The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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    ill.ul 1 1
numerous Clubs
ThisVJeek '
Club week It li with numerous
Juncheons and bridge parties
.slated (or today and Tlday. Mr.
and Mrs. David Wright are en-
tertalnlng members of their din,
ner dob tonight at their home
on Stewart street. Mr. and Mra.f
lUj tocom will be additional,
..guests and cards will be in play
. Goring the evening. .-
' Mrs. H. R. Kouinson has bld-
. i dea member of her club to a
.dessert luncheon and cards this
a.ternoon at her home on North
1 ith street. Several additional
guests have : been invited and
contract-will be In play during
. th afternoon.
'. Mrs. James B. Toung will be
a luncheon hostess today at her
Korth Summer street home in
. t compliment to members ot her
"club and a few additional guests.
Tables for contract will be la
lay following the luncheon.
Club Members Feted
Mrs. James Hardle will honor
- members ot her club tonight with
. a late ' supper . following an eve
ning, of cards. Miss Genevieve
:- iReed will be an additional guest -'
and"the ; Patriotic .motif will" be '
-leased in the appointments.
Mrs. Charles Felke has invited
members" ot, her club to luncheon
and cards Friday : afternoon at
Vher horn on Richmond. Mrs.;
Joan Bagley and Mrs. Kenneth'
, Mnrdock win be additional guests.
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy was host
,ess to members of the Adolynk
"ielub Wednesday afternoon for
: luncheon ' and an afternoon of
contract. Mrs. John Brady was
a special guest.
' Mr. and Mrs. Harris Liets
' were hosts to members of their
-dinner and pinochle cl-b last
night at their South Liberty
.street home. The members are
Mr. add Mrs. Richard Meyer, Mr.
and Mrs. B. H. Kennedy, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Hunt and Mr.
and Mrs. Liets. ,
Thursday Club Tea at
- Boise Home Today
On today's calendar is the tea
for which members of the Thurs
day lub will be hostesses at the
home of Mrs. Reuben P. Boise
on North Summer street in com
pliment to Mrs. Charles A.
- Spragae and members of the leg
islative contingent. Calling hours
" are from 3 to C o'clock.
- Presiding at the. tea urns will
be Mrs. Richard Cartwright, Mrs.
George . A. Pearce,i Mrs. Russell
. Catlin . and Mrs. Robert Hen
dricks. Assisting In the serving
will be Mrs. Irving Rand of Port
land, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs.
Prince - W. Byrd, Mrs. Braiier
.Small, Mrs. John J. Elliott. Mrs.
.Paul Hendricks. Mrs. Richard
Slater. Mrs.. H. P,
. Noble. Mrs.
:B.eyman Boise. Mrs. Roy H.
Mills, Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Miss
1 Dorothy Pearce .and Dr. Helen
Pearce. r
Among the out-of-town guests
at th . affair will h MrsT Rn.
fdolph Prael of Portland who will
, be the guest of Mrs. Boise and
Mrs. Estes Snedecor and Miss
Constance King of Portland, who
will be . guests of Mrs. Frank
The PI Beta Phi alumna; their
husbands and escorts .will be en
tertained at a no-host dinner par-
ty tonight at the home of Dr. and
t.wmm mn, 7
I, The committee arranging the af-
. fair Includes Mrs. King, Mrs. Har
i old Ladd and Mrs. Clarence Ham-
, llton.
. .
nn. ueorge uiicn nu xir.
; George Whit, motored to Corval-
. Bond, wire or Major Bona, was
Jiosiess.. ....
" Chadwkk chapter, - Order of
Friday will be heldthe moatb- Eastern Star , met Tuesday night
Tly meeting ?or the Waldo Hill' Ja the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Har
;eemiha.nity club special r, e. Crawford, worthy matron
-fr?I,wmfIJ hlfi 5'Md Mr JSi M,urra7,' w.Lthy
r the: Chemawa . Indian school. Ncl natron, nresided. Mrs. Haiel Foa-
beet lunch and dancing, " '
' f Mrs. .George Weller and Mrs,
Wallace Carson were the lun
cheon guests ot Miss EloUe Buck
at the Monmouth Normal school
i:f - -
! Sir. and Mrs. Walter Kirk
i have returned from a stay in San
' Francisco.
