i .t . j PAGE FOURTEEN 1939 ' - .f ; : - - . ' ' - ' LiinKs Purchase v: Saleft Rdence "MISSION : BOTTOM Mr. and Urh X L.' Lamb hare purchased a home at 627 Knapp street, hp tha Intersection of Hlrh and "0 J liberty, and will more to Salem Th cash- deal i, was ' handled by P. H. Bell,' Salem realtor.'? t -The Lambs recently sold their 30-acre planting of.filberU here to Neumaa BrosW of -Sherwood for a cash price of $20,000. The lllberU trees are seren and nine years. old. i'.?. i'A: .Lamb,' a natlre Oregonlin, Is retiring from j farming . and : eon tract cement building ! which re. has been engaged' in for.' many years. He has. spent, his "If Jere except a - few - years - In ; Alaska during the 1890 . gold rush. fr Mission Bottom PTA : Will Meet Tonight , MISSION BOTTOM Tha J PTA will meet at" the Mlwdoa Bottom ;;schoolhoue". Friday night -' at 8 o'clock, with the. school children , -to giro a program commemorate lng February's noted ' men. Re- freshments will be serred. " , v 4 ,r Arliae JelderkV was . awarded ..the 4-H five-year gold pin when club presentations were made re ' cently. Others getting pins or cer? i tiflcates were: Theodore Jelderks i and Velle Felton, silrer pins Ruth i and Elaine Townsend and Vlrgin ! la Metcalf, two-year certificate; . Lois Rose, bronze plxL Methodist Church Revival Nears Close SILVERTON The two weeks evangelistic campaign at the Meth : odlst church will be completed i Sunday with two sermons by the , Rev. J. R. Parker, evangelist. The . morning sermon will deal with one of the fundamental issues of Garners Are Hosts to Roosevelts in Capital i i ii.ii, - - 'V ' , ' " " , 3 - ' V " . ' - ' ky Y',P i "v, i " - -. .'':' . :'.-:::';'x r- " - c -A: " f i'? .::::;:'i;:s:i...,x..;,.. :v- :. . ';' J ' , " . . . . . . :v:.:.-'-: : : . ." , ' .' ' : - . . , ' ; ; : . - " "T - . ' . m ' Ml J" Tha 03EGON CTATESMAN. galea. Orenm. Prldav Jllarnfaiff. Febnarr,17. 1939 Plan Founders Day Program Sophomores Top i Hpnbrl Roll for ;; Gervais School fioosevelts and Garners at Washlngtoa dinner v- President and Mrs. Roosevelt are guests of honor, at a Washington dinner given them by Vice Presi dent John Nance Garner and his wife. The Roose velt and Garners are shown with CapL D. J. Cat laghan, naval aide,' center, Mrs. Garner Is at the right In the photograph, f being a Christian. The evening theme will be "Sin Against the Holy Spirit or the Unpardonable Sin." Clarence W. Whalen will be soloist. ' 1230 State Street Phone 9127 TnTITVri Eagle eUVeUUeUeU Brand Tin o an? ,10. Oregon9 Otcn White Satin MEAT DEPARTMENT DinriEncFTiiEonni mu it,. . I li an Mm llL'JUIIII' Pure Ground Beef Sliced Bacon, rind off, lb. ... 35c Lamb Stew, lb. 15c Kraft American Cheese . : .2 Ib8.:.. 49c Pure Pork Sausage, country style, lt lb. daJC gO Us. No. 2 Gems....;:..... 25 lbs; No. 1 Baking Size. lforlSc 3, tafl tins Morning: Brand - 6-box carton SV-' G for.:.:.;-;:. ;29C ; Dozen.V:. gC : " - Ideal for Fireplace Clean Bright Franquettes v - 3 0. can' ortA Sfflr Alaska Pink' D ES EX?'