r Tfca CGON STATESMAN, Calsa, 0rt,Tkaday Uond Jxi 19, 133 xPAGB eleven r s W. aed;lfSeltefe . ; -. s Me i 1 Statesman Classified Ads - Call 9101 Claaalfted A Slatf Insertion per tln..10e rare insertions per line.. 20c 81 Insertions per Mae. . . . . 30c On month per line. ... .11.00 Minimum charge, r,.'.. y . lit - Oe ey ' fer tble W accepted" aatil 4:80 k sveaiac bor. publkau"a ler elassif leatio. Copy received after late tin will e -rea .Baser tee Seed iag, ''Toe UU m CUmUj."' ; T1i SUUtnu wmm ee trnaa tid reapeaeibilHy for errere wSiefc inr appear ia adtertteeraeate ft tisaed la iu eolaaine. mmi la aa where this paper la at feelt will re- Criat test part at aa advertisesMut i walca tee trpogrepaieel ""suse eceare. . j-, - . 1 Tha Statesnaa . reserves the rgM I reject eeestiOBable advertising; it farther rasar tfaa right-1 place advertisia aader tha propar elasatn satlea. . it ...;.-t - i A Blm4 A aa a4 eaatalata a Stataaaiaa baa avmbar far aa aa raaa la iar th. protaetiaa f ua aa vartiaar ana atoat tharefara ba aa a.ra4 bf lattar. -Tha Sutaamaa i it) tt Atmrty i. aWolft raformatlaa aa ta tba idaatity af aa a4rrtiar aaiag "Bliad'ad. ; Livestock DEAD AND wertniaas bursas, eows. - picked VP free. Ph. collect flt. bsmwi Uonlsoroery Rend.. Wks. .. M.wnnnrrrr COWS FOR sal. freah and aprina tera Jeraera and Guernseys or WiU vtrade. J8 Turner Road, ' FOR BALE Rhode laland Reds and New Hampshire pullets. Ph. 1J7FJL : sy RtLK nr. trade, hornless Tog- ' genburg billy goat, S years old Twill i trad For Saanen billy. Phone 448J. ( li Waller St, Salem. Or. Help Wanted CASH IN ON SPARE TIME 1 aOA WEEKLT OR MORE EARN Sail n raw muahrooms HOME. Cel Imr. ahad suitable. We- buy. SC i lb. Tear round business. ; ari r ntade by Mr. 8. ta few weeka 4 SOlU SPARE TIMS. - Guaranteed tatartala Eatab. lttl. Write 'for FREE BOOK. Washington - . Muahrooro Induatriea, Dept. 4 tll 2nd. Seattle. Wash. A WANTED. TALENT of all kinds for professional entertainments. Auditions given. Phone I53B. : - HOUSE TO house salesmen and ! saleslsdles wanted. Phone 14(4. -' I Hlp Wanted Female GIRL FOR housework, must stay ; nights. 1 J71 Edgewater, West Salem. S Situations Wanted s WANT HR. work. Ret Ph. 45tT. wMssaMkysaasOsrfse LADY WISHES, boor work, 1MB S. J'. CocSmerciaL ?-'"- - - J. n nh nnrinrirwi-infvni"w"inij' " " i .,--.- WANT WOOD cut, llli N. Winter. i Hi, Statesman.?. t For Sale Miscellaneous ' ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, ti cash registers, scales, sales, renuls. re i pair. Roen Typewriter Ku Court v DRT OAK port 1 5c Anchor poet. c Loren Cooper. AirUe. Ore. SALE FACED rock and. . brick. r Hauling. Front A River Bta. . . ' ' SUN -FLA at a. 'OIL heater fit. I U Hogg Bros. Ill Court , ;v-' - BKLCRCST. LESS than oast ISSE ' ' shMSeBaSkoawatmaQaWe PEKINESE PUPST at reduced prloe ; WtU trad ot Plgs Ph. 40. U -tevna. .-. Avenue.