The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 18, 1939, Page 4, Image 4

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Tfc CITSGON STATESMAN, Cs!ssi Orecn, Catcrdx .'l&nfesr 18,
: Wo faror Stray 47. ; iVo Fear Shall A iceT .
, From First Statesman. March If. If 81
Sheldon F. Sackett ' " Editor and'. Manager.
Caarlee- A. Spratae. Prea. - . '-. sheldoa r. Sackett, Secy.
Member of the Aaaorlated Preen
Th4"Asux-Uted Press la esrlustvely vnttlM to th um for publlca
Uoa of all newa dispatches credited to U or aot otherwise credited! la
this paper. . -
Dcathof Dr.Wilsdk ,
Dr. 'Clarence True Wilson who died Thursday in Port
land was staunchly supported and warmly admired by thousands-of
friends. To his enemies; iarxely persons who were
rabid in their antagonism to prohibition. Dr. Wilson was a,
"blue nosed? xealot against whom their sharpest barbs were
inruwn. wmcnever point or view one held, it cannot be gain
.said that Dr. Wilson was a brilliant sneaker. ' an effective
writer and an Oregon ecclesiastical leader of national note.
' When only 18 he was admitted to the Methodist minis
try, me youngest man to be thus honored. In his earlier yean
he served large pastorates in the church. In 1910 he became
Mnnl mtwrmmi hit tf 4K TUft-'WJ ? 4- k. J A. -
w rvM. j vt uiv wcuiuuisi uuai u ui Lemuerum. um
hibition and morals and by sheer force of personality- and
driving endeavor, made that board most active in the nation
al fight to make the country dry. He learned the cateh-as-catch-can
arts of the Washington lobbyist; he carried his
program of prohibition to the
churches throughout the nation; when the prohibition move
ment flagged, he took to the lecture stage and did forensic
battle wjth Clarence Darrow across the nation.
Of his sincerity and seal in the prohibition cause there
can be no question. Dr.. Wilson hated liquor and all the train
of evils its use brought He struck out to Protect his nation
from liquor's blight and prohibition -was the only method he
1 - a a mm a a . ... - . . -
oeuerea would exzea the cure, in the .history of national re
form he deserves a. place; whether the method he believed
would effect the cure was sound, only trial and error will fi
nally determine.
Off stage and in the quiet of a friendly discussion. Dr.
Wilson was not the puritanical zealot H. L. Mencken made
him out to be. He was charming and gracious ; a man of quick
mind and ready wit Oregon loses a moral leader in his pass
ing. ; ) Democratic Dilemma
The dilemma of the democrats of Oregon was aptly por
trayed in Portland in an illuminating meeting of the Willam
ette Democratic society. Monroe Sweetland, secretary of the
Oregon Commonwealth federation, urged the society to unite
for "liberalism" in 1940, read ex-Governor Martin out of the
party and refused to surrender to conservative and industrial
Interests. Louise Palmer Weber came back as only Mrs. Web-
A 11 f - '. UL ? "A mf9 11 r 111.
ci ui Ki me ommonweann visitor. 11 me common weaitn
federation is so powerful, where is our governor, where is our
United States senator, where are our representatievs?" she
Either Mr. Sweetland or Mrs. Weber can answer that
question. The democratic candidates of 1938 are in a trench
dug by party disunion. While the Commonwealth federation
influenced the primaries, as Mr. Sweetland stated, it lost the
general election. In Washington, where the state democratic
leadership denounced the Commonwealth, boots and breech
. es, the party held to its power.
' The split in Oregon is typical of the democratic party
breakup now in progress throughout the nation. Mr. Roose
velt is determined to continue
summer and fall. He has thrown the excess relief appropria
tion back at congress, continued his scrap with Senators Glass
tnd Byrd and will probably further deepen the party wound
by naming a left-wing member to the supreme court.
While the Commonwealth democrats and the right wing
ers are fighting for control, a substantial sector of the party
and the always restless middle-road voters are going repub
lican. They did it in Oregon in 1938; the omens are impres
sive that they will do it nationally in 1940.
Wanted: Good Westerner for the Court
President Roosevelt Is said
ment of Senator -Louis Schwellenbach of Washington as sue
cessor to Justice Brandeis. The
bchweuenbach was among the
Black was elevated to the supreme bench. He has been a stur
dy, unwavering partisan of the administration and it would
be on this score that the selection would be made.
The west would like a man
problems such as mining, water rights, irrigation and public
Kwer, come to the high court from western cases. A man who
s been trained in the law and on the bench in this territory
has a better background to write opinions on these cases. But
the geographical location of the new justice is of far less mi
portance than his merit
The weakness in the appointment of Senator Schwellen
bacbis his limited legal service and his total absence of judi
cial experience. He is a. young
decided to enter the democratic primary in Washington. Nom
inated, he caught the democratic swing and went to Washing-
: ton. His loyalty to Roosevelt has
but like Senator Black. Schwellenbach is not a man whose
background males him a .good
ist of the calibre of Brandeis or Frankfurter, his stature is
puny. -
The president has partially redeemed his blunder in the
Black Appointment by naming
and Frankfurter to the bench.
politics in filling the present vacancy.' '
."Divine Discontent! of the Idle
- i XTmwt AitlAVB t?M orfa'vO W TTwtTAV QfoVOO fVlA Anin
ion was expressed with considerable unanimity among- news
papers that he was here to "sell us a bill of goods." The sus
picion seemed so obvious that The. Statesman did not bother
to concur, but instead discussed other aspects of his visit
It now -appears that whether .Eden sold or attempted to
sell anything or not he was in turn "sold" on one or two
. . . a a . m . . . e aa-a av -f . it
tmngs aoout the united states, in the Mouse oi uommons tne
other day he advocated a change in England's relief program
including projects similar to the CCC, and he lauded what he
was pleased to call the "divine discontent" of America's un
. employed as contrasted with the complacency of England's
two mflliori idle persons.
