The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1939, Page 14, Image 14

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The ORHGON STATESMAN, Salem,' Oreffon, Friday Morning, March 3, 1939.
City's Books
All in Order
j j Auditor z t Makes -. - Report ;
; X Hall Discussed by -
Geo Jenkins - -' "
- , acker, certified public account-
aot of Hnlsboro," who Just com
pleted the audit of the books. o(
the city, of Independence, .. ap
peared before i the city council
Wednesday .: night and reported
all recorda In good order.
Amacker - complimented - tLa
"city on the fact that the "budget
called for an expenditure of 111,'
070 and that expenditures were
actually only J10.044.12 ;-rini
the year is 33. '
Hit report thowed that on De
cember 31. 1933, the city bad a
total outstanding indebtedness of
13,500, Including 31.500 in war
rant, 11,800, in; library bonds
and . $500 In street intersection
bonds. " i .' - :
The report showed that the
.city had ,$3147.50 in permanent
property, which included the city
hall, . the water, shed and boy
scout camp and the fire equip
ment. The cash on hand as : of
December 31,. was: General fund,
$1500.45, road fund $324.32,
ImproTement fund $200.21; street
intersection ' fund .75, -. ( library
fund 1121.60,' and the total In all
funds of $2,119-27, - ; :
' Chief i off Police ,s William
. Noble ' suggested the : Leed of a
warning light at the corner of
Main and Monmouth streets. He
reported that there ren several
articles of talue, which had been
held at the city .hall for consid
erable time and was advised to
consult with the city attorney
about advertising them for sale.
The matter of a .peddlers' r
dfnance B was discussed and the
ordinance committee asked to'
make a report at the next meet
ing of the council.
Cleo H. Jenkins, Albany archi
tect, appeared before the council
and outlined plans for a new
city hall. He estimated that a
hall could be constructed here
for from $12,000 to $15,000. The
council took no action..
Virgil Heath in j.
Seattle Hospital j
. GATES Virgil Heath, forest
ranger who lias been stationed
at Fairbanks, Alaska, for several
months, is in the U. S. marine
hospital in Seattle, according to
word here. Virgil suffered a se
vere injury in his hip last No
vember. He is improving.
Mrs. Hannah Gardner has been
quite ill but is showing consider
able improvement.
, A - miscellaneous . shower was
. given at the Davis .residence
sponsored by the Improvement
club, in honor of Mrs. Oliver.
: . .
'Co-op Electric -Line
Ready, Soon
of .the Silverton Hills coopera
tive electric company report that
the line ? will likely be ready
about April 1. Work has teen
progressing rapidly on , the 18
miles of line during the recent
tew days.'
C J. Towe Is president.
Entire Groupi
Living Room Group
r This group exactly as pictur ed above represents the great
: est , furniture value ever offered in the city of Salem,
. and consists of
O ! Larse 80-inch Modern Arm Davenport; 10
: Year Guarantee. ; In Choice Velvet Velour
O Roomy, Semi-Wing Back Chair to Match
O 9x12 Mohawk Axminster Rug -O
Solid Walnut Occasional Chair
WZ3L Approved 6-Way Indirect Lamp and
Shade to Match. ' - . - - f
O Table rtop Smoking Stand
Walnut End Table -O
Beautiful Table Scarf
O Modernistic-Table Lamp
o'Clzit to Match
i .
. taMfciuvr.H, .
Back Door to War-Torn China
v. .
More than 200,000 peasant Chinese men and women, toiling day!
and night, have all but completed a 1.400-mile highway from the
border to Burma into China's Interior In an effort to nullify the
coast blockade established by Japanese naval forces. Top photo'
shows mule caravan conveying supplies to Chiang Kai-shek's troopsj
Lower photo is airview of the winding roadway over which already
sorely-needed munitions are finding their way into Tunan province
Comedy Attracts
Packed House
MACLEAT "Mamma's Baby
Boy," a three-act comedy was put
on In a creditable manner before
a packed house Saturday night.
The play by Charles George was
directed by Mrs. Cleo Kleppinger
and Mrs. Vera Bassett. The cast
Included Mrs. Phoebe Wagers, Al
fred McAllister, Genevieve Schart,
Mert Nichols, Mrs. Vera Bassett,
Onrin Brown. Audrey Chrlstmann,
Mildred Wachter, John-Van Laan
en, Gertrude Scharf, MrtvPhelma
. HUBBARD Mr. "and .Mrs. S.
