npnc?. npnnno LJ n ron U qemmzu. Our opinio of that Dob Vf John guy, Uke owr opinion of gaudy f latcrnalls, woold .hTe to be priated'oa asbestos paprrv Isn't anything sarred any orr? Not even a family lead? I Being' mentally and aestheticly allergic to the application, or paint to that portion of a woman's binds characterised by Webster aa' the Tiorny scale or plate on the? fin ger ends, ire put our toot djown when friend f ran recently ruined our disposition by - parading; all 10 of her fingernails grotesquely (to us) enameled ' ! ' That is. we didn't so much -put our toot down as our Hp out.Fdr. In the heated harrangue directed at friend wife, we vowedwed even matters by growing a bit. of brush under our beak. Well, may be It was an optimistic, boastful statement, but I ask you! A fel low has to resort to any medium within his grasp when entering upon la -battle of words with woman, doesn't he? , What happens? ' 1 " This: Thanks to that Upjohn rent, the' plot thickens taster than the . brush. The latter is barely 24' hours old -when the -"Sipper" slaps an expose of It. and what perpetrated it, into that gossipy column of his In the contemporary sheet. He thereby stuck his head squarely into a family batter, and If It (his head) gets conked by crockery he has no one to blame but himself. If the fingernail - mafttarlie feud gets into the divorce courts, we'll sue Upjohn and Cupid" Lee Ohmart (the lat ter being the nwy who oM us our marriage Urease) for con . tributory negligence, for aid ins; and abetting a family fend, for giving munitions to warring parties, and for just plain cniw eriness. Moreover, If we thought it ? would do any good we'd threaten to -reprint the Wan-Tage" adver- . tisement - once endorsed by Mr, ; Upjohn in his own paper. Would i tnai'cause a iut : If I the Gemmell-Mrs. , Gemmell Upjohn fight bores you, perhaps you can find solace in tonight'i I armory tiffs. I expect , they'll be much more noteworthy. At any rate; there will be more it stake than the as-yet woozy-looking mustache and a set of red finger nails. - - Clyde Grewell, who has been baring a battle of his own . with a set of hard-hitting tonHils, sends his local amateur gansfai pursuit , of further victories. They take on tbe Multnomah . rlub battlers, and the action- Is expected to be as fast and fur ious as It was two weeks ago when the CYO's battled Oregon State before a wild -eyed, capac ity throng. That CYO-OSC card was said by many oldsters hereabouts to have been the best fight program ever Stazed In g1am flt Vnr nnr money, K was plenty good. And yet, there have been some tour puss rumblings -to the effect that it was too bloody and the boys' health and mentality were being endangered by such goings-on. Humph! What is expected in the fight lng a pillow pantomime? It la true that the Catholic Youth Organization la no long er back of the CYO amateur gang. That Is something I've . been aware of for better than two . months. But what in tbe blazes Is the difference? Accord ing to A AC by-laws' the boys bare to 'have an organization under which to work." Person ally, It makes no difference to ' this department if the "CTOV under which . they bill them selves should turn out to mean Corrugated Yannigan Omnipo tcacy. As long as Grewell and Phil Bayes show as much concern for their- pugnacious proteges, and deal with them with the same fair ness as they have been doing, more power to 'em. The kids are satis fied, the parents of the kids know a.,. .11 1 . - a . " " . mm v nunc iuc beef? One of 'em may become a world champ : some day, who knows? They all have to start some place even Joe Louis. Grapple Gang Good, - For real, honest - to - goodness grapple, this .state high school tourney which opens out at 14th and D streets tonight, has the world beat. Better than 280 kids from 15 leading prep Institutions of the state will mix It up In the most . scientific physical combat known. , f . No rowdyism, no ballyhoo about the way these prep young sters go about ' overpowering each other with leverage and strength. The kids are matched strictly, on weight, and each must undergo a strict, pbjrsfaal examination before ' being al lowed