The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 11, 1939, Page 10, Image 10

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. - .
Fraternities Initiate; "
HCW iUU' 1IU9 , '''-'
- Fraternity-mea on the .Willam
ette university. campus hare been
Islttatlnsr their Dledaes "this -last
.week and formal Initiation will be
held this", weekend. Sigma Tan
and Alpha Psl Delta w.ill bold for- -"mal"
Initiation ."services - Sunday
morninr at So'jclock and the'JCap-
'pa' 'I Gamma 5Rbo men - Initiated
their men; Friday af ternoon. :
The SlfmivTaO' and. Kappa ...
Gamma Rho fraternltier are plan
ning Sweetheart dinners ; for
,funday end the Alpha Psl Delta; .
men will have a .formal dinner fort ;
their newly Initiated men on Sun- ' .
"Kaona Gamma. Rho house tonight
' and a dinner .honored.' the' new ,
men on Fridays to .which alnmni -were
invited. , 5M :;J V" 1
The new members ot Kappa -Gamma
Rho are Winston Taylor, .
iuit.i Mfiiir(iu ' Vmnt Hphn'
. yBHifUj H1.-.vw - .
Jim Arnold,- Odell;-Ken" Lilly, La
Grande ;Orville iRagsdale, Baker;
Loren" Hicks," Salem; " Brace Van
WyngVfcarden, Salem; Cliff Stew.
art, Salem; Oscar Swenson, Spo
kane, Wash.; Carl Selbel, Oregon
City; Al Ferrln. Cottage Grove; ...
'Bob' Grannls, Cottage Grove. Gil-
. . l vw m -. llil.ll.. Vt Isjm A mm
Deri iieaia is lauwuuu un wau. ,-
"t.: . avT OI7Mia Tan tnamhara Kln r
Initiated are: Douglas Adams,
Harrv Chadburne. Orval Cooler. .
Harry Calbom. Oral Daridson, Roger-Foster.
George Olseth, BiH
Parker, Robert Magee, Jack Taf-
' lor, "Mark Walti Gordon Blodgett, ,
Clifford Hill. A breakfast will be
enjoyea at me scnneiaer woiiee
- Shop after - the initiation cere
monies.' V.. ". ' '
Alpha Psl names added to the
list ot members are Tom Riches,
Earl Versteeg, Joe Van Winkle,
Ralph Mayes, Bill Belcher, Keith
Roberts, Louis Bonney, Michael
Traynor, Ray Lampka, John Hath
away, Warns -Nunn, John Nosser,
Milton Hartwell. Xlaude Barrick,
Glen Travel and Dick Walker. :
Pi Beta Phi Alumnae
Honor Husbands
Tbs Pi Beta Phi alumnae en
tertained their husbands and es
corts at a delightful affair Thurs
day night at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Terrancel King. A no-host ciety met at the church Wednes
buffet dinner was served and the day afternoon and Included in
hostess was assisted by Mrs. Clar- their usual program and social
ence Hamilton and Mrs. Harold meeting the election of officers.
Ladd. On the program were: Mrs. Hen-
The evening hours were spent ry Marcotte, Mrs. William Hart
in formally and the Valentine mo- ley, Mrs. Robert Patton, Mrs. B.
tlf waa used in the table appoint- F. Schmoker and Mrs. J. E. An
ments.. . derson.
, Covers were placed for Mr. and The officers are to be:
Mrs. Raymond Bonesteele, Mr. president, Mrs. A. H. Denison;
and Mra. Frank Deckebach, Mr. president, Mrs. Bert Hulst:
and Mrs. George Gordon, Mr. and corresponding secretary, Mrs. Wil
Mra. Clarence Hamilton, Mr. and Hartley; recording secretary,
Mrs. James Humphrey, Mr. and jjra. O. A. Macy; treasurer, Mrs.
Mrs. Edwin Keech, Dr. and Mra. Tlnkham GUbert; secreUries, lit
Terrence King, Mr. and Mrs Har-. erature, Mrs. O. H. Kent; mis
old Ladd; Dr. and Mrs. Verne Mill- Bions, Mrs. William Wright; stew
r; Mrraad Mrs. Marion Mulkey, ardahitt, Mrs. S;H. Boardman;
Mr. and Mra. Albert Roberts, Mr. membership. Mrs. E. A. Lee; na
aad Mrs. Edward Roth, Mr.' and ttAn mlninm. Mrs. B. F.
