tSI t rSA'iAirl?. j,iJJ!i.-Hi :s'?af"-rv , 44l. , v. ... i .i fVix-A1 ,. Th OREGON STATESMAN,, : Salem, Orejon, Sunday Mondiii; February 5, 1939 PAGE ELEVEN- iiiicE :Renh W Bltli. Bmyer amid Seller J -S i. " fin o ifo t i I 1 f A 3ua, Aa -oa ad eoalelatas -a- Itotomf Btmbr fee -so ed tress, to for the protertioa 1 M vsrtissr -aid meet taetsleee be - ew werd by MUr.. Tae JUMMil Mt U Wt; M divulge ..eferaaBtioa M to the Meatity l aa asverUeer eets a ''Blted' ad. Livestock iivin Ann -ph-ked up ft. Ph. collect 14 tX. Montgomery waa was TL"innjwnriiirMiri'ii" - - - - - . HORSES MARES MULES LA BUB A SSORTMENT -well brok en horses ud mulea New shipments errlvins; weekly. CREDIT gladly gtv a anyone. No carrying charge. Get competitive pricaa before you mm here -and see bow much Jower my prices arc Guaranteed aa represented: Free delivery. Elroy Nash barn on highway just north f Salem. FOR SALE or trade fresh milk coat, alao a . Toggenburg billy. Phone 1482. -address lit Waller SC. Salem. Oregon. Help Wanted CASH IN ON SPARE Ttat OqaWCEKLT or mors earn vOU Q row musti rooms HrniE. Cat In. shed auttaMai 1o oy tor :ttk. Tm round tmoineaav ain oaade tnr -Mr. & in-few weeks ePOlU SPARE TIME. Guaranteed Materials. Eatab. ttSt. Wtite for FREE BOOK Washlnftno lCusbreom- Industries, fiept 4i t0t Snd. Mttl. Wash. WANTED. TALENT of all kinds fet professional entertainments. Adltlone riven, mono sua. SURPRISING, NEW mushroom raU- I In facta from world's largest com pany. Book free. United, JSO-B Lin coln arenue., Chicago. PARTT FOR Interest In wood and nthor bualneaa. UvlnX OuarterS. 12 S Cottage. Help Wanted Male IF YOU are able to distribute ad Tprtislna; circulars send name and ad--dress tor full particulars about won derful chance to make up to f45 la n week starting at once. Mills, 1601 Poplar. Oakland. caL Help Wanted Female WANTED EXPERIENCED part time school girt. References. Board, room, laundry, wagea. Box 844, States man. " R BJ A RLE . HOUSEKEEPER for wmiMiil noattion with family of 4. Must toe good cook. State qualif.. ret. f3.ee mo. Boa zsz. ft Biaiesman. WOMEN WANTED. Address our rat a Iocs. 2c each paid In advance plus bonuses. Everything supplied. Free details furnished. Royal Products. GPO box 1(4, Brooklyn, N. x. WOMEN EARN f 18 dozen sewing drfea. Evervthlna furnished. Mate rials cut. Trimmings and instructions. Experience unnecessary. Write Quality Dress. Church Annex, rv oox it. N. Y. YOUR OWN dresses free and up to weekly showing famous irasninn, Frocks. No experience needed. No can vassing. No Investment, send age ana . . , 1. T-v . X are! aiie. rasnion iroun -v- - 4530, Cincinnati, O. TOtlH. OWN hosiery and up to $28 week eelllneT famous double-wear snag-proofed chiffon silk hosiery ta fiienda. Write for actual sample. American Mllla. Dept. R6524, Indian- . a polls. lad. OPPORTUNITY FOR refined ca pable woman to represent Avon cos metics line in caiem. Trarain -" necessary. Box 14, care SUteaman. Salfgmen Wanted vrrrm OWN local shoe bualnei Free outfit starts you ! Bonus shoes given. 173 styles. Big advance com-1 nifsslena. Experience unnecessary. Tan- I nera Sheea. ltlt Boston Mass. I "' " i JUST OUT I Every worker ouym. J 1 eia ..u allv hit. Bells ISC. Tr- I mendous preftt Take orders. We do- liver, sample ireev wm, ' i Clark. Chlcaga - Sanations Wanted WANT HR. work. Raf- Ph. 482T. IXJ'tjn ruTTll.ralSll' aafcaaSaeaaaasnaa KALSOMTNING AS tow aa fl rm ot contract. Phone w. EXP. STENO. for. steady or part time work. Ina. Ph. 12 U. WILL CARE for children in my I home, 175 Marion. Christine Duncan. 1 njVVfVV"a'rrVsrsJVs asasaaiasiaa LADY WANTS housework. 12TI Third BL. West Salem. - FTF OrRL. haewk. Ref. lltt HOTt. wm-1 MARRIED MAN wanta workln tereet in any email ouaineea. box v. Ktatasmsn. . - .. 4 iwwwwwwwtwwwvMwtMwiwiw I i EXP. UIKU wanta nouaewora. wan i aire reference. 702 Front C street I Hllrertoo. Ore. .,. ! . - I " 'I V ' ' LI' -w'.L --r. "usABMTO.il ....u. FILMS DEVELOPED, t prints and 2 enlargements, 25c, Coin onlr.. Qual Itr Picture Co box 3573. PortAnd. . ADDING MACHINES, typewriters. cash retiatera. acalee, saieatajre pairs. Roen TypewrlleT 4t Court RUN-FLAMh, Oil heater tT Mmcg Broa. S2I Court vrT T. arz-R used wood rane. S:0.tt. NELSON BROS . Chemeketa at Liberty. UPHOLSTERING. SPECIAL price on rebuild, rush. McDowell. Ph. a5 I . IS K I J ITKIU11JAIKK. Hi.JJ. a. . . i . . a , a m Lf FILMS DbTVELOPED. 