The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1939, Page 10, Image 10

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning, February 9, 1939
Lebanon School Attendunce Hits All : Time High,. Cos Reports
921 Students
Coming Daily
Annual Spring Show Date
Will Be Set Tonight
fiv T.avidra
"LEBANON S apt. M. E. Cox
reports school attendance as- the
nizhest in the history of Lebanon.
High school dally attendance Is
qaoiea ' as 10 a wuu
credited to nearby rural districts,
'and 460,-all ot Lebanon district,
In the grades.
- The date for the 4H annual
spring fair will be decided Thurs
day night at a meeting in room a
at the high school, according to
Clair McClaln, president of the
": Leaders association. Keporis on
the state local leaders conference
will be discussed and plans forma
latad tnr demonstrations.
- Play Cast Chosen
The nlay-"Adventures of Tom
Sawyer" will be presented by the
senior class of Lebanon high
school March 24 under the direc
tion of Kee Buchanan.
Tha leadinc characters are:
Tom Sawyer, played by Sheldon
Burg hardt; Hnckleberry Finn,
Wib Leaning; Becay maicner.
Mary Fredericks; Amy Lawrence.
Lois Bowman: Sid Sawyer, Merrin
Jenkins; Aunt Polly, Barbara
' Horner. Lighter parts will be car-
Jtea OJ Homer nwuni -
berlaln, Lowell Marxer, Betty
Howe, Marjory Ashby, Ellamae
' Filling, Frances' Hildebrand . and
" a croup ot small children.
Evangelist Walter Given, now
' holding serrlces at the Church of
Christ, spoke before the- high
school on"Dope," stressing espe
cially the evils of marijuana, In
oMan hemp which when distributed
In tobacco is said to be the worst
type in its effects on the user. ;
Mrs. Jr. u. aaayer ana r,
Hugh Olds were hostesses Tues-
day to chapter v, ritiu uo
luncheon at the Mayer home. The
program was featured by a paper
on the new state capuoi oy Airs
Laura Gatchell.
Traveler's Home
Ija Scene Today
MONMOUTH The attractive
home of Miss Katherine Arbuth
not will be opened Thursday
February 9, to the CiTic club for
Its February meeting. The occa
sion will be a silTer tea to bene
fit the scholarship fund of the
Oregon Federation of women's
. Last year loans totaling
$1775 enabled 14 girls to attend
Oregon Normal school. The loan
fund was established many years
ago and 500 lndlyldual loans
hare since been made to ONS
girls. Everyone is invited to at
tend. Miss Blanche Cohen Is In
charge of music for the affair.
Miss Arbuthnot's home on
jrest -Main street is charming
with many objects of Interest
brought here from her many
trips obroad. A member of the
teaching staff of Oregon Nor
mal's department of geography.
Miss Arbuthnot is the school's
veteran traveler.
Former Silverton
Resident Passes
SILVERTON Old-time friends
have just learned of the death
X Pearl Jarvia, to, in Umatilla
county In the middle of January.
The Jarvis family resided here
years ago but no members re
main. The most recent of the
family to leave was Claire Jarvis.
who left here four years ago and
Is now living at Vernonia. Claire
has been seriously 111 recently
and confined to a Portland hos
pital. However, it was reported
that he was greatly improved
and was moved to his home Sat
urday. Other members include Mrs.
Mary Jarvis, the 'mother, and a
slater, - Mrs. Kathryn Townsend,
both of Salem.
Surprise Party Is .
CIvenMr Waldo T
TXlYTOJt -Complimenting her
Mother, Mrs. R. V. .Waldo, on
the occasion of her birthday, Mrs.
frank Foster gave a surprise
party Saturday afternoon. Sixteen
sweats attended. .
, Mrs. Elizabeth Tipton, cast
Worthy matron, of Portland, held
school of instruction : for Electa
chaster No. 29 of Dayton at the
Uasonle hall Thursday afternoon,
attended by 19 members. The
officers were entertained at the
some of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lon
: tershansen at a 1 o'clock lunch-
eoa, Mrs. Doris Gossen. worthy
Mtron of . Checowan chapter ot
canton, was a special guest.