to compete.. Cleanliness, of both body and the' mats, is emphasised in- conducting the tourney. Disfigurements have been eliminated "by barring the old Deadlock, which left in Its wake so many cauliflower ears. NCAA rules will be in force, except - that no second or third places will be awarded. The meet Is strictly an elimination affair, with the preliminary : boats held to six minutes and the finals to seven or eight, depending on the conditions of the bouts. ? x. Judging Is done on a point ba sis, to wit: 1. Five points is award ed for taking an opponent off bis feet I. Five points for coming out from underneath and going be hind Immediately. I. Three points for coming out from underneath andbreaking clear. 4. The referee nvy award one point for aggres siveness and: skillfalness if the bout ends in a tie. .5. A "near fall' takes precedence over points if the points are close. Too, If the meet 1 staged la the -'manner he accomplished last year, you will witness the result of son extremely adept . eaxanlsatfam by this Vera Gil- more U gent, "On-the-minnte" seems to be bis motto, and if things dont happen Just that way, look out mister I Tourney Will Start Hill Military Academy's 1936 Champs Return to Defend Crown Fifteen top Oregon high schools will take to the mats, beginning at 7 o'clock tonight In the Salem high gymnasium, as the eighth annual state high school wrestling tournament" opens Us ' two-day stand. .: -' - Four champions of 193 S will be back, as will the defending cham pionship team,. Hill 'Military of Portland. Each of the four re turning titlists will be wrestling at different weights from those In which they won their crowns last year, however. Wayne Snider, tbe Salem 95-pound champ, will seek laurels in. the US-pound division this year; Gerald McCarthy, 125- pound champion from Oregon City, is a 135-pounder this year; Alvin Jones. 145-pound king from Hill, will vie in the 155-pound class; and Ed Mfte, 155-pound tltlist from Canby, is this year la the 165-pound division. Locals Title Contenders Principally because, they have entered complete squads, Bensoa of Portland, Sandy, Tillamook and Salem : are favored to be the strongest competitors for Hill's team title. The . records for seven ' years show that Salem and Benson have each won three championships and Hill one. Last year seven schools placed champions. They were: Wayne Snider. Salem, 95; Louis Radford, Sardy, 105; Ted Webb, CorvaUis, 115; Gerald McCarthy, Oregon. City. 125; Don Buckley, Newberg, 135; Alvin Jones, Hill. 145; Ed Miles, Canby, 155; Jamea Nuelford, Hill, 15; Bill Seven, Hill. 185; Douglas Vagt, Tilla mook, heavyweight. Schools entered are Salem. Mil waukee, Newberg, Canby, Hill, Chemawa, Bensoni CorvaUis, West Linn, i Oregon City. Tillamook, Blind school Dallas, sandy and Al bany.; ; - - ;. . The tonrney is under the direc tion of Vera Gilmore, Salem direc tor of athletics and also coach of the Viking mat squad. , Sabin Battles to US Indoor Finals Portland Tennis Ace Is Winner Over Tidbail 6; 6-1; 8-6 ' ? Bv BILL BONI 4 ! L lieWYOltKrMach Z-UPy-U you've, been wondering why Wayne Sabin hasn't lost a tennis match since the first of the year. you should hare been -t the Sev enth Regiment armory today Watching him dust off Jack Tid- oall of Los Angeles, 6-3, ; 6-1, 8-6, to reach the final round of the men's singles in the national indoor championships. When the Portland. (Ore.). Davis . cup hopeful moved into volleying position, Tidbail might as well have tried to bat "balls through a brick wall. Tidbail Starts to Click Tidbail suddenly, came to life in the third set. His service and his volleying started clicking. He broke Sabin's service n the third game, played him all-even through the tenth, and . then broke again m thellth-tx2l-point battle, to lead at 6-5J But there Sabin bore down again and breezed through the last there games for the match. Last year, in the semi-finals. Sabin wrenched his knee while leading Frank Bowden at 5-0 la the first set. Tomorrow Bowden will play another New Yorker, Chauncey. D. Steele, Jr., for the right to meet Sabin in Saturday's final. Sacred Heart Is Victor by 30-19 Meier and ' Parton. scoring