TAGS EIGHT Ttt CrJZGO:? STATESMAN, EaUn, Orecn, Thursday Uanun, Jasury 19, 1S23 in to at ration Put MmclkiPlant WMMtimiim Ope v EBusiness Men';; S StockMb $30,000 Needed 5 ; ?fjK; : ., s .W1LLAMINA - Delegation of - .TCiuamlna and Sheridan Business n -toa met.at:the'ME church Mon- v .v day, night to dlsean the problem vjf? putting .the'- Wlllamlna brick 4. plant fa ; opeWU6iu?J'.-. r-1 v,U v.O. KV Edwards; a member of r' ffc.e. company, proposed that local - neoDle ha, stock toT the amount - of $3 9,600 'to: satisfy the demand v! ' of vthe RFCiiwhich will loan, the balance,- needed -to finance ' the L" h business. -yR f Eighteen, of the fi men present -pledged, a total of. $4100 as a be- ginning toward the raising of the , : desired-. amount." v- l Redecorate Chorchl. " At a iaint-eommlttee meeting -:-Tkeld-; at the MB churcb.ylt ' was v decided to decorate the . chorea auditorium A committee appoint- ; u d by the Ladles Aid tneiadea v, Mrs, Paul Mullen, Mrs. Julius Jen .V;.. sea, Mrs. Harry Shipley and Mrs, Ted Burdon. A committee of 'men " tit- appointed by the pastor Is KV. B. v Shetterly, J, " R. r . Wbitcomb . and Mr j Greene. These groups : will v. .work oat plans to be carried out la the near future. ";' -.-'..- - t j Mrs. Charlie Colburn ' gave a "I ' surprise birthday dinner Sunday honoring, her husband. Those In v ' "r attendance .were members of the Bible class of the ME Sunday v A . baby girt, Nancy Fay, was born td - Mr. and - Mrs. : Leo Reed at the McMinnTille hospital Sat urday morning, January 147 A - - -pound son, r. Tkomaa - Leslie, ", was born to Mr. and Mrs.' Dewey """ "Linton at the' McMinnvllle hos pital January 11. : rf-'c ; "'"T 7 Farmers Officers ' " WOODBURN OfflMr V Woodbury chapter of the Future Farmers of America, took first place in the parliamentary pro cedure contest for; the upper "Willamette Yal ley section of Smith-Hughes agricultural de partments held at Eugene Fri day. Corvallia chapter placed sec ond, followed by teams ot Eu- gene and Salem. - Woodburn and " Corrallia "also placed first and second last year so they wiU keep the banners awarded by the Corrallir Lions club for another, year. The team that .wins a banner three times - gains . permanent possession. ; Members r. of .the: Woodburn '- team were Kenneth Arne presi dent; Leonard Coleman, vice president; Robert Crosby, secre tary; Walter Racette, treasurer; Gorman 8eeley, reporter; and J. Sidney Johnson, adrisor. - - - ;- Kenneth Arney, Woodburn president, was rated as the best presiding officer with 'James Thompson; at . the Salem chapter second . '.v . ... -ij i , . ; . (Winning of this ontest en titles the ' Woodburn team to compete fat the state parliamen tary eontest. iW'-fd::-;.' ' mm Tonight and- Friday i - r2 BIG FEATURES Gail Patrick Robert -Preston ' '- t" In . . wDisbarredw SUrts Sat. ' pie iwlv atCTATr Roy Rogers. . la , MCOMK ON, t: RANGERS' Tina Dick Tracy Serial I N . i b k . Lwww4 '...' fc-. r H d J n v.j urr : . i .r v. 'r c - mi ! -! Hit Ko. i : Cr: J!: First and Second Lady Conf er .- -.v '. i . " ' s. -f- -y ''-. -."'"'' '. :':-: ' . " - 4-y:-.-f - :-,. ..