'The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, March 3, 1939 PAGE SEVEN FFA Contests Attract Many Many Local Contestants for Competition to Be '" Friday Here , Previous records for attend ance at the vocational agriculture and the shop contests for the up per Willamette Talley section will undoubtedly h be broken . at this year's meeting to be held Friday at the Salem high school; accord log to J. F. Srinth. local agricul ture Instructor. Kntrlpn rnmin; In from tha var. lous schools indicate a full list of r contestants for the 18 -contests ' scheduled. j Poultry Contest Xew"" '" " j New contests to . be held this year, will be in poultry demonstra tions and judging. These will be conducted nnder the nam mi as similar conieats at the state Fir A convention and the world poultry congress in Cleveland, O. In the . DOultrr iudartnr 4 content each contestant will, judge iour classes or exhibit birds, 10 birds for market, and 10 birds for . breeding purooses. The winner of - these contests will get a free trip io me. world's poultry congress in July st Cleveland. C;i 8. Brewster of Portland, a noted poultry judge will officiate at these two contests . Friday. , Local Contestants Signed Local Future Farmer boys who will enter the various contests in clude: soldering: Dale ' Lively, Wendell Armstrong and- Milton Bressler; leather splicing; Jack Sit-downers Take Luncheon 500 Feet Underneath Simon Feiin (left) and Oliver Kahley, two of the, 600 coal miners la aft-down strike in the Oneida mines, at Hazleton, Pa, are shown eating food provided by sympathisers on the surface. The men, sitting-down on the 600 foot level, demanded back pay. Muckridge, Leland Jenson and David Ramseyer; 'potato Judging: James Whelan, Mont Chiistoffer son and Dwlght Runner; corn judging: Arthur B 1 1 v e n, Carl Lseed identification: Carl Newton, FItts and Waldo Gilbert; . wool Harold Clark, Tom Fisher and judging: James Thompson. Carl Seth Dodge. . - ' F 1 1 1 s and Wendell Armstrong; I Poultry judging: , Howard Mc- CalL John Roth and 51en Delapp; rope work : Leland Jenson. Mont Christofferson and Jack Chanlm rafter catting: - Dwlght - Runner, wr uenj ana uien ueupp; blacksmlthing: Paul Judd, Don Meyer and Llovd Lvtle: rrain Ind uing;;' Arthur BUven, Carl Fitts and Waldo Gilbert.: milk testing: Lee- Hanson. Duane Felton and Kenneth Prince; poultry demon stration: Howard McCall and John Roth; farm mechanics dem onstration: Leonard Roth - and John Reynolds; agriculture1 dem onstration: Lee Hanson and Roy Gerigl nubile sneaklnr? Jmim Thompson.' . Willamette Valley Rail ( Line Liquidation Order ; PORTLAND, March t-ypy-An order providing for liquidation of the Willamette valley railroad was entered today by Federal Judge James Fee. The line suspended operations last fall, claiming a lack of revenue. ,, t-'- ; , : Norwegian Prince, Wife?::-. i Will Visit Washington i OLTMPIA, March 2-(JP)-Gorer-nor' Martin was informed today Crown " Prince Qla'v and .Crown Princess Martha of Norway had accepted his, invitation for a. visit to Washington state during May. Wins oil Spelling - SILVERTON Mrs. Heltner Erickson (Ruth Shepherd) was the winner of the misspelled word contest conducted by the George Steelhammer drug store and closing Tuesday night. The contest had 14 C entrants. 