.-uv;-:"--.-:v:v: ' aaarssraaasaa '
: . i . . ; 1 p n l2 V7
I.": THE NEY I L a.lJ 6T9
Wcdnrsday, Febraary ,
Ladies' guild. Araerlcaa Ltt
theran chnrcb, 1 p.m. ':
Presbyterian ? Women's Mis
sionary society meet at church.
2 p-ra
Catholic Daughters of Am-
erica, card party. Women's elub-, :
holaz KtiSJr'aLi-
faculty room. 1:30 p.m.
Hal Hlbbard aaxlUary bene
fit card party at Cherry City
bakery. .7:30 p.m. Public In
vited. West Salem Woman's clnb
meets at clubroom, Z p.m.
. Woman's Home Missionary
society of Leslie church with
Mrs. E. A. Rboten, 169S South
High. 2 p. m.
Women's Foreign Mission
ary society, of First Methodist
church meet in Carrier room .
. 2:15 p. m. v
Missionary society. First
Congregational church, with
Mrs. M. M. Fake, 842 S. 12th,
2:30 p. m.
FOE social club with Mrs.
Ray Moore, Pacific highway,
cars leave Fraternal temple
1:30 p. m.
... .t --
Thenday, February 9
Pythian Sister card party at
Kp hail. t .m,' -; -zy
Mothers' elub of Troup: 12
with Mrs. Merrill J3arber ,48r'
North IWb street, 2:30 pV m. ..
Merry Minglers with Mra, C.'
L. Snyder 2 p. m. ' -:'.'.':'
Willing Workers' class ' of
First Christian church with
Mrs. Carl Cellers, 910 North
Church 2 p. m.
Woman's Missionary society,
United Brethren church with
Miss Bertha VanCleave, 940 -N.
17th, 2:30 p. m.
Woman's Relief Corp meet
at Fairgrounds for all day
Woman's Benefit association
rCgular meeting at WCTU hall,
201 S. Commercial, 8 p. m.
. Maccabee tent hive 122, bus
iness meeting Fraternal temple,
1 p. m., also program.
Friday, February 10
Juvenile Neighbors of Wood
craft, Valentine 4 p. m.. Frater
nal temple.
Daughters of Union Veter
ans of Civil War at WCTU
hall, at 8 p. m.
Woman's Missionary society
of First Baptist church meet
at church, 2 p. m.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
auxiliary; 8 p. m., at J. P. Ster
lman home, 220 Meyers street.
Benefit tea by Mothers club
for scout troop No. 1 at home
of Mrs. Bertha Ray, 1311 S.
Liberty, 2 o 5 p.m.
Monday, February 13
Executive committee, Amer
ican Legion auxiliary, with
Mrs. F. Alfred Williams.
ir..i rii. t
vomers wuu invilCU
Tn Prnoram Ta
f Trooram lca
Mrs. T. M. Smith and Mrs. J
. .
A- 11,1,8 were hostesses to mem-
Ders of tBe Dalda Dau Gamma
Mothers' club Tuesday afternoon
at Lausanne hall. . The program
included vocal numbers by J. A.
Sholseth and a talk by Mrs. L. B.
Jones. At the tea hour the host
eases were assisted by Misses Mar
cia McClaln, Barbara, Pinney and
Beth Hall.
o y-
Saussure, Mrs. L. B. Jones, Mrs.
T. v tiKK.
Present were Mrs. Charles De-
C. L. Riggs, Mrs. N. C. Hubbs,
Mrs. H. Clark, Mrs. A. J. Vick,
Mrs. M. M. Magee, Mrs. Norma
Shaw. Mrs. J. A. Mills. Mrs. T. M.
Qmith M T rit.natHrk Misii
i-?- Sh,6eth nd
ter of Carnatioi: chanter. Prine-
vllle wa. an. honored' guest. The
initlatdry work was given for
xirm na s ru,sart
The meetl-g of Pro-America.
which was scheduled for next
Monday at the. Marion hotel, has
been postponed until Monday,
February 20.: !
flu i J Kfamharc
Hostesses for
Bridge Party
A deUghtful affair of Tuesday
sight was the benefit bridge par
ty for which members of the St.
