The -OREGON STATESMAN, Sato, Oregon, Saturday Morafoft Fetourjn SV 19& PAGBHINE Classified AM - Statesmen Classified Ads Call 9101 Slatfe Insertion per its. . . 1 e rirree tnnertlone per ikao. -Se 3U Insertions pr Rne 8e One tnonlb per Its. . . . . II. U In Imam charge . . - - te Oeey ft tale page aseapisi " : tee eveamg before pabnratte lor elalfratoO- Copy lerotaad MM hia bw etU- be rs eeaar ei III, 'Tee Late Cteeatfy Tka Stateafliaa n rial reepeeelMHty er errors wars mmj aap"er Is sdaocvaneeeta PhO Make ia He eetemee am eaare ra this in s t w1" rial Out aart et adertat ia weiea Ua typogrsaaiesi aristske Tba Stateawsn reserves Ua rgt ( reject questionable severtising: U farther reserve tha right la place eh advertlsiag eaaer tka arapar eleeel setioa. . . A Blind' A aa ad eeataiata 8titammaa boa a"bor tor ad dreaa ia (or tbo proiortioa of taa aartiMt moit tharalara ot aa 4vere4 by Ictur Tha Suteaaian tat t rtborty o divolga .aformaUoa aa to the identity of aa adTortaaai oatog a "Bliad". ad Livestock DEAD AND wwruueaa boraaa. rowa picked up free Ph. eollwt 4II 8alem MonUtomory Read Wka HORSK8-MARK8 MUI-ES LA RUB ASSORTMENT well brok en borses and mulea New shipments a"rlln weekly. CRKOIT .Udry Klir en anyone. No carrylns charae. competitive prtcea before you come here and sea how much lower my prices are. Guaranteed as repreaente. Free delivery. Elroy Nash barn an highway hat north of Salem. SALE. I FRESH cowawlOOv Jud son. Ph. 30F1L, . Help Wanted CASH IN ON BPARR TIME 9nWEKKl.T OR MORE EARN $3U Grow mushrooms HOME, Cel ' Ur. shed suitable. We buy tOc n Tear roitnd Dusuieaa. a:i rk made by Mr. & to few weak, SO 111 SPARK TIME. Guaranteed Materia la Eatab. 1121 Wrtt for FREE BOOK. Waahlnfftna Mushroom Industries, Dept 40 21 2nd. Seattle. Weeks Help Wantetl Male W ANTE D COMMI SSION men. xri h.M nwn mmI deL track or rar. Steady work. Good commission. Box 271, statemnan. Help Wanted Female ELDERLY LADT home.. Phone 7C34. In motherless Situations Wanted TOUNG - MINISTER'S wffe wishes part time work. Box Hi. statei man. -ltij - EXP. LADT wishes hawk. P. 2042. fJJJnJrAlf"'" EXP STENOG. wants steady or parti-tune work. Fh. 328 ; . For Sale- Miscellaneow ADDING MACHINES, typewrttera. cash register an lea. aalea rents la re pairs, Roen Typewriter E 454 Court -BtfajnjTJJXTTlPl'"! aaaaa SUN-FLAMh. tMI neater aga a Hgg Bros. 121 Court sLIXJiJT-njUUU li Ji a 1 1 1 " -"- m " USED HOTPOINT range, large slae. fine condition. $15.00. T EATER A RUSH CO. WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES 235 N. Liberty Next to Power Co. -yjtj-w-w'v'' USED AND NEW furniture m- one gigantic clearance. Buy now durlne our expansion and remodeling sale Hundreds of bargains In furniture, lamps, rugs, mattrtsses. etc. Select now. A small deposit will hold any srticle. Nelson Bros, Furn. Co, 2ii Cliemeketa street BIKES KEPAIRS. Rflmsden, 112 & IJb. GENTIUM A NS One. dark ault. nearly new. also 2 J $10.00. Phone 22$. -lh-ij-l TLnnnnrnii..-ir-i- " " - - rRrtTTT-ANn NTJRSERT. 10 Cen ter. Fruit and nut trees see our stock get prices before buying. Tet 125$ A. J. Mathla iXjnjnjnjsfruraii''v' ---- """a- "a a mmm ekaa UPHOIJTTERING. SPECIAL prfc-ee n rehnlld. eiiah. MCDowelL Ph. tsl FREE $0 PKGS. of Rinso with new Westlnahouae washer. $4.l down, $2.8 per month with your light TEATER RUSH CO. WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES 2S5 N. Liberty Next to Power Co. HOUSE TRAILERS. 81 a N. Front KING'S TRAILER EXCHANGE Xru'VxruTj'LrLnnr raryBjainr-anri'- m aaoa-i FOR SALE Uaed lumber. $22 ' S. High. -f-rv'rtr(vfvwmxm'imim' " fi aa HOUSE TRATT.ER. cast Iron store. bed springs. 1353 Hlnes. triJLrtPiiir" ''"i'" ----'- --a e.ea ' USED SMOOTHTOP gas ranges like new Make us an nfrer. TEATER A RUSH CO. " 'WKSTIVOHOITSR APPIJANCES 255 N. LihertT Net to Power Co. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. 