The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1939, Page 9, Image 9

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    ltd ClinCOIl CTATECllAli Cs!sa, Orerca, Friday IUt&z llsxth 3, 1SC
if. v
K Local . Mews ; Briefe
Want Road Oiled Petition
asking tor the repairing and oiling
of the Aurora Butterille road
from Butteville to the Intersection
with the Aurora-Donald pavement
has been filed with' the county
court oyer me signatures oi uei 1 1
....... ... . . . '
Yergen and 6S others. An accom
panying letter from R.N. Kavu-
augh. Portland attorney, aayt con
dition of the road waa pointed out
to the court last July but no re
pairs have been made and it has
become In atlll worse shape than i
It was then.
Insured sayings earn 4 with the
Salem Federal ' , -
Road nay Today The county l
court will take up a large nam-lis
t her of petitions for establishment!
-, unrniommt nf maUm mt Mtl
monthly road meeting thli morn- (sucker and broadcloth SMS. The
a new 40-foot'road giving an en4l
trance to i4"1
yerton was filed yesterday-by Fred 1
V iBd tL!
of, riaht-of-way baye been offered I
or v " I r. n .aw." I
tSrv' . j 7..7n!
W. A. and Maude Heatef and R.
G. Mulkey. - , . ,
n-mmaaa sale Nowl lt N. ComL
Hrre, Order of Mateabees, learned
last night at their meeting in Jrra-1
ternal temple that the men were i
wianera ot the : talent contest I
staged In TehrnaryAa a renil
the women members will provide I
a .dinner, time to bo announced. I
The committee In eharge-waa an-1 gja college and showed his mo
polnted. Next Thursday, March t, tto pict,rea on China and Japan.
m .aw u uai aw - w s,aa . w ; .
and pinochle In play, will be neia To Repair store A nuuaing
at the hall, members to bring their permit to alter their store build
own playing tables and equipment, ing at 385 Chemeketa, In amount
Salem ' high band mothers rum
mage sale WCTU today, tomorrow.
t Townsend Chorus A no-host
dinner will be hold by the Town-
send chorus at C:S0 p. m. Satur
day In the Bungalow Christian
church. "1 7th and Court streets. A
nrorram Is belna arranaed by Mrs. I
S. L. Smith, Mrs. Mae Abhle and 1
George Dalton. All chorus mem I
bera are invited to attend.
. Ask Power Permit The Mbun
tain States Power ; company j haa
applied to the county court for a
permit ' to extend a powers line
along county road No. 817 three-1
quartan of a mile to the 8. R.
Barry place In the Shaw district.
- ' . 'Braatle
. Aslak Brantle, Febrnary 28. t
the residence. 341 South 23rd
street at the age of 8 C years. Snr-
vived by wue, ura. A. urauiie oi i
Salem: tw gong, Erliog of
Wheeler, Ore., and Trygve flrau-1
tto of Paaa Roblea, Calif.; three I
daughters, Mrs, Albert Sitlenger
of Lykens, Pa., Miss Torhiiaie t the courthouse
tlpnta nf Ptrburr. Alllll.
.. urt.. eirna Rrinti of Salem:
sutr. Mrs. Frank Lnnd of Silver-
t. fln. h hld frnm I
the' Clongh-Barrlck chapel Fri-
day. March S -at 1:30 p.m with
Interment Evens Valley cemetery
at Silyerton
At tha residence. 825 Shipping
street, March 2; Christen a Wohl- 1
alek. a red 71 years. Sister of Al-1
bert Baulig. Robert Baullg and
Mrs. Katie Phillippe. au of Salem;
aunt of Harold Phillippe and Mrs.
Satan Varty of Salem, Emma Phil
ttnna nf i Vancouver. BC. Harold
Baullg of Longview. Wash., and
Clarence! Baulig - of Aberdeen
Wash. Funeral services wiu baiooni jeoruary . ai uunga
hM frma tha W. T. Ricdon com.
any chanel Friday. March 3. at
l:St p.. m
Interment Belcrest
Memorial park.
& .'a-
- , .' e
m s m a t a r s o s t a t
Marrh 8 - Marion Covatr
Tonne Republics baslaess and
social mcetmx, p. aa Marios
i hotel marine room.
i March 14 Methodist youth .
