The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, February 25, 193$
Dclda Dau Gamma
Dinner Tonight r
At Quelle
An event of tonight Cor mem
' hers of Dalda Dan Camma soror
ity on the' Willamette campus wilt
be the formal banquet for which
' they wlir bo hostesses - at the
Quelle in compliment to their new
T members. and pledges. Miss. Hasel
V Sorenaen will be the toastmls-
tress. ? Kiss Virginia Bendlksea
win welcome the new member .
and responses will be given by
Miss Hilma Brenser and Miss
Leila Willard. ;
C Dr. P. O. Riley will be the gnes:
speaker and his subject Is "The
Springtime of Life." The Uble
will be centered with an arrange
ment of old-fashioned nosegay t
and the placecards will carry oat
the same theme; Miss Marian
C&ase will give a violin solo, dur
ing the' evening. . -Special
guests bidden to the
dinner are Dr. and Mrs. P. O. Ri-
dinner are Dr. ana Mrs. r. u ki-
ley. Dean Olive M. Dahl, Mr. John
McNees and Dr. and Mrs. Chester
Luther, v
me pieages to do noaorcu ere
Miss Hilma Breueer, Mis Chris-
Mildred Pedersen, Mias Hermie
Palmer, lilsa Owen Griffith, Miss
Eileen URant, Mls Delia Wil-
lard and Miss France Pickard.
Following the dinner the co-
a lire party at a downtown the-
atre. Miss Haiel Magee is in
charge, of the dinner and Miss
Edna Lather the line party. ; A
Birthdays Honored by
Gob Members i
Mrs. ' Mabel Peck entertained
members of the P. L. E. and F.
club at her home on Thursday.
The affair was a birthday party
In compliment to Mrs. Peck and
Mrs. John Shlpp and the mem-
bers honored them with a hand-
kerchief shower." ,
. Cards were in play and honors
went to Mrs. Charles Palmenter
4 Mri. Earl Burk. At the sup-
per hour the hostess was assisted
by Mrs. Sylvia Kelly Furlough.
A special guert for the party
was Miss Sylvia Slater. Members
tmcnt m Mrm. A. A. Bilhrev.
"present were Mrs. 'A. A. Bllbrey,
Mrs. Frances Greenwood, Mrs.
Charles Kinzer, Mrs. T. Andre-
en, Mrs. Earr Burk v Mrs. Doro-
?-j "JSS&"-
m enter, Miss Daisy Hayden, Mrs.
L. B. Hixon, Mrs. Sylvia , Kelly
Furlough, Mrs. Ruth Norris, Mrs.
John Shipp and Mrs. Mabel Peck.
V''- ;. ' '- ' r
. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Jones
are. receiving congratulations on
the birth of a son Malcolm Lun-
dy, Jr- Friday morning at the
Salem General hnanltal: Mr.
in v . j
awwaavsa . wui - its
Helen KeudelL
.iV '
; '--A housetrock dressy enouxb for
afternoons ... that's -what yon -need
as Easter nears, and milder
days call you out on the ' porch. -And
lfa what you can make in "
double-quick time when your, or-
der Pattern 49 70! See there are
: only four; main pieces, with back
' section- extending as little yokes.
- Sich a beguiling, youthful style,
'. whether all straight-cut in printed
cottons or -.tie silks or .in gay --
stripes; with back and front biaa;.
Even "the sleeves, both versions,
the racily" smart! v Note how: "
.--smooth the diaphram Is, -kept so -;
- by the neat, part-way belt.' This
Abne Adams pattern la very easy;
Jo use, and its Illustrated; Sewing;
Instructor saves you valuable time .
with the cutting and stltchins;. -
Pattern 4?0 Is available. lnv
-smisses and women's sixes 14, 16.' .
. l,-20, XI. 34.- 3,.3t, 40 and 42.; -
Size It takes 3& yards If Inch,.,-
-v : - ' -I. r -'r----
" Sea rirTKKS CCSTS I5 m
. eoiM for Ihia Anna Aimmt pattvra. -.S.
' WHta alaialy - 8IZC. KAMK, JkD- '
..- PHKS3 as4.8TTLB NUMBER. -
. Vet your order- for .ANKK -
Hr atylaa Ia4ay I- 8m: amart. '.
