PAGC TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning Z!arch 3, 1939 Parties Arranged To Follow Glee 'On Saturday ..v!.,'.WUUa9tt!''alrriit7v students will Join In an all school eelebra-.i.-tion following the Freshman Glee , presentation Saturday night. A. . t sports planes will be held at Cas- ttllian nail from 10 to 11:30 - o'clock with Bnd Mercer's orches- tra engaged to play for dancing. '- "" The- patrons . and patronesses , wiUbe t Professor and - Mrs. R. , Franklin Thompson, Professor , and Mrs. Lestle J. Sparks and Coach aa4 Mrs. Roy 8. Keene. The s;lee theme. rFtKht,-,. wUl be ear ried out tenths decoration with ' Bearcats and gold and Cardinal - streamers arranged about the "ball. -- .'-' -Arranging . tie danee are the , i class Tics-presidents, Miss June ; i Aschelm. senior: Mlss'O Ufa -TtClemes, Junior; Miss Lacy Fisher,; sophomore; and Miss Florenca "'Gallon, freshman. 1 ' ' ' V fi rThe Raphaterians. a - group of . 4111amette graduates, are pfctn nlng their annual reception and Informal get-together for alumni - - who return to the glee. Tbe'af-- - fair will be held la the Carrier room of the Methodist church fol :ll lowing the rfleovv rl:V': : DAR Meeting Planned ; .For. Saturday , : '9 V". Chebeketa ... chapter. Daughters , of the American Rerolutlon will o o rvrr iviiun - Ml.' ' x'- Tl cyrJ dDflD'GLl 1IAXINE. BUREN Women's Editor- . I IWJUMJM .11.1 H lll.0n.lll liMJm.WiJsa ; - -v. : Dessert Bridge at RobbHomeThis y Afternoon . Mrs. Verne Robb has bidden a group of matrons to her home on Hazel avenue today for a smartly arranged dessert luncheon. The affair la being arranged la com pliment to Mrs. Robb's sister. club calendar Hostesses Plan Friday, March S . ' --n 'J " ' "; rn ' -Unitarian Womea's alliaaee; JSriUge I 3 ; with Mrs. Helen Goodenough, i ' ' 7,V5t?tvtreet- ?SM, pjn-. F or Today West Side circle, Jasoa Leo " church, all day. JuTenUe Neighbors of Wood craft, Fraternal temple 4 p.m. , - Eterl , class. First Baptist church, f p,m. . r Federated .Music dabs pro gram at TMCA'I pjn. Tbo Bastaess aad! Professional Women will hold a district con ference in. Roseburg this .week end, beginning with an Informal reception on Saturday night at ,the Elks'i club. J- - Breakfast , on meeting, and a banquet at. 1 o'clock are Included en the pro franwf: ' .t-.: - i . hAm eveat of Umigiit to the pri rate showing of the Walt Disney water colors at the Salem Art Cen ter with the Spinsters acting as hostesses from 8 to 10 o'clock. Centralis Temple of PytbJaat Sisters met at the KP hall Tuesday night and plana .were made for the district convention i to bp held here in ApriL At the close of the meeting . the Knights joined the Sisters for a "hobo" party and a picnic lunch was served. ; " - - . Purchase l French Mrs. Louis Birkenfeld of Portland who la her house guest for several - VFW auxiliary benefit card days. ; llra Russell Pratt and lira. Ed ward Roth "have invited a group of frienda to a delightful affair today; at the former's home on South Liberty streeL Thla la the first in a series, of parties the hostesses are plaantnc. . . Bridge WW be In play during t The St, Patrick theme will be used In the table appointments and bouquets of daffodils and acacia will be arranged about the rooms. .-v'-i.