Wants Address The chamber
of commerce is stumped at a query
by mail wan tint to know, the ad-
oress of any members- f the
rWann family that used to life
here, and asks , the assistance) ot
any local folks-who are stilly In
touch with the tamlly. The daugh
ter, Mary "Wans, worked at the
state house. Brothers are Fred
and Walter and the father's name
New! Housecoats in colorful seer
AAJtmmmm an.-u- ... "
ion E.i "Gus" Moore and ,f Fred
B.i. vupi .
hers, '.poke beture the Silyerton
L . ,
manltf Interest In the Silver Creek
Fall recreation area, and later
met w,th tne silyerton PTA.
whlch.,wa addressed by Harry
Buckley, project manager of tha
R cleaned. Coleman 5523. '
.... M mtm ithel R. Ad.
Urtf e interesting program
tlkML ,,-. ln,.trfi arhooi Wed-
Beday night. Mr. Adlard told ot
bu experteBC0 WBn m China aa
atudent from Oreicon
Ol o, was uiucu jmciut; vv
Nelson Bros. Agnes O'Hara also
procured permit, to erect a -private
garage at 1090 North 5th,
Och. Boy pnL Ma this, 178 S. Com
Will Orgaalxe
All persons
latareated in the Truth for Stu
dents movement are invited to
attend a meeting at the First
BaptUt church cottage tonight at
8 O'clock, when a Salem unit will
be organized.
Realty Speaker Today Otto
Bowea, Salem attorney, will be
the guest speaker at this noon's
luncheon meeting of the Salem
Realty Board to be held at the
Golden Pheasant. His subject la
I .at riorlsl. 1276 N. UW 11.
Dr. Steeves Hospitalized Dr.
L. A. Steeyefl is undergoing medic
al treatment at the Deaconeaa hoa-
Centra Club Meeting Tonight
at 8 o'clock there will be a meet
ing of Central Townsend club No.
Beer license oaeDea Tna
county court has endorsed an ap-
1 n mv- r Jk aajMAa.AAa
pc"wn - oj maauo laiuiau.
Idanha, for a beer license.
Hospital Reopened
WOODBURN The Woodburn
hospital is now open again. Al
though there is no doctor in
charge the hospital will be open
for th-i use ot the doctors la
I Woodburn and any patient who
I want to be : cared for.
Dyer To Mr. and Mrs. Harold
A. Pyer. Lyons, a son, GaryLee,
I low Maternity home.
I 0'ReiUy--Born to Mr. and Mrs.
I Cecil O'Reilly, Sclo, a daughter,
at the Salem Deaconess March 2.
Coming Events
0 We realize there are
emergencies or good . business judgment '' -;
demand ready 'cash. Our Cash. Euyer Plan
of Personal Loans provides bank credit and
cash to responsible men and women. Qedit
is extended primarily upon character and
income sutfiaent to repay.
fot need not te a tfsposrtor
First National
Sentence Pair
Viceri and Selis Plead
Gnilty Upon Charges j
s Suspend one Term .
Two forgery cases -were dla-
posed Of before Circuit Judge I
H. McMahan yesterday afternoon.
Jamea Anthony Viceri, original
ly charged as Slcerl, waived Indict
ment And pleaded guilty to tha
charge. He was sentenced to one
year in tha state penitentiary. He
waa accused of forging tha name
ot fialem Iron Works hy CL E.
Bolton to a, $42.87 check made
out toS. L. Lowell. -
In the other case Alpha Selig
also pleaded guilty. He was sen
tenced to a year in he peniten
tiary but the' operation of the sen
tence waa suspended.
Trial of C. W. Beecroft involv
ing an appealed drunken driving
charge , waa begun before Judge
McMahan,, without a jury, but con
tinued tor further -testimony.
Circuit Court '
Prineyille Warehouse company
vs. E. S. Haggles; order for de
fendant as Judgment debtor to ap
pear in court March 25 and answer
regarding certain property alleged
uaoie to execatlon.
Helen. Ersula Maxf leld vs. Dan
iel Byron MaxfJeld; dismissal, on
motion of plaintiff.
? P. J. Hlbleryn. Cobbs ft Mitchell
company; trial daU asked.
HerraU-Oweas company matter:
Internal revenue service claim for
8452.17 for aoclal security and
excise taxes,
Arthur H. and Nettle Cordler
vs. Even J. and Hannah Mathi
atad; default decree, defendants
given SO days In which to pay
82800 due on real and personal
property sales contract, otherwise
foreclosure to be granted; 40.15v
acre zarm, store and equipment
Sheriff's sale returns: State
land board vs. Peebles et al.
15103.74; land board vs. A
Whelan et al, 81208.98; land
board vs. Edna M. Short et al,
81921.91; Home Owners Loan
corporation ysv Edward A. Domo-
galla et al, 81188.58; Mary J.
Hurst, executrix, ya. W. F. Camp-
ben et al. 82929.88; Salem tb
Clinton J. Griffin et aL 3924.95:
Salem vs. Jamea E, Ruwell et al.