2 prinU each ood negative, 15c. Com nry. Port land Film Co.hw 4111. Portland. Ore, 1 'advertising Wetters Advertlitsf ReDrcMnUtlrea - Fonasr-RaJI'Caw Ltd. Ynnctam l.oe Awoelea. Soattls ' Eaatera Aflertisini Renroaentatlvear Revant. Grifnta a Brunsoa, laev Chicago. - New Tor. Detroit. Raaton. Atlanta - - nJZZZm T. ImoU Class lfiw, Pwe- imkU aery eru ssepl afonetoF cross.' - - 80BSCKIPTION RATES: .f .it SiitiMiniUHi Rates In Adv Within Oregon: Pa lly un day Mo (toenta; t Mo tl ft : Mo flAt. 1 rear ft 00. Elsewhere ft eente per Me. ot ft tF for I yeas la odaaawo per copy t cents. Newsstaoos e " roJri,m rtaerUvi ta tents a month. 7.2 1 a year la advance ta Martoa ilanej lo Loan , REFINANCE WITH THR PEOPLE'S LOW RATE AUTO LOANS av Almost all moAela - Frtvate toads avaDabla . II month --contracts assure -lowest .paytaent .poaslhls. TU you -4o not have a car one Tour furniture or livestock. Same low payments -. . It months t nay. '. Too ara oader no ebUgaUoas When 700 can at the PEOPLE'S FINANCE Co. ftsa,2tl. First National Bank Bids. 4tt BUU XJcense S-2M Get Ahead in J 939 PAY OFF ALL YOUR JBUXS WTXH A PERSONAL LOAN Then heieo- LESS to pay-each atooth, beranae yon have only OKS. place to pay. Therell -tie mere "LEFT OVER for roar Urlna -expenses. K -oa-enakra. na Mtatatieft -mquinea. versonai wana PERSONAL Second State FINANCE CO. Consolidate REDUCE TOUR MONTHLT PATMENTS WITH A LOAN FROM SA LEM'S OIJ3EST INDEPENDENT FINANCE COMPANY WHERE TOUR NEEDS WILL RECEIVE PERSONAL AS BEFORE THE UTtAS IS MADE. FIT YOUR INCOME. NO CO-MAKERS. DAT TO REDUCE COSTS. NO FEES. General Finance Corp. lit SO. COMMERCIAL ST. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF LADD a BUSH BANK CONVENIENT GROUND FLOOR LOCATION For Salj MkM;llanroaa GAS RANGES. Like New. Make us and offer. YEATER a RUSH CO. Westlnghouse Appliances 255 N. Liberty Next to Power Co. KODAK FINISHING, any aise film. 2c; 7 enlarg. free. All work guar. P. . O. Box 143. Salem. LATE STYLE Wood row .washer. like new. f4S.. NELSON BROS. Chemeketa at Liberty. BIKES A REPAIRS, Ramsden, 14S IS. Lib. USED HOTPOINT RANGE, f 15.00. YE ATE R a: KUSH JJ. Westlnghouse Appliances 255 X. Liberty Two Doors North of Power Co. SOL MAH. dining table. 1395 D St. USED GE REFRIGERATOR. 4 cu. ft-, fine condition 189.50. NELSON BROS.. Chemeketa at Liberty. TRAILER HOUSE. Will sell equity cheap. Hill at. Camp Joy. Pac. High way Mortn. St GLASS DOORS, brass lock at f3. Windows. 110 Chemeketa. , USED MAYTAG WASHER, alnml num tub. Fully reconditioned. 929.50 YEATER A RUSH CO. Westtnghouse Appliances 255 N. Liberty Two Doors North of Power Co. TOR SALE e-oed weldina- torch And two regulators "Oxweld" make. Cheap i at t0. Need cash. 1052 Saginaw St GENTLEMAN'S True, dark suit. nearly new, sixe 39 Sacrifice. Phone lift. TANTGD Mlddle-aked lady or Bin and wife to share my home and expenses. Phone T7U. U8ED SPECIALS TO CLOSE OUT gteel day bed . 4.95 w , mmtotl6 chert 0f drawers .. 4.tS y-tn.ioM kitchen table A chra I.t t overtuffed crab chair 10. JT. a.sS bed springa!Z!-" 3 5 Davenport a chair, good con a Kitchen table with drawer Good wavy crib A mattress lg aa t.7S 2.00 1 1 Velvet rusr txll Aamlnster rug is t txll Tapestry rug t.75 1 Bench : - Maple dresser. swing mirror 12.95 I .LBt '! DKU& f Uiun, 275 Chemeketa WESTTNGHOUSE RADIOS, 1939 models. 30 Discounts. YEATER a RUSH JU. Westlnghouse Appliances 255 N. Liberty Next Door to Power Co. VALENTINE APRONS and glfta. 479 N. High. AUCAST Iron heater, large also In-4t.t5. NELSON BROS, Chemeketa at Liberty. i mmmmm m .iwwikwmiwiwxw OATS a VETCH hay, f 1 1 '. North Capitol St ,- THOR IRONER. S -speed a-thermo- latats. floor model, i.5. kklsuw BROS Chemeketa at Li Berry. FRUITLAND 'NURSERY. - Zft Cen ter. Fruit and -not treea aoe our stock ret prices before buymg. Tel. z. J. Ma this. CONSOLE ALL-WAVE Grunow ra dio, f 29.95. NELSON BROS Cheme- I Lr!r GASOLINE RAKGEfll.Se. NEC- SOX BROS. Chemeketa. at Liberty. FILMS DEVELOPED, -t prints end I hand colored enlargement 25c. Coin. Oregon Picture Co box 4292. Portland. LATE MODEL Hoover vacuum cleaner, bargain. Sears. Roebuck A Co. HSE. TRAILERS bourht and sold. King Trailer Exchange, (It N. Front. vm t t va wnnn Divrm TEATER KLSH Westinghonse Appliances - 255 N. Liberty . S Doors North Power Co. .. Wanted -Miscellaneonr MARKET POULTRY wanted. Pa I33F3. Leee Hatchery. anjUULIllSl wanteD aoot am In bags In any condition. Iff N. Hat Flu toss. rHAlR CANE furnlrore. - repair. Call Ted'a Flxlt Shop, t537. Miscellaneons PARKING f 3 MO. ttt N. Chorch. TtATLIaJTJUXrVtriJ' DOG WANTS homeWill give Lew- elryn Setter to family In country wnp can assure good. home, remaie, o likes children. Good mother. - oi aoe at zit S. 23rd St, Salem. OI'RVTFIiTl SERVICE on an makes of elecappltancea, Ou