Cecelia Guild of St. Paul's Eplsco- ,
. pal church were hostesses at the
parish halL
Winning prizes were Miss Vlr-V
: gJnia Cross, Mrs. Joseph Felton
and Ren Georga Swift. Refresh
ments, were served following the
evening's play and. presiding at
the table were. Mrs. Nora Ball and
" Mrs. George Swift.
Attending were Rev. and Mrs.
George H. Swift, Mr. and Jtrs..
I George OttenK Miss Mabel McCul
! lough, Mrs. A. L. Yates, Mrs. Nora
Ball, Mrs. Claude M. Johns, Mrs.
! B. P. Pound, Mrs. W.U. JCraas,
Mrs. Thomas JC. Rilea, Mrs, .Wil
lis E. Vincent, Mrs. O. K. Da Witt,
Mrs.-William H. Burghardfc Mnu
1 Rex Sanford. Miss Harriet Webb,
Mra. JH. H.Princehouse; arMra.
I Irvine Capllnger, MrsL" A; Ha-
i gef, Mrs. Franklin Prlncehoase,
Mrs. S. G. Hinkle," MrsT Paul
L Ficke. Mrs.' JohaA. 01soh,' Mrs. .
r'A. H. Wnsori. Miss Marguerite
Smith, Miss Jean Pound, Miss Ed
. na Matthls, Jliss Lucy Fisher, .
Miss Elizabeth O'Reilly. Miss Ann
Juranek, Miss Hilda Fries,' Mias
Eliae Schroeder, Miss lone War-.
ren, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Kromer,
Mr. and Mrs. James Laidlaw. Mrs.
Kittle Graver, Mrs. Nellie Harris,
: Mrs. Jessie Jones, Mrs. Florence
.Irwin, Miss Clara Urlaub, Miss
Mildred Beeson, Miss Ruth Glvan,
: Miss Helen Hiller, ; Miss Marian
Hultenburg, Miss 'Ruth SUrrett,
: Miss Ruth Sawyer, Miss Virginia
: Cross, Mrs. Lawrence Anderson,
Mrs. Joseph Felton, Miss Beulah
Campbell, Miss Marian Bretx,
Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Miss Char
lotte McClary, Miss Jacauellne.
Williams, Miss Barbara MeLomghr
lin and Miss Shirley Evenson.
Miss Mielke Entertains
Delta Zeta Alumnae
Miss Clara Mielke entertained
the alumnae of Delta Zeta so
rority at her home on State street
Taesday night with an attractive
party carrying out the Valentine,
theme in decorations and ap
pointments. Honors in contract went to
Vinril sexton ThT rn also
enloVed a "white lenhant'' rift
Mrs. BJarne Ericksen and Mrs.
Mrs VI Shaffer a Delta ZeU
from Kansas university was
welcomed as a new member,
Members of the alumnae assoela-
tion are: Mrs. Floyd Bowers,
Mrs. B. L. Bradley, Mrs. Edmond
Carle ton, Mrs. Ward Davis, Mrs.
George Douglas, Mrs. BJarne
Ericksen, Mrs. c! F. Feike, Miss
Clara Mielke. Miss Maxlne Paul
sen, Miss Grace Rucker, Mrs.
Virgil Sexton, Miss Anne Marie
Tetlow, Mrs. H. W." Williams and
Miss Ruth Ward.
The Women's Auxiliary to the
Disabled American Veterans of
the World War held an all day
sewing meeting at the home of
Mrs. E. T. Ideen. No host lun-
cheon at noon. The day was
spent In sewing for the Roseburg
facility and a quilt was started
Ior -weiiaremmutee. Taps
Present were; Mrs. rrana tnro-
Mrs. Otto Mehlhoff. Mrs.