-:-V'. : Si. '.,, - - '.'V -i "5 f- - . Mrs. Booaerert Guest 6f honor at a luncheon irlven lbr wlvei of senatl members ! Washington, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, left,' wife of. the president, amlltagly. chata wita lira John Nance Corner, wife of the fka ' . - . , ; , f ptesjdent, .' ' . t-. .. , ..." . '. Riekreall Area Boasts Half Dozen p)y Ancient Homes RICKBEAIIi Interesting 'information 'was ' obtained here this week concerning several of the homes that have held their place in this community of 29 miles, all being built in the 1850s: - ? I'-.iU They include. the home of MrsVE. V. Pence,.which was the well known'Cal Nesmith home where folks of "every walk r Oof life here were given a hearty Union News ROBERTS The Roberts Farm ers Union' enjoyed a full pro gram at the last meeting with a motion picture presented by F. Fleming and F. W. Shank, show ing the work of the Alters re search station on their Carna tion farm near Seattle.' Dean Patterson, state chemist, presented an outline of the work conducted t . the state ' depart ment of agriculture. O. Haley and O. W. Nichols were elected members. . Lunchroom Plan ! For Oak Point ' OAK POINT Oak Point school society met In - the schrolhonse Friday night with the vice presi dent, Mrs. : Sherman Foster pre siding.' Mrs. Grore Peterson and Mrs. T. J. Primus were appointed to meet with the Independence Parent-Teachers in the interest of building a lunch room In the Independence high school. ' : Miss Kathleen Arbuthnot of the Normal faculty of Monmouth gare an interesting talk on "Gar den . I Hare Seen In Foreign Lands,"?, touching on Japan, In dia, Palestine,' France, Florence, Italy; and England. Musical num bers were - giren by Mrs. Charlie Wilson," Mrs. Laura Riddle; Mrs. Joe. Roger and Margaret Reeves ottlndependencerMrs. C. C. Corn stock andw Mrs, T.' J. Primus were hostesses. " - . ; Parish P TwbCard Parties SIXRTON-H& i-Paura par ish ' plans 'two card, parties 'and a basket soeial to be giren ' be fore Lent. - irr-Aitli:: V-Tha rJrst of ; the" card r partiei waa -held Wednesday night, the parish - hail, with Mrs. WUliam MacNelll as chairman. JT , . . - The second card party will be during the first part of February and i the basket - social will ; be held ? January 2 a at the parish hall. . . The Girls' Sodality of St. Pan) will gite a TL Valentine dance. y Two Babies ' Arrive ' STAYTON Mr. " and Mrs. Ben BasI are the parents of a 7H pound daughter, born their home January 11.. Mr. - and Mrs, Delmar Gehlen are the parents of ' a - T-pound - aon. born ' at m Salem hospital January .tli ' rVi SALEM'S LEADING THEATRE i. net - xszc , i and lira, Gamer 1. Still in Good history. AD are within a radius welcome. , The Samuel Burch home, later known' as the Hen ry " Theilsen . place - waa buUt In 18S2. The Willie MeDaniel home, built' for Dr. James : Boyle In 1856, the Fred Auer home, built by R. Taylor In 1859,,' and -com monly called the Tommy Cau- Ileltt farm. - The Frank Bell home waa built by a Mr. Sears about the aame time. The George Bassket home was built In 1850.-The Larklm family tire on thia farm which la owned by Caufields. The later two dates are not positive but the outstanding fea ture of all of these houses la that they are In good condition and-1 good for many mora years. I. The Auer residence la put togeth- L er with pins of ' .ood and the atlla. are hewn. The barn at this place is built similarly, as la the J. B-. Nesmith .barn. " ; " Salem Heights Infant :jj f Has Double Pneumonia; 'Condition Said Better SJLLEM HEIGHTS Mrl and Mrs. Ralph Maddy's lnfhnt daugh ter haa double pneumonia and. la at the Salem hospitaL She is a bit Improred bow. . Flu and e o 1 d a are rampant in this community. , v .: - John Horey Is building a new barn for H. M. Fashing, on the place occupied by the Gorton fam ily.. Call Board -V-- STATE tr,-! $i Today -W. C Fields, and - Zaeu Pitts in TMrs. Wlggs ot " the Cabbage Patch". and Peter Loire In The Mysterious Mr. Moto." HOLUrWOOD Today - Family n g h t , doable bill, "Nurae from , Brooklyn with Sally JDU- era and' Paul Kelly and' Buck Jones In rrhetran-;1 " ger .from'Arltona,' ' : i Friday Doable Mil, "Fast Company!. , with Melyyn t ' Douglas' and F 1 o t a nee Rice 'and ' George O'Brien. la' "That Renegade Ran- -'ger.