hcatera and Grunow Refrig. Tel. n. nea SON BROS. Appltance WW. c - For Rent Rooms' 8LP. RM, clone In. f ft 8. ComT. 8LEEPING ROOMS, 1145 S. High. ' NEWLY DECORATED housekeep ing: rooms, i aa tunable. TeL 74tL Money to- Loan 8alem. Orecon. ; AC-Z2t. np to iaa.ee. come la or phone. Floor. New Bitch Bids, lit State St la Salea, Orecon. Phone tltl ' WHEELER ENGLISH. lUnacer License Numbers f-UL M-ltt All Your Bills CONSIDERATION AFTER AS WELL PAYMENT PLAN IS ARRANGED TO ONLY YOU TO SION. REPAY ANY . LIC S-ltt PHONE flit aaasaapaaa,ssse FURNITURE LOANS UP TO $300.00 Repay by Week or Month 20 MONTHS TO REPAY Also Loans on Personal Notes and Automobiles STATE FINANCE CO. f CHTLDS MILLER'S OFFICE s-zie Phone tltl M-21I State Street. Salem. Oregon '"" I. . i . .,- -i-,-,-iiil-LrLnj-iru-irm FEDERAL FTnrTSINn Inan. Kr.n refinance hornea. business prop. Rates. ""'" iwua me- Masonic Bid LOW RATES AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS" RIrtMivrn MONEY TO buy new or used cars. r-nvaie money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. leTOltMONTHS Q FAT Roy H. Simmons lit South Commercial Street one slit Lie. No. M.lSt MONEY to rrkAw ON 1st mtxa. H. P. Grant 529 Court BEMJ. FRANKLIN horn 1Aan. Most popular (nan in Oregon. A new feature to tnta loan benefits evi borrower. Ask about It 8e F. G. DELANO. 290 N. Phneet, Lctans Wanted WANTED PRIVAT1B unvw TO LOAN on mod SiUm r..i e. win nay i intereet w. a. a RA RENTTORST A CO. an Liberty St. Pima, sjsb " .!.. - -n-mnruuu-u u u LOANS WANTED an hm bmA property. Before borrowing Uxruire at Financial 4; WE HAVE never paid less man tnia rate on as vines and Investments. Insured to 15000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Assfn Phone 4944 142 8. Liberty Bt Room and Board MA BOWENS new location try her famous meals, fits N. Liberty. STEAM HTD. rooms. 211 B. Winter RM, BOARD, I2S, ttl 8. 12th. ,4333. RM. WITH good board. 1434 ferry. oaiamxaawaayoakarso RM.. BRD, for lady. 141 N. Cottage. RM.. BD. laundry. I2S. Table bd fit. 455 N. Cottage. 40AtaakennesBlesakOarka9a ROOM. BOARD, private family, llf W. Miller. Phone 1437. akoaonnasseeaatfMssSsasMOavaj WILL. GIVE elderly Indies best of 4car in - my borne. TeL Si-i STM. HTD. rm, board, lift Oak. vnnT.nRRT. MOST Modern home. clo -In. - walking distance state offices and down town, saw aianoa. For Rent Anartmenti SEE FISHER apta Modernised, newly decorated and roomy. Toa'Il be delighted Oak and 8 CommerrtaL SMALL APT, adults, lltt State. aaaak4hasaeo9ae 1 R, ADULTS. 1207 8. Commercial FURN. 1 RM. kitchenette. Heat. lights, A water, tit Saginaw. l NEWLY FURN, t97 N. ComL close to, f27.5t 2-RMS, BATH. flAft,.lt3S Center 1 RM. APT, 24114 State. lain, f 39 N. LIBERTY. F. 8719 4 RM. APT, lights A water, garage. 19I Broadway. f 1 R, KIT, bath, turn, t R. unfurn.. steam neat garage, zoos N. Capitol. . BACHELOR APT., gar, 043 Union VERT NICELY furn. ' S rm. - apt, water, very close In, fit. Iff N. Front t-RM.' APT, bath, tights and water. si 3.50. leas Market. FURN. flS to f2S. Ph. Till. NICELY FURN. S-room, -heat. bath. feing, electric range, fie. .va. 3, ' AJPT3. FOR RENT or trade for car. 356 Bellevue. : : ..,-. ' S FURN. APTS., Its & Commercial. SM. FURN. apt, adults, t4t Ferry. 4taaajaaaenjaaJaaeneneasen t RMS, ADULTS, gar. Itt N. list i a n vr mmv apt Rtm. ht Hollywood dlst. 20S4 N. Capitol. For Rent Apartments I R. TORN- close-in. 244 Marlon. LAROT-SUNNY I no. furn. apt. with porch. Vacant Feb. It. fit. Sta ale turn. hsks. rm. tl wk, 4IS S. Commercial. 4RMV turn, apt and am rase. Adults. tff.Ot. 7i N. High. 1 R. FURN. SDL. tlf. Gar, hot w. wash. mach. free. IStt Lee Street 3-R. FURN. apt, ttT.SO; employed Hem 149 N. CapttoL CLEAN well furnished apt fit Judsen and S. High. Phone t3tt. NICE 4.-ROOM furnished ant, pri vate bath, frigidalre. garage. Adults. 1720 N. cottage. VACANCY. HAWTHORNE Court February 15. FURNISHED 4-ROOM. private bath. heat lights, water, gas. phone 35 5 A For Rent Houses FURNISHED A UNFURN. H. P. GRANT, lit Court Street t R. MOD borne blocks north. corner lot garage, fireplace, furnace. basement hardwood floors, new Vene tian blinds. Newly decorated- an through. TeL C221 or call at lift N. Church. SMALL HOUSE, too. f ft N. 20th. MOD. HSE, good location. Ph. 45S1 S RM. CABIN, furn. Fir Grove camp, 2 ml. N. underpass, Hwy. tt. t RM. FURNISHED house, fit per mo. Call 0494. - FURN. 4-RM. Private bath, ht. It, water, gas. m. tils. MOD. 4 KM. creek house. 125. Ph. S49L t R. FURN, 1 BEDROOMS. ttO N. High. Ph. 0375 or 1744. 1 R. HOUSE, ttt Jefferson. 2-RM. FURN. apt, steam heat f2. 