It is a healthy sign when our unemployed protest and
obnoxious. We would bice it better if they were more consist
ent in demanding Work, in making jobs for themselves where
, none exist rather than demanding public .largess; . but any
protest is better than none. It is a personal calamity when
any one of them becomes resigned to the "reliefer", role as
' permanent; it will be a national calamity if the unemployed
as a class become content with their present status.
ftchdem Valley Highway
Remains Yet UnpassabU
A ASTORlli! Fab. l lTHflVEnd
atra Mid today it would ba aer
eral days befora tba Nebalem Tal
ler bicbaray would ba reatored af
ter a wasbeut a ear JawaU.
Tratlle was tied up oa- tba Co
lumbia Elrar blsbway mora tbaa
tbraa boars jrwterday by a aUda
near Taatport. A allda bare
knocked ? tba foundations from s
residence. v.-;:;-
Qui Oi5anlzed; , V- V
ESTHELr A 4H foraatry club
waa organised Wadnaaday-al tba
acbool: prcaldcnt, Bonald Nicb-
rostrum of thousands of
the unsuccessful purge of the
to have in mind the appoint
report is probably true for
favored three when Hugh
on the supreme court. Certain
chap, who at the last minute
caujrht the president's fancy.
appointee. Compared to a jur
men of the character of need
He should not resort to party
ola; Tlce-prealdent, Charles Dan
akey: aaeretary, Henry Pbenning.
Coralea Nichols la the leader.
Tba croup plana to collect a pect
in eua wblcb will be mounted and
exhibited at tba eoaaty 4B fatr
and aebierement day. 1
OCBs Vote Funds
i MARION The BCB ' dab- ot
llarton county teachers, at Its
last' meetlasYv voted money to
support 'acbool- legislation bow
before the sUte lawmakera. Col
ored : pictares ot Oregon were
shown by Glenn Greet of - tba
Cherry City Tlaklng: company.
The sroup will meet March S at
KlTCTTiew acbool. . Unn county.
with Eatber' Kleper and V James
H. Ryblooai as boats
Oito for
Barry ' ausjeata v 1-lt-SI
that the Inacrlptlon ' i
be poppycock for tba.
new atata capitol statnaryi
V "a "a
A letter, dated Feb. 1C. on the
desk of tbla . columnist ff om J.
NeUaon Barry, bjatorlan, Barry
crest, SS5S S.W. Greenleaf Drive,
Green Hllla, Portland, -Orason,
' - 'Tba mew atatuaxy lor tba
atata eapitol representa. UEWI3
WSA. y - ' t : . -1
"Tbexefore It may intereat your
readers' to naTe noma - aiatorical
data, on that aubject.
, -'Tbst sotnL Qrsat iUrer ottbo
West' exlitad was long knows,
and Lieut. William R. Brougbton
of tba. VancouTer - ezpedlUoa tn
1712 iurreyed tba lower ColumH
bm to near Crown TotaU Lewu
and -Clark. ' bad tba . Vaaeovrer
maps, so recognised Mount'iiood.
Mount Rainier and Itount 8L
Betesa. Mr. Tidier had-wrorld-d
a little mf ormatfon regsrdins
central Montana, but no wbiU
man bad" ascended tbe niasonrt
river beyond a few miles above
tbe mouth ot tba YeUowatoae
river, which is about at tba Mon
tana North Dakota boundary.'
1s V
-Tbe Lewis and Clark expedi
tion wintered at the Mandan-Hl-dataa
vOlasea in what: ia now
North Dakota, but coald obtain
no information in regard to tbe
Great River, tbe Oregon or Co
lumbia. Tbe Indians only knew
ot null streams on the western
side of tbe continental divide.
After crossing tbe treat divide
to tbe vicinity ot the present
Salmon City, Idaho, the Shoshone
tribe there knew of the Hum
boldt river in what la now Ne
vada and the Gulf of California,
but did not even know where
tbe Salmon river flowed beyond
its entrance into the canyon a
few miles from their village.
"Since an interpreter wno n
derstood the Shoshone language
waa needed, and a French Can
adian named Toussaint Cbabon
eau had a Shoabone wife, he was
engaged as an interpreter for
the Crow Indians in order that
he might bring his wife, who
added a picturesque aspect to a
military expedition of the U.S.
Army, especially since she had
a very young baby. She was very
useful in finding edible roots and
plants, and in other ways. She
only understood the Shoshone
and Hidatsa languages. Her hus
band only understood French and
Hidatsa. Interviews with Shahs p
tian, or Nex Perce, Indiana were
by the Nes Percea speaking to
a Shoshone slave, wbo translated
into Shoshonean, which Sacaja
wea translated into Hidats. , and
Chabonean into French, and a
Frenchman translated Into Eng
lish for Lewis and Clark,
n S
"The Shoshones of her tribe
used rafts made ot reeds, and
tbe Hidatsa Indians need tnba
made of buffalo skins called 'bull
boats,' so that Sacajawea bad
never traveled in a craft which
could go up-river. Sbe bad been
raised in the locality east of the
continental divide between what
are now Helena, Boaeman and
Armstead, Montana, ;nd the only
localities aha recognized were in
an area about the else of . coun
ty, while aba bad never previous
ly heard of tbe Columbia river
or Pacific ocean.