Cop Shower Given
For Rnral School
ker, county health nurse, visited
Us Looney Butte school to ad
minister diphtheria toxoid to
those pupils desiring it. -
- Thursday afternoon the women
f the Looney Butte district held
cup shower at the schoolhouse.
This was the Social studies period
so Bulls and Delmour Woods
chose sides, including the vis
itors, 11 1. gams ot Professor
Jlv : , .
Auxiliary to Meet ; :
DAYTON -Twelve members of
Us Dayton post American Legion
auxiliary attended Ue regular
monthly meeting held Monday at
the civic dab rooms. Mrs. L. 8.
Lorenzen, Mrs. Herman: Louis
and Mrs. Frank Wright w
hostess. . ,
The next n-eetlng wQl be Joint
ly w 1 1 h the American Legion
Tuesday nignt. Februarys 21
when the Dayton Campfire girls
will present an .Americanization
program.. . - . .
Unlucky in Love
x;, ;;
,z y 'if?
Nan""- ?MX vo:
IN THAT WOMAN'S TOWN, Las Vegas. Ner.,
where countless wives establish six weeks' legal residence and
await. divorces. Mrs. Frank Hoosky is a dealer at the Apache
Casino. Gambling is legal la Nevada.
Council Approves
Changes at Park
Also Endorse Proposal to
Give Cities Part of
Hiffhwav Fund
C7 "
Dallas; At a meeting: of the I
Dallas city council Monday night
the members voted to increase
the width of the street" at the
city park entrance te 60 feet in
order to provide for a sidewalk
at the entrance on either side
of the street.
A survey was authorized to
determine the amount of land
required to make the improve
ment, which is considered neces
sary for the safety and conveni
ence of the public patronizing
the park during the summer.
Endorse HB 152
The council passed a resolu
tion endorsing and urging the
passage of HB No. 152 providing
for the distribution to cities of
a portion of the highway fund
of the state.
An ordinance was read for the
first time providing for the sale
of bonds to raise funds for the
1938 street paving improvement.
Irand Islanders
Rehire Teachers
GRAND ISLAND At a recent
meeting of the board ot direc
tors the present teachers, Mrs.
Grace Duren, principal, and her
daughter, Mrs. Ruth Stephens,
primary instructor, were re
elected for the coming year.
With the completion of repair
ing and Installing more equip
ment, the school building will
now pass the standard test for
fire prevention as required under
the state fire prevention law. A
fire escape has been erected and
fire extinguishers installed.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rockhill
entertained with a dinner at their
home Sunday honoring the birth
day anniversaries of their daugh
ter, Iva, and Arnet White.
17 Pigs Appear
In Single Litter
SUITER A sow belonging to
Earl Gallatin farrowed 17 fine
husky pigs Sunday.
Five are being given bottle
feedings. Apparently this is at
record for this section.
Newlyweds Are
Given Surprise
ROBERTS Mr, and Mrs
Lloyd Davenport, who were mar-
ried . Christmas day? were the
inspiration of a surprise party
at the home of bis parents, Mr,
and Mrs. . LV Davenport.' Cards
and Chinese checkers were
Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, Miss Net
tle Hutcheon, Mr. and Mrs. John
Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hey
den, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ross,
Mr. and Mrs. e. a. oooancn,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thomas,
Mr. and Mrs. . orest Edwaras.
Mrs. G. S. Hlgglns, , Mrs. Alice
Coolldge, Mrs. Nan Pettyjohn,
Mrs. Lou Lain son, Mrs. J. P.
Bressler, Mr. and Mrs. S. L.
Davenport, Paul Carpenter and
Nick Kugel. ,
. Shluplns - from Salem
MARION Membership of the
Marlon Farmers union local has
m. "b"untl,i, l,he
TIB at VM fka VnllAWtaV fnnil A lark
is growing steadily.