-iv - Covers will be placed for Mrs. Lonls Birkenfeld. the honor guest. Mrs. Warren Baker, Mrs.' La Verne Toung, 'Mrs. Henry -Thiessen, Jr., Mrs. Ira-Fitts, Mrs. Howard" Barlow,; Mrs. r Maurice Q 0a5 1ott tha afternoon and a late hour tea ouain mnw unci. - : wm k .erved bv the hostesses; Honor :7uvenfles. TBoaanets of daffodils and freesla KP hall after schooL Boys to entertain. - Salem Qhemlcal Cardan club, 7: JO . p. m. Salem pub lic library. ' . ' Degree of Honor, KP - hall 8 p, m. . - ' . . Satarday, March 4 . Klngwood American Legion a will be . festive about the rooms. .'7 ' Those : bidden are Mrs. . Glenn Hoar, Mrs. . Ralph Wirth.. Mrs. Elmer Berg, Mrs. Luke' Shields, t ;Mrs. Wsjtar' Ftthrer, Mrs.Ward Davis, Mrs. Rpaald Frizzell, Mrs. - Gardner Knapp. Mrs. Earl Cooley, Mrs. r George Rhoten, Mrs. v Neat Edwards of Monmouth and the Heater. Mrs. Hi H. Prtncehonse, . auxiliary card-party at Jegloa , hostesses, Mrs. Russell Pratt and r.. Mrs.' Delbert Schwabbauer.' "Mrs. Mniard Allen. Mrs. ' Gordon Baker, Mrs. Charles Feike, Mrs. Lyle.Pager Mrs. Clinton Standish, Mrs. Franklin Prlncebowse, Mrs. :( Joseph Feltom Mrs. James Hardle, Mrs. Ralph Eggstaff, Mrs; H. H. Princehouse, Jr Mrs. A. A. Hager and Mrs. Verne Robb. t nan. faraway . utitc. s n. m. saiem grange.- benefit card Mrs. Edward Roth. ?p?m 1 Play Wil Be Given by ?i i i WRC I jp. mJ' at MiHer'i hall. - Qjtircll Group - V ; , ' tMwnsnAti " " mart. I. t' . n-tl . . - . , r t ""r"rtV,,, IT Tartar, who directs .the Salem ins JVirn lionoreu at , "V f tU, , ""r 'tHr?' .high school chorus cUsses in th. n;ptll j9V Po r30East Lefelle street . Mrs. Ca-' mlc .. tonlgnt: Uirthday Farty rrey tnin rransii.s tor iu. at gl5 th Bchool atlditorlum. ' hour'. Mrs. Ri G. Stinson of Gresh- , tpi , . . Blonday, March x- r -Dalda Dan Gamma Mothers club, 8 " p. m;, Lausanne ,i hall. Mrs. BeUiriger lTostess To Raphaterians The Walther league of St. John's Lutheran church will pre sent the- adnual v play 4oUight at 8:1S( in the recreation hall -t : the ; First -. Presbyterian . church. The play to be presented is "The Man, From Nowhere' a three-act comedy-drama. - Miss Judith Jen- am will be guest speaker. 3 Mise Dorothy - Rullfaon, girl . .j icout adviser tor a troop from Lea- : ; lie Junior high will present the ,'. I group In safety.' health and first 'i aid demonstrations. ' Mrs. C: C. Clark, is the sponsor from Chemeketa chapter .. -? Mrs. Edwin Jory - will , present na embers of two y .American citizens ' rthe" flag, American t special music USTC sen . is coaching the 'Production. Miss Janet Kirk, daughter of hostess to members of the Rapha- Thoaataking' part t re: Doro Mr, and -Mrs. Walter Kirk, was terIan Thursday afternoon at tnT RuecSt . Wanda Froelih, honored on her 12th birthday her suburban home The after-: Marian Jacksffla, Leona . Brietike. when Mrs. KSrk entertained at noon wag 8pent informally and tea "a Hannaum,' Clifford Han dinner Tuesday night at the KirkWM .erved by the hostess. Bou- 5f,n' JB-f"nklc' r?ed, H-e'?k' home on South High street. . , quetg of 8pring flowers dec0rated fLjrthBrodhKE.en,' V,?,7 .Sh The party was a masquerade the guest rooms" i ter. The, public Is invited to st and guests were invited fo dinner.- . , ' . 'J tend: r'-.i 's'Vir-, Games were in play during the n Special guests were Mrs.Roberts . vninr- 1 Duncan of Burns, wife of Senator u n rr j evening. .. m ftt..u.14 w. Miss Kio-o-s fn Krna1ract Honorina Miss Kirk were Miss - 01 cn- ' "o- In the pledge to I Sirrtnur Seymour Sullivan.; Janey Carson, Miss Suzanne Small, r" J116 . 01 Representative Qver KOAC Todav i.ereed. and 5r.w,I com:-- Misg-:Eltaabetli:-Nolon.- Miss Mi-' . ' V- :-' :;! ' r 1 w . "f"-' V;v.'