Local News Briefs Attends Conference .Rer. J. E. Campbellspastor of the First Evangelical churchy 'has been . Portland the,past three' days to' sutena , ut annual mid-winter conference of Evangelical mini: ters ' from Orercn' Anil - Wa.hinv. ton. Bishop E. ,W.-Praetoiius' of ; sermons during the'.sessioh: Bish- wy-rraeionui. vii reeiaetea and v to suttoned : to i the : :,: northwest .: area at. the recent general v ton? ferenceof , the : church In "-Penn- jiTania.AnotHer,,,: oatstanding Mueller t of t the ijr Jhdjaha In Charge" of mosTeal' features of t , im conteren.ee ; and , Dr. v E. W. rtrn MliVrlnl 'kaht4 V. t wviwuv. una urt . yt KM" Ington district," 'arranged t b e werlT'-naster or 'thiT-', a1Wt 40-8 Holds MemorialMemory lai services - for, . the - late ' -Glenn iy adi 01 wooodqto were con- ducted at the monthly meeting, of Marion county volture -1 63 Of. the ; men were members, of -the vOiture. . Legislator' members were, henored guests" tor the meeting. Commit tees, xor . tne; sute-eq et . .prom enade 'to no aeia in conjunction ; vention- here- in. Aegnst were an nounced by, Waldo Mills, - chef de gare. ,-xaa grana -promenaae, or " of Angnst , preceding .opening of the convention. -v.; V jKatVeV- As'suned Certificates 01 assnmea names were biwwiui "the .e'ounty; clerk -yesterday- by Harry ' D. Bertnlelt, 2495 Nerth Pront street;' Acme Rug . A - TJp- holsterlng Cleaners! and William ,.;W. wahlj Salem Fish and Ponl- . try market, 173 South Commer elal itrMtii ' :U)ituarj ' Gnbam I -MlBS.Emma I. Graham, at the residence 959 South 12th etreet, January II at the ' age of 73 years. , Survived by mother, Mrs. Sosan Graham and aunt,' lira. Sarah 'McKay, both i-ofr Salem; also several cousins, including Mrs. Jessie Williams. Mrs. Era Dougherty and Charlie MeDon ough, all of 8alem. Services will be held from the Clough-Barrick chapel Thursday, January II, at 10:30 a. m., with Her. Irviag A. Fox officiating. Interment -Clty-Tiew cemetery. . DaTiee . ' Mrs.- Emma C. ' Da vies, 17, at the residence, 1487 Breadway. January It. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Dahl of Bhaw and Mrs, Grace Barker of Salem;-, brother, William Camp bell of Montgomery, Ala.; sister, Mrs. E. G. Duckworth of Orlando, Pla.;. two . grandchildren, Gordon Roy Dahl .and Barbara Mary Dahl. Services will be held from the Clough-Barrick chapel Thurs day, January It,- at X p. m. Iater : ment Cityview cemetery. Heasley ..Mrs. Jane Heasley, late resident of 715 South Commercial street, passed away in this city January 18,' aged 58. Survived by widow er, Alt E. Heasley; sons, Charles Heasley of Salem; Lester and -Ralph, both of , Los . Angeles; daughter, Mrs. Maude Putnam, Colwell, Idaho; sister, Mrs. Mary Ridgeway, Troy, Mont She was 'member of the Rebekah ledge f Waldpori. Funeral announce ments later by Walker ft Howell funeral home. Ralph William Ralph la Portland, Ore. Services will be held from Ibe Clough-Barrick chapel Satur day,. January. 21 at 1:30 o'clock. Interment in the I00F cemetery. WIIkeBiaff la this city, January 13, Dina C. fTilkehlng, aged 3 years, late resident of Turner, Oregon. Wife of Henry W. Wtikcning and- mo ther of Mrs. Dora Grant of Marys ille. Wash., William H. Wilken tng of Turner, George Wilkentng of Buena Vista, Mrs. Mildred Prehn of , Redding, Calif.,, Mra Leta Wander, of Indepehdence, Mrs. Lela Reed, Buena Vista,' sis ter of Rer. 