PAGS TWELVE : ; The CGON STATESilAN, Ealeia .Tbsxy. nt!as, JaacsryrlS, 1933 Ssveral Units - Hold Election Elrs. Arthur Nelson Heads Thimble Club of ' Lodge Gronp ; BICVKRTON At the annual election i of the Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble- club, officers chosen were: President. Mrs. Ar thur Nelson; vice-president, Mrs. Kenry 8torlie; secretary, Mrs. Robert Scott; treasurer. Mrs. R. D. Bowen; publicity - and press chairman. Mrs. .C..-E. Hlggln botham; members of the finance board, -Mr. Cleli - Harrth, "Mrs. William Elder ' and Mrs. John Seeley; " ; " " Girls Xeagne Elects SILVERTON Girls', leafue lection resulted : President, Annabelle Jensen; Tlce-presldent, Betty iTerson; treasurer, Phyllis Adams; secretary. Alma Hutton. The .retiring president is Bernlce Cay. - . - Honor ' Bride-Elect : SILVERTON Women ' of the First Christian church were hosts at a pre-nuptlal shower In com pliment to Miss RutU Zook. daughter , of Rev.'and Mrs.: Frank W." Zook whose marriage to Charles Boyle of Portland will be an event February 11 at the Pome of the bride. - Church Chooses Officers . SILVERTON recent officers elected for Immanuel c b n r e h were: Deacon, Carl Thorklldson; . tiustees, H. E. Campbell, Elser Aarhus; secretary, H. B. Jorgen son; treasurer, John Campbell; organist. Inga Thorkildson; as sistant organists, Jonas Byberg, Ardls Aarhus, Edna Aarhus and Mrs. Arthur Bahl; auditors. El- . mer Johnson and Arthur Dahl; cemetery . board, Albert Funrue; head ushers, Floyd Ellertson and Howard Campbell. , Orangemen Take 10 ' SILVERTON New Initiates In the Orangemen, . Silverton high sportsmen's club, are Robert i Strickland, I M y r o n Dirickson, Marlyn'Waarrick. Leslie Weath er 111, Dale l Blust, Orlo Bolme, Harvey Gehrlng, George Irish, Clarence Simmons, Marvin Mel- be, Clarence Melbe, Bruce Bailey, Maurice Darts, Jack Peavy, Milo Harmon and Chet Carson. Parent-Teachers To Meet Thursday AUMSVILLE The Pirent- .Teacher association will hold the January meeting Thursday night at the schoolhouse. The regular business meeting will be followed by a social hour. . k : Charley Smith Is- Tacatlonlng at coastal points.- He has been away from the Smith ranch for the . past three months. . . . . Mrs. Guy Gearhart is slowly recovering from a major opera tion which she underwent at the Salem Deaconess hospital two weeks ago. She Is still unable to receive Visitors. " Alice Davenport Sprains i Foot in 'Alighting From Track; Unable to Walk ' ' ' WEST STAYTON Mrs. ' H. B. " Condi t left Saturday for a three week's" vacation at Newport with her daughter, Mrs. C D. Grant. , - Alice Davenport, in getting out -of ber father's truck, stepped on s board and slipped, badly sprain .tag her ankle. -She is usable to walk on her foot. 5 , Keith Crane, who has been se .riously 111 with inflammatory rheumatism,, la slowly improving. Holy Name Society Will r Bleet at Gervais oh 29th GERVAIS Gervais parish will be host . to the Willamette .val ley, league of the Holy Name so ciety Sunday, January 2 9. i SheWaslOlon 1 1! i U i:i ca T-AZij, tie ICli, Cburtext Vlrjlns Delannt ' . " 1 "'t trziz t black cats and the like. Besides, she . r f V ? Izin Cc.t Delaune who preceded ber as a i rr:3 c-J-::.-J fct Ttxlx tit says ss last 23 i : . . j I -:Trr . Cht tivts ber secret cf Vmvf i : i "7 tJ i... I t-X. r:.y ixx3. raw." CLe lives r - - i.:. --7 , .. 7 tr.i c;cU m i!7 c!rrs ti : C i IT; 13 V J Utile Insured r Bob Boras and "Sampson 1 ; - - Yeah, laugh that off, Mr, Mule! And this la'no ordinary mule, either. It's "Sampson," movie mule, who has been insured fox 1150, 000. He appears with Bob Burns, shown with bin. In a new movie. Grangers' News UNION HILL The Union Hill grange will meet on Friday night for its regular monthly business meeting. The Red Hills degree team will Initiate candidates in the third and .fourth degrees from Union Hill and the Santiam I Valley grange at Lyons. Lunch wtu oe servea at me close oi the grange meeting, with Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gilmour in charge. i . Ten tables of "500" and two tables of "Chinese checkers were in play at the grange social night party Saturday. Mrs. John Steinbergei- and Lee Seeley won high scores. RICKREALL A group, of men, 12 in all, from the grange gave J." 