- fraaa. fasfcioaa aa4 aiaapia- paurraa '.
..that, aiaka arm in t al-aama a ' '
pietared la eolor aca ftia .''
- LKTE array of day.' aftaraae,
'ty aad iihvii r-. Tipa for SotttH- .
";: lad raarI - aridai f rack f' Sett .
- -: ' aad 4raaa acjil - SUmauas era- - -
, a treat aad yaaag gaaaratiea aaUiUl
Wita tbcM appear liasrrtc, korne
trofka. aad taiara for yoaf men-'
f-1k. P-d How I IfRlCK Or BOOK"
( Sm4 year ardar aa Tka Oracaa -EUtaaoan,
FatUra DaMrtaiaat.
. w llewdayr Pebrwary T-
Salem Women's Press club
with Mrs. Ralph Curtis at 2115
S. Snmmer. Dessert luncheon
at 1:80.
Leslie PTA 7:45 p.m. E. M..
-Holcomb. speaker.'
Daughters of the Nile. Ma
sonic temple, 1: 30 dinner.
' Tnesday, February 28 .
VKW. auxiliary all day sew
ing meeting with Mrs. Paul
' Bales, 18 CS Court street, no-
- host luncheon. Evening meeting
at Episcopal halL
- Central temple. Pythian Sis
ters meet at KP hall, 8 p. m.
Wednesday, March 1
Mayflower Guild,. First Con
gregational church, with Mrs.
Ralph Jackson, 620 North 18th
street; i.p, m. -
- KCKT club . with- - Mrs. Roy
Wassam. 1045 North Capitol
street, p.m, - '
fnT1:tjli TVnt TTiw
capital lent ilive
Has No-Host Dinner
rvnltal Tr Ml, ltfv Si n
et f no-host dinner ThursdaT;
ked place, for the gnesta.
, The committee In charge in-
eluded .Mrs, Klisabeth-, Follis,
chairman, Mrs. Goldie Kyle. Mr.
. and Mrs. Wiley Weathers and Mr.
-Otto H. Hunt.
Mr-H-s-Hud8oon' great com-
mander of the rreat camn of Ore-
. ',,V,,
gon was present and officially
transferred the entire memter-
ship of the Cherry City Tent Hire
No; 12 to Capital Tent Hiye No.
84 D of Maecabees.
Other guests present were Mrs;
H. S.i Hudson of Portland, Mr. J.
Wilson, record keeper of Tent
Hive of Baker.-and 18 members
from SUrerton Tent Hire.
Mrs. Gladys Lacey and Georre
"Frelsen were presented to the al-
tar and given the obligation.
They will be initiated at the next
, Commander John Riches has
completed his list of appointive of-
f ices and are as folio wi: auditing
committee. VIrell Parker Mrs
Hattie Trifier Jame"caUo
?""! IYw I
JcTla Watt Mrs. Robert Parent
arB- KOOert rarent,
anr. ueorire Diets: bT-Ww. Mm;
Hannah Martin. Oscar Dencer.
Mil Botort Prln? iJttl'
Miss Alena Bremmer, Mrs. Ruth
Versteeg, Ivan MarUn; atten-
daneet J. Ed Reay, Mra. M. Mont-
gomery, Mrs. M. Enger; hospl-
Ulity, Mrs. Emma Dencer, Ivan
Martin. Mra. FIatoiim
George Strang.
The women were M charge of
the entertainment for the even-
inr mnA th nAmn.iM.. ... f
inr and the mmmMM ... vi
Lottie smith v. tZ "
sd. sitsr? XLr:
IIS cLuAeA Bndthe. ner
v av StUalVIIUvCU
Wednesday, March
111 a. . jw,e
new cV.VL6 , X 5
tS?X& S,lTertoa
vr ueuwr - m Er-n. Deuut, K. E. Kelso, Edna
S .?ffe of "fporUtlon and cars GCkey. Otto Erthum, Flora Bax-
111 leave the Fraternal temple after. R. M. Chambers. R. B. Aber-
7:80 p.m. nathy, Blanche Stuart. Albert Ho-
evet, , Gertrude Van Houdenos,
.Pringle Couple Greets
Members of the Pringle Worn-
en's club surprised Mr. and Mrs.