Mrs. Whltehouse, Mr. and Mrs.
vnesier awn wait, miss veima
May and Mr. John Hughes.
Villamette Featured
At Tri-Y Meetings
The of the YWCA
met at the high school Friday af
ternoon at one o'clock. An Inter-
as tin r nrorram was nresented br
the Willamette university YWCA
with Miss Martha Oknda. tires!-
dent. In charge.
- mibs Doris Darnieiie told about
the university curriculum, Miss
Barbara Holl Ing worth talked on
' the xtra cnrricular activities and '
Miss Okuda told about the student - Mrs. Carl Sellers entertained
. YWCA. Several numbers; were ' theJVilling Workers class of the
given . by a vocal trio from the First Christian church on Thurs
anlversity .including - Miss. Irene day. afternoon. She was assisted by
Bliss, Miss Carol Reid and Miss Mrs. M. J. DeLapp. Mrs. a. jaca
Helen Dean and the aceomnanist son. Mrs. R. D. Ralston. Mrs. Mar-
was Miss Belle Brown.
Hi:-- VI CL
",?u pcuwo present were: .
To Business Girls Mrs. m. h. Graham, Mrs', e. m. Dinner Party Friday at
The Escalera club met Wed- DeHutt, Mrs. A. J. Flint, Mrs. Le-' Wfl11flr TTrim
aesday night at the YWCA on erne Little. Mrs. N. P. Webb. Wallace IlOme
8Ute street for a 6:30 o'clock Mrs. L. E. Dagenhardt. Mrs. J. T. Mf and Mrg paul B Waljace
aapper. A special guest war . Rossiter, Mrs.ra Hubbard, Mrs. .MtirMd at smartiy" arranged
Catherine Coleman, asalsunt lola Gleason, Mrs. Ava UndrJ Mra. d, rt FrJd Blghlal their
Business and Industrial Girls sec Fay Humphrey, Mrs. E. J, Reaser, ? aae oPCt-rd- Tna
retary of the Portland YWCA. She Mrs.?E. W .Cooley, Mrs, Bruce aff , ,y fo the Pleasure
!f fte? inrmally bont,tfl8v Cooley Mrs Fannie Mulky v Mra f cor and Mrs. Charles A
tlonal YWCA program for busl- Cornelia McLean, Mrs. A.Vittone, g e and Mrg P.obert Trim,
nasa. girls, and plans for the sam- Mra, La Rue Bothwellr Miss Irene ble of gecUe. Penn- aunt of
mer conference. Discussion ; of Henderson, Mra .Dorothy McDow M Wallace., who: is a bouse
plana for. the local club followed ell, Mra. J, D. Sears, Mrs CV A. neat at the Wauace home.
UJas Coleman'a Ulk. A; . -Eppley, Mrt. C. C, Cple, Mra. A. D. Twelve close friends were old
v The Escalera club is maklnr Cox. Mrs. Mabel Robinson, Mrs. den to the dinner and the evening
pans 10 uoia a acquainted
msi on Bunusy, aiarca a, tor young, urace bwnae, sirs, can vnapi
baainess girls ot Salem. n Jr ianoMra. Carl Sellers.
Ifs Mexican Yoitll Know Its
Gay Says Laura Wheeler
tK-lv frZk W '-".?A2L-
fSS. IT - W :. As
W U fmJr- - Jfi f ';
I'ViM,' iw.-- - U syi-- - .
