The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OIIEGON STATESMAN; galea, Oregon, Thursday Uondar, tooiylf. 19S9
Commercial St.
Replace High Street in
"$7orst Traffic Record
, During Year 1938
Salem's wont Intersection from
; the standpoint of. . traffic - acci-
dents last , year -. was the spot
whero .' the . , two wcrst streets
crossed -State and" Commercial,
Secretary ot State Carl Snell re
, Replacing: the corner of State !
and . High as the city's Number i
One accident spot, the- Siate and
- Commercial Intersection was the
scene of. 40 reported mishaps
. daring 193 s the came number
that won the dubious distinction
for Stats and High last year. .
c Commercial Street Wont '.'
"Accidents onCommerciall
street numbered 241 daring 1538,
only fire less than the previous I
year. Ut this number. 2t resulted
In Injury to an automobile occu-1
pant or pedestrian. - Here are
the comparatlTe records of the
pity's chief streets:,
Street - 193T 1931
-'Commercial .....24 242
, State ....203 23C
High.......... 191 ; ISO
, Court 172 121
Liberty ..;..... 159 110
Center . . V. . .... 142 122
Capitol .........120 129
Chemeketa ...... 73 i02
,12th 85
State street was second In In
jury accidents, with 23, but Cap
itol was third with 15, due prob
ably to Its fast traffic.
, Nine Intersections Perilous
7 The nine . worst . Intersections
following State and Commercial
were State rod Liberty, 31 acci
dents; State and High, 31; Court
; and High, 31; Court and Liberty,
29; State and 12th, 28; Com
mercial and . Center, 22; Court
and Commercial, "1; Capitol and
Center. 18. and Hixh and Che-
;' meketa, 17. All of these except
the last two were In the first 10
last year.
- Total accidents on the eight
bnstest streets increased about
4 per cent during the year, Snell
said, although accidents through
out the city as a whole dropped
from 1553 In 1937 to 1541 last
Drivers can be of assistance
ip. lowering Salem's accident to
tals by observing . the following
points: . ' ,-. ,
1. Proper use of traffic lanes
and obedience to traffic lights at
downtown intersections. Proper
arm signals are highly important.
2. Care in leaving parking
. places, and watchfulness for oth
er cars leaving parking places.
3. C nation in entering
"through" . streets, and observ
ance of reasonable speeds while
traveling on "through" streets.
Portlander Heads
Newspaper Group I
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 18-0P)
-S. R. Winch, business manager
of the Portland Oregon Journal,
was reelected president of the
Pi.clflc Northwest Newspaper as
sociation at the annual meeting
today. "' '
Publishers and business execu
tives of 23 newspapers in Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho and
Utah and the Province of British
Columbia attended.
Other o fleers are: Vice presi
dent, John Russell, The Province,
Vancouver, BC; "rice president.
W. H. Cowles, Jr., general man
ager of , the Spokesman-Review,
' Spokane; treasurer. Palmer Hoyt,
manager of The Oregonian, Port
land; Robert M. Mount, Port
land, secretary.
Chosen to sit with the officers
on the board of directors were
James Dickey, jr., publisher of
The Post, Butte, Montana; John
McClellan. publisher ot the Dally
News, Longvlew, and Harry Ca-
bill, business, manager, of The
Times, Seattle.
Ross Called East I f
To Explain Need
PORTLAND. Ore., Jan.
The 'congressional appropriafTon
committee has called J. : D. Ross,
Bonneville administrator; to
i Washington to explain the neces-
, sity of 114,400,000 to .construct
I Mf eeder transmission " lines In
1940. Charles E. Carey, principal
i construction engineer of the Bon-
! neville project, accompanied Ross.
That amount was recommended
K . to congress 'y the federal budget
-bureau, which also urged $7,000,-1
000 tor the army engineers to In
stall, additional generating equip-1
.-Idaho Vniveritiy Honori
Late Brig; C,lChri$mah
MOSCOW, Idaho.1 Jan. 1
- Study halls at the University were
-empty and silent this afternoon as
' hundreds of student paid a final
tribute to Brigadier General Ed
ward R. Chrismas, commandant
emeritus of the vnlTersity military
department, -t
nAnarnl Chrlsmae aied Bandar
following an operation for a rup
tured appendix.
. - 1 r .
Student Ntir$e Train
In Claclcamat ' County
Four student nurses were assigned
to Clackamas county publle health
department today tor training in
public health nursing under Coun-
, ty. Health Officer .Margaret Pay
ton. They r are Lucille Lukeus?
: SUrerton:.? Lucille Dunn, Port
land; Lois Rose. Hood Rlter;
Evelyn Bhelley, Alabama. ,
' December Car Accident
r Fatal to Sherwood Han
gon's list fatality list increased
by one today when 01 Peterson,
C4, Sherwood, died ot Injuries
suffered tDeeeafte 4rAear-vis
V Py
. . ,- ;
. , mat Oerrenak s.