40 new 'Engines Ordered for SP The Southern Pacific company has just placed orders for. 40 new locomotives, at a cost of approxi mately $ 7,2 S 0,0 00. according to announcement by A. A. McDonald, president. ; - The purchase Is part of South ern Pacific s Improvement pro gram for 1939. Recently, the com pany ordered 40,000 gross-tons of steel rail and 12,440 gross tons of rati fastenings, at a total cost of approximately $2,500,000. and Mrs. Denzel live - alone and have been , quite 111 during the winter. Pie Social Tonight - 1 ABIQUA Elaborate nlans am being made for tha nia aocial to be given at, McLoughlin school Friday- night. An amusing pro gram will precede the social Dart of the evening. Bessie Dixon is chairman of the program and Mrs. Stanley Swanson and Mrs. Henry Amundsen are in charge or pte and coffee. . ' . ; Plan Fall Bazaar SILVERTON The St. Monica Altar society is making prepara tions for. Its fall bazaar. Prelim inary plans were begun by the society Wednesdsy afternoon when it met at the parish hall. BrcrnEXCHs hosts BETHEL Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bucurench entertained . with an evening of cards at their home on Saturday night. Four' tables were In play,, with high .score honors won by Mrs. J. A. Hain and" J. G.: Lauderback. Astoria Port Tonnage w is Biggest Since 1929 i ASTORIA, Ore., March The largest volume or ocean com merce here since 1929 was car ried last year, tonnage Increasing 27 per cent, the Port of Astoria said today. - 'The report showed cargo of CB2.447 tons against 513.279 in 1937. .Lumber exports, the chief item, gained 3fi.000.000 feet over 1937. . r: i Chickens Missing C BRUSH CREEK Jacob Den ser of the Paradise road reports' a .. number' of - chickens , stolen from, his coops. During the wee his roosts were raided twice. Mr. WATCHES CLEANED $1.00 to $1.50 AB Work Guaranteed CLAUDE MIX Bnsick'a Market 470 li. Oonil wao-sna bbadkbgo . . ., We've Beaten You To It With a World's Fair of Quality Plus Xow Prices We Lead Others Follow Salted - 2Jb. pkg. Grahams - 2-lb. pkg. in OS! mm, OR MILE GET OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU 1 BUY PEAS or Stringiest BEANS Xo. 2 cans 4 im 2e $1-45 Per Case of 24i cans -lb. pail 2 Star X 5c refund for empty jug, net cost to yon, K-gal. Jug. ...... 18c POWDERED MILK........ ...2 M- 19C RHUBARB 1 Hothouse 10c 9 lbs. 3 for Radishes and Green Onions 53 Per Bunch FLOUR CASTLE BRAND j Montana hard pCfA wheat, 494b. bag J ;RED nhTE AND ; BLUE Milled of choice Blue stem . wheat,, ft ft C 494bVbao;-: iUii3 FISHER'S BLEND j Evniditr 1 Oregon hard ftfl f wheat, 49 lb.Mai I71-1L PRINCE ALBERT Velvet, Half and Half, Union Leader, (Oil 16-oz. tins, ea..... OyC GRANGER Rough Cut, ltoz. tirjuj. 67c (Din GEO. WASHINGTON Camels, Lucky Strikes.' Old Golds, Chesterfields, Raleighs, Ai m per carton...... yfloil PAR ; Granulated Soap with Pottery premium. Close out price, AOt iMCOA1;-' Golden West Air MaU 3ibs..--.:tgc ;Morniiig Star 2 lbs- A$c Breakfast Club 2c Vacuum pack, . lb.