The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1939, Page 14, Image 14

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Ttt OltEGON STATESMAN Sata, Orezcn, Sunday Morning March 12, 1939
Farm Program
m . w 11 ran -
l or folic TOD
Cooperators in - AAA -Are
to Have Individual
Assistance, Said '-.
DALLAS Polk county farmers
cooperating in the 1939 AAA farm
program soon will receire Indirld
nal assistance - from .county and
- community committeemen In plan
ning how the program applies to
their own lands,- according to W.
C Leth J of Dallas, county .agent
and. secretary of the Polk county
Agricultural Conserration associa
' Uon. - " '. ' "
This will be accomplished, -it
was said, by the f 1111ns out by each
tanner before Jane 1 of an "esti
mate sheet." shewing how he ex
pect to arrange his farming this
rear so as to receive greatest ben
fits under the federal , program.
- Information will include expected
acreages, diversions, expected "pay
ments and compliance methods.
At meeting at the courthouse
In Dallas' recently, county and
community committeemen made
preliminary plans for a series of
neighborhood meetings. Commit
teemen will be present to explain
details of the program and help
till out the "estimate sheets.
Percentage High
Conserration practices will
form an important phase of the
1939 AAA program. It appeared
following the meeting, attended
by. representatives of the 1(00
farms in this county signed up as
cooperators. It was pointed out
that Polk county farmers are
showing .outstanding cooperation
with , the farm program, having
brought approximately 95 per cent-
V Kf Trade i . eld
J jk ''', new' You will be
elves s fiber si allowssce
( V m ae-teste GRUEN.
, 2 : I" writ tn ' i.
Plants Prepare for Army Plane Orders
' f
:I ; ;
- I . ::
Im m im i Mn-WMjHai' imii ' '1 mt iimnnnm i ia HijnT.rti. i mii " v n i V" m n i i i ir n i -fir ,
Beady for base orders from the United States Army, the North American Aviation plant fat Los Angeles'
Is prepared for mass prod action of planes. Photo sbQws an assembly line, depleting how airplane
skeletons, at rear, move forward as work progresses sntfl t h e y? emerge (in foregrosnd) completely
'finished planes. V They are. them ready lor factory and Army testa before Anal acceptance . ' US photo.
of their crop lands Into compli
ance, said to be the -largest per
centage in western Oregon.
County Agent Leth stressed
that conservation practices recom
mended the last two years by'
Polk . county farmers' own land f
use committee, fit In closely with
practices suggested by AAA
f- Robert Mitchell of Perrydale,
vice-chairman of the committee,
presided in absence of R. D. Pence,
Willis Boegll of Corvallls, rep
resentative of the state AAA
office, outlined features of the
1939 program as they apply to
Polk, county.
Local committeemen were pres
ent from the following communi
ties: District 1, H. E. Allen, T. J.
Werth, C. V7. Brandstetter; dis
trict 2, J. J. Sechrist J. C. Rich
He, Robert Mitchell; district 3,
W. Frank Crawford, A m m o n
Grice; district 4, Joe Harland.
Frank Neufeld: district 5. Claude
Hoiaington, . W. Staats, J. L.
Palmer; district 6. Gus Fleisch
mann, J. B. Lorance, C. J. De
Armond; district 8, Byron Rud
dell, H.JH. Dickinson.
CHII . .. IS iwts. Y.llo- gold
fitted. Guildtte bscl . T. . $24.71
CkNA . . IS jewel. Yellow joW
filled. Guild bee .... S29.7S
Ilailman Bros
Corner State
Liberty St.
Parking Space
To Be .Increased
LAKE LABISH A clean-up
and level-up will be staged at
the new Royal Neighbor hall
March 16. This will give in
creased parking spaces and the
work is under the sponsorship
of the sewing club.
The next meeting of the RNA
will be Tuesday, March 21, at
7:30 p. m. Any visiting lodge
Neighbors are welcome at this
Donald Mears, 11, is recover
ing from a week's illness daring
which time he has been obliged
to keep to his room. The lad
tell out of a tree gashing his
leg. -
Thimble Club Meets
MONMOUTH Mrs. Charles
Shipley entertained the Thimble
club Wednesday at a waffle
luncheon at the home of Mrs. C.
