PAGS EIGHT The OHEGON jSTATELSMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, January 24, 1939 9 . Salem vBflarbetQu1 -fBeylag Mtltl'i3 ': ' - (Tae price below enpplied by local grocer are iadicativo ef the daily market prices paid to fro by galea btrn bat ere aot guaraatecd y , The . 8tatea- Apple-. Atf varieties, 0 grade, per be. eoeoe. . . .; Baawaae.-lb, ea stalk. ' Hands i.-r ;.os . .75 1.00 ... Calaeee Gripef rait,, Texas piaks . Hegalar , . Dates, fresh, lb. . .14 . ' , , 4.50 .... 3.26 ta 3.50 tremens, erate-. Orwiw. crate tVEQWTASXBe - (Buying Mces) Beets, lot. '.i i i i,,., .40 .03 Cabbage, lb. Carrots. CaKf., art. doa2.75 to 3.16 Cauliflower, , Portland, Cuiery, Utah, era la Celery Heart a, dea. 1.20 LaUneo, calif. 3.0 la 1.00 Onion, boiling, 10 Iba. Ko. 3, au laa.' o 3o. .45 J .40 1.50" 50. 3.00 .80 " .01 AO- Oreea anions, dos. Radiskes, dos. . .. Peppers, greea. Calif. rare ley Patau aa, local, awt 60 lb. ban. Hpiaaea, Texas, 1.60, Aria.. Danish, do. , ., . Habberd. lb. , ' Turaipa, do. VOTE (Mm pel by ladepasdent packing plant - Walaats fraaqaettes, faaey, 13c; sna dlota, 10c; email Se; are bard raa, to 10c. Wataat meata 25 to 80c IK filbert -BareaJooaa, large, 12 Ka; fea y 11; babies, 11c; ereUrd raa 11 to to 18c . .. . . rUbarta All moved aot." . (Ca-act rricaa to Grower) ' - Walaats Price range, depcadlag apoa way aata raa la 14 4 i Marcel grades, 11 13a. Dachllly 1 cant higher. j . Hort ' i (Baring Prices) Clasters, aominal, 1037, Ib10 to 13 Clatters, 1938, lb. . 20 to .81 - Juggle, top , . -23 . WOOL A2T0 MOHATJI (Baying Prices) Wool. BdJUB, lb. JL Coarse, lb. , ...... Lamb, lb. .S3 .18 8 Mohair, lb. EOOS US PO0XTBT (Baying Prlccc at Andxcaca'i) Larra extra .10 Medium extraa Larfc stoadards .14 .14 .10 .14. as .13 4 JO raiiets Colored fryc' Colored asediom, IK White Lagberaa, IK Ka. L. Wblta liegboraa, f rye Wbito Legharaa, IK Ka. 3- "Envoy Estoordinary By E. Phillips Oppcnheim SYNOPSIS t The grave issue of world war or peace was la the ofSng (though none seemed to realise it) when, eae Fergus, a secret British mes senger, was assaulted and robbed ea route to Sir Ronald If stressor, who had Just returned to his lordly county estate after another of bis long and mysterious Journeys. Bis mother. Countess lfatOda; bis sis ter. Lady Arm; and her new com panion, Uadsmoisolle Elisabeth Stamlor, beautiful Austrian, wel comed the handsome young Us tresser sdoa who recalled seeing the alluring Elisabeth on one of trips abroad.... Dr. Andrews and Matrasser, motoring late at night to the former's surgery to see Fergus, narrowly escape a smasbup with a speeding auto.. . . Fergus Is semiconscious and does not know Jan van Westrheene were his Satyr-like caricature of a smile. that the message be was carrying has been stolen. He mumbles about eeisg a young woman banding ever tie coat in the hospital. ... The next day. Dr. Andrews tells of a new patient-" perfect giant of a fellow, a Dutchman" named Jan Van Westrheene who was slightly Injured when bringing his. yacht Into- Uatresser's private harbor the night before. The following day. Van Westrheene,The Dutchman," calls on Ilatressetv They are chat ting about their world experiences. CHAPTER XJx-JC: "You have the mutation. Lord Matresser," Van Westrheene said. of being a great traveler.