PAG2 TEH The OREGON STATESMAN, galea, Oregon, Friday Morning, Febrcary 17, 1S33 FABanquet ;? Well Attended Letters Presented Wheeler, t - Cray and Roe for Work r- i at Lebanon . t, v, w : V LEBANON The lOtn annual parent and ton banquet sponsored ' by the FFA at tbe Met&eaui '- ennrcb. Wednesday night was at : tended : by 110 includinr guests r from Lebanon - and, other cities. Glenn Kobow gave the main ad . : dress and Ira G. ForreT- Smith i Hughes teacher, welcomed 'the i" visitors. i Project renews were given by 1 ' Dale Cbladek, Franklin v Cray. George Dewey, Floyd Miller,. Scott ' Wheeler and Earle Klinge. v Ray Nichols, president, present d letters to Franklin Cray Rob ert Wheeler and Roy Roe for x fllpnrr in work. N. M. Newport. president ot the school board. ; spoke with approval or this wora : In the school; other speakers were ' 'Superintendent Coe. and Rnssell ' Adams, Smith-Hu ghes teacher of . Corrallls. -.... , . . V-i w?J": -Offices.'! FFA ...w." - -rThe offlcera'of the Iebanon FFA art president, Ray Nichols; Tice t resident, Glenn Kobow; pro tem, ' Merla -Klinge;:aecretaryr; Clalro : McCIala; treasurer, rrtninn Cray; reporter, George Dewey; adrisor, I. H.. Forrey. , Fu t u r e Farmers number 23. Green Hands. f -s- ieaP rjp Thefts y I ' The robbers who entered three. r , tLebanon stores recently were ap r brehended Wednesday in Eugene tSrhen four boys were arrested fol . r lowing a robbery-at Drain They !' admitted the Lebanon store en ! '; tries, saying the robbery was com 1 ; mitted at 1:15 a.m. 5 . Human Gaines, arrested by . Night Watchman C. G. Hardy Sat f urday night on a charge of disor- derly conduct, had a hearing Wed v. nesday by Judge Whitman and paid a fine of 20. ; Floyd Wood of Lebanon was ar- rested Tuesday by State Officer ; Lelchty for a game law violation h and was fined f 100 In Justice Ol- Iver's court Wednesday. y Ray Nichols, high school senior , and president of the FFA, left i Wednesday night for Coburg to take over the work of Mike Ben ? tch's stock and grain farm for the ' season. V P ' - V--' I The Sunshine club held its an L anal dinner with husbands as guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Carol Whinery Tuesday eve ning. , Townsend Club y Meets Tonight INDEPENDENCE Townsend lub No 1 will meet Friday night at Campbell's hall at 7:30 o'clock with the new officers in charge. A short business meeting will -be followed by a program nnder the direction of Mrs George De For- sC Members" are urged to: btr present ' to "plan for the social evening February 24, at which time a "covered 'dish dinner will te held at 6:30 p.m. J Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Fratrke are parents of a baby girl, Fay, born at the Salem hospital February 13..-: - . . . . r. ; Plan Crawfish Feed - r - SILVERTON George Manolis, eoiomander.'and general chairman t the annual crawfish teed com :mlttee, announced . the place as . .'.the' Eaglet hall and the date as April 1, at: special meeting of - the" American Legion- post Mon- I4vr night, Li. , . --- . I ' ;.-, ' The post went" on record as op . posing' the Ladle w resolution I which, ss-a proposed amendment to the constltsticfn of the United L States,; asks a -vote of the people - before a declaration. 