VtTuSS!V 1
i AL0':f'iii t
Can't you Just, see these towels
cnjaienmg your sitcnen . witn
their gay Ceolorst l Use y oar
t ri-htest floss for fig n r a and
scenes and: do the names of the
aays tne predominating color
."cueu " u TiU
te u ui smarter ior ims coior-
taaw uits uiem as a snower
"Whatever makes yon think men are
Pwler his nose, steer a car, and wave
We. think she's got something there
reefer of navy woolen, gone softie
into wide front panels and revers
. snouiaers. Tne mustara snaaes are
austard shades are staying with us for spring with
in the coat at the right, used on the diagonal for
pockets, otherwise straight up and down. Copy-
a plaid overlay
flared skirt and
right, 1939, Esquire Features, Inc
Presbyterians Meet at
Chnrch to Elect
The Presbyterian Missionary so-
gchmoker knd Mrs. T. S. Macken-
rl.. wAnnr neonle. Mrs. O. W.
Pavne: Jananese work, Mrs. T. s.
Mackenzie; social committee, Mrs.
N. J. Lindgren: program commit
tee. Mra. O. J. Wilson: nominating
committee. Mrs. J. W. Harbison.
Mrs. J. M. Johnson, assisted by
Mrs. Mackenzie. Mrs. Hulst and
Mra. Schmoker had charge of the
tea table at which Mrs. D. A.
Hodge and Mrs. Ida Niles poured,
' - 1
Mrs. Sellers Hostess
To Workers
garet Ellis. The meeting was led
by the president, Mra. Tripp. A
social afternoon followed. Those
- jw. &erna. wuy vtui, airs.
S .-13 VkvA
- A -tOy ffOaL I
, gift and see what admiration your
' .wiinuBoi fim
-'onlf atransfer pattern of ser-
" "if,1"! T.eriaf ? 7 iach-
terlals required; color schemes.
5 Send. ten eenu in cola for thia
parn to me uregon utatesman.
writs plainly PATTERN NUM.
better driven? What man could
his hand all at the same time?'
as good as her new reefer. A
and feminine with pockets built
pointing sharply to broad, padded
staying witn us tor spring witn
Today's Menu
Beef olives will be Sunday's
main dish, chipped beef will be
served today.
Stuffed pear salad
Creamed chipped beef
Baked potatoes
Hot biscuits
Buttered celery
Rice pudding
Pineapple cocktail
Carrots Seville
Beet clives
Browned potatoes
Chocolate blanc mange '
Sponge cake
Asparagus salad
Hominy with.
Bananas and bacon
-Prune nut whip
Endive Good With Sour
Cream Dressing
Endive and lettuce are good
beta for winter salads and when
served with this sour cream dress-
Ing will add style to the menu.
caDDage taxes amaiy to tne aress-
mg, too.
SOUK CKHiAAi ukksuu
Mil one cup sour cream ana
three eggs, well beaten. Dissolve
two tablespoons mustard in one-
half cup of vinegar; salt, pepper
and paprika to taste, and then
stir this slowly into the cream
and eggs. r"ut into a dOUDie DOller.
Cook until thick, then add butter
the size of an egg and cook about
five minutes longer. Take from
fire and bottle. This dressing will
keep for months.
honra were spent informally. Ear
ly spring flowers and lighted tap
ers centered the dining table.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace accom-
v 7 v, " . "r;
" .
as rr Ma. a. M
Aeignoors 01 nouacrwi new add potatoes and simmer tor an I TALBOT Pins and certifi
election ot officers at the meeting hour. Blend butter and flour to I eates were dlstrihnted to 4H inh
at Fraternal temple Friday night,
wnen Sara Hcxseu waa eiectea
guardian neighbor; Velma Ander-
egg, advisor; Jennie Winchomb.
banker; Augusta Hisler. magician;
Hallie Lynch, attendant; Mln a
Olmstead, captain of guards; Irene
Hensell. musician; Lottie Town-
send and Harrv For ee. sentinels:
Dr. O. L. Scott. Alta Scott and
Eva Craven, managers: J Lola V.
Crawford, press correspondent:
Patricia . Scott, flagbearer; Pearl
Balrev. clerk : N v d I a Macklen.
senior fuardlan; Dr. Marion M.
"1 .
x uiiia, pajraicuuii vara OBUia, w
--.,V J... . .... ...
T; "-J,";'
" " e
Ibe fliUN coini ittee of the
.TWCAmet on.Frtdayatthahea.-OB water, Aop
-fluartere with Mi George Hue .,Ti".
