V"T, Hi i Tht CHEGON STATESMAN, Saleo, Oregoo, SatnrtUy Morning February 25, 1939 PAGE FIVC ASSOCIATED FRESS rr f-' JPIICDJEinpflEi iWBi . - - - . - .j , , .,. ,,,.,,1,11 i i, . " .... -, . --" - - - , - - ;v' y. f - -: .: ,- . ' : I ' f:,V- V'v '-.vjf.-.,... - ' ' - . - . , v v. -'i'-V it i 3 &i , - rv Wi'lilv-lV-liM ml I i X THIS CAN'T BE LOVE eroi If fheflrllMks like CreU Garb and the bub does rescmbte Leopold Stokowski, famous conductor whose ronunee with ,the Swedish film star was reported. last sommer. Actually, this to Miriam Tlndall Smith and Rodaey Clarice la the masks they were for a "Masks la Pamtomime" sivea at the wemea's monthly hmcheoa ia Philadelphia. NOT EVERY DOC rets the parade before United SUtes only Hvmr former president, Herbert Beerer, who attended the swanky Westminster Kennel elnb shew la New York and saw the German shepherds Judjred.' Left to riffat: Gerald M. LlTtagston. kennel elnb president: Mr. Hooren Mrs. Carl Hanna ahd James Reoserelt The latter Is sot a member of the elan. BEHIND THE SCENES at Westminster Kesmel elnb shew In New Turk's Madison Samara Garden, rae eaaiae contender and his handler shew what it means to "pat en the dor." Joseille Feld sehmldt pretties ap "Kasdork vea Waldeek,M owned by Mrs. Eoy Howard of Waterloo la. The skep tic on the right b an affhaa hound, "Kerrin Fachamo,' owned by Kerrln kennels of Detroit .... ire iJ- it: :v;ak -S-x- '::: V, ? - , If.:'. vft 'i jMinww .oui Jojmwt yw.' .w.'WowbikWOs; Ky.',',wwrsjaBa I ': j r 1 " ill. -1 L-.J (: --01' f " " A - 7 H' i J1 i ; I. , v . , t JT XSZT 1 -K - - 'V 4f 4V , r T H E Y C OT T H E C 0 N C-did the too-wordy speakers at Washington, D. C4 meettni of the Colorado State society, and as a beU-rlnrer Sen. Edwin C. Johnson, a Democrat, knew no eqaat! Bo cave each speaker ftre minutes no more! While Mrs. Alra Adams, wife of. a Colorado senator, tries to shield her ear, Colorado's rovernor, Ralph Carr, the honor ftnest, looks on smilingly. -Ti. I " - t ' - fl r -r . -, rtm A r 51 i -1 WITH THEIR PRECIOUS BURDEN, Chinese eeoUes make their way from the steamer Sawakla which took American -contrlbnted war relief food to Shanghai, for distribation. ERRAND OF MERCY took this American steamer Sa wakla to SbsAfhai where it discharged a cargo of foods aad medi cal sappUes, contrlbnted by U. S. eithens. American Bed Crest agencies wlU dhrtribate the materials to war rictims. 1 . i :-::v -A ' v i I " "i I ' 'A A ar. ntfillh-aWdiiiMIWf ill iri ah raow'i..ium i. . .iwi.ii.nii' jL.WJi'.Muni.,'yy ".... L.mmm mm i., j ,.. m;V'l "',,t-yy'Wivi f-vy v F1 .ST vX BUSTER'S 'UPPERS make him the king dog la Us Mock at Chleago. Buster, the pet of Max Finkel. a dental techni cian, was baring teeth trouble anUl his master outfitted aim with aboTe iuadsonu set of false bone-crashers. ARMY FLIER MaJ. Caleb Baynes, a natire of Mt. Airy; N. C reeelred the Distinguished Firing Cross ia recognition of. bis eommand oa the 4Jt0t-mO flight of a SO-toa army bomber, to Quake -stricken - Chile. The plane carried medical supplies.' 1 f 1 oy!MWW ;.vyorw??'X'wywsjra mm mr-w:' A. V S S - - v V ,A j v f r s wflr-gwjayww .wwjfi'v." 'A-".t'.-"vi.fpi'.i-'.v'... .ij...ipwiw,.L(i,j...i..'.i'v,'w? y. s ' ' 1 I "if I I L ! 1 . V A- lllipl LIFE-SIZE reprodaetloaof a swaa flower, the western hemisphere's largest flower, Is ew oa riew at Field mssenm, Chleago. The profile Tlew, abore, U taraed sidewlse, shows how the flower resembles a swaa and thos gets Its : 1 J1 A' v IN THE POWELL FOOTSTEPS young Norman Scott Powell. 4, seems to bo following as he takes a trumpet lesson oa the instrument Dick Powell played ta his vaadertlle days. With them Is Film Actress Joaa PondeQ (Mrs. Dick Powell). i - --4 i VHATCOES UP. MUST COLIE DOWN and here's a ski enthusiast ready to start it. rii iTant Trmi.isjit near MoatresJ. Canada. He sits comfortably la the new aerial ski chair ropeway, bettered the only one of Its kind ta Canada. The endless cable operating around two bugs ; - "V- . wheelaftut the su expeiis jiss ieci towwj m bvubwui hw mm a nunno. I Tit I M If I'U THI f.UY:' ...a. -. - . - - (above), who Bitched more bis league baseball games than anyone v else, no says, rrheyT0 got my name wrong oa baseball's scroll of h. fame bat I thmk fa the ru they mean." Cr'a baseball days are ' i. A V. long since orer, thoagh, aad he's shown at his desk la the Ohio mate) f ralamliMi' ericlanl : CUTTINC QUITE A FICURE before kumanifn Crowa Prince Mkhaeli this tiny skater who's not yet three years dd appeared la a royal skating show at Bucharest and received . . - such applause the crowds called her CUIe "Sonjs IXenle.- SEASIDE STROLL took Got. Arthur James of Fennsyl- Tenia and afav Texas friend. Cot, Carl Estes (right), along tha boardwalk tu Atlantis C8y. where . the gorernor relaxed briefly while working oa the , Pennsyltanla budget. . t: