputj county clerk, attended the
i conference sessions Monday.
, For lowest rates on farm fire In
su ranee, see Wm. Bliven, 327-328
Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7900.
Kn route to Boston S. G
pi Schwartx, postal inspector with
j headquarters here, left last night
I on the Portland Rose for Boston
! where he was celled to assist in
: survey of the Boston postal district.
Coming Events
' March 14-15 Dr. Daa Gil
bert and Dr. Paul W. Rood, at
First Chrintlaa church.
March SO Dinner honoring
Archbishop Howard. t
April Raster.
April 14-15 8Ut eoavea
tioa America Assodatkm of
University i Women. -
April 20-23 Orrcoa
tiaa Kndeavor ronveatloa.
Court of Honor At the regular
monthly court . of honor of the
Cherry City district. Boy Scouts of
America tonight at the chamber of
commerce. Mr. Garretson of the
Salem Chemical Garden club will
speak on "How to Raise Flowers
and Vegetablea with Chemicals."
Hugh Scott, head of the court of
honor committee, will preside and
introduce the speaker.
Quilt and Antique Show, 12th and
Leslie,Thurs., March IS.
Pearson Rotary Speaker Wal
ter E. Pearson, new state treasur
er, will address the Salem Rotary
club at the Marion hotel today
noon. He will be Introduced by
i Dan J. Fry, state purchasing
' agent. )
Englrwood Club The Town
' send Youth club will meet Thurs
day, night at 8 o'clock at Engle
! wood school. Election of perman
1 ent officers and, application for
j charter will be in' order. The pub
i lie is welcome. ,
Auction aale Nash Furniture Co.
won't last long. Hurry t We're
quitting business. Everything
must be sold. Sale every night.
7:20, until final notice.
Mrs. Fulkersoa Better Mary
L. Fulkerson, county school super
intendent. Is showing improve
ment at Salem Deaconess hospital
where she recently underwent an
operation. It was reported Tester-
day. She had been confined to her
home for several weeks before be
ing taken to the hospital. She Is
expected to be able to return home
within the next two weeks.
Women's sample footwear just ar
rived, sizes 2 ft to 4. Very new-
est spring styles. Values to $7
Special 12.95. Main floor a hoe
dept.. Miller's
"Penny" Fuse Causes Fire In
sertion of a penny under a burnt
out fuse plug caused what might
have been a serious fire at a Sa
lem home yesterday. It resulted in
burned window drapes, scorched
dagenports and rugs, before fire
men arrived to extinguish the fire,
Atchison Enlists Frank K
Atchison, son of Mrs. Anna Atchi
son, 115$ West 7th street, West
Salem, enlisted in the army March
2 and has been assigned to the
29 th engineers, with station in
Attend the Auction at Nelson Bros,
Furniture Co.. every afternoon
2:00, every evening, 7:30.
Bean Meeting Bean growers,
who recently formed a state-wide
organization for betterment of the
industry, will meet at the cham
ber of commerce Thursday morn
Ing at 10:30 o'clock.
To Grand Jury
: 1 -.
nan initial tieartnir
Cattle TTiefi Chxxget
Posts S1000 Bail
- - . - ,-. -T.-.T. .3.4 W
Gerald, Tucker, 14, fourth mem
ber of the quartet of men arrested
Otis week and last on charges ot
larceny ot cattle from John Sta-
mos at Mill City, was bound over J
to the grand Jury, yesterday col
lowing a, preliminary' hearing 'laJ
Salem justice : court. 'His 5 balL
11000. had already been posted.
Principal witness against. Tuck-J
er, only member of. the quartet
not waiving hearing, was Roy Lar-
sen. state livestock theft division
operative, who had a large part la
bringing about the fonr arrests.
The cattle were reported stolen
around Christmas time. . -
arcuit Court
Vurla Axlene Fluke vs. Jack M.
Flake; complaint, divorce, title to
furniture. SSOe alimony $100 at
torney fee and restoration of
plaintiffs former name. Vurla Ar-
lene Becken, asked: cruel and In
human treatment alleged; mar
ried February 23, 192S. a Stev
enson. Wash. ! c '
Lois K. Ferris vs. JhUip H
Ferris; defense answer, asking
that plaintiff be ' denied decree;
defense counter-affidavit asserts
his average monthly wage has
been $72.51 and says $10 is rea
sonable suport money for child.
N. W. Chenoweth vs. Elsie
Chenoweth; complaint I for di
vorce; desertion alleged; married
October 2, 1936. at Grants Pass.
Winnie Pettyjohn vs. Enos Clut
ter et al; suit to quiet title.
