The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1939, Page 9, Image 9

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U cy ROM i U cs-ihell
- - An athlete's - greatest asset,
without a doubt, Is his Ability to
mentally relax For. the ultimate
proficiency in competitive athlet
ies the miad would have to be
separated from the body at least
after the mechanics of the sport
are masteredT . .. "
- This was brought " sharply
Into evidence Tweaday ' sight
when the Bearrats trounced the
Pilots 6S to 2S and la so doing'.
4Ut the antrawwJows total of ltd
baskets fa e33 shots takes for
a kaxtree-lsa .average of Uol.
The marMading Cata couldn't .
raise. Had' two or three .others
backets chat were snak- count-..
- ed, and Taa thinking especially
Of pair ' thrown threoHi by
- Bob White that were nullified
by toots of the offtria"
-kll. ..ft. nrifl &a M
hay crowded the,. JKOO mark.
- ' And why were tha "Cats able to
uu iui: nnj uiu uio mo hc-
velop 'into a scoring spree, with
virtually every Bearcat entering
i I ,';-V'-.-.i.: - - -y jv ':-' t - "'' -h ' ; -..-. .-. -a.-. i . . 1 4 . ' 1 hi
vj .ilia .m .m. i mT.i . - .
o Whether taeynro alaasptag
? or whmtB& the Beareata
' .M , If. .'
s isr win
Potato Staters Have Been
Downed by Iinfield in
- two Recent Tflu -V;
WUlamette's fDeadeye Dicks.",
(fo familiarly known since the Pi
lot .massacre of Tuesday , night
last), move in Northwest confer-
n e circles tonight," facing the
College of; Idaho- Coyotes at t
o'clock. ;
The Coyotes, , who hare fared
dismally on their Oregon trip
the' game abfe to hit the hoop !1110? tar. re w for two-gama
rith' devastating ease? Was it
beeanse the Pilots, the same crew
that damped Willamette Just a
week previously, had left their
. defense in Portland? I think not
The reason, it was 'evident, was
. that 'the' 'Cats were never during
the . game under nressnre. They
the backet and as a result were
tossing thronsh -basket after bas
' ket In which the ' ball ' touched
nothing but the net as it whirled
throuzh. 4' '
' They weren't tryins; too hard"
as the saying goes, simply because
; there .was no need. Out In front
from the start, they maintained a
. free-and-easy pace that paid off
, in.- huge point dividends. The Pi
lots, on the other hand, when they
" did open up with a belated bar-
' . war. "tJrViti
ened up" and couldn't connect.
: Whizz in Practice.
' It Is rather a common eerar
. renee in sports to f ind a young-
- ater who is a whizs In practice
, atmalona, be it football, base'
ball, basketball, or what have
yon, bat a complete washoat
- wnder the fire of actual anve
conditions. HcTl threw baskets
front a, handstand while oat '
fooling aronnd with the team In
practice, bat in a game to more
likely to toss the ball Into the
sideline bleachers. Why? Rim
' ply because the' pressure of
competition cause him to tight
-en op, throwing his normal co
ordination completely oat of
The tnfielder who glides
muiovlaly in irvoi i4 grvuuu uaiu
lata tion . makes far fewer errors
than the one who ' bounces and
hops into -position In a tense
manner. Right when it's going to
hurt the worst the tensed type of
fielder is going to boot one or
toss It umteen miles over the
first Backer's head.'
.. To me the outstanding sinale
Item 'that made Johnny Kitsmlller
a., great halfback was his ntter re
laxation under any kind of game
condition. He was so relaxed that
the things he accomplished on the
gridiron looked too easy.
Portland's Bill O'Donnell. if
you've noticed, is almost limp
when ha lets fly those long loonr
. ers. No Jerky flip when he fires.
but smooth, coordinated, unnur
rled flezation of the whole body
flowing into the shot. O'Donnell,
by-the-by, wants a crack at profes
sional basketball. -.hence his
scramble to build up a high scor-
tag average. The "scramble" win
probably causa him mora trou
ble than anything else. . .