P. Kimmes, who have been liv
ing with Mrs. Catherine Stauffer,
mother of Mrs. Kimmes, for sev
eral years, left Tuesday for
Grants Pass where the Kimmes
recently purchased a farm. Mrs.
Lillian Smith will accompany the
11 - P IE C E
Regular $175.00 Value
IIVO TntrrnnGS
j T. ,
,7- v',1'' '
Religion Theme
Of Club Session
MEHAM A The Women's club
met Wednesday at the home ot
Mrs. Alma Klrsch with Mrs. M.
W. Weber as Joint hostesses. The
study theme was religion in the
home, and each member present
answered the roll call with her
favorite Bible verse.
Mrs. Ed Burgess gave the main
talk. More- plana were made Tor
the short plays to be given by
the club this spring.
- The next meeting will be at
the home ot Mrs. Mabel , Bouche
with Mrs. Ed Burgess .as hostess
with Mrs.. Bouche. ; . - .
BROOKS Arfn Dardis, a
beauty operator from Great
Falls, Mont., and a sister ot Mrs.
F. F. Hammel and Arthur Ras
mussen, was here' on a short
visit due to the illness of her
father, Jorgen Rasmussen.
Entire Group
Reg. $175.00
JslsJE33W ' .
. V
Pay Siio Wteic :
t .
315 N. liberty St.
..- iniOM Vila
Monmouth Pupils
lo Appear on Air
MONMOUTH Monmouth i nigh
school students and pupils of the
ONS training school win appear
on a KOAC. radio broadcast Sat
urday at 10:30 a. m. The school
orchestra directed by Roy M.
MUler will play. , Merle :f Crowe
will give rnltar numbers, - and
Bob Blair, ; piano numbers. The
girls' ; chorus directed j by M R.
Thompson wfll sing. ' :L. l .
I. The training "school children
will : present council ' meeting
program . In commemoration ' of
the anniversary of the signing of
the constitution ' of the ; United
States.: Their ann'onncers ' are
Frank-. Smltb and Else. .Bool,
Others 'assisting In the presenta
tion r are Carl Caldwell, t Jiek
Mull, Larry -Fresh,' Elsie -V Jane
Miller, ; Oscar . Christensen; - Jr
officers ; t Margaret Aynes,h Don
Edwards Sibyl Barrows; .Toyco
King. J e'a n Stebblns, Conrad
Howard, Betty Aynes, - Maydene
Walden, Delphlne Riney LUllaa
Houk, Julia lxson. Huth Grvts,
Paul Thompson.' Engene Toung
and Howard King.'v . -,'
Dempsey Brings
Back Speedy Tale
. R1CKREALL Harry Demp
sey visited la Scio tb, Other
day, and here's the yarn be
brought back: '
Lylo and Delbert Crisman;
, brothers, pat two squirrels In m
wire cage, to whkh they at
tached an automobile speedom
eter.' ' t: ' .;''! - '
. The squirrels broke the speed
ometer at the 100 mph mark!
Eugene Finlay j ,
Suffers Injury
TALBOT Eugene Finlay met
with a serious and painful acci
dent recently. He fell, throwing
his arm through a glass door and
cutting me hand partially off.
It months before t he can
use his hand again.
Finlay, is a prominent fox and
mink raiser in this locality.
. The hum of tractors,, indicates
farming has begun inthis com
munity, xne peppermint grow
ers have plowed their mint and
some are setting out new fields.
The flax growers are preparing
their soil for planting as soon
as .weather conditions nm n it-
able and the hop men are burn
ing last year's vines, repairing
ireiuses and making ready for
w i a i
Lemery Home Is
Opened to Club
WACONDA Mrs. Georra Tm.
ery entertained members Of the
waconaa community club at her
home all day . Wednesday, when
members voted to hold th an
nual party Saturday night.
March lg.
Committee chairmen are: Pro
gram, Mrs. E. J. Becker; decora
tion, Mrs. ward Lundy; cards,
Mrs. Allyn Nusom.
A miscellaneous contribution
shower for an unfortunate fari
ily will be a feature of the l arch
15 meeting with Mrs. Robert
Candid Camera
Reflects Lions
STAYTON Over 100 nennlA
were present at the Ladks' night
staged by the Stayton Lions
club in the Women's clubhouse
Father Alculn from ML An
gel gave an Interesting talk on
conditions abroad.
After the 6 o'clock dinner
Thomas Baron, president, show
ed candid pictures of different
Lions eiub members in town.
Guests were present from Sil
verton and Salem.