.B J- rlam-Becke, Hiss Jeanne Busick. "' . Jttlss LolsRlggs, a -i . l"' -i-.u? 1 Mis Madeline Keene. Miss Rena , dent of the Salem Bridge Club to Be Feted past presl- Junlor Wom an's club will speak over KOAC this afternoon at 2 o'clcok on the Oregon Federation of Woman's club program. . . . i Miss Riggs will speak on the Jni"gf.?!: relate Miss Keller's life and the purpose of the tribute. This tri bute is being sponsored nationally will be an additional guest. 1 Royal school where he-remained ..,"5: Lmo? va!8 ?nter fmmw hv vr.i ), t fj Le American Federation of Mrs. for three year, as a chori3ter. " nonor contract. MrsT'F tne Blind which is a national pro- John Mrs. ul- dlng. Mrs. James McFarland, Mrs. He became a pupil at the Royal 7iu niKU avuwi UJ a,uv tuui uo CVaerao Th. n.i.k. ' - llVlasaM'.rwae horn in Inrfnn in JU" Hf- U .'U tT . d , : r ... : - . r . miss ituin Anderson, miss Georeia mio. axaiumuu tu uuuyi At Dessert Luncheon 'dverid Xat 1 :Rooert..nd Miss Ada Mae Tehl. Club Mcmterg Today I '5r Vv t"' 1 ttually gifted and taught' aim Mrs. E. R, ptrausbaugn has in- ne nw of band Instruments. At ta t Vr ' Mrs. Ralph Hamilton is eft " viiea memwn oi unuBa ciuu tne age of igBt ne had mastered ' X-'UlUcr jrany XlOnorS 10 ner nome mis aiieoou w all lthe instruments and after Trtvj : home on East Lincoln street for dessert luncheon and several fOUP years d. study In a priva'e . 1Mruiaay , members of her bridge club. A nours ox coniracw airs. w. . ive.y , sci,0oi h was sent to Chapel . A ' one o'clock luncheon will be serv- Club members invited are John .H-Barley, Jr., Mrs. John ;iw..uc.-,w.h cuwnjw. nf h hlrthl.. nf Mr. V... '-He composed several anthems . -.!,..-,-, ..Mitinnai nt tarain, mrs. uscar tuuer, mr.. ana otner-songs, ana ft the age " ".r:. " " r"" ; Clnb nmh.n r Mn. Willi ""8" "V- M. Devers, Mrs. Walter Spaul- of 14 was first boy In the choir. Z"nScer?a 07 f " b Mott Mrs Kenneth Bell Mrs p,an0 DUmDe. " . . .a. Mrs. James McFarland. Mrs. He became a nnoll at th Rov.1 .fl guarded by red tapers in tu- S'., Z I ject of the Junior clubs. Miss Madge Reid will give several TTsnnnth Murdoek. Mrs. H. S. AudAtnt n rivMnl nf that Mn. 1V Swart, r Mrs. . John Craig, Mrs. : delsohn Charles Cole. MraL. C McLeod in the tl,, kiutu, Wm If P Qtralla- Rnlllwiiii nmtinu4 Mo ' T-t.K ' TOOmS baurh. ' , f w f Symphony? or "Symphonv in E 1 Cors were placed for 'Mrs. - . holders. minitnr -hr KPH uamuton, Mrs. k. u. pans. If TT7- TT ' pme' iaUrTuroir.d tree, and hatcheU Fern, and 55 Ha?whe?o"f Jefferl rl. . WWio. Ia. tt8d L tb IS MrsOUver , TXT I1 1 z nj. f" SrmnHnn in , Covers were nlaced for Mrs. '-."m omcey. flat" foilowinr b tn Trianii Bert Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Clvde nf Ala. and the orchestral overture, "in Lewis and Misses Lucile and Beu- Past Prpsirlpnta Ftm1 trict Rebekahs will be held at memorium'-on the death of his bib and Kenneth, all of Lyons. . Hubbard March 4. During irhe father. He was in organist, lthe Miss Pitman of Monmouth and UV Mrs. JVVle evening the officers and team' of ouector or tne Koyal Phflbsr- lu r. anq rs. Amos vass. Mrs. Roy Wassam entertained members of the KCKT club at her" home Thursday afternoon. Tol-, lowing a social afternoon tea was served, by the hostess. The table was centered with a bouquet of Salem lodge-will confer, the de- iconic of -London, J conductor' 'bf'Miss. Lucile Lewis and Miss Pit- Mrs.. Goldie Kyle entertained aaffodiig and aS8i8ting was Mrs. gree wua oincers in cnarge - n-. ae jeeas ,r.esuvai ana principal . "ueun at me anon- , . Z " Charles Stage, a special guest.. - at tne national Training s.hool mouin wormai scnooi. j wpi iumuj icr- Those n resent were Mrs Kred !