Otto 8kopa Is natnrally a
- loose, flip-floppy type of bas
keteer. Bat Skope, carrying
far too amen aronnd his middle
of the staff corn pats on beef
cattle, early in the season was
'pressing' on his shots 'and
missing 'em. Taeeday night be
looked himself, both as to waist
aaeasarement and general play,
for tha first time this year. He
was back to his relaxed, loose
aornuT self, and as a eonse
ejneaoa he parked the agata
through the loop eight times
while playing little more than
half the contest if It could be
called that.
In the Tillamook-Yiking romp
there wasnt a relaxed man on
either club. Each team waa afraid
of tha other. Both clubt were Jit
tery from tha start. They wara
trying hard,; desperately hard
too hard. Taylor, the tall guard
whoea long ones helped so much
in tha Milwaukie contest, never
ft. I. m la.ti . aA-a
Ton could literally-see his muscles
go taut each "time he started to
cast off.
When the lklnrs play at Tilla
mook It may be an entirely differ?
ent story." Both clubs may; go on
tha rtaar um - tansion and
play an entirely; different ball
game. It u to be hoped tney ao,
at any rate. V . ' ' -J j
Whizzer Best.r " "
I Whlazer White, the Colorado
. flash now a -Tank at Oxford,
Was the best football player ha
cash game this last season, ac
cording to Dick i WeJsgerber,
who is tack, Bate and extremly
hearty, after a season with the
Green Bay Packers. .
They really mada tha Whlt-
conference series, the two clubs
playing again tomorrow night
with Salem high appearing in a
No Name league preliminary
against Eugene. .
Coyotes Fare Badly
Though boasting considerable
manpower, the Ida uoans dropped
pair of double-counters to tha
Levermen of Llnfleld Monday and
Tuesday of this week, a club the
Willamettes waltzed over with
comparative ease. Linfleld down
ed 'em S2-37 and 48-35 on sac
cessive nights, giving tha Wildcats
four conference wins out of the
two-game acgument. Games play-
ed by conference opponents, that
have net scheduled the full four
game series, count double in the
standings this year.
- Boast Tall Center
The Potato Staters will prob
ably line up with: Elmer Baldwin,
six-foot-four, high scorer of the
dub, at center; Ace Coulter, red
headed flash, and Leon Gilford,
aggressive transfer, at forwards;
and Bill Thomason, three-sport
veteran, . and Tern HcGowan,
frosh recruit, at guards.
Most any of the 12 Maplemen
who combined to trip in If coun
ters Tuesday night against Port
land U may go to the post for to
night's tussle, but it is expeeted
the "Happy" one will call forth
Anton, Eberly, Kolb, Skopil and
Quesseth for the tipoff.
Take 3 of .4
Gale Pours in . 12 Marks j
" Subs Sent in 'Iterj i
Lead 30 Points
Salem, Oregon, Thursday llorninst, January 19, 1939
University of Oregon look its
second game of the series to-
night from the Washington State I Coon
Couaars in a one-aided basketball I uttk
game ending 6T to,31. It was the
third game the : Washington
State boys have lost to Oregon
in the northern division. Pacific
coast conference.
Cartis .
1S3 1SS 13 484
.153 i 13t - 14S 1
io in ' lis sea
.170 1ST 187 44
J2 1S7 183--47T
759 765 1347
Coach Howard Hobson's lanky I Hsadicsf
Webtoots did even better this I Urk
Viking Wrestlers
Lose to Pioneers
Viking wrestlers were damped
41 to 22 by Oregon City here last
night in the first 1 match of the
year for the local preps.
Results: 4
112 lbs. Allen, Salem, tall
overWinklp, QC. in 1:8 5.
11C lbs. Brandt, OC, decision-
ed Forster, Salem.