Health Clinic Is
Slated March 14
WACONDA School fctaith
aminations will be given Tues
day, March 14, when county
health clinic wil be held at the
Waconda schoolhouse for chil-
Oren OI SChOOI and nra.a1nnl
age. ParenU' are Invited to at
tend to confer with . the doctor.
tiiis also indues children from
Mission Bottom, Eldriedge and
Manning school dtitrlcts. - -
The doctor In charge will Im
munize against dlptheria end
vaccinate against sm:Jlpox.
Writes to Dad
1 : llirsuet rrrancs: ;
A 'postcard, mailed .from; West
New York, N. J, saying she had
a Job,' la th only word yrank
lfalkonea, rranklin Square, L. t,
has had of his daughter, Margaret,
Who disappeared from home sev-'
era! weeks ago,
Acquitted, Weds State Witness
Following her acquittal "by"ia deveiand, OL,'ury of a charge of hav
Inf poisoned her husband, Mrs. Agnes Sekarek, 32, weds Stanley
, Suikowsld, 51, who was the principal state's witness against her
In two trials. Suikowsld testified Mrs. Sekarek had told him of hav
ing put sleeping; tablets Into her husband's coffee;
Outstanding Church Choir to Sing
At Silverton Trinity Sunday Night
SILVERTON What is expected to be a musical treat
at Silverton will be the Sunday night appearance of the
Central Lutheran church choir of Portland at Trinity church.
The concert Is open, to the public.
Of special interest locally is the appearance of Mrs.
George Henriksen, formerly of Silvertonbut now of Portland,
as soloist, and Edith HJertaasO ,
Charleston, well-known here, as
Mrs. Charlston was graduated
from St- Olaf college, studying
under Dr. F. Melius Christiansen.
She has returned east for special
Instruction for several years. She
has been director of the Central
Lutheran choir for the past
seven years.
Soloists other than Mrs. Hen
rickson are Lydia Marks Arnston
and Donald Burnett. The men's
quartet will also prorlde special
As a choral group, the mem
bers will attend the Los Angeles
choral union convention in June
of this year. 'The members will
be featured in a group song
at one of the convention ses
sions, and will be part of: the
huge chorus which Dr. F. Melius
Christiansen will direct in Holly
wood bowl aa a ellmax to the
convention. '
slll Check These
Drug Store
135 N. Commercial St. ' Phone 5197
The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy : Special
Store of Salem
Limbering Oil .................JJ for J Ij J
Vanilla Extract, 2-oz. .:.L.2 or t .1
Papain and Bile Tablets, 100s .1.2 for J.Ol
Cascara Hinkle Tablets, 100s ....2 for .26
Sodium Perborate t....:.:..; for ".gj.
Bnchu and Palme,larili foir J.Q1
Bucbu, Palmetto, Jamper Piils;:l.2 ior : .5 1
Rubbing Alcobol (Alco-Lin) ;2 Ps. for . 9gf
Castor Oil Aromatized ..............2 for"-. .26
Vegetable Gompound i for J.01
Beef, Iron and Wine .......2 for l.Ol
Pen-Lax, 100s .... ..2 for .26
Regnlax (cbocolate flavored) 24s 2 to 26
Solution JNo. 77, large..T......2 SSI
Worm Syrap iL.;.Ili...i..i 2 to .5 1
Creo-Hypo-Phos ...... 2 for fi.01
Eye Tone . ;," ; '..2 for .26
Eye Bath . ............. ...2 for : .CI
Fig and Senna Laxative
Ean de Cologne
Aromatic CascaraL.'i..j..
Dynamic Tonic
Syrnp HyKphosphites Comp.
Cold Spot Corn Remover
Sodium Phosphate, G. E.
Aspirin Tablets, 100s
- Wltfc This OMBoa Ta
- . '., . Save ,16e -
VaaOla Flavor
New, fresh."
Pound Sales or More
lb. Lau
s ' - ,
'' tA-S- vi:-rl'::.i-S':'fo:'
" N '
- - 4 '
Organize Red Cross
Class at Aurora ...
AURORA An American Red
Cross first aid class was formed
Monday night and will meet In the
ciimc rooms at 7:15 p. m. every
Monday. Mr., Derber of Salem will
conduct the class. Signed up are
Mrs. F. M. Fcrgerson. Miss Sere
na Simon, Miss Dorothy Gerlach.
Mrs. P. O. Ottoway,; Mrs C. S.
Moreland, Miss Emma Snyder.
Mrs. Oren Ottaway, Miss Rose Eh-
len, Mrs.. Willis Mathieu, Mrs. Al
bert Collen and Mrs. Nels Ander
son. '
George Askin seriously sprained
a wrist Monday while working on
the George .Clark store building
at rargo.