8312.11; Salem vs. Ada E. Kel
ley, 871S.C8; Salem ya. O. EL Scott
et al, 3292.84; Salem vs. Ralph
Emery. 8375.21; Salem va. C, N.
MeNulty. 3312.98.
Business Men's Adjnstment bu
reau ts, Adam Enjel; execution
return, no property found.
Caroline Ethel Edlund vs. Hen
ry August Edlund; attachment re
turn showing secretary of state
holds nothing belonging to de
Zelda R. Lisle ts. Everett W.
Lisle; Tamhlll county transcript
showing 8860 paid on Judgment
Febrnary 24
Ray Ingalla at al vs. Hasel In
galls et al; partition aulL -
PrcbateCscrt-- t
Emella Oerlg estate; Valentine
Gertg, brother-in-law, appointed
Mary F. Oregolre estate: mo
tion by Ladd ft Bush Trust com
pany, administrator, for transfer
ot contested administrator's real
property sale to circuit court.
Gerald K. Allen guardianship;
order for Braxier C. Small, guar
dian, to lend 8850 to W. A. and
Albertlna Ralph, secured by first
Frank Ingalla estate; closing
order, Hasel Ingalls, administra
Mary Jane Hartman estate;
hearlna- net Anrll S. final account.
I C. B. Anderson, administrator;
88828.18 received, 11482.72 paid
times when sudden
to borrow from ihtt bank -
Bank West of the Rockies
if. ' ' '
M s . -
f: iJ -HVi! r
" . . "
Cboral growp which wd appear Sanday night at Trinity church: in
former SUyertoa woosan, ts snesaoer of the choir ana wiu he one
out and 81081.44 In claims to be
paid; 8381 claim of Robert c.
Miller relactad.
Frank Smith esUte: ' Clsper
Schmidt named administrator oi
8200 estate and Floyd Bressler,
Jnw ll" " ye NwbrtT
Justice Court -
Fred Beaudry; failed to pay
8 it fine for driving without II-
legal headlight device; held for
atate police. i
Helen E. Kurth; 81 nne, no i
operator's license.
j can e lie jaarcnewa; iruu vm
larceny charge continued Indefi
nitely; '
Chamber Qiarter
Pirseiitation Due
New Local Orestnization
'Will Be Completed at
Ceremony Tonight
Tonight Salem'a Junior chamber 1
of commerce will culminate a pe
riod of tour months of organisa
tion when the charter, signifying
membership In the national or-
ganltation. Is presented. The
K.nAnf ni.nnwt th. lnoai
ter banquet, planned by the local
group, will be held In the Marion
hotel mirror room, beginning at
LrS& "i TS.!HS.!!2:
ocui into aaaw vifiv yigauiaauvu
to the public of Salem. The ban
quet, which la optionally formal.
is open to the public. Those desir
ing to attend may obtain tickets
by calling the chamber of com
merce or at the, Marion hotel to-
, night.
The new organisation will be
come a part of a national chain
of organisations ot young busl-
ness men who have played promi
nent parts In the activities of both
their local communities and those
of their state and nation. , .
TO Choose Best Citizen
The local Junior chamber will
participate in the national pro
gram alone- this line by daairnat.
ing. each year, a "junior citizen
m i a . a a a . . a a a..
ut jEwem, 10 Dm seiectea zor nis
outstanding contribution to the
welfare and betterment ot Salem
and its community. This award Is
not confined to members of the
To date the local chapter haa
nearly 40 active members.
Hospital Employe
amcide Mystery;
The reason for the suicide of I
tx.i.i r . . .m i .
vroow. B-year-oia at-
"n.aa"1! weanesaay eight
'H;,1 0r.0,1
uvsy.w auiuunuai last
, me wefB ididib 10 xurnisB in
m " ... . a . I
formation that would Indicate a
possible clue as to why Crookston
hooked a hose from the exhaust ern district to assist T. R. War
?f i" earj 't toterior. rea In handling the work for tho
ahut the door aad took his life
Although an employe tor but six
weeks. Crookston bad had previ -
una uusyiuii experience ai tne
&wera uregon atata aospitai at
Pendleton and at one of the Wash -
mgion institutions.
He leaves two1; children ot high
cnooi age ax Heoro-wooiey.
Forty Initiations
Are Held by Elks
A large turnout of members at
the Salem Rika lnHcra Thnrailav
night witnessed the initiation of
some 40 candidates. The initia-
i tion was held In conjunction with
1500 Elks lodges from coast toJ
coast, celebrating Elks National
Americanism week. March 1 to S.
