1 Tb OHEGON STATESilAN, Salza, Oregon, Friday Morning, March 3, 1933 PAGE THREE rleflal Sought For Councilman r to 1 Introduce Carnegie Award Move 1 : - for, June Yittone ''June ' Vlttone. :the 27-year-old Salem high school girl who til credited with sarins little 4-year-j old Norman Cooke from a hor- rlble death by fire last Friday afternoon, wlU be. cited -to tLe Carnegie Foundation or a hero award r If v the city council next Monday' night adopts a resolution which 1 to be introduced bj ai derman Glenn Gregg. ' "I was attracted by the boy's . screams," said Miss Vittoae yes terday In an interview , with - a Statesman reporter, "and when I became aware ot his predlca ment I rushed to him and 1 tlngulshed the flames with ' my coat. : . Girl Acts Speedily "As soon as I had put out the tire, which had almost entirely consumed one leg of the boy's trousers. I ran, into the Willam ette Valley Transfer Co.'s office and telephoned for the cit first aid car." ? Miss Vlttone, who at that time lived at 454 Marlon but who now resides at 1195 North 4th street, was credited by First Aid Officer P. L. Clark with hsTing sat d the Cooke boy: from burning to death. The boy's trouser leg had caught on fire, presumably from an open trash fire. According to his doctor the boy suttained third-degree burns of the enti-e right leg and left thigh, and first and .second degree burns of the abdomen. Salem General hospital attendants last night reported young Norman as "getting along fine." . , Mayor, Officers Praise Girl Mayor W. W. Chadwick, hen Informed of the impending reso lution, said: "Good!. The city most certainly wishes to gain ail the recognition possible for Miss Vlttone and the courageous pres- ence or mind she displayed." Captains P.; L. Clark and C. M. Charlton, of the aid car, said not many adults would bate handled the situation by. doing exactly the right thing, as did Miss Vlt tone. "Most people," bald Officer Charlton in commending the girl, "would have done the wost thing possiblej thrown water on -the boy's clothing." , "No, I hare never had any first aid instruction," said Miss Vlttone, ,"other than that given me by my parents." Which, it seems, would speak "well for the Justly proud par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Vlt tone, who have two other daugh ters and one son. Mayor Chadwick " said Miss Steaks From Champion Steer Worth Weight in Gold x ( - . t ': ' f t-'' 7 " " Spectators at the Golden Gate International Exposition's livestock exhibit recently tried to figure the I cost of choice cnts from "Texas Superior, grand champion of the exhibit, auctioned for $1,013, if he I were cut up in a meat market. They fonnd that his choicest meat would be worth its weight in gold. I Photo diagram above shows price of various cuts If sold In proportion to his auction price, r But the 4 blneblue ribboner won't be sold in a market. Hes too valuable, bis owners say. IIN photo. Idaho Legislators Handling Millions lleasnrei Passed Involve Sums - as . Session '-, -r Drairi Near End BOISB, - Idaho. , March "I-UPV-The 25th . Idaho ' legislature self-stamped a the greatest ' re form session in a score of Tears dealt speedily In its closing cows .tonight With measures in votvlng millions of dollars. s The COth day saw these de velopments - Approval or both nouses of a bill to provide an ad valorem levy of not mora than S1.000.C00 for each of the years 139 and lo to raise state's share of the federal-state fund . for the aged, blind and dependent chil dren; and approval of a- levy of an additional f 400,000 for each of the years to relltve the coun ties from contributing to the state-federal fund. Approval by 'the senate of house bill appropriating 1800,- ooo from the state general fund ior tne biennlnm to the federal siate puDiic assistance fund to relieve counties of their obliga tions to the state-federal fund lor the aged, blind and depend ent children. Vlttone would be asked to uppear before the council for an Intro duction. 