9( war can ' "!) bmAde. r t . , i -.;. Girriers to Meet ;" f 1 SCIO Dlstrlcl conference of jural mail carriers for the Scio area; will meet here ' Wednesday, Tebruary 22. Ed l Holland, presi dent, and carrier on Scio route ; one for, a number of yearx, an ;." Bounces' that plans are virtually - complete for the meet. The Scio - ;T)ewn loage wiu serTe. noon dinner. GAS HI STOMACH QELIEVED QUICK ': - IVITII VAtl-TAGE t yon are a victim of .stomach - gas attacks; bloating and sharp gas pains, why not do as thou saads t ethers' -ate "doing try '7 y ANrTAGE - - fj.f .:';. ' Over 1.760.009 -botUes of this , Famous" Meich' have, heen sold ' in the past J years, at an average .": crate, of 'raore- than a HALT-MIL- -'"LIO":. BOTTLES A TEAR," and I the; reason 'tor this tremendous : Kale is that' Van-Tag gives real, bon ftt relief . Thoasands n$oa thousands of men and women have - taken Va Tare WUh such gratify- ' ing results that they have given it tneir whole-hearted J! endorse- VAN-TXGBTIs a';Liqald ' MedU . cine eontaining tract f Natural - Roots and Herbs blended with other medicinal Ingredients. It .acts as a laxative, stomachic, car wt native -and mild ' diuretic. By activating thd bowels and lnereas , lng' elimination, it brings prompt relief from constipation. It helpa to eliminate gaa from stomach and bowels, relieving spells of gaseous Indigestion, b 1 o a 1 1 n sj and gas . " pains. " - ''. ri ''-:- -; -: It aid n.rrneylng excess acid - n J soar u m!n g rtomaeb.IC in creases "appetite and gives yon. a ' keener-enjoyment of -food. -i Due to the immense volume In wtich It sells, 4he price of Van-Tf-3 Is reasonable. Get this Great iclne TODAY at",the Fred rieyer Toiletry &vRemedyShop, US N. Liberty St., Salem. Community Cliqbg WALDO HILLS The . Febra ary , card - party of the Waldo Hflls -community 'clnb r: will be held at the , clobhouse Friday night. Five , prlsea are being of fered . and members . are Invited fo bring friends. i; ROBERTS A fair-sired crowd saw "Sunny Acres," a three-act play directed by Rev. H. C. Sto ver of Salem, at the eomn-unity Club.;-.:'., -,- .The .Savage brothers quartet from Chemawa sang and Mrs. Elsie Carpenter; Halls Ferry teacher, brought .a group of her pupils who gave musical num bers. - Motion pictures will be the March . club : meeting feature. SILVERTON HILLS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter were honored by tbe Sllverton Hills community club on their , 10th wedding an niversary. Dancing waa the order of the night. The Porters have lived in the Sllverton Hills com munity since their marriage. f PRATUM The p I a y, "Plata Sister." will be presented at " the Pratum community ' elnb meeting Friday night at 8 o'clock at the school house. Miss Grace Klarape Is director. A small admission will be charged. Wins Essay Contest : LIBERTY In the essay con test sponsored by the local church and Sunday school. Avis Pick re ceived first award on her essay, "Liberty for Christ" and Rath Brownlee and Carrie Cogswell tied for second place. Llston Parrish, student paster, and C. C. Sargent were Judges. Parrish wilt use the essays as themes for a series of sermons. GET COSTVMK PRIZES SCIO At a masquerade t Seio . ZCBJ hall recently Mrs. Ladislav Km ml of the Larwood vicinity was awarded tint place for the best' costume. Idonna Smith and Sylvia Frederick, both of Scio, were given second and third place, respectively. Hartaair, Names 1939 ; Connaittces ; SILVERTON Fire Chief Earl Bartmaa hlV appointed bis yearly committees to. include: - Entertainment Norman - East man, Bill Swift . and - Weadall Heath;; advertising, Lary Carpen ter and Knute Digerness; quarter master. Bill McCleary and Art Dahl;- grievances, Fred Ca vender. Otto Legard and L. H. Tucker; special committee, R.- A. Fish, Berger Fenedie, - Pete - Schmidt, Trlx Heldenstrom. Art Dahl was retained as stew ard. : Chief . Hartman designated positions: -drivers, carpenter, health, Swift, zLjPred Cavender, Dahl.: , McCleary . and '' Digerness: hydrant men, Fenid and Schmidt; noszle ' men,. Swift and Eastman; laddermen. Fish and H eidensfrom ; first aid,'- health; Eastman, Carpenter; and Legard.' Chief.Hartman instructed Heath, Carpenter ' and.