F. Wiltsey Wednesday when they
Buierea mi meir nome to help
celebrate their 46th wedding an-
nirersary. n--ho8t luncheon was
served at noon; 'a decorated wed-
C cate centered the table.
,! f-tie aft- -
rnoo tm a iock wedding per-
formed by the rubers. The; hon--;
v. vvnyn wets yi okuleu wub b
gift from Xhe clab."
Members present were, Mrs. P,-
r.Gingricb, Mrs. H. Melehertj Mrs.
. Sealey, Mrs. -M; Adams. Mrs.
P, p. Bowman, Mrs.. VwC. SUple-
ton. Mrs. .Davis, Mrs. H. C. Ra
mey, Mrs.-George Adams, Mrs.' F.
Ramey,' Mrs. B. Miller, Mrs. G, E.
KAM Utl - r "ttT - HMhAWVA
Mrs. Pense, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. J.
Fabry, sr., Mrs. S.; Keyes; Mrs.' A.
Bonney, T Mrs. 2 Naslln, i Mrai F.
Clark, .Mrs. J. Robertson, Mrs.
Wells, Mrs. E. BL Kottek, sr., Mrs.
a rara... twm r -ti trttt.
"jT.; an4 MrTV
J.. "
- . - i
: j ,
: a 'n-hM' S.L. 1 ." oujlici, jura, .xv.-rr . ..-
rtTJiA V Mrs. Ivan Crum and Mrs.
planning to motor to Portland to- rjiprin steva'na '
day to attend , the "Ballet Russe' b Wl fteTen; .w- ;
"d. mn the areMra. Asa aUga Hwrlett Crawford, daagh
Fisher Mrs. Joseph E. Harvey, Jr., ter of Mr and Mrg, H. r. CriV
Mrs. T, W. -Creech. Miss Bervl i- .iin. v .v- i.
Holt. Miss Ada Rosa, Miss Lillian
Among thosf attending- last,1:
"""..r -""'''.Trom; her. studies i at
night were Mr.: and,Mrs.;M!Itan
Meyers, Miss Maxtae Bnren andend a claaamat. Mlaa ' loan
Mrs. Walter Denton.
Laura Wheelei ' CutorsFimio
Dor-Effectiveas Decoration
:;; i '---in aa.'ji i , n-m.1. - ' - . . ' ? 'I
. Let puss 4 decorate a pillow or
scarf. Even a beginner can '-do cut-
worVfotr it's only kntt onhpie
etltch. Tattem 1741 contams a
, transfer pattern ot 10 motifs rang-"
lag from 20 x 19 H Inches to 1J4
Benefit Bridge
Party Event of -
Members of Capital unit of the
American Legion auxiliary were
hosts for a benefit eard 'party
Wednesday night at. the Cherry
: City recreation room. High scores
were won by Mrs. R W. Craig.
, Mr, D. B. Ross, Mrs. Dan Coacher,
Mrs.. Lee Turner, Mr. C S. Corfler
i and Mr. Harold Per kina. ,
r Mrs. Leif Bergsvik was In gen- j
. - era! charge ; of the"'--benefit and
assisting- her -were Mrs. Albert
f Gragg, Mrs. A M. Johnson, Mrs.
Oscar Cutler. Mrs, King Bartlett,
Mrs Frank Marshall. Mrs. R. A.
Meyer, Mrs. Walter Spaoldinf and
Miss .Dorothy Bergsvik, . , - !
The guest Ust included MrVand
Mrs. taster, Mr. ana Mrs. how
"tf Pickett,. Mr: and lira. Don
t Ktnnedr nd Mrl'j il
.fJt S'Tad jS w! J fiifaun
irknd Mm CGltnnt Mr
L ?, "vw v Ja
M. N k HlI Mr Ja' u
a mm c.i t.T- m.
Mrs. Alex Jones. Mr. and "Mrs.
Leon BrovBl-Ur ud: Vnlsx
r." -"- "-: ---.
Llttlejohn, Mr. and Mrs. J. -,B. '
Van Wyngarden, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Gahlsdorf, Mr. and Mrs. H.
J- La Don. Mr." and Mrs. A. C.
