The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday- Morning, February 10, 1939 PAGE SEVEN Tax Structure Is Faulty IionsTold Intangibles Tax Unfair to r Small Stockholder Rep. r 77; Farrell Avers; . ; Labeling the present Intangibles tax unfair to widows and small stockholders. Rep. Robert. B. Far ratt, it- member of the house tax : and reTenue committee from Malt - nomsh county, declared before the - Lions club yesterday noon.- that changes should 'be made in-the Oregon tax structure. Disclaiming any desire to speak for Goternor Sprague, Farrell opined that the goTemor, with the majority of the committee, riew the situation in a . similar. -light. .1 Outlining highlights of progre'ss made by the legislature in attempt to arrire at a feasible solution to the , rerenue dilemma, Farrell re ferred to HB 25, the measure to suspend the present intangibles tax. This he said would not exempt delinquent -.. taxpayers - under the . present law, nor would It do away with the machinery for .resuming collections at a later date.? - r : r.Hlts Proposed Act Farrell referred to H. B. SO as a copy of the Wisconsin plan with fixed credit features which he labeled "too drastic on the small Income people."- He also announc ed his opposition to taking the seeded - additional revenue from property owners because the prop erty taxpayers now carry more than their share. - "When you consider that It Is going to take four to fire million dollars to meet the old age prob- - iem," .he said, "the job is too big to be solved in the income field alone." Farrell confessed that the cpmmittee had not yet arrived at a solution. He stated, however, that committers of both house and senate wire v orking overtime in 'Inhexitg Needle FromMother sVM"i"iifiViiirri-ii iftViTar--irtfirr j-wmnltmw msktf Si Sirs. Mary Toxzo of New York City Is shown holding a needle, which , she claimed passed from he body to that of her baby before the : child was born. The needle was removed from the child's back. Phy- ' sicians are pazzled, bat admit the possibility. The fact the eye of the needle pointed inward, instead of outward, "was considered to substantiate the theory offered by the mother. AP Telemat. . Red Chile Aid tenter Local Chapter Will Accept Voluntary Gifts for Quake Area Relief The Marlon county chapter of the American Red Cross has been Instructed by national headquar ters that the Increasing needs de veloping out of the recent Chilean disaster makes it advisable 'for local chapters to accept 'Voluntary contributions from, those people in their communities who desire to assist directly in the emergen ey still existing. , r sumey, Medicine Already Sent . It la, announced that money, medical supplies and. tents for Shelter have already been sent in large quantities from the Amer ican Red Cross to the Chilean Red Cross for distribution to the earthquake victims. The Ameri can Red Cross has also sent dis aster workers to assist the Chile an Red Cross In the. difficult task rot rehabilitation The local Red Cross chapter will make no campaign for funds. but will be glad to accept any vol untary contributions which com munity members would like ' to have forwarded to the stricken area. order to reach an agreement with in a few days. Sensible Solution Seen The speaker closed with a tri bute to the present membership of the legislature. "The feet of your legislators are on the ground and I have confidence that they will arrive at a sensible solution to the present day problems in Ore gon." It was announced that a recep tion will be given at the Blind school for Bill Root, director of the Lion's charity show "Hit It Up" to be given February 21, and 12. The following committees were announced by Lion President Al Ramsyer: Sports, Harold Pruitt, W. B. Ashby, Bill Dunsmoor, and W. R. Newmyer; Dr. Lloyd Hock ett added to the education com mittee; welcome committee, A. C. Burk, Paul Acton, Percy Blundell, Dr. Estill Brunk and Eugene Grebenhorst. CONSISTENCY is what connts in food buying what we mean by consis . tency is consistent LOW PRICES not only on our weekend specials or so called loss leaders but we also sell at extremely low prices day after day, week after week month after month, year after year. WESTERN FOOD PRICES are extremely low one trial will convince you this statement is correct. Mill Drv Pack m Reg. 5-Oz. Tin Ul Per Dozen 1.17 Bartan's Black or Brown Paste Per Tin :-4 ' .Arizona Seedless, good size sweet enough without sagar. Per .'