-' r.v--t . . ? i f r1 ! HOP ROOT- CUTTINGS for sale. good clean roots. Early or Late Clue ters, l thouand..Fort Vaanoy Hop Yards, Grants Pass, Oregon..' esssSkasbrfeieBjelsrfeasw - BURB ANSI POTATOES, lie 4k 15c r hundred. - Geo. Chriatoffersoo, R. Bos SC Portland highway, north. . USED FURNACE. A-l. 1711 Court SUGHTLT USED ) Slngetv electric sewing machine, bargain, Bears-Kos- OUCK CO. - f2- ELEC WASH, cheap. 1141 McCoy. waPsWseahSkaaala BIO AUCTION tonight,- 7 :SI. also Saturdsy arternoon, I :as. at r. x. Woodrys .Auction A Furniture Mart Trade Miscellaneont - NO. I DRT wood for cement work. Ph. 1 1114.' KM 8. Summer. - WILL TRADE all electric radio for milk goat fresh or milking. Phone 4411. 1140 Waller-St, Salem. Ore. Wanted Miscellaneous " - MARKET. POULTRT wanted. 111F2. Lee's Hatchery. Ph. CASH FOR used fumltur or what 1 2 RMS- BATH. Junction Auto ent lotloa. Price 1500 121 dwrnTll itJ?. have you? Phono l-l-l-O. Woodry. theCamp. 284? & Com! - 1 ? JtS 'V? V f" 1 ? 8utmaB- auctioneer. . ;v; :, 3 -L .. Miseellaneons PARKING II MO. Ill N. Church. VEGETABLES LIQUIDTFIED " bv Pretorius liquefier. Tel. 7172. 1041 S. Room and Board ensUBnSBSBPBMBsaUBBSawSBnsn . TUT MA Rowan's famous mealsV a teal home. 41 & Com't Ph. 1707. v ; BO. RM. aos in. Phone 714C Jesasweass4awsa STEAM HEATED rooms, 110 Oak. R.-BL, $29 Ma 111 S. 12th. . . For Rent Rooms - , 8 LP. RM. nr. sUte hse. Ph. 448. ADVERTISINa Western AdrertlaiAf t -- Representatlvas , ' Feeiaar-HaJI CaU Ltd. : faiw two Le Aeeelaay Castera Advertlataa EeprwaentAUvwl , Brrsat Orifftth A Bnusk Tnsv : Chi New York. Detroit. SaMred t tAe Peerafrio a aa a as sad Casa JJaetev S a sea aaVted ' 'ast'taejU J trasO. - - ' se4 Afaw4lsw. ' SUCSCKIPTION RATX3X MaU Sunauclnttoa Rates km Ad - Wlthls - Qregoai Daily and uodav v ilo. Meenta; I Mat ItAOl I Ma, $A4: I rear lilt riaawbes 10 osnta pec Iloi r lit for n year la -adiaasis' - aJ-e"v I nta-N-" ., I v. Crrri 'far- and aaiaoaat eouBLda Money to Loan ' Consolidate All Your Bills ' - ' . - ..... . " - - . - REDUCE TOUR MONTBXT FATMENTS WITH.A LOAN FROM SA LEM'S OLDEST " INDEPENDENT FINANCE COMPANT WHERE' TOUR NEEDS WILL RECEIVE PERSONAL AS BEFORE THE LOAN IS MADE, PAYMENT PLAN IS ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME. NO CO-MAKERS. ONLT TOU TO SIGN. REPAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COSTS. NO FEES. - . ltl- SO. COMMERCIAL ST. i ii - FIR8T DOOR SOUTH OF LADD BUSH BANK " 4 CONVENIENT GROUND FLOOR LOCATION Get Ahead . PAY-OFF ALL YOUft BILLS WITH A PERSONAL LOAN Then hava LESS to nay each month, because too hava only ONE place to Day. There'll b mora LEFT OVER for your IRdlacraet inqutrM. personal loaas PERSONAL Second State FINANCE CO. HERE'S MONEY FOR YOU $10 to $300 To. Pay What You Owe - Use our money service to start the NEW TEAR (re from debt If pay ments ore too high on your car, furniture, livestock, or other monthly con tracts, SEE US. We are often able to reduce them one half, or mora and yet advance you additional cash. Our low rates and easy terms win help you. Investigate ear service TO DAY without obligation, . . PEOPLE'S FINANCE Co. Rm. 10L First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon For Rent Rooms SLEEPING ROOMS. 