John Huffman and i M. E
Brewer were given the , obliga
tion Friday night.-
Warren Creech of Bethel local
gave an Interesting talk on the
rapid growth of the Farmers Un
ion business associations, . citing
the warehouse located In Salem,
tna oil company with headquar
ters at Mt, "Angel and the; live -
stock market - at Portland.: He
announced that weekly shlpmenta
of livestock will be made from
Salem. Dividends for the last
half of 1938 were distributed to
the patrons of this locaL
- Mrs. C. O. Bowman announced
that the comedy,, "Tho Man in
the Green Shirt," wOl be played
at the WOW hall here Saturday
night, February It; A tree dance
will follow the play. . , .
Try Card Luck
Co - op Institute
Opens Thursday
Officers and Directors
of County Groups to
Attend Session
DALLAS A new venture in I
the cooperative marketing field
is to be carried on at a two-day I
series of meetings February 9 I
and 10, sponsored by W. C. Leth,
Polk county agent, and Oregon
state college ana 10 De neia in 1
the circuit court room here.
The meetings are open only
to officers and directors end cer
tain employes of the many co
operative marketing agencies in
this county.
Arthur Goldsmith, cooperative
attorney of Portland, and Wil
liam G. Stacey, accountant, are
to participate in this business
Purpose Outlined
The purpose of the institute is
to assist cooperative organiza
tion business personnel to em
ploy the best methods possible
in effecting stronger organiza
tions from both a legal and a
business standpoint.
Paul Carpenter, cooperative
marketing specialist at Oregon
State college, will also be pres
ent. Ed Vieth ot Independence,
president of the Monmouth
creamery and warehouse, has
been selected to act as chairman.
Mayor Will Sell
m 1 . e ft if 1
1 lCKeiS I Or ail
S I L V E R T 0 N Mayor Zetta
Schlador will, be at the door of
the armory Saturday night to
sell tickets for the big president's
ball which local organizations
are sponsoring. Dancing will be
continuous from 9 o'clock on,
with no Intermission. The Mickel-
son elgnt-piece orchestra will
Those planning the affair state
that it will be strictly informal,
that no one will be allowed to
leave the armory and return, and
that 50 per cent of the proceeds
will be used in Oregon and that
the other 50 per cent will go
to Washington, D. C.
for the
infantile paralysis fight.
Mary Densmore Dies
In California
SILVFRTON Mrs. Mary Dens-
more, a resident of Silverton for
many years, died suddenly in
California Saturday. Funeral
services were at Dunamuir, Calif.,
Monday. r
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Fessler of
Mt, Angel report the birth ot a
son, February 3, and Mr, and
Mrs. Jake Ehli of Silverton re
port the birth of a son, February
v. uuld kk. int nuiRrmn nnsniiaj. 1
William Stortx, 400 Jersey
u cci, Buueriiig lruut pueumuujov,
a 1 . i 1
Is reported to be Improving.
Stortx is at the local hospital.
Honor Neva Ham
On Birthday
AUMSVILLE Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Ham entertained at a sur
prise birthday party Friday night
in honor of their daughter. Miss
Neva Ham.
Guests included Bill Forgey,
Allan Gordon. Charlotte Martin,
Northrop Bates. Marie Stuckart.
du Dimun, risi. siucaan,
omuicub w eisennouse, ciiatr
Voget, Rosella Lane, Raymond
Lane, Harold Porter, Kenneth
Miller, Gail Miler, Glen Miller,
Mix, all of Aumsville, also Miss
I Goldean Gordon of Salem.
Married Again After
20-Year Separation
Beach and Leslie J. Beach were
reunited in marriage February
2 at . Vancouver, - after having
been separated 10 years.
- Mrs. Lee Hopson was hostess
at a shower at her home last
Thursday afternoon, honoring
1 Mrs. Ruth Tatom.
Carnival Is Slated
MARION Marion grade school
Is announcing a carniral and
program to be held at the school
house Monday n t g h t to raise
funds - and supplies ' for carrying
on the hot lunches. Anything: In
the way of food ' is solicited.
Lunch will be served at a small
cost. , - . w .
Guest Day Is .
Monmouth, Independence
Women Entertained
by Dallas Group
DALLAS Annual guest day
was obsenred by the Dallas Worn
an's club at the meeting Tues
day afternoon.' A number of
members of the Independence
and .Monmouth Woman's clubs
as well as members of the local
patriotic organizations were
special guests.