Hansen!1 Mrs!
raui Tnaraison, Mrs. Herman
imkj, jnrs. atxbw urewsier,
rf" ,;rt!i
or0 M MW"J2I? 0strJinder'
to kospiUl chafman and. aa-
tional executive eommitteewom-
'.. 'A
" w'
Wallace Wharto. la eater-
will be
T nome on North iCapitoi
street in compliment to Miss Julia
Qnery of Los Angeles who is Tis-
itiaa in the canital
' SW".
Dr. and Mrs. Brace Rr Baxter
have as their house guests, Bishop
and Mrs. W. Bertrand Stevens of
Los Angeles. '
' '
Packed with features youll find in no other stand
ard washer $20.00 higher conveniences
you'll find in no other washer at ArlYjpxice--4his new
EASY Washer is a sensational BARGAIN at its new low
. " ...
New Rubber-tacted Turbolator wrashing actioa mora durable. 20 -enLler
. 1 itardy wring--with hill-w V
f FInisld la grey and whUe-r-with porcakdn anamel tub Rut- '
proof wKb, nww Bonderita trecrtxnent of all cheat metal parts Chip- -
wiut new jxacea iamei.iinita
t a. . ;
o o
j .
Mm Awn)
"? ' a '
I'm looking for a spot remover to remove the spot left by a spot
remover !"
There's more than a snot of fashion
.jroaM jroa wish one lota of it removed, so full ot harmonious swing
is the whole. Of sand colored tweed, it predicts that light shades
will race to a photo finish with darks for coats this spring. A crim
son leather belt pulls through stitched tabs topping the godets
which give the skirt its flare. Wear an ascot to match the belt.
Copyright, 1939, Esquire Features, Inc.
Those eoncert-goers of Salem
rlclnlty who tor the past two
enjoying com-
lorvauie ana iiincuii ucsue u-
ditorium will have an opportunity
now to prove appreciation, be-
cause there's to be a concert giv-
n on February 17 for the bene-
lit of the piano fund. Perhaps
many have not known that the
grand piano being used by musl-
clans has been purchased and win
be In the auditorium permanently,
But tne program to ne present-
ed for the beneiit or tne piano
fund, under the auspices of the
Leslie PTA, is going to be one of
unusual Interest because Jean
Hobson Rich and Kmory Hobson
are presenting a two-piano recital
as the evening's attraction. This is
the first public appearance of this
talented brother and sister duo,
and the news of their program is
being received with a great deal
of enthusiasm among those who
know of their musicianship.
f r-L.U- "o .
MUSIC Clubs Beginning
Program Series
The Oregon Federation of Mu-
,A rinha i. herinnlnr a series
of weekly radio programs over
KSLM tonight at 10 o'clock with
m eoneert Ten ,by a quarttt
tr0m tne Congregational
church. The schedule Is being
arTanrd bv ' :u Uireimt flan
-d Bniletr
Mng . by Mrg NeTa Mundinger.
ui.. vmhu xihi...
. . vr . mi
r K.r;'r.
. , 7? . . , '
gfS Xl?0 wind
Lo, How rm Biominiretorint
iM J thi, tkw-- -- ew4
Prayer Fro, H..,i d Creu..
Uiettme gear com Gfentrai .
. 325 COURT St:
O ::ph6ne1i5022
Women's EdUor-
in this new spring coat nor
Art Center Reception
On Friday
A special musical program is
being arranged for the art public
reception and open house being
given at the Art Center Friday
night by the Willamette university
quartet, composed of advanced
students an d Including Dorothy
iira, wuu wiwvsii
Mabelle Tilham riollnists and
Lois Burton, pianist. This group
of musicians as appeared fre-
quently at various social events
and broadcasts for the Willamette
program over KOAC.
Officers including Mrs. Vernon
a. Douglas, retiring president of
the Art Center, and Mr. Varney
e. Kuhn, newly elected president
wm be honored at the reception.
other officers, past and new, are
otto K. Paulus, Mrs. J. M. Devers,
jjrs. w. E. Anderson, Mrs. Ora F.
Mclntyre, Miss Esther Wilcox, Mr.