"She had been captured at
Three Forks by tbe Hidatsas,
whom Lewis and Clark called
Minnetareet, and taken overland
to the Hidatsa village, ia what
ia now North Dakota, so she did
not recognize any locality for
107 days, when, on July 22,
1805, she first recognised a
stream near where Helena, Mon
tana now is. Sbe was familiar
with tbe river from there to
modern Armstead, Mont., where
the canoes were left.
"Lewis wrote in his Journal
that if she had enough U eat
and bad some trinkets, abe would
be contented anywhere, and de
liberately left bar behind with
tbe main party, while ha and
three men went ahead of tbe
boats, on' toot, and tonrd his
own way across the continental
divide at Lemhi Pass, to -the
Lemhi tributary of Salmon river.
where he made friends with the
chief of tbe Shoshone tribe, and
persuaded the chief to return
with him to meet Clark, telling
him that there waa a Shoabone
woman with tbe expedition. .
"The chief suspected treachery.
so Lewis exchanged clothes with
him, and let tbe chief wear bis
military cocked hat and plume."
(Concluded tomorrow.)
IO Years Ago
February IS. 12 "
Elizabeth Waters and George
Birrell, clever young adajio team
ot tbe White School of tbe
dance will be featured at the
Portland Breakfast club Tuesday.
Red Cross pharmacy on Stata
and High streets was sold this
week by J. A, Duncan to A. 8.
Hussey wbo Hook possession Im
mediately. Turning back the determined
Fishermen 'after they bad laun-
ehea a teniae last quarter rally.
the Salem high school basket
bal team scored a 21 to 18 vic
tory over Astoria high last night,
20 Yearo Ago
Fcbrwary IS. . ISIS .
Governor Withyeotnle has re
ceived . word ; that members of
1 1st division now located near
Paris' are ached uled to aaa for
United States March 1.
i A" former Salem - person to be
successful on the stage la Paul
8tanton who la now ap. taring tn
-Lighten" In New Tork and the
play U termed the season's . bis-
gest hit. : :
Paul Banner of Salem and his
brother , Lloyd Haueer of Eugene.
have recently opened a sporting
goods store in CorvalUa with
Ralph Schindler la charge.
Attend Hmin&fofCiikodybf
r - , H
. 'in r- ''I
three woBaem. an of whose
abowm aa they attended the salt for enstody la Hew York.
otwj-w AWMpa sicsssaossv um lornw opera sonrs eaxnuqrea aasoaaaf suae uCJier-Lsniden, for
aaerl Mlae Taney's aeconqaaJat,. who with 111m aHela shared the taak of iwstffactbe-cbJU; aad Mrs.
Bath Kelsasa, slater of Kckstiaaa, who roceatry tmd eared for the little girl. Miss aTJeta ilimimilj de
nied Maw TaUe7a cnarge that Xckstroaa waa witbholdina; aeeded naedical attewtiom. AP Trim at
(D Dn nnn
anvanTH oat ASTawzzsr
Kerth B r t.Hoo4 St. U X. Xi
BM7MV sUaUter. SMrieat SstMSsr. Sak-
bn acaoM :45 s.a. MAratag mnhp
11:10 a.m. Smaoa. "WaUtia1a tka OI4
Pataa." . Teaas PaU'a atavtlac -4 a.aa.
Prayer mtetin. Waa. T:SO 8k
ject, "KtgatMttsaaM by raitk."
Miller aa4 Stmt Litorty atrata: Hrr.
Araa Q. Waicar. aastor. BiMa ackool
:45 Kerninf worakip It 'clock.
aernao, "Alter Urmthtr WWI" or
Tkiaga That Accompany SalTatiaa." Tha
OrSiaaaa at Vamarajdea aa taa wal
coatins ( aaw aiainbcTa. Toons Paopla'a
ataeunr s:i5 rjd. worship 7:80
Tba ardinane at BeliaTara' Baptiia will
ba admiaiatra4 to a naartar. Saramaa.
Tha rial Tovac Mm." Prayer aerrica
Weaaaadar, 7 :30 p.m.
rrasr iariii
Korth Lfbartr at Marioa treat. Irvias
A. roz, D.D, pastor. Bibla aeaool, :S Haraiag worship 11 a.m. Subject,
PerDJaxitT and Pray or.'- Barnor BXPU
serrlce 6:13 p.m. A groap troai Lin field
college will take charse. Hick ackool
BYPU aerrice 6:30 P-m. Evening- go pel
seme 7:30 p.m. "Can a Christian Be
coma a Castawar Be Saved Forarer Bat
lyoee His Part in the Coatias Kjacdomr -
Broadcast orer KSLM at 8 p.m. Wednes
day 7:80 p.m. prayer aad testimony.
, .
North Cottare acd D streets. J. F.
Olthoff, paator. Bibla ackool at 9:45 a.
. T l I .
m. morning worsnip m vrerman as x &.
Sermon, "Tha Christ of tka Great Com-
missioa." Worship ia Knglish at 7 :30,
sermon, "Remember." Prayer aaeatiag
Wadaesday. 7:45 p.m., choir practice at
Hase! aad Academy. Snadar school 10
am- charch 11 a.m. aad 7:10 p.m. BTPU
6:45 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday 780
17th aad Court streets. W. H. Lyman,
minister. Bibla school assembly 9:45 a.m.
Morning worship (commanion) 10:45
am. Double mixed quartet staging, "I
Heard tha Voice at JesaeV' Sermon.
"Zyangelize or Die." Berries 7: SO p.m..
sermon, "Deliver Us from EviL" Chris
tian EadeaTor societies S:45 p.m.
CotUge aad Shipping. Bible study 10
a.m.. worship 11:00, common ioa ll:45.