- c . f -noon, sewma was emovea ana airs, uienn . f axon . nas no. ki. . J. ..Donnell. Mrs. A. cludlna: . Hannah - Beard. Bewie McElroy. Lucile Mosher, Fr ices ' .It was not until ha' met v his Mary Rogers, Mrs. Delia Schell berg and Mrs. Lena. Townsend. ' - : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shinn have id as their house ; cuests. Mr. and Mrs. J: L. McGinnis of Spo kane, 'Mrs. ' Ralph 'Reynolds and Mr. Rpbert Kerr of Portland. Kvle.- Cora. VanPelt. Anna Hun- great collaborators Sir William den member, of the Bona Tern no hostess was assisted byl Mr.. Dora ,!. rsiw -. im saker, josepnine Erikson, KHenocnwena uuoen, mat ne came ciud xo- ner nome on south 'Win- -riu mr. ornu rBU!"ia- wu Knox, S Mrs,' Clifton Ross Mrs Pearce;. Alfreda BulUs. Blanche into his own as a composer of ter street today. r Mrs. George he the Jiezt hostess. - Mary ftoaers. Mra" Delia SchelU ScheeUr, ; Alberta Walker, Pea.i, comic opera,, Gilbert writing the Hoffman ; will be an additional r Those present were Mrs. Eva Swanson, Yvonne Smith. there' satirical 'librettos and- "Sullivan guest Several hours of coptrtct Martin,. Mrs. Bessie Martin, Mrs. assisting are Dorothy - Haure.- composing - the music la -18" will follow .the . luncheon- hour. Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Effie Dun- Myrtle McClay, Edith McElroy. "Pinafore" played for two years ; lap, Mrs Rose Hagedorn Mrs. kma iaattelr hMsT'saita mV ,Aiicaj Jkuaiua, un n;aui uu wi..uvw uuubvb, kuo uni mv ..a jwkicwvui. UBB inai auciuuu, mil, nuicun Mmi, Coral'. VeNeill.-Myrtl? year' Gilbert and Sullivan came will meet today "ht t o'clock at the Shipp. Mrs; Dors Pratt and Mrs. Walker. Ida Hcchstetler, Violette to America to protect their copy- home of 31 rs. Dwight Lear at '65$ -Goldie Kyle. - . -; Gile, Elsie Townsend. Christina rights. l North 20th streets Mrs. J. C." HilL ? , . ,-v., Cladek, . Ailene Moored, Eva r In 1891 the colaborators of 20 Mrs. D. O. Lear, sr., and Miss ; -Mr. and Mrs. J. C Perry nave : Martin; . Helen 5 McLeod, VerJa years,, ouarreled and separated; Bertha Schrlber will b hostesses, returned from a sUy In San Fran- Olmsted, Grace-Robertson, -Pearl -neither v produced anything, of There will . be. apeclal music and Cisco and attended the World's a a .. . a S a . a a1 a a a . a .a 1 xsicnois, .ljaura woyes,- Lra equai unporiance ie woras.wnicn election or officers. ; . . Fair on Treasure Island.: uroves and K. , G. Henderson, .tney naa rwrttten together." -Janes Smith; WUHam riaiek. Among- the Gilbert and SulH and CA.. Nichols,-' under "the Tan' operas 'are-Pirates of Pea-' rectlon of Jessie Moored, team ntit e.". "The ; Pirates," "Pa captaln. f C r i tlence," -Iolanthe." i MPrlneesa ; - j -: ;! :r t . , ; ,r ",-. .JIThe Mikado,- "Ruddi . ,. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lam- gare" and the "Gondoliers." port returned Tuesday, from- a- - In analysing -the scores of , Sir, f o r t n 1 g h t's sojourn at Palm Arthur' Sullivan, the : oaUUndlng Springs and enroute home stopped eharaeteristic Is -avoidance . of at the Golden Gate Exposition. manufactured music; complete .,." " ? u good taste; unaffected simpUcity : Mrs.tWllr nrhartow who ha' and flowing- melody? j w . oeen 111 ior a weea, is convalescing i :. a" iAma .jwL'-wv ... tyUY,ir ' i ; Mrevi 1L B. Gabriel; entertained , Tn fV ck 7 q 1 I si iy" afternoon, with ' "luncheon and J-aJ ,,lllO : Yrct IJCV social , afternoon; Tha .luncheon ' I Xv':ti vf i-Ublo-:wa .'corered 1 wlth.iajace noal K-alrri " loth : and centered I by an ar kJUUJctl rangement of daffodils and yellow , , .' 