, . ' Probate Court
Lewis H. Suter estate; semi
annual account. Earl M. Petty
crew, administrator; $4428.28 re
ceived and $3942 paid out.
Jerusha A. Suter estate; semi
annual account, Earl M. Petty
crew. executor1; $1247.70 received
nd $112.S8 paid out. t
Julia F. Harritt estate: closing
order. Myrtle Lawrence, adminis
Justice Court
A. W. Sunderman; trial on lar
ceny charge started, recessed un
til March 29 for additional wit
nesses. Donald Wesley Cady; $10 fine.
, llBoys Jailed, gjM
STATU -. ":.,"e
no atflitv nermit. s
Albert Dawson: pleaded guilty
to larceny ot two pain ot ehil-1 last night.
Al I I -A:
more' and
trend is
more to indoor
vault burial or cremation,
"the two better ways."
At Tucson, Ariz., March 10,
Vera G. Paris, late resident of
2190 South High street. Wife ol
Robert D. Paris and mother of
Frances M. Paris of Salem. Funer
al services will be held under the
direction of the W. T. Rlgdon
company Wednesday, March 15, at
2 p. m.. from St. Paul's Eplscopa'
church, Chemeketa and- Chu.xh
streets. Rev. George H. Swift will
officiate. Interment Belcrest Me
morial park.
ClSOn, Florist
Ccfrrt & High Ph. 7166
Wtlsoa - -At
the residence, Tojedo, Ore
March 13, Carl H. Wilson, age 69.
Husband ot Clara Wilson; father
of Mrs. Irene M. Fawver of Tole
do: brother of Mrs. Nettie 'Walker
of Salem, Tobe Maddox ot Amer
icas, Mo., and Mrs. Hattie Hayden
of Petersburg, 111. Services will be
held from the W. T. Rlgdon chapel
Thursday, March 16, at 2 p.m
with interment in Belcrest Memor
ial park.
dren's shoes from Arbuekle, King
and eomnanv: sentenced to 10
days la jail.
Jack Wright; appeared, case
continued for 30 days, charge ot
defrauding an innkeeper. '
MnnldtMd Court-
Casper J. Towo, traffic riola
tloa; fined $1.
Robert W. Shattuc, violation ot
the basic speed rule, fined
Drug and Toiletry
Firm Is Launched
Former Blanager Returns
to City and Starts Own
Qrr. Sute Police Start
Drive to Halt Vave -of
Pilferings "
EleTti Salem boys, 14 to ' IT
yean ot ago, landed behind jail
doors la the last three days as Uty
aad state police opeaed - a com
bined drive to clean up a Juvenile
gang that has pilfered automo
biles and buildings of a conser
vatively estimated $300 worth ot
loot. .
AH were charged as delinquent
minors, and yesterday were ten
tatively scheduled tor a hearing
Thursday afternoon in juvenile
court. la the meantime there may
bo further arrests, according to
state officers.
The boys admitted, said officers
to more than $0 car
Today Double bin, "Snbma-
. rias Patrol" witk. Richard
Greene and Nancy r Kelly
' and The DIonne Qulntnp-
lets la TIts of a Kind." :
Thursday Fred MacMurray
and Jack Oakie ia The
Texas Rangers' and Rose
mary, Priscilla and r Lola
Lane la "Four Daughters.
Today The Jones Fam
ily In "Ererybody's Baby."
Saturday Shirley, Temple
and . Richard Greene la
The Little Princess.
Today Double bill. Ro-
land Yonnr mnd Conatanea
Bennett in "Topper! Takes
a Trip- and "Risky Busl-
aess with George Murphy
and Dorothea Kent. ;
Returning to Salem after an ab
sence of a year, M. R. Milburn,
formerly manager of the Fred
Meyer toiletry department here.
embarks on a drug and toiletry en
terprise of his own at 150 N. Com- f gating rink;
prowlings and some of the loot
went as - far away from homo as
San Francisco, taken there by two
of the boys who went to attend
the fair. The same two boys, who
returned hero with a $C0 overcoat
taken from a car in Salem, served
jail sentences In San Francisco tor
robbing autouoblles there. -
Operations of the youthful gang
centered around- Kent! hall ta
Polk county. West Salem, Salem
high school, local theatres and the
Mellow Moon skating rink In West
salem, according to officers. The
gang, ia which there were two
sets ot brothers, operated as a
unit. Of times, loot changed hads
among the members several times.
and for that reason was hard to
track down, officers said.