'E. J. Tragllo and Pi erre Tragllo of Portland, Pascal and Paul Tragllo of Bsiem, Mrs. - Adele , Sellers of .. Baker- Ore., grandmother . of. Fillmore Has tings of MarysTille, Wash. also . two granddaughters survive. Fu neral services will be held from . the W." T. Rigdon company ; cha pel Saturday, January 21, at 1: SO p.m. Interment City View: ceme tery. Rer. Robert A; Hutchinson will' officiate. ' - ' - - '4-"V . Water bury , In. this city, January 1 8. Nancy Isa belle waterbury. Mother of Miss Ruth Waterbury of Port land.' Announcements later by the 1 W, T; Rigdon company. '-' i- ' :: . -Holtom In this city, January 18. Anna Holron, late . resident of Grants Pass. The remains will be for warded by the W. T. Rigdon eom paay Thursday, ' January 10 to Grants Pass for services and in terment. - - - .1yl.:s:t''r X ' V. T. tea. D.-i m. Ofcaa. . O. Herbal remedlea for ailments of stomach, liver, kidney, akin, blood, . glands. urinary sys tem of men 4s women. 21 years tn serrlce. Natnropathlo PhyiWl elans. Ask your Neighbors about CHAN LAMr-fT " :r' CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 393 M Court SU Corner Uher- ty. Office open Tuesday Y Satrj arday only. 10 A. M. to 1 P. 1L, I to T P. M. Consultation, blood pressure urine tests ara free of charge. " ; l mm Coming Event ? -Jasu 10 Aaaua naeetlag of j. Cascade area eoucil- of Boy 'Hcoats of America, 6:45, u Joseph's ball. , :,. N - Ja. 23 Dr. Fmak McKlb- - be lectBrea. . . ' . Jasu. 25 Bsrsi p.gram sponsored by. Salens Caledonlaa ; dab. Cherry City . Bakery 4 ao- - ditartsusu pj, , .. . . . : .' , Jan,. 25-29 Daa G 1 1 b ert T speaks ia 'dty.'.V, - : !.' Jan. 27 M inosrl dab, 24 Ji ,)(, Commercial. r- Lafhy : REA. Attoraey-.Hermaa E.' Lafky, counsel. : and - secretary for 'the Orecen Farmers' anion. and; secretary of the Southwest wasnmgtoa utility district associ ation,, received notice - yesterday from the rural electrification ad ministration., at Washington. DC. of his appointment as attorney for a new .siss.eeo kea rural elec tric project in Cowlits county. Wash; Contract for the construc tion of th If n A aa nat Wn lot to. NePage McKlnney company of rortiand and Seattle. This nrol eet is under the supervision of the ue wins county public utmty dis trict, and is. being constructed who njLA yeaerai lunos. . Luti FlorisU 1271. N. Uh. J5t v Cliaic Results Showa Twenty pupils at West Woodburn school and 5 at Garfield school In Sa lem underwent routine health ex aminations "under direction of the Marlon county health department yesterday. OS those at West Wood burn two were ,f onnd f tm of nh. steal defects, lT required dental attention, 14 had been Immunized to diphtheria and 12 vaccinated against smallpox. An unusually nign percentage, 13 children out of the 54 examined, -at Garfield showed posture defects, while 28 had defective tonsils, 25 had de fective teeth, four were free of de fects,' S3 bad been vaccinated and 17 immunised. 4-H Elections Held Elections were held by two Parrlsh Junior high school 4-H clubs this week with results as follows: Busy Bee club president, Betty Sharp nack; vice-president, Corinne Wade; secretary, Elaine Thim; sergeant-at-arms, Ada Hershback; song leader, Barbara Crawford; reporter, June Gregson; eighth grade 4-H club, Miss Doris Nep tune's room president, Virginia Covert; vice-president, Martha Frani; secretary, Juanita Hamp ton; song leader, Leona Tingle stad; reporter, Mary Jane Kestly; athletic manager, Jean Rowland. Perm. Wave "9 5c. Beauty Nook. Bishop to Speak Bishop Titus Lowe of Portland will speak at a vesper service at 4: JO o'clock Sunday, February 5, it the Woodburn Metbodiet Episcopal church, Dr. Louis Magin. district ME superintendent, announced yesterday. The congregations at Donald, Canby, Brooks and Sil verton have been invited to at tend the service. Ralph W. Kleen Is Woodburn pastor.' The bishop will speak that morning at the First ME church in Corvallis. Election Case Up Malheur county's appeal from an order setting aside a special election last May In which a 1100,000 bond issue was approved for road construction, will be argued before the state supreme court Friday. Circuit Judge Charles W. Elite held that the election was Illegal because the notices were r.ot proper and because the funds were not allocated to speciiic road projects. ' The case was filed by Soren Hansen as a taxpayer. Auction tonight, Woodrys Mart. Lowry Memorial on Air Local admirers of Robert Lowry, author and composer .