'E. Rag3dale an agree able surprise Saturday morning when they came to help him pour concrete' for his' house ' founda tion. The women helped in serv ing 'the noon meal. RICKREALL Four new.menf- bers were taken info grange Fri day. They are Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dewey and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dewey. The date of February 17 was decided upon as the date for the banquet to be served 1 Monmouth grange, ' winner in the recent contest. Herman Amos introduced , a resolution to be sent to the state highway, department and the Sa lem chamber of commerce, ask ing Improvement of the old blacktop stretch of the Salem Rickreall highway. This resolu tion was adopted. - The master appointed his com mlttees 'Agriculture, Kenneth Burrell, Forrest $ Pence, W. M. Elliott? legislative, R. W. Hogg, Claude Larkin, J. B. Riney; en tertalnment, F. B. Southwick, D. Shelton, Mrs. Vernal ' Bewley, Mrs. Ora Lants; relief, Mrs. Fan nie - Stenson, ' Mrs. ; J.' E. Rags- dale, Herman i Amos; home eco nomics,' Mrs. .i Helen Hamilton, Mrs. Clark Irving and Mrs. Grace Pence, i ' I s : An open program will be held Friday, January 27. Enjoy 4H Program 'FAIRFIELD Fairfield grange met Friday, night with the newly installed officers in charge. A large crowd enjoyed the 4H club mdayjthel3th for $150fi00 "t- p . iiiiiii program .presented by Wayne' D; Harding, county club leader, and bis assistant, ' Car mallte Weddle. The Hayes-Labish farms trophy cup for. the- exhibitor of - the champion fat hog at the last state fair was presented Junior Miller. Donald Du Rette was pre sented a medal for county win ner in the meat animal produc tion contest. Freda Bucurench, Verlie-Duke,. Hulda Beckley and Mhs Weddle spoke concerning home economics projects. ShlrlejJ and Linda Girod and Donald Nu som received first and second year certificates. Eleven club members attended with 4 heir teacher, Mrs. Clara Girod, from Waconda. This program created Interest in grange members to sponsor a scholarship to summer school at Corvallte this year. The next regular meeting of the HE club will be Thursday, February 2, at the home of Mrs. B J. Miller. Committees for 1939 'were : an nounced by Albert Girod, master: Legislative, : Don . Dn:. Rette, D. Ballweber, Ed Veteto; agricul ture, J. W. Johnston, F. J. Mar- thaler, C. E. Auenback; finance, D. Ballweber. F M. H1U - and Mrs. J. W. Johnston;' relief, Mrs. Clara Girod," Mrs. F. M. Hill and Mrs. T. A. Ditmars. ' , ROBERTS A card party spon sored .by Mrs. Forest Edwards In behalf of the grange - was held 4x. the grange-ball Saturday night with 11 tables of '500" and four tables' of -pinochle in play; High scores at bridge went to Kick Kugel and Mrs. Rex .Hartley; high scores for pinochle to Bus ter Kleen and Mrs. Harvey Schuebel.- r 1 BRUSH COLLEGE Brush Col lege grange meeting which was postponed for two weeks because of scarlet fever .will be held, this Friday night. This will be the annual Men's night with F. E. Nelson, Clifford Cmith, Charles Glaze and Jesse S. Worthbigton I in charge. The grange home economics club will meet tor a 1 o'clock luncheon Thursday at the home of Mrs. A. E. Utley and Mrs. C. L. Blodgett. Commend Sprague Stand, Wine ' Sale The Luckiamute Farmers Union, in-the Elklns community near Monmouth, late last week passed, a resolution commending Governor Charles A. Spraane for the stand, he has t-kea in re- 11 nesting, that.the legislature, pass a law which will confine the sale of. for tilled wines' to staCe liquor stores. 