2510 Cher ryTAvenue. Ph. $2$0. POTTLTRT FERTII JZEK. sacked dry for flowers and biwn. Ph. 122F2 Lee a Hatcnery, COMBINATION GAS and wood range white norcel-tm finish hist like new bargain 452 Court St. jxnju"XfjuijuP'"" PIANO. COST $5A.M : piano ana hnh now 1200.00. BOX ZSI. Statesman. I TT f nlHTlKN TR Wltn cultivator: good ahane. Tellow Panver onion seed. iuia uarnarmo. m. Box -247. Salem. ; ; FOB SALE, chean. white enamel .- TTnttwiint water heater. 40-caI. can., perfect condition. R. F. D. No. 2, Box 77t. . 4 C)rtp,onC0bLf csnaa ADVERTISING . Wettern Advertltlag RepreseDtatlvaa ,: x - raiiMr.H&O Ca LtdL. an rrawei" I " A wee lee. Seattle CAOtem AOvertlBlnf Repreaentatlvaa . Bryant Griffltb A Bmnsoa. laa. . Chtcatn. New Tark, Datrett. Boston, Atlaata aTmrero4 at f km Peetertea t Balaa Or too as Aeeoad Cater fa. Paav luaed ever eierarap tmempt Mea-sap Baeiaasa afftea lis geata t.em. ireat. - - 8UBSCKIrn ION RATES: Matt Subscription Raiee la Advance WUnta Oreaoa: Pally ano awraag Mo. 50 eeats: B Ma- $I.M : $ Me $$.$ I year $$ OA Elsewhere $0 eenu pat Ma. ar $$ $ tor I year ta aavaaee Per copy 1 ceata Nawalaarla $ -conte Br at Carrier t $0 taaa a month. 7.2 a rear It advance to Martoa and adkanea n-anttaa Money io Lou get a floor. New Bllgb - BBs, Mtt Stato St, Salem. Pragma ' Wajj ti ,: SUta Urvnac Number 8-122 MIR. LOAN REFINANCE WITH THE PEOPLE'S LOW RATE AUTO LOANS a Almost all mndrla a Private funda axa liable a II tnontti contra rta assure lowest payment possible. If you do nol haw a ear use your furniture or livestock. Same low payments 29 months to pay. Tou are under no o!!irMona when you call at the PEOPLE'S FINANCE Co Rm. 2I. First National Rank Bids. Phone 44(1 Stale License SHI Consolidate All Your Bills REDUCE TOUR MONTH I.T PATMENTS WITH A IjOAN FROM 8A i.KMS OLDEST INDEPENDENT FINANCE COM PANT WHERE TOUR NKKDd VVI1X RECEIVE PERSONAL CONSIDERATION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE THE IX1AN IS MADE. PAYMENT PLAN IS ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME. NO CO MAKERS. DAT TO REDUCE COSTS. NO FEES. General Finance Corp. til SO. COMMERCIAL ST. FIRST DOOR 80UTH OF LADD A BUSH BANK CONVENIENT GROUND FLOOR LOCATION For Sale Miscellaneous tlllSI CROSLET SHELVADOR 137 DLuxe like new. Mast sell for 140.00 cash or. through finance co. Sunday. 212-29, 10 a. m,2 p. m.. 240 Union bt WOOD RANGE with gas plate, rea sonable. (20 Mia ruui.nj-.ri rwiri .ftiLnir.M"n"M"i" FIXE, SLIGHTLT used davenport A chair. Cost ISrO.OO. now $18.50. Salem Auction House. 260 N. High. Wanted Miscellaneous DO TOU want cash for your used furniture? if so. phone 5-1-1-0. F. N. A Glenn Woodry. auctioneers, they buy ell exchange anything saleable. WANTED COLORED fryers and market poultry. Ph. 133F2. Lee's Hat chery. ouuuLn.n.n.ririr--ir-i-' ' ' ' " - 1 LET THE Eagle laundry relieve your wash day worries with their complete laundry service. Quality, ser vice, economy. 156 C street. Ph. 94e MORE CASH for used furniture, household goods and dishes. Get our r. rice. first Salem Auction uou 260 High. Miscellaneous FREE ONE kitten. 175 Lee St For Rent Rooms WELL HTD. mi. 254 N. Church. Rma for ladies 696 N Cottage Ph 6671 SLEKP. RM. near capital. 449$. SLP. RM. for 1 or 2. 734 N. Cottage. iTJX'.'-f'"""a'""a1 -.-.--.--. FURX. RM. Kit oriv. Gar. 950 N. 15. Room and Board if a ROW EN'S new location -try her famoua meals. 60$ N. Liberty. iji.n n ' - ' STEAM HTD. roema. 215 a Winter vkri best. MOST Modern home. close-in. walking distance state offties and down town. 650 Marion. ' ixnnnruLii ii i n "i' " " ' i" IL. reaM$nahle 19 1 S. Church. njxnrxr-'T-n-rij n i m n " ----- a a mm R-a. 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 414 aeaaaaaaaaaaasyaeeasaaaeaaaa BOARD. ROOM in private home near sUtehouse. 235 S. 14th. Phone aaie. $25 MONTH. 605 N. Liberty. TJ-IJ-L-.-U-l. - ' ------- -.--- BD. A RM. close In. gar. 5432. ea jlOfr iaa "i R. B, 441 N. High. Ph. 9442. )j-lj-i-vjxrxjxrunf"Li'V ----- ELDERLY PERSON or semHn va lid, room, board, care, reaaonaoie. Pleasant home. 1309 s. um su HT. RM. A bd. Close In. 148 N. 12th. For Rent -Apartments SEE FISHER apts Modarntoed, newly decorated and roomy Ton II be delighted Oak and S Commercial SMALL APT. adults tlU Stata i-iCi . . i. .n -i ---i - ' - - " e mTTAnFS FURNISHETJ. gs to $15 mo- Ua. A water. Shoen's Cottaaee. 12tb A Par. highway, souin. i.n n n nnrini"iriini-ii-i- - I A 2 R.. 629 N. URKRTT. P. 67U SM. FURN. apt, adults. 645 Ferry iijsuxiijiJTjT-n.nnj''ifij.iirij n-n --------- VACANCT. HAWTHORNB- Court aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiasasaee9aaa 2-RMS BATH, $16-50. 192$ Center. aaaagaaaaaaavaaaaalaaaajeaaaaaaaaaa APT, JUST vacant 701 N. High, FURN. APTS. Lights, water, furn reas. 770 s. com u -ww.Tirnririririiirir i-h'Tii'ii- ' "-- - S R. FURN. APT. 1209 Court COZT WELL furnished t room. Water. Hrhta. Very close rm Inquire 669 N. Front Sun., or see Mr. Becarei BACH. APTS.. bath, gar. 642 Union. gnn-llJi r lTi'"' eaeaoaao si S ah al X A S RMS. J421 N. Church. - 'i i 1 1 1 r"M"iini r"i 1 NEWLT DECOR. 4-rm. unrurn.. 11a. hot A cold water, gas ranse. " Tjui.n.r ' " ...... . APTS.. $10 PER mo. 155 Bertevue. FURN. CLOSE-IN X rm. apt.. gar lights, clean A homey, m rwor, je S. Commercial. $ R. CNFURN. $12. 162$ Market du ptrw ant., lichta water. Uartic Aduita i Ferrr. MAIN FLR, 2 rms, 445 S. Winter. X R. UXFURN, CHEAP, for unen cumbered lady. 292 8. cottage. " t R. FURN, STEAM beat, garage. 2005 N. Ca DltoL . " r,r,f mi .-i j.n iim "ir ' " - FURN. OR unfunu 250 S. Cottaga. nnj-ui.i.rijijn.rj-i.Kr i.ruutrirwn'M-.-.-i- - - - - X RM. FURN. apt; nca aUtehooaa, 745 Court St Ph. 7I75. - : I R. UPSTAIRS." 789 N. WINTER. eaaaaWarfaoeaa,aaaiea,aj, 2-RM. FURN-; reaa. Gar. 11$ K Com'L - t f. n nxu! titi nrri X-RM. APT. funu S4$H Stata. XTLriJxrij-jTn niisriir'' - -- i"asoea 8-RM. FURN. apt 1$1 N. l$th. NICE 1111 FURN. ant, bath, aaua. 690 Cakm. - , Money lo Loan tor bothersome btna. clothes. rurnV tore, asedfcal atteatloaw tasaa. assess saenta, tnoTtgage tatarest children's education, or other. aaaa. TTe ' eaa any amount 70a need, bp to 80. BtUe Too cu pay tt ' back Utile by rer a year ar snore. He e Ne ladbxroat tnqalrtea. Oar I Un lauiUiauwut jaar ability a PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Salem. Orecon. M-220. ONLT TOU TO SIGN. REPAT ANT UC 8-12S PHONE fill FURNITURE LOANS UP TO $300.00 Repay by Week or Month 9fl MfllNiTHQ Til T?I?0 A V I -aJ vr .a Also Loans on Personal Notes and Automobiles STATE FINANCE CO. (CHILDS A MILLERS OFFICE) S-216 Phone $261 M-222 244 State Street. Salem. Oregon i .... . ... . --n-innnnrxanjijuuTj LOW RATES AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used car. trivaie money at new low rates, Immedinte action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons . 126 South Commercial Street Phone 916$ iUc No. M-U2 aieaAAaeaae BENJ. FRANKLIN home loana mosi popular loan to Oregon. A -eaiure o mis Man oenents every Borrower, ask aoout It Be F. G. DELANO, 29 N. Chnrch FHA LOANS. 5. tin private loans aorams JUJts inc.. Masonic Blda. MONET TO !lw car. G H. SANDERS 1 1 8 S. TTlsrh St SI Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET PV I . . T . v i.ifArv on rami Hflvm r.i ie. win pay interest w. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REA I.TAR9 114 S. Liberty St. Phono ilfS ........ . HJ....HJI LOANS WANTED on farm anil i property. Befora borrowing Inquire at nawKioe m rtnoerta. Financial 4: WR HAVE never oald less tnan this rata on savings and Investments. Insured to 15000 Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Ass's. Phone 4944 142 a Liberty St For Remt Houses COMPLETELY FURN. $ rm. du- plex, first floor, garage. Inq. $60 MilL 2 BEDRM. HSE- basmt- furn.. dbl garage, floored attic. Ph. 251$. FURN. A UN FURN. hsaa for rent R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER $52 N. Capitol Phone 2031, S R HOUSES WITH steeping porch newly finished. 