-of numerous hymns announce that he will be honored on Saturday at 12:15 p. m. with a program over KOIN and other CBS radio stations on. the occas ion of the 75th anniversary of his best known hymn, "Shall We Ga ther at the River." The Backnell university chorus directed by Prof. Paul G. Stolze will sing this hymn and nine others composed by Lowry. Alpha Psi Elects Alpha - Psi Delta fraternity of Willamette un iversity elected officers Wednes day including John Everett Gary of West' Linn, president; Wayne Brainard of Wardner, Idaho, first vice-president; D w 1 g h t Cather wood of Mill City, . second vice president; Dean Tram bo of Port land, secretary; Max Hauser of Spokane, member-at-large; Dan Moses of Portland, alumni editor; Frank Guderian of Portland, man ager. Floor Space available! The lower level la the new Fred Meyer toil etry store is being divided for prospective tenants. Make Inquiry of Mr. Batchelder, between 9 a.m. and 1 p. m. daily, at lower level this week.5. . . ' ' Flaa Bans ' Fete Robert Burns anniversary will , be commemo rated by the Clan Maeleay 122 OSC of Portland by a "concert and dance to be given in the Knights of Pythias hall, - Port land, Saturday, January 21 at t p.m.1 A number, of Salemltes will attend the function. . .: . - - ' . V ' '.' BayUss Salem Visitor Mayor Ed J. Baylies, past post and dis trict .' American - Legion . command er, of Sheridan,, vas in Salem on business yesterday. ' The district Legion ' conference will The held at Sheridan Saturday night, he sauneed. v,. ' Wiper Bea- Charles .Wiper, former -Salem business' man, was hamed chairman' of the Lane county chapter of the American Red Cross at the annual meeting of that group ia Eugene this week: Wiper Is engaged in business In Eugene. . - Births - Comptoa To Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Compton, Baker, a daughter, Ida May, born In Salem January tst I'h -X Griepeatrog To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Griepeatrog, 2441 - Haxel avenue, ja sonEugene. Lee. born January u at tne saiem uenerai hospital. r--,. DaxtoaH Kenntb Addlsoa anil Mrs. Ruby Strasser suffered head lacerations and knee and leg inju ries Sunday afternoon when cars anven by Addison and an unnam ed Portland man collided near the McDougall market - The car drlv en by Addison, owned by his cou sin, Norman Lewis of California, was thrown-10 fe it and badly samageo. Botn Addison and Mrs. Strasser';-were 'given- first aid treatment here. ? - vvr . , ReTival Catches Revival meet- I if which the Apostolic Faith has sUrted ia- the newly . rebuilt hall at Its N. Commercial, are be ing weir attended with a growing interest maniiefited.' Testimonies, pewerfuf preaching in the old time way and special mti s 1 e are fea tures. The public is Invited.1 Meet ings are held- Sunday at -10:30 imd 7 30 o'clock-and week nights, except Monday,5 at 7:45 o'clock. rine seeoaa in a series of-radio broadcasts to be given n connection - with t h e President's 'Birthday ball on Jan ary 30 will - giren tonight over radio station KSLM at 9:15 o'clock: WilMam Green " of the American' Federation of - Labor will deliver the address" and W. A. Chambers; repersenting the retail clerks In" Salem, will talk orieny. The