1-rm. furn.. Its., hsko. ner mo.. tlL t-rm. furn, has oil circulator, car. near high school. fZ7.to. v. L. IRISH Phone T114 S R. HOUSE WITH aleeplng porch newiy finished. 1170 Marion St. NEW, MOD. 4 Rms. A Nk. Ph. 7113. 4-ROOM MODERN furn. or partly furn. Adults. Ref. Inq. 323 N. Church. 5-RM. HOUSE. Furnace, garage. inq. 1313 uemer. LARGE Modern 7-Rm. house. Suit able Board A Room. Near State bldga. sa month. E. FT. STAMBAUGH 212 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 9411 Large modem home f 45 00 5 rm. near State Bldg. 25.00 Country Grocery and llv auar. 10.00 Apartments 012.50 to 35.00 WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 477 Court For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, ttl State atreef. inquire room zoo. TeL 3718. VERY DESIRABLE of fir spa.ee for rent Inquire 175 8. High. Wanted to Rent WANT TO RENT Uo to date typewriter -J rom prtyate jjarty. 1741 8. v.uiiage. For Salts Real Estate GOOD BUY GOOD TERMS fltOO huya this 4 rm. home In east Salem, paving paid, garage, good reai- aenuai aisrrict. zs an. Call K. A. JOHNSON With. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 S. Liberty St Ph. f4U LOTS LOTS LOTS Drive out In N. East Salem. North of Market street between 1 4th and 20th street In that fast growing sec tion of your City. Many New homes being built. We believe If you will do this, that you would like to Uve in thia section of your City. Building; restric tions. We will sell you one of these nne lots with paved street at ttoo.eo, Let us show you the property and we are sure yon will be pleased. See G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street CLOSE-IN HOUSE f 2150 buys this I rm. plastered home in excellent close-In location. Base ment, furnace, garage, deep lot thru to alley. A REAL INVESTMENT. TOUR CHANCE. Call R. A. JOHNSON with. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 S Liberty St Ph. t46t COURT ST. PROPERTY This t rm. home Is located few blks. from state bldga. Large attractive lot thru to paved alley, new garage, fruit trees and shrubs, basement, furnace. Price I J 800. REAL PROPEKTX, REAL BUY. Call R. A. JOHNSON with. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St - Ph. t4lt IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7 rm. hse, basement east pavement paid. Price SZ150. lioo cash will handle. t rm. has., excellent condition. U acre, pavement, north, fltOO. 3200 down. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 477 Court St EXCELLENT VIEW KINGWOOD Lately finished ULTRA MODERN, f rms. 34500, flOOt down, bal. terms. NUN. oJCTTSail. H. P. GRANT E29 Court, Rl Est. Br Ph. 4744 MODERN HOUSE. Good barn and acres near Kapoban's winery for mod: ern home in N. E. section of Salem. 1 4500. Will take boose from 33500 to loeoo it worth It. EL Si. STAMBAUGH Phone 9411 212 OregonBldg. APT. FURN. A LEASE 3150 income. trade for boos or acrease. Good tracts, unfurnished houses, easy terms, t-rm. house, N. Salem, terms you can handle. A real dairy farm equippeo. sao-Met montnry income. 1 acreage and .percentage... for bat real chance. TF-ITH RRAL. ESTATE SEE H. C. SHIELDS, Dreg. Bldg. Ph. f9t2 BEAUTIFUL -A. hometrttes. Joins City Eavt. 8375 to 8550. 6S aown. ROBERT F. BUDROW Real EsUte, 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. ' 7 RM. HOUSE, close In. basement. 1950.00. 8100.00 down, tze.oo per mo. Modern 5 rooms' A nook, t bedrooms, hdw. floor a. full basement, furnace. fireplace, doable garage, close to school A bus, South Salem. New 4 rm. house, modern except basement. -A. - of land close to school. 82300. f 100.00 down $22.00 per month. t rm. houses, electricity,- water with ltt-A. tip to f-A. f 900.00 and up. 1 50 down, iiv.ee per month mciuaing in terest. WTffWJ T. TtlTXMANN HT a High 8t Phone tfSf , 33250. -rm Enrllah i style home. north In good condition, oak floors. basement. tnrniifL 17ES down. f 350 down, t-rm. house, bath,' lights, 1 lots, navinr txL. 11400. 3150 down, 5-rm. plastered house. Inth a-nram 1ar lot. OlSSO. MOriBY TO LOAN AT t PER CENT t MELVIN JOHNSON, Realtor - m 72S Court St Ph. I7 - flOO, tit mo. bays good t-rm. bee. A 2 lota In Dallas. " " Al Weeolowskl tit Masonic Bids. : A CHOICE BUTLDINO lot in a good location 13 blocks from State St Fruit tint trees. Pavement eidewaws. nald. -Truly a snan. Price f fft, T. Q. DELANO, 2t N. Church Street :l: Cars Steer a Stdfe Course on Value . AT THE USED GAR LOT 1928 ForJ Model A Coupe 1934 Ford Pickup . 