Many Articles Taken
Recovered by officers so far:
Six overcoats; a dosen car robes;
two target pistols; two guns, tak
en from the Salem gun club; three
cameras, one ot which was taken
from -a. car, parked near, the Cap
itola skating rink, one from' a car
near th Hollywood theatre and
the other from the West Salem
a number of brief
Today Double bill. Er
rol Flynn in "Dawn Pa
trol"'' and Gene Autry in
"Home on the Prairie.
Today Family nl ht.
double bill. Warren Wil-
. llama and Gall Patrick in
"Wives" Under Suspicion
and "Strange Faces" with
Dorothea Kent, Frank
Jenks and Andy Devine.
Friday Double bill, "Arsene
Lupin Returns" with Mel
vyn Douglas and Virginia
Bruce and Jack Luden in
"Phantom Gold."
merclal. ' J cases, one belonging to KSLM and
Milburn'a store features nation- containing valuable papers: a tel
Topper Returning
On Screen Today
Elsinore Books Latest of
Comedies With Young,
Bennett, Burke
Call Directors The Oregon
Jersey Cattle club board ot direc
tors is slated to meet Thursday af
ternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the
chamber of commerce here, with
Rex Ross, Mt. Angel, presiding.
Townsend at Liberty: The
Townsend club will meet at Lib
erty school Thursday at 8 p.m. to
elect permanent officers and ap
ply for a charter for the club. The
public is Invited.
Auction tonite and every nite 7:30
sharp. Entire stock Nash Furn. Co.
must be sold to settle estate. Come
early. Terms arranged at auction.
No reserve.; Let your friends know.
Chest Heal lag Topic "Healing
for the Chest" is the topic for the
Truth study class, meeting at 166
S. Liberty street tonight. Miss
Olice Stevens is the leader.
l.uti Florist. 1276 N. Lib. 9592.
To Show Films Fred deVries
of Pratum will show the European
section of his travelogue moving
pictures at the Evangelical church
here Friday night. I
Dch. Boy pnt. Mathls. 171 S. Com.
line Fire Extinguished C i t y
firemen yesterday put out a chim
ney blase at 715. South .Capitol
allv-advertised merchandise. "Our
prices will be competitive at all
times and our policy calls tor fre
nnent merchandise events which
rill mean more than Ordinary sav
ings for customers,'.' Milburn said,
stock of the Fry drug store,
v.n h Mdhnra anil U ?
fuivuwcu u
mented by purchases of o t h er
famous brand merchandise, pro
vides the Milburn store with com-
nieta assortments ot all wanted
lines of toiletries and remedies.
Location Is Convenient
Pointing out the convenience of Tnnfl J Tutcm Will IWin
hi-wMnn for shiners. Milburn unPa,a laxes WU1 Begin
said "the establishment ot a drug
Constance Bennett, the glamor
ous blonde who proved herself
first-rate comedienne In last year's
"Topper" and fMerrily We Live,'
returns to the screen in another
mad and merry portrayal in Hal
Roach's latest comedy production,
"Topper Takes a Trip," scheduled
for showing at the Elsinore today
through Saturday.
Roland Toung, who scored so
brilliantly in "Topper" last year
Fnn T I ana in i ne louog in nean im
nr I 51Y I llCpniint rear, portrays Cosmos Topper, the
JL VTA - M.jv M.M.m.m I .... v -H. fntn
escope; a suitcase containing as
sorted wearing apparel; flash
lights; a suit of clothes; a box
containing specimens, taken from
a car parked in front of a local
apartment house; and liquor tak
en from cars, mainly parked
around the state capltol building.
Today Last Time
Proves Timely
Monitor Editor Talk on
Czechs Here Coincides
With Nazi Coup
Xewls r staler. Pacific coast
editor ot the Christian Science
Monitor. "Looked Down on World
Events From the Press Gallery"
before some 200 members, friends
snd guests ot Salem's Junior
chamber of commerce last nighi
at a dinner I . the chamber of com
merce dining hall, at the same mo
ment when the German armf
goose-stepped, into Czechoslovak
tan control. '
"Fortification ot Germany'
western frontier t h e Siegfried
line, made 'possible what hap
pened la eastern Europe last Sep
tember, said the widely traveled
editor. "Hitler's advisers in May
told Hitler France was to be
feared in any German move
agaiast Czechoslovakia, and Hit
ler responded by demanding ade
quate fortification on the French
frontier by September.
.''Hitler got what he asked, the
Siegfried line, and that is hat
made bis first Czech move possi
Miller said Germany is using
new tprm of imperialism, a form
that is hard to combat because ot
the economic aad political plan
ning that ia carefully employed
ia advance. . . V' : '
While Miller did not agree with
Van Loon's ' statement that , it
would occur within 10 years, he
did predict that the seat of gov
erament for the British empire
would be moved from London to
Canada. "England will have a
'federal' scheme of government
such as we Inaugurated, and thua
will have learned a second great
lesson from, the United States."