Salem Federal still pays-4 on insured savings. ; Tabercalosia M o V 1 8h The tuberculosis educational mo tion picture, "Behind the Sha dows" was shown at the Mehama Woman's club- meeting, yesterday afternoon by Mrs.: George R. K. Moorhead, executive secretary ' of the Marlon County Public Health association. The care of sick child ren in the home was discussed by Lucille Maske, district health nurse. Chemeketans to Hike Leer ing the Senator hotel at 3:45 a.m. this 8nnday, the Chemek etans, Salem outdoor dub, will go by cars to Silver Creek falls. They plan to meet the Maaamas of Portland at the South falls at 10 o'clock for a Joint hike. Hike Leader Bob Kendall ad vises participants to bring lun ches, bnt coffee will be served at the forest cabin at North falls. Church Class Meets The Cru saders class of the Calvary Bap tist church enjoyed a "turkey feed" at the home of Bob Wood- burn on Monday night Present were Clyde Oilman, Zerel Brown, Donald Harms, Richard Googan, Eugene Brestler, Dick Senter, Kenneth Lenaberg, Bob Olsen, Mr. Roen, the class leader, and the host, Bob Woodburn. Charles Stewart Dies Mrs. Es ther Billings Stewart daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Billings of South 14 th street, sends word of the death of her husband, Charles P. Stewart, January 10 at -Walla Walla Wash. He was the son of Dr. Charles B. Stewart, a 'pioneer physician and surgeon. Services were held at Walla Walla Satur day. . j Finger Ware, 25c. Beauty Nook. MUlagea Compared Millaree of Coos county towns and dties for 1939 were reported to Mar ie n County Assessor R." "Tad" Shelton yesterday as follows: Myrtle Point, 70.7 mills; Co quille, 74.5; v Bandon,' 51.3; Marshfleld. 74.5; Eastslde, 71.0; North Bend, 70.4; En-pire, 77.7; Lakeside, C9.9. Fatland to Speek Ernest Fat- land, speaker of the house of rep resentatives and a past master of Condon Masonic lodge, will be guest speaker at the 7:80 o'clock Friday night meeting of Pacific lodger No. 50, AF A AM, an nounces Albert C G r a g g, secre tary. Don C Roberts is master of Pacific lodge, ? r r v ' , 7 Benefit Card FartjNWomen's auxiliary Disabled Aireiican Vet erans of the World War will fcold their fourth -and last series of card parties at the SW Vincent hall. Myrtle and Columbia streeU, Friday night at 3 o'clock. Bridge, r500M and pinochle will be played. Call 7370 and 111F2 for reservations. ;. ; . ' - Parrlsh Club Electa Officers were elected by the 44 Peppers club at Parrlsh Junior high school, recently as follows:; president, Betty . Brinkman; vice-president, Helen Brown; secretary, Dorothy Dal ton; sergeant-at-arms, Jewell Wallace; song leader, 'Leona" Bur right; . reporter; Florence Lewis; athletic ' manager,"" Nancy "Brad- i bury: ' p; " w - '' i. ' 3- Chapman IJoas Speaker C C. Chapman, state A representative from Marion county and editor of the Oregon Voter,' will be the speaker at the Salem Lions elub luncheon at the. MarloiLi hotel today noon. He will be intro duced by State Senator . Ronald hV Jones. !," V- -""V : " - - Rctora From Canada Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Walker and son, SCO MeNary street. West Salem, hare returned from High RiTer, Al berta, Canada, their former home, where they spent the holt days.1 ...v . fj ..r ' 'J'' W.t Lonergaa to Speak F rank Lonergan, veteran legislator from Multnomah county, will be the speaker at the Salem Merchants' association luncheon at -the Mar-' ten hotel Friday noon. His topic will be "Americanism." ; - . - .. ,. t""' -l ' . ' ' f- - - . t R f McKemna at Realty-Coe A. McKenna, Multnomah county leg islator v and former president ' of the Portland - Realty board, will address -the Salem Realty board