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Perkins. . ;
Mr. and Mrs. Onas Olson, Mrs.
Kenneth Murdoch, Mrs. R. W.
Craig, Mrs. Leon Johnson, Mr.
nd Mr- Julius Hopp, Mrs. Dan
coueher, Mrs. Carl AUport, Mrs.
Ralph Martin, Mrs. Walter Spauld-
Mr8- p01 Burrls, Mrs. Ralph
Bai,ey- Mrs- c- W. Aiken. Mrs.
f Tnrner Mrs. C. B. Bentson.
MrB- J- A.. Anstey, Mrs. Dorothy
Mra.-Clyde Kaiser. Mrs.
Edna Rowland. Mr. J. Stirnaman.
Un- Mattde Rors. Mrs. E. C.
? t a jiv
- - , .o- . . auwivuwu.
n-?' L-Knhn. Mrs. Jsy Sating,
-uFhS. rni
Mrs. Norman Kenney.
'Mrt- William Taw and Mrs. Karl
ndre8en' ...
; ' '
Nebraskans Guests of
MM. .Williams
v rne ea auxiliary to the Ne-
club me with Mrs. Aura
wni on Wednesday, for a
regular ousiness ana social meet-
regular ousiness ana social meet-
e. A brief sketch of early Ore-
r .. . .
A. L. DaMoude, Leona Johanaon.
Winiani DeTour. George Combs.
e. o. Axeison. l. L Fiathers. zina
snarpnacK, i.ucu:a earner, i. e.
Dagenhardt, Lara Tandy. Clara
McDetby, A.- P. Mllson, R. C. Er-
ickson'Clvde Farlev. Frank Al-
ley, Jessie Snapp, Stella Potter,
Neta Jacobson, Glenn Irie, Anra
Williams and the Misses Carla,
uanam ma Ktnei Mae wiinams.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. L. I. Fiathers on March 22.
Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae
Feted on -.Thursday v - j-
Mrs. Glenn , Stevena ' was host-
eaa to alnmna of Alpha XI Deit
soroitr Thursday night at-her v
home on North 13rd street. An
Informal evening was enjoyed
followed by refreshments. The
group made plans for a dinner to
be given for the March meeting.
A 1 M M am A a .VI. HaT-AM 4.a41aa
of the dinner are asked to call '
; Mrs. Stevens, 747. -
The members are Mra Bruce
Baxter, Mrs.. Robin Day, Mrs.
Andrew Halverson, Mlas Verna
-v! .r7. vti.
v. aKan .susaBV aivaii vvuvi a sai mm
- r . i
- lem t the home of heV riii
Ball in Portland. Miss Crfwford
'nas aa her mest for the week:
Marble of Hood River.
v PATTERN 1766
It j inches materials reeulred : f
Illustration of atitchear
tea eenta In coin for this
jNedlecraft Dept. Write plainly
' and ADDRESS, r
a reaoing oy me ... - .t . woman eouege presiaent to
t 1 Vu pre.ldent. Mrs. Milsom. So-aT eaident aVnh.m fr decrees upon women; as
1, the group Those present were: Mesdamea l9 chm: ttoiiilOTesldent of Alpha Phi;
o o
r , .
'I wish Harry would stop fighting over me. He's not worth lttn
Be that as It may, a shirtwaist dress
little girl" look with soohisticated line. Is all to the rood. The one
aoove is or navy crepe with a navy-dotted pink scarf tucked Into its
square-necked yoke; pleats between it and the deep fitted belt sec
tion, pleats all aronnd in the skirt below. Cnff a finish the brief lit
tle sleeves, allee same as the schooldays "uniform" of old, even to
the self covered buttons down the front of the blouse. Copyright.
1939, Esquire Features, Inc.
Junior Chamber Plans
Charter BanmiPt
barter Banquet
The Salem Junior Chamber of Honoring Frances Willard.