" Mrs. Lloyd Jones of Sherwood,
past department president of the
American Legion auxiliary, gave
an excellent talk on patriotism
and on national defense.
. Mrs. Jones stressed the need
for the education of the students
in the schools along the lines
of patriotism and the need of
teaching the benefits of a demo
cratic form of governme t as op
posed to a dictatorship. Mrs. Jack
Eakin introduced the speaker.
Music Is Feature
A musical program included
vocal solos by Mrs. J. A. Shol
seth, accompanied by Miss Mary
Virginia Nohlgren, both of Sa
lem, and numbers by the Will
amette university male quartet,
Irwin Wall, Watson Dutton, Ray
Drakely and Mark Walts with
Miss Nohlgren as accompanist.
Mrs. Harold u. Peterson re
ported that a total of over $290
had been realized from the sale
of Christmas seals by the club.
Mrs. Harvey Carpenter, presl
dent, announced that the next
club meeting will be March
when the annual luncheon in
honor of the state president of
the Oregon Federation of
women a clubs, Mrs. Harold D.
Peterson, will be held.
A delightful tea hour and
social time followed the program
Hostesses were Mrs. Oscar Hay
ter, Mrs. R. R. Turner, Mrs. H
a. vvooas. Airs. w. v. uiier
Mrs. C. L. Crider, Mrs. Tracy
Staats and Mrs. John Hughes.
James Thompson
Wins FFA Contest
On Public Speech
son was declared the winner in
the Future Farmer public speak
ing contest held in the Frultland
achoolhouse Friday for the
monthly meeting of the commun
ity club. He. received a cash prize
of 1 5 and a letter "S" as well
as the right to ret resent the
Salem Future Farmer chapter in
the sectional contest on March 3
Roy Gerig placed second and
Carl Fitts and Wendel Halseth
tied for third
Judges were Mrs. Edith Green,
teacher in the Richmond school
and W. C. Leth, county agent in
Polk county. The English depart
ment of the Salem high school
juugcu me uiauuBcnpia earner in
I4.aJ 11. . 11 f
e week. J. F. Svinth, local FFA
, aaviser.
announced the awards,
Lee Hanson acted as genera!
chairman. The cash Piizes were
presented by the three Salem
The committee for the next
meeting will be the girls of the
community, with main entertain
ment to be an old fashioned
pie social.
acnooi miiaren
I ITOgram
provement club's meeting Satur-
aT night at the scboolhouse was
featured by a program by the
school children under the direc
tion of Mrs. Grace Duren and
Mrs. Ruth Stephens, teachers. It
Included, song by Vada Rora
baugh; speech on conservation
of wild life by Leonard Will:
duet,, Lois Rockhill and Donald
Wiley; 4H demonstration by
Louise Will and Phyllis Mandigo;
I duet, Harold Cnlp and Harold
Chandler; tap dance, Phyllis
Finnicum and Douglas Rockhill;
trio, Dorothy Lefley, Phyllis Man-
I oigo and Myrtle Rockhill; song.
I Lois Rockhill, and a reading by
I Muriel Ferguson.
Little Gardeners
lo Meet Inursdav
Garden club will hold the next
meeting at the home of Mrs. Paul
Acton Thursday and the-same
day the sewing club will meet
all day at the community hall.
The Parent-Teachers will meet
at the schoolhouse next Monday.
a talking picture will be shown.
No admission will be charged.
Refreshments will be served.
Under the WPA recreational
program, Cloyd O. Lawrence is
organizing an orchestra to meet
at the hall Monday and Friday
after school. There is room for
1 a few more pupils.
John E. Thurston
Dies at Silverton
Thurston, , died Wednesday
morning at the Silverton hospital.
Funeral services will be held from
Larson it Son Friday at 2 p. m.
wun interment at Bethany.
survivors include the widow,
Anna; five children; a brother,
uuy, ail 01 silverton.
French Fry or
, Cottage aft Fairgrownda Rd.
. 11 A. M. till Midnight
Light Lnnehes
- Served Each Noon. .
