PAGE TWELVE f The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 8, 1939 Y7heat Prices About Steady X tin tst'l TIawi TtstTiflro ' - - t-l--l 'p1 r"!. of INairow Marketing In Chicago Fit . CHICAGO. M a r e h i-JPi Wheat price averaged about steady here today, with, the closa e n t higher to I a lower. Trading was very tight and moved within an extremely nar row range. . ' . ' Weaknesa at ' Liverpool and forecaata of additional! precipita tion In the domestic winter wheat belt induced j moderate early selling. Buying of May wheat at 8 cents steadied the market, which then held listlessly to about the previous close. Range Is Narrow . At the finish wheat was np tc down, May S-t, July 9-.9; corn H np to H down. May 49-, July 60; oats unchanged to up. May 29; soy beans' unchanged to down. May 82; rye unchanged to lower, -May 45; lard 6 to 10 cents a hundred pounds higher. . . f Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND, Or.. re- I. (AP) (US Dipt. ArrieuUar). . ; Apple Oreto Mwtoas,i Bed t If !i try. L.0 1.60; It J. 1.25 1.5; aa class, t k I 70 80e; 8pitsabrc, fey, '1.40 1.60; Wash. Delicious. icy If. 1.00 1.10; Wines p. medium- t If, ax fry, 1.80-1.75; fey, 1.60 1.75; eombina tui s fey and fey. 'ooae, 814 8ii lb.; Rome, C grade, f t 75 5t; email. SO 60e; fey. 1.35 1.40. loose. lb. Ore. Delieioea. s fey. 1 90-2.10. k Artichoke Calif.. 2.75 X90; 80-65 das. . i Avoed CaBf, fuerte, 24-SOa. 1.85 1.40. ' ! Aipinrnt Califs 20 21e lb, , r Basanae Psr bancs, 6tiHb.; imall Jot. Vi 6e. Beaaa Unquoted. f ." , Brataele Uproat 12-eop, 70-75. Cabbage Oregoa Ballbead. new crates, idinary. 1.00 1.15; old 80-85; Calif., eratea 2.15-2.40., j "' Carreta 'Local, topped, 60 TOe; sacks. 100 1.25. bunched, Calif., 5v50ej erata, 2 40-2.75. I 8. 2. 1.10-l.lS.i. 1 Celery Califs Utah, 1.85 2.10; whit. 1.75 1.85; hearta. 1.25 1.60. ! Citraa Frail Orapefrait, Texaa aiaraa Media, 2.75-3.00; pink, 8.08.10; Art sons fancy, 1.80 2.00; floridaf boxes, 4-4, B OO 8.25 ; Calif.. 1.80-1.B0. Lemon Fancy, all aiaee, 8.75-5.25; Cboic. 2.70-8.50; app! boiea.; 1.90 2.00. Lime. 90c j On n re a Calif ore la !,! SOO-892. 2.15-2.75; Urge. 2.75-3.75; choice and pp. 1.85-2.00; small low aa 1.50. Caeaatbera Hothouee. doe 4.35-1.75. r-fxplant Calif, 1112 lb.; luf. 2.00 2.15. .'' " - I Letter Calif. ImDorial. Iced 4 5 do.. 2.75-8.75; dry, 9.75-8.O0; poorer lower, Garlie Ore., S 8c t I Muihraom Cultivated, 1 111, 80 25. Onion Orefos yellow. SO poond k. TJS No. 1. 00 65c : larger 80c; 10-pennd aacka, 1416c; boiler, 10 lb., ll-le; b acta, browa, 4 4Vc; Ige, 2 He; white. ft-5H. - " Pear Oregon, Boie.. loo, SO 60 ; fey. 1.25-1.25; Anjoa. e fey, 1.60 175; Medford x fey, 2.50; Comic. ey. 2.85 t 00. i Pea Calif..' It 12e; haap. 3.75 2 80. . Pepper ria... 12 14 ; llexlea. 1415c. ralea, 4.50 4.00. . J ' Pet toe Oregon, lor a I Riiueta and Jvong White. Na. L, 100 1.10:, No. 1. 60 lb. aacka. 60 Cc; No. 2. 85 38r; le rhate So. 1 Baieeta,' 1.15-1.23; 25-lb. k 83 85c; Ko. 2. 50 lb. 88 40e Klamath 'e. 1 Raiaeta, 1.25-1.40; Fli . Xew Blisa Trinmpbt, 3.25-2.50 per SO ibi. Khabarb Ore. Wath. bothaui aa fey, 100 1.10; fey 0e-1.00; choir 80e; pie. 15 60s. . 8oab Oregon. Walk- llarblabead. 2 lli! Hnhberd i f -flweet Potktee Tim. 2.00 2.10. Tomato Or, hotbouie, 16 21 K.a M la. a.BV-a so. ; .. Spinach Texaa. 1 25 1.85 basket. . Beached Vegetable Orago. per do. IniM-hrs: BceU, 80-3 5c; green onion. 25 80e; Jap radlihe. 80 35e: lagi. 1.00 125 do.; kale, 40 50c; leek. 80 85; anastard green, 25 80c; turnip. 85 40c; celery roots, S0 lot.; broerll, 50-55e; Calif- parsley, 85 40c; Swiss tbard. 85p; tia s 40; turnip. 40 4ac; breeeoll, Cross Word Puzzle I.l,s 1"" By EUGENE HOSIZOnTAL 47 military . 1 l-raajy plain -ni- J. 9wrvw i- 82 fettert ' -U paid pubB. U era city (pL) to writinar -IJ having aduS mm l-tnmient yellow color li-eneratioa 1 l7-rUd i ,.