- -: . "Then my reputation belies me," was the dry response. "English country life becomes at times monot onous and one .is glad then to dis appear for a time, but my Journey tngt ere all within a certain orbit I have never climbed ;en unknown mountain or named a newly discov ered lake." ',- r-w4vv'- llljnheer van Westrheene stroked tie sharply pointed heard thought fully. His blue eyes were fixed upon lushest- ;-- r? "You have not then, 1 gathers the same, tastes as your father," he ebservedVflf my memory serves me he waa Ambassador at St Peters burr in tve di dxri and after that at Lsae." :;- ..r f "l!y father was r laddered a brfl Cant diflomat"' H Atrtsaer replied. "He was also a eorsiJaratle fure b tie rcII'JciJ wc:IJ, wLich 1 eouU never be. I had a brother arith brains who tnls&t have gone ia fsr that wiiawffTOwinii ii j i 1 1 iwwwiiw.M.uMi;Bwa!aeai! .v ..;.:.v..v..:.:.v.-..s s f y t 4A, f ' f. -' - - s v - i - -. -" -' - ' - Grade B raw 4 pet ee-t milk, Salem basic pool price '93.10. . . . - Co-op. Grade) A botterCat. price, FOB Salem, 20c r ; (Milk UacaT aa aaaal awatbly i t kattarfat aeeraga.) ZX e - y - Dlstribator price, f32.' A grade botterfat OcUt- '. ered 2c It trade S4e; O) grade 20c." ' w ' J A grade prist, ,20c; B. .' grade 28c ' ... t t Heavy ken a, lb. Boaatara JS .05 (Baying priea for Va. 1 itock, ua4 ta eonditiona aad aalaa npartad af .. m Latbraa! .. 1.00 " Ea-ei M to l-00; Heaa. tape - 130-150 Iba. 210-800 Iba. Sow -,, Beef caws JBalla Heifera Ton ml : 0.25 ..7.75 to 8.00 .7.60 to 7.75 S.00 .4.50 to 6.00 .4.50 to 5.50 .6.00 M 4.00 8.60 vairy ypa nwi w Dreeead vast. lb. ( Midget) - .13 Hofta. (Mid set Mkt.l . T00 MA&I0 CREAMEBT Baying Priea , - t ia u i u Bntterfat A trade - Laghara baas, aear Ibi Lagbora heaa, aader. S Iba. 10 .08 JS J4 .0 sprtagera Colored heaa. ever 6 Iba. 8Utt, lb. Old rooatere. lb. 05 Bejacta, aaarket raloe. No, 3 grade 5a leea BOO PBICB8 Large extras Large standard . Median extrss .10 .14 .14 .10 .10 .10 Medium standards Undergrade .. Pullet .GBAXH, HAT and SEEDS Wheat, par bushel, Ka. 1 white, sacked . ... .05 Red ; .05 Oat, grey, toa .29.00 ta 30.00 wiuta .28.00 Feed barley, ton CloTtr bar. toa .22.00 to 23.00 14.00 Oat and Vetch bay, toa 14.00 Alfalfa, toa 15.00 to 18.00 Alaike Clover, lb. o ia .ta .14 Bed Clover. Ib. Egg mash. Ho. 1 grade, 80 lb. bag 1.60 Dairy feed. 80 lb. bag 1.80 Hea scratch feed l.TS Cracked corn ,, 1-75 Wheat 1.30 to 1.40 sort of thing, but we lost him dar ing the war." Van Westrheene rose to his feet. He bowed to Yates, who took his glass from him, "My congratulations to you," he said. "I have never tasted e better eoektafl." "You are very kind, air," waa the gratified reply. "I wiO give myself the pleasure of returning your call within the next few days," Matresser said. "We have rather a houseful now and It Is difficult to get away. Thursday, if you can shoot. I will send