Tinkham Gilbert, Mr. E. O. Stad-
ter, jr., Mr. Loren Bouller and Dr.
p. q. Franklin,
Open house will be observed
fft,m eight to eleven that evening
m the galleries and studios,
The special exhibition in the main
gallery is of work by Marius Hu
bert-Robert, famous French artist,
and the entrance galleries will
show a special exhibition of litho
graphs by New York artists. This
show includes work by most of
New York's best known lithog-
r.r.hpr. luMnrilnr imnM m.nrh
Adolph Dehn, Mabel Dwlght, Ku-
nlyoshl and Raphael Soyer. Of
ggtSi?1 interest wlU be work
Jy Salem artisU Tand students in
the Center, to be displayed In the
-.... vi.k i.... .m..
VTZa .r'V.. , rr.,..
ITS Z S: urS
' - .
be painted for Garfield school by
tw. ae' . "a n
two students, and drawings and
paintings oy aouit students.
A" Slem residenU inTlted
to tne receDtion Pen house,
which will be Informal. The plans
are in charge of Mrs. Chester Cox
all ot the. member, ot the
of direetorg of the Art Cen
ter will assist and receive.
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Kromer
had as their weekend guests Miss
Jane O'Reilly of Seattle and Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. O'Reilly of Port
land. Miss O'Reilly is sailing
February 28 from San Francisco
on . the S. S. Washington to New
York where she will visit on the
east coast. Mr. and Mrs. Kromer
entertained with an informal
party last Tuesday in celebration
of their 10th wedding anniver
sary. Makes the Most
ijou have ever
due to the
' At Your Grocer: ;
"Baked by Blaster Bakers"
Tea Is Arranged
For Sunday at
Rhoten Home
, The Delta Phi sorority alum
nae are entertaining with a lovely
tea Sunday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. George Rhoten on South
Church street, Bidden to the af
fair are the patronesses, honorary
members, : Salem mothers club,
Portland mothers club and alum
nae, and friends of the Salem
alumnae. Calling hoars are from
three to five o'clock. .
Mrs. Verne Bain will greet the
guests at the door and receiving
the guests will be Mrs. Roy Locke
nour, Mrs. George Rhoten an
Mrs. Joseph Felton.
Mingling with the guests about
the rooms will bo Miss Doris Un
ruh. Miss Gwendolyn Hunt, Miss
Kay Rlnge, Miss Marian Bretx
and Mrs.- Gordon Skinner.
Assisting In the serving will be
Mrs. Delvin Durham. Mrs. David
Lewis, Mrs. Arthur B. Smith, Jr.,
Mrs. Hugh Church and Miss Ber
tha BabcecK. Other alumnae members-will'
assist about the rooms.
The table will be centered with
a bouquet of red carnations flank
ed by red tapers carrying out the
Valentine motif.
Legion Programs on
Air Today
The radio program of the
American Legion auxiliary to - he
on KSLM tonight at 9:30 is be
ing arranged by Mrs. Leon
Brown, and her national defense
committee. Senator Douglas Mc
Kay will speak and the string
ensemble of the Sacred Heart
academy will play "A National
Medley" by Hufurth, "Serenade"
by Toselli, "Carry Me Back to
Ole Virginie" by Bland and "All
American March" by Underwood.
The group in ludes Marjorie Mc
Dowell and Ruthyn Thomas, Ger
trude Scheiss and, with Aleana
Bremmer and Betty Brown at
the piano.
On February 12 the American
Legion will have on its radio
program Raymond Massey, star
of "Abe Lincoln," in observance
of the birth anniversary of Lin
coln. The program will originate
from the tomb of Abraham Lin
coln, at Springfield, Illinois, and
will be broadcast at 1:30 p.m.
CST over CBS national network.
National commander Stephen
F. Chadwick of the American Le
gion, and Mrs. T. K. Rinaker,
national vice president of central
division, American Legion auxil
iary, will be heard in the half
hour broadcast, which will be
part of the all-day observance
conducted by the American Le
gion in Springfield.
On February 22, from 5:00 to
5:15 p.m. EST, from Chicago,
on the Blue Network (KEX) ot
NBC, will come an address by
Mrs. James Morris, national pres
ident of the Legion auxiliary,
commemorating thebirthday of
George Washington.