C. Yeater. Twelve members en
joyed the affair. -Mrs. James
Partridge, a new member vas
present. Mrs, C. W. Price will
entertain March 22.
Student Honor
Croup Is Listed
WOODBURN The j following
students are on the Torch Honor
Roll at the , Woodburn high
school for the past six 'weeks'
Robert Anderson, Kenneth Ar-
ney, Herbert Asburry, Ambrose
Asper, Elnora Asper, Toni Aspar,
Edwin Beck, Alleen Bentley, El
sie Bliven, Arlene - Coleman,
Frances Copeland, Loretta Cope-
land, Walter Crosby Florence
Diets, Ellen Dentel, Lucille Ed-
land, Norine Epperly, Millecent
Evenden, Catherine Fronsdahl,
Corine Gill, . Raymond rules.
Robert Gorman, Luella Gurney,
Hazel Haugen, Harold Herigstad,
Freda Hanson, Wilbur Hobart,
Doris Jones, Carl Kistner, Lu
cille Knight, Jeanne Lee, Bettle
Lou Leighty, Grace Lindeken.
Tom Losey, Virgil Lourie,
Howard Lourie, Floyd Mattson,
WUliam McHolick, Venitta Mc
Carthy, Corinne Miller, Robert
Killer, Helen Moeding, Bill Nel
son. Gerald Phillips, William
Phillips, Retha Pomeroy, Alice
Mae Prinslow, Ada Clair Renn,
Ktxlne Richmond, Jean Royse,
Francis Ryan, Nelda Trullinger.
Mary Vifquain, Russel Wertz,
Dale Wertz, Clarence Wulff,
Virginia .Williams, Helen Yoder
and Norman Zimmer.
women except Jessica,. Todd balL
The Jones family plans . to
make a permanent homo on
acreage' near Salem. Their young
daughter, Althea. will remain in
Monmouth to complete the school
year.t ...
Creek Bed Held
Unsuitable, Pool
SILYERTON State Sanitary
Engineer Green, who visited of
ficially at Sllverton- Thursday,
stated no pool built in the creek
could be certified by the state
sanitary department. In his opin
ion, it wonld also be a waste of
money .and. dangerous from ' a
health standpoint. , '
He said the government re
cently abandoned a plan to
build , a pool in the creek in the
Silver Creek Falls recreation
area on finding that the state
sanitation department would not
certify it. J '
: The engineer commented that
the plan originally worked out
by the Sllverton community
planning council met all re
quirements and wonld undoubt
edly be the least expensive in
the long run.
The exact location of the new
pool has not yet been determined.
Howard Hutchins
Conducts Revival
Other Church EYenU to
Be Held in Coming Week.
- Listed, Sllverton J-
SILYERTON Rev. Howard T.
Hutchins,! pastor of the Church of
Christ of -Oregon City, is conduct
ing a series of revival meetings at
the local Christian church w 1 1 n
services each night except Satur
day, through March J 6., .
The missionary society of the
Christian church will hold its reg
ular meeting Tuesday afternoon at
the social: rooms of the church. -
Mrs. Henry Torrend will be hos-
tesi Wednesday afternoon at Trln
itv ehtarch for the Mission circle.
Mrs.- Otto Legard and- Mrs.- Law
rence Xarson , will be ' hostesses
Tuesday afternoon at Trial ty
church for Dorcas society, ' -
. The Loyal Guards of the Meth
odist church will .meet Friday af
ternoon at 2: 30 -at the home of
Mrs. Wiliam Graham. The Ladles'
Aid s o c i e t y. of the Methodist
church will give a rummage sale
March IS at. the old Blackerby
building on South water street.
PiwalySasVictim .
Now Able to Walk
At Warm Springs
Calavan. . IS. Jefferson . youth
who was stricken with., infantile
paralysis in September, 1S37.
and ' who went i to the famous
Warm - Sprinrs , sanitarium last
OctoBer. is now able to walk SO
yards' four times each day and
is allowed, to sit up z : hours a
day, he writes his only sister,
pMrs. Martin Chambers of this
place. - ;
Virgil underwent an operation
shortly after his arrival at Warm
Springs in ; which; onef leg was
shortened and the other stretched
to help correct inabD'ty" to sit.