At the regular meeting of the
Aurora fire department Monday
night, a vote was cast to purch
ase 200 feet of fire hose to add to
the department s equipment.
..L2 for - .5fl
.2 for Jl.Ol
.2 for .CI
2 for .CI
2 for 1. 2ft
-2 for 21.0U
2 fort .30
-- for K - .Cj 1
for : wfJI
I , This Copom .Worth He
une rocna
Gum 1
Pound Sales or More
Silverton School
Census now 1385
! SILVERTON Thers ars 1385
beys and girls between the ages
of and ,19,: Inclusive; in the
-Silverton school district, accord
lag to the census count recently
completed. Of this number 714
are girls and 671 are boys. The
toUf is 89 less than a year ago.
' Present enrollment in the pub
lic schools is 1257, with 403 in
senior high. 389 in junior high,
and . 465 in the Eugene ' Field
school. f '
' I Wayne Scott ot Sllrerton took
the census.
Contests Feature
Birthday dub
McClellan and Mrs. Cathrine
Rugglea ' were hostesses for the
Birthday; club Wednesday after
noon In the McClellan hall. Con
tests . were won by Mrs. Fred
Dickman and Mrs. Cleo Chance.
; Twenty women were present
and special guests were Mrs.
Maud. Wise, Lyons, Mrs. Charles
lAartln, 'AnmsTille, Mrs. Hubert
Hanson and Miss Aletha Stewart.
Mrs, Bertha Shieman and Viola
Shieman are to be the next host
esses. Mrs. Wallace Bone will en
tertain on March 3 at an all-day
Quilting party.
. . .
Campbell's Son
Hart in Accident
SILVERTON H a 1 Campbell
has receired word of the serious
injury to his son, Bruce, at Tos
Angeles while driving a racing
car Sunday. The message states
that young Campbell sustained
a fractured skull, broken arm
and serious internal injuries.
The fire department was called
oqt Wednesday afternoon to
check a fire in the home of Mrs.
Petrie Johnson on South Third
street. . .
1 II
RT It 'xrT- 9 state street
AM W W BETWEEN 12th & 13th
A Shopping District
Did yon know that we have over fifteen busi
ness establishments' plus lots of parking space?
Let's get acquainted.
1-lb. tin J27c
No. 1 Deachntes Gems)
lb. bags
Toilet Tissue 3 ih 23
PORK & BEANS, No. 1 tins. 3 for 23C
SPAGHETTI, Franco-American 3 tins 2J)C
TOMATO SOUP r..3 iins23c
Meat be
kiuut ..r: 10c
.PURE GROUND BEEF ...:.:2 lbs. Jjjc
Kraft American Cheese, 2-lb. brickJc
' PICKLED PIGS FEET .....:..........2 H. 25c
Milled by
oil :IMjg ;;;.(g'ai?na
No. 303
West Salem
News ,
t WEST SALEM Ladies' Aid
met Wednesday with Mrs. Dan
Gilliland for. an all-day meeting
to prepare articles for a bazaar.
Mrs. Phil - Hathaway, president,
conducted the business meeting
and Mrs. Don Huckabee led de
votlonals. The parsonage commit
tee reported need for some
plumbing, also suggested . Installa
tion of a phone, Mrs. Hthaway
will, entertain with a silver tea
March 15 at her home. Assisting
her will , be Mrs, Homer Har
rison, Mrs.- A. N. Hathaway t.nd
Mrs. Don Huckabee.
A luncheon .will be served in
the church March 29, .following,
a vacuum cleaner demonstration
in the afternoon. 4
Mrs. Huckabee will open her,
home Tuesday to any women in
terested in a missionary society.
Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Louis
Magin will explain features of
the society:
Community club' will bold a
dance in the city hall Friday
night. J. A. Gosser. Mrs. Fred
Gibson and L. L. Sloper are in
Foundations' have been poured
this week for the store and apartment-
building which is beine
erected by Hans Hansen at 991
Edgewater. Actual work on the
construction will begin next
Honor Newlyweds .
lNIONV-ALE Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Clow, " newlyweds, were
delightfully complimented . wjth
a house-warming and a wedding
shower Friday at, their home
when 37 friends attended
A surprise party complimented :
Fred Withee on his 62nd birth- j
day anniversary which was Feb
ruary 25, when 40 relatives .and
friends gathered at his home
Saturday night. Mrs. Withee
arranged the event.
2 lbs...
49 Brand
,494b. bag
fisher Blend
2taU -n