117. lbs. Snider. Salem, deci-
sioned tarleyroC; " r'
126 'lbs. Tanks, Salem, decl-
sloned Holbrook, OC
ISO lbs. -Johnson, OC, decl-
sloned Kaneko. Salem.
131 lbs. Klrchem, OC, fall
over Rhodes, Salem, In 3:35.
133 lbs. Lrvesley, OC, fall
over Willard, Salem, in 0 sec
onds. '
135 lbs. McCarthy, OC, fall
over McCarroll, Salem, in 1:45.
137 Iba. Jackson, Salem, fall
over Haley, OC, in 1:18.
140 lbs. Toman, OC, fall over
Spalding,. Salem, In 4 1 seconds.
141 lbs. Conney, OC, fall over
Williams, Salem, in 52 seconds.
142 lbs. Bedlngf leld, . Salem,
d eels toned Hansen, OC
150 lbs. Bpees, OC, fall over
BeartY Salem,, la 2:23. -
151 lbs. GUea, OC. fall over
Miles, Salem, in 1:11.
Dragons to Meet
Hopmen Toniglit
DALLAS The Dallas Dragons
will play the Independence Hop-
men Thursday night in a county
league game at Dallas. This is
the first of the series of four
games. The Hopmen defeated the
Dragons last year to go to tha
district tournament. , This year
tha Dragons will be out to score
four sralght wins in- the- aeries
tor they have an xeye on a berth
In' tha state play-off.
The Dragons have had a hard
schedule thia week and the boys
win not be trying to pile up a
big score 'but tbey will try to
rest up for the wvi league game
on the-following night,
The Dragons are farcied to
win over the Hopmen due to the,
tact that Adams has all of last
year's team back bat Bennett,
while only ' Hartman of Indepen
dence is back as a -veteran.
Adams', starting . lineup will be
tha substitutes who are M. Pet
era and Foster at the - forward
spots and Kllever at center with
Nicol and Jonea la; tha safety
positions. i -
T 1
. :.151 168
evening than they did last night crrtagt'oa "" iso
when they took the Courars to I Gre, ias
tha tnn Af S tn 44. It wB s I Nfr 818 16S
nice workout for all the Oregon
boys but Gale and Dick, the two
tall forwards took the scorlne-1 CUTT PAaxaX'S
honors. Haaateap . It 10
WSCs Lead Short-lived HeVdri." ' ' " lis
Kerpa. Cougar guardUrted 5if?r tl "
the scoring when he dropped a m u7
long one in the bsskct shortly
ftftAF tha rrama nnAtind ar.d WSP Tstsls 617 .746
a a . a w . a sl . a
iook me leaa. 11 waa tne oniy oaTAL'S USED OAxS
time they had it during the eve-1 OaiissW i4 i ist os
nlng. Gale, playing even better I : J ti2-2
thaa on the prerlons night, led ' l l ms-Jw
the way. and daring the first I cun iss i 20s sit
16 451
146 38
165 S40
.80S 788 798 181
144 1M
1SS 416
760 S8Z8
fiobba ,
lttar .
period scored nine points. Vick
was right behind him with seven.
At the end of 10 minutes the
score was IS to S tor Oregon.
A little more than mid wsy in the
period It was 34 to 12. At the
half time it stood: Oregon 31;
wsc 17.
Blank WSC 10 Minutes
Ore son held the Cones, rs score
less tor the firat 10 minutes of I
me secona penoa ana unase, 1 Totals
WSC forward, famous for bis
leng shots, tried everything in
the book, but coujdn't find the
basket. Then with the score 47
to 17, Oregon took out her reg
ulars and ran in substitutes.
It was not until then that the
Cougars ; did any eoasisent scor
ing and they managed to make
it 31 points before the final
whistle blew.
WSC tried 70 field goal at
tempts and plaeed IS. Oregon
attempted 79 and. made 24 of
them good.