--, VERTICAL tuXSSSS1 nwwitJi It th I4m-taIIi-) sw w-itass-i' 17 fcerere 11 cotaeftl acals 1 1 remora IJ c!" j . r i - -; i ' 1 'l -.3 i: .mi .:c? -'at No Need to , '"" ! - i i. ' i ! k -' ' ' CoTerlng dishes of cooked or kft-orer foods for normal storage ta the faaaily refrigerator is a thing of the past for this attractive home maker, who is proudly showing her guests her new "Cold Wall" type Frigidaire. This refrigerator is a new invention of General Motors ia which cooling ia accomplished by radiation and refrigerated walls. Using low temperatares and high atmospheric moisture, without the usual moisture-robbing air drculation,'which in not necessary with this method of refrigeration, foods even in uncovered dishes are preserved fresh, fan-colored and fall-flavored for long periods. A special meat tender in this refrigerator provides just the right combination of cold temperature, moisture and air circulation to keep fresh meats in that condition. , , Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Or., March 4. (AP) Produce Exchange: Butter: Extra. 27c; standard 26; prim tints, 26c; first 23 He. Batterfat: ; 27V-28c. Eggs: Large extras, 20e; larg etand axde. 19e; mediata txtra, 18e; medium standard. 16e. Cheese- Triplets. IS 14; loaf. 14 He. I'ortlaiiri Uvenltwk POBTLAXD, Ore., Kerch 4. AP) (U8DA) Hog, reeeipta none, tor week, 8000; compared week ago market about eteady. Price range: Barrows end silts, gd-cb. 140-ieo lo. 7.75 8.25 8.10 8.50 8.259 8.50 8.00 8.50 7.75 9.25 7.50 8.25 7.25 7.75 T.50 8.10 fdrh, 168-180 lbs. .,, fdeh, 180-200 lbs. gd eh, 200-220 lbs. , gd eh, 220-250 lbs. gd-eh, 250 200 lbs. Sd eh, 200 350 lb. led. 140-160 lbs. Packing saw, good. 275-350 lb. 0.75 7.00 do gd. 350 425 lb. 6.50 B 7.00 d gd. 425 550 lbs. 6.50(3 6.75 do medium. 275 550 lbs. 6.25 Q 6.75 Pigs, fdra and atkra. gd ch. 70 140 lbs. 8.00 O S0 : Cattle, receipts none: for week, 2015, ealve 180. Compared week ago fully 25 higher, some cows and heifer up more on active market. Price range: ' Steera. good 900 1100 Ibf. 9 V.OOU 9.50 . am meo., v.u-xiuu ioa. o.vvtg . do com pin 750-1100 lb. Heifer, gd 750 900 lbs. d med., 550-900 lb. do com pla 550 900 lbs. 6.75 Q 8 00 8.25 Q 8.50 7.25(3 8.25 9.00 7.25 7.00 7.50 5.75 V.00 4.75 5.75 3.750 4.75 5.7SO 6 50 5.50(3 6.00 4.50 5.60 Cow, gd all wt da med.. alt wta do com pin, all wta . do low-cut-cut, all wt Bulls (y rigs x!d). good bf). all wt -- do medium, all wts do eut-eom (pin) all wta rate, 3.25; bt, 35-40 per dosea; crate 2 00-2.15; green xtnioni, 40-50c. Root Vegetable Rutabagaa, 1.00 1.25 cwt.. lugs. 35-40e; beets, 1.25-1.50 35 40 for lues: turniD. 1.00-1.23 Dr sack, lugs 85-40e; psrsn.p, 55-60 lag. aaek. 1.75 3.00; horseradish, is lb. SHEKFER V-dealred earnestly 16 founder oi Troy IS Greek sjwd- deas of co tuned symbol for aJumuK Uininum dinmrtl A .ores 20 devil 7 iirbUbe- 23 irritated fore holidays 23 -ardor t aupporta 26 rrade t pupa in a v JJ Jaaon'i ship tnilitary - tt legal claim f property 20 stair post funnel- shaped - ' Dowers warlike eityla Nerad . waters ttedaai - lawrjTtp H UiKroet J nntiTeof ' i SerbU 5 border 45 tall rraaa iyrie poca 5--iessj . . card cazaa O letter of tU GreekaJU . ..phaiet' - iohitka to yt. . 71 villi IF1 rrt r itg - xlsu Cover Them Vcalers, choice, ail 10.00(310.50 .60 10.00 7.00 & 9.50 5.00 Q 7.00 6.00 ( TJO 4.50 a 6.00 do good, ail wta do medium, all wta , do cull com (pla), all wta Calves, median 2o 400 lbs do com (pin) 250 400 lbs Sheep, reeeipta aone: for week 1570: compared week ago market strong spots 10-15 higher than last week 'a low time. Price range: Lambs, cd-cb, , f 8.15 S.40 do mad and gd 7.25 7.85 do com (plain) 6.60 T.25 rea (shorn), gd-cb, . 4.00 4.60 Common (pin), med, 2.50 w 4.00 Portland Grain POBTLAXD. Or., ifsrcli 4. (API- Wheat: Oven High Low Closa lty ; 68 68 68 ' 48 Cn Wraln: Oata, Ko. 2. 38 lb. white, 28.25. Oata. Ko. 2. 88 lb. Cray. . Bar ley. Ko. 2, 45 lb. BW. 24.00. Corn. Ko. 2, E7 shipment, 25.25. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft whit 68 H; western whit 67 H ; western red 67. Hard red winter ordinary 67; 11 per cent 67; 12 per cent 70; 13 per cent 75; 14 per cent 76. Hard white-Baart ordinary C9H; 1 Per cent ; 12 per cent 70ft; l per cent lift; 14 per cent 7ZH. Today ear receipts: wheat 6:iiour 9; corn 3; hay 1; millfeed 5. Wool in Boston B08TOS. March 4 f AP) (USDA) Basiness waa very alow en. the Boston wool market daring; the past week. Price were mostly steady , on medium wools be came there was some increase in tha number of buyer lookinf around tor tt-ese wools. Prices were steady also halt blood wool which sold in moderate volume. Fin wools, - however, showed some irregularity as b dyers anticipating future requirement would not pay aa math a buyera with urgent need. Comb ine bright fleece wool war quoted steady at 28 to 81 cents, in Ui grease, for fin Delaine, at 29 to 81 cents for half bloods and 32 tor three-eighth and quarter grades. I'orlland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. March 4. (AP) Country meats Selling prte to retailers: Coaatry killed hoc, beat botcher ander ioo ids. lu-ue; veaier is-istt in.; light sad thin 10-12 lb.; heavy 10-10 He lb.; lamb 15-15U lb.; ewe 5-9 lb.; balls 10-11 lb.; cutter cows 9 lb.; can aer cows 8-8 Liv Fool try Baying Drie! Lxbor broilers, 1 to 14 lbs 20 Ik; SH lbs., 20 lb.; colored spring, 9 ta Iba.; 10-18 lb.; over 8H lb. 18-18 lb.; Leghorn hens, ever SH lbs., IS lb.; ncder 3H lbs., 14 He lb.; colored hen, to ft Iba.. 18 ; ever S lbs.. 18 lb.; Ko S grade. 5 less. Tarkays Sailing ai Dreaied, erp hen 26 lb.; torn, 26 lb. Boy lag priresi 3ew hn 24 lb.; torn. 24. Potatoee Yakima gem. ( ) cental; local, 1.00; Deschutes Oem. 1.10-1.25; Klamath rails N. 1 Gem. 1.15-1.45; Calif, swarf. 1.80-1.80 for 50 lbs.; Fl. 2.85-2.40. 60 Iba. Onions Orecoa. Na. 1. 1 S5-1.S0 ar cental; eet 4 He lb. - woi.willam valley. om)lt dlam 22 28 lb : eoarse and braid. 82 28 IS : lamb aad tall SO lb.t Mtrs Orr ton S0-2e He. Hy Beiitag pre t retailers l Alfalfa ne L, I oo saat eat erh IS eo soa: alvv 11. 0 sow; ttasotay. eaatera Ore- cn isvo; do villy 14 00 ton fort land nop kw arop Clutters II H 31H in. : rnggie sie lb. eaar -Meemaal: B-T IBv. Caaaars bark Baying price, 198k Seal 6 lb. 8far Brry s4 frail, 100. 4.S0. aaie Qa; beet 0 enUL Ooeaoatie tlmnr Belliag pnea, ity d hvery, t t 25 bbt lata: rsmily ptt 40. ansa ft. v.t i 70 5.1 5 : . baiter' klaaataas. 4. 1 5 4.50 : bleaded wheat - thrar. 4.85 4.60 1 ft wbas fleer 4 00 4.18; frabaa. 49. 4:80; wal VSMI 49B. 4T5 bM. Barley and Oat Hold, Corn Slumps, Northwest PORTLAND. March 4Wflv-The US department of agriculture saw today a slump in northwest corn markets but steadiness in barley and oata were noted in the past week. Con turned down despite moaeraie. ateaay demand, -vhlle oat prices remained unchanged as were oariey. quotations. , Stocks and iohdo i--vtt' S ' STOCK AVXULaaKS Ceaplle4 by The Aseociaied re v W SO. -14 , 15 : xnd -a iht - UtU 'B: Krt Chg. . A . A .1 A .1 A .1 Satarisj T4.1 SI.S ' 8.l 69.4 PmlHi 4y tt.t 92.S 19.8 Sit Tear ag 84.2 19.1 91.0 44.5 19SS high TT.O SS.S S9.S 58.4 1989 lew . S7.S 18.9 85.5 : 47.8 HWW 1989 ia. BO ATXaAOKS so , io ie . - 10 ; Baila : ladaa Dt3 Ferga Wei CkK. A .5 - A .1 TJaebi A .1 Satwrday 62. 100.4 95.4 : 4Z.4 rrrriama 4ay 42.0 100.8 95.4 t4 Pear eg 42.8 SS.S ' 90.9 - S4.7 1939 high S2.S ' 10O.4 SS.S 42.1 198S Uv 87.5 9S.7 98.2 59.4 1988 Wv ... 44.S 9S.S - SS.S - 59.9 Profit Taldns Upiiirn RootTelt ' Speech's ' Tone Sorprisea Those Xfho . V Cashed in Early NEW YORK, ! Marco 'w-fpj-Weekend ' profit taklntr atemmed tha risinK tide in today stock market and - the . list - dosed ' a had irregular. . ;-. -: 4;i. At that, the Associated Frees aTeratje of CO Isauea managed to Are sp .1 of a point at 62.4. maklns; the : net gala ' for ; the week 1.2 pointa. It waa ' the third conaecutlTe week's advance. Volume of a 8 4.5 CO shares com pared with 7 S 2,6 00 last Saturday.