-1 1 - t i i 'v.'. , -'--"-f .."ii'-,i- iL.'i iT4uf v''-'--"-5 ; : r . ?. : ThrOREGON STATESMAN; Saleia,? Oregon, Friday JIomin& IHaxca 3,'-1939 Of ficero Recover Dismantled Bike INDEPENDENCE A bicycle belonging- to Marrel Coon, da a r ti ter of Mr. and' Mrs. Coon, -which was stolen from' their residence porch Saturday -waa recoTered by Independence city police. Herb ert Gorman, who. lire at the Vista, hop ranch pleaded aullty to the cbarca . of stealing tbe bicycle in Justice of Peace Wed die's court. He was sentenced to serre six months in Jail and pa roled to tbe chief of police. - Tbe police received tbe report oC the bicycle being; stolen Mon day night and Thursday! mora ine at 2: 20 a. m. recovered- the bicycle from Gorman's cabin at the Vista bop ranch. Tbe bicycle bad been taken apart and some of the parts used on another bicycle while other parts were found - on tba highway between Independence and the -ranch. : Gorman came into Weddle's office Thursday and plead guilty. Chief of Ponce Noble was- as slated by Officer Ray Howrd In recovering the vehicle. '. - Clubbers to Give Program on KOAC D ALLA S Polk county 4H clubs are, busy preparing for a radio broadcast to- be given over KOAC at Corvallis at ?;3I p. m Monday, March 13. ---. v The .broadcast is being super vised by W. C. Leth'and span- sored oy the 4H club leaders o: the county. The . 4H organisations . which will take part ' are Oak Grove Sewing club, Mountain View and Oak Grove. Livestock dabs. Rlck teall Sewing c 1 u b . Monmouth Livestock club, valley Junction Sewing. Cooking and Call: clubs, Lower Salt Creek Cooking club and the Dallas Cooking club. ''Tarzan" and His Mate-to-Be - V:, r ! K'wvv- 4 i-' x " i X ' - i I. T :y : .vv.v ::. V: County Agenfs Quarters Moved DALLAS This week la mov ing week i tor the Polk couu'y agent's office, which la moving from the upper floor t of the courthouse to new, quarters , u the basement. The north entrance of the basement will now be the mala r entrance to the; . county agent'i offices. . i The new quarters will be more efficient due to th better nr. rangement and additional- door space, states W. C. Leih, Polk county - agent. : The space Is divided Into three sepacate rooms. One large room where most of the soil cqpserva- tion. an 4 other clerical work will be done; a smait conierence room, and a storeroom. Indirect lighting fixtures have- been in stalled. ; . - - Beryl Seett sual Jehnay Weiasmaller Pictured together are Johnny Weiasmaller, famed for his movie por trayal of "Tarxan,'' and. Hiss Beryl Scott of San Francisco, whom he announces he win wed as soon as his divorce from Lope Veles, film actress, has been made final.-: , Orchard Work Is Started, Rosedale - ROSEDALE Orchardists and berry growers are busy putting things in shape for the spring tilling and some early garden has been planted. The Women's Missionary society met ' all day recently with Mrs. Orpha Cammack and made com forters for needy. The next meet ing wllLbe held Wednesday after noon with Mrs. Bert Hamilton. The Sunday school held a coun cil meeting at the parsonage Tuesday night, when arrange ments were made for a quarterly Sunday school birthday social and supper the night of March 31 Fast Work on Lines ' SILVERTON HILLS R a p 1 d progress in work on the Silver ton Hills cooperative electric line Is being made. Holes for only about 2 M miles have yet to be dug out - of the original 18. The holes have been . completed as fsr as the Ira LoroB place.' Poles have been placed down as far as the community - halL A little work has also been done on the Silverton end of tbe line. Bowmans Hosts r TURNER Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bowman were hosts Sunday night at a Chinese checker party, for members of the Marion Farmer's I'nion. Present were Mr. and Mrs George Kappauf,. Mr. and Mrs. C. Server. Mr. and Mrs. T. Schema- cher. Mr,' and Mrs. H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sprungman and the hosts. i MRS. JEFFKRSOM COMES TURNER Mrs. .0. W. Jeffer son and ' small daughter . Nancy Louise of - Chicago, were sum moned to McMinnville due to the serious Jllness of her - mother. Mis. Henry Leibbrand, who Is in a Portland hospital. Rev. Jeffer son is the former .pastor of tbe Turner- Methodist church. Wheeler 'Home Is Opened to dob DALLAS The .members of the Crochet club were entertained at the home of Mrs. R. H. WLeeler Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Roy Woodman as assistant hostess. Mrs. William Rohrs and Mrs. Harold M u 1 k e y were guests. Members present were .Mrs. L. S Fllflet, Mrs. Martin Kfiittel, Mrs. H. A. Petersen, Mrs. Ralph TulL Mrs. S. A. Seder,. Mrs. Henry Friesen, Mrs. W. H. Effenberger, Mrs. Elmer1 Ray, Mrs. A. J. Brown, Mrs. Sydney Hansen and the hostesses,, Mrs. Woodman and Mrs. Wheeler. