The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1939, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tha 02EGO!l. STATESMAN !:rv Oreca, Ssndar Monday March IV 1929
n ' - 1 s
' -j--' --M - - .,,..........r ........ iriiiiiir MiunimMMMirriinrnr m' n in.. inaaairiaiiim r r MMiMaMIMiiMUI nr-rimr 1
That's Frank Capra, director of the
can't Take it with xou" seated on a ladder before the fence on! Ann Ulller, lllscha Auer, Spring Bylngton, Samnel Hinds, Dub Tay
which Is seated the principal members of the cast. Reading from! lor, Lillian Tarbo and Ed Johnson. .
left to right are Halliwell Hobbes, Donald Meek, Mary Forbes, Ed-
I Rooney Plays
Twain Figure
Mickey Appears in First
Solo Starring Role in
; Noted Story
"The Adventures of Huckleber
ry Finn," Mark Twain's sequal to
"Tom Sawyer," with Mickey Roo-
"" I ne7 u the uue roie, piaying uia
firit solo starring part la a An-
.matie story of life on the Missis
sippi, is the attraction today at the
Elslnore theatre.
Familiar to millions of readers,
the Mark Twain story- presents
Mickey thk river lad who seeks
to aid a runaway slave to escape
up the rlrek to a tree state. Their
raft is invaded by i two comical
swindlers. "The King" and "The
Duke," who giro bogus Shake-
sperean plays, plot to sell the sure
back to slavery, and are about to
defraud two girls of their father's
estate when; Hock exposes then
and precipitates a dramatic cli
max. ' I ' ' :,;-'-v
Sacramento Hirer Used -
Much of the action was filmed
on the Sacramento river, which
did service as the Mississippi, and
where one of the last old river
steamers still In service in . this
country staged the dramatic race
to rescue the slave from a lynch
mob. "
The cast includes Walter Con
nolly as the "King," who, with
Mickey as Juliet,-stagres an ab
surd "Romeo and Juliet" perform
ance in a river village. Tbe
Duke." second of the swindlers, is
plsyed by William Frawley, veter
an of stage and screen, and the
cindly Widow Douglass, benefac
tress of the boy, is enacted by
Elizabeth Risdon. Jim, the run
away, is played by Rex Ingram,
the negro - actor who scored as
"De Lawd" In "Green Pastures."
Registered Guernsey Sold
Knaat tc Sons report the sale of
a registered Guernsey cow. Hay
wire's Lily, to Harry Hlnkle of
Call Board
Today Double bill, "Subma
rine Patrol", with Richard
Greene and Nancy Kelly
and The Dlonne Quintup-
lets In "Five of a Kind."
Thursday Fred MacMurray
-and Jack Oakie in "The
Texas Rangers" and Rose-
mary, Prlscilla and Lola
Lane in "Four Daughters."
Today Warner Baxter, Lor
etU Young In "Wife," Hus
band and Friend."
Wednesday The Jones Fam
llv in "Rvervhodv'a Rahv."
Saturday Shirley - Temple
and : Richard Greene in
"The Little Princess."
: 1 Elslnore
Today Double bill, Mickey
Rooney in "Huckleberry
Finn" and "My Wife's Rel-
stives" with James G lesson
and Lucille Gleason.
Thursday Double bill, Ro
land Toung and Cods tan ce
Bennett in "Topper Takes
a Trip" and "Risky Busi
ness" with George Murphy
.and Dorothea Kent.
Today Double bill, J. Edgar
Hoover's "Persons in Hid
ing" with Lynn Overman
and "Navy : Secrets' with
Fay Wray and Grant With
ers and chapter Z of "The
Lone Ranger Rides Again.
Wednesday Double bill, Er-
rol Flynn In "Dawn Pa
trol"" and Gene Autry la
"Home on the Prairie." 1
Today Frank Capra's Acad-
emy Award winner of 1838
' "You Can't Take It With
. Ton" with Jean Arthur,
. Lionel Barry more and
James Stewart.