117$ Marion St SMALL HOUSK. Apta 715 N. Com'L MOD. HOUSE. N. Salem. 4320. 7 RM. MOD. Call 161$ D. 5-RM. HOUSE for rent furn.. $23 ma can 6155. CABINS. $4.75 WEEK. Ph. 355$. 5 R. FURN. MOD. house, close In. north. Phone 4364. . rf-i";!':.' VVZ' uRa inly. $30. This prop, is not for sale. tt wsttjt. iit 1 Or. Ttlrlr. v- sea arat v " - ' - X BEDRM. FLAT. 250 Belmont FalrgRdERN " Fairground Rd. For Rent Farms tea a a ut a -w vm..i.. barn, 15 A. cult, much pasture. Good . W . . . ... Nh A IliSIIIWUIl . 11 .U I road. Slat, Terma. B". A. Kliks. Ur aaiaavuia, For Rent XJS Inquire room 80S Tel $71$. " ; 4 R. MOD. f A. 1 mL from Salem; barn, chick, bouse, gar$2$ mo. Ph. 1ST or rau at 112SV6 Edgewater. OFFICE SMSL. .single or to sutte-. 2 f? 5,i:C?Ditff. turn. ayu. At o, auaa li. umuH. For Sale Real Estate BUILDING LOTS GOOD LOTS on paved street eieel- lent locatlea. Price $500. $26 down. $101 (MoT falOtatllW " W. H. GRABENHORST A CO , REALTORS 134 & Liberty St . - Phone 6161 WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to art, exrha nge. lease, rant sea Mr. f Arsea with Haw( cms a Konerta, - - . 8KB BEAUTIFUL. Cascade Ter. mcea.' large view tracts overlooking city, valley, mounts ma C A. Robert son. owner. Ph. 141 J. . aaiawaaivaiwwiwaaawM A S2BS0.Sa S-RM. home with U. A Most be sold. WUl take $3250. Name your-terma. WBl take bast ctfar. rn. 8539. For Sale- Heal Estate LOT BARGAIN LOCATED NEAR N. 17th And Mar- ket 8ta price $250 cash. REALTORS 114 S. Liberty Street Phone 64$t. BOMS OR INVESTMENT "BARGAIN 1 BeDRmS. NEWLI decorated lam living- rm fh-eDlace. bdwd. ftra. modern fnraare. attached garage. Beat restteotlaJ section. Uum down pymu I easy terms. 126$ Saginaw. GENERAL. REAL ' eatat aell your property It -priced right let I ua appralae It. ABRAM8 ft EUJ8. IMU Maaonlo Buildtaav-lSt a, pad-t S-R HSE... H down 42 ma IU5. 2-BKDROOM HOME. walktnK dla- I nace A hardwood floors, only $21 down A balance like rent I j. e. re at j Phone till 429 Orecon Bids. I CLOSE TO STATE BUILDINGS THIS ROOM house, located near aUte office bid. Prfce- $2600 cnah. w. h. grabenhorst a co.. 134 S. Liberty Street Phone C4C8. TOUR CHANCE ON ACCOUNT of a REAL case of sickness, owner will sacrifice lovelv o-K. home. 3 bednna.. Ht. rm.. din. rm.. kitchen A lanre nook. Full bsmt. dbL plumbing, hwd. floors throughout, elect, system. 2 -car nr.. barn, chicken bee, 2 A. all In cult. Berries, fruit 1 walnut. Nice lawn A shrubs. H ml. I from city limita Juat off Garden R.L I A real buy. Will take aome clear trade. CARLETON E. LANE Phone 4078 Pacific Highway Realtor C RM. HOUSE. 2 lota for sale, chean. or will rent. 1980 N. Liberty. C RMS.. GAK, new roof. $1090 cash. s rma. cor do v. a walka In ai2sa. $100 cash. $15.00 monthly. ji.. base., funr. aar I290O. terma Hee F. QrienentroK. 21 65 Mill St. Phone 49S4 -iM"ii-n-ii'"iriiiriiiiiriririri.o.r SALE BT owner, mod. E Tt rtoma. oeautuni yaxo. pool, patio. IBOO.ea, avs Acaaemy. ii"."..iwinin-irMiii.iirLruxruTjxaj IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GOOD ROOM house, cement base. mSmJSSI To Twt Snceil f" uivhui. I ALSO NORTH SALEM HOVE 6 rooms, basement east front lot. paved street Price $2500 with $500 oown. balance $25 ner month. see Mrs. Ellis with CHTLDS Ar im.LF.H TtlSAT.TrmS 244 State Street Phone 9261 A REAL HOME BARGAIN THIS MODERN 6 room home with full cement basement furnace, fire- Place, oak floors, aarace. rood Iocs tlon ta the Hollywood district Immedi ate possession. Price reduced to $2. 250. This nronerty Is under priced. JSKK IT TODAY. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone $4(1 HOME RAROATN IaAROE 7 -ROOM rlifrt. hmiM lorn f o1 las IT1 QaleaM emaiaa m Ia.. t. two lots. 100x125. some fruit exren - tlonal ha rea In. Price 1200ff. 2250 oown t I2t ner mo. CALL G. H. r,RtWEVwnnST. JR. With W. H. OR 4 RENRORST A CO. REALTORS 124 a Liberty Street. Phone 646$ $4500 NEW. STRICTLT mod. 2 bdrm. home located Walnut Park. Liv ing, dinina. nook, automatic furnar-e. Plumbing up and down. Let us show von tn) a. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. Hleh 5121 EXCEPTIONAI.LT GOOD hnv In comer lot. iso. Restricted district. a H. SANDERS. 11$ S. Hhrh 5131. ituj nunanr. 1 400a terma C. H. SANDERS. 11$ a TTTai S1S1 REAL HOME BFT f R. HOUSE. MODERN evrent haaement. all nicely furnished, rented jot azs.oo per mo. Large lot. Close to new high school, priced for on Irk saie. furniture down. bal. easr. alL $2300 $500 JAS. D. SEARS. 476 Court Street SMALL HOME BARGAIN - $1600 WIL BUT A. of land with 4 room house, garare. small chicken house. Located In N. Salem. Terms 1011 oown a si per mo. Call G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 64 6S. Fxcliansre Real Estate homes. Opportnnltlea In exchanges. "AWKINS ROBERTS. INC WELL STOCKED and eonlnned 25 acre farm to trade for Income property m aaiem up to $7500.00. Can Geo. Zur- imoen, with P. IL BELL. 429 Oregon BIdg. Phone 8121 STRTCTLT MOOICRM BEAUTIFUL Hnue -n. r.n a N. 21st. Venetian bllnrla. ITrlw flnora. double plumb. 4 bedrms. 2 -car gar. rian pool A lovelv ahrabberv. Win taae some trade. I CARLETON E. LANE Phone 407$ Pacific Highway Realtor I m m m a - 1 11 n i ii 1 1 1 1 EXCHANGE 16 ACRES GOOD land near Tndenen. dence fair bundtnara. yartefv fruit. I aome alfalfa. Take Salem home or sell lor $3000. See Mr. Bartlett with CHTLDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 244 State Street Phone 9261. HAVE A PARTY who hag X 1-acre tracts on -River road. One tract has a new room house, the other 4 rooms unfinished. Wants to trade one or both for a farm. Call Geo. Zurllnden, rnooe sin. P. H. BELT., Oregon Building For Sale 'Farms LOOK ACRES LOCATED near Salem good location. Price $1500. $300 down. I Ffil'iv??! ma- room to bolld I SEE. W. IL GRABENHORST A CO- I T3VftTafVKa 134 S. Liberty 8treet Phone 418. " othe? Iwdgs. 4H mL from Salem. Full price. 2e. wui taae equity in saiem prop. If. h. weir ph. 9411iis Ore. Bldg. a iidco iddth iTrn k. m a. 1 njmn DAiuiAiriD fa If a ranch. Irrigation rights paid. 6- K. bouse, barn, electricity. S-A. in is: stcaea 4 3 nm mac year, a aw for sxscaae. titoe.oo down. P-- A running water. house, barn. P. H.. electricity. S170e. Jf A zs-acres, 18-A. eult, most. in crop,i 43-acrea. t miles ut Modern C-R, house, bath, toilet electric pomp. Good I i" nZx-mx-lZi I anything. If yow, waat a real place. 1 this attev rre JAS. n KEARJf. REALTOR 476 Court Street ' Phona 8466. . - FARM SACRIFICE 1$4 ACRES WITH about 100 acres ia cultivation. It acres ta hopa. build-1 EXCATAT1NG OT all Rass inga, located about 4 mtlea weat of 1 aaonts dug Dirt hauled at navad. Dtn Woodburn. Prir for oulck sale $8500. $2 down -win handle. - SEE THIS FARM BEFORE YOU BTTY. W. H. GRABENHORST A COl. REALTORS lfl a Liberty Street Phona 8468 Acreage 42 ' ACRE irARM FORlrrCHAKOE ATT. iv eulHvaHoaw-lore tod siear Ib- I dependence, modern $ R home and I outbuildings, family orchard, good I read. Price ST904L dear ac debt ewn- I er Wlu consider HSiem i taSMieBUai Intonerty un to OSASS as Part I W. H. GRRENHORST A COu i- J-k18 ski 131 S. Liberty Stratt . Fbona 8468. For Sale Ud Car. See These AT THE USED CAR LOT 1936 PONTIAC 6 COUPE.. 1936 Ford DeLnxe Coupe -rm u.u . -v. waui, ucaiu, 1934 Ford Pickup .... .. t v wm m a ivtt tor a r,WH irnric. - . ' chassis completely reconditioned, with bed 750 KANT OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM VALLEY MOTOR CO. "20 TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP HERB MISSON ART HANSON BEN DRAGER LOT: MARION A LIBERTY STREET SPECIAL BARGAINS "New" 1938 DodgeDeLuxe Touring 2-Door Sedan A beautiful new car. (no mileagre) : Just off the dealer's floor. SAVE $250.00 ON THIS SPECIAL. DEAL 1936 Dodge Coupe..... 