. Dozen PARSNIPS Per lb. 19 c 2c SOAP Wl 5 NAPTif A 10t? 43c Tomato Juice c.h. b; Reg. size tin. 4 for 19c Nucoa lb.' 19c 2 lbs. 37c Our Treat! ALL DAY SATURDAY Hot Chocolate Mad With CARNATION MILK cans MILK Tall cans Oregon, Armour's or Morning 3 cans flaV Per Case, 48 Cans, 2.99 S intia a usage Reg. Size cans for as POPCORN Local Groten Of Course It - ' Will Pop 3M06 HAGIC RECIPE QUICK FONDANT liuk. Aaiyjli. wmt.Jim hNw. m tana art MI wm rafl ha aaH at mr hnaM cscaaot; ar mm k ! Mtarfaf Mitom Ma Eagle BnAiiD Uagic ituxtx 19c ffWOTEKD- C0IDERSCO) SUGAR Coffee Airmail Lb. 15c a lbs. 45c Morning Star 1 Lb. 23c Uw. 45c Breakfast Club Per -lb. 24c TOBACCO PRINCE ALBERT 1 23c Pipe, 1 10c pkg. Prince )Qfi Albert, a 36c value for liyKt CIGARETTES Camels, Lnckies, Old Golds, Chester fields or Raleighs, " f fj m per carton...L PRINCE ALBERT, VELVET -or HALF AND HALF V FLOUR Castle Brand, 49 lbs. .. Montana hard wheat. Ever-Right, 49 lbs.... Oregon hard wheat Kitchen Queen, 49 lbs....... fRecl, Write Blue, 491bs. Killed of choice Blae Stem wheat. uT: 10c T" 1.19 m n" ': Golden UGftR Orders of $2.03 and Up DeliTered FsW Open UnUl 9 P. M. Sat. Ere. 137 So. Commercial 7311 Phone i"v"ir7CTD "Bacalag Hiajb sPHeea, Independent Grocers 100 Home Otmed Iaaak Brosn Owner Colton Boys Win HUBBARD Colton high school basketball team won a hard' fought game from Hubbard high Friday night at Hubbard. The score was 29 to 24. dDim dDii By DOROTHY THOMPSON (Continued from Page .) to interfere with the free speech of others. If forms of direct or Indirect coercion are the path to war, we bad better prepare to protect oar. selves more rigorously again jt ciTll strife. To sum up: Ideas are spread by force. The concept that they should be no spread is itself an idea. The con cept that they should be spread by tree discussion and reason is a contrary and therefore hostile Idea that may yet hare to defend Itself in arras since no one can reason with a tank. And the spreading of ideas by economic sanctions I. e.. force has al ready too deeply penetrated thi i democracy. Copyright, im. New York Trib une Inc. . "Edisbn Day" Is Turned Down Here . Governor Charles A. Sprague, In a letter to Governor Harry A. Moore of New Jersey, declined to issue a proclamation in behalf of appropriate public observance of the birthday anniversary of Thomas A. Edison on February 11.- Governor Sprague said he had been reluctant to issue procla mations except when a matter I of particular Importance was in volved. . Marion, Polk FSA Aids 258 Families Some Receive Farm Loans, Others Get Inventory, Budget 'Advice Farm and home inventories. budgets and accounts are helping over 258 Marion and Polk county farm families chart their course to greater security through the rehabilitation program of the farm security administration T. R. Hobart, FSA supervisor, Sa lem, reports. ' Each family receiving an FSA loan for necessary livestock, farm equipment. ' household goods or other operating items agrees to keep careful records to guide its enterprise and place the farm on a business-like basis.. .This forms the . basis for placing in effect practical farming and home plans that will insure maximum returns for. the year's operations. Starting out with a complete inventory of land, equipment, lirestock. feed, seed and house hold goods quickly reveals what operating goods will be needed for the year, determines the farm and home plana and provide for an accurate cheek of these fa cilities at the end of each year. Numerous Events Scheduled, OSC The following state or regional events ' held at or sponsored by. Oregon State college are scehd uled for the last half of Febru ary and early March: Dairy manufacturing short course at Corvallis, February 13 to 20. State agricultural . banquet. OSC, February 16. Snowball Dangerous SILVERTON William Scarth. 