. An Americanism ! dance is
planned tor 1 Saturday night.
March 4. Special Inyitations have
; been extended to all members ot
Albany and Corvallis Elks lodges,
and to all members of the Ameri
can 'Legion In Salem and sur-l
' rounding cities. The dance is in
formal aad the public is Invited.
Delinquency Case
Draws Four Years
ROSEBURO. March t-iPh-Com-
, vlcted by a circuit court jury on
a charge of contributing to the de -
I unqaeney of a minor, JL, J. -ate-i
Donald, former wine store mana
i ger "here, vras" sentenced: to four
years in the state penitentiary to-
day. : . t
The grand Jury , Indict i Mc
Donald on four counta. but -e was
found innocent of the first. Dis
trict Attorney J. V. Long said the
; remaining indictments would be
Mrs. Guy Freshour, vho have
resided " at t tha home t of ' Miss
Valera Fllat since tha uldule of
September.; are moving to Tilla
mook where Mr. Freshour is1 em
ployed at the Charles Ross
Lutheran Choir of Portland
VL M J'V ' f
A 1 nh f r - '
KA.KmifinfY I Ivrrawl
atv-awuuiij: KJLfXM
Shift 'Asked NearTliard ;
Honck Firm of Salem
Gets Klamath Job
routing or tne facme mgnway
west of Tigard was asked of the
aiate highway commission by
Thomas Tongue, Jr., of Hlllsboro
today. ' '
Numerous other r e q u e s t s
marked the opening of a two-day
Contracts totaling 888,803 were
awarded In Columbia, Klamath
and Union counties and a fourth
contract was referred to 'the en-
I gineer with authority to award It
a a. s. j j
Bids included: '
Columbia Clatakanle-Summlt
section ot Mist-Clatskanle second
ary highway, 8.48 miles surfacing
and oiling, Mountain States Con
struction company, Eugene,
Salem Firm Low
Klamath Lobert section of I
I "aues - caiirornu highway.
one-half mile grading. Roy L.
Houck, Salem, 819.718.
.ecTion oi
Union - North Powder - Davis
river county road, 4.85 miles grad
ing, C. E. Silbaagh company, Pen
dleton. 818.270.
Union Noyes ranch-Core ' sec
tion of Cove secondary highway.
5.5 miles grading, surfacing and
oiling, referred , to engineer with
authority to award to Mountain
States Construction company, Eu-
ene' for M8.788.M.
Spring Exhibits to Close
June 3 at Fairgrounds
With Ronnd-np
Spring Jersey shows In the val
ley will start May 24 aad will
close June S with the grand
ronnd-np at the state fairgrounds
here, when first prise winners
from all tho county shows win
compete. Rex Ross, president of I
the Oregon Jersey Cattle club.
said yesterday following a meet
ing of the board of directors.
The Marlon county, spring show
will ha tialif Tntia 1 K Tn1V
I " ' -" -ri-
ton show May 28. Count shows
will be held elch day, except Sun-
d Memorial day, from May
I XI thrnnrh Titn. 9
Seeoakl Field Maa Due
Probability that another field
man will M aaairnait tn tTta wait-
American Jersey Cattle club in the
11 western states was voiced -by
1 Rot following yesterday's meet
I ing;.
I vim um th. nmAn i.h iiaa
1 fait- tnr anma Itm. tha IIi.m
ahonld ha aoma rall-f fo tha
f .ohania Wamn t. .aPri
1 and that another field renreaen.
... r
tative wiu suppiy a genuine neeo
in the district.
The directors. however, felt
that expense ot a second worker
should be borne by the American
Jersey Cattle club rather than the
state units.
licensed to Marry
I DALLAS A marriage license
was issued h e r e : Tuesday by
County Clerk Carl 8. Graves to
I Louis Ronald Foos, 25. student.
Monmouth, and Alice Marie Bart.
I 25, school teacher, route , 1.
-I Lebanon.
French Fried Pbtatees. 2
retUct.l Salad, ':'
s Hot Rdls. Butter snd Jaav
- "CofTce. lea. itX ButUV "
Sea lea Ceam or Sherbet '
CalAtiModcFmt. Pie or Jelfo
' ff taw 4m Waf smm
: 382 STATE ST.
r acme High
Jersey Sho ws to
G)mmence May 24
vsal safcrioa jnaatFMiv eaoaaa $
, OHBMMaiun cOMMn er
't .
SOyertoau Mrs. George Henriksen.
oi mm soloists.