Woman's Club to Have
Interesting Meeting
At the meeting of the Salem
Woman's club on Saturday, Ore
gon's 80th birthday will be cele
brated. The social committee
headed by Mrs. George R. K.
Moorhead, is arranging the deco
rations and the tea to be suggest
ive of pioneer days.
Mrs. C. C. Clark will give, a
talk on Oregon history and Mrs.
Glenn Paxson will Introduce the
relatives from the family album.
The soloist of the afternoon will
be Miss .Margaret Simms and the
Woman's club trio will sing a
group of songs. It Is guest day
and the ladies of the legislature
are especially invited.
Yo furnish ene-thira1 the price,
In cosh ev trade-in, ef the cor yew
wish fe bey (under three years
aid). We lend you the balance to
take a CASH DEAL en both car
nd Insurance. You eese'aef b
VmV to bcrnwfnm thit bnk.
Any ot 42 Branches
SboBDOITiffiDiinEa DDIiilC -of Portland
nui nisT national
Mrs. Canady Will
Honor Guest at
Mrs. Waldo Zeller.and Mrs.' Ed
win E. Thomas are entertaining
with a charmingly arranged re
ception tonight , at the former's
home on Hansen avenue In com
pliment to Mrs. H. A. Canady of
Roseburg, wife of Representative
Canady, who is In the capital
during the session. - Salem ma
trons and maids have been. asked
to call between S and 10 o'clock
to meet Mrs. Canady.
The hostesses and Mrs. Canady
will receive informally in the liv
ing room. Mrs. George R. K. Moor
head will greet the, guests at the
door and Mrs. Paul Acton and
Mrs. George Rhoten will mingle
with the guests.
Presiding at the serving table
will be Mrs. Earl Snell. Mrs. W.
W. Chadwick, Mrs. John Car
kin and Mrs. Ernest C. Richards.
Serving will be Mrs. Harry La
Don, Mrs. Saul Jans. Mrs. R.
Franklin Thompson and Mrs.
Lloyd Lee.
The table will be covered with
a hand painted damask cloth cen
tered with pastel spring" flowers,
in ah antique pink btfwL t"
Open Hoiise Saturday t
Lausanne Hall ' :
An event of Saturday night
will be the annual Lausanne Hall
open house from 7:30 to 10
o'clock. University folk and
townspeople are cordially Invited
to attend.
Miss Barbara Holllngworth
will introduce to the receiving
line which will include 'Miss Lo
rena Jack, Miss Olive M. Dahl,
Miss Kaye Atley and Miss Hazel
Sorenson. Miss Dorothy Baldwin
will greet the guests b the door, j
Presiding at the punch bowls :
during the evening will be Mrs.'
Bruce R. Baxter, Miss Helen Ar
thur, Miss Helen MacHirron, and
Miss Pearl Swanson. Girls resid
ing in the hall will assist about
the rooms and in the serving.
"Prelude to Spring" is the
theme for the decorations and
musical numbers will be given
during the evening: Miss Doro
thy Baldwin is in general charge
of the open house.
Mrs. Eby Hostess to
Missouri Club
Mrs. A. M. Eby was hostess to
members of the Missouri club at
her home on South Commercial
street Tuesday afternoon. Mrs.
Jessie Lucas was the assisting
hostess. The Valentine motif was
used in the decorations and re
freshments were served following
an informal afternoon.
Special guests were Mrs. Alvln
Stewart and Mrs. E. J. Garrett.
Members present were Mrs. P.
C. Harland, Mrs. Robert McClay,
Mrs. C. F. Watson, Mrs. E. W.
Harland, Mrs. U. F. , Niederhiser,
Mrs W. W. Rolofson, Mrs. F. M.
Hoyt, Mrs. A. Vltone, Mrs. E
Peterson, Mrs Edna Gilke, Mrs.
Archie Boyles, Mrs. W. E. Week
ley Mrs. J. Kelso, Mrs. Effie
Gage, Mrs. A. M. Eby and Mrs.
Jessie Lucas.