-.....:' i V TISSUE ." '.S SofUsIlk. 1000-sheet rolls 4 for- age 7: OLflXY Granulated Soap - .' Reg. site pkc Lee. pkg. 2flc 43c : - , . 8nMill Core Oysters, extra rood qualltr. . 4 mt a cm....... irfv 137 So. Ccniaercial -p.x 11 hi 11 i j i u 1 I 1 i 1 1 ' I 1 BacaiBs High T t Prices" Orderrof LC3 and Up Delivered Fmc :j - Opea Until 9 Sat. Et. f Independent Grocers 1C0 (Jome Owned Isaak Dros Owners ( CcMjcsuc ioa dtevc gy&y ZyJ CORNER COURT AND HIGH STS. This store Is open from 7: SO A. M. to 10 P. M. etery day, In eluding Snndays and Holidays. NEXT DOOR TO GRAND THEATRE Low Cut Prices on Nationally Advertised Products ... Showing You a Substantial Savings ... We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Rubbing ALCOHOL ABSORBINE Jr. JFuU ' Pints $1.25 Size 89c Bromo Quinine 35c Size 21c FRENS SANITARY PADS 12's, 2 boxes 29c Camel ' Ggarettes Carton $1.15 PONDS CLEANSING TISSUES 500-sheet pkg. 23c Full Pints Milli of Magnesia OMDOEi large phg, 19c Camay Soap 2 bare 11c Ivory Soap Haftes 40-Ft. Rolls 2 for 11c NESTLE BARS 3 for 10c MODESS 36 in box sac SCOTT TOILET TISSUE rolls 19c SQUIBDS ASPIRIN TABLETS Bottle of 200 for i 50c Phillips' Milk of Magnesia 34c 75c Listerine Antiseptic 59c 100 Bayer Aspirin Tablets 59C 50c Vick's Nose Drops 39c Prince Albert Tobacco 14b. tin Try Got Fountain lot Better Tl Jumbo Ice Cream Sodas..........10c Nestle's Hot Chocolate . ...10c Boyd's Silex Coffee 5e Tomato Juice........; 5c & 10c Fresh Crispy Salads ....10c Home-Made Chili a...l0c Special Sundaes Jumbo . Milk Shakes Toasted Sandwiches Luke's Glazed Donuts (2)... CampbeU's Soups Home-Made Clam Chowder. 40c LlsterlM 50c Pkg. I ' ' j ' , S5e Italian Balm Tooth Past . GDlette Blades 15c Tins 50e Htads d20c and SOe and 25c , lf?ffLl i DreskU CooII. Prophytactte cl.GIUf ' pS?c bSSs both for To11 BrmA Shmre Cream for ' both for - a a both for both for A A 29c 1 59c 1 49c j 44c 39c M. D. i w rn ' 1W Union . -; Carters layer Pills 17c T0 S flllra - Seltzer ! 42c '.SSt. or jr. 30s , Perles ;8c - Palm Dengay ; l3c 2M S AR MCA 98c cJL j H lSL25PeteolagagL,89c 2 OLSO is Citio - Caxkonatc-3 New Low ' ; 'Price . 09c EST Here -you are folks! A regular "nrice-ftast"! Come and get it! Six big days March 3rd to 9lh inclusive. "Serve yourself and Save" 241 N. Commercial St. 3 ibs. 6- 10c Refund on Jar. Gal. 4-Tie Balanced White Cloud, Pearl, Snow Cap 4 EE Golden West HQ' Whole Milk Cheddar ; Pound XL Grade A Fri.& Sat. Only Piggly Wiggly, Kitchen Queen Sack Ask about the "Hike-o-meter" ' ' 2 pkgs. Armour's, tall cans Other Brands at Competitive Prices Dinner Bell - Limk Lb. -r -. . s r " Oyster 6rac!r N.B.C,T1ieBe8t-a !ic!iors ; :; ' H-lh. crtn. - C "Peter Pan" Pt. flfge "Qt- Town Club 3 cans- C J m :VflliTAGfi'Day,.Ti70 -DGfe Joi $190 1 : ' Cashmere Boaqnet Soap - 2 bars 317c 1 1vory Soap : v Large bars, for . 17c prince Albert - i Tobacco -J.15C tins. , 1 doz. for : f .Camel ' -.C3ettea Flat 50s for - " , - -V,. ' r' k 2?C $3.00 Value -h Samson I 4 Electric Irons 1 v for r $11.90 5c Ref aad M Bottles - i Large bottles: n Lei Us Fill Your Prescriptions- Our Service Is Accurate end Economical W:r ;f flO-lb. cloth ;