a car for you at ten o'clock. You will dine with- us afterwards, I trust Ify mother, I - am sura, would be dev lighted." Van Westrheene did not hesitate for a second. Bs accepted promptly. "It will give me great pleasure," usual eyeglass . . He was colossal II! he said solemnly, "to meet her lady ship, your mother." - He crossed the floor toward the door huge, Impressive figure who seemed somehow or other to dwarf j aU the contents of the room. On the threshold be turned and bowed again. The footman who had been summoned closed the door. - Mat resser remained for several mo ments silent listen! Dg to his firm footsteps upon the hard oak stairs. He turned to Yates. . , "What about that my astute sec retary?" . . ; ;. 1 "I think that before he leaves," Henry Yates replied, "he will give us something to think about". Kothisg but their natural good breeding and a certain sense of stupefaction . kept Matressers guests, gathered together at a fixed rendezvous within the Park, in a sober frame of Bind when llr. Jan van Westrheene Joined the group en Thursday inorning. s He seemed to disentangle himself tneh by Inch from the Interior ef the torpedo shaped reeing ear which had fetched hint from the harbor, ast3 at last the whole six foot seven Inches ef him stood a strange and towering figure emong the by no means nader-eised group ef men which comprised the house party, da cos tume and outfit too seemed, to add to the tmuaualness of hie appear ance. - Ee wort a short double. breasted shooting eeat with an enor mous eoCar, tTimmed ' with thick fur, beneath which his lege, dad la tight riding breeches and gaiters, apDeared. their notable lenrth unduly exaggerated and the gaiters end a ITJ e Effect Stocks Steels and Motors Lead in : Downalide ; Average It off 2.1 Points NEW YORK, Jan.; ilJP) Stock market prices crumbled, to day as Wall street suffered a new attack of 'nerres resulting, prt- maiily, from the cloudier foreign outlook. e J ?;Tf steels and motors fell rapidly at the start and other groups were quick to follow. -Leaders closed with losses of 1 to I points gen erally, around ' the lows of the day. A few were off 8 to 10 on relatively small turnoyer. ; J; The - Associated Press arerage of CO stocks dropped 2.1 points to 4S.S. the widest break in this composite since September IS, last. ' : ., Dealings were fast in the fore noon as large blocks of recent f arorites changed hands on ' the downside. The pace slowed later, but transfers totalled 1,811,120, the largest Tolume for any "ses sion since December 29.- . ' - . Inspiring heary offerings, bro kers said, was the thotght of in ternational complications that might come in the wake of an Imminent insurrectionist rictory in the Spanish war. Austin Titus Dies At Vets' Hospital PIONEER Mrs. Roy Black re ceived word of the death of her brother Austin Titus. Mr. Titus passed away at the Veterans' hospital in Walla Walla, Washington, at 5 o'clock Thurs day evening.' No funeral arrange ments hare been made so far as Mrs. Black had learned. . Uieniaelves overlapping a pair of t wonderful Hessian boota, Bis