135 Cbemeketa. AFT. SU nns bd. 75. Ill Chem. HK BMa. TarUy turn. 1151 Center. WELL HTD. rm, ZS4 N. Church, 2 SLEEPING RMS., 1115 MM. aaaaesjaiSawreasOwaa I LTV. A SL. rnL. frpL 258 8. Cottage. For Rent Apartments NICE FURN. -apt. 5 Union. t-t-l RMSm II bp lit S llth. ahslaiaopaytaeMaayWssa SEE FISHER apts. Modernised. I newly decorated and roomy. lon u no i delighted. Oak and S. Commerciai. I wowiwWIwwwWWWMWWM. . APTS, HOUSE adults Til N. Com. I FURN. APT. Ph. 1718 or 111L CLEAN 2-ROOM turn.- court apt with private bath, laundry and garage, bus service. 1807 Lee street I-R, FURN-. 1st floor, newly dee. 4 It FURN.. steam bt- Frlgidalre. sum. rates. 2380 Frgrnd. RdPb. 7MI, 2 AND 2 R. APT," III N. Uberty. Ph. 178. -. t B. FURN. APT,; lights, water. washer. 15a Ualls. RM. DUPLEX, cloae In. Mod. turn. elec. range, prtv. Data. in. ksxa. l-l RM. FURN. auta ItOWtll. rar.. hot w, wash, snach. free. ISM. Lee St ' SatAUi apt, aauiis,-xij' otaia.-r j FURN, BSMT. apt, 14 Division. RM. FURritpt, TeL Sll.! " eakvnjas4aBW4llss4a S RM. FURN. apt, pria te th .hot I water. 452 N. Church. irch. Tel. 4001. 1 FURN. HEATED pt,161 Nv llth. IksMsWaAaWaeliswa 1 R. APT. FURN- lia-hts. water. reasonable. Pb, 437. ii court. f A R. APT, 151 BROADWAT. - t R FURN, BATH, 1111 N. Liberty. gyl 41 K APTS, 155 -MTkwoa. FURNISHED APARTMENT fori legialator or longer. Two or 4 adults. 755 Ferry, Apt. 5, arter, p. m. - For Rent Honses FURNISHED A UN FURN. bouses. H. P. GRANT. 121 Court Street sesaesaSeaaao MOD. I RM. Mm. hue, IS. MEL- VIN JOHNSON. Pb. 171a. ' LGE a R HOUSE full he semen t, $20, Ret reo, 1254 Rug St Ph. 47F2. UNF. HOUSE. 1441 center, r. 4is. FURN. COT, 2211 Ha sat P. 7414. sa1eaaSSAWsawowoa 4 RMj HOUSE. Tel. I1F22. MOD. HOUSE, gd. Iocs, Ph. 4511. L SMALL H9ySE. 421 Gaines St HSES.. 110-125. PART turn. mod. sun, pn.7iii. r 7 RM. NEW house, on Park A D Sta, $25.00. Vacant th 1st Inq. 1101 Canter. GOOD t RM. hae- aras turn., a-aram. 2 blks. from Leslie high. 125.60. Ph. 5215. 1075 Fir St f RM, MOD. house, 11250. herd wood nra, recreation rm... ins jetieraon. . 4 WIS. A FIREPLACE. aduKA'llt. BUDROW REAL ESTATE PH. 5945 STRICTLT f MODERN ' RMS. BUILT .lately.. Hardwood. sscrUlee fo-lSJ. North Salem. - -' . SEE H. P.-GRANT t - 111 Court Street - Phone IT44 SMALL. KICELT turn, house, fire place, water, very -cloae. too,- Sat rear ft . STeni.- - i .. - for Rent, houses. 120 to sis.' See LOUIS BECHTEL, $41 Stat 'For Rent - HSES. A APTS- an Mad, an prices. rra, A unf, Percy ClUnan. S Marion, i OFFICE ROOMS. 