eight ; points . each, led Sacred Heart to a 30 to 19 win over Turner's Tigers here last night Bones, Turner guard, scored 9. Slick hemped 10 to lead the Saint Bees to a 22 to 13 prelim inary Win. Sacred Heart SO Meier 8 Rocdue 2 Partoa Free t Logan 4 ... i Sub, for Saints; 19 Turner I , Scheffer " 2 Barbar ' A 4 Kvnke 4 Welgart 9 Bones Coover 2. j Normal Quintet Ties Portlanders - . MT.' ANGEL. -The Mt.' Angel normal basketball team tied a game at 17 -all with the Montgomery-Ward sextet at coach school gym ' at Portland Tuesday night. The Portlanders led at half, 13 to 9, bat the Angels crept up to even the count while the Montgomery team failed to score in the last quarter. Georgianna Plennett, lo cal captain, led aU scoring. 4 " . ML Angel lineup: forwards. Crane, Pleaett. Schindler: guards, Collins. Linehan. Annen; subs, Hemshorn, Zollner. Reieree, Lnd- mnia Seidl. r (By the) Associated Presa, ; ' Phoenix 2, Langloii -IT - ' Elkton 11 .Paisley - i.-: '"1,:- i TCerhv 2t. Oohir 10. , " Brookings 18, Looking Class SL , Mary't (Medf ord) It. PrinevIHe 1 3.; " " Coos River 21, Chiloquli .l9. Tonight ' i 1 13 nil? Sports Netc I : National eorerage by As sociated Press daily fa - Tbsj SUtearaaa sport ' cola Dragons. Foxes In SeiiaFm Silvertorr Shows Powerful Attack, Downs Newberg - in District Six - GAMES FRIDAY (Semi-Flnals) Dallas Vs. McMiaaville, 7:30 SUverton Vs. Tillamook, 8:80 MONMOUTH It's Dallas against McMinnville end Silver- ton against Tillamook in the semi-fins la, with the experts picking Dallas and Tillamook to play Saturday night's finals, as the second-half of the district six preliminaries wound up here Thursday night with Tillamook running away with Tigard 43 to 30 and SUverton showing nnex pected power in blasting Tigard by a 43 to 30 count. Coach Rarey started a mixed team of ; reserves and regulars against the Tigarda, and his boys received a slight scare as O'Halloran and Rasmnssen shot Tigard into an early 4-0 lead Bergstrom moved off the bench, however, flipped in a pair to knot up the count, and the 'Mooks were on their way with a 10-8 first quarter .lead. The same O'Halloran and Rasmnssen came back to shove Tigard into a 12-10 advantage as the second heat opened, but. the Rareymen again started to move and ran out a 21-15 half time count. Cheesemen Beat Tigard The 'Mooks held a smaller. scrappier Tigard team to three points in the third quarter, emerged with a 30-18 lead and Rarey gave the game over to his reserves in the final session. . Though SUverton was met b" a scrappy Newberg team in the first-quarter, that ended 3-1 in the SUver Foxes' favor, S-ick- land, Torgerson, and Peavey poked the hemp at a steady rate to move the Foxes to a 7-2 halftime advantage. Strickland, who totaled 14 points, was the big gun . of the third-quarter; at tack that boosted the advantage to 27-10. Loeks, who bagged 10 or nis team's if points, was a standout for Newberg. Tillamook 43 30 Tigard Christensen 12 . ' 6 SUliken Long 4 , . 10 Rasmnssen Wells 9 I Dorias E. Smith A 2 'ngals Z. Smith - ' . ' .8 . O'Halloran , Subs. , for Tillamook : - Be. s- strom io, Tippln 3, Schriner 3 For Tigard: McKensie 3. SUverton 33 Adams .3 Johnson 4 Strickland 14 Torgerson 8 Peavey fi i IS Xewberg Anderson 10 Loeks 1 Cunningham 1 Diener 1 Schaad Sub, ! for Newbergt Gardiner 3 Officials: Vera Magaurn and Ken Smith, Portland. Britain Working On '44 Olympics LONDON. March 2-P)-British Olympic officials are quietly mak ing certain that the 1944 Olym piad .will be held in London and not in Detroit or any place else. LavlBh preparations are being made to assure that the right people will attend the interna tional I Olympic committee meet ing here June 6-10 at which time the games will be awarded. It was originally arranged that King George open the committee's meetings at St. James palace, but bis trip to Canada and the United 8tates wUl prevent -this and the Duke of Gloucester haa agreed to take his place. . A series of royal and society functions have been planned and nobody doubts that Detroit, Laus anne,' Rome Switzerland, Belgrade or will give London little competition. YMCA Wrestlers iDowiied by Reed YMCA wrestlers lost a 13 to 11 dual meet with Reed college in Portland Wednesday night. Results 128-lbs Monflls, TMCA. de cisioned Dollstedt, Reed. 135-lbs. Nichols, : YMCA. de cisioned Flerner, Reed. . 