The Laurel Social Hour club
met Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. B. W. Emmett. Miss Betty
Krebs gave piano numbers and
Mrs. Fanny Brown gave a read
ing on Lincoln. Mrs. Emmett
was assisted by Mrs. Bina Boffel
and Mrs. Clara Smith. The next
meeting will be on February 21
at the home ot Mrs. Albert Beck
man. Mra. Laura Richardson and
daughter, Ardlss, of San Francis
co, are visiting in the capital as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. K.
DeWitt and are en route to Port
land where they plan to tempori
arily make their home. Mr. and
Mrs. DeWitt entertained with a
family dinner at their Court
street home last night in honor of
the visitors.
. cash won
i . .
banx west opthi rockixs"
Portland Symphony Will
Be Heard Tonight
The Portland symphony orches
tra, directed by Guest-Conductor
Paul Lemay. regular conduct ef
the Duluth symphony orchestra,
will be heard on the Standard
Symphony Hour this evening ever
KGW from 8:15 to 8:15.
For this 591st standard broad
cast, Mr. Lemay has chosen a pro
gram of the works of Sibelius.
Mendelssohn, . Weber, J ohan n
Strauss, and the contemporary
American composer Arthur Shep
herd. .
The program Is as fpllows:
Dr rrcischats Orrtr Wbr
Horimi: Tbs OU CUUiolm Trail
.. - Shcphaid
Wiener Blot: Vlt J oh ma Straos
Italiaa 8rmphBy.-(JI. , in A) . ..
FiUril - 8ibUu
Three opera stars beloved of the
people- and sophisticated' opera
goer will appear in Hossfni's "Bar
ber of Seville" on the . Metropoli
tan's weekly opera, broadcast. Lily
Pons, outstanding coloratura so
prano In the part of Rosina, Nino
Martini as Count rAImaviva, Rich
ard Bonelli as Figaro and Eiio
Pinxa as the music master BassiUo
are members ot a cast due to de
light radio audiences on Saturday.
,: Opera enthusiasts will enjoy
additional preparation for the
.broadcast at the Opera Guild's
' operalogtie which will be broad
. cast " Thursday afternoon over
KEX from 3 to 3 US and on re
cordings which one may bear in
the music room of the Salem pub
lic library.
The recordings are as follows:
Toaeanial and the New York Pbilbar-oaie-8ynphon7
Act 1 8cene 1
Larfe al Factotum (Roam for the Fac
totum) Lawrence Tibbett
Count AlmaiT
Se il mio some taper (Would You Know
Who Sifbi 'Neath Tour Window!)
.' Charlea HackeTt
Act 1 Scene 2
Una Toee poco fa (A Little IVoice I
Hear) Lily Pom
La Calunnia (Slander'i Whisper)
, Feodor Chaliapin
Hi-Y Mothers Feted
At McKee Home
Mrs. E. M. McKee was hostess
to the Hi-Y mothers t her home
Tuesday aftecnQon. Assisting
hostesses were Mrs. C. A. Kells.
Mrs. F. O. Bradshaw, and Mrs.
A. R. Ewing. Mrs.v . J. C. Leedy
presided at the' business meeting.
Dr. Frank Brown gave an in
teresting talk on "Christian
Home" and Mrs. Arthur Utlay
and her son William, gave sev
eral duet numbers accompanied
by Mrs. C. L. Blodgett. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. George Weller.
A Valentine dance, sponsored
by the Mmen and the Gleaners
of the Latter Day Saints in the
activity hall at Cottage and Che
meketa streets on Tuesday at
7:30 o'clock. The public Is in
Today's Menu
Rice waffles with creamed chip
ped beef will be the day's main
Banana nut salad
French dressing
Rice waffles
Creamed chipped beef
Buttered onions
Pumpkin custards
a a
1 cup cold eooked rice
Vi teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
3 eggs
1 tablespoon flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
4 tablespoons melted butter
1 cup milk
Sift dry Ingredients. Add egg
yolks beaten with the nrllk. Beat
until smooth. Add rice and melted
butter. Fold in stiffly beaten egg
whites. Bake on hot waffle iron.
Serve at once. Yield: 4 waffles.
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