The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1939, Page 18, Image 18

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    , :V.G2 UGIITZXII -
Ta 03EG0N STATESMAN, Salisw Orejca, Way Hernias; Kirch 3, 1939
3Lc Convention
Hubbard Itebekahs to Be
Hosts to Meeting,
' District four -
. TIDBBAED Thella, i Rebekan
lodge will b sostass to tli Slat
convention of district lour Sat
urday. The tint session will be
held at 1 a. m. with' Mrs. Wil
ma" E." .Leffler. of Hubbard as
chairman; Mrs. Lillian Shaner,
Gerrals, Tlce-chairman, and Mrs.
Ida Klmmw, Hubbard, secretary.
The meetings will be held in
the hlrt-school zym. ' -
: -Different phases of the .Re-
beksr work will be eiempllf led.
' District four Includes Turner,
Salem. - GarTala. . Woodbum. 811-
Terton, Monitor,'' Scotts Mills,
; Eutterille, Canby and Hubbard.
-"Stat Officers Coning ';
Several . officers of the state
. assembly are , expected to be
(resent. A program is to precede
. the evening- session.
" Tbs local lodi:e will serve noon
i lunch - and the community guild
i of the .Congregational .church, will
; serve a o'clock dinner. ..
Nazi "Big Thie&Study llotor.
Riiral Carriers
Select Officers
SCIO Harry Koster of Mon
month was elected president of
the raral mail carriers' associa
tion for Linn, Benton and Polk
counties at the annual conven
tion here. Earl Allen, Lyons was
named vice-president, - and Phil
chweizer, Monmouth reelected
secretary-treasurer. v. E. I Jic Hol-
land, Scio, is retiring president.
' More than 100 members, of the
organization and auxiliary at
tended. Officers and members of
the state organizations ivere
present from Astoria, Dallas.
Baker, , Oregon City. . Sotherlln
and other. Oregon points.;
' The auxiliary chose - the fol
lowing officers: President, , Mrs.
Carl Peterson, rHalsey, and Mrs.
Glenn Parks, Corvallis, secretary
treasurer.: J
The 1940 ' conference will be
held at Monmouth February 22.
- Nazis No.' 1, 2 and 3 are here studying one of the new auto engines
In Berlin's motor show they are, Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler, right;"
Field Marshal Hermann Goering, center, and Minister of Propaganda
- and Public Enlightenment Joseph Goebbela, left
Births at Silverton
SILVERTON Births reported
from the Silverton hospital this
week are a 9-pound, 4-oun-j
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Beyer of Mt. Angel; a 6-pound,
7tf-ounce girl to Mr. end Mrs.
J. 8. Akher of Woodbnrnr. a
9-pound 11 -ounce girl to Mr. and
Mrs. Steracle of Scotts Mills. '
Mrs. M. S.-Chandler, who un
derwent a major operation at
the SUverton hospital Tleaday,
Is reported as getting along 1 as
well as could be expected. '
Day pt Prayer Is
Observed at 'Grove ;
denial and day of prayer service
of the Woman's I Missionary so
ciety was held Tuesday after
noon at the home, of Mrs. Fred
Scharf. '
Derotionals were led by : Mrs.
Beatrice Fisher and Mrs. Georgia
Ramp directed the prayer period.
News items- by. Mrs. -VV H.
Scharf, reading on prayer by Mrs.
Mary Herndon and solos by Miss
Genevieve Scharf, accompanied
by Mrs: Thelma - Scharf, com
pleted the program. Projects
were considered during the busi
ness session, at the close of
which tea was served by Mrs.
Scharf, assisted by her daughter.
Lodge . Club Meets ;
DALLA 8 The Past Noble
Grands' club was entertained at
the home of Mrs. J. Paul Boll
man Monday evening with Mrs.
Irene Lynn as assistant hostess.
At a short business meeting
with Mrs. George e L. i Hawkins,
president, presiding, plans were
made to hold a covered dish din
ner on March 29. Sewing and a
supper hoar - were other features.
Women to Conduct '
Lenten Services ; y.l
TJNIONVALE Ten menbers of
the - Unlonvaie Ladies 'Aid at
tended the all-day quilting held
at " the church Tuesday. j .f
The women1 of the : congrega
tion will have charge of the
Lenten uuon nrrlia. )u
at the Unlonvaie , Evangelical
cnurcn Sunday night, March 5,
with special singing by women's
chorus, also dnets. r
Tuesday J night, ? March 7. the
erotnernood will hold special
services at the church.
Better Fellowship '
Aim bf Boys' Qub
SILVERTON A boys' club has
been -organized in the Eugene
ieia scnooi unaer the direction
of Harrr Cameron. Bah ita-ihi
are members of the fourth, fifth
ana sixth grades. The club has
been called th Roave ink
selected for charter membershln
are wjweu wjust, uene Scott,
Wtm Warner nmoa
Dale Bennett, Richard Morrison!