Wednesday Family night,
double bill, Warren Wil-
Hams and Gall Patrick in
"Wives Under Suspicion'!
and "Strange Faces" with'
Dorothea Kent, -Frank
Jenks and Andy Devine. '
Friday Double bill. "Arsene
' Lupin Returns" with Mel-
ryn Douglas and Virginia.
: Bruce and Jack Luden In
and Cast Members of
Hollywood theatre's current "Ton i
Mickey in First Solo Role
BUckey Rooney and William Frawley la a scene from 'Huckleberry
Utamm" aarklok mmmm rAm mt tk.
m - mubi ww bv.m. .m aaav . a a.'
Is "My Wife's Relatives," with the
Richard Greene and Nancy Kelly share a brave young love together
la the face of peril and trial by danger In the amazing never-bef ore
told story of the "Splinter Fleet," 20th Century-Fox's Submarine
ncroi" opening today at the State theatre.
Broadway Nights
Copyrlsfet. USt, Kins Features Syndicate, Inc.
NEW YORK. 'kiss Tallulah
Bankhead Is, aa the gentle reader
must know by now, a happy, hap
py girt She now has, for the first
time in more yean than is nice, a
Broadway hit. It's Lillian Hell-
man s -The Little Foxes, cur
rently at the National theatre in
41st street. It s a play about a
grasping, money - grabbing, un
principled and completely porcine
southern family and while "The
Little Foxes" doesn't err on the
side of subtlety, ' it Is informed
with a melodrama which occas
ionally , achieves tragedy. The
play is a not-too-expert disserta
tion on the helplessness of decen
cy in the grip of the "realists."
and Miss Hellmaa cleaves to her
essay with a power and concentra
tion which causes her to over
state,' rather than depict by more
restrained means, her stark and di
rect story.
The brothers Oscar and Ben
Hubbard (Carl Benton Reid and
Charles Dingle. respectively) and
their sister Regina (Miss Bank
head) are the tight-lipped trium
virate around whom'-the play re-
TOlves. Regina Is married to Hor
ace Giddens (Frank - Conroy)
whose heart trouble takes him. to
hospital in Baltimore. The. Hub
bards, eotton planters, have an
opportunity of getting a partner
ship In a cotton mill which nor
thern capital is bringing to their
territory. Giddens isn't interested,
but his money Is needed, so Ben's
son swipes $85,000 In. railroad
bonds from Giddens bank box.
Horace finds It out. and there's no
point in telling you the whole
story, because yon won't like to
know It before ' yon see Miss
Bankhead In the play. It Is suffi
cient to say that Regint kills her
bnsband (by not getting him med
icine which he must hare ) and
that the - husband has the ' last
laugh by letting them get. away
with the theft, so that they might
fight and the ! little foxes rend
themselves with their teeth.
Part Well Portrayed X
The . fattest of all roles la re
cent yean, that of Ben's .wife,
went to Miss Patricia Collinge.
His Latest Comedy
ward Arnold, Janes Stewart Jean
Finn" at Elsiindre 1, ai . ai ft. Mil
atwaaawiaj m,um mmm aUi mm a.l 1 .r.l.
HJgglns family.
grimy hands of the Hubbards
sh drinks herself Into a state of
neurotlclsm to be .able to bear
the marriage. Miss Bankhead'.
cruel authority, her unswerving
devotion to becoming a million
aire, her whole-hearted lack of
principle as regards the achieve
ment of money paints a stark
and unlovely portrait with
deftness and surety which cer
tainly gives Tallulah high rank
cn the American stage. Miss Coi
nage's semi-hysteria, her desper
ate clinging to the days! that
have gone and won t return, to
a pleasant and civilized : life on
a great and glamorous planta
tion of the old South, win the
sympathy of enthusiastic audi
ences. The utter and mutter-
able swinishness of the brothers
Hubbard offers a companion
piece to Regina's money-hunger,
wnicn outdoes them in inrenu
lty and cold calculation. Horace
Giddens. with death standing at
bis shoulder, watches - with de
tached and uncurious . assurance
as the Hubbards tear each oth
era viiats ior goia and ; ower.