- ;;, ! - j Cash la' Before FR Talk J - Many traders cashed in pend ing the president's speech to congress on the occasion of the 150th annirersary of the first session of this body. v The address was delivered af ter the close and was somewhat disappointing to those who had expected the chief executive to comment on the , latest business "appeasement" campaign of tha a4mlnlstratioau At the name time, while reference to, the olive branch were : lacking, it was noted nothing waa said an tagonistic to business peace. Ford Almanac Is Distributed Free Filled with useful facts ! and comment of general human In terest, the 1939 Ford Home Al manac Is now being distributed tree by all Ford dealers. Demand for the new book haa been so J heavy that 1,800,000 copiea have been . printed. Convenient in size, the alma nac is distinctive in content. Its 48 illustrated pages are replete with historical, geographical, as tronomical and industrial infor mation. In traditional style, the book contains an v annotated calendar aa its central feature. Decorated with. a variety of type faces, tho calendar cites a major historic event for each day of the year. Facts About Charts and statistics, while ex tensively treated, do not form the backbone of the text. Philo sophical discussions words of wisdom from all the ages re ceive primary attention. Among other prominent : fea tures of the Ford Home Almanac are: A list of Important festivals and anniversaries of the year, facts about the universe, facts about the planets, eclipses due in 1939, the giant Mt Palomar telescope, symptoms of diseases, treatment of burns, and sugges tions for building and furnish ing a home. 1 Closing NEW YORK, March 4.-P)-rToday's closing quotations: Al Chem & Dye. 177 Coml Solvent .. IS Natl Dairy Prod 15 Allied Stores... 10 Com with & American Can . 93 Consol Edison . 33 Natl Power & Lt 9 Am For Power. 3 Consol Oil 84 Northern Pacific 12 Am Power St Lt 6 Corn Products . 66 Packard Motors 4 Am Rad Std San 16 Curtiss Wright . 6 J C Penney .... 85 Am Roll Mills . 19 Du Pont de Am Smelt & Ref 46 Douglas Aircraft 70 Press Steel Car . 12 Am Tel & Tel.. 160 Elec Power & Lt 11 Pub Service NJ. 36 Am Tobacco B . 88 Erie RR .. " 1 Pullman ...... 35 Am Water Wks. 13 General Electric 42 Safeway Stores . 37 Anaconda ..... 31' General Foods . 41 Sears Roebuck . 75 Armour 111 .... 6 General Motors. 50 Shell Union ... 13 Atchison ...... 39 Goodyear Bait St Ohio ... 6 Great Nor Bendix Aviation 26 Hudson Motors. 7 Standard Brands 7 Beth Steel ..... 74 Illinois Central . 18 Stand Oil Calif. 28 Boeing Air'. ,30 Insp Copper ... 14 Stand Oil NJ ...49 Borge Warner . 27 Int Harvester ..' 64 Studebaker .... 8 BuddMfg ..... Int Nickel California Pack. 18 Int Paper ft P Pf 44 Timk Roll Bear. 48 Callahan Z-L .. 1 Int Tel Jb Tel.. 9 Trans-America . ff Calumet Hee .. 7 Johns Manville. S5 Union Carbide . 85 Canadian Pacific 4 Kennecott 89 United Aircraft. 39 Canadian Pacific 4 Llbbey O Ford. 50 United Airlines. 13 J I Case 91 Llg A Myers B.107 US Rubber .... 49 Caterptl Tractor 53 Loew's : 50 US Steel 64 Celanese ...... 22 Monty Ward .. S2 Walworth ..... 7 Certain Teed... 19 Naah Kelvlnator 8 Western Union . 23 ChesAOhlo ... 38 Natl Biscuit ... 25 White Motors .. 11 Chrysler 83 National Cash , 23 Woolworth . . . . 49 Salem Market Quotations rarrxTS ; " (Baying Me) -(The prier below sapplied by local grocer at indicative of the daily aaarJket prices paid te srewevs ay Baiem bayrs bt ar not gwarat4 by The 8Uta aua.) Apple an vanecee, o grade, par ba. .40 .78 Bananas, Is. ea stalk,.. M ' Uaads . .,, , ,,. .05 H Calavoa ' 1.45 Orspefrait, Texa f 8.78 ' scgaiar " OsM. fresk. lb. , , J4 .. Leaeoaa. erat - ' Orangea. erate .. S.S5-4 5.50 WKwrxsniiKa -aayiag Iticssl -'' u Beet. 4os. - - . Att - Cabbage, dns j02 Carrot. CaHf. art- 4 WaS,75 to S.15 Caalif lower. Calif. L50 Celary. Cub, erate , ., , - , ' , S.25 Ornry Hearta. ' 1.29 uttaei oaiii. a.o te a.oo OaibBa, boiling. IS Iba, K. S ' Jd 50 Iba. - .80 a Orcn ealaea 4aa ' RadlUea. do. : A nUl Jl eta toe ksc-L w 50 lb Saga , - . 