Definite and . long exercises. In
cluding some in the swiinming
pool,- are phases of the dally routine-
at Warm SpringsT f
Rer. , S. B. Cole, father of
Robert Cole, is ill nt : the home
of his sister, Mrs.5 Arthur Leff-
ler in Stayton. He was with his
son -here until' recently:
Mrs. Ray ' Barker F Orchard
Heights, erroneously mentioned
as a niece of Mrs. Guy Meteatt.
Is not her- niece but a niece of
W. G. Allen.
Lions Of filcers at
Property Trades
Made, Monmouth
- MONMOUTH Mr. and Mrs.
Boy Jones have exchanged their
city property here, a 3-story stu
dent home known as "Arnold
Arms," for a 129-acre farm,
stocked and equipped vlth good
buildings, 6 miles north of Leba
non. The new owners of The
Arms are Mr. and Mrs. rank
Wiese who will take possession
March 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones came to
Monmouth 9 years ago, trading
a stocked and eauipp.J 100 acre
farm in the Waldo Hills for The
, Arms. Their student home is I slcian. . Friday night is young
the largest boarding house for people's night.
ONS "Ideal Couple"
MONMOUTH Miss Juanita
Harrington of St. Helens and
Harry Wojohn of Hillsboro, ONS
students, were chosen the "ideal"
couple in a contest sponsored by
"The Lamroon," student weekly.
Miss - Harrington is society re
porter for the Lamroon and ac
tive in sports and all student af
fairs. She is vice president of
the . Junior class. Wojohn Is a
member of the Wolf Knights'
organization, and active on the
WOODBURN Rev. Henry C.
Marty of Chicago is now con
ducting services at " the Four
square church on Lincoln street
every night except Saturday,
commencing at 7:45 o'clock. Rev.
Marty is a nationally known mu-
dents and secretaries of the Lions
clubs of Corvallls and Dallas
met with the president and sec
retary of the Independence Lions
club in a district dinner meet
ing in j Independence Friday
nia-ht. !
After the dinner a round table
discussion was held of the ac
tivities of the clubs in the dis
trict. All the clubs represented
gave good reports of attendance
and' membership increases ' of
their clubs. The 'next ! district
meeting iwill be held in Dallas
in May.-;
Those ! attending the meeting
included: Roy B. Houser, presl
dent; Dare Hess and Walter T.
Durgan, deputy district governor
of Corvallls; Lawrence J. Smith
president and John D. Yoth, of
Dallas; T. R. Smith, president
and W. A. Barnum, secretary Of
the Independence club. :
Mrs. Russell Feted ,
sell was surprised Thursday
night when friends arrived at her
home to help celebrate her birth
day, bringing a basket dinner
Present were: Mrs. Russell, Mrs,
Edna, Yarnall. Mr. and Mrs. J,
E. Wlnegar, Mr. and Mrs. John
Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Frank More
land, Miss Cora Smith, George
Dickinson, Blanche Russell and
G. L. Russell.
Good Will Club Meets
LINCOLN A pleasant after
noon was spent at the home of
Mrs. W. R. Edwards, where the
Good Will clab held its March
meeting. A shower honoring
Mrs. Ivan Merrick was the fea
tnre of the afternoon. ; A short
business meeting was held at
which Mrs. .. W. R. Edwards,
president, presided.
Monmouth Revivals Set
MONMOUTH The Monmouth
Baptist church will conduct
series of revival services begin
nine March 19. Rev. J. Z. Wal
ker of Lebanon, father of Rev,
David E. Walker, the local min
ister, will be the speaker. The
Walker male quartet of broth
ers will! sing.
Gubs Organized .