Young People's meeting 6:45. Kuwaiag
worakip 7:0. H. B ThoraJhiU, minister.
ohxistiax in nnasiovABT
901 SouU CSoummercial street. Paul &
Cellard, paator. Bands j, 9:45 s-m. morn
ing worship, sermon, "Permanent Ko
aalta for the Spirit Villed Church." 7:10
PJU., ETaageliatie masaaga. Wodaoaday:
Young People's rally ia Fiaat Christiaa
charch , 10:80 ia, 3:15 aad 7:15 p.m.
Friday: 7:00 p.m. orchestra; 7:45 Touag
people's meeting; 8:45 prm. choir. Oat
lard home. 443 Xorth 24a street.
Coster and High streets. Gay L. Drill,
minister. Church school at 9:ft a.m.
Lord's supper aad sermon at 16:45. Sor
moa, "So This Is My RoUgioa." Four
CE soeieties at 6:15 p.m. Adult's Opea
Forum st 6:30. Erasing Taagelistie ser
ice at 7:10, subject. "Excess Baggage."
AU day Young People's rally Wadaesday
with aorrieo at 10 a-m.. a pvm. aad 7:S6
rrssT conaasoATioNax.
Crater at Liberty, Robert A Hutehla
aoa, nuaistor. Charch school aad Yonag
People's forum at 9:45. Worship aerrice
at 11, sermon: "How Jesus Woo Friends
and Influenced People;" league of youth
at 6:SO. Queetiea and answer aorrieo at
7rS0, see adrU-
. oononBOAnonAir
1SU ' 9m. mm " rt Ommrmm
minister, aterning worship at 11. Sarmoa
"A Magmaaimoma Spirit KreaiBf dra
matle Borriee at 7:S0. Drama, 'TIt la
Sunday ackool at 10 a.BL, young people
at 6:M pm. Church sight TBoaday, 1
WTTT.Y. oAaravarr. witnau
40 Bsata 8t Uneeniia. amu. uhl
10 ul worshio at 11 6 s-m. Kraaralis-
tie st 6:00 p.m. SerrWi Taoaday aad
Thursday at 6:00 pjs.
Korth Capital aad Marioa streets, Id
win Boratmaa, paator. School of Chria
tiaa reiigiou 10 s-m. Worship It a.m
"The Friends of Jeeaa."
Corn or Marioa. aad Sammsr streota.
Bow. Jamos S. Campbell, miaiator. Sun
day school st 6:45 aja., morning wor
ship at 11 o'clock. Sarmoa: "Tha Fart
of Lore." Youth groups at 6:66 p.m.
Krangelistio aorrieo at 7:90 p.av. Ser
moa: "Signs of Katirna" Bible study
Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Ferry aad 13 streets. The Griee party,
Ber. n. CL Ftach, Celontde
ter, wbo wfll head theTevtvale
at hnnurnnel Klasionary charrlu
have takes. wartJa Urn can of Ifartaii
Dn S n
Rev. C B. Fngett front Kentucky
who will open a series of revival
meetings Monday night at the
First Church of the Naxareae,
singing evangelist, will aiag aad speak
Saturday Bigot at 7:30, Sunday at 11
a.m. and 7:0 p.m. Serrieoa will con
tinue through the week at 7:30 p.m. ex
cept Monday. Kvangelist Cecil Griee will
speak to tha Sunday ackool at 9:45. C.
U. Weston, paator.
roTjnaqxrAxa oosrsx.
lth aad Brayasaa stroota. Bo. Stew
art O. Billings aad Juaaita M. Billings.
9:45 a.m., Sanaay ackool; 11:00 a,m.,
moraiog worship hoar, "The Cost of
Beeping." 6:15 p.m. Crusader aad
Boreaa aerricos. 7:45 p.ak. Bvaageliatic
sorrice, "Ood'a Paaaeea for The World's
Ills." Wednesday, 7:45 p.m., prayer aer
rice. Friday, 7:45 p.m., Bible study aer
rice. HXQBXAjrn rarxjrss
Highland aveaue at Charch street. T.
Clio Brows, pastor. Prayer meeting 6:00
in. Bible school at 10 and worship at
11 a-m. Message: "The Nation! that
Forget Ood." Christiaa Endeavor at S:S0
aad- erangeliatie aerrieoa at 7:30 p.m.
School ia Christina od a cation tor grade
children Tharsday st 3:30 p.m. Prayer
meeting Tharsday at 7:80 p.av,
South Commercial at Washingtoa Sts.
Smaday school 10:00 a .vs. Moetiag for
worship, 11 a-BL, aermoa, "Tha Bible's
Solution of Uo Liquor Problem." Chris
tiaa Endeavor 6:45 p.m. Sorrice 7:30
uu, prophecy, talk, "The Saecaaeioa wf
Kingdoms." Dillon V. Mills, jus tor.
1020 Moaroe arcauo. Mrs. Esther A
Olson, minister. Sunday school, 9:45 a.
bu, worship serrica, 11 a.m. Evangalis
tie service 7:30 p.av Prayer meeting 7:30
jxhovab's wrnrzssxs
Fraternal Temple, 447 CenUr St.. at
7 p.m. Suaday. Bible study sad general
Cottage and Chemeketa Arthur Haw
kins, bishop. Priesthood meoting a ecav,
Suaday aeaoot 10:Se aua.. aaeraassat
meeting 6:30 p.m. Genoologioal classes st
7:30 p.BL Hon day. Relief society at 2
p.m. aad M.LA. at 7:SO p.m Tuosday.
Chior -practioo 7 "SO p.m. Friday. Primary
11 a.av Baturday.