bat was a dark" green Homburg felt, or- -namented with a row of woodcock pin feathers on the one side end a single cock's feather on the ether. He wore' his usual eyeglass and a fixed contraction of the lips e Satyr-like caricature of a smile. He ' was pleased to see everybody. He . had 'hung a cartridge bag, which must have contained nearly three, hundred cartridges, ever his shoul der. He protested smilingly when Humphreys brought up bis loader. ; to whom, however, he was persuaded to transfer all his sporting impedi menta with the exception of his : shooting stick. His host waa the only one Who seemed to take him entirely as a matter of course. . "We are starting with a partridge drive, van Westrheene,'" he nounced. "Shoot a high cock pheas ant If one comes over. Leave the low hens aa they are bound to come out again from the wood." . "I shoot the hares and rabbit yesT" Mijnheer van Westrheene in quired anxiously. "Rather. We have too many hares. Glad you thought to ask me." - "Your keeper he blows e horn, perhaps, when the game rises?" ' "He blows a whistle me thing. The beaters are all waiting now be hind those fields ef roots. You see the guns on the other aide of you? You are number two where your loader Is standing and I am number one at the corner there."- --Van Westrheene glanced to the right end to the left then, as the whistle' sounded, he planted his snooting stick in the ground, took up a firm stance in front of It end leaned forward.' At the finish of the drive there eras no longer anyone Inclined to think ef him In the least as e figure of fun. Without e tremor, Kke a perfect machine, he swung his gun and he swept everything on the ' wing from the skies. Not a emils ; or a wrinkle ea his face betrayed , any satisfaction, t even', when he' brought down a woodcock which had been aniseed e9 along the line. He ; took his second gua from the loader With only the slightest Inovement of the body. His long arms seemed to reach everywhere. Hares were perpetually turning somersaults on . either side ef him. 'Uatrcseer. who had shot very little himself, was surrounded at the end ef the drive. , .. (To be continued) , tost. w oast ii isns man. "- - g - . Quotations nostra kzcbajtob - POBTLAND, Orew iaa. U. A awry yiwc piimi - - Butter: Xxtraa 28; staaaArdg 24; prima firiU 14; Unto J4, Battertat 38 -37. . - Eggs: Large extras 30; large etamdards 13; aaedioai extras It; aMdJaas ataadarda 18: aaull extras IT aauQ saediasaa 17. Cheeaet Triplets 13; loaf 14. Portland Grain P0BTLA5r, ' Ore., Jaa,' 38 (AP)-- waeat: uvea xiiin ijew oioae May TT 68 - ' 8 68 S8 Caab, grain t Oata No. t-88 lb.- wilt SS. Barley Ka. 3-45 IK B. W. 33.50. Cera S. I J. Baip. 80.15. - - Cask-w be at bld)t Soft wblu 91 1 weaterm white 87; weeterm red 68 Hard red winter ordinary ett ; 11 per cent 4; 13 per cent 67; IS per cent 70; 14 per cent 71. ' Hard white Baart ordinary 09: 12 per cant 69: IS per eeat 71: 14 per een if a. . Today's car receipts : Wheat 38 1 bar. ley 0; Hoar Id; eera 1; bay 1; SaiUfeed Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore, Jam. 33. (AP) ivtuiai non: ateeeipia. aauo. amevea. pea 35-40 ' above Monday - week . ago. traccra ia ou-ou a dots maay svaraga. laU aalea 40-50 as. rood-ebeiee 165-315 IK drivcine early 8.60, few S.75, later aaiea a.eo, eartoaei tota o.7a-u, zza-70 lb. batchers S.OO-35, light ligbU 1.00-25, Saekiag aowa strong to 25 higher at 6.35 0, feeder yiga 7.75-8.00. . Cattle i Beeeipta. 