111 State street GARAGE FOR rent 1S4I S.. .High. I none U7. . -. . - i i . - R- BATH, t BEDROOMS, meat, furnace. alae A waters pasture. gardea, room for bens. Mr Sophie Robertson. Bt a. box sz. GAR. HOLLTWOOD, 14, McCoy. - Wanted to Rent WANTED. MARCH 1st. t bedroom. I modern turn, bouse, W1U lease, Box 220, Statesman,. - .. , tj For gsls Ileal Estate wawaawaBBBMBBBSauBaajgjB to)T-xj(yrs lots f WE HAVE ' Vhs e .-T ved ; StTeetavJ rrea i"! f ; v jj i v is i s vl TO-lwaiitSr i. LAK. 14 'wiui HAWKINS ROBERTS, INC. Money to Loan- CONSIDERATION AFTER AS WELL UC. S-lll : PHONE till in 1939 livins expanaea. No co-m&kara, na up to .300.00. com In or pbona. Floor. New BUsb Bids, lit 8tato St In Salem, Oregon. Phone till WHEELER ENGLISH, Manager License Numbers S-12S. M-1CI - - phon 4441 S-lll SUts License M-ll FURNITURE LOANS UP TO $300.00 KeDaV DV Week Or Month I r1 " Vl uuul-u I Vf MONTHS TH UTTUAV Also Loans on Personal Notes and AntomoLiles STATE FINANCE CO. I (CHTLDS A MILLER'S OFFICE) aVIlt Phone 1241 M-11S stf . state street. Salem. Orearon 'wwwwiiiiw)xw wwwmm rKUXKAL, HOUSINa lA.ua r refinance homes, business prop. Rates, nw" m caiia, utc, SsasonM Bid. . -l-ll',-,-w-wlnrL,utAJnJnn LOW RATES AUTO LOANS i -.r 'Contracts BernriKrim " uu new or nsecr cars, rnvste montr at new ha ntM snuneniaie action, no reel tap. 1 TO 2 MONTHS TO PAY. Roy H. Simmons 111 South Commereiat lMt Phone till Lie. No. M-152 MONET TO LftA.-x-. ON 1st mtgs. H. P. Grant 111 Court 310,000 TO LOAN on ftrmi and E. H. . SANDERS. Ill S. Blab Sill ' Loans Wanted ; ? WANTED--"RnrATl -vnwrv T5JAN en good Salem real es tats. Win na A htMrwl W. U. (QRABENHORST A CO. - - REALThna 111 1 r IMm Si ., ... - . . - V- - LOANS WaMTEO m tmrr mA .1. Kjperry- borrowing bwlr at Hawkins A Roberts.- , - - SOOd set-Uliir Innnm. nlnn.- . . ar I V; . IT1. commissi vorp to private party if , so commission I ruo. set buildings, running water, is can retire $1000 annually. Box 11. I scree hops, some timber, family or-SUteasnan.- v? I chard, excellent son. good road. Priced Financial WE HAVE never paid less uiaa tnis rate on savings Va and investments. Insured f to 15000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Assa pnone S44 its 8. Uberty St' For Sale Real Estat BBA-HTirUL MisW home, suburban. $100 down. $35- month, right party. cans. ADrams, oil Masoats Blag. Pbons 1155-7154. - W e. - i.; i n, -AlfM! ...s , .... equity In 4 room house. in West Sa lem, Balance or contract 7S.o at 20 per month, 1521 Franklin -, St. evalngs,-v'v - - .-; BUILDING LOTS GOOD LOTS on paved street excel- W. H. GRABENHORST CO. . REALTORS 134 8. Uberty St Phon 1418. 1 T RM. BUNGALOW, rood location. I . Cloae to school. Standard , plumbing. cement nasemeat. Pipe rurnac. raraae. Corner lot 60s 122 ft Street improve ments n and paid, sale price S3. w lft,09 cash wiajuuwile. beUance like rent. N. J. Undgren. 