SUVER Suver community
iv. will muf at tha hall Fri
day night. A local uient pro-1
gram including a 20-minute
play, "His une iwionomy me
Wife," will be given by Mrs. Ma
bel Kerr as the mother, Mrs.1
Patricia Bennett as the wife and
H. F. Coney as the , husband.
Women are asked to bring cake.
ennran vat.t.rv Pninro.!ime recommenaaiion ot aiiver-
orftrnn a news I
scenic spots or Oregon, a newsi
red showing beautiful Blossom
day, the dedication of the state
capitol, homecoming at cnemawa
and other points of interest and
a comic for the youngsters will
be shown at t he Spring Valley
community club Saturday night.
A fund is to be raised for a
school stage by Bale of hot-dogs.
Committee on arrangements is
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Windsor,
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Damn
end Mr. and Mrs. Donnel Craw
WALDO HILLS Plans are eo-I
in ahead for the program to be
given Friday night at the Waldo
Hills community hall. Mr. and
Mrs. Dudley Morton are in
charge of . arrangements and stu-
dents from Chemawa will suooly
the numbers. A no-host supper
and dancing will follow.
tainment feature of the commun
ity club meeting Friday night will
be furnished by a group of young
people from the Pratum club, who
will present the three-act comedy
Plain Sister," by the authors of
the popular "Where's Grandma?"
The cast is being coached by Grace
Klampe, and the production here
has been arranged by Nathan
Kurth and Ed Boies.
The small door charge will in
clude refreshments, and proceeds
will be divided between the two
clubs. March 17 the non-sensical
farce, "Calm Yourself," will be
given at Pratum by the Lablsh
"Plain Sister" will be presented
at Pratum February 17.
"Spooky Tavern"
Slated 2 Nights
Tavern," a three-act mystery
drama, will be presented at the
schoolhouse Friday and Satur
day nights, under the sponsor
ship of the Improvement club.
Local talent participating in
the play includes Mrs. Pearl
Crawford. Mrs. Mildred Smith.
Mrs. Louise Rockhill, Mrs. Jean-
ette Maaness. Archie Amos. Har
old Tompkins, Erwin Douglas,
a . nn.11. a a ( . v.
Aiuci nunc, Aunueri oiuiiu.
Wesley Hill and Wilbur Mllford.
Mrs. E. A. Lefley and Mrs
Mildred Smith are coaching the
play. Music between the acta
will be furnished by Mr. and
Mrs. Winnie McDougal of Dayton.
A small admission charge will be
used Tor community purposes.
Refreshments will be served free.
Annual Crawfish
"EV1 Tsotfk Ta Qof-
BiLVttitruN At tne Monday
nignt meeting or tne American
Legion, the annual c-awfish feed
was definitely set
for April 1. 1
Roy Davenport told of plans
completed In the work of Ameri
canism. High school young
people will be elected according
to form to the various offices of
the city and take over the rule
during a specified time.
The next regular meeting, Feb
ruary 20, will not be -held as
the members desire to attend the
Marion county council in Salem
that night.
Charles Turnbows
Are Dance Hosts
ZENA Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Turnbow were hosts to members
ot the Happy Hour dance club
Saturday night. Violin, guitar
and harmonica music was con
tributed by Tom Sears, A. C.
Corn, Ephriam Solm, Mrs. Roy
Martin and Homer Kirkwood.
Tap dancing and acrobatics were
presented by Vesta May Turn-
bow and Floy Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shepard
entertained over the weekend
their son, David Shepard, and
Miss Dorotha Baker. Young Shep
ard is Smith-Hughes instructor
at Coos River high school and
Miss Baker has a position as sec
retary to Dean Milam at OSC.
Card Benefit Tonight
AUMSVILLE The Aumsville
high school alumni are sponsor-
in sr a benefit card party tor
Thursday night at 8 o'clock at I
the city ball, vlrgie Bradley,
president, is in charge.