Miller predicted.
Because Germany haa not the
cash and Insists on bartering. Mil
ler foresaw no economic encroach
ment in South America by Ger
many, and said he felt a political
move there would be forestalled
by the "declaration of hope" at
the Lima conference, and by the
sudden awakening of the United
States in regard to the need ot
protection in south Atlantic waters.
Paris Funeral Is v
Slated for 2 p.m.
Funeral services for Mrs. Vers
G. Paris, wife ot R. D. Perls, will
be held here this afternoon at 2
o'clock from St, Psul's Episcopal
church with Rev. George H.
Sw. rector, officiating.
' Mrs. Paris, who resided at 2110
Soath High street, died is Tucson.
Aria.. Friday afternoon. 8he had'
been in the Southwestern state for '
her health during the past several -months.
She leaves the widower, R. D,
Paris and a daughter, Miss Fran
ces Parts, both of Salem, among
her relatives.
and toiletry store in a block that
is already a bargain-hunters' naven
now makes possible one-stopshop-
nln for both food and drugs.
Milburn 8 store is in tne locauun
formerly occupied by Hoffman s
market. The latter concern nas
taken space In the Caplan market
next door.
Milburn was for years manager
of the Fred Meyer Salem toiletry
department and up until Decem
ber la6t year managed the rea
Meyer 6th arenue store in Portland.
At the residence, 290 West Mil
ler street, March 14, Martha J.
Pittman, aged 81 years. Mother ot
Mrs. Msttie L. Anderson ot Salem
and Mrs. Mable A. Graves of Pasa
dena, Calif.; also survived by
three grandchildren and one great
grandchild. Funeral announce
ments later by the W. T. Rlgdon
company. :
II III! Il l
Claude ) Rains - Jeffrey, Lynn ' John
Garfield Frank- BIcHiujh 3 and the
Lane Statcrat Roaemary, Prigcilla, Lola
tt VIA '
ast irons
A Terrific Twin BU!
Club 2 Tonight A meeting
of Townsend club No. 4 is ached
uled for the Highland school at
30 tonight. :
Beardsley To Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew W. Beardsley, 1900 Lan
rel avenue, a daughter, Joanna
Marie, born March 7 at the Salem
General hospital.
Williams - TO Mr. and Mrs.
Palmer J. Williams, RL S Salem,
a son, Dennis La Vera, born March
at the Salem General hospital.
Magee To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
D. Magee, Aumsville, a son, Dale
Leroy, born January 22 at the Sa
lem General hospital.
Bagber To ' Mr. and.. Mrs.
Walter C. Bugher. 880 Eleetrie,
a aaugnter, Audrey fnyms, nora
March 12 at the Salem General
hospital. . " v -. ,
Hcott To Mr. and Mrs. Charles
D. Scott, 95S Madison, a daughter.
Judith Gall, born March 7 at the
Salem General hospitaL - ...
Lehman To Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil J. Lehman, Monmouth, . a
son, Terry Allen, born March
at the Salem General hospital.
? Hfll To Mr. and Mrs. Mel
ton H. Hill. 1724 Chemeketa,
daughter. Joanne Estelle. born
February 24 at the Bungalow Ma
ternlty home.
I Joneblnt To Mr. and Mrs.
Charlea R. Jsngblut, 1900 Broad
way, a daughter, Mary Anne, born
March 7 at the Salem General
hospital. '. i ,
Field Men Start
1940 Assements
County Valuation Survey
Will Continue Until
iLate in Fall
Four of the 12 tield men em-
ployed by the county assessors
office have begun making assess
ments of property for the 1931
assessment roll, on which the 1940
tax levy will be based. Assessor
r. "Tad" Shelton announced yes
terday. The valuation task will
continue In various parts ot the
countr until early falL
Deputy assessors now at wore
and their districts are:
Robert McNamee, St. Paul;
Harlan Feller. Aurora: Ray Lick,
Gervais. Lake Lablsh and Kelzer;
E. C. Denny, Mill City. Stayton
and Turner.
' 8 Others on Staff
The other eight field deputies
are: '
! Robert H. Scott, Woodburn; R.
L. Toung, Mt. Angel; Bert Terry,
Sflverton; John Tweed, Howell
Prairie: Reuben Doege. Rosedale;
H. R. Jones. Ankeny Bottom: Har-
ley Libby, Jefferson and Marlon:
George Haynes, Scotts Mills.