Tne reader can see that math.
ing has been left to the imagi
nation by Miss Hellman.' that
ner drama, might have achieved
high tragedy by showlnr r less
and suggesting more, that some
dramatic preparation f o r Gid
dens dramatic death would have
lent ' point and power, to what
snouia nave been -the most dra
matic scene In this Intense pi-.
we re not carping, it's
r IX
" TCnmw CtiAa1 my
Arthur, Capra, Lionel Barrymore,
War Naval St
At State Theatre
Drama of Sob Giascrs,
Little Known Ships,
Told in Story
The never-told-before drama of
elriJ ft "Snbrn
career in submarine Patrol," the I
film Darryl r. Zanuck produced
opens today at the State theatre,
to be hailed as one of the greatest
pictures of the year. t
The sub chasers are a branch of
the navy that hare received com
paratively little notice and yet saw
soma of th moit excltlnr action
of the great war. Manned by the
and ends ever to board a fighting
nip, the "splinter Fleet" pro-
Tides a powerful dramatic : theme
worthy of Director Ford's robust.
forthright technique.
lias Notable Cast
Richard Greene, Nancy 'Kelly. I
Preston Foster, George Badcroft, sons la Hiding." which opens to
Slim Summerrille, John Carradlne, day at the Capitol theatre.
Joan Valerie. Henry Ar metta, -. Although made op ot . incidents
Warren Hymer. Douglas Fowley, from the careers of a doxen ta-
J. Farrell HacDonald and Maxle I
Kosennioom are included in tne t
stellar cast. I
Gene Markov was SMnrist nrv I
ducer. Rian James. Darrell Ware
and Jack Yellen wrote the screen I
play from a book by Ray MUhol-
; ...
Smoker Is Slated,
Woodburn School
WOODBURN A smoker will
be held In the Woodburn high
school gym Friday night, March
17, sponsored by the FFA. Pete
Patterson of St Mary'e high
scnooi in ueaverton ana sascum
auiuucv vi uuiwui wm siaseisuing u-aien. a strange nartner-
the main event. The semi-wind-
up Is between Johnny ' Charbo-
neau of Donald and Don Kins
ley of St. Mary's. Swede Adam
ski and Don Barrett, flyweights,
oota oi whs will be . la the
curtain raiser.
The rest ot the card Is: Kist-
ner ts. Wlgent, Bean ts. Whit
ney, R. Racette ts. E. Fryer: O.
Smith vs. Rich, C. Martin, WHS.
vs. uenaennau of Can by: w.
Racette ts. B. Lee.
There will also be three wres -
mag matcnes: w. Breese ts.
Schrick of Newberg; R. Wertx
vs. Coles of Newberg. and Bales
of Newberg vs. R. Breese,
WMS Planning
Public Program
ROSEDALE Rev. and Mrs.
Walter Cook were called to New
berg Friday to attend the funeral
or a relative of his.
The WMS met with Mrs. Bert
Hamilton Thursday and did sew
ing Mrs. G. Cook conducted de-
VOtlonals and Mrs. M. ram mack
conducted a studv of South Am -
erica. The society plans to giro
public missionary ' program
Sunday night. March 31.
m - . -
No knittinr class was held
again this week, due to illness of
the teacher. Miss Morhead of Fa -
orarer puy than most, . and a
better play than most. If it isn't
a perfect play It Isn't because
Miss Hellman hasn't done every-.
thing she could to make it so.
Ste ! may, yet Yon know how
piaya are. ion write em a a
hope they : resemble your script
wnen tney reach the stage. " At
any rate, "The Little Foxes" Is
a must on your visiting list
wnen you come to. New York.
na Tjfiai mciubi tt liial
ii ip a .
ml ' I
I JX Vtna Today
Grand Billing
Clever Comedy
Wife, Husband and Friend
Start Loretta Young, .
Warner Baxter .
The gayety is delirious, the wit
sparking and the comedy slam
bang "when lovely Loretta Tdung
and debonair Warner Baxter play
the lore game with a new set; of
ralei la "Wife, -Hnsband and
Friend," the 20th Century-Fox hit
which opened yesterday at the
Grand theatre.