Commerce will celebrate charter founder of the Women's Christian
night on Friday, March 8, with a Temperance Union, the Salem or
7 o'clock banquet and dance for . ganlzation sponsored a luncheon
members, their wives and special at the Argo hotel on Tuesday.
guests. Joseph Darby heads the
committee that includes Richard
Cooley, Ernest Kuhny and Paul
Franklin. -
During the dinner hour, Avery
Thomoaon will be toa.tmA.teV
. w.VH " T
-." wsuw. v&
fommert, will present the ehar-
to thlanewly orrned oianlaa-
tIon- Special music has been ar-
oF the dinner, hour. .
t w ., ortoeBi ,m
-MiuatB twr vucui -,
lowing the banquet. . ..
f -
. " . - '
Affenda Club Members
, 6. , " : :
Are Entertained -
Mrs. Norval Hirons entertained e ration. And the temperance cause
members of the. Agenda -clnb was the open door. through which
Wednesday afternoon at her she established her. work for the
home. The group honored Mrs. world. . . her life was the prop
Kenneth Byers with a-handker- erty of humanity.? . . ,
chief shower on the occasion of Miss Maude -Aldrfch of Evan-
her; birthday The duff ha pur- ston, m.r outlined the ) life of son, Mrs Kenneth Zwlcker, Miss
chased ,AU This and Heaven Francis Willard as author, lectur- Paulina JohnsonTaTas Jean. John
Too! to read, r : v ; " er, and founder of the WCTT, and son, Miss Marian '.Brets,. Miss
Those prevent were Mrs. Frank
Hrub M Hal Cross M
K e n n e th Byers. Mrs. Gilbert
Hammond, Mrs. Donald Patton,
Mrs. Glen Shedeck. Mrs. Myron'
Butler and Mrs. Norval Hirons.
- douple Honor Guests
, .a f n; pn,r
ALUinner rany
. .
Mr" .nd Mrs. Robert Simon
were .honored at. a delirhtfnl
Prty Thursday night at
home of Mr.and Mrs. Wll
nam Kavtirir - am ifaMai .'aiiai
. . - . - -
iiMiu uu araaa aaaava ausag vb TCU ilia
followed the dinner-hour. '
Covers were placed-for Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Simon,, Mr. and Mrs.
El Clark, Miss Vemoiva Sheldon,
Miss . Mary Berndt, Mr. .and Mrs.
Ed Seamster, Miss Eras Dirks
and and Mrs. WUUam Berndt,
a .
Mrs. R. D. Woodrow entertained
wlta martly arranged luncheon;
Thursday afternoon at her home
on North 14th street in compli-
mem to a group or matrons. Cards hour will be held at the public
were in play following the lunch- library this morning at 10 o'clock
eon and covers were placed for in the fireplace room. Mlsa Elixa
12 guests. , both Carey, children's librarian.
V will tell a special story, "Hat
Felicitations are being extended Tub Tale story. ;
to Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Burke : '
(Ellin Adams), on the birth of a ! ; Mrs. Ralph SippreU of Roebnrg
son. James Donald, February 22 who has been at the Salem Geh
a.Hhe Salem General hospital The era! hospital recovering from an
baby is the grandson! of Mrs. Ed- operation. Is now at the -home
ward Burke and-; Mr. and' Mrs. af -her nsrenta. Mr. and Mr. TT
John T. Adams of Gold Beach.
- Mr. and! Mra. Eugene HaBey
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berry
are enjoying the weekend at the
Surf Tides. - - - - .
- . e-e .
: Miss Adele Say, danghter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Say, has as her
weekend ' guest, - Miss Eleanor
Staehll of Portland.. -
i: piLnj(SvOT.ai324
t .Ve Will Landscape Yonr New,- Ilomc Now i
Pay on. Our: Monthly Payment Plan --.
Daphaes ili)ft - up - J :?" Grapes- (8 varieties) -.
T Camellias .S5e rm - V; , each ; I
Open Sunday .10 :30 tfll'4 'Exleept in Stormy Weither)
M .'CbsipIete Wae cf -J'!:: '
. Shrnbs, Fruit -1lsklf4Bo'.:Vj!,-
tlnfDc Pocrcy norccrir
375 S, Liberty
Women Editor-
which superbly combines the chic
Luncheon Honors WCTU
Following a group of songs by
"Ot William Wright, state pres-
Went, Necia Buek, Introduced the
t speakers. Dr. Bruce R. Bax-
i M- LaMolne Clark, and Miss
Maude Aldrlca. naUonal lecturer,
Maude Aldrlca, naUonal lecturer
' . .