- Legard to Investigate some late type first aid equipment. ... Basketry Class 7 Starting; Today JEFFERSON Mrs. Berates Shepherd announces that a WPA adult edneatloa class In basketry will begin la Jefferson Friday aft ernoon, and will be held la the old Review building from S till S o'clock every Friday afternoon. Mrs. Shepherd baa a class In pas tel painting at . North Saatlam, Marion' and at Scio, beside the one la Jeffersoa. - :T- Mrs. : Ivan Jones underwent a major-operation Monday at the Deaconess hospital In Salem. She la getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Jones recently sold her beauty shop and bad planned to leave ea a trip to the middle west thls.;eek'-i. -;r ' Stitchers Ga thr?oJv A - -J HAZEL GREEN Mrs. ;Ru dolph .Wacken -was hostess to the Snnshlne sswtng f members with nine present." Garden binU ; were given. Mrs; Merle Caatelmaa and Mrs. Herman t Wacken, Jr.r will be hostess at- Mrs. . Castelman's home March. '.l,':-:.1-' t--: Pky t Pratnm Friday- Night PRATU M The . play -Plain Sister" will ' be given at ' the schoolhonse Friday, night. The east, composed of local talent, is directed by Miss Grace Klampe. A amall admission will be charged and refreshments will be served. Ewald Franx, who broke bis arm in . an automobile collision several weeks ago. Is still suffer ing from the effect. Last Wednes day doctors operated oa his arm. took out some broken pieces ot bone and wired the main bone to gether. The operation seems to be successful and his condition ' considered fairly good. ' Mrs. Paul Silke, who under went an operation several weeks ago, and baa tor nearly two weeks been staying at the home of Mrs. Ed Ross, came home Sunday. - RESUME SCHOOL WORK - SCIO The Cole school north west of Scio has resumed classes following several days' intermis sion " because of the illness of Mrs. Prindle, teacher of the district. Kinsmen Reunited jTwmcwsonl-Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Schooley of Bolivar, Mo., were recent guests of Mr. sad Mrs. Joe Kemper. Schooley and bis sister. Mr. Kemper, had not seen eacn other for IS years. , Mrs, R. C Thomas attended av birthday dinner Sunday at' the home of her brother and slster-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith at Lebanon,; bonorlng the Slst birthday anniversary ot their father, D. S. Smith of Albany. r crjCJOLATED "7JOIN THE PARADE l of Satisfied HosratTives . Si- The ranks of "Whits Satin" Sugar nthusiasts grow daily... Crsaon houstwiyss lika this sparkling pure, iins-cjTaxiulated sugazi Ask your grocer for it. "IHT IT UP" FEBRUARY 21ST - 22ND - - "HIT IT UP" FEBRUARY 21ST - 22ND V. "HIT IT UP" FEBRUARY 21ST 22ND - . "HIT IT UP" FEBRUARY 2 1 ST - 22NP "Hit IT UP' 2 CS w to Cm P H H ci a fa Q M CD ca & mi CI C5 ca fa Q 91 ca Be P. jtJ uvl uJL5ily-: - ' fat. nx f "I mv i dmaciis g &IPk&l7c aLV -v r n n w Table Salt 8-lb. bag 19c Maximum Shaker Salt, 26-oz. pkgs. J for IJc Friskies Dog Food, pkg 49C Strongheart Dog Food, 1-lb. cans.... for 19c Snowcap Shortening .........2 .lbs.' Ific Crjsul Whig "Soap, giantbars. 'J for ijjc Pabnolive Soap .... 3 bars JC STOKELY'S UNSWEETENED 9 p. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, No. 2 cans 3 for ZjC LOOK FOR THIS TAG "IpM TESTED tlQHS, PARTY m ZrY AND DECORATION I lTrtat$T V SUGGESTIONS tV 1 f: -U tQi V JOUA LEE WRIGHT jf ""aa ' j 2aasBBaaaaaas Running low on canned foods ? Now's the time to stock up at Safeway. . . . Even if you already have a goodly supply, it will pay you to buy more at these low prices. . Check these values, NOW I SPECIAL VALUES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, FEB. 17, 18 & 20 ' Campbell's Assorted Soups Except Chicken & Mushroom. for.. 25c Canterbury TEA A rich, full-bodied India and Ceyon Orange Pekoe. Full pound pkg:. Libby's Fancy Sliced Pineapple No. 2Vt can 16c Fluffiest Marshmallows Very finest quality. 