1750. eaWes 150. aa- evca, steers aroaod 25 higher, low cat- tor and cotter cowa strong to 25 higher, other eowa aad heifera apeaed . ateady, strong, eloee wtek to 25 aad more lower, balls steady, vealera strong to 60 high er. Baediam-good' fed: steers 8.65-9.25. common 6.50-7.75, mediom-good heifera, common aeuers o.oo, cutter 4.00. low cotter aad entter eowa 8.25. 4.00, eommon-mediom 4.50-5.75, good-beef eowa 6.35-75, few ap to 7.00, early, balls 6.60-6.00, beef bolls 6.25, good-choice vealera 9.50-10.00, common 5.00. Bneepr Jteceipts, 2000, steady, good- Stocks and Jaaoary 33 STOCK AVBBAOE8 CoaipUed by The Asaociated Press SO 15 IS 60 , lados Bails CU1 Stock get chg. D.2t fl.5 Dl.l D3.1 Monday . 70.1 19.8 86.1 48.8 Prev day 78.0 81.8 S7.2 60.9 Heath ago -75.5 22.S S5.1 51.9 Tear ago 65.7 19.8 8S.1 45.9 1938-29 high 79.5 23.8 87.0 64.7 1988-89 lew .49.3 12.1 24.9 83.7 BOND AVBKAQES 20 10 10 10 Porga D.6 61.4 62.0 61.8 66 67.0 69.0 Bails Xadas anch 99.3 99.3 98.0 96.8 100.8 93.0 Util D.5 92.9 93.4 91.6 90.6 95.1 65.8 Ket eke 4 Monday 59.1 60.5 68.8 63.9 70.5 46.3 Frev. day Month ago Tear ago 1936-39 . high 1988-89 low POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY TOOTS AND CASPER 1 . 1 N. V AKeaVEjEM A I f KJN SAV I AMT I f I rJEW NEIGHBORS J ("IT J KtSAvtyf Vaf I V APPREOATTVE -y f mgSH AIR FENDSjJ ll m J I P"7 as mmmeaja--mi VCKJ& . u ' V J ---rt -5wW2N -a ' ""V , - f AM' KlSSGO MX. AN" SAID X V0S J'ff Irtir-r- I , . - Zt ft I i T79rJrTX m bgst Ff?A5-.-ierer,xaiRo ' IT WAS THE SHERIFF 1 THEY POUND J650.O IN MARKED BILLS UNDER MY MATTRESS - rr WAS PART OP 5000.32 STOLEN FROM TH6 PIRM OVER A PERIOD OP TIME WHOEVER PUT THE BILLS UNDER MY rWT7RK53 WAS THE REAL THIEF HH PLANTED THEM THERE TO SAVE HIS OWN NECK THIMBLE THEATRE SUrrino; Popeye N0W THBY5 "TWQ S ' -' - WJMPV BOTH DRlKIKEDjVT - at cbalea fed waole laaios MS. eae aa ble aSortraskeS la 8.00, good alaaghtar ewaa S.60-4.00. v Portland Produce POBTLASD, Ora Jaa. tSjtAV) Coaatry asaats' Bsiitag price to retailers: rMtrr killed heaa. heat batcher aader ISO iba. 10-11 j yveelere ,14a IKt Ural aaa aata a-aacj "., moaTy ao ia.; Samoa w. i mwwm , ru. -10 IK; cutter aews 8-1 a lb.; eaaaer aawa 7-8e IK--. . . - - ,AA f eeeMf'"ayrat-pf1aast -Lacaewa arailera 1 e i 10., ice ia.; i isa. 1S: eolaaW nrinca S to. SH iba.. 16e IK; ever I Iba. 17c: Leghora hams ever iu lit. 15a IKi aader lbs 14a IK: colored heaa to 6 Iba. 19a IK; erar 8 (be. 18a tKt a a. s graae ae ia. aaaa. Tart eye Sclttas pnaeai Preeaed, aew crop hams 26-soa IKJ tosas xa-iea 10. vay. lag prices: New heaa 85a lb. f teas 35. Fetateee Taklma geaaa, 1,15 . eeatarf , AA. .A. MAMA .1 4K ceatal; Klamath Falls Ma. 1 gems. 1.30- 1.55; CaUIormia sweets, x.a-a.oa ror IK arato; new Calif. Tramp, 82 per 60 Iba. -- ''- -.