1929 Model A Pickup, Good Condition PHONE Ittf att i r it a usea rorais VALLEY MOTOR CO. 2t YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP HERB MTSSON ART HANSON BEN DRAG KB LOT: MARION A LIBERTY STREET For Sate Real Estate BBAUTDTUL N Is W home, auburhan. lltt oowa, fit month, right party Carta. Ahrama, 411 Maaoale Bids. Phono 1 155-7464. aa)MWaaawajMWaajwaawWWWM BUILD1NU LOTS GOOD LOTS on paved street excel lent location. Price 1500. SIS down, fit per month. W. U. QRABENHORST CO. REALTORS Iff & Uberty St Phone tltl. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to sell, exchange. tease, rent see Mr. Larson with Haw kins A Roberta. SEE BEAUTIFUL Cascade Ter races, large view tracts overlooking city, valley, mountains. C. A. Robert son, owner. Ph. 8413. ATTENTION HOME buyers Must 11 at once. 1 bedroom house, lot 75x150, beautiful location, south Sa lem. Price 11500. terms. Write Box 142 Statesman. TODAY'S BARGAIN IS A nicety furnished 4 room house for only 12750 house Is double con struction and In A-l condition fur nishings, including overstuffed set and oil burning circulator, are Just like new. Beautiful lawn, shrubs A orna mental trees. See tt today. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 144 State Street Phone 12IL SPECIAL FOR FEW DATS ONLY WELL LOCATED f room cottage with basement and garage, on a choice east front lot. close to school and bus line. Street paved and walks In. Priced very low at 32100, cash flOO, balance f35 per month including Interest See sirs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 144 8tate Street Phone 9211. It BEAUTIFUL ACRES FINE DISTRICT to subdivide, house. barn, poultry house. Will exchange for 44 to tt acre farm of good land and pay some difference or sell for fa 000. ALSO 10 acres, attractive 4 room house. unfinished Inside, small barn, garage. poultry house all cultivated land. good road, near achooL Priced at only II S00. Terms can he arranged. See Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 144 State Street Phone t2tl. SOxfiC FT. LOT. N. Salem, pave ment sidewalk. Fruit Inq. 151 Che meketa. SMALL HOME 1 ROOM HOUSE with large lot 14x137. located in N. E. Salem on oared st. Larae rarare. 32x24 with upstairs, will tske truck in on traoe up to 1400. Price 315DO. Call G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. Wlth W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Street Phone f4fS. TODAY'S SPECIAL T A. ALL IN orchard, located ttt miles from Salem. 1 room, celled house with large back porch, basement, ga rage A good drilled well. Price has lust been reduced to 1170. ISftO down. SEE THIS AT ONCE. Tt Is a banrain. Call G. H. ORABBNTTOR8T. JR. With W. H. GRARENHORST A CO REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 1411. ACREAGE BARGAINS 1H A. LOCATED K, NEAR Swegle school with small 2 mom house, aa- nure. good drilled welt elec. ' Price 31150. tSt down A til ner mo. V A. located 1 mile outside city limits with good 5 room Dlast. house with fireplace, elec. water system lights A garage, located on paved road near store, school a bus. Price fZine 8300 down. 320 per mo. 1 A. located lust outside city limit. not far from P. H. A bus. 4 room house, not quite finished, elec. water system A lights. Gvd soil, well drain ed. SEE THIS TRACT. Price f15n 3250 down A 31t.R0 ner mn. Call O. H. RHKNWOHST. JR. With W. H. ORaRsrsfWORST A CO REALTORS 114 S. Liberty St. Phone t4t. GOOD STORE OR SERVICE STATION SITE A. LOCATED ft on P. H. wh small 4-room tttast. house. Price fltOO, fjno down A -fit oor mo. Call G. 71 TIRABENHORRT, JR. With W. H. ORARIWWORST A CO . REALTORS 114 8. Liberty Bt. Phone 1418. RTRTCTT.Y MODERN - 5 RMS. HOLLYWOOn dlt. Gooo paint ronditioav 133503500 cash. Convenient terma. FA'GLRWOOD DISTRICT rma. strWTv wmdarn. Well Im proved, good point. f40ee tioso down. Cunrewlewt !' mm. - - H. P. GRANT s: Court Street Phone 1744 GOOD LOT near-new hlch school Fruit trees. 8700. Phone 341. vaiMiwwwwwawMeAwMweftMe FOR BALE 2t ft' frontage On coast highway with 190 ft. front re on county road. Good location for filling station and tourist cabins. Write box 105. -South 'Beach,- Ore. - ; rW.VT A IEW HOME? Then call V. L. Irian 7184. For tL StO I will build, on your lot a 6 room and garage completer 13400 5-RM. modern house In Hol lywood, f 050 down, fit a month. - f 1500 New S-RAL modern house to new m. J5. district. oo,:iz a monm W A. roSKNEB H. T. UEBER 1153 N. CapHol - - r - Ph. toll 1 ACREwIth unfinished liouse 1 ml East good soil and location, - 175.t down and 1 15.00 per month, total price Sizwe.wtt. r; ALFRED DUMBECBT 147 N. CoM'l 8t Nice east front Jot 50x137,-Bay's Second Addition,. prios fzu.eo..