Assessor : Shelton ; and his two
office- deputies make the assess
ments for the Salem district.
Drawing 8 per Cent
Interest, Midnight
The Marlon county tax depart
ment last night issued a last call
to taxpayers who wish to profit by
the 2 per cent discount allowed
for payment of taxes before the
first quarter ends, and to escape
interest penalty. Today is the last
day on which a discount on 1939
taxes can be obtained and arter
midnight 1939 taxea will start
drawing interest at the rate ot 8
per cent.
The tax office will be open from
a. m. to 5 p. m., its regular
hours, today. Tax payments made
by mail, however, will be credited
for discount if they bear a post
mark before midnight tonight.
Tax payments since the 1939
roll waa opened bad not been fully
totaled last night but tax depu
ties expressed a belief they were
heavier than last year. The de
partment issued 1034 receipts for
1931 taxes and more than 100 for
delinquent taxes yesterday.
Taxpayers who are unable to
pay the 1939 tax in full may se
cure 1 to z per cent discounts by
paying one-half or three-ouarters
or. tne year a duu -
i- SsT fe'jrr"
Roy-Gardner' Returning
To Appear in Portland
SAN FRANCISCO. March . 14-
OPV-Roy Gardner, the ex-mail
train robber whose daring escapee
made criminal history, will leave
here by automobile Friday to ap
pear in federal, court at Portland
March Zl. He was indicted on
charge of sending obscene matter
through, the mafl.s ( f , ?
W i III ' " 1
ii"; ' Last Day V
"Subnarfae Patrcr ,
With Richard Greene '
aad Raacy Kelly
and "5 OP A KLND
j, With Ptonae Quint npieta
- . Matinee Each Day at 2 pan, f
marital and fiscal difficulties
when Miss Bennett "phUanthrop
lcally" takes a hand in his affairs.
Billle Burke, who achieved wide
acclaim last year as Mr. Topper'a
Victorian and shockable wife, is
again gullible Mrs. Topper who
gets into a whole series of strange
scrapes. i '
Alan Mowbray, who reached new
comic heights in Mr. Roach's
"There Goes My Heart," Is. cast as
valet to Mr. Toung and he man
ages to Infuse his duties with a
dash of hilarity and to complicate
his actions with his usual unique
As the gentleman who is attrac
ted by Mrs. Topper's goodly for
tune, Alexander D'Arcy contrib
utes a portrayal of a penniless
man-about-town with a fine flair
for love-making. Also importantly
cast in this line-up of stellar play
era are Franklin Pangborn, Verree
Teasdale and Paul Hurst.
Several of the largest and most
lavish sets Hollywood has seen in
recent years were constructed for
"Topper Takes a Trip."' the out
standing among these being an ex-
,ct replica of one ot the famous
gambling casinos which add to the
slitter and gayety of the French.
Riviera. .
til I ' -r II
Topper k) oa the Loose Agatn Jl
- With His VafMhuifl Girt-U
V ' 1 rManaHersofTrkicsl
S"- KMppesnaelethiasTrualuf
; 5V BkreWs...levWUeJsaBreslis
V6ti: -OolvingRKumbsDsAceri! 1
-V ' aT" , V ECTOPLASM rues ric"aii. 1
i : (A Usses a trsl.of Msiwy fcosv
' ' V 0v V" P KfA Aveaueto tKe French 1
jU l , More LwpW..4 ' I
. ileeCaers;: U
I H.t, . 8
II . Mati- t . ' ' 1 - 1
. '-II ,
7 1.. Lp - I I
II A ' - J
I - i i : t m
j- 7S , V?r Lonella Parsons x ,tf 1...-
fflD' said t "Doat let the , 1 " , - J ,
fQf title; frighten you . - I .1 -' , . i
' I V lt ""ost'de , Pins .Feature No. S I , '
I VyV tlightfal comedy of A radio thrill story r k ' . t ,
( I vVsalem -Risky Business" c -J ,
J V Y " rV ! SAYS: 1 J .
r X-- f YES, MA'AM!! . George Marphy . .
-'TV A -Af Dorothea Kent .
I " ''s' yf " EI Brendel , - I .
i j .... ,if rX TV Sl t rUyCar VHR-U7J
i ' (llthifXti f"i, 11 J&Mi&L tHeJaa'sr.e-rtae-r I
. - CBsannonBiio-: r :Msiru Ktvw !
1 'ocosoB tancicni'- v": ' ipi-J1-,! , ,; '
A EUCEUC PA1LET72 ( .; ' WtUT 1,L-.-"- - ,
; j-y f s ? 'r a . j
Show Value!