13-Year-01d Girl Found Strangled r OLAHOMA CITY, Okla., March -(i'PJ-Haselteen Black, 13-ycar-old junior high school str.ant. strangled by a cord and br.i tally clubbed, was found dead -la her Eope by her mother tonight. The girl's body, clad in pink ool pajamas and a blue house sat, lay in a pool of blood on the dining room floor. Her; head was battered and crushed and a white cord was drawn tightly around her. throat. v Dr. John Roddy said a pre liminary examination showed "no external evidence of rape." Mys tified officers, despite Dr. Rod dy's ' findings, theorized the ; girl 7, j 4 - may have been the victim of a sex ; pervert. Mrs. Willis Wilson, who lives in the same block, told officers she saw a well-dressed middle aged man peering into a kitchen window of the girl's home dur ing the day. Japanese Consul Asks Tieup End (Continued from page 1)! longshoremen to load scrapiron for Japan today by suggesting the problem "be put up to the Chinese people themselves." -- Chinese women and children have picketed the Japanese freighter Norway Maru for seven days. Bridges said prominent Chi nese leaders told him they would advise - Astoria demonstrators to drop their picketing of the boat Father of Salem Woman Dies in Ft, Dodge, Iowa Word was received here Thurs day of the death ot James A. Martin at Fort Dodge, Iowa, fa ther of Mrs,. E. J. Anderson of 2135 Hazel avenue, Salem. Mrs. Anderson had .rone to Fort Dodge upon word of her father's serious illness. Rootevelt Will Return FroM:SeaTrip' Today JACKSONVILLE. Fla' March 2 JP)-The cruiser Houston re turning President Roosevelt from the fleet maneuvers around the West Indies was speeding by the Bahamas tonight s navy yard officers at Charleston, S.C.,- ar ranged for its arrival i tomorrow. The chief . executive will ar-. rive In . the capital ! . Saturday morning after a 16-day absence. Memorial Adopted On Water Rights ' The "senate Thursday adopted a memorial Introduced by Rep. Howard W; Turner,- Madras, pro testing against the : trend of the federal government in attempting to take over water ' rights ' the state. ' ' : v-. u: Sen. W. H. Strayer, Baker, de clared the memorial was Import ant at present due to litigation now pending - in the federal courts Involving Oregon1 water rights. . . -i Copies of the memorial - were ordered ' sent to Oregon's dele gation in congress. Dean Morse Will Piiblish; Surveys -EUGENE, March 2-(V-VTayne L. Morse, dean ot the University of Oregon law school and direc tor of an attorney general's sur evy ef release - procedures, an nounced publication of the first of . five volumes on the subject today. ,. - vi -- : : The survey included methods used by every state and territory in freeing prisoners.' Made by WPA. workers under;-the super vision of experts, the work pre sents In detail circumitances and situations surrounding . the ad ministration of probation, parole, pardon and prison treatment in America. " . . The first volume, containing 1.22S pages, presents a brief his tory of each of the release meth ods and an exhaustive digest of the laws, of each state and terri tory governing them. Play Tryouts Tonight Salem Civic Players will 'om plete tryouts tonight for parts. In the play, ?Royal Family." They are scheduled -Sor 8 o'clock In the Players', rehearsal hall at the old high school. ! . FICH and POULTQY MAEIKET Sput Coniinercial Phone (5Q1Q v SlILENTEN " OPECIA1G I PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY 41 MONDAY Calttc3 CcdCich ' lb. 23c lb. ICc CALr.ion Half or Whole Sliced lb. 15c COD lias or Black lb. 13c B Original Genu GPICED HEIUllNG lb. 20c CQADG 0c to 35c ca. CLAC3G Hard Shelled . . . ' : ' For Steamlas; Fresh Columbia SMEL. 4 ribs 25c .6 lbs. 25c tonight. Bridges said the i vessel probably would lo"d -21 cars ot scrapiron