Polks at Natrona, Pa, held Paul
Cervenak, 29, in1 coDnectkai with
the death of Mrs. Naponocens
Jarzyosld, 79, who ttred alone to 1
' another part of Cervenaks house. '
Detectives claimed Cervenak ad
mitted killing her because ah
had told friends he was going
to marry her.
Arthur Hoe
"If I don't burn for this I dont
know what's wrong with the
people!" So said Arthur Hue, a
Chinese house boy, to Chicago
police when be confessed to the
slaying of Mrs. May Wong,
wealthy restaurant owner.
. Dr. Gordon Mordoff and
'Sonny Boy"
Gunman's hullet ends the life of
Dr. Gordon Mordoff, 65-year-old
Chicago physician and central
figure In a much-publicized 193S
court test for the custody of
three - year - old "Sonny Boy
shown with the slain doctor at
that time. According to police,
Dr. Mordoff was shot and killed
in his office by his brother-in-law,
John Quinn, who, it is said, had
accused Mordoff of being respon-
siMe for- Mrs. Mordoffs death.""
ftsaOS--4ireeaAeldV '
rortured for years Toy Ids par-
raiyscd ' sorrt . sunring; IjouIs ;.
! Gxeennekr, 'New 'Tork roIDlnery-
i nnop , opcrawr, uwraronnea we ;
1 17-year-old boy and told ambu- i
lanes attendants who sought to
revive him that Z hope you dont :
succeed.' Grtenfkld was charged
vith homicide. . .
Arson1 Attempt Charged
x In Klamath" FaUs Area
(7-James McNaughton, 41, was
arraigned oa a chargi ot attempt
ed arson at Gflchrbt today. F: H.
SwitserGtlchrist construction en
gineer, signed , the complaint, ue
sald gasoline saturated papers
had been placed under two build
ings and that McNaughton was
surprised In the act of attempting
to light jthem. y
Tacoman Found Guilty:
.TACOMA, ; Jan. . 18-ff)-A
perior court "jury tonight found
Gordon Ambrose. 21. of Tacoma.
guilty on two counts ' of ' negli
gent homicide" bt connection with
the automobile deaths a year ago
of June Johnson and 'Hyle Aa
oerson, Roy high, school stu-
..-jw ry.-.-: y..:r.:--.:.
' J. ' Ai ' , ' h
t ' ' ' - J "
fc-,n- :.v.v;v: A:-:. v.-f; -Mi.:.
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SS nPair
m ion
Y -
Annual Cascade Area Meet
f lo Sec AvrarcU Elade.
t . - v ..." '
Officer. Installed
C. Baar.s retlrlas? president
ot the, Cascade area'eonnell of Boy
1 8eonU ot America, will preside at
l tne annual meeting to be held to
night at St. Joseph's hail at : 4 5
lau' i. r fx-: j-
I Awards wlil be mads to he fol
lowed by the speaker .ot "the eve
ning, stuart .F. Walsh, scout ex
ecutive of the Seattle area coun
cil. His topic wiu be "Rsdlscorery
ot America." : , a ..--"
Clark Hew Preatdeai'
f- At the concinsion ot the trt-
nlng : Installation of officers and
board members will be held. Wil
lis Clark will be Installed as the
new president and other officers
of ' the council are: Harry Scott-
vice-president; Dr. B. T. Pound.
vice-president. Cherry City dls-
trict; Dr. C. D. Coles, vice-president
Una district; M. B. Pindley.
I vice-president Polk district; , Fred
Johsnnsen, vice-president Santl
arv district; 8. P. Rose, vice-pres
ident Marlon district; T, A. Wind-
tshaf, treasurer; Rex Sanford,
scout commissioner; A. C Haag,
national - council member; - J. B.
t 4 i A
-r r
"KoW Zj the
. wv
Monroe, scout execatlve; Dr. B. F.
Pound organisation - and exten
sion sommittee; Rer. Oeorgs H.
Swift, leadership training ;.W. L.
Phillips, camping and acUvlties:
A. a Haag, finance; Custer Ross,
advancement; Dr. V. A. Douglas,
health and safety.
. Hew ExecnUro Board
Members of the sxecntlvs board
are as . follows; , warns
Clark,-Dr. B. tT. Pound. Cuter
Ross, Sari Adams, L. C Buchner,
Bert Ford. Dr. V. A.' Douglas and
M. B. Findlev: 1940. J. .-Jie-f
Claln. W. L. Phillips, O. A. Rho-
ten, T. A. Wlndlshar. a S. mcjei
hlnny, pr.. CtB. Cols, Herbert
Ramsey, Grant M a r p h y, Hugh
Scott; 1141, A. C. Haag, Charles
Hudklns. Rer. George 8wlftr Dr.
A. 8. Jensen. Ferris D." White,
Fred Johannsen, J. A. Xnglls, Har
ry Scott a-.d Rex Sanford.