145-lbs. Warden, " YMCA. won by a fall from Whitehead, Reed. 160-lbs. Rlctell, Reed, won by a fall from Thompson, YMCA. 1 5 0-1 bs. Elinger, Reed, won by a fall from Watanabe, YMCA. . 145-lbs Folwen. Reed, de cisioned Tindall. YMCA. Buckaroos Lace 1 Vancouver 10-0 , PORTLAND. Ore.. March 2-(P) -Portland fairly showered the Vancouver .net. with, goala. In. a Pacific Coast ; lea hockey league game tonight and won, 19-9. - The defeat left Vancouver . one point, ahead of Spokane In the race for ajpoaitlon to the title series. . Jefferson Holds First In Portland's League PORTl-ANBv Mareb-PWe tenon high school continued . to ton the Portland lnterscholaatie basketball league today after lick ing-, tbe fourth-, placa Franklin sT-adV32 to 21. x - - Grant walloped Washington 48 to 27 and remained in seeond place.' IP CD: Salexa, Oregon, Friday Morning, March 3, 1939 End Coach Ptf-tSBUR&rt Capital's Hi-Y Chapters Will Again Entertain Visiting Prep Hoop Teams Salem's Hi-Y f chapters will be the official decorating and enter tainment organisation for the state high school basketball tour nament that opens here March 15, it was decided at a -meeting adressed by R. S. "Spec" Keene, tournament director, Wednesday night. Banquet to Raise Fund . The Hl-Y boys will raise their own fund with Which to stage an alt-tourney banquet Saturday noon of tournament week, in- du- LADIES LEAGUE (Perfection alleys) Maud PouUn was high in the Ladies' league with 215 game. Miss Ellis had high series of 505. QUELLE can tJ4 124 92 104 125 165 149 189 213 JiS Suiie Q. OUto Oyl Lata Bcila FhyUU sUranoa 170 (40 110 306 165 455 141 459 218 643 Total .724 775 804 2303 BJdUl FXiTTMBEBS Handicap 132 132 132 SSS Barr 143 151 161 455 W. Albrick las 12 105 35 T. Albrick 1S 157 142454 Z. Kitcktm .. 95 114 122331 Both , -- 123 145375 Totals .758 802 S12 2372 COLDEST 7HEASABTT C. Kitchen ,. , ., , m 154 112407 Kilia 141 163 201505 Daniela 105 140 107 352 Nash 172 157 143 472 Bcaa 125 108 211 (42 TctaU 684 720 774 2178 CAPITA I. SKSDIKO CO. Handicap 48 48 48138 PoBha Bore- Wkrrea Pstaaoi Bainies Totals .139 .151 .101 .148 .137 128 148 12 131 188 215 482 188 485 145375 115 B2 137 143 .720 748 82S 2394 BUBO'S ruves 88 .108 115 105 13S 114 140 132 .,-,143 144 Handicap 88238 169 392 144418 lift 36S 134406 144 131 Nafer Kdwards- Rjrer Sherisaa Arerlll Totals j .782 896 - 793 2271 B-XOnrAV BEAUTT SALOH -.'Baraks .125 137 181443 MiH , 115 109320 Hikmar 1 125 141 IIS 178 lfehl 140 165 143 448 Vallerenz . 185 157 101 SO Totali ..71 715 706 2092 CTTY LEAGUE XASX'S 8na .182 S04 153 148 188 192 243829 130 569 303 534 179 567 188525 Bar .238 .183 .ISO .170 V W.ider Pf , , TeUla .961 885. 968 2814 AOCB 188 165 17S 18S -163 Hartwan , Cltaa . Poalia Ptabek Teaaf -, 211 157 S01 196 209 190 589 215537 .157537 191 573 159 531 Totali .878 978 912 2768 Steelhead Bite Best on Coast,; Fishing Report FOKTLAKD, March 2-WC-lumbla and Tillamook eoantlea provide the sUeelhead fishermen's paradise tbia week, the stats game commisslon'i weekly bulletin said todayv'vi f ir - The report by.eouatlesr - ! Tillamook lood catches steel head being taken front Nestacea river. Other streams showing poor results. ! Lincoln Steelhead nshlBg poor during past week, with no appre ctable ran in streams. Drift creek offertng slseable catches of sea rua trout. Reek fishing good aad flounder fishing in the SOetx and Alsea bay fair; j -' Beatoneesahead ram about over with very few fish taken. Bowling IE- 5T S By JackSords feaOOS Tfe plication of the one held last year that drew 151 guests. Whereas last year the Salem athletic council assited in raising money for the event, this year the Hi-Y group will attempt to raise the necessary 50 by charg ing merchants a nominal - sum for having their windows sten cUed with the official tourney sign, "Welcome Hoopers," and by selling tournament tickets. Committee to Be Formed A 15 -ma a entertainment com mittee wiu oe organized at a meeting to be held next Tnesday night, with three