luncheon Friday, noon. ; ; V Devotlona Today The Sa lem TMCA hoard of directors will hold its devotional meeting at the association building at noon to day. Tinkham GUbert will be the leader. - - " Appendectomy An . emergency appendectomy operation was per formed on Mary lee Fry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, at the "Salem General hospital yes terday. ' ' Dance Licenses Issued Dance hall licenses were Issued by the sid-Dance Y Hates, of ,r -,, county court yesterday to - J, B. Whales and - A. L. Whitney of Broadaeres and J. T. HsfneC of Silver-Falls. . - Tfce OREGON STATESMAN, Saln, Daytimes, They're Mechanics w-.-: M-.vK r. 3 S t..v .!-x... .;:.. .V A -.;:,.: . Nlghtdub entertainers in the ereninr, automobfls mechanics by day. Is the ambitious program of Libby Fmier and Howard Topham, shown in a Washington, D. G, hot spot. During the day, the couple don overalla and operate a service station, withfoautious Libby as much at home with a (Tease sua as when warbling' before a mike. - ' - Dr. Fox to Open Sermons on Air Series Will Be Broadcast Over Station KSLM on Sunday Nights An Interesting terlee of ser mons on "perplexing Questions" will be started by Dr. Irving A. fox, pastor of First Baptist church, Sunday night, with answers to be heard over KSLM at. S o'clock each Sunday night during the series. "For years people have beea asking certain Questions that con cern vital problems both moral and spiritual. In this series the pastor will endeavor to solve these vital subjects that have confused the minds of .men by letting the Bible speak for It self," Dr. Fox says. Questions Listed The perplexing Questions scheduled for answers are: Jan. 22. "Can the Law of Moses Save Sinners Was the Law 01 yen to Be Kent or Broken?' Jan. 21 "Is the Sermon on the Mount the Way of Life for the Sinner, and the Rule of Life for the Christian T" Feb. I 'What Is the New Birth? Why Is It Necessary for Men to Be Born Again?" Feb. 12 "Can a Christian Be Sure He Is Saved? What Are the Evidences of Being Saved?" Feb. 19 "Can a Christian Be come a Castaway, Be Saved For ever but Lost His Part in the Coming Kingdom?" Feb. SO "Can Christians Live Sinlessly Perfect Lives?" Is Sin Totally Destroyed? March 6 "Can a Christian Who Has Once Denied the Lord Be Restored or Is He Lost For ever?" March 12 "Why Do Chris tians Hare Trouble? : March 19 "Why Are People Who Are 1 Religious, LIto Moral Lives, Believe ia God and Yet Art Not Saved, the Real Peril of the World?? ' March 2 s "Can a Wrecked World Be Reconstructed by Man? Is the Doctrine . of Evolution of Any Practical Value?"!.-, April 2 "Can One Be a Chris tian and . Repudiate the Miracles of the Bible?. April t (Easter) "Did Our Lord Jesus Christ Come Into the World, Die, Rise Again From the Dead ; to Make - Men Moral or Immortal?.". - , 1 Sons Meet Tonight Sons of the American Legion will , meet to night at TiSO o'elock In the-TMCA basement-. Swimming will follow the business session of the boys. 'V- '.Jkl,'!s-iJi-!('T'f-" Turner to Build A building permit, for a one-story dwelling at 1171 Electric ? avenue,: to "cost 800, was Issued yesterday to A. H. Turner. rt Manage Restaurant Carl Neuenschwander of Sunnyslde and Joe'Seely of Prlngle have; taken over the Tip Top restaurant on North Capitol street; ' s.. .Gaaaj Tormed The V Waters Gang ,!, a "group of 10 boysj, has been formed at the TMCA and will meet eahFriday.? i jj u- Dire C-! ; l-L .f(A s . .