Oregon (57) . O P.PFTB
Gale, f " 5 1 12
Dick, f 6
Wfntermote, - t iif
Anet, g 2
Johansen, g '. 2
Sarpola, r.. .... 1
McNeely, e 0
Hardy, f 4
Faralunaa, g ...... 1
714 811 760 SS0S
( Perfection Alleys)
SO SO so 00
ISO 171 151481
164 176 SOS 64
rhillina 188 308 185581
Weider 18S isv xuo ass
186 177 SOI 564
tl4 041 066 S821
180 203
145 170
147 147
, 114 t!5
.180 170
SOS 500
S35 S60
15S 45S
ITS 07
Totals. 876 004 070 S75
sanocz'a trans cam
Haadicas 22 22
Clint, jr. 171 171 160817
Haroock 128 200 174506
Hoclaad 163 18S 141 4 8
aatin 177 187 163 52
Jon-sea .238 178 180 (44
.806 054 705 S645
i Bm
Mullen, g
2 14
Aden auto wnxoKExs ;
- 15S 182 ISO 584
Steiabock 177 141 172400
Sharkoy 180 165 141-476
ratterava ia- ia- SOS 581
Tbnua 14S 150 17 477
T. renauui
C. Foremaa
.858 618 886 8558
18S 51a
12 57
.804 826 876 2606
Kerpa, g
Gentry, f
Hooper, z
Olson, g
Butts, f ,
Chase, t
Kosieh, f
Miller, g
' Totals
..... 1
C 1111
....... ..A -w
score: Oregon si;
9 . at
cxjvz's corrsa shot
Hartwell 17 155 204 580
Pornlia 141 188 181516
Hitlins 153 156 175483
Kertsoa 168 214 172S55
rouse 101 156 163500
888 888 i 004 330
34 34 84103
188 180 168880
153 187 171400
108 304 10S r500
166 178 155 686
178 146 153471
.013 888 874 856
Washington &t a t e 17. Free
throws missed; Gale, Anet, Jo-
wooxtaT rwaaiTuaa oo.
1S1 15 205561
laa it tr uu
Hansen, iterpa. 3. Jennings, a.o- i d. Woodrr , , -- iss
aleb i. Hooner. Olson 2. . I Hart 214 155 166 55T
Referee, EmltY Pllnao,
land; umpire, E. L. Hunter, Spo
O. Ws4ry
.183 - 318 306 601
.007 804 010 3730
Court Christians ,
; Win 3i Liberty
' For tha third, successiva time
thia season . Court Street Chris
tiana last night dumped Liberty
at basketbalL The' score was 38
to 25,,Davenport topping tha tal
lrera with 15. - '
CS Christian S) (S3) Liberty
Mall 4 " "Brown
Gosser It Carnegia
Cross 2 Grogaa
Randall 1 2 Free
Johnson 12 15 rDsrenport
Subs, for CSC: Armstrong. C
ForUbertyt Dash 6, Baker 3.