' rr,' ai??,"d
-Industrial committee met Tuesday
W Wtth MM- -
Siding. . -
. " . . .
Mra. Lew Wallace of Pnrt1sn1.
' wife of Senator Wallace, il in
iu capiiai ior a lew aays ana
was among the out-of-town guests
at the tea on Thursday at the
lira. Iiamal-l VAnr mtpptahkM
a group of friends at a Valentine
luncheon Friday afternoon at her
Fairmouat hilT home -
Tfew-OZEGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morninr, February 11, 1939
Markets Feature
iuo uia.cia tuu.j teaiure ai-1
most any green regeUble andl',.' ... V".
r r w-. -TV-'
toea are here to stay, and appear
on . tables, for .the , remainder of
.the. spring,-- ' , .
Spinach-and. mustard greens
join Swiss chard to make a good
display of winter Titamen-contain-
lag Tegetables.
- Broccoli and Its cousin canli
flower. are both In good shape for
cold weather menn: I
Green DeDoera look Hn n.i I
fresh- . -a- -
LoU of . cabbage Is shown inwero shown to the 15 members
markets; with both white and red I and 3 guests. The next meeting
In evidence. I
' Squash remains as a winter I
staple. . I
Parslev comes in nch ihnnil
ance, it's good to use for the main
flaror in soups or sauces.
Green peaa are fresh and good. I
Green beans are shown in moat
French artichokes will be found
at every grocers.
Celery and celery root are In I
good condition, the former an-1
pearing mostly in the green varie-1
Brussels sprouts are among the
wcov Riceu vegeisoies.
From under the ground come
parsnips, beets, carrots, green on-
ions, turnips and sweet potatoes.
shops, some in the large white va-
rtety. -
Cranberries show bright and
n a. m
rea among me iruus ana vege-ime
Rhubarb appears in abundance.
Avocados are everywhere, and I
at low prices.
Bananas are on special most I
uranges, grapeiruit, lemons ana I
limes just about complete the list
of fresh fruits and vegetables of-
fered in Salem markets for today.
ooup t avonte
If Appetites
Are Keen
During weather when appetites
are at their best, good hot soups
that border on the stew, are tops
iu popularity. wu tutu suups "!
French bouillabaisse, which takes
shellfish, and American pepper
-f pounds fish
Vt cup olive oil
1 dozen whole clams, oysters
Vt cup shrimp, crab or lobster
2 leeks, sliced
2 large tomatoes or 1 cup can
ned 2 cups fish stock or water
pinch saffron (important fla
vor) -Juice
1 lemon -
1 bay leaf
2 medium onions, sliced '
1 carrot
M cup canned pimlento
1 clove garlic, bruised
1 tablespoon minced parsley
Use flounder, sole, halibut or
other white fish. Cook carrot, on
ion and leeks in olive oil or butter
nntil -iirttlv rolden. Add fUh.
cut In Bquares. tomato, bay leaf
and stock. Simmer for 20 mln-
uteg, add shellfish (in shells), pl-
mlento and saffron, season to I
taste, add lemon. To serve, put 1
the toast in a deep dish and add I
noinaDaisse ana spnniie witn 1
parsley. Appetites vary of course.!
but the recipe suggests that this I
will serve 8 persons. I
George Rector,, epicure, chef I
ana writer on rooas says "There
are prooaoiy as many unieieui 1
recipes lor pepperpot soup as
there are residents of Philadel-
Phia, each one of course is the
. authentic recipe handel
down from colonial times, to set-
ue me argument bduui true pep-
perpot, I will give the genuine
formula. It's the recipe that the
greatest number of Phlladelphlans
agree on three in all, counting
myself and my wife."
I alkies bacon
1 onion
2 green peppers
S cups soup stock -
pound, honeycomb tripe
teaspoon salt
Vt cup cream
teaspoon pepper -1
bay leaf
. sprig of thyme .
1 cup diced potatoes
2 tablespoons butter '
2 tablespoons flour
Dice bacon and cook In heavy
ketUe until golden brown. Add
washed and shredded. Add seas-
onlnga, bring to the boUlng point
. -
thicken soup. Add cream Just be -
lore serving.