-!-., - t ghand: " . v- Today -Smashing the Spy Ring" with Fay Wray . and Ralph Bellamy. - , EatnrdaT (TharMe - Ch In - e . -Honolnltt" . with . Sidney : '.Toler. ufx-'r 3 ELREvORR e Tod ay oonbl bill.i rRide -A ' Crooked Mile"? "with France Farmer and Aklm 1 Tamirof f and The'. , -Loijg jSUot-y with Marsha Hunt apd Gordon Jones.; f Saturday Janet Qayner and i Doiglas Fairbanks, jr.. In fToung In Heart." ?t - e ' : CAPITOL J : , Toay-- Double ; bui;. . ''Disbarred' with :nttA' Kruger and GaH Patrick and "Red Rirer r Range", with the . Three Mesqui-- teers. . - ifuVfiiiV 1 Last Time Tonight ' " Ba ck Jones ' "Jfurso from1 Brooklyn -a "Tho -rw,with iS Sally' Eflers Paul Kelly ; Straeri;:: from- vj ArisoBa'V ' Two Blc Feature "Fast Company t .with t llelvya . Dotrlasr Florence XUce pOToUWerb : I? K? Former i Mcsiucziif uies in L ALBAT Following A ' dinner at which 71 member of the Kl wnnla club and their wire were present, " the J offlcert - for ltSt f .laducted .1 n t;tfle by Lowell Seaton, Uemtenant iorer. . 4 ilithVAUtrlct,Dr. Norman tK.-.Tnllyr pastor' of the. First -Preebyterian - ehurch ' of f ugeaa, waa gnest 'speaker. i. Music was fnrnlafaAri hV tv Roy .Etenberir: orchestra.' ami Loranee ' Dossett led In -group atnglBf;-"r;i:Jf ,,.--.. i Carroll v Waller I was . Installed president, aacceeding Walter Ar buthnot . In the fflMi; tvp , tm Grayed Leo McCain, first and second tiea-presldenta; Edwin F, urinuerr e e T e I r y J. L. 6tuartTtreanrr VTmii rim. ter, Keith Bryant, Charlie Ref f, . u,-imuii 4oh utmaertyi Richard McDonald And j ' 1 Alexander, directors, .- - -. lira. Rolfa DJea ALB ANT Mra. Frank SAtf a former resident of Albany and Salem,' died- at her homo In Oak land. Calif.. Fridar niehtl a. cording to . a message reeelred br relatlTes here, fniimi ut. ices were held In Oakland Men. day.....: .1 j Mn. Rolfe la anrrlvoil Vv . widower, a' son and a daughter. The son la Erwln Rolfe of Oak land . na the .daughter, Miss Basel Rolfe who 1s la Oakland at Present.' is a' teacher In Cph. tral school, Albany. Charles umce 01 Albany, and Mrs. will Ellis and Mlsa Laura Bruce of Lebanon are half-brother and half-sisters. " Polk County Gets On Exposition Map . DALLAS At a recent meet ing held In the circuit court room here, plans were made for Polk county to have an exhibit aa part of the Willamette Valley counties exhibit at the San Fran cisco exposition. Members of the Polk . county fair board, county court and others Interested in the project were present for the meeting. The people of the couaty will furnish hops; pmns, walnuts, fil berts, honey and photographs of toted dairy cattle. Mrs. Joe Ro gers, sr., - will - secure the hops and honey and W. C. Leth will secure the other products for the exhibit SKStoii Naomed SS Superintendent SALEM HEIGHTS Tha ex. ecutlra. board of the Sunday school met at the Whealdon home Monday night and made thia se lection of officers: Superintendent, C. F. Skelton; Bible class