Charch street kotweoa Chemoketa and
Center. Rev. p. W. Erikaea, pastor. 9:45
a bl Saaday school; 11 bjb moraiag
aorship, sermJB, ''Who Is Worthy I"
Sols by A me 8. Jeaaaa, Jr, sad offer
Wry nolo, "O Boat ia the Lord,' tram
oratoria, KUiah. Mrs. Elnorn Sholaeth.
Service ia broadcast over KB LM 11-13
aooa. 6O0 pjs. Tewag People's aorriea.
Thursday aight baginaiag of mid-week
Lenten serrieoa.
Eighteenth aad State Bta, Rer. Amoa
E. Miaaemaa, A.M, paator. Germaa, 9
a.aL, nbieet: "Oao Handrod Per Coat."
Ssnday school 10:O0 a.m. English 11:00
aja, aaboet: "The Maa Who Anew
How to Boaat.' Lather League 7:00
16th sad A streota. H. W. Gross, pan
tos. Ban day aeaool aad Bible dans at
9 a. be. Berrieea 10. a.m. Lutheran radio
hear over KSLM st 1:30 p.m. Bible dis
cussion hour 7 p.m. Mid-week Lenten
seivicco 7:45 pus
State at Church 8te. Dr. Jaeaea B.
MUUsaa, paator. Suaday acbool S:45 a.m.
Meraing worship 11 sja, isruna topic,
"Giants - of Tha Earth." Evening wor
ship 7:50 pau. topie, VOrthodox Hero
tiea." Blind aakool chorus will abac Uni
versity vespers, - Suneot hour 6:30. p.m.
Teasers hour 6:30 p.av Cookj jar
Tluraday 3:36-3 O0 pja. Teaag Adult
group few Baeiaeaa aad Projfeenioaal Mea
aad Wimia S:S4 pjs. Firopiaco rssm.
High' school Epworth Los rue 6:30
Prof. Hermaa Clark ol WiUasaetta uai
vursity will spoak ta Usee of high acbool
asm. Vaaior high aeaool 3:30 pja.
Xerth Whttsr aad Jeffnaoa Sta Charck
aeaool 9:45 mjm. Meraisg worakip 11 KM
aaa. Dr. I ouio Magin. district aaaetin-
unu whu tao aorssea- Epwortk
S :30 m. Iatorasediate, . klsb
mlo leagwas. Xveaiac aerrioe
T:aa Thomot Whoso in -this Image aad
SaparseripUea hvThial'i4 -.:.rj.
afXTHOKZT -"' '
-Sorts Winter sad Market stieet Ber.
XX. A Coaagaav. saotoc. Sunday . ackool
9:45. Church worshrp IT -ssrmea
by But. C. C Ba worth. TP mooting S:S0.
Evaagellstie oorriea 7:30. sermon by Ber.
Virgil HewulL eoaioreaea Saaday school
sorrotsry aad - evwageliat, prayer , moot
ing Thwraauy TtSO. -v- - -OHTJBOH
19tk aad Cantor Streets,, Loo Wokaaac
toar. -waster. 6:00 Bowrral wrayor
nsoruag. Wia Baaany Bloio ocaoot. 1 1 :og
diviae worship, -aoio,' Fraak Litwillor.
Bermea, "Boon of God. FaMh." 6:S0
special leetnro by Miau AUrick who has
boeu eaaaesssd with tao uaorio iadastry
a Hollywood. 7 :SO -apodal ruoil-aar-
votes, sale, Mrs, Carol XataL
TaTieVa three , em uia- Ammm
Left to right: MJea Sdtth aUeaa,
v n s
"Going Out wf Business." Special meet
ings oaeh aight Bert two weeks by Bar.
a B. Fugett, Kontuehy.
T76 Garth Are. West Salem. Saaday
school 10 ask, moming wwrshia 11.00
Xraogelistic amies, 7:45 p.m. Midweek
aerrieoa Wednesday aad Friday, 7:45
p.m. W. A. Crumpocker, paator.
315 m N. Coaunerrial St. Biblo acaooL
S pau; devotional, 3 p.m.; evangelistic,
7:30 p.m. Meetings nightly at 7:30 ia
charge ox ran. Bam Herkey with Kvan.
aad Mrs. B. Beck as berpera. J. C sad
Daisy Wilson, pastors.
Winter and Chemeketa streets. Henry
Mareotte, DD, pastor. Church school, 9:30
a.m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, sermon
"The Church. Yesterday. Today aad To
morrow." Solo, "How Beautiful Upon
the Mowaiaiaa" f Barker) Agnea Drum
moad. Orchestra rehearsal, ft p.m. Chris
tiaa Endeavor societies at 6 JO p.m.
Evening worship. 7:80 o'clock. Doctors
aad nurses special guests to hesr " Ro
mance and Baalism ia The Art of Heal
lug." Midweek service Thursday at 7:30
PBOOREssrvz PSTcxno Ajro Dimm
248 Ko. Com'L street. Spiritual mes
sages and services at 3:30 and 7:30 p.
m. Suaday. Ber. La la Mittlesteadt, pas
tor. .
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sua
day school at 11 Am. Church services at
11 ia and 8 p.m. Lesson-sermon : Mind.
Wednesdsy meeting: at 8 p.m. includes
testimonies of healing. Public reading
room at 805 Masonic temple, opea dsUy,
except Sundays aad holidays, from 11 a.
m. to 9 p.a. Wednesdays until 7:30.
(TJnltod Brethren)
17th aad Nebraska evemae. O. K. Foo
ter, minister. Sunday acbool, 9:46 a.m.;
morning worship, 11 sal, aermoa by Bar.
F. G. Roseee of Portland. Intermediate
aad senior Christian Endeavor, 6:30
Kvcmng service, 7 p.m. prayar
lag Wodaoaday, 7:30 p.m.