The picture's opening finds Lor
etta and Warner blissfully happy
la their marriage. Loretta has
loads of money, a grand husband
and a lovely home. Bat, Just like
a womoa, she wants one thing
She wants to sing!
to make matters worse, he does.
Makes Concert Debstt
Encouraged by Cesar Romero.
her music .teacher, and m group of
well-meaning friends, Loretta
makes her debut on the .concert
stage in spit of Warner's protests.
The debut Is successful, thanks to
her husband's seat-selling efforts,
and she plans a cross-country tour.
As If this wouldn't cause dissen
sion enough. Binnle Barnes steps
into the picture In the role of a
beautiful and famous opera alnger
and discovers, that Warner Baxter
has, among other 'things, a mag
nificent baritone rolce. So he goes
on tour! Now, with Loretta going
one way and Warner going Ithe
other, you'd never think they'd get
together. v.:v-.:- r
Lends Are Ideal
Loretta Toung and Warner Bax
ter are ideal la the starring relea
and movie fans might give a rote
ot thanks to Darryl F. Zanuck for
casting them together again. ; Ev
ery member of the cast which also
includes George Barbler, J. (Ed
ward Bromberg, Eugene Pauetta
Gregory Ratoff U to be
1.1. w
7" t7;
congratulated on his grand job of
Capitol Theatre
Offers Thriller
"fersons in mains" 1 said
Based Upon Unusual
Crime Events
The most bizarre pares from
the record of modern American
crime hare Been formed into one
thrUlinr screen storv in -pr.
mons criminals, ths story . plugs
a single exciting themathe
terrific. 1- Influence of beautiful
young Women who SUPPly ! the
Plains and Inspiration for some
"l counirj a mow iwea iu
aesperaie gangsters.
With Lynne Overman Patricia
Morison, J. Carrol Na is h and
William Henry playing the .too
roles, "Persons in Hiding" un
covers the amazing experiences
ot a "queen of rackets," a lovely
young halr-dresser who elopes
with an ambitious criminal in
hopes of obtaining the luxuries
and thrills that have always been
denied her.
As the career of the con Die.
played by Naish and Miss Mori-
unfolds, one spectacular
crime follows another. Including
I a cross-country flight from pur-
ship with another pair of fugi
tives ana tne. aesperate kidnap
ing of anelderly millionaire for
a $209,000 ransom.
Hopewell Club's
Meeting Enjoyed
HOPEWELL-The March meet
ing of, the Hopewell commnnitv
1 clnb was beld Thursday with a
capacity crowd and a splendid
program of singing, acrobatic
performance, chalk talks and
other Interesting features were
given by the Amity Commercial
The elaborate new electric
lighting system purchased with
proceeds of the carnival held in
November had been recently in
stalled. Refreshments were served hv
Mesdames Henry Deedon. Leon
ard Hlckerson ' and Marv Rel-
T .w: Artiv Snwlpr
I ACtlVC SpCaKer
1 SILVERTON Robert Lewis
I taiaea on cooperation at the
I weanesaay nignt dinner meeting
at i a A I a.
i ot me aciivb ciuo neia at To-
ney s. At the next meeting a
I speaker from the police commis-
1 aion will be present to talk Les-
Iter Rue is chairman of the pro
gram commuiee.
Widen Rural Road
Atiiv.UA uountr roaa crews
n mvv a -mwm
have been widening aad straight-
I enter, the road in the McLanrh.
I lm district; during the' past few
i aays. . work has been centered
in the bend between the Warnock
I sod Johnson places.
Today Monday Tnesday
Continnous Performance "
Sanday - 2 to 11 P.'M..-1 -
Stars in Delirious Comedy Romance
Loretta Tonne, Binnle Barnes and
and hnsband playing stellar roles la "Wife, Husband and Friend,'
slambang comedy romance playing today at the Grand theatre.
Lynne Oreensan, X Carrol Nalsh and
"Fersaas In Hiding. the new J.
lag today at the Capitol theatre.
chapter two of ".bone
Shipnent Comes
DALLAS The first shipment
ot superphosphate for Polk coun
ty, 75,000 pounds, was delivered
recently at Surer to 2S farmers.