and logs tomorrow. Longshoremen May Be In Violation of Contracts Brldces said he "assumed the Astoria longshoremen were te h-l nically violating their contracts I by refusing to pass the line ox demonstrators. "Frankly,' I wouldn't Ilk. to see the Astoria port - tied up : and I don't think the move would bene fit either pur people or the Chi nese." i Prior to Bridges' arrival from Aberdeen. Wash., Federal Arbitra tor Samuel B. Weinstein heard Astoria port officials criticised by an attorney for the Waterfront Employers' association tor not ejecting the Chinese. Leo Larson and two other long shoremen told Weinstein they ets. although women and children made up the majority of them. "We all have Chinese neigh bors, more or less," Larson said. 40 Ml 0 8 ; Fvfei ' MM' SALEM'S RETAIL PACKIIIG PLAIIT 351 STATE ST. We have ian extra supply for this week. These prices should appeal to the Thrifty Shopper . : , 1 0 ) TN ; flu?. 51 i 1 e. AH?. GOOD COOKS KNOW that flavor and tenderness in meat makes the meal. They, know that CHEAP MEAT IS CHEAP and that good meat is worth the price. We do our own slaughtering and curing which enables us to supply you with GOOD MEAT AT A LOW PRICE. . - m .From . Lean Jowls no. -mi ) Ones no. . Another load of those choice Eastern Oregon Cattle. Slaughtered, Inspected' and passed -right here in Salem. Its real beef. '."' - - " " 7 N (3 Pure Pork Fresh 4 V v Small Home-lXade r - V2(3, The above ere cleanly, prepared from fresh selected cuts of inspected meat. Sure, we could make them 'cheaper but," 110 one can make them better. -.--' r. AAA wm It Pay to Buy Quality Merchandise That U Still Another Reason h Pays to Shop "Metropolitan" Where You'll Always Find Qu alitr "Economically Priced" Low Priced! 1 American Made . Electric Light Bulbs Guaranteed 1,000 Hours either 30, ,40. SO. CO or 75 watt. Special! : TO New! Low Price L 12xl6-Inch .... Framed II II I ! X A large variety of the most popular subjects to select from. Only! it y5 0 OLD-FASHIONED v sTT Chocolate Dtfops iitD DtIlrloBfl amorted flavors... Ltb. CHOCOLATE COVERED Midget I Carmels The soft,. cbrwy kind- H lb. ft 0 Bridge Mixture .nocoijiie cmhcu iibun muumi, 7 DELICIOUS CHEWY Wrapped CajpmelG IT; Assorted flavors . .- Lb. S- Friday 9 Saturday and Monday' Special! Fresh I Delicious X Spanish Peanuts Salted just enough to bring out the aroma and tempting taste of freshly roasted peanuts. Another Shipment Just1 Arrived! Children's or Misses' Millets - Slight seconds of regular 10c , and 15c an ex lets. Special! Without a doubt the most fascinating game you'll ever play. - . ' CSSirJESE CHECKERS On Sale Again JFriday, Saturday & Monday Only! 0 Daigoins in Hen's VJcai! 90 - Renlarlv 1.49 rJolesIiin Pants (0 for men. A special purchase en ables as to seU these: actually be low cost to manufacturer. - Ifea'e Cottow ' ExcepUoaally fine quality imported ebt-J 1 tost work sox tnat wear excepwMiiy tj j- welL ' Bedeeed from L4S tlen's Felt natslO o 0 These bats hold their shape well aad are smartly styled for this 1 exceptionally low price. Regalarly 2 Pairs 1S Men's Canvas Work Gloves 0 iim1 tar tisftt wark nronnd the bouse and especially snitable for work in the 7 hlch crade leather need fas expensive tuts price poa- The gloves. SUchS Irreswlarltles attde. It's Soon Time to Plant MM lllll Vowll find huge variety of - Vecetabla or . F 1 o w e r Seeds to choose from. )and )1(P)C Packet Come In for a free sample of the famous .mnLiri". Double Edge' RAZOR ; DLADEO No Purchase Necessary Manufactured - and - guar, nnteed by. the makers of the f anions Martin Guns since 1870.!-- VAMTV PINS VANITY COMI SiT -OOOT" . . Wove CUps .. MAS T ATI - HAB PINS Vital i(Mt Kt RKIKIISLIS , Q TonxTpms - ifi SAfCTT fWS TMnt You Ndl 0 THIMtLCS SNAP FASTCiaS . neaet emtt'et enssnn pw w vwww tAgSllltS -' Threads, 2 spools ; -rcaATOS fT CiCXLACn .dsuanun IV TIT D" WE v I ) '- I'-' VI Wsi