- tins DdUlile Granger's News "Favor Prone AAA' LIBERTY-The Red Hills grange Tuesday night passed' a resolution 4 to 1 favoring the state marketing act on prunes. Sentiment of growers here iff be coming . increasingly strong in demand that the act be given a trial in remedying the poor mar- i ketlng situation.' " - Three plays will be presented in the grange hall this Friday night by the Salem civic players, under grange sponsorship. Ankeny grange will be guest of Red Hills at the February 28 meeting. - i ROBERTS Mrs. E. A. Good rich was hostess to the HE 'club at the home of Mrs. S. C. Daven port with Mrs. Lloyd Koster as sisting the hostess. Twenty-three members and three visitors, Mrs. Kuxenski of Tacoma, Mrs. S. C. Davenport and Mrs. Lloyd Koster, attended. .- - . Mrs. O. S. Higglns will be March hostess.' l - JttALADY IS MYSTERY . TJNIONVALE Claude Sheli- burne, farmer, was taken sudden ly and seriously 111 Tuesday night and doctors at first thought he had acute Indigestion but later developments are puszling doc tors. Girls Hold Party SILVERTON F o 1 1 o w t n g a short meeting of the Girl Reserves a Valentine party was held Tues day night. Attending were Verla Aydcock, Bernlce Haanan, Wilma Hope, Frances Mehl, Marciel Kauf man, Arlis Glffosd, Connie Reed, Betty Iverson, Carolyn . Wagner, Ruth Morrison, LaVonne Thomas, Agnes Neageli, Elsie WIckham, Selma Lindbo, Helen Lindbo, Mrs. Iverson, Mrs. Fred Mehl and Mrs. E. Z. Kaufman. OEBVAIS Students on the first semester honor roll at the high school are: . jTeshmen.' Johnny Brown Jo aenhlne Schlechter, Mary St. John, Lavone Monsky, Rose Muth,Bv erly . Nlesen. Cirl . Nibler, Ann Dabaean. ,,.-"; . . : ' . . v Sophomores, Robert D u n g e y , Dale Leonhart, Uazlne Smith,' Er leae Bamter,-Evelyn Smith, Elea nor Jungwirth, Clarence Schmidt, Ratherine" '. Schlechter, Marjorie Manning, Verto Vachter, Lenore Kennihkerr Esther Pfau," Darwin LVeletoTranklts Edwards," Dora- tny, eanu : wiw vcmw, ? . Lederer.' '. vi-LXZ -- i jnntnra. Ida Dancer. David Plan. Mettle teuerert juarjoiio GlesyElmer Bierly. v -' .v r : f Seniors, Margaret Hood, Rachel Asbary, Dorothy. - Summers,' Faye CuUforth," Rita Ferschweiler, Ag nes Derau." llaybelle Dennis,' De- Llores Thompson, Betty Manning: ' - Dorothy Ferguson has receivea her diploma from a Portland beauty school and she left Tues day for Hermlston wnere sne wiu take the managership of a shop. 4H'erg Entertain JEFFERSON The 4H Cook ery club, led by Mrs. H. B. Thurston,' entertained mothers at a Valentine party, in the domes tie science room of the school house Tuesday afternoon. Sara Margaret . Hatchings, Nyla Grenx and Lois Smith planned the event. Guests were Mrs. M. A. Hutchings, Mrs. Irvine W lght. Mrs. Lee Grens, Mrs. , Irvine Rothrock, Mrs. A. W. Brown, and Lydia Brown, Mrs. Frank Glaser and Roberta and Mrs. C. C. Mil ler. Nine club members were present. Tells About Meet MACLEAY Mrs. J. F. C. Te- kenburg and Mrs. A. H. Fuest man entertained members of the 4M club at the Tekenburg home Tuesday afternoon. The program highlight was a talk on the Home Makers conference by Mrs. II. E Martin. There's one 'best way" to mix . is shortening to make your pie crust flaky Do yoa know it?, ixxxxTrr LOOK IN THESE M6S FOR HEW IMPROVED PASTRY r I METHOD PLUS A FLOUR THAT GUARANTEES THE FINEST FIE CRUST YOB EVER TASTED! Ia simple foods bread, biscuits, pies, plain cakes the goodness comes from the floor. It costs only Vc more per recipe to use Pillsbafys Best Floor than to use the cheapest flour. JgJFEKSONrMrs. 