nn-vHnnnreil W18 Favored
vTZZ lh h SONS Series
fur duaiiu; B illU
' I . MT. ANGEL The Mt Angel
NEW YORK. Jaa. 18 v (AVJack I Tsrsity forces leave Thursday tor
rjAmnsev waa presented with the I Ashland for tha first two games
Eddie Neil memorial award as the! of a four-game aeries with tha
man who did most for boxing in J Southern Oregon normal school
1932 at a dinner given by the! tateVn Friday and Saturday
Boxing Writers association to- aights, January 20 and 21. The
night, I two return games will be played
Ttemn... in raealvlnr tha inedl I hr Jary 27 and 2Si
al honoring the memory of the Last year tha SONS took three
Associated Press boxing writer oat of tour-games from tha An
and war correspondent who was gels. Thar are favored to take
klUed in Spain, said t ha had this year's series although they
"loved and admired - Eddie Nell lost two games to Oregon normal
both as a boxing writer and as ar wnom tne Angeu oeieateo ,zo-i
mat tHand." Ri.Wiror Jasaaa J. 1 here last Tnesday.:. V r 1
walker presented the medal to I Probable starting lineup t of
Demnsev. -r - J southern normal win be Hoxlt
"I met him first when 1 waa "JJSlS
training for my first tUht with "ft ; and Sether and Mar
r, m ... h t..w ..Mt I cni, gnaras. t
rT,vii rvai. f rom then on! Tha Angel lineup will be the
rYiTndroSdo raceSra P that overthrew the Pacme
4, naviMmarr nf rn 1 ocaaeter ana v naiwran at tur
JPSSSifS my ward; Haener at center, and No-
a- II.. mrtA STVrloK t wnmrA
Walker before presenting tne I r ---"
medal ' said. "I knew Eddie NeiLl
hut I think I have learned to know I . LEGAL NOTICE
and respect mm mora since 1 nave
Caiaese r4ios. AmatisitRt 0
rrca una vaara ia CHlAJu
: Ke aaattar irito whs .- fL
auaiUa. hoart, luaf. hw Wfsoy,
itamaefe. gaa, eoaaupauo-,
diaha-a, ruJanaam, nu
Wadiar. farsr, skia, IosmOs
aasto (. . , ,
Charlie Chan
Chinese Herb Co.
8.-. B.' Poag, 8 7sra
raetleo ia Ckiaa.
OUim ko-ia-0 to S
a.a : oseapt - 6n.
Say aa4 Wo
- ear. a to 10 a.m.. . d
123 K. Caat'l 84. u, Oro.
xer earn his 15.00a backs." says
tha Jersey Juggernaut. VHa car
ried tha ban on fully three-foarths
of the plays and was. in my opin
ion, the best all-around ball play
er on anybody 'a pay roll." r - -
. Dick, netted loaa to fllOS out
of his first season, and that after
sprucing up the old f wardrobe a
hit, i paying off soma . college
accrued indebtedness, etc. He's alt
set tor another season with the
Packers, intending to return next
fall.- But It certainly feels good
to be back to the west," "grinned
heard all those fine thlaga -about I rf- THE DISTB1CT COURT OP
him. The speeches ' tonight - hare
been a real tribute.'
4848 Tie Game i
-Turns up ; After
Quints Go Home &? r x
i In the Matter, of Peter GeUos,
To the' creditors of Peter Oel-
los.' ofSalera. In tha County of
-XAFFUx JaaV 1SV-(V-
Basketball rales aay It cant ba
done, bnt Toledo nnlverslty and '
Heidelberg played -at 48) 'to 481
tie hero tosdght. JjJyATC--,
Tto 'scoreboard 'said: Toledo
. 48, - Heidelberg 47, and tha
I crowd went borne believing the
: Rockets had won. Cat when it
was j too lata to do anything
aboat it, a reeheck of the offi
cial setnbook. showed a dead
lock. . j; i , , . -v-vr. '
WHlard Swihart, Toledo tea
, ter, 4 scored a free threw for
what be thought was tha win
ning point in the last 5 aec-
onda of play, bnt it tamed oat. .
to bo the tytag marker." Held- i
elherg olOcials said a post-sea-
that on tha 10th day of January,
13 J. the said Peter GeUos was
duly adjudicated bankrupt and
If S ( OrJKMO I Vi1-J J VJ U
tionetoeft Parmco oar st
UtoUWS AttJAy Ff&lVjUUH AAtfv
wext seAscw
Buddy Peterson Is Out-Boxed,
Foxy Manner; Turner Gets Nod
Cooper in Front
At San Francisco
"Greatest Round I Ever
Shot9? Says He Upon
.... 65 Performance
-Shattering par, the course rec
ord and the competition offered
by some 200 other contestsnts,
lhtlo Harry Cooper of Chicago.