The Drake offers every luxury
and convenience of fine living
on Chicago's Gold Coast,
overlooking Lake Michigan.-
.1f ; ;;;;
' -ml.-'
Safety Signs
Silverton Council Discusses
Parking Change and
Loading Zone
SILVERTON At the Monday
night meeting of the city coun
cil, the group voted to follow
ton's safety council and have stop
signs placed at the Mill and Oak
street and Welch and West Main
street intersections
The eouncilmen also approved
Berger Feneide's application for
a card room license.
Mayor Zetta Schlador was giv
en the assurance that should she
use any fund for necessary po
lice emergency investigation of
crimes, her action would be en
dorsed by the council. This,
eouncilmen assured her, came
within her policing authority
The council ordered invest!
Ration of widening and resurtac
I ing Eureka avenue.
Parallel parking and creating
I loaamg tones wmcn wouia be
Paid for, were two matters dis
cussed. Mayor Schlador urged
I that some definite action be ta
ken soon on both Issues as park
ing conditions at Silverton were
deplorable. The street committee
will make investigations.
The finance committee will
I make plans to advertise and sell
I tne old police car which has been
I in storage for the past year. The
I storage bill, said Mayor Schlador,
will soon eat up any sum the
car may bring. The purchase of
a patrol car was
discussed but
no action taken.
Porter Asks City
To Set Salaries
SILVERTON Silverton offic
ials will go on salaries if the
suggestions of John Porter.
chairman of the council, are car
ried out. Porter suggested this
week that an ordinance be drawn
up whereby a set salary be given
the city treasurer. At present
M. C. Storruste, city treasurer.
receives $25 a month out of gen
eral funds. Porter also suggested
that both the city recorder and
city attorney be paid $50
month instead of being paid by
piece work as they are now.
He recommended that the
mayor . and eouncilmen each re
ceive $2 for meetings attended.
The matter will be investigated
by the finance committee and
an ordinance to cover the re
Quirements drawn up
Sunday school Class
I -
i .
I Meets at Aeizer
I KEIZER The Quest class of
I the First Evangelical church
I Bible school were guests Friday
I night at the home of the class
I president, Mrs. Max Kleman
I Games were directed by Mrs.
I Wilson Launer. Mrs. Walter. Mrs
John Mischke and Mrs. Schmidt
assisted in serving.
Others present were Mr. and
Mrs. Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Mr- and Mrs. Walter Senn and
Launer. Mrs. Esther Peters. Mrs
Helen Sims and May Kleman.
flKKoM i Mi
MONITOR The Friendly Sew
ing club will meet Friday at the
home of Mrs. J. W. Richmond
An all-day meeting will be held
with a no-host dinner at noon
I Members will Quilt during the
I day.
What Beer contributes to the re-building
of America would fill a great volume
Over 400 million dollars in taxes every
year. Over 1000,000 job. A market for
3,000,000 farm acres of produce.
The brewing industry would like to pre
aerve for heel and the people the many
economic benefits h has created in the past
five) yean. Brewers everywhere realize that
this is a question bound up with the proper
Beer.. .a Beverage of Moderation?
SILVERTON The Silverton
Grange, of which Otto Dam is
master, will hold a social night
at the MWA hau Saturday nignt.
The next regular grange meet
ing will be February 27.
.LYONS Mr. Mlkesell, Linn
county 4H club leader from Al
bany, was present at tne meet
ing of the Santiam Valley grange
Friday night and organized a
stock club and sheep club.
Officers elected were: Sheep
club, president, Dwane Downing,
vice president, John McKay; sec
retary, Juanita Downing: Stock
club president, William Richard
son; vice president, Fiatt; secre
tary, Cbarmaine Westenhouse.
Leaders will be appointed by the
Nichol Home Is
Burned to Ground
WILLAMINA The home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichol in the
Willamina vicinity was destroyed
by fire early Saturday morning.
Most of the furnishings ii. the
first floor were saved. Mr. and
Mrs. Nichol are staying t the
home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Edmiston while plans are being
made for another home.
The young people of theFM
church gave a party Saturday
night at the C. W. Haviland
home honoring Maxine Wolfe,
daughter of Mrs. Haviland, on
her 14th birthday. About 30 at
tended. At the commercial club meet-l
ing Monday noon, the commit,!
tee reported tnat progress is be
ing made toward the raising of
sufficient funds to rebuild the
brick plant.