toonder. of world'a WCTU; briP
liant author aad lecturer; and
iorld trwveler. t
Mrs. LaMolne Clark, who, ai a
L uTed In Francea WITlard'a
kom town Chmrchvllle, N. T. -
paut high tribute to her as a h-
mahltarian. philanthropist ana
'Many times I have seen her
before packed audiences, holding
mruv. ..A
eloence." Mrs! Clark cited the
estimate given by Lady .Henry
Somerset: "She, is the greatest
wftm.n nhiunthroniat of this n-
woman philanthropist of this gen-
teUing I actmues or tnat organ-
From the centenary luncheon,
members held a meeting: at WCTU
hall, Minnie Buck presiding. 'Mrs,
Leona ' Johansen told of her at
tendance recently at the 4 th an
nual convention of the Nebraska
Dinner Party Friday
At Gilbert H--ne
Mr. and Mra. T.-khaa Gilbert
entertained Informally at. dinner
- . a a . a a. . x m ar a m. vvi
av a mmj aaiv Wvw o
street residence, f Spring flowers
centered the dining table and the
evening hours were spent infor-
mally. ,
Covers were placed, for Mr. and
Mrs. George Rhoten, Mr. and Mrs.
itfi a -w niwn r sir rnair Hnnin s-av w a
Gardner Knapp, Mr. and Mra.
Robert Elfatrom, Mra. Boyden
Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Tink
ham Gilbert.
ihe regular children's a t o r y
' Courser, . She plana to return to
her home In-the south Sunday.-';
. - r-VA.a J
Mf. and Mrs. L. V.-Bekson and
sons. Steve and Whitney; are en
joying' the weekend rat Timber
line lodge." 1 .
: Mr. and Mrs. J. - C. -Perry ", are
-enjoying; a week's visit in f San
Francisco. V- . " - - - -
Phone 3212
Mn&ic Offered on Air
To Be Varied
The feature of the weekend ra
dio broadcasts will, be the return
of Ignace Jan PaderewskL pianist.
over the RCA Magie Key hear to
morrow, broadcast froar New
The . opera. .Manonw by Jules
Massenet which will be broadcast
front the Metropolitan Opera
nouse In New York may be heard
In the music room of the ' Salem
public library from 10:55 to
X p.m. over KKX, today;
The cast is:
Uitoi Leet .. ..-,Btd Say. oprno
Pftmitrtlf , n yati! Bdaya, aoprsB
Jrwmttm ; m.tTm SUUauia, soprsM
""- i jmwgui, cb trait
IHa.Ori I, i Jb Kiapara, teaer
Lateaat...... Johm BraarmUi, - baritona
Cesat- is Grinx . L4oa Bothier, bu
OailM ; . , Ateaaia 4a Paelis, teaor
Da BratiaTty-0 aai fa CthiHTikr, baritona
laak par , , Iinrta a'AacaVa. aaritaaa
cy" - , AUslaaa, Unor
'gHni h i q , ' i, iwmJtwt baritona
' On, KEX, i to gi 8 0 p jb. "Arturo
Toeeaninl concludes his 1988-39
radio aerlea by directing the NBC
Symphony la an all-Wagner pro
gram. . . '
Ovartaa te yfca Tlyins Datelmaa -PMImU
$ A III from f'Taaaliaaaer"
Ovartsre ' sad Vinniburf Maiie - from
- ."TaaBkaaaer."
Pralaaa aa Uabaatoa Inm "Trimtaa aad
laaMa." -
8iegfrM's Raise Jewaay froa "Oattar-
, laaunemt.'
Ki4 at tka Valkyrie from "Dia Wal
- kara."
On Sunday, over KEX from 9
to 10 tun., Radio City Music Hall
Symphony orchestra and V i o 1 a
Filo, soprano, wll be heard and on
KKX from 10 to 11 a.m. the play,
"Doll House," hy Ibsen will be
fiiren. .
On KGW and KOIN. 10:30 to
11 a.m., Belgium's salute to the
world's fair will be given by King
Leopold III and a symphony or
chestra. Over KEX from 11 a.m. to 12
m. Ignace Jan Paderewski, pi
anisL with Frank Black and svm-
phony orchestra will broadcast.