teacher, Mrs. Emma Whealdon: assistant. C. r. fiku ton; young, people, Rey. Alfred Vosper; Intermediate girl. Lydia Hunt; Intermediate boys, Mrs. p. F. Stolsheise; Junior girle, Mrs. John Horey; Junior boys, Mrs. u. xi. siaggs; primary, Mrs. Har vey Peterson; beginners. Bertha Skelton; secretary, Mary Skel ton? annntv tarh, U T. r Heisler; pianist, Mrs, J. Harna- fcurger; Cowers, Mrs. Stolzhelse. Six 4H Clnbs Get Start, Hayesville HAYESVILLE Thia commun ity haa Six 4H elnba. ThT mrm cooking, sewing, bachelor" sew ing, health building and hobby cjbds, recently organized. .The leaders are: Mrs. A. Law Is, cooking; Mrs. F. Martin, sew ing; Mrsv O. Potter, health nd bachelor; H T. Moor,' builders, and Mrs. L. Shaner, the hobby elub.' . . Friday, January SO, the cook- . . ' n V :K - ; , , --. I - : 1 "L.l ' II MMI Mn.L k " - t . II ; 'r-rTT.;? :; -f- Yff Kl UK V;1 'h . " - ' '--'-J . :, vnncinTania A 1- -- f Just Uial Vlul 7. II ..iirrniW njjvwxn " ;.r-rj-.11.-,. - . ..s - f-vlor.-. ox. H 4 Ran. r.ci::iT-r:i;C:;3:DT .h-'v . - - - . ;rrr f r . . . i SSBaacssssU. t - . --v-. V . gelephono all 1..' ...--... .;,,.;,.,, I' ' ' 41 - yBoundior South America 1 f r tmese i crates 1 uan-proancinf Wime Lcxhorna f rom. the J. A. Hanson fans at Corralli, were dellTered reoewtly f tbe expreea company for ahipthent to Braafl, where they will be added to tho gOTerament poolUry ranch. Cit Covrtesy.OregoaJaa. . - v..- Gommiinity : BILVERTON HILLS ' Twd Days' tV iiarrj' a ltrely comedy, nlll be presented Saturday Bright at the SUrerton Hills community hall. Takiag parts are Maurice Benson, Victor Hadley, Albert Tippner, Erelyn Hall, Ruth. Had ley, Janet, Mulkey. and Lester Eeugli. Paneing will follow the play. - DAYTON r- At the Webfoot community club meeting Friday night at' tho Webfoot school house, Lynn Gubeer, county sup erintendent of schools, spoke on "Peace. ' Erwln B. Forslund, who ' haa worked on the Fort Peck and Grand Coulee dams, gare a comprehensive talk on the many large damn, ot tho United States. A short program waa giT en by the' school.' Annua Election Held PERRTDALE Community club meeting waa held In the church Instead" of tho new gym Tuesday night as the heating unit has not armed for the gym. Election of officers resulted: C. Van Staarern, president, suc ceeding Rosa Chapin; Percy Zum- walt, rice president; and Miss Maisle Burt as secretary. .. Program highlights were a song by the faculty, Miss Jordan, Miss Burt and Mr. Jordan; quia of the sixes which waa won by the men; a short, play by the lng club, under the auperrlsion ot their leader, will sell sand wiches and candy at tho school carnlTai and the sewing club will make and serre punch. Farmers' School Session Tonight WOODBURN "Mineral Feed ing of Livestock' la the topie to be discussed at the Butterllle Farm era school Thursday, at 7:30 p. m. The school la eondneted by J. Sid ney Johnson, instructor In Smith- Hughes agriculture at Woodburn high school. Among the Questions to be dis cussed are "If the digestive Juices of a dog will dissolve raw meat, why don't they dissolve the dog?" "Is It necessary to alkalize farm animals?" "Why will one farmer pay IE cents a pound for a com plex mineral- mixture while an other pays S cents and a third feeds only salt?" "Can a farmer save money and feed and speed up production by feeding minerals?" "Can a farmer find out, whether his ratlona contain all of the min eral requirements of his live stock?" . - ... ... i. high