Miasioa St.. near 13th St. A S. Hen
derson, paator. Sabbath acbool 10- a-m.
Morning worship at 11 Am. Bacaptioa of
new members aad commuaioa service. Ca
des ror services st 6:30 p.m. Evealag
aerrieoa at 7:30. Prayer service. Wednes
day, 7:80 p.m Quarterly eenfereaco bua
rnees session Sat, Fab. 18, at 7:80 pJa.
A 8. Headersoa, presidiag elder.
17th and Chemeketa. Pastor Ber. Ar
P. Toth. Suaday acbool, 9U5 a.m. Mora
lag worship, 11 Am., subject, "The Holy
Spirit" Eveaing service, 7:80 p.m. sub
ject, "Six Common Excuse for Reject
ing Christ Proved Unaustainod by Sound
Thinking as Well aa by Scripture."
Prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Liberty, road near main highway. Ber.
Alford I. Vesper. 9:50 Am. 8 aad ay
school, 11, moraiag wenbJn, sermon,
"George Waahiagtoa: Maay Times De
feated, but Never Conquered," 6:30 P.BA
Young people's moetiag aad social hour.
First Baptist Chunk at HawastUIo
Sunday school 9:45 am. Morning wor
ship 16:45. Tracy Gipaoa of MeMiaa
vilm, praachiax, aabjeet "The Key of
Worship to the Door to God." Christian
Eadoaror 8:30. Prayer unrrtiag Thurs
day, 7:80 p.m.
ICniglit Memorial
Presents Drama
It Is More lnes," a rellt
lona drama by Albert Carrier,
will be - given Sunday night at
7:30 o'clock at the Knight Me
morial church, lfth and Ferry
The characters are Arthur Hub
bard, .a .business maa. William
Drakely; Doris Hnbbard, hla
daughter, itarjorie risk; John
Dooley, a carpenter, Arthar Fiak;
and the maid, aervant. Iris Arnold.
Three mnatcal 'jurnbers. w 1 1 1
proceed the drama, solo, "If Any
Little Word of Mine,". Dei Rteso,
Ailene Moored; trio, "Abov Ben
Adhem aad the Angel Hoamer,
Beneltta Harland, Caroyl Braden,
Harriett 8raart; aad solo, "Be
cause of Thy Great Bounty," Hoff
meister. by John RUcbie.
Former Chief of Police
' At La Grande U Dead
RmTTLE, Feb-l?-rr Fnnw
oral . aerrtees will be condneterj
here Satsrday tor James a Carta.
Hansen, to. - former police eblei
t L Oraade, Ore. ' Coroner's
deputies "; Asrut Ghirionc and
SUnley- Morgan said Christian,
aea was xonaut dead at hla home
todAyapparemtly a victim ot
accidental ' ana' noiaoalar . RartaJ
wiU..)eL:here -r Z:
Medford Irrigation Area
Source Bat Record Snote
" isXDTGRl. Feb. llft-niirl
u Dmim, coaniy water maater,
aald today anew depth at Fish
lake, source of water for the Med
ford trriration .district, was i ts
inches last Friday.,. . .
-SmUh-. aaid tba snow aetUed
fast-after a heavr rain atat Wad.
neaday. The previons record anow
aepta at tao laao was st inches.
t: Ilahdlii IPpcwl'pacins
HJB-aATTJaAT 1379 Xe.
TiSO Kewa. :
7:4-Tima O'Day. , . . . .
60 Collogiute Revao.
8:lS-Thii i Woadrrfal World.-
S:Se-4S Army Baad.
8:45 -New A
9.00 Psstor'a Call.
9:15 Joachim OiU's Orchestra.
0:80 Hita aad Eacorea.
9:45 Frioadly Circle.
10:15 Xowa
10:80 Morning Magaaiaa.
10:45 Caraegia Tack Ooaeort..
11:00 Aatkoay Caadawti's QrcaeeUA.
11:15 ElocUie Orgaa.
11:30 Vsiao Parade.
13 :00 8 treat Bwportera.
ia :io Kiews.
lS:Sa Hillbinv
135 Maaical Saints,
ltOO Xaar sating Fact a
1:1$ Bpico of Life.
1:30 HaUywead Backerooa.
1 :4S gleamebasars.
t.-Ofr Satioaai Snortasan's Show wiU
Dave Driscoll as Caauaanlstor.
t:15 Sammy Kay's Orchestra.
3:3a Dramna of Tooth.
' 3:00 Bob Craaby'a Orewoatra.
3:80 Manny Launders' Orchestra.
4.-QO Bimm Cummins' Orckeatra.
4:15 Bajmaad Oram Swing.
4:30 J scones Boaard'a Orohostsa.
445 AsserVaa Legiaa Xtwg BArragt,
K) J ass Nocturne.
S:SO Symphoais Striags.
6: Dtaaor Hoar Metodias.
6.-45 Tonight's Headline.
7:00 WaUs Ttrna.
7:14 Federal Housing Aaariaiatratioa.
7:81 Larry Cliatoa'a Orchestra.
8:00 Sen.
8:15 Jtasnry Dorsey's Orchastra,
8:41 Chars. Foster's Orckeatra.
t.-OO Newspaper of tha Air.
9-.15 Otea Gray's Orchestra.
S:30 Crystal Cardans Ballroom.
10:00 Reserve Officer's Daaee Armory
10:U Phil .Harris' Orchestra
16:30 Joe Bslchsssa'a Orchoatra.
11 K0 Bkiaaay RaaU' Orcheatra.
o o o-
7:00 Oa the MsU.
7:15 Trail Blasara.
7:45 NewA
S:00-eieaa Harlbart.
8:15 OrehostrA
8:80 Publio Safoty Talk.
