Tht 03EGON STATE5JIAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, March 3,, 1939 PAGS xoint CrashVictim Fred Meyer Full Fashioned v J; I . i. li. f- . I Census Taken For Catholics Local Incomplete Count Shows 13,738 Persons' in Salem District . The Catholic ceMM, taken three days la mld-rebrnary, how 13,738 Indlrldnala ai.d 3923 ' families In the parishes of the Salem district on the basis of incomplete returns. , Incomplete tabulation from the Archdiocese of Portland in Ora son shows 60,000 CathoUe pop ulation. This includes the west ern Oregon, counties orer which "t.y. t " - -v f i f - 1 -.- X , v - -- ' .-T - , r II I K 2" u a p r if: 3 I h n I. X I ' 1 V t 7 i V ' f the Most ReT.. Edward D. How ard, D.D., has Jurisdiction, as arehhishon. Eastern Oregon is known as the diocese of Baker City. - " 5 : Rev. Reedy Conducts Census . Rev. John Reedy was In charge of the Salem district census, and for tht state; Very Iter. Fran cis P. Leip-Jg, pastor of St. Mary's church, Eugene, was dl rector. ; . : Of the - present, total for the state, 37,409 are adults, 21,055 are children under 18 years old. In 17,950 families. - When the first Catholic mis sionaries arrived In the Oregon country in ,1838, their first cen sus, taken after their first mass; showed 78 persons, whites and Indians, in the Hudson Bay, com pany fort at - Vancouver. -Tea years later, though the Catholic population had increased from . 1838, the gold rush to California depopulated Oregon so much that schools and churches had to close. But in another 10 years the. tide turned and the church has. shown . a constant - growth , since. Figures for eschT parish 'in tie Salem district are: Vaae af Ckazea ' raa'ls 3atfU ,8t Patrick's. Canbjr : L. 11 57 St. Mary', lit. Anel i SIS . 2088 Sit. Aascl (Miisioa), ML Asfel .. 30 8aer4 Heart, Oerraii 15S SlLoaia, St. f -ml. ,, 83 St. Paai a. St. Faat 180 St. J.aeph'. Baltm .., 62 131 598 388 40 1S47 St. Ifkaaal -rehaafal. ChcMwa 13 St. Paal. Sata... 134 Chunk el tba Iaiaaealat Conrrptioa. AnnuTil). SS St. Paul's, SiNerta.... 131 lmmaenlala Conception, , Start- . 84$ St. -Boniface, Hnblimit . 157 St. Lakt'a, Waadtan. t , , SSO ' St. Jaaas-'a, Co-Btdala 78 Sacred Heart, Tillamook 243 88 10S7 . 19S 884 28 r 730 931 181 778 957 S17 8 S03 885 Indian -tarnation, Grass Bond. . ... J 6od Shepherd. ' Sbaridaa J 93 es 4 - ruiKiX Tola Oar- La-7 of Perpetaal Help, fit. Mary'. Crallii 103 Oar Lady of Ixtnrdaa, Jortta'a ' 8t. Edward's Lebanon 87 St. Crril WiUonville S3 St.' Frincii, Shtrwood 48 154 8S8 1S4 1S9 Total 822 1S.738 Posing as G-Man Puts Portlander ' Into Law's Hand PORTLAND, March 3 - Jfj -Charles E. "Kerr," 24, had a yeif to be a G-man so he got some kind of a star and posed as one, a pro cedure he discorered' later was dis- approred by the government. Federal Judge James -A. Fee; after listening to a story of Kerr's investigations," sentenced him to a year in federal prison and pro bated the sentence for fire years when he promised to "stop trying to make people think he was a big shot- ; The principal victim of Kerr's detective work was a friend. Don Lulotf, who became a sort of manf Friday to him on promise of a Job after a five-year apprenticeship Luloff financed the "lnvestlga lions" and told the court he had spent about 3725. Rote City's Auto Toll : Stands at IS Death PORTLAND, March 2-(p)-The death of Oscar F. Anderson. 