7 , w-'.r,, -.,-. -tapers. ,r ;i'v-; ' ; . - ' ; ? ' SCIO An -t approaching fmar-V PJes Tf1 M Howart t-rlage of interest to Scioans will ik? Mr- Carl Onenther-Mrs: r be solemnized at CorvsUls March ,lau Jr. Mrs. William P; El- 12 at Kappa Delta sorority, house Hf . lri,, T HaadjavJ Mrs. whenMiss, Wllm J Mixine - Ar- M Caafteld and Mrs. E. B. jDa I no';, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. br,el- - a - - y Arnold, fbrmerly of Sclo, ! - " ' - . will become the bride of Maurice Mrs. , J.i Deaew Patteraoa, Mrs. Edward Thomas. Kenneth Murdock. Miss Helen Ar- ' ; Mlsa Arnold ; u a . pharmacy' , thur. Miss ; Lorena Jack ; and M rs. graduate of the state college, and Charles Johnson are ! motoringto , is employed ln this field In En- Portland today and will attend the .gene. Her fiance' is pursuing a performance of Tradi Schoop to- similar course, at the college. . V night at .the public auditorium. " ELDRIEDGE Mr. and M r s . rht Salens Graae' wiH be bos Harry Bressler of Salem were 'or a card party tonight at the boats at a buffet supper and f range hall . on. D street at 8 party. at their; home Sun- o'eloefc. Mrs. Herman Lafky. lain ' day aifht.. Preeeat' were Mn and- .eharga ot arrangements and those Mrs. Julliaa DeJardln, Maxine, -wishing reservations may can her and Elaine Deiardln, Uf.l aLd at , Jt; s';r-i -Mrs. JUbert..GIrod, Uada 'aad ' ",'-: V '''M?-! H ' Shirley Glrod. Mr. and Mrs.-Al- Mrs. Doaakl Vewag t cater, lyn Nusom,!:, Marjorie s: Bressler Ulalng i informallr-at tea thH and the hosts. -'- . afternoon at nor Falrmountr I11L " Prizer for high 'scores were home for the pleasure of the won by Mrs; Nusom and Mr. De- boys' choir mother of 8U Paul's 'jarain, - Eplscosal church. :.c.; sA-s..,It . .. nO'W! A SALE I REGULAR J ( 7 . ty ; ' ' -' . !(. f yrurm ',, ' : '.'.-.;.-. - ' t . it ' . ' - III -.73'. ic har d Croo Its Leading Metropolitan Opera Tenor - under auspices ol . ; . EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES BOARD . OREGON STATE COLLEGE 5 - SUNDAY, -AIARCH 5, AT 3 P. M. '4 .. - in. : UEK!S GYMNASIUM, ORVALEIS Keserved Seats $1.50 - General Admission 75c DISCONTINUED , -FACTORY NUMBERS V."S:pairs"for aassa-' t . - . m Also Sale of Short Sox Famous Make at the i 1 C Same Price!' : " ' if SAUSM , ORBOON Sculpture yourself in 5 Kickermck's f i n y . $tmded r- Pahtierrond uplift Jtr ; . . be sure of a smooth ! ' silhouette, so important for your new Easter Gown. Sizes 00-0-1-2. 89c to 1.50 '. J.-''" " W. " - j ," V"v ' a - J? : Mllfer's Rayon ' Special ..SMALL FLORALS ..flock dots ,1miniatures! ' ..MODERNS ! Here is the sale you've awaited! A sale of PRINTED I FRENCH RAYON CREPES in alj the small pattern designs of the new season. i At 44c per yard you can afford several spring dresses made ex clusively for you. In both light and dark backgrounds . . . your favorite colors such1 as yellow, iarjonica. fuchsia, dull rose, new blues, etc. SEW and SAVE NOW! Sew and save now ! Take advantage of this sale and turn dull days into highly. profitable ones! Have your ( .wardrobe-of new Spring dresses ready for the first balmy days and warm sunshine. COLORS:: CHOOSE . . . Japonica, Fuchsia, Tea Rose, Beige, Jade, Gold, Yel low, White, Chartreuse," Navy, . Black and many others. -Main floor. NEW BETTY ROSE. COATS! ,. NEW PRINTZESS COATS! NEW NELLY DON. FROCKST NEW OMBRE SHADE HOSET NEW GIRDLE STYLE BELTS! . NEW PERRIN KID GLOVES! .i .t -'''- NEW .CADET FOOTWEAR! NEW-SPRING HAND BAGS! NEWDRESSES FOR GIRLS! 'V ,NEW ENSEMBLE DRAPERIES! V NEW;FPUNPA,nON GARMENTS! ISfEW 'IDEAS" INs EVER Y DEPD .' 'l 'f i . -5 - " ft t i s-"--" ..r- ' . fit v T a mm mi aiv th mm mm mm 11 :' .4.'"""'ir- W r 'AUM.ORIOON -