Auxiliary Leaders
Visit at Silverton
SILVERTON Speakers at the
regular meeting of the American
Legion auxiliary Monday night
were Mrs. Hazel K. Snyder, de
partment president, Astoria; Mrs.
William Horsfal, department vice
president and membership chair
man, Marshfield; Mrs. Vern A.
Whitcomb, Portland, department
secretary; and Mrs. Nina Morris
of Sheridan, president of district
No. 2. '
All spoke of the different
phases of their work, emphasiz
ing Americanism.
One thousand poppies have
been ordered for the annual sale
the latter part of May.
During the social hour, Joint
with the post, guests spoke brief
ly and the auxiliary trio, Mrs.
W. P. Scarth, Mrs. J. J. Lewis
and Miss Elaine Clower, with
Mrs. Irene Morley Franke at the
piano, gave a concert of songs.
Junior Group Hears
Mrs. Bergsvik
SILVERTON Mrs. Lief Bergs
vik of Salem, state chairman of
the junior auxiliary, was guest
speaker at the local junior aux
iliary Monday night. Her daugh
ter, Marie, was an additional
Members of the group dis
cussed Roumania and papers on
this subject were given by Phyl
lis Wilson and Evelyn Haugen.
Plans were made for the Feb
ruary 20 meeting when the birth
anniversaries of Washington and
Lincoln will be commemorated,
- The Treasurr DeMitment shows exneoditarea of 116 million dollar
for the Cfriliaa Conaervatioa Corps for the fiscal year of 1938.
The brewing industry pays ever a safllioa dollars a day ia taxes.
FommdmtUm. 22 Emt 40t SCreas, rvw
Soil Conservation
Meeting Is Held
Lyons, Fox Valley Homes
Quarantined Due to
Scarlet Fever
LYONS .E R. Jackman, spec
ialist in farm, crops, was the
speaker for the soil conservation
program meeting held at the Re
bekah hall Friday afternoon.
Main points discussed were pas
ture and crop improvements.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Brotherton
returned to their home here Sat
urday from Castle Rock, Wash.,
wbere they have been in busi
ness. They recently sold their
business there.
Several families in the Lyons
and Fox Valley districts are
auarantined for scarlet fever. TLe
Fox Valley school was closed
The Lyons Ladles' Aid society
joined the Stayton society in
Stayton Tuesday afternoon for
the International fellowship tea.
The Lyons group presented a
short missionary play and as
sisted with the serving.
Helpers Meet Today
College Helpers will meet at th
home of Mrs. Leland Wendt
Thursday at 2:30 p. m. Guest
speaker will be David Norcross,
field secretary of the national
council for the prevention of
FcSow Sunple Method Below
Tries ody a Few Minates When
Bayer JUpiria is Used
la Te ease psfci sni
discomfort sal rsducs
ftvsr take 2 Bay
Tablets drink a
glass ef wstsr.
Repeat ta 2
2a If throat la raw front
catdL crash and ste
soNt 3 Barer Tab-
Starts te Ease Pant and Discomfort
and Sore Throat Accempanvmf
Colds Almost Instantly
The simple way pictured above
often brings amazingly fast relief
from discomfort and sore throat
accompanying colds. '
Try it. Then see your doctor.
He probably will tell you to con
tinue with the Bayer Aspirin be
cause it acts so fast to relieve dis
comforts of a cold. And to reduce
This simple way, backed by
scientific authority, has largely
supplanted the use of strong medi
cines in easing coia symptoms.
Perhaps the easiest, most effective
way yet discovered. But make sure
you get genuine
; Aspirin.
n ire
f rx5v
v TT I
Bit 'A I
of their mild and wholesome
beverage through retail outlets whose char
acter will be a credit to the community.
Obviously, the brewers Cam enforce no laws.
But they can and will cooperate with
the local law-eWoroement authorities. They
wiD cooperate with every group friend or
critic to the end that retail beer outlets
gbn no offense to anyone.
Jer, PU X.