8:45 Scheel of Maeie.
9:00 Orchoatra.
9:30 CaII w Yowta.
9 :45 Radio Beriow.
9:50 Along Gypsy Trails.
10:OO Xstiaoe ia Rhythm.
10:1S Calling 8 tarn Collectors.
10:30 Campaa KdUa
10:45 Home InstitatA
11:00 Stare of Tomorrow.
13 :00 Orchestra.
13:15 The Fear at TJa
12:30 Kowa
13.-45 Market Reports.
13 :50 Orchestra.
1 :00 Club Matinoo.
3 :00 Cosmopolitan RaythmA
3:15 Tenth Meets Govt.
3:00 News.
8 :15 Spsaish ReruA
S :2a XewA
8:45 RoUgioa tn the Nowa
4:00 Orchestra.
4:30 Lives af Great Me a
4:45 Castilla Twins.
6:00 Tommy RIggA
5:30 Orchestra.
6:00 Dinner Date with Judy,
6:15 Front Page Drama.
6:80 Stara of Tomorrow.
7 :0O Orchestra.
7 :30 Orchestra.
8 :00 Barn Dance,
Nazarenes Open
Revival Monday
Kentucky-Born Pastor Will
Speak Each Night at
7:30 O'clock
The Church of the Nazarene,
13th and Center streets, is pre
senting a anlque series of meet
ings beginning Monday night
and continuing each night until
March 6, by Evangelist C. B.
Fugett, a native of the Kentucky
mountains who waa reared ia
the atmosphere of moonshine
stills and family fenda.
At the tme of Fugett 'a con
version he waa dying with tuber
culosis bnt waa healed and called
into the ministry. Rev. Fugett
has conducted revivals, spiritual
awakenings, 'and spiritual life
conferences in nearly all the
large citiea ot tba United States.
Recently he preached in the great
Nashville, Tenn., revival where
over 2000 were converted.
Theao services will start
promptly at 7:30 o'clock each
night except Monday and Wed
nesday nights when there- will be
a 15 -minute prelude of orcheatra
music directed by Neal Cashion.
Several times each week the 0
vole choir under tbe direction
of Ernest Friesen will sing and
other music will be featured.
The public is invited to attend
these uniqne services by tbe paa
tor, Rer. Leo W. Collar.
Opening Revivals
On Sunday Slate
Sunday will mark opening ot
revlwaJa by Rer. R. G. Flack, Colo
rado Springs, Colo., at tbo Im
manuel Missionary church hero.
Fifth and Gaines atreeta.
The revivals will end March S
jointly with a chureh convention
which will open Tuesday. March
SS, at the local church, announces
Rev. M. H. Pitcher, paator.
Finch is assistant general su
aerintendent ot tha denmnlnattmi
aad will be assisted tn the re
vivals by Paul W. Finch, also aa
evangelist, and Sale Fletchall,
singer. Services during the revival
will be nightly at 7:30 o'clock,
except during conrention days
when services will be held at 10
a. at., 3:30 and 7:30 p. m.
"Art of Healing9'
Sermon's Subject
Doctors and nurses of the city
have been invited to' be special
gueeta at the First Presbyterian
charch 8nnday night at 7:30
o'clock," when Dr. Henry Mareotte.
pastor, will speak on "Romance
and Realism In the Art of Heal-
: The special anthem will be
rLIght of the World" by Brackets.
. " .'
Dead Portland Artist :
Posthumously Honored
PORTLAND, Feb. 17jP-Owea
Harrington. former -. Grant higb
acbool student t wbo was drowned
last summer; tn a lake swimming
tragedy, -mm posthumously hon
ored yesterday for his efforts la
rt;i, is - . -.
-The ladl entry la a New York
fair poster contest was proclaimed
Oregon's -beat by Judges. . .
RICKEY Mr. and Mrs. Fells
La i. Brancbe receatly .passed the
f 7th milestone la their married
life. La Branch ia.the oldest maa
ia Bicker.
t :00 Pennsylvaniaae,
10:00 Orcheatra.
- . - a. a
8:80 Masical nook. ;
T:00 Uaach BoyA - ?
T:15 Amanda Saaw.
T:3S 8 wins Sareaada.
T:5 Musis by Curst.
7 :55 Market OaotatioaB,
8:00 Dr. Brock. .
8:80 Our Barn.
00 Edacatioa ftrtA
8:35 Kndie Be view.
S:0 rurm aad Ueata.
10:30 Sew a
10:4o Campaa NotSA
10:55 Itetropolitaa Opera.
3 :00 Orchestra.
3:45 Cwreatoao Qais.
3 :00 KiadsrSArtan.
3:15 Xowa
8:30 Bay Pernio A
3:45 Mow Aenmore Hotel
4:00 Betwoea the Baoheada.
4:1 Memories ia Ministers.
4:30 Original Ptetry.
5:00 Marimba Bans.
5:30 Piano SarvriaoA
8:00 Coacert Trio.
8:15 WU1 Aaarwy.
: Snort Calama.
4:45 Mcwa.
7:00 Symphoay Orchestra,
8 JO George Crook.
8:45 Orchestra.
10:ao (Met Boar.
11:80 Nowa
11:45 Psal Carsem.
a o
8:80 Market BeaartA
8:35 KOlii aUock.
8:00 Nowa
8:80 This aad That.
S -.30 OrehostrA
10:00 Hello Again.
10:15 AU Hands oa ueeA,
10:30 Moods tor Moderns.
ll:ee Mow Against Death.
II :SO Hullate frosoatA
13:00 MewA
13:15 Merry ssakerA
13:10 Opening at Wort a J au.
1.-O0 Charles PauL
1 :SO Dancepaton.