-i 5" J ' Km . . Ortgon, Thursday Mornia- January, 19, 1S33 0 Dad Unit j Formed in Salem Dr. Erb, Dr. Barker Speak at First Meeting of Capital Chapter Organization of a Salem unit of the University of Oregon Dads club, to be known as Capital chapter, was effected Tuesday night at a dinner at the Marion hotel attended by 58 local cfti- sens. Dr. Donald M. Erb, presl dent, and Dr. Burt Brown Bark er, vice-president, of tha univer sity. me new cnapter elected as officers Hugh E. Rosso n, presi dent; W. M. Hamilton, vice president; James H. Nicholson, secretary-treasurer; Dr. D. B. Hill, Judge J. O. Failcy, Dr. J. Lyman Steed, Phillip E. Barrett, George L. Arbuckle and Rev. George H. Swift all of Salem. Dr. A. B. Starbuck of Dallas and Lymon Royee, of Sllverton, executive committeemen. Membership will be open to fathers of university students liv ing within, a radius of approxi mately SO miles from 8alem. Rev. 8wlft presided at the din ner, for which Dr. Erb aad Dr. Baker were principal speakers. I Foreclosure Ruled Out in Note Case Finding the semblance of fraud la a 17000 note and mort cage given by the late Paul V. Johnson, Salem merchant, to his mother-in-law, Minnie G. Gra ham, Circuit Judge I. G. Le well ing Tuled Tuesday that Mrs. Gra ham could not obtain a fore closure decree against the dower Interest of her daughter, Leona G. Johnson.' . Validity of the mortgage was contested by Chris-' J. Kowitx, executor of the Paul V. Johnson estate and defendant In the ac tion, on the ground thst it wsa given in fraud of creditors.' Judge Lewelllng's opinion stated he did "not mean to say there was a fraudulent design on the part of the plaintiff but such is hot necessary tn eases of this kind where the facta show in effect the mortxare worked a fraud upon other creditors." - The court, however, held the plaintiff entitled to - Judgment against Leona G. Johnson per sonally on the 17000 note and against the executor of her hus band's estate on four other notes aggregating 37750, less sums paid back. ,: . . - . - If 1111 SJlJa.T Quick1 daliaed L spediliad aid for nose ana upper Uumt . ..where most colds start. Helps pftvml many ooius. i Insethlsr I , , ' -DV-A',' r Ll'sat isaa ' l''' , - Boeschen Case Finis Condemnation Trial Blay Argument dosing J Closing- argument in -the' Roes. ehen condemnation Irlal " will be made -before .Circuit Judge" Carl Hendricks here startljig at, 9:30 o'clock'- this morning, with' possi bilities the', case may reach , the Jury by noon.' The . state :caplto! rec6nstructldn Commission is, ask ing, tha f a . price ' of ; 310.474 be fixed tor the property,' 10 by 138 feet In slxe, located at what Was formerly" the southeast corner of Summer : and - Chemeketa - Streets, while. the '. owaers, ; Arthur' and Mary 'Boeschen "are - Ssklng , for . The , jeommisslon's closing wit nesses yesterday were. J. F.v .r1 richrJo V Johnson and W. Q. Kruerev . galem . Realty, -board members; who each. appraised the. property, at $10,474. .and, Artbur A., 8elander, tax . commission j an- J praiser, who said the commission appraiseo; tne property at-530 1 a .aaaw' ... jnve; oeiense witneeses., nave testified placing value of the nrbo- erty at from 117,700 to tltl0.v SW. , - - . r ' " aretxlt Conrt -JM Trial dates set by Judge L." B. McMahaa: Watson vs. Rke, Jan uary . 13f Kimllnger vs. Vachter January 20: Collins vs. Raymond. January 30; Burnett vs. Bancroft January 31. Herrall-Owens eompany receiv ership; receivership continued by oral oraer to February 7. . Mary F. Gregolre estate; oral arguments made, matter contin ued over to today before Circuit Judge L. G. Lewelling. Meda Passage vs. Kathryn Gun nell; testimony completed, briefs to be submitted. Federal Farm Mortgage corpor atloa vs. Albert T. 8avage, jr., ex ecutor, et al; motion of defendant Anna Savage to strike parts of complaint Fay Wells Lien vs. A. Melrln Lien; plaintiff allowed $23 suit money and $23 a month tempor ary alimony. . Charles