At West Salem'
The only
U low-pricGd car combining
. i v I r- i i i i , v i i f ii i i r i I
I i . I I I I I I II r u i l. jl ii n ii - -II
1-.t.,ts2w:tSip- bott In raster csr!noer!na;cnd - ((tikV' if?ff rrfl
r cssss? scftates to &o th bsst in laotorino retvltu Today;: :; ,Ar. f.iili 'Yr-f. :)-
; pVysr ChavrcSs tdsrn meter-s M XWflU)9 (Si h
t-::crp. Cea thlj - ear, ct, yevr Chavrelat , de&'sferf , Ijljl 1 T?' It
WEST 8ALEM--Seventh grade
girls of the West Salem school
organized two 4H clubs Jn. meet
ings held Thursday at thea Rose-
mont avenue home of Mrs. Leigh-
ton Dashiell, who will be leader
for both.
Officers for the new cooking
club are: Geraldlng Crump, pres
ident; Betty Williams, vice pres-
dent; Margaret Moritz, secretary;
Sixteen girls are members.
The clothing club has 11 mem
bers and officers are: .forma
Jean Newgent, president; Anna
belle Sands, vice president; Mar
lan Burns, secretary.
Modern "Woodmen Meet
WOODBURN Modern Wood
men of America held their regu
lar meeting Friday night. After
a short basiness meeting re-' was a guest.
freshments were served by Albert
Belleque and Peter J. Brach
mann. Games were enjoyed after
the lunch. F. C. O'Donnell, the
state manager irom Portland,
A Certified HcrcN
li for Hcstric Hot
L Water Contest
IV. Ak ut for any J
I Veontett information
This beautiful new
1938 Model, Double
Oven Westinghouse
Emperor Range dis
counted $100.00. Only
five left. It will pay
you to buy now. 3 Yrs.
to pay with your light
255 N. liberty Xert to Power Oo. . Phone 431 1
Nothing to Buy . . .Just Write 50 Words
To enter this easy contest, just write 50 words or
less beginning ' want 01$ axiomatic electric water
heater because . ; . " Good reasons for wanting one
are giren in this adVertisemenc Pick oat the ones
that seem most important add new ones if you like.
Don't try to be "literary". Just write naturally, as if
you were talking to a friend, telling her why you
want an electric water heater. Make your reasons
so convincing she'd want one, too! The mostinterest
ing, informative and convincing entry, in the judges
opinion, winsfancy decorations won't kelp at all
Contest Ends Saturday, March 18
choice or
Leading Manufacturers
Latest Models
Priced up to $100
Completely Installed
Ceaersl Dactris
Reasons for wanting an
Electric Hater Heater:
J Water alwars hot and lots of h.
9'fleater Coras m aad oft automat-
-r icallr; oo running mp aad down
' " stairs to tend heater. , , -
- t' . -x .... - -;1.'3
Nvworrf about forgetting beater.
' ' 4 'too waiting for water to beat.
RllLEC X 5 " akunpin on hot water, be-
- - 4? w - z C cause electric water heating it so
Anyone may compete except the employes of electric v economical. Actually costs do more
Btilities, manufacturers and distri baton of electric water
: beaters, tnetr dealers ana adrertiting agencies, write SO
words or less, beginning "I want an" automatic electric
-water heater becsnse "i H- ' T ':
Entry must be submitted by entrant In person at any store
. displajing elecuic water heaters. Each entry must have
contest coupon attached, which must be signed by a staff
member of tne store wnere entry- is sohmutrrt. Entries re
ceiTed by mail will be disoualified. Submit only on entry
each week. In case of a tie. dunlicat nrixes will be awarded.
Jadges tor the contest are Berkeley Snow, secretary, North-.
wen twetne unt ana rower Association; a-yie jaaz,
manager Portland Better Basiness Bureau; Ralph hfiUsap,
.Advertising manager, Portland General Electric Co. "
1 J L 1 1
UIU UlU-UaiUUCU, uvvuicukui ;
methods, with PGE'S low rates for
' " electric service.
. . g Can't orerheat.
j Water always clean.
Water always lost right" neither
lnlrmirni anr Miaterina hoC-
Q Beaotifol, modern equipment.
, , Many makes are available in square
' Enameled models specially de
signed for modern kitchens. .
Be sore so submit yoar entry IN PE9LSON at any store displaying automatic
electric water sWaters. Also be aare to have this coupon sinned br a staff
of the stores i'z'' : ' 'l
. . 7' - 1 , usee.
430 North, Commercial
Phone 3183