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Seder, witk Mrs. Fllflet assisting. . Scaffold Drops Injuring One ALBANY The first accident of account, since work started on Linn county's new courthouse occurred. Tuesday afternocn, when a scaffold on which three men ' were working, broke and let the men fall eight feet to the concrete floor. George Lines of Knox Brtte was the only one of the men seriously hurt.' He was taken to the Albany general hospital where it was ascertained he had suffered a fractured heel. Nystrbms on Trip GATES Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nystrom of Niagara nave lert -or Los Angelea, where they - ill spend several weeks. They e. tct to visit the exposition -v 1 e away and spend some , time with their daughter, Mrs. Joe Mulse and family at Long Beach. Mrs. Martha Bowes was st- ess. to the Birthday club at ? sr home Saturday afternoon. In' ed guests, were Mabel Knutson, r' r net Bassett, Mabel McKee, Leah Ratiburg and Ruby Wintr a. High score in euchre was gien to Blanche Dean. Junior Women Hear About Vitamins WOODBURN At the regular meeting of the Junior Woman's club, with President Zoa Lowthlan in charge, Dr. Willard Chandler spoke on "Vitamins" and Kath- erlne Benson of Woodburn high school gave points ' on good pos ture. Jean Freeberg arranged the program. Five new members were initia ted and presented with corsages. They were Miss Kelly, Mrs. Wayne Dobson. Mrs. Peter Brachmann, Helen Muller and Barbara Jen Ben. Luncb was served to 20 members. The next meeting will be held March IS. WPA Crews Start Work at School V EVENS VALLEY Tbe WPA crew began work on Evens Val ley school this week. A 10-maa crew is employed. A new elec tric water system and an indoor lavatory are among the improve ments planned. ABiQu A The WPA crew which has been employed at ths Thomas school? for the past sev eral weeks has completed its work. Among- the Improvements are a new basement and elabor ate work on filling the grounds Jitney Lunch Is Slated Tonight AUBURN The Auburn Worn an's club will sponsor a benefit Jitney lunch at the Auburn school rriday night, March ,2. " A delightful free program has been prepared. The club hopes to raise funds to keep the hot lunches going, for the month. Surer Dairymen Like Milk Control SUVER Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kester recently attended the state legislature at Salem . in the interest of the milk control bilL They operate a large dairy and are well pleased with 'the bio. Mrs. Steve Benedict as Host ess to the Tonus; Matrons' club at her- home Cot a covered dish luncheon. . . .... - : . Mrs. Ed Lehman was hostsss to the Fairview Women's club at her home Thursday afternoon Mrs. Steve Benedict will be the next hostess. Each, former teach er la to give a three-minute talk. Mrs; u. J. Bolter entertained the Valley View club at her home Thursday at an old fash ioned costume party. Mrs. Ber- nlce Forbes, Monmouth, gave an interesting talk on the life of Thomas Jefferson. Turner Clubbers Plan for Tryouts TURNER Local club mem bers are preparing a number for the 4H radio tryouts to be held at the next Marion county local leaders' meeting. Winners from this contest will participate in the radio broadcast over KOAC April 10. Each community is lim ited to not more than five min utes and each group must have its own master of ceremonies, with not more than 15 members participating. Numbers may be of any order but must deal with the 4H idea or .work of the community. All entries must be in by March 4. The sewing club la planning to sponsor a demonstration team at the county fair. Start Practice For Easter ROSEDALE A group from here la practicing an Easter can tata with a like group from High land and 8outh Salem -Friends church., the presentation' to he made at each .church. Whooping cough has made its appearance . in ' the school. - Much practice is being put on tbe community play, to be given Saturday night, March 11, at the schoolhouse. PAGE THIRTEEN -cjjf Bacha6rffDaJ Slated March. 