boys from the committee assigned to each visit ing team. Sight-seeing and edu cational tours, as well as other forms, of entertainment, will be planned for the visitors. "Boomer" Butch Nelson heads the committee on street decor ations, while BUI Shinn and Dick Stacer will direct the sale of tournament tickets. Hood Rivef Edges out HOOD RIVER, Ore., March 2-(&)-Pendleton squandered a 15 point halftime lead and lost the first basketball game of the series for the district two championship tonight to Hood River, 40-42, LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'S KOTICE OF SALK NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, March 11. 1939, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at tha west door of 'the Marion County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the manner pro vided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the fol lowing described real premises, to-wlt: LoU 11 and 12, Block If. Pleasant Homo Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County. Oregon. . Said sale will be by virtue of an execution Issued ont of ' the Circuit Court or the State of Ore gon for Marlon County in that suit heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, a munici pal corporation. Is plaintiff, and Robey S. Ratcllffe, unmarried; Marlon County, a body politic, and Union Oil Company of Calt fornia. a corporation,' are ' de fendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. 27571. , Dated and first published Feb ruary 10. 1929- -A. C. BURK ' Sheriff of. Marlon ' Conntj, Oregon - By KENNETH L. RANDALL Deputy. F 19-17-24 M 2-10. KOICB TO CREDITORS K THE COr?fTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB '""- 9IAR10N COUJtTY i - In the Matter of the Estate of Stella - Morley, Deceased. ' Notice la hereby given that the undersigned, by an Order of the County Court of the State of Oref on for the County of Mar ion, duly.; made' aad entered on the 11th day ot February. 1939, was appointed Administrator - of the Estate of 'Stella Morley," de ceased, and has ; dal? qualified as suelu ' : : AU .persons bavin g claims against said : Estate" are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law.- aad with the proper vouchers, to the tndersimed administrator at the office of Dwighx Lear, his attor ney, 202 .Oregon Building, Sa lem. Oregon, within six months Iron the date of first -publication of" this notice- t , Dated and first published this 3rd day of March, 1922. ; LAURENCE MORLEY. : ' - :- Administrator of the Estate of Stella Morley. deceased. D WIGHT LEAR. Attorney for Administrator, v. 202 Oregon Building, V . Salem. Oreron. v i Mar. J-10-17-Z4-3I. : m'm Vvi Sr- rrr Coming SUt high school, hoop toarney, : IXarch 13, 18, IT 1M. PAGE FIFTEEN ansi Send Fighters dub Will Meet Local CYO Artists of Riyjg Here"; at 8:30 Tonight ' Four featured fistic perform ances, and five lesser lambastic liaisons are billed for Salem's ar mory tonight as that aggressive local gang, of CTO mitt maulers goes to the ring post against Mult nomah club of Portland beginning at 8:30. - ,- ( Keller Wagner, Zeb Smith., Sammy Shoutderblade and Walfy Larios "big four" of the Salem anateur barn, are all scheduled to sling leather : against tonnotch MAC sluggers In their respective weights. - Aims for 6th Win Wagner, heavy-handed heavy weight pride, will aim for his sixth consecutive win of the cur rent season as he steps in against Don King, former New York AC raittster now wearing MAC colors Reputedly ; the hardest hitter in Oregon simon-pure ranks, Wagner hopes to add one more kayo to his impressive string. Zeb Smith, 'the Salem llght-hea vy, gets a crack at Marvin Splawn, the MAC boy over whom Wagner scored a knockout two weeks ago in Portland. Smith has probably come farther this season than of the locals, and is eyeing the state AAU title at his weight. Shoulderblade Back , Stylish Sammy Shonlderblade goes back against Hal . Peterson, over whom .he holds one win this season. LA polished boxer, Shoul derblade is the fastest-handed Ughtweight in Oregon amateur ranks. While Wally "Lothario" Larios was originally billed for a return bout with MAC'S Bobby Volk, the