-.t Onion a Oregon, Be. 1, 1.60-1.80 een- tal: Takiaaa 80-40c per 60 lbs.; sets 4c IK . - ' Wool Willamette valley, aomlal; sae dlaas 33-38 lb.; eoaraa aad braiaa, 33-28 IK; lamba aad fall 30 1K eaatera Ore goa 18-23 it - ? Hay SeWag prc to retailer: Alfalfa Be. X, 16.00 tea; eat vetch 13.00 tea; lover 11.00 toa: timothy, eastern Ore goa 19.00 ; Do valley 14.00 toa Portland. - Hope Mew area doctors SO ib; far gles 38 IK Ifohatf BoaUasl: 1988. 36-37 IK Cascara bark Bsyinf price, lttl peel 6e 1K fiagar Parry aad trait, 100s, 4.90, hale 6.05: beet 4.80 cental. Domestic floor Selling priea, ety de livery, 1 ta 25-bbl lota: family patent, 49s, 6.55-6.15; bakers hard wheat, net, 8 70-6.15; bakers' blaasteaa, 4.05-4.40; blended wheat floor, 4.30-4.55; soft wheat floor, 8.95-4.05; graham, 49a, 4.80; whale wheat 49a. 4.75 bbL ; Wool in Boston BOSTON, Jan. IS- (AP) (UBDA) Pin, territory "wools were qneted very firmly today oa the Boetom aaarket. Sales at the close of last week took farther eiseable amounts oat of the aaarket. The bulk- of the demand was ea original fine territory wools, which brought 69 to 70 cants scoured basis for good Preach combing lengths aad 67 to 68 eeata eeour ed basis for average to a h a r t Preach combing lengths. Some three-eight blood territory wool waa iaeloded ia recent sale at 60 to 63 cent acoared basic for combing aad 87 to 68 eeoered basis for clothing leagtha. Contract Beans At $60 per Ton WEST STAYTON Frank Ho fer, field man for, B. E. Maling of Hlllsboro, was in this vicinity last week contracting Wax bush beans for the 1939 season at $60 a ton. V HERE : .Jr. " ....... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- WMrt H-iBM A&nMCril-atMi.Si4 A mi Ask Farmers for Vegelabliilieck Commrceial Production to Have Bearing on '39 AAA Payments A new phase of the agricultural conservation program is being in troduced to Marion county farm ers for the' I x time this' week. , 1 Postcards requesting . the prob able acreage of commercial vege tables to be grown in 1939. have been sent. to every conservation signer.. The cards are to be. filled out according to the best estimate of ' the operator . and returned to the office of Harry L Riches: : " Payments and the general op eration of the conservation pro gram may be affected to a con siderable extent on farms where commercial vegetables are grown in large quantities. In view of this fact all farm ers are urged to fill out these cards as accurately . as - possible and to mall them at once in order that .there be no delay in setting up the '1939 program. . Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 23. (AP) (US Dept. Agricoltare). Apples Delicious, mediant to I g a ex fey, 1.60-1.75; fey, 1.25-1.50; O grade PSP, 60-60e; Spitienberge, med to large fey, 1.25-1.85 Kewtons, med to lge ea fey, 1.50-1.60; fey, 1.35-1.40; nnclass f S f, SO-eOc. Wash Delicious, med to lge ex fey, 1.85 1.90; fey, 1.60; wiaeaap, med to lge ex fey, 1.60-1.65; fey. 1.45 1.55; Rome, C grade i 75-85e; ex fey, 1.85-1.40; loose, 8e lb. Artichoke Salif., 8.00-3.35. Avocados Calif, foerte, 1.60. Bananas Par bunch, 6-5 a Ik; small lots. 6 6c. Beans FU., balk Valentines 8.10-8.25; Calif., lima 18 20e Ib. Brussels Sprouts 12-enp, 75-80c Cabbage Oregoa ballbead. aew crates 1.50-1.75; ordinary 1.15-1.25; broken lug l4-2e; red 2-2e; Calif.. 