Chlcopee, Mass., and way points.
turned in a So today to lead the
field 'at the halfway mark of 34
hole qualifying trials for the $5,
000 .San Francisco match play
open golf tournament.
- Cooper's round, described by
him as the greatest he ever shot,
clipped six strokes off the par 71
Lakeside course. It cat four shots
oft the competitive record of the
C43S yard layout, considered an
exacting test of golf.
Slight Have Made 61
It was Cooper who established
the record in the first holding of
the San Francisco open, nine years
ago. He was tiring - his shots
straight down the middle today.
He missed four putts which, if
made, would have given him a II.
Cooper scored birdies on the
second with a 20 foot putt: on the
third with' a ten footer; the eighth
with a four footer: the 11th with
a ten footer and the 17th with a
tire footer. He nearly bagged- an
eagle on the 12th, the ball stop
ping one inch from the cup.
He put together nines of 32-33.
Par for the course is 35-3871.
First round scores inpluded:
Emery Zimmerman, Portland, 27-39-78.
Leslie and Reds
Annex Easy Wins
Two Teams Keep Unbeaten
Standings in Salem
Intramural Loop ..'
Leslie and the Reds ran, to easy
wins in the City Intramural . bas
ketball circuit yesterday, to pro
tect their undefeated status, while
the" Woodworkers broke into the
win bracket with a 21 to 1 trounc
ing of the Future Farmers.
The Leslies, with Jerry "Wil
liams gathering 12 counters for
high honors, downed the Auto
Shop 51 to 25. Priem, tallying 10,
led the Reds to a 25 to 4 win over
t h o i r sophomore classmates; the
Greens. Machine Shop gave tha
Deaf boys their third straight de
feat, 45 to 4, with Miller hooping
21 points. '
Leslie 51 20 Anto Shop
Curtis 1 R. Hayes
Williams 12 Harland
Holt 2 2 Hampshire
Hathaway 5 - IS McCulley
Gemmell Parker
Subs, for Leslie: Straw 2, Kelly
2, Lappin 10, Stlllson 10. Shearer
2. For Auto Shop: Brown 2, E.
Hayes 5.
That man twain da souf, one'
Leo Turner, gave the northwest
middleweight champ. Buddy Pe
terson, a. sound boxing lesson last
night in their 10-round main
event of the Vets fight card at the
armory, taking Referee Frisco Ed
wards decision going away.
Much too fast and too straight
with either duke. Turner not only
out-boxed but out-slugged tha In1
I -dependence boy. Turner took sev
en rounds by wide margins, tne
first, second, fifth, sixth, eighth.
ninth aad tenth, while Peterson
eould be given but tha third and
seventh. Tha fourth, on Tha
Statesman seorecard, was1 even.
Turner's Eye Hart
Turner, who hsils from Oak
land. Calif., opened np an old
bruise under Peterson's aye aa
early as the second and worked on
It throughout the balance of the
fight, The colored boy was just as
efficient with either hand . and
landed either straight and 1 fast
from any position. .
Peterson took tha third heat
by a narrow margin, flinging ten
ia body blows and crashing left
hooks against the side of Turner's
head. Buddy tried hard in ins
closing cantos, but waa no match
for the swift negro.
Loscer Jack Hlbbard sank his
left mitt into Billy Foster's mid
riff midway of tha initial round of
their scheduled six-round semi
final, and that waa that, Hlbbard
crossed with a right to the chin
and Foster want down for a nine
count He got up, but only long
enough tor Hlbbard to alap him
back dowa with a flailing right,
Tha towel hit tha resin was
Hibbard'a fight via , a technical
knockout In 2;22. . '
. ' Bonn Bans Into Trouble ,
Jo Bonn. ttfnnaT.Tommy Orrin
much tougher opponent lasi
night than early last lall when he
registered a -kayo over, tha" Port
land: light heavyweight, bnt alasM
gedout a slx-rouna aeeuuen. r
rln took only the fifth heat, but
in that had Bonn groggy with, a
barrage of rights and lefts to
Bonn's unprotected head, 5.