Salem featherweight wiU have to be content to trade punches with Chemawa's Dan Snipe, a boy whim he narrowly decisioned early this year. Five other bouts will finish out the program, according to Clyde Grewell, manager-coach of the lo cal group. Deadlock Gained By Picard, Snead ST. PETERSBURG. Fla- March 2-WP)-Red Hot Henry Picard of Hershey, Pa., and Samuel Snead of White Sulphur Springs,' W, Vs., wound up the 54-hole St. Petersburg; open golf tournament today in a deadlock at 207, nine strokes under par. They will meet in 18 holes of medal play tomorrow to deter mine who takes the $700 top money. LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday. March 11, 1939. St 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marlon County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the manner pro vided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the fol lowing described real premises. to-wlt: Lot 10, Block 1, Laurel Park Addition to the City ot Salem, Marion County, Ore gon. Said aale wil be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion' County In that suit heretofore pending therein In- which City ot Salem, a municipal corporation. f is. plaintiff, and' G. S. Parson, and -Anita1 0. Paxson, his wife, Karl G. Becke and Helen Lovell Becke. his wife. aad E. A. Pruitt. are defendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. 2773 - , . . . Multno ' Dated and first published-FehvLj ruary iu,; i3s.. -. A. C. BURK - Sheriff ; of Marion County, Oregon v By KENNETH L. RANDALL Deputy. F 10-17-24 M 3-10 1 No. 23103 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 11th day of March; 1939. at the hour ot ten o'clock, A; M., at the front and west door of the Court .House In Salem, Marion County.' ' Oregon, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, an undivided one-sixth Interest in the following described real property located In said eounty and state to-wit: Lot numbered 7 of Cherry City Fruit Tracts as shown and desig nated on the duly recorded map and plat thereof on file and of re cord in Volume 4 at page 11. Re cords of Town Plata for said coun ty and state, together with the tenements hereditaments aad ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; That said sale Is, made under execution Issued ont of tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, to me directed in Cans No. I 23193. wherein. Inter mountain Building A . Loan Asso ciation, n Utah corporation, was Plaintiff, and J. R. - Payne, aad Martha J:; Payne, his wife, and others;7 were Defendants, to satis fy further, the decree entered tn favor of the plaintiff by laid court and the judgment therein entered against the defendants. ' A. CBURKV. - r Sheriff, Marlon County, ' , By BTNNETH U. RANDALX Gothiers Cain 2d Half Title Biroks Wing City Blinors Lead, Will Play off With Papermakers Brooks Clothiers smeared Che mawa's All-Stars 41 to 30 count at' the city major league wound up last night, the victory giving Brooks the second half title with five straight wins. The Clothkrs and Papermakera, the latter first half champs, will play - o for the championship of the 'Circuit. Bruce WUliams, with 13,-and Al Wlckert, with 12, led the at tack that overpowered the racing Indians. Second Game Torrid The Papermakers barely edged out Schoen's, 32 to 31, paced by Medley's 9 and Forgard's 8. Lowe tallied 11 for the losers. General . Finance, by running over Grande, Theatre 56 to 36. wound, up In' third place. Wilson Siegmund scored 19 points, whUe Emory. JHobbs hooped 15. Brooks '41 " SO Chemawa "Wiekert 12 1 Archambeau B. Williams 13 2 Jackson Haek 2 7 Shonlderblade P. Williams 2 6 Oatman Shinn g Red Elk Subs, for Brooksf Shaffer 7, Becken 2, Joyce 3. Gen. Finance M Nnnnenkamp 9 Beard 8 Siegmund 19 Barrel i Hobbs 15 3d G. Theatre 6 Cater 19 Thompson 7Blsiminger 4 Daniels 9 Mason Paper Mill 39 SI Schoen's WilUs 7 6 Allison Herberger 6 9 Medley Gleason . 2 Causey Lowe 11 6 Roth Hendrle 3 8 Forgard Sub, for P. Mill: Singer 5. For Schoen's McDowell 2. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Smith. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by tan Order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mar ion, duly made and entered on the 2nd day of March, 1939. was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Frank Smith, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law, and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned administrator at tbe office of Dwight Lear, his attor ney, 202 Oregon Building, Salem Oregon, within six months from the date ot first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 3rd day ot March. 1939. CASPER SCHMIDT. Administrator of the Estate of Frank Smith, deceased. DWIGHT LEAR. Attorney for Administrator, 202 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon. Mar. 3-10-17-24-31. 12 13 id 21 22 Cross Word Puzzle i 123 71 2a 'A. 30 3i S3 34 3 37 3t Hi HZ 43 1 d2 By EUGENIC aOS-XOHTAl, 4 Do -Biw IS Tha k-a - IS Traa 14 1aar t tha aataa-aa It praaS far Srriac It TbooxM It Dan ka Uw M NaMa af uaatka IMbuCU8b1 21- What avarkMa af BVMaai saaia aniainliia fcarsaral Hiatal ' tSCa-a malMaara to t7 Pkaca eaarDactly ts la what env wart saaait saacai ss wMcaaar .. t Baa aoi ' - - ' SS UmJt af aaa ; 1 n nil af wartfti stitimaiilis rs-GZ.ata.rk-a I ' . II Utaa Amy mt aa-aral lira-ia 1 ' , 81 fcla .aa J 1 It laaaj--Ba '''' - T t n 4S .fiiaa gaa t " 48-nmmj ifSilal saaaata C- M. a tmwi tar a savtn-S tS-Saaalr wa-aaaa ' tl rtalae aaaw . ., IS Cava aa aatfc - 11 Um rxxncxi. "in in i lull s iai . - 1 . " : s Wfea waa ttnal Sas gataii af tia , tv2iT - ' ." - - 8 VmitUr till 1 wtta i . V - ''"j SL Bearcats Pick Opposing Stars Not One NW Conference Hoop Player Listed on ' AIMlpponent Nary a single conference play er made the Willamette Bearcats all-opponent basketball team, and only Seim, Pacific university, was accorded a unantmons ballot for berth on their all-conference club, it was revealed yesterdsy by Coach "Happy" Howard Maple. who let his squad huddle over the Question last Tuesday night. Three Are Unanimous Art Merryman of Signal Oil. An derson of Eastern Oregon Normal and Olson of Washington Stat were given unanimous support for the all-opponent team by the 23- game winners who are currently battling in the state AAU tourney in Portland. The selections: All-Opponent All-Conference Seim, Pacific Baldwin, Idaho Cooney, Pacifis Merryman, SO O'DonnelL PU Anderson. EONS Olson, WSC Short, Llnfield Watson, Gonzaga Webb. Whitman Optimistic Ducks Pull Into Seattle Mentor Hobson Declares Team in Good Shape for UW Tonight SEATTLE. March 2-UPr-Coah Howard, Hobson and his Oregon basketball team arrived tonight for the northern division Cham- . pionship series with Washington, i Hobson took his. boys to dinner -and a movie and raid there would be no workout here. They play tomorrow and Sat urday nights, with the WeMoots ; needing but one win to cinch the title, and their forward Lad die Gale seeking the Individual, scoring record. . Duck Morale Good "I think my kids are la the proper frame ot mind 'to grab' the decision the first timo out," Hobson said. "We looked pretty bad. losing to Oregon State two weeks ago. But that's out of our systems now." V Coach Hec Edmundson sent the Huskies through a brief final workout, and commented. , "The boys are as high as they'll ever get." Di Maggio Ready To Rejoin ? Yanks SAN FRANCISCO. March 2-P) Beaming Joe Di Maggio prepared. to depart today for St. Petersburg, Fla., to start spring training with the New -York Yankees but he parried all questions about wheth er he had signed next year's con tract. . I His contract called for f 2S.000 and there were rumors that the one for this season was for 927.090. ' lii il 20 2U 2d 26 2 -1 32 35 38 HO H& Wa HI 0 53 SHEFFER St A: Maaaf tha Caart waa a tlaiaiala af faaHaaat a waa w taa Brat alsa t taa esaaf 7 -t Track af a aaar oaa ' Wkat Aiarlraa rlti tia-liaf taa Makat aaaaaawaid aa Ittit ' tl BnaaiM.a aa aaia 81 Tarta af a whela '," " . '" " U tUMraa la law dbtaf rt-ar af waat raah priliilaiali ta Afrtral 84Oiaaat drriaiaa af tha Jnraiir at If Ar ttTWa a! ahk tm 6 riant 41 lfaaHiaaf Herewith Is the solution to yes- tewarapuxxie. Til A jTM v'.hi lUh "Ittl.iTI' , im,8vKki I 4S AjwIi liaia aaia 48 aiean araaUat . 44 SaaT 48.Tcrfataji 4f-GWfaaa4 ' e V- - --.3-J--"T "3-a-i;J fj-i&.