8c Cauliflower Local, Ko. 1, 80-90e; Calif., 90e-81.00. Celery Oregon, heart, fancy, 31.25 do.; fair, 75c-1.00 r Calif., Utah, 1.50 2 25; white, 1.85-2.00; heart 1.10-1.15. Citrna Fruit Grapefruit, Texas marsh seedlese, 2.75-3.00; pink, 8.00-8.25; An ions, fancy 1.90-2.00, choice 1.60-1.75; Florida 64-64. 8.25-8 50. Lemon Fancy, all sliea, 8.50-5.25; choice, 3.75-8 60. Limes, flats. 1.40. Oranges California aavels, 844a, 3.85 ; fancy l?6s, 8.50; other sixes 3.65-3.10; choice aad PP, 1.75-3.10. Crenberrlee -bbL WasK, Ore., hte Farlands 8.50; fair 8.00-8.25. Cucumbers Botboase, per dos fancy The Wide and Open Spaces The Law of Gravitation Just Sitting Pretty,, AI Faces an Unknown Future f - X 6crr five to twenty Years in PRISON ONE DAY MY CHANCE CAMS 1 ADcrfruavaj.sTTs K4V uaiwitr r-Aswita , e oarw waaw , fmmjmw 9 w w --w -w ima- AS THE YEARS PASSED V lTHOUtsHT MY TROUBLES WER5 Y. aubd.. mrr una - 'Growing Pains''.. '4 - Sr. --. --5 iiV I . : ( i " ' t Closing NEW YORK, Jan. Al Chem A Dye 171 Allied Stores ....9 American Can ..95 Am For Power,. . .3 - Am Pow aV Lt , . .5T4 Am Had 8td San 14 Am Rolling Mills 17 Am Smelt Rf'42 Am Tel A Tel .1 " Amer Tobacco B 87 Amer Wat Wks .124 Anaconda ...... 274 Armour 111 Atchison .......3JS. Barnsdall IS Bait A Ohio .....8 Bendix Aria ...23 Beth Steel .....634 Boeing Airp . .'. .28 Ve Borge-Warner . . 2 4 Budd Mfg. ...... 84 Caltf Pack 1 Vk' Callahan Z-L . . . . 1 Calumet yHec- .V.V 4 Canadian Pee M Case .88 Cater Tractor . ; 41 Celanese "...'... . 19 4 Certain-Teed' ; .'. 10 4 -CheBa A Ohio .32 Chrysler ; V T. ..71 Commer Solv . i 10- 1.75-3.00; Ko. X, 75o-l J)0. Eggplaat Califs ll-13e IK; hf, 3.00 3.15. Grspe California, lag boxea, Kmpe or. US No. 1. 1.35-1.50; tew 1.75. Letcuee California Delano dry, 6 dos en, 1.50-1.85; Imperial, iced, 4-5s, 2.25 2.50; dry 3-3.25. Mushrooms Cultirated. 1 Ib., 8 0-8 5c Onion Washington yellows, 50 pound sacks, 60-70e; large, 75-85e; commerclala, 50-60c; Oregon yellows, 60 pound sacks, DS Ko. 1, 75-90e; 10-pound sacks, 17 18c; boiler. 10-poaad sacks, 14-15c; seta, brown, 4e; white, 6-5 He Pears Oregoa. Beee... loose. 60-60e; ex. fey, 1.25-1.35: Aajea, ex. fey., 1.00 1.60; 80-88, med., 1.25-1.35; box, 70ej Cornice, ex. fey., 2.85-3.00. - Peaa Calif.; 3.25-2.50. Peppers Pia, 1214c; crates 4.25-4.50. Potatoes Oregon, local Russet and Long Whites. No, 1, 1.10-1.15; Ko. 2. 60 lb., tacks, 87 40c: Deschutes No. 1. Ru.seta, 1.15-1.25; No. 2, 50-lb. aaeks, 40-45e; Klamath No. 1 Russet. 1.85; No. 2, 60-lb. aaeks, 42-45c; Washington bakers. 100 lbs., 1.60-1.80. Rhubarb WaaK, hothouse, ex. fey, 1.50-1.60; fancy, 1.40-1.50; Ore., choice, 1.85. Squash Oregoa Marblehead, l-2e; Hubbard, 2-2e; Danish, 81.50. Sweat Potatoee California, 60 pound crates, 1 1.50 1.60; No. 8. fl.S01.80: Louiaiana yams, 1.50-1.60. Tomatoe Ore. hothouse 17-22 a Ib.; Mex., 8.25-3.50; Pla., as is, 3 3.25. Spinach Texas, 1.40-1.50 bekt; Aria., 1.65-1.75, 80 lbs. Baaehed vegetables Oregoa, per dos. benches: Beets, 25-80c; carrots, 25-80e; frees, onion. 