This shipment was part of the
order for Polk county, farmers
purchased through the agricul
tural conservation program.
Ia all, 120 tons of this fertil
iser IS the allotment for Polk
county. Two more carloads are
expected ia the next few days..
One carload will be distributed
from Ballston and the other
from Derry station.
While some farmers have been
somewhat dissappointed in not
getting as much fertiliser as they
requested. Polk county farmers
in genersl are faring better than
those in some other . counties
where the allotment was smaller
aad where the requests for the
fertilizer were more numerous.
Magicians Coming "
WOODBURN Curtis Thomp
son and Paul Kerr, magicians.
will entertain the students ot
Woodburn high school at 11:30
a. m.. March. 14 with a half-hour
program consisting of sleight-of-
hand tricks and many illusions
which will Include such mystic
wonders aa the Indian rope trick.
Australian boomerangs, an illu
sion in silks and the mystic
Select Senior Play
WOODBURN The annual sen
ior class play to be held Friday
night, April 21. will bo "Inti
mate Strangers' by Booth Tar
klngton and will 4e directed hy
Miss Anderson. Tryonts for the
two leading characters were held
this week and the remainder of
the cast will be chosen shortly.
Coplerad to Return
rud. jr., formerly with the state
auditing department, who Jias
been in Seattle for. the past sev
eral weeks, is expected home the
middle ot this month.
ly Asm
,f .IM... i .1 II , . .
II I I mmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmw mm
Ask ns for complete information'
- - Entries Certified Here -
- ..... -Vi j .,.
"I .:' . 7'
Warner Baxter are the wife, friend
Patricia Morison In n i
Edgar Hoover crime pit-tore show- ;
On the same bin Is "Wavy Bee-
Banger Rides Again."
To Hare Turf Grid '
WOODBURN Grass seed
brought from the proceeds ot
the Lettermen's smoker held last
month for the new turf football
field will be sewn as soon as the
ground is In shape. The work
is to be done by the WPA. The
work which was to hare started
last week was postponed until
the ground was a llttla less
damp. , .
Tom Keller Injured
PIONEER Tom Keller, Polk
county bridge foreman is on
crutches as a result of dropping
a large bridge timber on his foot
and breaking two- bones besides
smashing his foot.
TODAY - Mon. -
Naval Secrets Stolen by
Foreign 8pies ,
v.. witn - r
v. ?
r. ti', mmjLmmBLm.
II Ifl V '.'V. J.lllllllll. 1
C3 B TXU... S3... the Pnll-Sse, "Erea-Hear Oven
M.IvryuakaSpeed-HeatTJahwrh S Cooking speeds '
- DciMe-IBty"Thmitec- Cooker...A Scoee ot
Advanced Fcxtnml Unites sO the advantages of mod en
electric cooking. - a
Lyons PTA Sleeting
If Event Thursday
LYONS Mrs.- Percy Hlatt,
Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Clyde Lewis
i and Roy Aklns were the . com
mittee in charge for 'the PTA
meeting held at the ichoolhouse
Thursday night. . Mr. itikesell,
county 4 If club leader from Al
bany, was the speaker.
Tha committee in charge or
remodeling the kitchen reported
the work finished and the bills
ordered paid. Refreshments were
served at the close of the meet
tag. (..--
Continuous 2 to 11 P. M.
Hell make you young:
again ... as you watch
him splitting a catfish
nAfi slAfftn amrnief
B eJiWfcaiaft aaagioi.
the Duke of Bilgewater
M At i. TP
ana ine uosi iaupnint .
tormenting and protect
ing Black Jim by turns.
Mickey IS Huck Finn . . .
and youTl love him. as
never before!
With James Gleason
"Society Dog Show
TODAY 8 -It P.M.
II and vouTl : love him as
! never before!
'pt,ca tt
Appliance Specialists
"Phantom Gold." , ?
and : that sterling actress -' made
Aba Neva and Cartoon
I the most of it, Patrician in the