On KOIN from 18 m. to 2 p.m.
the New Tork Philharmonic-Symphony
orchestra with John Bar
birolli and Robert L. Sanders, con
ductors, soloist Eduardo del Pue
yo, Spanish pianist; Deems Tay
lor, 'commentator, will be heard
in: .
Little Symphony ia 0 (finttUme)Sandr
Contacted' by eompoMr
Pino Coacerta ia A aiiaor Behamaaa
Symphoay So. 4 ia ninor Brkkiai
On KEX from 2 to 2:30 p.m.
Metropolitan opera auditions are
listed, and over KEX, 3:80 to 4
p.m. the orchestra of the New
Friends of Music will play music
of Bach and Haydn. Over station
KEX. 6 to p.m. the Cleveland
Symphony, orchestra s program
will be heard and on KOIN. 4 to 7
AM V VSln.
Charles Thomas,
baritone will
Mrs. Petre Hostess to
Bridge Club
Shipping; street home Thursday
night. Mrs. Claire Brown was an
additional guest1 The - members
honored Mrs. Kenneth Z wicker
I7t w J-ahn.Vr
with: a surprise shower
, ours of card, were to
Play and refreshmenU were served
!VU - by - h"t?B-
table w" centered with In
dividual n o a eg a y a" otnastel
uowers. ... ...
Members are Mrs. Alden Adolph,
Mrs. Ralph Klnter, Mrs. Harris
Lieu, Mrs. Hal Cussell, Mrs. Ty
ler Brown, Mrs. Lawrence Ander-
Jessie, . Blackburn; Mlaa- Henora
Retdy. and ;Mra,: Al Petre.
fBluri lor Be TFavored
Spring Color - : :; u-
. There is a decided tendency In
spring fashions to harmonise ac
cessories with cosmetics and be
cause of the wide acceptance of
certain bright reds, cyclamen,
yellow-red and suntan yellow
tones In makeup are to be popu
lar ' ' . . ' . . - .
. Bine, ohe 6f the spring's most
interesting end. best approved
colors ( wfil make several excit
ing combinations 'Including: '
- Blue costume, cyclamen or "yellow-red
: cdsmeticr. .; 4 1 i" : 3 -
Blue costume blue shoes, 'cy
clamen makeup'.', gloves and bat
repeating, either, costume cr cos
metic 'color. ' " - - .' ,
Blue costume black patent
leather shoes and. bag, cosmetics
of yellow-red or. blue red tones,
gloves accenting cosmetic - color.
Blue costume light rust or
terra- cotta shoes, yellow-red
cosmetics, accessories Introduc
ing another harmonizing shade
of rust-red.
Don't Som
Appfs Bread
4!jnQ)o APPLES v
At Yo'ar Grocer "
"Baked by Blaster Bakers'
Today's Menu
vt mm. it the Sunday
special with veal steak and baked
aanaan Included on other, weekend
menna. '
. Succotash salad
Teal steak with pepper sauce
i Baked potatoes
Celery root In cream
i - -s Trait compote
. ' SUNDAY '
Onion and orange salad
Lemon dressing
Potatoes and vegetables
Battered peas
c;v Popovers
: Strawberry shortcake ,
Artichoke salad
' French onion soup
Toasted French bread
f . Broccoli.
' Baked squash
: Date torte
e , e e'
Salmon Loaf Topped With tresh nd w,th meaty
HiAt rTiPAsi 9niiiP Winter suasb remains, but win,
nic? l1668? sauce . r soon be replaced by summer varie-
Canned saln-one of the beat5ef, tlm u
beta- for Lent m.l. Viri fc -Green PP0e. tomatoes. ra.K
i i..a- .lst" green onions.ana peas are,
served frequently, ,tt made : into f -.--v.. v-. 4, .mw-
this delectibUidish
; &AL3IOX IX) A F1, .
1 pound canned salmon
cup bread crumbs
. cup milk
2 eggs V-
1 teaspoon Bait -
1 tablespoons butter
2 bard-cooked eggs . '
1 teaspoon onion (minced)
Combine flaked salmon, bread
crumbs, milk, eggs which hare
been beaten slightly, salt, butter,
and onion. Place half of the mix-
ture in loaf pan and place hard-
cooked eggs on layer of salmon.