1-Ib. cello. , bag: MM No. 303 can 4 No. 2 can for a L G. pgi 11-oz. 5) ) can D) for Very Tiny No. 2 can for . 49-Ih. sack 1.19 24H-lb. sack 69C lMb. sack 35C Harvest Blossom Flour, 49-lb. sack 109 Albers Flapjack Flour, No. 10 bag -49c Peacock Rye Flour..v.. -33(C Harvest Blossom Pancake Flour, No. 10 i-9c Phillips' Pork & Beans, No. 2 Vi cans 3 for 25c Starr Tomato Juice, 8-oz. cans. ;-..3 for 10c - Stoicely's Tomato Juice, 46 canL.15c " Libby's Orange Juice, 12-oz. can 5c ; 'Stokely's Swt. Grpfri. Juice, e v lpa-oz. cms.....;. .............4 for 25c Stokely'a K. W. St. Beans, No. 2 canllLlOc" Mill Race St. Beans, No. 2 cans.. .. 2 for 15c -Sliced Beets, No. 2 cans. 3 for 25c Garden Patch W; K. Corn, 12-oz. cans..;. : ' ." III, aw lba AIRWAY COFFEE 14c 3 lbs. 39c Nob Hill COFFEE 1 ib 20c 2 lbs. 39c is r Edwards D jp. Coffee LJ23c lb. 2 lbs. 45c Red Mexican Beans 10 lbs, 37c- 50 lbs. 1.65 Great Northern Beans 10 lbs. 37c -50 lbs. Yellow Split Peas LENTIL 2 lb. Cello bag 15c 2 lb. Cello bag 15c .2 for 19c a Monte GiB. Corn, Nol2 cans... 2 for 19c ? 8toklvV All Gr ApJ pic siig .: .2 foV 25c - Silverdale. Tomatoes, No. 2 Yi nm . 2 for 17c ; D. Monte S. P. Tomatoes, - f No. 303 OzilLt. .......:......:..JI'for 25c Hamilton Sauerkraut, No. 2Y2 can. JZ for 15c Stareeon Blackberries, No. 2 cans.J for 27c Heinz Catsup, 14-oz. bottle.. 16c Halferty Minced Clam, No. yt can .. 16e Med. Wet" Shrimp ; tJL Z...2 tins 25c Mid-Pacific Tuna FhkesNo: 2can.L;..10c Happy Vale Pink Salmon, lb. can 2'for 19c Ubbys Red Salmon, 1-lb. raw J... L.19c v Bine Label Karo Syrup, 3-lb. cam....:.?,'. 23c fBrer Babbit Molasses, 2H?Ifr can..i.29c Ubby'a Apple Batter, Now 1 lean.;...;. 2 for 19c FRIDAY - AND 'SATURDAY ONLY - LIGHTS FANCvMUTTON legs, lb. 15c-;Chsiis;ilk15c-?SligRoasts;m Swift's (Navy quality) Leg - VealRoasts, , Jn Club Sausage, the old-fash- Veal Chops or leg Veal Steak, pound.'. PE1B3)ILJSE GPESII AILO Friday and Saturday Only NEW SPUDS . ... . . . 5 lbs. 25c MEW PEAS . . . . . . . lb. HQ - - f - VHMSHSMMMHMNk I NO, 2 ONIONS 'CALAVOS... ORANGES, full of juice, doz......;.,..... k CRANBERRIES, . for Easter hams, lbL 1C ICri I LETTUCE, 5w25s ECc LETTUCE, m ,0n larse, fancy heads.i it for JlSC fTripe.12 lbs.25Cv PEARS, fancy DeAn- m 0- jon, excellent eatinr: 5 lbs. Q jC CARROTS, extra fancy; s f ' large bunches.: ; & for C Riiur Boloiriiar Rinjr Liver-'. . each . Aw Fresh "Cottage Cheese,' mixed"; or dryy- I x: i n rt pint -- XT - - X - S . - . uysters, Aua-racli- ics fresh; juarti Lean, LightvLoui Back Ba- con, piece, fH, pound.,;.;-.w av Lean Sliced Back rn Bacon, pound..... ....... OjVf Shortening," ':t ; 4 pounds' . , ; JJV , 1 Jell Well ' An Flavors ZCS Beef Roasts, center f fM 3) bag Black Figs -.vs , ' . X-e - wi? t'"-. " sL? af SUPURB GRATULATED - -!-tf USOAP : You can't buy better soap, "fl r 24-oz. pky " -5 ACS Seedless Raisins;; ass FullGream ; Quality Aged just right 15c lb Fresh Creamery Butter Grade A ' ., Lcvcst ; White King r - 5 ''a-' aW rT'o 1 - , Oxyddl Fast, safe; : 24-pz.pkg. 20c: IvorV.naltes :Same p u r i t y as. Ivory? i Reg. size VlllT IT, UP FEBttUAllY 21JST22PD .-lirr IX UP FE11KUA11Y 21ST 22ND . . H1T IT UP FKHIIUAHY 21ST V 22SD -. UlT IT UP EilllUAUY 21ST '22KD yilAT IT C5 1 63 S3 99 H to K3 2ft a . 1 H H P5 93 53 h3 H 25 x 5 63 S3 C3 53 14 CA h9 3 H 63 S3 C2 S3 10 CA K9 to O