4 . Rhabarb. bath .79 u .ee Spinach. Texaa. MS. Aria. . a.o - 51 miiis w . --, Babbard. lb. , Taraipa, dea. acTrs tTriM U ay Ia4pe4t tack-tg plaat . grewar) ; Walaat fiaaqaetto. Casey, 1S a 4m. 101 amail 5e; rehard rsa, M iv. wamns mau aa te so re. - ftlbtts Bareaionaa. larg. HUei fa y Ut SahU ll; enhard nm U te 1S -. v . - ., ruhert All v4"ee.'j, ;';--'s8 , - 0 Frte te Ot-ir Wlnf "frte rear. 4pdiag anon way aaia ras inmst grasas II m IU OhMkUty 1 hlgW. i ; " bots - h - rBayt-t rrltes) aasttrs. aamlaai. 9I7. Ik T ta .08 Gaston, lgaa, Ih. , .,,.,.11 Mi ie tl rnggtaa. top . JU s woot jca uoaAia t WmI. medlam, u . Crt. lb. i limb, lb. JtS ja JS 8 Mobarx, lb. KOGJ ass rouum . - (Saying rrtow m Aaamea's) Larf xtrs ' 44 -UtiBm-tra i? Uirt ---"- J7 P-i:-i - - - ' js Colored fry r Celered BMdhu-. lb. , JS Whit t-wboraa. lb. No. 1 41 White Lara, , K. S , US Salem's Motorized Police all Drive Hudsons i n - T., - ... r r - i - "i - -' - - -" Following delivery of six new Hadsoa 112 coupes o the city of Salem, the police department is now 100 per cent Hndson-eqmipped. Liaed np ta treat of State Motors are the six machines, with officers beside them; from left, Assistant Chief Carl Char Item, George Edwards, Hobart l-lnims. Harry Smart, Lorn Burgess, and Chief Frank Minto with Lyaa Iambet, president of State Motors. Nash Car Used as Anti-Gas Chamber Filters Are Inserted in Ventilating System, ' Gases Kept Out If a foreign power ever 1 ombs United States cities in a gas raid from the air, probably the rafost place you can be when that day comes will be in a modern auto mobile. ' War-scared Britons, who re cently rushed completion of bomb shelters and hurried the manufacture of gas masks for civilians when - war clouds, ap peared on their horizon, discov ered that the conditioned air Nash cars could be made into perfect havens from the deadly gases that probably will be rain ed down from the skies in the next big war. After several people ' appeared at Nash showrooms in Lcndoa and asked about the possibilities of replacing fresh air filters with anti-gaa filters In the Nash car weather-maker, some of these modern cars were turned over to air raid precaution officials of the government for tests. Tests were made in a gas tun nel after gas filters had been Installed in the conditioned air system. First tests were conducted in an empty car fitted with gas de tection instruments. . As the car was not moving, doors and win dows were sealed .with tape. The system, which takes in all air through the eowl ventilator, wai turned on, of course. Surprised London officials found that the car offered full protection. Quotations Sou. 1 National Dist .. 2t N. .150 Phillips Petrol . 40 Tire . 34 Sou Cal Edison. 27- Ry Pf 28 Southern Pacific 18 Can . 53 Sup Oil ....... 2 Grade B raw 4 per ceat milk, Salem Co-op basic pool price 2.18. Co-op. Grade A batterfat price, FOB Salem, 27c (Milk baaed a ml monthly . batterfat avtrafa) ' Distributor price. $2-82. 1 A grade kutterfat Deltv ered 27c j B grade. 23c; O vgrade 21e. . ; A - grmde ' prtait, Oc B trade 29c.: :J' r ' Bea ' haa a. IS. 44 urasTocx (Baytaa price fox Ve. t sleek, based ee esaSltteaa aad satos rprt4 sp- 8 - p. m.t . LamW. top ,, , - ... 8.00 Ews r, 1.09 to 4.50 ' Her. Mp i ii. , 8.10 180-150 lbs. , T.SO to T.S5 7.85 t T.SO 110-800 lb. . So Bert sews 4.80, s.00 ta s ee Ball. . .5.00 5.75 Heifer 5.50 t SJtO Top veal S.00 x .KM te s ee Dairy tr oow Br eased veal. lb. (Midget) .18 i Hr. t-p (Mtegvt Market) S.00 acA-uo; m CX-UUCSXT Xayiag Prlee Bsttarfi A grad A7 as ai Lesb e Ugaera a-. aa4r la lbs, Baastars, 4 las. aac , , ; js as ; as J4 i rrywa CW4 baas, S lv Stag. Old laaatara. Ik Ma. S M 5 ton; No. a epriaga. 