3:00 What Price Aaseriea.
3 :30 OrehostrA
3 :00 hswspspor af tha Air.
4 :CK Americana at Work.
4:30 rederatiee o ataaie CTuha
4:45 BaaaeU Brown.
8:00 live a' Clock rush.
6:15 Sports BroadsidA
3 180 Loa F. Drew a
5 US OrehostrA
:56 Kowa
8.-00 PhU Baker.
0:30 Saturday Serened.
7:00 Tear Hit Parade.
7:45 Capitol Opinions
8:00 Joe . Brown.
8 :30 Johnny Presents.
8:00 Professor Qui a
:30 Orchestra.
10:00 Five Star KaaL
10:15 OrehostrA
10:45 Msxiae Sullirsa.
11:00 Orchestra.
e e o a
8:03 Homemakers' Hour,
10:30 Junior Matinee.
11:30 What Educators Are Doing.
12 :00 News.
12:10 Ag. Engineers.
12:30 Market, Crop BeporU.
1:15 Variety.
3:15 Travelogue.
3:45 t-usrd Your Health.
S:15 Facts and Affairs.
3:45 Monitor Views the Nowa
4:00 Symphonic Half Hour.
4:30 Stories for Boys and Girls.
5:00 Oa the CampuscA
5 :45 Vespers.
0:00 Herslds af Destiny.
8:15 Nowa
8:33 Agriculture Viewed ty EdlterA
S:45 Market, Crop Ke ports.
7:00 Caaby PPA.
7:45 Science KewA
8:00 Basketball U of O va Old,
w:30 Wood-Eating Pungi.
8 :45 AgricultBral .Bsporter.
xow smroAT ss su.
8 :00 owa
8:05 Julio OyangurA
8:15 Chimney Hosts.
8:80 Sunrise Program.
8:00 Radio Kevitw.
8:05 Madrigal SiagorA
S:S0 U of Chteago Bound Table.
10:00 Musical PUyA
10:80 batata to lair.
11:00 Stars ef Today.
11:30 Barry McKinlsy.
11:45 Tables la Verso.
1 2 :0O Suaday Drivara,
12:30 Ncwa
13:45 Dog ChatA
1:00 Night Watchman.
1:15 Badio CommeatA
1:80 Church ia the Wildwood.
3:00 Uncle EirA
3:30 Poaey PUylets.
3:45 Gardes TalkA
3:00 Stars at Tametrow.
3: BO Prof. Puss 1 wit.
4 :00 Hollywood PlayheusA
4:30 Baad Wagoa.
3:00 CoHas Hoar.
8 :00 Horry -Go-Bouad.
:SO Album Pamiliar Music.
7:00 The Circto.
8:00 Walter Wiachell.
8:15 ireae Bich.
8:30 -Jack Beaay.
8:00 Betk Parker.
S:S0 Oao Maa'a PhasO.
10:00 Nowa rushes.
10:15 Bridge ta Dreamland.
11:00 Orchestn.
a a o
KKX 8X7BTDAT 11 St Kc.
7:45 Musiesl IntorludA
7:50 Mt. Hood Weather.
7:55 Musical Interlude.
8:00 Dr. Brock.
8:3 Quiet Hour.
9;00 Musie Hall.
10:00 Great PlayA
11:00 Magic Key.
13:00 Baad.
13:30 Proper Housiag.
13:45 Festival af Mania,
1:00 remily Altar Hour.
1:30 Muaie Graph.
1 :45 Badio Tip. I
3:00 Opera Auditions.
2:80 Radio Review.
2:37 Viennese Kasestbla,
3:45 Charles Sean.
S:00 Cataolie Hoar.
S:30 rriands ml Muoio.
4:o Out of the West,
4:80 Paul Caraoa.
5:00 Orehoetra,
8:45 Cathalis Trath Boeioty.
8. -00 Hollywood Payheeee.
8:30 Muaieal Workshop.
:45 Msrimbo Baad.
7:00 Book Chat.
7:80 Trha. '
S:00 Nowa
8:15 Orchestra.
HrO everybody ting.
8:80 Dr. Brack.
10:15 Martia'a Musio. .
10:30 Family Altar Hoax.
11:18 Charles Baayaa.
8:00 West Coast Church.
8:80 Major Bowes.
8:30 Salt take Tabernacle,
1C .-00 Charch 4 tbe Air.
10:30 Batata tram Denmark.
11:00 Americana All.
11:30 Words Without Muaie.
13 :0O Symphony Society.
3:00 Old Songs of tha Charch.
3:30 Problem Clinic.
S:00 Silver Theatre.
8:80 Gateway to Hollywood.
4 .00 Melody Theatre.
4:15 Carta Weed.
4:30 JeUytime.
4:35 Ncwa
4:45 Preferred Program.
5:00 This Ia New York.
4:00 Evealag Hoar.
7 :0O Robert Beachley.
7:80 Willamette Daiversity Choir.
8:00 Life Without EcgrttA
8 :SO Capitol .Opinion a
8:45 Looa P. Drews.
.8:00 Boa Hernia.
8 :S0 reheetra.
:O0 Five Star Tinai
5 Boars
5 Orehes
: First Congregational
; ' Chm-eh
II A. bt, "How Jws Won
Frfestd aad laflmtmcr PeopleN
T:SO' Pi MWm rWe Have
Bodies ta Heaven r Does
Prayer Cbauqeo TUaaaT 'Why
Did Jcaws Cbooae Unlearned
Men aa Disdplesr -What Is
Meant by Alwadamt UfeT" 'Is
Capiul PsrsJahrweat rbriatlaar
U the Bible IaWfdredr
"Attend Church Somewhere
. Sunday