10 t Ct O Ths ? publie speaking class of , Scio , high,- under- direc tion of Dorothy Clausen, will present "Spooky Tavern," a three- Evelyn Hall, .. Eugena r Finegan, act mystery-comedy at Scio ZCBJ ball Friday night,-Marched. Pro ceeds will be -ased toward pro da ctlon of the year book. . Roles will b taken by Hamaa Shelton.' Anna . Mary ? Prokop. Adalene Bcbuster, Maria Sloverft March 9 by tbe girls' league of Vera on Halns, Richard I Kendlevl Tommy Dawson,' Vernon Morgan and George- Rerucha. Evelyn Katsei is promptress and prop-,,, erty mistress. r A Chinese party is planned At Scio high school. Sydney and Jem Gtnalaroff Sydney. Gnlalaroff, Hollywood hairdresser, holds his adopted child, Jon, whom he named after one of his favorite customers, Joan Crawford, film star. Guial aroff has designed a "little babjT haircut, cut and curled just like bis foster son's hair. It baa proven - popular witn movi actresses. Poultry Meeting Slated Tuesday DALLAS A poultry meeting to discuss brooding and chick raising will be held at the Salt Creek school Tuesday at 8 p. m.. announced W. C. Leth, Polk county agent Noel Benulon, extension poul tryman, will discuss these par ticular features at this meeting. which is open to poultrymen in this part of the county and to everyone Interested in poultry and poultry problems. Another meeting will be held later, perhaps in Independence or West Salem. Smoker Arranged For KP Members DALLAS At the regular meet ing of Marion lodge, Knlghta of Pythias. Tuesday night. March 7. a smoker will be put on by the Dallas high school wrestling squad, coached by Donald Gab- bert. This will be a special enter tainment for the lodge' and all; members and visitors are re auested to be on band by 8 p. m. Open Door Is Topie LEBANON The luncheon at the home of Mrs. Vernon Reeves sponsored by the- WFMS of the Methodist church Wednesday aft ernoon was well attended. - Mrs. M. E. Coe, guest speaker, gave an Interesting address, stressing "The Open Door" In India. Choose Club Play BRUSH CREEK The Booster club has selected "Watch Out, Llzxie" for lta annual play. John Goplerud is directing and parts ai taken by -Mr. Goplerud, -Oriet Moen, Herbert and Wilma Kneis, Mr. and Mrs. Tbor Thorkildson, Mrs. Dan Hillman and Lyle Krug. .The play is a three-act farce. EXTEND A CORDIAL INVITATION TO - THE PUBLIC TO SEE AND HEAR THE ... NEW AND REVOLUTIONARY 3 Ha 3Ea Y DYNAT ONE" : 'Piano - Phonograph ' - Harpsichord Radio ALL IN ONE!!! $595. v Complete i -1 i i ! I ift 11. . Presenting Esthel Benner VJT." : in musical interpretation - SEB THIS SENSATION TODAY AT ; TAlFiniin PI AliO : 5T0RE 463 STATE ST. . : " SALEM To m Woman, Ererr Dy i "EXPOSITION" Day Cmjtm imipm wtmm negfxting ktr nlptrwan? Its daily "Exp tttim" mt At tahlt dtmtmii that it must It gleaming ami lustrous. Coffee sbouU be tbe meal's bright spot . When coffee, is .tasted it ahouid never bring frowxis, critical words,' or sullen sHence. It won't if you look on cofiee as the Expoaitioaw of the meal and exhibit Hffls Bros. Coffee in die cup. For 6t years the matchless, unvarying flavor of Hills Bros. Coffee has produced smiles, compliments, and cheery conversation in mfci lions of homes. Everywhere people drmlit wit& pleasure and women revel in these words when V theyserrcit-owthaswhatIcanir,i r . ILLS DDOS COPFEC ' . lUCaVttdt QxJni: tee sisr siteirs sr aar awraea er caNf wuml ' cc THERE'S NO BEEPER PLAGE" 260 N. Liberty Phone 3032 ivTa GcHca Vost QV U 2 lb. tin ....... SI Fishers Blend Best by Test, 49's sack A Choice Thompson Seedless 4 lb. bags Pure Cane No. 2Vi Can ny7To)T? Gulf Stream Wet Pack 5 Tin KELLOGG'S 2 pkgs. FREE LARGE SIZE Regular 15c Pkg. Kellogg's All-Rye Flakes i Free with Each Two Packages Corn Flakes In. teste Fresh from the Bakery 2 lb. box. Try the Light Test 3 rolls American Beauty (About 35 to the tin) .. ot-Oz. Tine. .3 for Madison Ideal y2's tin FEESH MEATS hankless. Pre-Cooked, lb. I) I Ml L Rnnwf . and RaTIm! No Water or Cereal 2 lis, lie Swift's Fancy Sliced Bacon, rind off. Lb.. I Oysters, 292 Freh Smelt. Salmon, sliced, lb. 2C2 FOetof Sole; lb. Rib.BoiL" lean and meaty. Lb. asc PMODOCE as ORANGES, 3 dw.HQc ". -' itne tor Jtlee ' UTITUCEJ, 2 for ..Oc . .-- Solid Heads - . LEMONS, dox. J.-fl 3c ' lledlam 81se. Lots of Juke CARROTS; 3 toi ll-EC GRAPEFRUIT 1 boil 2C2 Lire! Sweet Jarlsosm- BAKERY DEPT. . Eel fecu Dzrs . ;. d:i 20a rick roll niled vita mixed fruit tllliatV " PAN ROLLS 10c BealBome-raade(-WBJte and coarse wheat . fir iiii- 9 Dc7ibFcc3CcI:o:i ( -With. marskmaUow wnlp, tilled' Icln and . eaeeolate topplne. . ' - - v ---.. , . 1 1 v -;