1936 Chevrolet Piclrap.. Complete motor overhaul. 1932 Ford (Model B) Pickup 165 1933 Pl month Sedan Km naint. nnholaterv re-covered a clean Utue car reaay xo go. No Sales on Sunday, Hatfield's Used Car Market 251 NORTH L1BERTT STREET Acreage SMALL ACREAGE BARGAINS 14 A. OF LAND with some fruit A nut trees with good a-room. piasu bouse with fireplace, water system. elec, 1 mile outside city limits near store, school A bus. Price $2100. $300 down A $20 per mo. $3500 will buy a new moaern a room plast. house, located Just outside the city limits won i a. oi ina. o"u chicken house, barn A large garage. Some lbeYts. walnuts A cherries. On paved road. Terms $500 down A $30 rao fTWk- $2750. will buy 1 A. of ground loca ted N., Just OK f. tl. nas new iwii. hmi--. lnrcre rararee. iuiuuit trays, nice lawn A ahrubs. $650 down A $21.00 per mo. SEE THIS TRACT. $1850 will buy 1 A. of land with rma ii house not aulte finished. Hi. elev water system, is dose to nwn 2E.O rlnvn and 1 18.50 per mo. 11250 will buy 2H A. located E. near c-..i. hrii with 1 room house, ga- "" . : .: ... a. rage A drilled weu. xenns """" $15 per mo. I tirnn win twrv T A. all In ore Sard with 8 -room ceiled nous wim unw look wtvll KOOU urn w.n A-double garage. Terms $300 d72!;i n tt rsnAWICNTTORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. 1S4 S. Liberty St Phona Ml TIMBER TRACT ua AfRES I -Of A TED west of Rose- j dale. Owner will trade for Salem prop erty- . - . W . U. UKAHluxnurui 01 w. REALTORS 134 a Liberty Street Phona 4s. Woaoaewae A. NEW 4-RM. house with attic and full cement basement. Oarage. bam. chicken house. Wlin terma . . WEST R A T.EM REAL ESTAIB 775 Edsewater Phone 5023. ACR EAGE BARG AI N T A sottth OFF river road. Fil berts, cherries, prunes and apples, well cared for. no nunaings. spring waier. I rSv Wanted Real Estate T HAVE ANOTHER cash buver for raaldenee reasonably close In. My cli ent has the cash and ready to spend it for a home. Just call me and let ns tarn tha price and location aver by pnone. F. IL WEIR Ph. 9411212 Ore. BIdg. WNTD. SM. home, priced right 6155. Business (arda. ta thu direct or run oa .a monthly basts only. tUtet SI per line per nonth. Accounting and Auditing orn nvrpp' aoUwt clientele. preparation of unemployment social I .V.i iniviiiM tax returns, as a part of our regular service. Consulta tion by appointment P.O. box ! Salem. Auto Brakes Mike Pa nek. 27$ South Convaidal BicTcles j BICTCLES, NW anl 1 Hs-ry W Scott 147 & Com! Ti 4i'i J Fender Repair , . . . - - - - . . I mm m, f eeivera ataaa wuw,ainea 1 auto painting SKK the Heirau'wew. I ra. . lis b. uora I at n r,;mn SwefTI TBLBTPHOfa 4$A ft OA Nerthaeaa Oiiropraelors na rv I. fttYTTT. ."Hli 26$ K. High. Tel Rea $578 Excavating for as la 8a torn Sand -tad Gravel Pbeae $408. Florists Brelthaupfa 447 Court Phona 5106 W. 8A1 JEM fTorUa 146 . BnVwata Laundries THE NaTW SALCM IJkUNORt tae wi niro AiTkrtkSte 388 . High ; TeL 9188 For Sale Used Can Buys" Today i49S lQeeeieeiaia lei aiel m oei mmmJK ojaeeeoee etaea MJM aeeiaeiaioeiaeeaiej aeaeiaeai ataS 245 new tires, new motor. " . . .... $845 395 375 245 "The Lord's Day" Wanted Real Estate WANTED. BEST 8 or 4 rm. house $1000 wUl buy. $100 cash. Easy terma 1624 N. Fourth. Bnsinesa Opportunities GROCERY AND dry goods. Good location, low rent for store and dwell ing. $1500 wui nanaie. ueo. iJiaxcn ford. Mola.Ha. Ore. DANDY GROCERY store with stock A fixtures, livina Quarters. 2 bedrooms. Nice store room. All for $4200.00 ; buys bldg. A all, some terma JAS. D. SEARS. 47$ Court Street eeaaaaaoae,aoooooea' WANTED SOMEONE to share downtown office space. Box 275, Statesman. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS ONE OF Salem's busiest garage and renair ahopa located riant downtown. Cleared over $2000.00 last year. All equipment and business to be sacrificed at 93&00.OV easn. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 775 Edgewater Phone 6623. CONFEC A GROC. with select trade. Living rooms in bldg. Priced to aelL 227 a Winter St For Sale Wood BONE DRY oak $5.75. Phone 4109. OLD FIR, $5.00. limbs, $5.00. sec. $1.00. oak. $6.50. ash $5.00. Ph. 945. DRT SLAB A second growth. 6700. EXTRA GOOD dry wood. P. 100FI5. DRT WOOD. Ph. $821. Dan Bheeta DRY O. F. sawed knots. 102FX eve. $2.75 LOAD 16 IN. mUL Dry mill $3.75. 16 In. dry 2nd growth. $4.00. 133 cu. ft bulk Ida Ph. 17F3I DRY WOOD $5. Ph. 7153 DRY OLD A and awth. fir. $4.40 un. I, Burgoyne. 1710 N. Summer. P. 7266. STRAIGHT GRAINED, dry old fir. cut last summer, $5.50. Fh. $370. GRAEN. 412 N. 21st 4 wood 5370. WOOD TRUCKS moved from Com mercial to Chemeketa A Water Sta DRY SEC gwth. Fen wick. ph. 4527. DRY ASH. $5.50. oak $3.7$. P. 9703. WOOD TRUCK, at Trade A Liberty. Directory Massage TREATMENTS AT home, Logan. Ph. 4839. t Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Matt factory. NEW MATTRESS made tc orrt old remade : carpet Heanlna ots- mg: fluff rug weaving a 18th A Wil bur. TeL $441. OTTO F. ZWICRER E.- 191L CAPITOL REDDING CO. Phona 4 06 A Naturopathic Physician Da W. H. ROCKWELL. Naturopath le Physician. 1790 Falrarounda RA TeL 4303. Office Hours 2 p. m. to 5:30 &m. r Kr.K KAAM. FIRST TREAT KNT. Feb. Phone - Mail Service TOUR TELEPHONE calls and mall received. Small monthly charge. Phona Printing FOR STATION RRT aarda, rmpalet pcagiama, booka or any tnd 1 print lag call The 8tataamaa Prtatlag Da partment tl . CommarrkU. Tela phone AliL ; . . Rag Cleaning RUGS CLEANED by Hamntoa Beach method ta year boose. able. Call Coiemaa 5322. Sewing Machine $1.00 SPECIAL. We arfn afl A ad Mat any sewing machine to your noma Sew. Mach, Dept, Myier'a. Ph. 817$ Transfer FOR LOCAL ar distant transfer star age. burner oft, eaU $131' 1 arme Transfer Co. Trocks ta Portland dally - Vacnn m Service AUTHORIZED ROO t KR'Ieer: sales. AS makes serWed. Vsa to rent Mr. Walt Hogg RraA ar ra, un. - Well Prilling & A. WEST, Rt I 8S 668 ttOFB For Sale IW Cara BUY A "Persdnaldorsed UStD CAR At the Lowest Prices 37 Nash Lafayette DeLuxe Sedan Has original blue finish, new tires : beater with defroster ; overdrive ; - lots of extras ; verv low mileage. 37 Ford DeLuxe 2-Door Model 85 Sedan Heater: 11,000 miles: original black finish ; Interior like new : special today - $450.00 36 Studebaker Dictator DeLuxe Sedan Completely overhauled and re finished ; has radio heater. 35 Studebaker Dictator DeLuxe Sedan Second series: has hydraulic brakes, large trunk, and carries new car guarantee .$430.00 36 Terraplane Coupe Completely overhauled and re fin ished, beater A spotlight $395.00 37 Hudson-Terraplane Brougham Has all Hudson Tate features such aa electric hand : double safe hydraulic brakes; new tires and very low. mileage. MANY OTHERS AT THE 1,0 WE ST) PRICES ANYWHERE STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON A PACKARD High at Chemeketa Phone 8400. OPEN SUNDAY 10 A. M. TO 3 P. M. 3$ DODGE COUPE. '37 Dodxe 4-dr. Sedan. 803 S. 12th, Standard Station. Ph. 7029. 1929 FORD KiiADSTKR. aood con dttion. $65 00. 1570 8. Cottage. asaseaaasaAasaaaaaeaaJa 1932 CHEVROLET SPORT Road ster, good condition. 1819 S. 13th St '35 4-DOOR GREEN Bulck $ Sedan, trunk, radio, heater, new battery, 2 Lifeguard tires. $375 cash. Ph. 2442 or 701 N. Cap. 2$ CHEV. COUPE, $30.00. Inquire Bonesteele's Highway Garage. '36 CHEV. TUDOR Master Deluxe. Gd. cond. To aell or trade for Model A Ford. 1941 McCoy. 1929 CHEV. SEDAN body, good. 930 N. Commercial. Extra 1JSS FORD TUDOR heater, $245.00. $91 Knapp. Phone 3779. '35 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. $350 cash. Excellent condition : take good cow or chickens as part payment. Rt. 1. Box 199-A. Hubbard. Oregon. M. Kelting. $ blocks east Hubbard high. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. BOc 16-ln. 7421. TEL 1523. 930 N. COML lr4na LONCI.TT -WORTHWHILE" sweet Mart husband, wife for you Box 76 ls Angelas, NOW Cross Word Puzzle 1 WL 2 is IS 20 22 2V 25 26 2 SI 32 'A 36 1 31 HO HI i3 VA VS. By EUGENE SUEKFEK HORIZONTAL 5& friend 1 ruinous (French) substaace 4 heating S7 -fmneral spring 11 Tibetan priest 11 -European robin IS omission. sign 14 treed 18 ienn of , 40 sea robbers 42 water raiaing; - Herewith $ darn : t-n laiOtliAsj ; organ .. 17 turn to tha rirfit 18 affirm atiTe ' repty -. . . 18 dan prince ' ' 22 donkey . aerf , 24 tree . 28 elerated ' 2S heraldie tnaxk .-.: MO . vnkiria '. .''ll routine ; - , '82 dispatch betaatfed . Ill 1 . For Sale Wood IMfcl Sam VttHWTH rta MOT ' Al I HIT UrnOU 2a. Ph. A2A4 DRT OLD nr. SL&o. Phone 760L FUEL ON eaa per men as. Ne payment. I rnontne or tovasar t pay. Ktrat ayaicM day, Aoy amwaat aay and. Pull measure. Cbaav K anUh. Tet ailt t IM K. Choreh. mtt. AIX ktnda. Ph, 23S9. AahrtaA. DRT ASH maple. I c. la. aac crowtb. Hit. Ph. 1175. UBTB BUT at W K. ORT FIB that Is dry. Ph. X7L . DRT tnal 4JKOWTH wood for aa!. ft- or sawed, delivered in Salem ar at the farm Phone 7$FI2. CtA Ofi CD. 1$ IN. Truly bone dry 7.7V second crowth. Phone 7411. Transportation LEAVING FOR Lincoln. Nebraska. take 2. 1169 Fir. Schools WE ARE selectlne- reliable men willing to train for air - conditlonln and refrfseratlon. Now employed pre ferred. Write, giving age and other In formation. Box 278. Statesman. LEGAL NOTICE KOTICE OF FTXAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby giYen that the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of Mary E. Eckardt Wildteng, deceased has filed his final account in the office of the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon, and that Monday, the 20th day of March. 1939, at the hour ot 9:30 a.m. in the forenoon of said day. In the County Court Room of said Court has been ap pointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of ob jections thereto and the settle ment thereof. Dated and first published Feb ruary 18, 1939. Last publication March 18. 1939. CHARLES a ACKLET. admin istrator of tha estate of Mary E. Eckardt Wildfeng. deceased. t--- SCHTJEBEL tt BEATTIE. Hogg Building, Oregon City, Oregon, Attorneys for administra tor. F18-25-M4-11-1 8. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as guardian of the estate of Samuel P. Eckardt, an insane person, has filed his final account in the office of the Coun ty Clerk of Marlon County, Ore gon, and that Monday the 20th day of March, 1939, at the bonr of 9:30 a.m. in the forenoon4 of said day in the County Court Room of said Court has been ap pointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing ot ob jections, thereto and the settle ment thereof. Dated and first published Feb ruary IS, 1939. Last publication: March 18, 1939. CHARLES E. ACKLEY. guar dian of the estate of Samuel F. EckhardL an insane person. SCHTJEBEL ft BEATTIE, Hogg Building, Oregon City, Oregon. F18-25-M4-11-1I. Sprungmans Hosts MARION-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sprungman .entertained a group of friends' at their home Wednes day night. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George Kappauf, Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Strode and mother. Cards were played. 12 16 n 21 23 2d 30 I 36 31 H2 H6 4 a poisonous -alkaloid 44 prepare for publication 45 iorsakea 44 perceive VERTICAL 1 Aouaebold . . fods itU 8 waterfall 4 crinkJey fabric (pL) 6 hut 6 Arabian rarrnents t tree 8 riddles - . 9 - get 10 tuided the solution to yeater-n lSIslet direction 1 . tt flebrew - ' 28-ISeif; 24 ecratcbed 25 tTrehopa ' 2ft antbdrawa ' 27 employ 2S-burricd v 30 etops : v S2 etjuaiuiered W tori's name 84 entrance ;r . 28 be vet1 ace 87 euritate ; 1 28 was borne 41 land neaaV ; i nre - 9 1 rjf "l I 1 1 I 33 3 3&