5 " "The' Luckiamute anion' holds' that 'fortified wines are very in toxicating and ' are showing, bad effects, on the. human 'racecL. Improyement Is;Made j Atinths and Dudley fHomes at Bliddle Grove MIDDLE" GROVE Charles Knnths, who was recently mar ried, is doing some repair 'work to ; bis residence. Lester Dudley has. also .done, some extensive re modeling by covering bis bouse with -shakes and adding;, a vesti bule. T i . . . Mr. and Mrs. . O.. JewetL who spent ' the past- two months in southern rt California, ' returned boms Thursday.- " Ralph poWncrs Moyinpf : Front Zlehama nesldeace) MEHAMA-Mr.Tand MrsT Ralph Downer" are ' moving to Sweet Home this week where Downer will .bare work, : s X-rm Pit... Tavlv- Um 1P.A .Taylor and Mrs Maude. Zlmmer rtan have been ,- Tlslting 1a Fort Louis, Wash, with Mrs. "Zimmer man's daughter and vov-tn-law, Mr and 'Mrs. Arthur "Harrts. t .llr..,nd Urs. J.tM. Tit"e. re ceived word Monday that their daughter Frances, underwent an emergency operation tor appen dldtls. She Is in the Deaconess toepltal la Salem. ; ---Tvfin Calres ArriT ' ; OAK PODJT Mr. and Mrs, C C. Comstock bave a sbc-year-cli Jersey cow that gave tin Friday to twin calves. Tiscy are both fcilca til &ra dolsar tlzir School AdrJiiion, or Pupils Public to Make Inspection - at - Carnival Friday; Clinic Slated . HATESVILLE The new room of the schoolhouse , will be com pleted, this week and may bo in spected Friday night dating the carnival. Mrs. Cleora Parks and her pupils will occupy the new room. Mrs. Olive Potter will con duct her classes in the room va cated by Mrs. Parks and Mr., J. Kennedy, will reoccupy bis old room. - i ' Mrs. Elisabeth Siddell returned Sunday -afternoon from visit to Portland where Friday she at tended the wedding of hergrand daughter, Lucille White, to Ron ald Vanced. Clinic Slated 25th A health clinic will be held at the Hayesvllle school Wed nesday, January 25. At that time 34 Children will have physical examinations, vaccinations. ' and immunisations for diphtheria, Dorothy Lewis celebrated her 15ttt birthday Friday night by Inviting her last year's school mates to spend the evening with her. Guests were Marlon Parks, Velma . Elfbug June Parker, Rnth Zurlender, Ruth Pervls, Margaret Kimbol, June ' George, Dorothy Lewis, Charles Mowry, Charles Love, Jackie Mennis, K e n,n e t h Robertson, Robert Peterson, Darrell Wooldridge. Paul And re sen,- -Vernon Olson, Harland Pervls and Jean Doo llttle. Sonf est Slated SILVERTON HILLS Paul Vo der will be at the community -ball Sunday for the community singing. A men's quartet from the Zion church at Hubbard will sing. Readyf mm t.' ' '" '""a"' mmm . "1 f ' III S 1"1 i" - L "X. ST-t To :- -:i. - Vow Only : EIcgGgcg rnnc " Non-crushable velvet, - f-r- - zipper hostess gjowns... 3 ykl PnUskirta.i.aiid dirndl M( waists Resnlar JlZS KS aad cow. , S, -SJSBSSSSBSBSSSBSSBSSBSSSSBSBSBSBSSSBSSSSSSBBSBB :-, - .". SPEdAL! Out they co. E&ht smrt styles In satis cr flanneL .dCTerai colors t,7i3 SpeCiSl -n... .' ran - 5 First fcrkia U. S. RtaberCo," cslosiia. XrsTra cz Vj&fkzzs Used with csbsa . .cturJy I. Indications Point to MT. ANGEL Fifty mmbers attended the third annual Mr Ancrel Flax Growers meeting at the creamery hall. Tues day. Albert Diehl and Albert the board whose terms expired,"were re-elected. The board will choose a president and vice-president in the near iuture. The flax subsidy topic was discussed and it was hoped that -.. here a - six-year program could be worked out. . Flax acreage will again be con tracted this year, and prospects are good for an Increase in the number of acres to be' planted to flax.. -:- -Tather Aleula talked at length about - flax and Its