8. M. Green was . hostess to ue aieuoam Woman's Missionary society Wed nesday afternoon, with Miss Ad dle Libby assistanivhosteas. Flans were mada for'the. Founders Day nmmm at' tha Methodist church at tha ? March j meeting, celebrat ing the 70th anniversary of the sodetrXrpgram.rfwaeoye4 and at ,the , tea: hour, the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Pierce Ja esb; . -Relatives here received word fmm 8u Dieao.' Calif- that Mrs. Josephine Looney, s fTmer: Jef- lytie stroko recently. She lives with 'hr son-in-law and dauch- ttT, Mr;"snd:Mrs;William Smith. ; " . PRINCIPAL IS ILTj PLEASANTDALE-rJ. M. Mur phy, principal of tha Pleasantdale school,: Is confined to his home with sore 1 throat .and Mrs.. Glen ,,frrarlMcFrlne Is substituting for him. PUmBngt W. "piaut hmyT "lift . : . Asm w effict t At woman wht is drtssvig jar !fiiir party, Sh$ know tht mmst look "just right." j " Coffee must always be "just right?' too Women who are successful hostesses realize that coffee is the "Exposition" of the meal . . . that tastes are more interested in it . . . more critical . regarding it. . .than anything else on the table. For sixty-one years, Hills Bros. Coffee has been depended upon by millions of women because they know it will always be "just righf in the cup ... coffee they are proud to serve. Again and again they have found delight in these words "Now that's what I call good coffee!' DILLS BROS COFFEE IP mi eooeuur nmnm " f i wwr mut mot. vtrosmoH Arm I I tf iw mt mum curt I 1) mmunomt motmoH I rf fmwnN8 01 ONtmoa jL 77ic CoHtedt GJdnd res sit r iiiiiti sr r El M M mm WAX PAPER With Safety Cutter Edge 100-Ft. Special Roil 10c :aro SYRUP Red or Blue 5 lb. tin TRIANGLE OATS -Regular or -f "lb.' Quick Cooking X bags 33c PICKET FARINA 33c Edgemont Smacks g I5c Palters DgeaMast Cocoa f.,h..lMo t ,b UPllc Peari Shortening f"-4 35c Pichet Pahcalio &7affle Flour .29c Colnmbia Pest CoHee "' 23c Ilozthcm Hoxd Wheat ; Flora Will Meet All Tour Re- Qulrements for Home Baking - 49'a ous : Any size, T'carli i" Golden ripe. 1 i(gni"3 Fancy Sunkist, Snow -white, heads. 0r EachL i 25-Lb. Sack No. 1 I0: Calavbs Tor Tastier 2 for 9c A new break fast coffee trect Oregon Harvest Sutrar PeagN?-8 c r3 tiris 25c BAKERY IPcGoMSoExec kC 05C aid 5J Delicious, rich and tender. Ttco layer cakes vcith caramel pecan idng, -: " "-. ' Honey CcoIjqw : Cc52co Craoi?co ": " oh3 Elides -: - ' Oris Columbia --SPECIAL Fresh Lard 3 lbs. 2Sc Cdlria, Mver Snolt ; 4 IBs 25g BOILING BEEF -lb. 11c P64 Eioasir M :l&EBs title Pure. Pork Sausage, .sea- soned just riht. inn 2 lbs. 35c Ground Beef No water or cereal. . - , we : Ray J Meil Fancy Piimpldn Berre Hot Pumpkla Pit for , Dianer Tonight IHIi tia 7c Mission Inn Garden Green Spinach tra . 10 c Golden West; Coffee 1 lb. tin 2Bc 2 lbs. 48c Tex Sua Unsweetened Grapefruit Jcice, u $ tins 25c r Dr. Phillips' Blended Orange & Grapefruit Jtzice, - - . ' : Dole's fittcnl Plaeappit Jcce, 43-cz. J ' " " 'V - A-H EicarbcnaU cf Soda, I4lx pks. LJoby Orasje Jdce, 45-oz. tlx Crosse & CackweJ Tosaato Jdce, l's talL 7c J25e ..5e 260 Noirrn liberty PnONE 3032 KlICES KVPKirilVK'TlfWT MONDAYi FE3J D G SzoitjlcJces 2 IJV lbs.