Fill remaining salmon over eggs.
Bake In a moderate oven (3 SO
degrees) about 30 minutes. Un-
mold on hot platter and serve
sliced with cheese sauce.
Vi pound American cheese
3 tablespoons milk
Melt the cheese slowly in a
double boiler. Add the milk grad
ually and stir until smooth.
Celery, Almonds Make ,
Creamed Dish
This department Is always In
favor if any dish in which celery
is an ingreaient ana now irom
the association of makers - ot
evaporated milk comes this good
sounding suggestion for:
4cups sliced celery
3 tablespoons butter
teaspoon salt
1 & tablespoons flour . ,
M cup water
1 cup Irradiated -evaporated
milk -1
cup shredded blanched al
mOnds Place celery, butter 'and salt
In a saucepan. Cover closely and
simmer until celery is tender. Add
flour. Stir to blend well, then add
water and milk, .Bring, slowly, to
a boll and boil 1 minute, or cook
over boiling water for 10 minutes.
Add almonds. Yield: servings.
Avocados Heated in
Flavorful Entree
Avocado are appearing fre
quently in mild main dish mix
tures and are gently heated be
fore serving. The use of heated
avocados Is new, but gaining In
popularity as this fruit Is decid
edly more abundant and there
fore less expensive this year than
,y 1. Cfl
Here's the new SAMPSON LUG
GAGE you've seen advertised in.,
the magasines! Coming to yon
through this factory coo per a-.
lion sale at a savings of one
third! r:
AIR HOSTESS matched lug
gage is priced by the piece or
by the ensemble. It Is conveni
entlv made to fit your car com-
I partment using every Inch ofoj
L avaiUble space! -NlGHf
m5oni NEWEST
. - Auto; .
f . ,. Trunk:
Beets Among new
Jn Market
Seldom do beets take the spot
light among the other vegetables)
found In local "markets, but" that
week several markets are ahow
lag young beets that will Inspire) . -such
delightful dishes as Harvard
beets, or not spiced. ones, so tale
handy root deserves special mei-
uon. "r,-r:"'- ' .
- Carrots,: turnips and parsnip
are among, the other root vegeta-
hlM a ha mwA Ihfe week.
Celery aa usuatrjs one of the
. best Tegetable.els With the green
i t- varieties appearing. In large tent
der meaty stalks.', Celery, rooti
too. Is among, the vegetables for
soups and creamed dishes.
Broccoli and cauliflower " are.
- side by side wlttf nice young spin
ach, crisp cabbage and curly kale.
Savoy' cabbage lends variety ts
the fare.'
Artichokes come "several for sv.
quarter, and aretound In many
qcan titles than some of the vege
tables., . f- . .
Among the fruits, or near
frnlts there Is rhubarb, to be in
market now for some months.
Avocados are lowest in year
end most abundant.
Oranges and grapefruit are
shown In large numbers. '
Limes are seedless, extra large-
and green, and surprisingly low
in price, for limes.
Cranberries remain as a sauce
or dessert possibility.
Pears. looking very nice, are in
some of the markets.
Apples are still shown In large
Quantities, and In good shape.
" " " '
ever before.
1 medium sixed avocado
1 cup cubed cooked veal
2 cups standard white sauce
cup cubed cooked carrots
Crbu8tades or patty shells
' Cut fruit In halves, lengthwise,
remove seed andvull off skin. Cut
fruit in cnbe.and sprinkle with
salt. Combine., veaT. white sauce
and carrots, and t heat to boiling.
Add avocado Just-before serving
(do not cooky. Serve in croustades
or nattv shells. Serves 4 ta S
aak ,BBfekabuMaB. BBaHai
sage throat, chest and
bade wtth VapoRub.
tkm loosens imleaia
clears ahMwssages tssas eougb-tng-reUeres
looel coocesUoo.
Tl!s 24T7 is one of the
proved ways- of mong VapoRob
that have made it a family stand
by in more
rxunes tnan an
other medica
UonsofiUkind. W
- Rer. $7.95 r
I flu V Jt wlk Ustt 1
m t at