Cr.:a-U Qmffl fW rf
Many Dishes
Spinach la an ever welcome
vegetable and makes pretty ele -
gant fare when dressed up only a
little. .
spinach well and shake dry. pack
Into a kettle, using generous
flaanUty of olive oil and a mashed
,lnn nt rav11. Pjitm tlrhtlv anil
. - m - - -
lmm nntil -tnlnarh la tn.or
lonau Ttui
Uke about 20 minutea
..i...v tv.t (..d-wn MuVbi
' ?ftn
:aplllcnof m and thickea
pimento for color if desired. .
.v x ..vj ..i
ach; 1 eup medium white sauce. 1
eggs beaten separately, aalt,. pen -
per. a little grated onion. Cool
white sauce allghtly. blend -witli
egg yolks, add spinach, fold - In
stifflv beaten ere whites with sea -
-a,i, an it ha Vm l limit m)iKl
with cold butter and lightly sprin -
kled with crumbs. Put crumbs oal
- top. Bake la S7i degree oven. . v
Basket Weavers r i
-- SUVER The class ' la - baaket
weaying . under' the direction ; of
Mrs. Bracaeu.mec m uw noma
ot Mrs. Bennett Wednesday af
ternoon. Serenteen women wera
nresent. Hereafter . they will
meet at 10:30 Friday mornings. ;
Mrs. Wesley Kester and dangh-
A. If. 1 lv m .Inn . Vt I
w.f nhnniiii
sra inundrdTouyrr.e;T
eral week there for the benent
of Mrs. Kester's health but thejf
were nnable--4o find a suitable
place to liTe. . .
Mraf' Lewis Fisher la at the
state eapitoiduring the leglsla-
Mrs. U. J. Kerr and Mrs. E. D,
Gallatin entertained. the Ivy club
Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Kerr. , Many quilts.
lone almost a hundred years old.
will be at the home of Mrs. Mel
Tena Dodson with Mrs. L G. Are-
hart as joint nostess,
Cnrinnl Tfi i1nerl
AMf- 91?ArAt
ACCOUllt J? CVer
v LYONS The Lyons school
was closed Tuesday due to scar
let fever in the community. Le-'
land Manning and Glenda Lyons
are the only ones who have the
quarantined, ountyhealth ot-
ncer, ur. u'ortmiiier and nurse,
Mrs. Faye of Albany, investigated
the cases in Lyons Wednesday,
The community club has post-
Jram, which Rev. Metcaif and
tne Albany chamber of com-
merce was to have presented at
. m ni ft ft. .ft w i a
ftewMB nau reoruary x. I
Walter Bevler were hostess to
the Wednesday afternoon club at
the Bassett home. .Mrs. Percy I
matt neia nign score at cards. I
other prizes went to Mrs. Albert
King ana Mrs. Hugo uaiun.
ITMvlrt 6nAnlr
Xllinier IO uDCrtK
A.Ttii -aft
ai uaiias on lDtn
DALLAS Dr. Frederick Hunt
er, chancellor of the Oregon state
system of higher education, wUl
be the speaker at the monthly
dinner meeting of the Dallas
chamber of commerce to be held
Wednesday night, February 15,
in the dining room In the cham
ber of commerce rooms In the
.it h
T "
" 7. t .5. -.-J , LL. v!
mra. ivan n.
Cougar Headache
tT-v-iofra T
JCiXlStS nO lOnger
that has been giving the Lang
worthy brothers of the Valsets
area a headache for some time,
was brought down Tuesday af
ter their dog helped tree the
The brothers finished the
work with a .22 rifle. They
found the cougar weighed 155
pounds after dressing.
Report of the kill waa
brought to Independence by P.
W. Jones of Valsets.
"" "'""l"
Studying India
JEFFERSON Mrs. Sallie Tan-
dy and Mra. Guy Aupperle were
joint hostess' to members of the
Christian Missionary society at
the February meeting held in the
church. Mrs. Aupperle waa in
charge of the devotional period,
and Mrs. P. R. Campbell was pro-
gram leader on "Christ's Way in
Tne two study groups of the
Missionary society will meet next
week, to study the book, "The
church Takes Root In - India."