George Goodman, despite los
ing tha final round as Melvin
Sorrell all bat nattered him to the-
floor, was given substitute- Ref
eree Coster's decision. Or rather,
Goodman walked over and put his
hand in Coster's and the acting
arbiter raised it aloft
Jimmy Sparks, Portland,
knocked oat Jack Edwards, Leb
anon, in one minute and at-seconds
of tha first round of their
scheduled four-round curtain
SHS Juniors Get
Win at Mill Gty
Salem high's Junior varsity
speared a 48 to 28 hoop win from
Mill City yesterday afternoon on
the Salem floor, with IS Jayvees
seeing action. Salstrom led the
firing with 10 points.
Jayvees 44 29 Mill City
Barnick 4 1 Schroeder
McKee 2 Pendleton
Satter 8 s Herron
Ling 4 2 Kelly
Henery 1 5 Wilson
Subs, for Jayvees: Medley S,
Kerns 4, Salstrom 10. Mason 2,
Bower 4. For Mill City; Moravie
7, Lalack 1. Burke S. .
Referee: Max Allen. .
Beds 0
Priem 10
Lappin S
Patterson 2
Bradshaw 2
Subs, for Red a
4 Greens
2 Teems
Freeman 1,
Morton 1, Gardner 2. Vlttone 1.
For Greens: Kay 2.
Woodworkers SI
Lowing 2
Clark 2
McKay 1
Schaeffer 4
Largent 4
4 F. Fa
4 Cattery
'Subs, tor Woodworkers: Elberg
2, E. Leek 4.
Machine Shop 43
Miller 21
Rae 12
Hogaa S
Pro 4-
4 0SD
Tartar In
2 Probst
2 UUler
Sub, Machine Shop: CoopervS.
Paperniakers Face
Chemawa Tonight
Biggest test of the searon faces
Mr. Hendrte's nndefeated Paper
maker hoopers tonight in major
city circuit, firing, the Chemawa
AU-Staza tarnishing the opposi-.
tion at o'clock. Other tilts pit
General Finance against Schoen's
Bakers at "7 'and Grand Theatre
against JBrooks -Clothiers at V.
that tha first meeting .of 5 hia
credltora wilt be held t Boom
225, . in tha United States Post
office Building, in the City of
Salem, Oregon, an, tha I Oth ; day
of January, 1838, at 1:45 o'clock
ia tha afternoon, at which tlma
tha - said creditors may attead:
prove their claims, appoint a
trustee. . examine tha bankrupt
and transact such other, business
as may property coma before said
meeting. .
f -iniXABD Ia. iiJLRKan '
: ."Referee fa Bankruptcy. J. If
Free pair of pants vnth erexw. inade-to-
xnenrtmi anlt of 25.09 and rrn.
I II lri IU4 IJSWI-Zfw
474 couxrr ST..
wyr' o . 7
P E R SO N AL 1 1 Y
1 t :
You trill - find
rute most rwonabli
for such high qudUtjr
. ..: ... -f ' 1 .
printing. t .
1M X
The- printed word you nd;oTit'rf; ;,.V; J
fleets your persons ad basicesa -v '
tttandartls. 7e ere cprxiaUsU in One . V
, prinuiig, engravinsa linotyping, na w,- :v Ij. JtY"A ' 'l
- moBotypmg. For! worthwhS1e;1ti.t 'j t; SrX 4t r
Mntnlf nt.' -n- v; t - . . - e ' Xr. Liai'i . i W" - .4 . s
z. s
Just Plione Wm
'aaWaWaWaa-aftft-aanWk. W ," .m
aa -aaa - k.. ' I - f.t
t 4-j Yr I '."Tr & , w
fiaGSfui:C3i:;.; i'
215 Scxuh Cc:n:erclJ Dreet
Ca V W V v V
big Dick-.
game mlbt he considered.