77. today brought Portland's traffic fatalities for the year to IB. The elderly pedestrian was knocked down by an automobile Sunday Bight. Thirteen of the victims have been pedestrians, most of them more than CO years old. r fill il to Oohst Veil: aeiJis; ; ?i go Dean '2cg OCcdCi . HGg 23Cll,ILVG-? Xk" 300 Yea Cen Always Do Cctter tl Solera's Own llarket Opta UntU 7 P. M. Saturday I . " s" " ! ' V f Uentenaat Ostergrea Lieut Norman Osterrren was one of two killed when eight of a flight of 12 navy pursuit planes crashed Xter becoming fogbound north of Pensacola, Fla.- A Brazilian naval ttvmr also was killed. Others saved themselves by means of their par- acxtutfa. . $428,178 Granted Wasliingtoii State US Social Secnrity Body Acts on Assumption new Law Okeh WASHINGTON. March 2-Py- The social security board, acting npon the assumption Washington s new "stop-gap" pension legislation i qualifies it for continued federal aid. granted . the state . 8438,178 today for old age pensions in March. . . This was the first grant since Washington's legislature approved emergency aets-'correctlng" the state social security law which officials here said had been ren dered inoperative, so far aa the federal government was con-, cerned, by a recent state supreme court decision. - - The decision held all" persons 65 or older were entitled to old age pensions. Irrespective of need. Of ficiaJa explained tnat under fed eral law, pensions could he paid only after an . element, of need hat been established. An attache first said today's grant was made under theOld law pending study ol the new, but later an official saidts, 1 "While the hoard : has not yet seen the corrective legislation re ported passed by? the Washington legislature. St feels that it should not withhold the arch allot ment." -,' (The new legislation, in addi tion to specifying "need" as a requirement, makes $30 the maxi mum Instead of the minimum pen sion and says relatives are moral ly responsible for support of the aged.) - . Why Suffer Any Longer? WHUI OTHZSS xAXLl ae our Otlaea reaiadiea. Amailat 8U0- ESS for SOOO yeara ia CHINA. Ko matter with what ailment yoa ara AFrLJCTEI duordera, ainoa itia. heart, iaaf, livar, kidaay, atrmaeh, fas, eoantipatiaa, a tears, diabetia, rheoiaatlim, sail and bladder, fever, akia, female eoat- plainta : Charlie Chan Chinese Herb Co. S. B. Fanr, S yaara practiea ia China. Office hoara 9 ta 6 p. aa. except 8 day aad Wedaeaday, i la IS a. ia, 122 W. Ceai'l St. Saleat, Ota. 171 71 b. -osn-i Salem's Leading Market Do your trading at a real Meat Market, folks. Here are real sav ings for you. ... Shanks ; , Co &iiOG 3 CQX2t2U03 : 212G cr Pot Roast sco or Fresh Slis EGG VALE TOMATOES Not as large or as even ly packed as My-Te-Finef but a quality to mato packed with puree and trimmings. YALE PEAS A thrifty, economical vege table grown and packed in Oregon, not as small and delicious as My-Te-Fine but still a quality product backed by Fred Meyer. VALE CREAM STYLE CORN Another Oregon product. Just the right kind for creaming or for corn fritters. No. 303 cans, VALE BEANSs-A thrifty medium sized bean grown ana packed in Oregon. Not as fancy as My-Te-Fine but a fine food. Snowbird Cress Pack Tiny Scrd!r.os cans TEXAS QUALITY WT SHRIMP. Reg. Size. 2 for 25c MY-TG-FIWE STERILIZED TISSUE sCT. 6 rolls 35c MY-TE-FINE PINEAPPLE JUICE, Natural, No. 10 tin 49c MY-TE-FINE . SILVERSIDE SALMON 2 for 25e HORMEL'S PIG'S FEET, Pickled, pints 19c French WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, 5-oz. bottle 13c MY-TE-FINE si. PEAS, Oregon CroWn, No. 2 tin 12e LIDDY'S. SPINACH ""fiiJ Large42'2 Cans. 14c MY-TE-FINE LIDDY'S DAKED BEANS, Vegetarian, No, 1 tin, e MY-TE-FINE PINEAPPLE TIDBITS, Soz. tin, 2 for 11c FISHER WHEAT GERM, Serve as a Cereal, 20oz. pkg. 24c KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES, TOounce pkg. 11c ALDER'S FLAPJACK FLOUR, Large Package. 