25-30c; parsley, 30-35c: Jap radishes, 45-50e lag; radishes, winter, 20c; hale, 80-85e; leeka, 80 35a; turnips. THAT'S WHAT ENVELOPE JULIE rm-w rr 11 v DATA THAT MIoHT HELP ME TO CLEAR MY : NAM 5 SOMEDAY 111 Quotations 21. (AP) Closing quotations i Nat Diet 1.....25H Nat Pow A Lt .... 7 Common A Sou . .1 North Pacific ...11 Consolld Edison . SO Packard Mot ....4 Consolid Oil . . ... 8 J C Penney ....78 Corn Products ' . . 83 Phillips Pet .... 3 8 Curtiss Wright ... I Pressed Steel Car 1 1 Du Pont do N ..142 Pub Serv NJ ...33 Douglas Air ....83 Pullman ........33 Eiee Pow ft Lt ; 104 Safeway Stores .32 Erie RB.;...".."1 Sears Roebuck ..69 Oen Electric . . .88 Shell Union . . . . 12 Gen Foods ..iV.SSH Sou Cat Edison .23 Gen Motors . . 43 4 South Pacitic -. . . l Goodyear Tire . .30 Stand Brands ... .6 Gr North Ry Pf .24 - Stand OU of Calif 27 Hudson Motors -.7 Stand Oil of N J 45 Illinois Central .18 - Studebaker 7 Insp Copper . . . .11 Sup Oil . . . . ; . ... 2 Internet Harv ..52 Tmkn Roll Bear 46 Int Nickel Can i . 49 Trans-Amer ..... 8 Int Pap ft P Pf .44 Union Carbide ..83 Int Tel ft Tel v. . 8 United Air . ... . 3 4 Johns Manv . . . .93 United Airlines .10 Kennecott ......36 US Rubber .....42 Libbey-O-Ford ..46 US Steel 58 Ugg A Myers B 100 Walworth ....... 7 Loew's ........48 Western Union ..21 Montr Ward . . . .44 White Mot ..... 1 0 Nash-Kelv ...... 8 Wool worth .....49 Nat BlSCUit ......234 New York Curb Nat Cash ......214 Cities Service ..... Nat Dairy Prod .12 Elec Bond ft Sh ... Wheat Reflects Security Jitters CHICAGO, Jan. 2?-P-Inter-natlonal nervousness that hit the securities markets today had a depressing effect on wheat pric es. Early fractional gains were wiped away and ' replaced with small net losses at the close. Snow blanketing much of the winter wheat belt, with prospect of more, also had a bearish ef fect on grains. Ordinarily signs of increasing international ten sion would be bullish on wheat but there were no outstanding political developments. Wheat closed - lower than Saturday, May and July 69 down H. 25-30 per doten; celery root, 60c per doxea; broccoli, logs. 40-45e, 60-65e per dozen; California paraley, 35 40c, 8 win chard. 85c dosen; radishes, 85-40e; broo eoli. 5 -6c pound, 45c dotea bonche; carrot, 45-5 Oc do.; 2.25-3.00 crate; tur nips, 65-75c Boot vegetables Carrots, lags 40-50c; sacks, 90c 1.15; rutabagas, 1.25-1.50 hundredweight, logs 45-50e; beets, 1.10 1.25; 35-40e for lags; turnip. 80c-1.00 ter sack, logs, 85c; parsnips, 40-45 lag; orseradiaK 15c lb. By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH By JIMMY MURPHY WAS IN THE BROWN STOLE CLIPPINGS AND WELL.WELL, HERE'S WHEHtS ne AND rvtouUT CARVED OUR INITIALS .SUNDAY AS WE PLANNED OUR FUTUREBUT NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT5 AHEAJO- Sf "Jii.,'.!! f , POPEWE1. .. j WIMPV'S PULLING . MVHAiR: -76dJ P Ti 4 .'Six