Ask Tribal Fund Pay
3 Among Klamath Indiana
' WASHINGTON, Jaa. lt-iFh
Consress was asked today to ln-
Lstnxet the Indian bureau to ois-
tribute about in xnoai
fund among the Klamath Indians
of Oregon. Thw request was made
by Congressman Walter M. Pierce
who said - the money- had 'been
awarded the tribe by the court ot
claims in payment for timber tak
en from tribal lands by whites la
violation oi a treaty.
imLEmiiE mr n
- ni i n vi r in ru .. vi f on of n i cm . oj
price cf ii a fzin Z3
In Old Buster Brown Lobation Next U. S. Banlr.
toe i, : .
i r till r -i i i ' -.i',. - - f . r 1
These Rices-Denote the Greatest
Gleararide in Our History! You Get
More Than You Are. Accustomed
to Expect! . ;
;Dres6, Strcot, Sport Styles! ;
All 2 pairs for the original prico of 1 pair
Elks ttob Witness:
Ladies tad Others 16 Be
" Guests; : Legislators ! j
A series of fast, exciting and
entertaining wrestling bouts have
been promised by-Herb Owen, pro
motor, tor the talent V&lks lodge
Thursday night, whoa the lodge
will have a special ladles and
fnest night. Guests will be ad
mitted by special card only. :
Thsr largest lnitiatloa ot. the
year was held last week, 14 candi
dates being initiated. Tho Sa-
less Elks lodge membership Is to
ciose npoa reaching 1100 mem
bers, and is rapidly reaching its
tan oaota. ' . :-v
Oa .Thursday, January SI ta,
Legislators Night will be held. In-
tltaUoas ars Deiag seat: to an
members ot the legislature to at
tend this meeting and special en
tertainment Is being - arranged.
William Hammond, I e a d I a g
knignt. is m , charge of the ar
rangements," being assisted by
Cliff Mndd, Fred Panrus and
John Steelhammer, Jr. - -
Rodsevelts Help
"Mile of Dimes"
For PoKo Fund
. WASIUtfGTOir, Jasv '
-Un. Fnaklia Rooserelt placed
.two dtme osie tor herself and,
os for the pYcsideat-ia'tha;
. .sslla t "dtnes't era down-
itwasArltodsy.;-'-' ;
-v- 13ie project Is a part of tha;
lsfesMea8. Mrthday eelebr.
tiow for tho kesMttt of infantile
psvralysls. vicxJass. The pvblie;
beaaa piaetas; dimes la' grooves '
'sfoag a 80-foot woodea 'table'
o Ue eidValk MosHlay . To
nlgnt there were SOS feet of
4 tails! (BfllT.10 or 6,171 i
;dtoses). - ' - .
! -. - . -
CCCs Permanency
Asked by Fechner
Robert Hi Fechner, director of the
Civilian Conservation Corps, rec
ommended today that congress
make thet organisation permanent.
He asked also that the salary of
the director be raised from $10,-
000 to $12,000 a year and that
the administrative personnel be
placed under civil service.
ITstt aO
I " 3
Albany Resident
Believed Suicide
Mrs. Bertha Kelly Schmidt
Diesoi Gun .'Wound ; .
Funeral Friday
j - ..- . .
ALBANT Mrs. Bertha Kelly
Schmidt, 3 2, ' died St her home
near No. 10 grange, ' at 8 . o'clock
Tuesday night as the result of a
shmgun wmndrpresnmably self
Inflicted... It js 'understood that
Mrs. Schmidt had been ' suffering
from 111 health, for tho past two
years and at times despondent.
Mrs. Schmidt was bora la Mc
Minnvllle in 190$. 8he was mar
ried -to Raymond A. Schmidt in
112 t, In Lebanon. She was a
member of the Lutheran church. .
Funeral . services win be held
from the Fisher funeral home Fri
day afternoon at 1:30."
Surrlring are the widower, one
brother. Glean' Kelly; ' a sister.
Mrs. Reynold Tower, and her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kelly all
ot Albany, and two other sisters,
Mrs. Ben Jolmes of Benton county
and Mrs. . Howard Carey of Co-
for tie
price cf
' . j 7 v '.
r- VIA t f
Philippine Aims V
Of Jajpan Denied
PORTLAND, Jan.. 18-(P)-Ja-
paa has too many Islands now
she isn't Interested In the Philip
pines. . 8o declared Dr. Yutaka
Mlnakuchl, expert in oriental af
fairs, here today.
The people of Japan, he contin
ued, do not want war. They par
ticularly do not want war with the
United States.
Is 343 in County
Three hundred forty three men
and women In Marlon eonnty are
oa the waiting list for WPA jobs,
according to a report received by
County , Commissioner Jim Smith
yesterday from M. E. Holeomb,
county relief administrator. The
report showed 2$7 others await
ing reassignment and 99 more, ot
the 2299 persons who have been'
certified to the WPA, as tempor
arily unassignable.
Local WPA projects were gtr
Ing employment to 1899 persons
while 291 others from this county.
were shown tn ha warklnr an nrn.
Jects of other federal agencies.
Kw.4 nice cf ii -.
n If rr
WA Waiting L
home. ..... -: ' .. :