-. . Good Lot la W. Salem, ft foot frOBt Priro tlTi.OO. ALFRED DUMBECK 147 N. Coml St 1200 DOWN, 117.50 per buys a good house. iS-Rm. "basement large - lot Ideal location. Total price flSOO. Own or Btoa-roaidenL Shown by appointment only, mono as ss. ..... f 50t CHOICE CORNER- LOT north. f Ittt.- Near high- achooL Shown by appointment only. Louis Been tel. Sal VBEST BUY in N. Salem, two' bedrm. home, terms a desired. 15 N cot tage.'PA, l7fL.-i ..-.... - : ; -BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED f residence. Phone tiff . svenings Sundays, For Sale Used Cars with License ...$ 33.00 225.00 95.00 SUNDAYS u n . i our oesrnoice - - " -"""innnrnnnnfLftrviii.ru'ui' LATE MODEL sedan, .perfect con dition, blue book price. Call at 1227 Court St. Phone 9497. For Sale Real Estate lttl CHEV. SPT. Victoria, f Whla. Side Wings. See to appreciate. Terms. It ft trailer house, 1 rms. double contr. Built-ins, sulUble for living or lunch rm. Sell or trade on small home. See Son. or eve. Taylors Trailer Park. 1184 State. - " - - - -i-,-ii-M-,-i-wwojinjxriji SMALL well-built house In West Sa lem. Concrete foundation, city water. Full price 1600 cash. West Salem Is building. We have a fine selection of lots for $135 and up. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE New Location. 775 Edgewater St. Ph. 65ZZ - -- -- -- -- -y- YMYWWW WEST 8IDE VALLEY VIEW PROPERTY NEW 4 RM. house with nook, base ment furnace, garage, 1A. set" in fruit wonaersu view of Salem and valley. See this on Glenn Creek Road. Box tt Price fltOO. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 775 Edgewater Ph. 6421 SaASeasaaaakaaa4aaaaMsaasaiearMBaaBaVBeaasaa, 8100 DN. BALANCE RENT buys t rma., nook, flrepL, furn. Only 82 404 immediate possess. See at 192S N. 5th. NEW STRICTLY MODERN t RM. house with attle f3850. FHA, easy terms, select district C. H. Sanders, lit & High Ph. 1131 - i -. rir ii -.i . 1 1 1 ,n i iiii.i.n..i i.w ACT OniCKLT 31100 5 ROOMS nice and clean. tiarase. 2 diocks to bus and achooL U. H. BANDERS 118 a High Ph. 5131 MOD 5 RMS. A Nk.. base, furnace. elec Rge. f!370. flSO Dn. Low inter. e rms. uniin. Some Plumb. 8750, 850 Dn. 4 rms. A bath, tt A. 11475. 1154 Dn. 4 rms. at Mb. H A. 33400. f 150 Dn. Lovely new mod. 5 Rms., Double gar. Lge lot. North. S3150. 3250 Dn. Beautiful new home. f5500. Name your own terms. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 S. Liberty St. Ph. 7113 Exchange Real Estate SERVICE STATION and repair shop with living quarters. 100' frontage on the highway north. Will exchange for small rarm. ii At-iuss an in cultivation, 5 room house, barn, well and creek, located east of Salem. A real bargain for fizeo. RO STEIN A ADOLPH, INC. llftt N. Commercial Street 'aaaaaaaan m.-.-. -- KLAMATH FALLS RES. FOR VALLEY 4-A. Imp. at Newberg. want Salem. either city or acreage. O. E. Rae. Ph. si BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME OF 30 ACRES, mostly in fruit roll ing land, exceptionally good bouse. large Darn and other buildings. Ri onably priced at M600 and will take Salem home to 32500. See Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 144 8tate Street Phone tltl For Sale Farms SEE F. G. DELANO, 2ft N. Church St for new listings on various slxed farms with small down payment oo. easy terms, balance S Interest. THE LAST word In a beautiful country home of If acres. Right In the heart of Howell Prairie. Improvements cost over izioo. price 14000. 82000 eaan will handle. See F. G. DELANO, ttt N. Church St Acreage CLOSE TO city limits, f A, all In grain and good road, for quick sale; will take 8H00. N. J. Llndgren or Carleton E. Lane 175 S. High Phone 8190. 4 RMS. A BATH, tt A. Fruit IL 175. flSO Down. 4 Rma. A Nk, tt A. f 2400. f Iff Dn. North. 7 A. t rm Hse, close-In. fltSO. Easy to nanaie. consider saiem bouse. t A. Bldgs, fruit berries, creek. Near saiem. sizeo. Otoe Down. 172 & Liberty Ph. 7111 FIVE ACRES Located on Garden road dose to Swegle . school, good well, new three- room home, best of dark prairie soil. Here is your chance to make a real buy In this exceptional tract Let us show you this traqt and you will like it. rrice szivv.w. eavv.vv oown, osu, sl7.se per month, int. e per cent. See G. H. GRABENHORST, Jr. with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 8. LUberty. Street 13-A. on Center 8t. Extended. Good house and bam 84)0 ft. frontage Center and 1000-ft front on dirt road. Best of aotL Can be split Into lots and hair acre tracts, ruu pnee ftvve. S29VS oanues. E. H. STAMBAUGH Phone 1411 212 Oregon Bldg. 3-A. 1 V mL east of Salem. -rm. house, lights, electric pump, barn. chicken bouse, one acre of Derma 32500. 