5 loaa xoa rxioxa Larr Zxtras 49H il fa r rr ataadards Madias tra Mediam t-adard . Cndrrrs4s ,, ., raiujt 6AAX4. BAT tad S SS Whoa. r baahsl. X whrt. aacke4 ,. . ., AS Oars, gry, 8M J8.00 -25 00 -21 OO waiw Peed barley, toe CWver bar. fm J8.00 to 18.00 , Oat and Vetch bay. to. 14.00 , 15.00 14 00 AS to .11 US Alfalfa, tee Abnh Ctor. lb -ed Ctover. lb. ., . ,, - Egg ma a. So. 1 gTade 88 U. bag 1.40 Las : 1.45 Dairy feed. SO tb. leg. ninesses Strike . Qoverdale Folk - - - CLOVERbALB Miss Doris Feller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Feller, . underwent an ap pendectomy at a Salem hospital Thursday. Chester Hedges "is also at the hospital for a minor operation. Frank Hedges has been unable to attend school for almost a month due to a serious eye in fection. It will be sometime be fore he will return to school. William Anderson returned this week from Ventura, Calif., where he spent the winter with his daughters. Hop Ching Party Held,- Silverton SILVERTON Mrs. Scott Mc Pike, Miss Nellie Cavender, Mrs. Doris Coughennower, Mrs. Ly leth Stanton and Mrs. Lester Whillock were hostesses on Tues day night at a Hop Ching party at the home of Mrs. Frank Flerst on Fisk street. Score prises during the eve ning were won by Arthur Got tenberg. Mrs. Pauline Sparks, Alvia DeGuire, Mrs. C. D. Hart man, Mrs. George Anderson. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan McCleary, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lorenzon, Miss Rose Specht, Mrs. Arthur Heater, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Anderson, Mrs. Pauline Sparks, Mrs. C. D. Hartman, Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Pounder, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gottenberg, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Anderson, TM Svarvari, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer . Johnson, Miss Letha Cavender, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bergerson, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kallis, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Devericka and Mrs. Jose phine - Steen. Moving Days Are On at Jefferson JEFFERSON A number of families have been moving this week. The W. K. Sheffield fam ily moved from the ' Cooper I nouse into tneir newly purcnased home on South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ellyson and two small children who have been living on the McKee farm north west of - town, moved into the Cooper house Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Snoop, who came here last September from Sioux City, Iowa, returned to ' their former home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dodson and aon and daughter, who oc cupied part of the Cornel house, moved Thursday into the house on the Klampe farm. Mrs. W. L. Shoop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Abney, have moved to the Kieper farm near Talbot. Woman's Qub Provides Glasses HUBBARD The Woman's clnb held an interesting meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. E. Taylor. Mrs. A. O. Soderholm waa elected sec retary, aucceeding Mra. S. P. Kimmes, resigned. The program consisted of solos by Mrs. L. M. Scholl, readings by Sally Anne Bontrager and paper by Mrs. L. A. Miller. The treasurer reported $10 cleared at the benefit tea held for the children's farm home two weeks ago at 4J9 ABigDu oi .ryxaiaa naii. The club has furnished eye glasses for one of the high cchool students who would otherwise have been obliged to give np his high - school work. . The-next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Orlie Boje of Woodburn. Mary Erickson : Last Rites Held HUBBARD Funeral ; services for Mrs. Mary Erickson, 84, were held . Friday afternoon at . 2 o'clock from the Miller under taking parlors. Rev. J, F. Green officiating. - j Mra. Mary Ericksoa, aee Ol son, was born in Sweden Febru ary 2S. lS&B ausd -died March X. She was married to 3ertil Erick son about 41 years ago. Mr. Erlckaon aad on daugh ter are deceased. Mrs, Erickson came to Hubbard from Califor nia three years ago and made her home with her only living child, Ed Erlckaon. Purial in the Hubbard cemetery. A " : -p-M ?PEPCOw , PblTTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO-, . . INCOME BOND AND STOCK OWNERS Send ta or leave your name and address with the csdersizned eo that yoa will be prcpcrly notified : ' cf aa is:porta-t neeUns to be called withia the V next few days, k ; Phc-8 ZZ21, HA. Ii2er, Hudson Engineer Sees More Safety Unseen Mechanical