possibilities. He made a special study of flax in all its- phases while in Europe last summer, - Hall Will Speak At Stayton Today STATTON Lieut Vincent C. Hall, missionary from Jamaica, win speak at the Church of Christ, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. He will present a challenging message and show new slides on the work at Jamaica, one of the fastest growing missionary pro jects in the world. The public is invited. - Lions Committee Works On Numbering of Homes STAYTON Fred Fischer and Wilbur Porter were initiated into the Lions club ut the dinner meeting, last week at the Bon Ton. Also the committee on street signs and numbering of bouses wlU take action as the need of more adequate street signs seems apparent to the club. This com mittee is Harry Rowe. George Bel and Bill Williamson. - ' ' - ' II ti 1 Ip-Pqlicsr-Mblico r ?c2 MfPffQCont Gttocliol rrr Fco . Evcim Cidnlo Ai?Sc!a Hacl Co ? - n Elcst be better sieepms; to J) Cir - kJS U J Erery 4 j 5a "wise ia . . FT) A T7 : A Increase in ? a r Bochsler, the two members of V Graham and Wells Move to Highway MILL CITY Graham sad Wells bave moved their pool ball from the Rada hotel into Rada's new building on the' highway: '' Frank .Treado, i who " baa - been ill for several weeks, was moved to the Albany hospital for medical care. ! Mr. and Mrs; Dan Quinn of Til lamook are spending several weeks in Mill City at the home of Mr. and Mrs.; Faust. The Quinns expect to go to California later for his health;. j Pastor Committee Named, i Lebanon LEBANON A committee of nine members of the Presbyterian church, N. M. Newport, chair man, will contact persons who nay be' in a position to serve the church as a permanent pas tor. Rev. . Kilpack, supply pastor since Rev. Q. Breen resigned, will continue the supply work until a permanent pastor is named. The widened and uplifted sur face of Sherman s street Is highly gratifying to the general travel along this thoroughfare and commendation Is general for the WPA workers who have given full time and energy to the well finished work. 0 0 o o SPEC1ALI sold! . grade silk satin LJ pajamaa, vauws I l only ' " -. speciali ; ara scsscsatla baJ 'S - iio rescrrsUwSS i t sztz cr g!fMv I 'Mi. i JiUU . . .. c :" t" v " ' i To . jr ;rX6.50 . '-yXr' Now Only " y ' JoHy-NciglAors Meeting Thursday . NORTH SANTIAM The Jolly iNeighbors dab will bold lu next meeting at the M. V. Phillips home Thursday. . J. D. Lott, who suffered a heart - attack Christmas week, is improving .rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. August Wlrsh BATTERY SALE OF BATTERY In Other Words a Real Battery Sale for the Balance of the Month Group No. 1 Gronp No. 2 AAA AAA 03.05 ex. 04.45 12 Mo. f A W V VrfM EX. Guar. V40U Ex. 12 Mo. f ( 15 Mo. Am J Guar. fJ&Kf Ex. Gmar. . VO'O Ex. is Mo. fM sj0 oMT. 05-95 Ex. Guar. 9720 Ex. .$6,90 e, I $995 ex. FORD g:1 04.95e,A I AGliT, 0595 E, Guar. 07.50 Ex. - Then Too Jos Bring Ibis Adv. and Get Double BAH Stamps DON MADISON 546 No. High, Salem Dial 6663 Richfield Gasoline - Aviation Gasoline - Cleaning Solvent Cc2aiv Now Only D V - - - : . A very special factory concession makes this sale possible . . bay the first pair at regu lar price and the sec ond pale, for only lc - . . all new shades all sixes. 1 ; . FiESTPAm r Second Pair - (Of Same Quality) .r,.,T0..;.,A i- A Ffl 'J " "''-" 'W! -'S - ; i$7e75 . .. J mm ins ' of Eugene art living with C. P. Scofleld' and wlU assist Scofleld in operating bis farm. -Mrs. Elton New and infant son William Raymond returned from the hospital Saturday. Open School Doors BRUSH COLLEGE Brush Col lege school - resumed sessions Monday after having been dis missed since the Christmas holi day because of measles and scar- - ' let fever. SALE OF BATTERIES SALE! 0 0 .o .0. ti u Gessias .; Crepe : SThrczi 43 Cr-5 4. - II I I ' " -I .- " ' !