5500 down. - ,25-A. 1 mL north on paved road. small house, good dairy barn, eleetrt lights, water, piped to boose and barn. szaee. 3100 down, tit per mo. 1-A tt mL east nice bldg. site. 1500. MELVIN JOHNSON. Realtor 726 Court St. Phone 3722 11-A. with t-rm. bouse, barn, well ereak. fruit. 11200. terms. 5 -A. I miles, no bldga, good road. elec. available. 8750. terms. Eastern Nebraska Service Sta. 5-rm house, 1 acre, on main highway, 13000. for acreage here. C J. JACKSON 141 State St. f A, all in cultivation, 1 mL E. Of Salem. Well drained. A bargain at 81.- 300. 1250 down, balance tie a montn. 17 A. in ntgn state or cultivation, i A. ta Royal Ann and Lambert cherries It yra. old. - Itt A. loganberries. Itt A. youngberries. Itt A. red rsspber rlea, 3-3 A. Marshall strawberrloa. timber, 3-rm. house, barn, chicken bouse, f 5-ft well, 4 ml.- from Salem nt Kelxer District 23500, fStt down. bat easy monthly payments at 4 R. A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER 1353 N. Capitol Ph. 3011 MeMieweeaaawaiWMM 929001 ACRE. I room mod. house, paved road, good well, elec garage. 5500 down, 32 Mo. - Never nriced on these terms C H. Sanders, lit 8. High Ph. SI 21 Wanted Real Estate ' WTT.T. PAT ttSOO rash, for I OT room home In Hollywood dlst Box ttt. Statesman. - - - WE WANT TOUR property listings. C H. Sanders, III 8. High Ph. fill 4" or Sale Used Cars " McKAY 5 THE BEST USED CARS i AT REASONABLE PRICES 1938 Chev. Deluxe Spt Sedan $695 1938 Chev.DeLuxe Tour Sedan 665 1936 Ford F85 Totm Sedan .... 365 1936 Chev, DeLuxe Spt Sedan 495 1937 QUsmobile Coupe 675 Commercial Cars 1936 Ford Sedan Delivery 395 1936 Reo l.Ton Truck ..... 350 1931 ! Chev. Panel 50 1928 Ford Pickup. - - 30 And Many More to Choose From McKay ChevrolefCo. JIMMIE DAVIS. WALT HOLMAN. LAWRENCE FLATBXRS 333 CENTER STREET PHONE OPEN EVENINGS A SUNDAYS '21 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE 2 -door sedan, f40. All good tires and radio. Will take "31 Ford or Chevrolet In trade. Call 004. 1937 NASH SEDAN. Overdrive, Heater, etc. Dealers ask ft45. Will take 3575 for quick sale. See Bill Ed wards, 415 Center. 1929 FORD KOADSTRR. good con dition. tS5.00.1S70 S. Cottage. '37 FORD DeLUXE Sedan. like new. only 4150. 2142 N. Com'L LATE MODEL sedan, perfect con dition, blue book price. Call after f p m. at 1227 Court St Phone 9497. 34 PLYMOUTH TOWN trunk se dan. Perfect shape. Call 3558 or 6951, evenings. 105 N. High. MUST SELL Equity In 35 V-8 Tu dor. Ba.1. 3175 cash. Perfect - cond. New battery. Nearly new tires. Take livestock, older car, or anything. Make offer. J. H. Stemberger. KC 1, silver ton, ttt mL E. on Marquam Road. Suburban 1 A. BARGAIN NEW. MODERN 5 room house with unfinished attic Located on paved road Just outside city limits. Large ga rs are. small chicken bouse A barn. Some cherries, filberts A walnuts. Will take lot up to f00 in trade. Price f 3500. f500 down A f 30 per mo . Call G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone tilt. 1 A. BARGAIN NEW 4 ROOM plast. house wtth plumbing, elec lights A garage. Lo cated N, Just off of P. H. Price f2750. Call G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W, H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4448. SUBURBAN 1-RM. UNFINISHED house with lghts and water. Good paint. Coxy 3900 ; part caah. H. P. GRANT f 29 Court Street Phone 4744. RitvHie ( rnnortnniliea SERVICE STATION, choice toca tlon. Must be sold on account of own er having other Interests. Sacrifice price. If Interested in a good spot at the riaht Price, aoe N. J. Llndgren or Carleton E, Lane 175 8. High Phone 8890. NEW CANNERY, an ecu In. with new machinery and a good dwelling with 7 rooms. Double garage and 3 ige electric hot beds 8x100 ft. Loc on 13 tt A. of ATOod. rich soil. Full price f 8.000. Must sell on account of recent deata In family. 33500 will handle. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 1411 REST. GROC. LUNCH Llv. 2. 31450. Paying Groc. Llv. 2. About 13.- 000 Invoiced. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. WANTED Salem Wholesale or Re tail Milk Route, with or without equipment Box Sit Statesman. SERVICE STATION and grocery store- in good town, f 1000 handles. R A. FORKNER H T. UEBER 1363 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 PACIFIC HIGHWAY STORE fttnr with llvlna- Quarters, some fixtures. 2 wimp gas Sta.. acre of land. Price 14500. 