Guards Protect new Cars in j" j Spits of Driver , The development of mechani cal sentries of safety, unseen yet always on guard to protect life, reflects the newest trend in an tomotive safety engineering in the opinion of Murray Northrup, chief engineer of the Hudson Motor Car company. "Thanks to this newest trend In automotive safety engineering, devices have been deveoped that protect ua in spite of ourselves, even think for us in the event of tire blow-outs or brake failures. Reserve Braking Power "Four years ago Hudson incor porated into the hydauic braking system a reserve mechanical system that operated from tho same foot pedal and came auto matically Into use if, for any reason, the hydraulic became in operative. Today, Hudson "Dou ble Safe" brakes are widely known. v "This year Hudson contributes another Important safety advance in steering and' stability known as A-to-Poise Control. This new development Is a positive, ac tive, mechanical device that: au tomatically assists the driver to hold front wheels on their true course. Steering Safety New "Just imagine a pair of me chanical 'arms' that are always on duty at the front wheels to conteract the sudden impact of cross winds or road shock, and alwaya on guard to prevent dan gerous car swerve in case of blowouts of tire and tube, and the true importance of this ex clusive . Hudson contribution can be realized. Auto-Poiae Control automatically helps the driver to do the safe thing in steering emergencies by resisting the forces of danger until manual control can be established. William Davidson Funeral Is Held JEFFERSON Funeral serv ices were held Wednesday after noon at the Clough-Barrick fun eral parlor, in Salem, for Wil liam Thomas Davidson, 75, for mer Jefferson resident, who died Monday at his home in North Salem. Rev. A. P. Layton, lo cal pastor, conducted the serv ice, assisted by Rev. J. E. Camp bell. Pallbearers were Karl Kihs, William Wolfe, George Kihs, K. S. Thurston, J. T. Jones and John. Kihs, all of Jefferson, Mra. Frank Rehfeld. Miss .Anna Klampe, Mra. George C. Mason and Mrs. Nettle Reeves sang. In terment was made In the City View cemetery. ' Mr. Davidson was born May 22, 1862 at Dadeville, Missouri, and cattle to Oregon in early childhood. He was married to Mary J. Doughty December 26, 1903. Two children born to this union died. In August, 1927 he moved from here to alem. He was a member of tho Evangelical church. Surviving are the widow. Mary J. Davidson and daughter Mrs. Pearl Hampton of Salemlslx step-children. Mrs. LFres Lemon of Salem: Mrs. oy Bates, Alfred Doughty of The Dalles ; F. A. Doughty of Dayton, Will Doughty; of Goodnoe Hills, Wash., and Roy Doughty of Sun dale; Wash.; two brothers . Far rie Davidson of San Diego, Calif., and. Royal Davidson of. Sun-ale. Brnbakers Honored ' ' BETHEL Mr. and Mra. O. L. Brubaker, who have resided In this district for '25 years, were honored guests at a party at the school Wednesday night. There was a large attendance. Mrs. J. M Nichols made the presentation of a gift from the neighbor-. Mr. and Mra, Brubaker, who sold their farm here recently moved to Salem Thursday where they will be at home at Hood and North Commercial streets. WANTED WALNUT AND FILBERT MEATS Also ta the Shell Elorfein Rtdting Co. 877 8. Uberty 344 SUte SU Salts-, Ore. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line ; ,Qj One month per line fl 00 Minimum charge 2 5c . S?pTJor thlB Pase accepted untfl 4:10 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived aftr thl time will be run der th beading. "Too Lat to Classify." The Statesman assumes ao finan cial rponiblllty for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns, and in cases where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement mwhich th typographical mistake occurs. . Th Statesman reserves th rtg-ht to reject questionable advertising It further reserve th rhsht to place all advertising under th .Proper classification. A. "Blind" Ad an al containing a Statesman box number for an ad irtaa ia for th protection of the advertiser and must therefor be answered by letter. The Statesman U not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to th Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND wuruiiea horsea. cows, picked up free. Ph. collect 4411. Salem Montgomery Rend Wka -......