Mr8, P. R. campbell'g group will
meet Friday at the home of Mrs.
Ernest Powell, and Mrs. Irvine
Wright's group will meet with
Mrs. Lee Wells, Thursday.
Pinochle Club Nears
End of Season .
ahue was hostess to the Pinochle
club at her home in Dallas
Thursday afternoon. Those at-
tending were Mrs, Dave Byerley,
Mrs. jack De Jong. Eleanor
Gregg, Mrs. Loel Kahle, Mrs.
Bob Mitchell, Mrs. Onrille Knrts
and Mrs. Fred Rohde. Mrs. Mit
chell had high score.
The next and last meeting of
the club will be with Eleanor
, .
0 UllDStert
1 members here by Mrs. Wieder-
I kehr as follows:
I Fourth year pin, Ronald Ho-
Third year pins, Gaynell Cole,
Calvin Buraell, Al Bursell. Loren
I Hoven, Loren Turnldge, Meredith
I Johnson and Frances Hoven.
l Second year, Benney Reeves.
I Jean Reeves and Mary Lou Ella-
I sen.
First year, Donald Cole, Ron-
I aid Allen and Loy Parkerson.
Childhood Friends Visit
I - v SMS
I nmiiPt t j v
I JBTt LIT. and Mia. J.
Vinton Scott have had a their
aeat laaL week Rev;
I Frank Wyman of Rangoon, Bur-
bl The croun were chlldhn-vf
riena.- BeT. Wyman has been
Tears, andI retara tterVthU
month with his .tomily, ?,: ?
Mr. and lira: Joto Spranger
have had as their guest reenUy
I Guy Helsrodt of Jahelm, CaliL
I TTis lata fr TTp I urn.t mnA ifM
Spranger were slaters. Heiarodt
1 u an orange grower.
j RICKREALL The 4H elab
1 leaders meeting will be held
1 Rstnrdav r Vhrnarv 11 in tYtm
1 grange han.
A TB skin teat will be given
March .T. la the school building.
Proration EndsatFrendh Border;
Gaunt from banser and suffering
through the Spanish mountains,
if '
child first thing after arrival at Le Boulon, France, are raues nonn
of the Snaniah-French border. Scenes each as this were common m
refugees from the Spanish civil
Alllllial Martha WashlUgtOIl Silver
Tea Slated at
WOODBURN The annual
tea sponsored by the Woodburn Woman's club for the benefit
of the book fund of the public library, will be held Wednesday
afternoon, February 22, at 2:30 o'xiock in the club rooms at
the City library.
J. M. RingO, club
National Learier
Is Coming loth
LYONS At the Lyons Town-
send club No. 1 meeting at the
community hall Mrs. Marion Nei
gle of Lacomb gave an Interest
ing talk. Mr. Wettenan, national
representative from Chicago will
be present February 18 for the
regular meeting. The club is
planning a program and refresh
ments for that date and every
one is invited to attend.
Everett Crabtree and Mr. Alec
Bodeker went to Powers Thurs
day morning after a boiler for
the Linn Lumber company. They
expect to be gone two days.
Lyons members attending the
'National Fellowship" tea in
Stayton Tuesday were Mrs. Paul
Smith, Mrs. Charles Peterson,
Mrs. Roy Huber, Mrs. George
Clipfell, Mrs. G. F. Johnston.
Mrs. Albert Julian) Mrs, May
Swank, Miss Fannie Wilson, Mrs.
ill I D. Aatj 6, iu a. VIU AUIAUU,
Mrs. Douglas Gavette, Mrs. Hugh
Gavette, Mrs. Paul Johnston,
Mrs. Alva Wise and Mrs. Ed Spa.
The Lyons ladies presented a
short missionary play,-"Six Moth
era in person."
4-H Sewing club will enjoy a
valentine party at the home of
their leader, Mra. L. L. Shields,
February 17.