school- students; and' or chestra music I ; It Is hoped! that the heating rnlt will be in soon aa the r sen ior are preparing a play, to be presented as soon as there is a Vines to put It; on. , MIDDLE . GROVE The Coin m unity club 1 program at 4 h s achoolhouso Friday night Is spon sored by the i Lions club , and Cherry City Baking company, which program! will consist of an hour pf . skits, vocal numbers. readings and motion pictures. ROBERTS 4- Tho community club met Friday night, with George Bressler acting chairman. The Salem I Blind school fur. nished tho program with Frank is. eanders, music instructor. In charge. i TODAY 17. C. FIELDS ZASU PITTS . ' it "Mn. tV88 of the HSC Patch" ASS Companion Feoturo l i.. ? i i 1 FneiC.l h 1 y&o- - Mectihg Date f of : PTAcKMgeti Linn . County ,4-H f Leader ' . Attend Meeting for :';r..orDiii-- .rv-'-" ' - i.. . --I',. f -' " -. LTONS The Lyona PJA held It regular VmeetiBLgr at the--Re bekah , hall Friday night v Mrs.' Axalea Eager from the home: eco vomica' : department' ' of Oregon Stats j college ' waa . the speaker J It was voted to change the 'meet ing night from (he second Friday to the third Thursday night In the montn and to hold the meet laga at the schoolhouse. Fox .Val ley PT A members wer guests. . J Friday the '?. t Jthl may7- bo "an' unlucky : day for tome;- but 'hot for Mr.sud Mts. George Huff man, vto whom Jeanette.vi-pound-girl, was born thai' day. I Thursday night - there will be a meeting -iit'ths Rebekak- hall, when Mr. MlckselL 4H club lead er,' Willi be'y present to- organiae a 1 livestock "club. Anyone - who , eiid aU dVnbsalMut ckctrie :. cooking speed. For three - months they tested Wcst- tnghonse Ranges; cooking 1 meals a day la their own . , homes.' Now" they- ogree" ' V " ' ' J nothing equals a Westing- sssansB afcJT house for aossoV hefrar ' I ooolin and more aco- r:',- J sMmJbal cooking. , Read lv ""!lt. A certified records Iwt. s I CftSlJ)iii vJ UJJ saodeh. Don't Forgot Our Removal Sale Now Goinar On with Large Discotmta on Ranges ReXrigerators Water Heaters Washers 7 Ironers Radios Sweepers Floor Lamps New West Ranges as Low as $59.50 IT PATS TO DEAL WITH EXCLUSIVE ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS YEATER & RUSH lM WlttlERaAt W We believe yoa cah manage your I own social affairs, so we have no I Classified -'heartthrob column. iBut we do: have .classifieds for Lost & Found for Wanted, and j For Sale; for Apartment hunting 1 and Real Estate .' . . so yon need . Ms ? i ! ' :'" haa children and la : Interested Is urged to attend. . Mrs. . Art Ayres, Mrs. Alex Bodeker and .Mr. Clyde Bress ler were hostesses to a .shower honoring Mrs. John Kunkle Fri day afternoon at - the clubhouse. Others 'present were - Mesdames Dick Brown, Oral Wllllama, Ever etts,Crablree, Lyle Kinzer, Mae Swank, Inea'""- Ring, Albert Carr, Hugo. Hallin, Ed Spa, Frank Rlcbardioh, "F r ask Johaston, Paul;' Johnston,'-.. George Berry. Maud v Trash . Dell Westenhouse, Carl Alien,' Jim Kimery, ' Clinton Surry and Percy Hiatt ' Auburn Women to Give Mft'jiiSal ' Lunchea Diiring March ;:;-'. '?-.-v;-- ' . . i AUBURN-The Auburn Wem anra Club' met at-the home i ef Mrs.; Lloyd Lee. "Ths women will furnish the money for - tho hot lunches for -the school ' children for March. -Mrs. G. W. Skeels will be hostess for the Febraary meeting.''.- c- r -: ," C .L. ;Marcy is convalescing in a Salem hospital rfom a major operation.',' -". -: Z ' . XnlT'1 ' t ' . -A 4- i.