1Cc mv tc cimc ncen n-r htffA 9fo lllBlla"rmai UBEIi( " avaa.w, THRIFTY BROOMS, 4-sew, 35c HARVEY WAX PAPER, 125-ft. roll, 12c COLEMAN MUSTARD, 4-oz. 27c WALNUT MEATS, froz. ceUo, 25c RY-KRISP, 12-oa. pkg. 21c CCaOCOle NUi1 2-Laycr Cottcgo -ru A. real favorite baked to per fection by mas ter bakers. The highest quality ! flours, choco '. late and Or . goa walnuts. Rsisin Biwael Whits or wheat. 60 f A sins to erery lop pounds af Ml - i I icq" .w ov:;:"i:Qnri7i:D Clapp's Strained Oeby Food SAUERKRAUT Finely Rins : or Ute either of the rich quick acting aoava for whiter clothes M llltkA lit nlll SXy euy OB 4( Crcf7 Batttfmi3c Dosmts . Lb. Cinnamon, vow- of sugmrsd. JTrisd la 1C0 rege- s J f ll l l C : 1 I Campbell's Tomato Soup 3'20c Shredded ,gi, 7e - 9E deport aw. MW My-Te-Fine Asporagus No. 2 tin 20c nydl Package 5cH It's Planting Time! Sale 2-Year-Qld Oregon It. Bf " Jwr t s) sirs. Saat sXcCreaor. Cennerr kaMa" ?w. Oraaga. a!?V5S,, Hcfc Btef Prf!0det HoOraaga - - Gold. ? . i55?l??!JS-tklfc s OTallanata. Oraiva, TeOew . with Zteck ehadlag. , at it If asci. ' , , " , - g? P.'m4 nscract - Cmplad, Ttinr and Or- Freshly Roasted Freshly Ground t Fifth Avchtia Coffee World's choicest M lb. aa beans, grouAd X Jar atJUC and packed in-- " w re-usable Mason- 1-Ib. Jar S3e type Jars. My-f e-Rzio Coffee Choice blend of & f" J ' highland grown X lbs, KVC beans ground to : 1 your particular need. ' 2Oe lb. Dcn-Dco Coffee A mild blend W M 4afai oft antral Ul. Kf American and ..;' BrasUlaa beans. ISe Hv - My-Te-Fine Orange Pekoo Tea Tender y ' n in f yt f learea blended for CjaC u an i n t i goratins; healthful beverage, i!1 25c No. 2's S1.93 Dozcii ; 50c.No.-1V-', 29c ca.; $2.93 Dos. O C. Testout. True Hik. ' OtSsA Btittrfly,lftt sahnoa Fresh, teader, crisp stalks. Add them to your .salads . and- soupawAlso . fins for stuffing. iAn Cuach j , :,.,,v il w Extra -salT Extra Ssnrica ;T Extra Savings . I 2 Pc:rs I i : I l New I High twist snag reinforced heel St toe. Sandal foot. Smart dull crepes and chiffons in all the new spring shades. Sheer S threads, 4 thread chiffons, and 7 thread for extra hard everyday i. $2.50 Values Twin Weavo Satin Slips XAixariouav rorm-mtlas; fouigor alipau Dcnbla ft Qf? Shield or lace trim tops. Adjustable shoulder straps. o 9 Caa't rist, s&tv tarn, cr "rldt-u ! lVVltiy(n),: "The Shoe of Champions." S Genuine Keds ! 10c Pert Uaea! --lUdWI 39 Tovcls; an? w v,.-'.,.-.- ' i - a-aaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaM Sd.el412X29 3C each 50e Klicrt's Silk Vi prie. lAOractiva white towel hem-I DfCSS ShlOldS I med. and with colored borders. I p' tok mo- - : I Void after March , oint shields for AHt ' ' -' ' 1 protection of-wpi I 4 fal til 1 J () la?) 1 wvely dresses and suits. fJaaMBBaassaasBaaassaalBB ffaasaasaBBBaaffBaaaaBBBBBaaasas At Women's Fred Meyer Presents New white broadcloth shirt with the doable-wear fused collar the collar is guar-' anteed to outwear, the; shirt! Sanforized shrunk throughout insuring permanent fit. Comfortable as' a soft collar, stays clean. - , 35c Val. Men's "f ' , Made ot long-wearing merceriied cotton. " . Choice of attractlre plain solors and white. T You'll want sereral pair at this price! , ' ' ' At Men's Wear Sectioa fill r-'yn rr'N r va rv iO- n t 3irSaal1.PaF a?ak " - . " H rtP? CoOzen I Those nice large ones. . Fresh i r o ta famous i r i -l -s j)- i as a v ? r uuc - urcuarust - Fcr salads cr sl.thr . Spmig Shades f'? A hi eSungisry -K SnlmaHoa :iHl S V ApmMdl .Zi -4S , e Golden Dawa .iV A eci- -.. Jf- A raar S m i-' a aaaaata a , . Mil a xiwavn mmow n Rose ilaxe I Wear Sectloa Ribbed Slack Sox I 25c 6 for $15 CL. I Shirts 1.65 Each I 1 Sal 3 II II Excellent for jgice. t .