TflaSfc &Hfeg Is&t Day!!
v N " f
' X:i:i:
; When we dose our store Tonight, iffjSh
we fclose our FLORSHEBI sale!- . W&Z
When we close our store Tonight,
we fclose ; our FLORSHEBI sale ! '
It's been the biggest one in years,
tut there are plenty. of styles , and :
. ... sizes left! We tirgejqutohiirry!!!
m i l a a -r
from the fatlane of aa Icy trefc
this Spanish mother had to feed her
war poured Into France. AP Tele-
Woodburn for 22nd
Martha Washington silver
president, has appointed these
Program Mrs. L. S. Mochel,
Mrs. Wallace Jones and Mrs.
Blaine McCord.
Table, Mrs. Carl Huber. Mrs.
Milton Gralffrp, Mrs. Walter Mil
ler, Mrs. J J. Hall.
ruicnen, Mrs. j. . jonnson,
Mrs Rodney Alden, Mrs. Edgar
Dodge, Mrs. L. C. Austin, Mrs. A.
J. Mitchell, Mrs. B. M. Randall.
Mrs. Elburn Sims, Mrs. Q. C.
Beers and Mrs. E. J. Allen.
Hospitality, Mrs. J. M. Ringo,
Mrs. Henry Hall and Mrs .W. D.
Pouring, Mrs. F. W. Settle-;
meir, Mrs. W. D. Simmons, Mrs.
A. E. Austin and Miss Mary Scol
Publicity, Miss Vera Bogard
and Miss Mary Scollard.
Scott Home Opened
To Dorcas Club
BETHEL Mrs. J. Vinton
Scott opened her home on the
Pen road for the February meet
ing of the Bethel Dorcaa club
Wednesday. Assistant hostesses
were Mrs. T. W. Beamish, Mra.
A. e. LaBranche. Mrs. J. R. Car
ruthers. Noon dinner waa served
for 18 guests altd members. Tne
Valentine motif waa carried out.
Guests were Mrs. S. Hamrlck,
Mrs. J. R. Colgan of Jefferson.
Roll call brought out is teres t
ing facts and anecdotes concern
ing Lincoln and Washington.
Mra. A. J. Klug will entertain
the club at her home in March.
a33Csiav -v mm I
State' President
DALLA&Mrat Carrie" Rlciert
of.lledfbnLv aUtel. president of
the Rbekah ; "assembly of Ore-;
con.-Mid her ornciai vuit to the
Almlra Rebekah lodge Wednes
day night "with members of Sa
lem and Falls City lodgea also
, The start ot tne Aimira ne
bekah lodge' put on the degree
work after which a Dallas and a
Falls City "eaadidate were initi
ated.' " ' " '
'Mrs. ' Rkkert was - presented
gifts from r the . Dallas .lodge by
Mrs.- C. - B. - Teats and :the Falls
Clly lodge by Mrs. Jessie Moyer;
Mrs. Irene Lynn, captain or tne
Almlra Rebekah drill staff, was
presented a gift "by Mrs. Alda
Burns. ' . . . ' !
; Special guests "were Mrs. Ver
nlsha Newby ot Amity, state war
den of the Rebekah assembly and
Carl Engstrom of Salem, grand
representative of the Encamp
ment of Oregon, IOOF. A supper
hour was enjoyed -by about 80
Card Party Tonight
Open to Public .
LAKE LABISH A public car a.,
party Saturday night, February
11, is the big topic for this
neighborhood. The party is to
be given by the Labish Royal
Neighbors, at their hall In the
Beckner neighborhood.
Lunch la scheduled. The en
tertainment is in ' charge of
Georgia Matthes, Iva Media and
Pearl Harris; refreshments, Myr
tle Beckner, Ethel McClay, Nel
lie McCandlish, Lena Zielinskl,
Lila Duffus and Betty Groves.
Verda Beckner will entertain
the Royal Neighbors sewing club
February 16 at an all-day meet
ing at the Royal Neighbor hall.
Have recoanized
health propertied
"Apple compounds added to
bread, as much as 20 per cent,
leave an alkaline residue which
counteracts the acid residue left
ty bread."
U. S. Fruit and Vegetable
By-Praduas Expert
And APPEaL'Bread hat.
At Your Grocer
"Baked by Master Bakers"