Nelson Marshall vs. Anna 8. Marshall; defendant al lowed $13.30 casts, $50 tempor ary support money and custody of child pending decree. , Jewell E. Brltt vs. James Britt; eom plaint' divorce and custody of child asked; extreme cruelty al leged, married June 18, 1930, in Lane eounty. Anna Savage vs. A. T. Savage, Jr., executor; defense motion for permission to obtain pasture and feed, paying for it out of moneys Impounded under injunction. V. I Loose vs. Nellie Loose; motion to modify decree set for hearing at 1:30 p. m. February 7, Prudential Insurance company of America vs. Reatha Sellg et al; judgment against defendants Se llg for $1380. $0.80. $8.90. $80. 22 and $100 attorney fee, and foreclosure. - State vs. Frank Fred Feeley; Woodburn Justice court trans cripts binding Feeley over " to grand Jury on three forgery char ges, one under nsms of George Manning. 8 tats vs. Otto Pfennig; Silver- ton Justice court transcript bind ing Pfenning over to grand Jury on charge of larceny by bailee. Probate Court Margaret C. Bherrell guardian ship; petition of C. F. Mumm for appointment of guardian for wom an inmate of Western State hos pital. Fort Stellacoom, Wash., to administer. Marion eounty estate consisting of one-seventh Interest in 81.17 acres of land valued at not more than $(00. Leone George, guardianship; Guy O. Smith named guardian of estate consisting of accident dam age claim against Fred Morgan and Desmooree Chevrolet eom pany alleged to be worth approxi mately $1200.' Cora L. Moores estate: H. V. '- t--, 4 : i "jVOU t S Neanng TH E ii TO " V 'ESTADLISIl BANKCREDIT;". PtACEItlSUnAnCE- IVOERE shlClYOU 17ISH v. ' j 'V -Or '-- in trade - to pay 1 W ! : k U3T.cz ffii'HDSS lEEMOnflEiBflllG ; f A . U UUty LslLU LVJ L JU "ULL Li ?.-"' .:w.- .cPoaaiAMD , - . -r.;Ko,-:; 'aaisssssssssssssss--m . - . ....... -i v. v . m ..i . v, M -r. r ji fc ? . Compton, George Riches and Roy Nelson nsmed appraisers, - H. H. Annen estate; closing or der, William B. Annen, executor: $2908.70 distributed. - Andrew Nelson' estate; bond of Harry B. Nelson, administrator, reduced" from $5000 to $2000; semi-annual account, $745.50 re ceived, $849.02 paid out $8592. 24 in assets left . Carrie 'Jane Slater estate; Leo N. Chllds named administrator. E. A; Miller, Roy. Nelson and Lee Haskins appraisers. : . """"aa.aa- ' Cods Better Students I - EUGEVe, J a n. ii-fa-Coed grades , average 2.438 compared with; 21220' for men so far this year at the University of Oregon, a report today showed.. ; . n - . ... .' -v r: Yon Never Saw im DRESSES Expensive Dresses Value to 12.95 HOSIERY $1.00 and $1.15 Value . . . . 300 Wash Frocks Go at . . . . ... . . 857 Court BUY YOUR h to arrahge the financing through The First National Bank, then pay the dealer or owner. urconyeroehti monthly repayments to this bank; bring yob these additional advantages ; 53 P ? LOIVEST fi n AN ci n C MAKE A CAS I DEAL 4 Undr thU plan you supply one-thifcJ m or cash) we knd you for, both car and insurance. a czpcsrrca to nics ti:c-jc;i r.'A caj Any of & Branches PAGE FIVE Is mli' in M s iin i inn n. qinorc Find bad Cheeks BELLING HAM, Jan 18.r(ff Theodore Ernest No le, 33, Portland, .pleaded, luihy. In su perior court today ' to first de gree 'forgery and 'was sentenced to a maximonr, off 20 : years in the state penitentiary: : His wife, Patricia, 33, pleaded guilty to a similar .'charge .but was given a 'suspended sentence. ThA KArloa vara arras. 1 . tier. last week aftr they had passed several ' worthless checks, the prosecutor's office ..said. .. . Such Bargains Look for tho Big E!sn WilY V cash Id COST the prfcr"; t " the bofance " : 3 ml ! . vi ,4 woo v 1 SBbUBSSS "Urn. tair -sis.r '.1ft- - i in ' ft 5--