11500 down, now rented tnr SB 5 ner month. W. H. GRABENHORST A Co. Realtors 114 8. Uberty St Phone 1481 W1C RAVR attractive modern courts and Apartments. Income will pay off mortgage besides leaving you nice in come on your investment Trade 01 some. See Mr. Potter. " WINNIE PETTYJOHN 477 Court St. tAPTFTr? HIGHWAY NORTH Gas and service station, store and beer, all equipped. Lit tag quarters anl A. of land. Some fruit. Doing good business. Very amod terms and price. Call 4075 Sun. A Mon. after 1 :S0 p. m. Business Cards ta this directory mm a monthly basis only. Rate! ft per tit per uKrath. Anlo Brakes Mike Pa nek. 371 8oath Uomnrelal Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Ha-ty W. Scott 147 8 Com l h 4flf Body & Fender Repair' FOR BODY a PENDXR ropatta tt.tr trim, seat covers, glass ewptarement eoto painting FETE the Hsrrs.ll Owes Os, 231 A Oaml St Phone tlt. , Oilmney Sweep" TELEPHONE 4f A'-R. S. Northness j Chiropractors ' DR a L, SCfyjT. WL Cklrotato ISO N. . High. Tel. Reo. tS71 Excavating " EXCAVATING OF aB Woda base ments dug Dirt fisuled e "nored. Dirt for sale. -Salem Sand and Qrarel.Cc Phone 140 A- Florists Brelthaupra 44T Court Phono f MA W. SALEM Florlsta 1400 eMswwates Laundries THB NEW 8AIJCM IJIUNURT ' THE WEIDER LAUNDRY v Iff S, High TL fill For Satle Used Cars 3181 430 N. COMMERCIAL "SaSSsSaai 1st of Month Specials 1937 Ford Del. Coupe radio, heat t445 193t Ford Sedan 185 1931 Ford Roadster 193t Dodge Tour. Sed. 113 545 its 125 l- 385 350 1930 Dodge Sedan 1935 Graham Sedan, radio A heat 1930 Graham Coupe . 19 Chevrolet Pickup 1933 uoage fickup MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM HERRALL-OWENS CO; Used Car Ph. Park Opp. State Theatre 5335 Open Sundays SACRIFICE 35 Ford Pickup. 1150. Model A Panel, faO. Private- owner. 1150 S. 13 th. For Sale Wood URT Ind GROWTH Ph I37F11 - A-l DRT WOOU fsA Ph. 3354. DRY OLD tie. 35-50. Phone 7S07. FUEL ON ohso payments. No down payment. & months or longer ta pay. First payment It days. Any amount any kind. Full measure. Chaa E. Smith. TeL t2L list N. Church. " "wgaesssssafcamsassssejseas DRT ASH. -tS.Se. SMk 35 7S. P. 0708. " i t i i in ruunririruirin WD, ALL kinds. Ph. 1380. Ashcraft DRY ASH a maple. 35.50 ci. It In. sec growth. 84 60. Ph. 5C7S. U-BTR BUY st 180 N. Church. DRY FIR that is dry. Ph. 127L DRT 2nd GROWTH wood for sale. 4 ft. or sawed, delivered in Salem or at the farm. Phone 71F12. DRT SLAB, sac growth. Ph. (700. BLOCK WOOD, planer trrmrrrtnxs. screened fulL Imme4 delivery. Build ing Supply Co. Ph. till 1254. BONE DRY 14-m. 2nd arowlh. t-4.16. Dry If -In. old rtr. 5.60. Hardwoods. Phone 8370. WOOD TRUCK, at Trade A Liberty GRAEN, 412 N. 21st 4 wood S3 70. DRT WOOD, til kinds. PhoM f5t. ,,"" sn ii i i njin WOOD FOR ulf, M No. Hfch. i"i i nrin ngi.nruxr-ikfii. ft 9 7r LOAD II IN. mill. Dry mUl .4 0 3.7s. if in. dry Ind growth. 14.00. 133 cu. ft. bulk Ida, Ph. 17F31. WOOD TRUCKS moved from Com mercial to Chemeketa A Water Sta DRY 8EC gwth. Fenwlck. Ph. 4517. 13 and If In. St eta worth more. Pick It up. 292 & Cottage. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, We. ll-ln. Till. Ijost and Fonnd SM. RED Cocker SpanleL Ph. 7433. frriwnat LONKa.TT W(HTllWUllf neart, husband, wife for von Bog Tt isw Angejee I WISH TO ilni Mrs. Lee Miller, maiden name Jessie Delle Dobbins, or her heirs. E. A. Snook, Elm Creek, Nebraska, IMMMMAMMiefMAMMMWMI WANTED ORIGINAL poems, songs: for Immediate, consideration. Sen poems to Columbian Music Publishers, Ltd, Dept E28. Toronto. Can. aawweeeiMMwUeeiMMieeaaaa EPILEPSY-EPILEPTICS Detroit lady finds relief far- husband. She will tell yon how. All letters answered. Mrs. Geo, Dempster, Apt F-24. f ttt Lafayette Blvd, W. Detroit, Mich. Directory Massage TREATMENTS AT borne, Logan. Pa Maitreaaes SALEM FLO KF RUU and Matlrear factory NEW MATTRESS made te erd eld rams da : carpet eteonttMl sis tng: fluff rug wearing & I9th m Wil bur 'TeL t4 4 1 OTTO . F. . Z WICK ER f 4tiL;: - - . I CAPITOL. REDDING CO. Phone 4tr1 Painting Kalgominlng. R, W A KNOCK. Jr. Work soar. lltt. Printina STIR aTATllWKRI card A rl programa bonks or any kind tt print- tag rait The St a teams a Printing De partment. 318 & Comments L Tees tltt Prnning SALEM TRKS service.' TeL tin. jawing Machine fl.OO SPECIAL We will en A adlnst, any tewing' machine toy your homa, Sew. Mach. Dept, Miller's. Ph. t!71. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer-ster . sga burner ofl. 'call till larwtey Trmnsfey Co. Trucks to Port la od tIWs. Vacuum Serrice' AUTHORIZED H O A 71R eerylce. -salsa AH makes serviced. Va to rent. Mr. Wait Ron Braa or Ph. SIFT A Well Orilling & A. WEST. Rt Bos 448 ' H0H and adjaosnt