11 w-k - '
uum - crag?,, u e i Hartford,
uavw peiett and Donald Tomn-
son. - .a' -'
Better ' fflTowitn . 11 ?
Ject of :.the ,nbV . v, in h . .
KvK. 'Hi'. jj-Mfi
2 So Bromo
n 50e Vlck's
Nose DropslL..
75c Llsterlne
. 91.25 Absorbine
Junior ' L-
S5e Sloan's
60e Sal
SOc Bromo
Seltser ".
sal '
dL jrom. liver ouir
111 1 4100 - ItakesshavlngP,
'L TM-f-- ! aalef, better. f2C
,mfA W. . ceaialesceato. . -. - CmS z
V " . i Boxed Cascade Lovcfy Adnennc
ti-p. Silver Polish Alco-Roc'
I PnretestNJll
High Potency
Cod Liver
Oil I
, Biologically '' C ; J
I SUndardlxed li
14-os. bottle y
i 1 1
Double Edged
Razor Blades
Guaranteed i '
iff ir lusiiii iVftW
St 50c Ipana
Tooth Past
Dental TJream
SOc Pepsodent
Tooth Powder
2 Se Pepsodent
' Tooth Paste.
40c Pepsodent
Tooth Past
S0e Kolynos
Tooth - Paste.
25e Llaterine
Tooth Pi
SOe IOenso
Tooth Paste.
SOe PoUdest
X5c Fasteeth
S W'
65e RexaU Denture
75c Vince ",vi
- Powder J....
Tie Bayer's .
Aspirin, 190's.
- MUk Uagnesla.w
$1.15 Saraka
f Laxative ' ZJ ii 6
25e Carter's
1.25,petroUtar. OrV-'
all nmabenLlVS
,.S0e. California
Svrnp Figs - ,
, 40c Fletcher's :
f!atrta 7 f
J5c Fitch D.IU .;
. Shampoo .
vug vtuit ,' JU
Shaving . Cream ,
iOc Williams ; V ' 0i
Bhavin jc' Cream.
jGIant Palmoltve - - 74
Shaving Creanul 2)
oil capsules
Package of 100
Halo -
60c large size with
medium size FREE
- FOR 0S
h ' . IMedicine . : '
I ; 2 bottles for .
. ."! i tcer values are
;-:::;l!f, we'll have
Preserlptkos ded at
store are doable-checked
lot accuracy Yes ftt Just
what fee dector orders.
10-In. Reflector. Heavy
s e ."Underwriters
. Approved. . .
; ' 1.49alur "
" - rn
r, "Special Vy
lornson to vuit '
v ' JB usms at Sdo
r SCIO N. I. (Newt) Morrison.
who haa innAvetA a. kr4aM
and machinery -"business In Scio
m L. . a .
jut u 1ML v rears, plans lO
dispose, of his stock, and retire;
llonison states thai after dis
position of the present stock, he
will renovate the building and
lease the business. He Is nearing
the four-score . mark; and has
been In 111 health, for some time.
Drilling operations in Sclo's
new -eitv well htn 'hM
this week by flint-like boulders.
The well Is down about ISO fe-t
and water la attn 4ninfN..t
The . weU V 1 II .supplement the
vresenfc amiea suimiT.
March X i tha'ficlA ar il.t.
have been" described; as arriving
am ? m auiica iaimt 1 ; WU1V (
torminr. but th. inn aw
seine eitner. .
Bnilds Auto Cabins
WOODBURN Matt ' nt.r.,),.
bach. 'who came here from Bris-
ioi, s. u.t a few months ago. Is
building - a house and4 five auto
cabins on the highway Just south
Of Btera HrrrtwS' nia u
bach expects to have them com-
pieiea ana ready, for occupancy
Third Graders of fTraimmj School ;
we iriay. wiiix impromptu uialogue
- r- INDEPENDENCEErao 'ImJQu&&. jityt
was presented at the training, school Tuesday morning: by
chfldren . of. the third grade there, under direction of Mrs,
Elise Bolt. . . ; , -r.,.-r
The work was outstanding because all scenery and prop
crties were made by the children during1. their social study
' 1 . . t., ' ' . , O periods. , Ther made their 1 own
play, saving no learned parts,
each child knowing background
and facta of the Eskimos so ell
Piano and Voice -Pupils
MONMOUTH F ranees Vlr
ginie Melton v of 8 a I m ' and
Blanche Cohen, Monmouth, pre
sented their piano and voice pu
'pils',.respectlvely, In recital Tues-
May night ia the sadltoriam of
Oregon. Normal achooL -
f 'Piano "punUs were JUlce Rose,
Rosemary Qii ser!; Daniel Lee
Headrlck, Connie Cox, Jean Fowl
er. . Carolyn Brady, Genevieve
wlnslow, Evelyn Johnson, Jean
Fidter. Jean CUlre Swift, Betty
P eets, Margaret Wonderljck,
ateryi- cornett and uotour
Kloepping, air of Salem; Betty
Lou Elliott, Shirley Iversori, Dor
othy Smith and Marlorie K. Bar
rows of Monmonth. : v
Voice students- were Wynn
Stewart.-Vance Smith and Gretta
Leum. all of. Monmonth.
that he made his own conversa
tion. No teacher was with, them
J. on the sUge daring the play; cl-
tnongn Mrs. Bolt bad directed
their activities and helped them
organise . "the pluy, j ;
' The' characters'1 were taken by
Darreil' Lee Bare h , Jlarjorie
Becken, Robert Phillips, Uelores
Kletslng. Darrell Albee, Mary
DeForeat, Casper Fllnk.i George
Trumbo, Raymond Lawrence,
Rpaald" Dorktns. Stage" manager
was Eugene Palmer. ?' . -. f.