Clockamaif Jackson Get
' WVA Fund$' for. Roads
WASHINGTON.1 : March g-ff)-The
works progress admlnlstra-
ftlov haa advised Oregon congress
men ot presidential approval ot
grants of 8411,488 and 2298.848
for county road improyementa in
Clackamas and Jackson counties,
Ore., respectively. .
Wins $25 on Name
ALBANY Mrs. Harriet TJtterd
of Albany received a check wed
neaday from Capper's Monthly
I f or 828, which was awarded her
for third prise In a contest to
name pot holders. She submitted
the name of "Mug and jug.'
101 Sooth Commercial
Oval SARDINES 3 cans 25c
To wnsend ys Peaches Frecstonc'yo-tin1 5c
BEANS v Mn .ct cooken 3 lbs. 29c
Kitcheh Queen Flour 494b bg 1,09
Snowdrift Shortening 3 lb, tin 49c
Fire weed Honey 5 lb, tin 43c
Franco American Spaghetti 3
SPERRYS OATS 3 lb. packagir19c
GINGER SNAPS, fresh bake, pound 11c
COFFEE, Santos Blend lb. 13c
11 jSOAP P i tSw
Kraut qt; 10c ScltPorlt -fit-.5c
Glee Singers
Hard at Work
Four Willamette Classes
Pnt on Final Touches
for Saturday Ere
Willamette university atrdents
are rising before daybreak and
practicing vntU after midnight
la preparation tor tha Slat an
nual Freshman Glee to bo staged
Saturday v night at I o'clock
against a colorful bac! ground In
the university gymnasium. The
stage was not erected until after
the basketball game Tuesday
night which delayed practices a
, Unusual Interest Is being
shown among the students this
year in anticipation ot the glee.
The, present Junior class which
received the v cardinal ' and gwld
banner last year as sophomores
are i working tor tho banner ;or
the second time. The senior class
which placed second last year is
In hopes of receiving first award
this year aa they do not wish .to
leave school without tha banner
at least once.
Classes Worklmx Hard
The Juniors are, the only, ones
in school to have received a ttrat
place. Tho sophomores were the
mill stream losers last year and
are working especially hard' to
gam at leaat third place. Tha
freshmen aro enthusiastic about
the alee and have beea diligently
working , oa "decorations and last
minute preparations under the
direction ot the gleo manager.
Mark waits.
The songs are peppy aad full
of spirit with the "fight" theme
being used. Bearcats aad the
school colors will transform the
gymnasium Into a college atmos
phere. Ticxets for this event will
be reseryed this morning by the
Dundee Brand
No. tt tin
Minced. Dundee Brand,
1 No. tin
i - - -
jj- Large Cans
8-oz. tin...
IVlilk Double Rkh
Granulated J
Black Ground
Regular Size
G Renuter Slzo
i ' s
aCOn Rindlcss lb.
students starting at 7 o'clock.
Alumni and townspeople have al
ready . seat , In numerous , requests
for tickets.
KOUf to Broadcast : ' .
Seniors . will appear In - their
caps and gowns for the first time
this year and will march into tho :
gymnasium Just before tho glee-
beglnsj Part of the glee win
again be broadcast ver KOIN
with Art Kirkham announcing
and Ladd and Bush bank the
sponsor. - ',
The composers of the different
songs aro as follows: senior.
words, Manning Nelson and
Leonard Lawee, music, Mary Vir
ginia " Nohlgrea; junior, words
and music,' Clayton : Wheeler,
whose song won first place last
year; sophomore, words and mu
sie, Wlllard Wilson; freshman.
words and music, Marian Her-
maneck. . r
God and Government i
ETangelist Theme
SILYERTON Rev. Paul Cc4-
lord, who .Is conducting a series
ot gospel meetings at the Chris
tian and Missionary A UUici
church, will hold a special mass
meeting Sunday at 1 p. m.. when
he will discuss .".God aad Gov-,
ernment." : i ... ; v . 4 . . A
.Sunday night his subject will .
be Examination Day." Friday ,
he will give an Illustrated mea-:
sage for the. benefit of children
and young people. - - ;
Dance Set Saturday
Waldo Hills club dance haa been
aet for Saturday night and. a
Salem orchestra will furnish the
music. Tha regular club' pro-
gram will be held March It.,
Seek OSC Presidenry
Calloway -ot Corrallis, and Hasel
Duncan, Ontario, were nominated
for the presidency of the Oregon
State Associated Women's assocla-
tion yesterday.
Order of $240 Delirrred Free
2 cans 25 c
. - -
3 cans 18c
b. 33C
pound 15c
Package 19c
8 bars 25c
Krafts lb.1 5C
garage. ' ;-. '