12, is at a Salem hospital re ported seriously injured when' hit by a snowball thrown by a school mate Wednesday. Scarth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Scarth of Silverton. Oregon Dairy Manufacturers' t association convention, OSC Feb-.;. ruary 21 to 24. . , --' Oregon meeting National Farm' Loan association, OSC, February' 24 and 25. Annual state foresters' ban quet, February 25. Eastern Oregon 4H club local : leaders annual conference. Union, March 3. Biological science conference, : OSC, March 4. . " State grange lecturers' con vena tion, QSC, March 8-10. ; w I QJAjuut, l&a d'ewe. waa Z2a&t ' ) CORNER COURT AND HIGH STS. This store is open from 7:80 A. M. to 10 P. M. every day, in eluding Sundays and Holidays. NEXT DOOR TO GRAND THEATRE Low Cut Prices on Natitonally Advertised Products . . . Showing You a Substantial Savings ... We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities 60c ITALIAN BALM Buy Both for and a 75c Home Dispenser 57c S0c Listeiine Tooth Paste ""CRQn and a 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brush Va Squibb's Aspirin Tablets Bottle of 200 for 63c YARDLEYS LAVENDER SOAP 3 bars for $1.00 75c Yardleys Lavender Free 35c CAMPANA'S ITALIAN BALM and 20c Dreskin Coolies 65c Value Buy both for 29c 50c BUNDS H & A CREAM 39c and a 10c Bottle Free 100 Hal liver Oil Caps. $1.19 Societe Valentine Heart Boxes 15c . 25c . 50c 75c. $1.00 $1.50 - $2.00 - $3.00 See Oar Windows Large Assortment Valentines Comics, Mechanical and " Conventional Prices 1c . 2c 3c . 5c 10c.15c.25c Castile Soap JKy 1g 29c AVJv I Samson I I v Samson I jti&A Samson Healing Pad . Lamps ,3H V"" oirfnSed if $195 Wfft a"mt UMM $2q95 illJ 02T95 $1.90 1-lb. tin Prince Albert Fresh Stock 69c Camel Cigarettes Cartoa 01.17 1-lb.tia ; Geo. Washington 49 Book Matches SO Books in Carton 9C 5e Nestle Bars Fresh Stock StorlOC PATE2STS 60c Alka-Seltzcr ...... 40c Fletchers Castoria 31c 35c Vicks Vapo-Rub ............27c 75c Listerine Antiseptic . 59c 35c Hills Nose Drops . ..29c .65c Pinex for Coughs 54c 100 Super D Perles $231 $1.25 Creo-Mulsion . $1.12 $15 Petrolagar, all numbers89c $15 Van-Tagc, 2 bottles ... $1.98 TOILETRIES $1.00 Pacquins Hand Cream.. ..63c 65c Ponds Face Creams ..........39c 500 Sheet Ponds Tissue .23c 60cPhillips Face Creams 49c 25c Djerkiss Talcum ..1..15c $1.00 Tangee Lip Sticks 79c 35c Cutex Nail Polishes ... 31c 50c Santiseptic Lotion 45c 50c Chamberlain Hand Lotion 42c Factors Normalizing Cream ...,55c PILLS and TABLETS 50 Anacin Tablets .1 .LJ..::.59c 50 Caroid & Bile Salts Tablets..53c 100 Bayer Aspirin Tablets ..i...59c 50 Hal Liver Oil Caps .69c 100 A-B-D-G Caps .... -$2.39 25c Carters Liver Pills .L.17c s 75c Doans Pills ......2;iJ53c (SOcZilatone -.:...49c 10c Turns .... 3 lor 25c J ?Lg Chocolate Exlax ...U.-X47cr 'f' TOILETRIES ,t ; 60c Drene Shampoo , ... ..:49c 25c Lovalon : Rinses -ZiL. 19c 40c Squibb's Tooth iPaste . 33c ; 50c Vitalis for the Hair 1........39c 50c Ipana Tootb' Paste wi..39c: 50c Lyons TootH Powder 1L 35c 50c;Wjlliamii Aqua Velvai...39e 50c Molle Shave Cream 1356 Pure Castile Soap Lw.10c Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions -Our Service Is Accurate and Economical Weekend features- all week. If you find It in convenient to do your week's shopping on the: weekend, you. need not be concerned, because weekend prices ' are always in effect at PigglyJ' Wiggly, where yon "Serve Yourself and Savei' Six Days February 10th to 16th Inclusive J cartons i r'l. Whole Milk Cheddar J-lb. loaves ALDER'S N-4 0 No. 1 oval tins. Tomato Sauce, for i2oz. cans anasi an Pure Vegetable In your jug Gal. jomisoirs Glo-Coat IV, Pints for the Prfc. f a Pint Polish J-lb. cartons (SIFIFISIS CIS Golden West 1-lb. tin 25C 2US 0 1-lb. tin 19c 3 lbs. 2 Mello-Fruited In your jug---Gal. Pkg. Grade "A" : Friday & Saturday only ?? MYSTERY ITEM?? Something of unusual value. Investigate. It's worth-, while. Come to the store, read the placard in the' window. This tea is a REAL special. I 3 : iff. - "J , i; -i i " ;