Select Officers
r LIBERTY The young peo
ple's Christian Endeavor of the
Liberty Christian church elected
officers this week for, the next
year. . They are: President, Sta
ryl .Austin,. r.; vice-president.
Beverly r Barnes; secretary, ; Msry
Sargent: song leader. Bob Vofgt. I stick of wood flew np and his
' Guy : L. . Weaver ' sustained, a I hla face while he was rhopplng
broken nose .Saturday when wood. , : r
&xi: Kvitatipn -
Shown on Living Models
, Presenting Miss Olga ;Thomas and Miss Lea
Collins, "expert New York corse tieres, who will
gladly advise you. in the selection of the cor- ;
rect foundation garment for your figure. ;y
. " . miss thomas and miss collin3 "will
" be in 6ur' store all day today .;
, FOR consultation. . '
'Demonstration Friday, March 3, 2:30 P. M.
A AAn1 e . . - " - .
r u'" suswmera were neara aisgussin our a as me otner day. .One
I ?' em remarked, I can't understand it, Ire seen every one in this store
and I can'l figure out who tis that noe's how to make such good
prices, and can't spell a lick. And us, we hapened to be sittin f iguerin
out how much our Uncle Sam ow'd us this year, figurin on the same
basis he figured out how much we ow'd him last year. When one-a
the parties nudged the other'n and said, I betcha thats the one, The
one sittin there pretendin to be readin, writein, when he cant even
i t ' 50c
6 99c
. Pint AAV
Quart... 39C
Lb. 10c
Pure Shortening
Cib, 31c
; Giant V :
3 for IfJC
Reg. Size
SOfor 29C
read readin. This was our chance to show how polite we could be
na mane cm sorry cause iney itaan't been takein advantage of all
the savins these stores have been of f erVall along. So we kinda saun
tered over to where they was, fillin their baskets with a lot ta nice
things to eat, and remarked in our very nicest way, Good evenin, we
says, nice day aint it. And as we walked on past em one of em said,
I knowed it was him. Didje see all those specials on that list that you
can save money on fer this week's Grocery BilL Not to disappoint 'em
we're listin those money savin prices, right now. Here they arei '
In addition to prime steer beef in all the choice cuts we are featuring some exeep-
uc s uuut,c$t.&ig n dilute i(ereni
IJock Chichen Legs- I1'ey,Good 6 gsg 85
HoSia Ppgi CEaoio flCs : Blip,
DpeoExCaGit Dogei
Sanneg ESganntt 7q onnogtt
We Have Just Received a Very Nice Lot of
UlPGOlol SEd ADG They're a Real Value at J f Q J QgS
Not the Larger Ones Nor Are They the Smaller Ones
Among the many nice fruit and ' vegetables we
-noticed the young spring salad vegetables looked
-yNice Fresh Round
Red Radishe
3 bunches
.1 i
3 bunches
Here's Another
We're assured ' enough
nice, ripe, brightly col
ored fruit for this spe
cial. See them at these
stores. They're really
Delicious Ripe Juicy
All Sizes From
Tall cans
" MS -.-v
Outdoor Crirown
Artichokes, Brnssel Spronts, Celery and a lot of
other good things to eat will be on display in
aaese aepartments.
UereWnet? Every Day Low. Price for the fresh
esx, most seusjymgly delicious coffee. How's that
jur uemcnom
Freshly Baked
Big Feature Sale t
See enormous display.
Note the low price.
" 2 lb. Americans v "
C.S.NeV IWBar '
Per Dozen
to Two Bits for Two
Dozen. Don't Fail to
see and buy a supply
of these. They're sure
... , r ...... ....
Seventeen : Different jyarieties l of
Bread All at Reduced Prices ' ,
Dig -1 E&loag r 10c
DoTighnuts, Rlaple Bars and Hot
, i Cross Buns 17c Per Dozen
Spring must be here.
We see - a B15 Lot of
Onion Sets sellui t
these stores 3 pounds
for a dfcne.
Standard Quality
Cenned Foods i-
Tomatoes Corn Peas
Strisgless Besns end
Diced Beets":-
-And when we say they're good we do not mean
just Bakery Pies good, we mean Home Made Pies :
. .,- - - , - . . .... ,.. ...
Made with Fresh
Jd J
U cans