-..--... -i-,-,-,-.-inn .niiinjxrm, HOKSKS MARKS MULES LARUB ASSORTMENT well brok en horse and mule New shipment arriving weekly. CREDIT gladly glv n anyone. No carrying chart. !et compel It I v prices be for you come her and se how much lower my prices ar. Guaranteed aa represented Free delivery. Elroy Nash barn en hlsjhw-y lust north of Salem. por sur ..mi... . ...... - J. ck is w. 1 1 1 p. i. rum each, broke, 7 A 8 yra. of age wv eral head yourur horses unbroken. N l. Conn, Roseburg, Ore. Tel. SF15, Mel rose Rt. Auctions AUCTION SALE 23rd anniversary auction sale next week at the F. N. Woodry Auction and Furniture Mart In Hollywood. Two bin auction sales : Thursday night 7 :30, and saiuruay aiternoon. l :3. We aell any thing on commission. Send In your listings early. Turn what you have no use for into cash. F. N. and Glenn Woodry, auctioneers. Phone 4110. Help Wanted CASH IN ON SPARE TIMB $30 WEEKLT OR MORE EARN. Grow mushrooms HOME. Cel lar, shed suitable. We buy. 80e lb. Tear round business. $610 made by Mr. & In few weeks SPARK TIME. nutarantMA Materials Batab. 1911. Writ for FREE BOOK. Washington Mushroom Industries, Dept 404. .018 2nd 8etll. Wash. - - - - -f -iVrVsVlAiViAA SURPRISING. NKW mushroom rais ing- facts from world's largest com pany. Book free. United. 3848-B Lin coln Ave., Chicago. Help Wanted Male A PPI CATIONS NOW belns: taken. Watkins routes In small towns pay $35 week or better. 300 products. Write West Coast Mgr., 3174 16th St, San Tanciseo. YOUR OWN dresses free and up to $23 weekly allowing famous fashion frocks. No experience needed. No can vassing. No investment. Send age and dress size. Fashion Frocks,: Dept. N- ?411,. Cincinnati, U, s . j Help Wanted-Female WANTED. EXP. girt for gen. hsewk. Ref. first letter. Box 304. States man. WOMEN WANTED. Address our catalogs. 2c each paid In advance plus bonuses. Everything supplied. Free de tails! furnished. Royal Products, GI'O Iwx 164, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooding, Care Of Chicks Talked Brooding and care of chicka waa the subject discussed Yy Noel Bennlon, poultry specialist from Oregon State college, at a meeting of poultrymen. in the Silverton armory Wednesday night. The meeting waa arrang ed by County Agent Harry L. Riches. Bennlon emphasized i the im portance of getting chicka of good quality and of; having buildings and equipment ready. He also said that a well-planned feeding system la Important and changing from one system to another should be avoided. The care of birds daring the brooding period and the growing period was outlined, and Ben nloa also stressed tho Importance of giving birds free access to mash and scratch feeds. WHJU OTUJ 7 AIL I as oat Chhet rcmedlas. Amtxinr 8U0 E88 for S0O0 years I CHINA. K aattav with what ailawat ya are ArrXICTEr ais-rders. alsas Ws. keart, rssc, Uvr,i kiday, sic mark, gss, enstipsti, ale , diaUlia, rbstisaa. gall blsdaer. ttvrr, akla, (anal Charlie Chan ChLaeaeHerb Caw . B. rc a year Sractie ia Cais. ffie kaar IUI J. . aw sep Baa- ay aad We4ee4y, I M II l a 122 V. 01 '1 . S-lia, Or. T. T. Lass. B. 8l O. O-aa, U. v. Herbal remedies for ailments lof wtoasacb. jjverkldaey, akin. blood, glanda, and miinary sys tem of men and women. 21 yean la service. Naturopathic Phyaiclana. Ask your neighbors about CHAN LAM. ? mz CLAII IMl CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 3S Conrt St. Corner IJber ty. Offlcef open .Tneaday and Satarday . only. 10 a. a. to 1 p. in., C to I p. m. Consnltatloa, blood pressure and arine teats jf S-ifer fX dr loESlOi? 51 n i.l 1S2S high ioli ea.s ioi leoui LT8 V aro frea of charge. " w U9S hifha. , suie t 4.40 ttae aeratea xaee rraehaS ear)