178 & High. Ph. 8810 MR. BUILDER Wtt OFFER you a house under con. atruction (or kess than cost Wilt fi nance you for purchase and comple tion. Aak ua about it , . vt . t 8EE Hrt KUia. - :" Call: CHILDS A MILLER. Realtor 844 SUte 8treet . - Phono 0211 MMMMMMMMA IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. OF AN eanerUn-r well-hnllf s iwm boacalowd with basement and sansa. A real bargain for 1&. Will accept fiee oown balance. J is.es pec month. Beats renting. , - , can Mrs Ellla WHa CHILDS A MILLER: Reanora 844 State St . Phone 9211. '- - - - aT i-it-rM"nrVirinrirLru-iri.nriji NEW. MODERN A vooma. . SlsSS $10 down.. $21 ssex, ; Includes , taxes, lateasat -- - , reoca modU 418 Marion. -y room mod. borne near aU erheola. I bus. 125. hardwood Ooors, Thia U ayrviss C H. SANDERS, 119 8. High llli COURT STREET PROPERTT . , - $2$0 BUTS THIS rm. home loca- - ted near otato -Mdga. Bs ssss ant turaaee, largo , attratUso lot. 4 "fe are. paved alley., well P planned i -tchea, tiit and fruit -V- trees, A KEAIThOE. SEE IT . : TODAT. - -. Call R. A JOrTNSON wtth. ; :W. H. GRATSENiiQRSf A fft V 124 8. Uberty St Phone 1419. 4 91819 BUTS A PLASTERED I room hons aa paved at, 2. per month. ; 9200.09 down. . 1101 for I room house, $200.00 down. $20.00 per month. ' oood a room, beuae, tot Tixiis, prSB $IIS.. good 4ems7 - .;.-v--A jpom pi$retl bouat ta goodto- ....JtoeK i -rr.j Ma son la Temple . Phono till. 5L7 For Salogeal Estate flATB THE PROSPECT XT; YOU went to eall. irtaBSe.l mat. rant, aaa-acr. Lnnaa wttn iia,r kins Rebarts. READ THIS . W A- PEN CORNERS, rood solL room hoaae. - ltebt. bath. ate. Price 17a. izi cssk. baL eaT. . SEE ALFRED DUMRECK. ' J47 N-.Com'L Streat - GOOD BUT3 tim BUTS THISS rtn. bom located on aaat front lot naer Stat St. Pavtnc oaJd. cement sidewalk. ? V?? . TTS I Jr-wi11 1.0. S5To plaster home lnfHltM TIMr arhlL Gartm. nr- place, walnut trees, large lot. a KRAI. BARGAIN. A REAL " i . . HOME, . Call R. A. JOHNSON with, W. H flHARKVHORST A CO. 114 S. Uberty Street - Phono 4441. LOOKING FOR A REAL BUTT? KAi rt,w a rma, finisoea iqt 1 Ilia, 1 H to S A, ex. soil, at fso per 11K ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate I ta cash, bal. like rent. 12 Ladd A Bush Blag. Phone 65 I MODERN HOME can be bought with 120 down. B rooms, basement, fur nace, fireplace, am rare, attractive yard. Priced at sz&oo.oo. naiance un rent.'- For Turther .Information, see P, H. R&LL, REALTOR 42f Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 NEAR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 11200. I LARGE ROOMS, attic liv ing, dining, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, fun basement lot 71x154. garage. Room for another honae. Plenty or rruit nuts. Tou will like this. . C H. SANDERS. Ill S. High 1121. I aa1aoeaearfaa1jalM TODAY'S SPECIAL TOU ARB offered this 5 rm. home with two ceiled rma upstairs, far be low VALUE. Located on attractive cor. lot near schia. shade trees, first class heating plant recently reflnished mmntptHT. attractive nreotace. nw cloua front rm. and well planned kit chen. ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE. Price 13500. TOUR OPPORTUNITY, act NOW. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Call R A. Johnson with-- . W TT flTt A BlPNTTOnST A CO.' 114 S. Uberty St V Phone' MM. S1700 mod. auK. U A 1200 dn. 1160, new mod. s rma., asuu an. lie. 4 rma, nk unfin. up. 1100 dn. 14. 4 rms, nk, A.. 1125 dn. 1101, T A, 1 rms. 111 dn. 7KS tmftn. 4 rma.. 25 dn. 171 R Liberty. Pbona: 7111 TRANSFERRED: WILL take 13500 for I rm. home near statehouse. Cost t4ZE0 to faoild 4 Tears aco. Lot ap- I luil aiAAA A. ttiaf llm Tin 222. Statesman. STOP SEE BUY RACRTFICK MODERN S rma Mat new furnace, fireolace. nard- wood floors, fruit paving ana waia paid. $2400, MSO down, near Holly wood. R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UKBHK 1852 North Capitol NEW MOD.' 1 bedrm. honss. U A- i north. $50 down, FHL. 3. Kaeser. Rt X. Box ss. - TWO ACRES, good seven - room house, close in. easy terms, 130 So. High. Exchantre Real Estate WANT TO trade 4 A. farm wltlrl good house A outbldgs, for amall meryi aar wnii iudo nan. chm a&inw. east. Ph. fall. - )wwMNWMwaaiiaAiMMwwiMwe I RM. HOUSE, tmhnoroved. doss in, acreage, owner, p. O. bos i. Ha- lem. EXCHANGES WE WANT a rood home ta Portland for 8alem home give as your list ing. Also, 124 teres near Florence, clear for small tract or hom tn Salem price 1150. BEE Mrs. E1II8 WIUl' - CHTLD9 A lOLLBR.. Realtors 144 State Street Phone 1211 ' t NEW 4-ROOM houses, double ga rase. Price 25. Want to exchange for If acres or more not over 10, miles (ram -Bauera. . . 1 soil, moat all ta crop. Has a good mod 127 ACRE FARM, au good black an . t roan honaa. . S barns, about 2 I acres In family orchard. Want to ex- change for from is-j acres suitaoM I for chlckena ROSTEIN . ADOLPH, INC 110H N. Commerctsl Street For Sale Farms : . FOR SALE FINE 40- ACRE farm near Pratum. full, set buHdina-s. running water, 10 at S7500. nart terma out good road, srood sotL about half zs acres.' lis.. per . acre, s mues For , good properties reasonably priced, call Mr. Harriett at rwn.ns A MILLER Realtors 141 SUts Street Phone MIL Acreage 27 ACRES. 4 LARGE room house. ntc. am kitchen, anod barn, chicken house, garage. Paved road. T ml. of Baton. UB0A. terms. R. A. -FORKNER-H. T. UKSSiK ; , - 1151 N. Capitol - ... - Wnnfen. Rral Fdate" ' WILL' BUT or lease machine shop snd equipment or bldg. suitable for shop with floor space. 10x40 or more. box lis. statesman. WANT" SMALL fart from owner. n Ul . Statasman. r . HAVE. A CASH buyer for bouse not I over $1200. What have your Also nave one with $4000 for a farm. See LOUIS BECHTEL, 841 SUts. -r . J-.aifeia t tnnortnniliea - FINE . OPPOHTUN1TI tor beauty salon, good -valley town, best of oesv- uon. box Z14. Btstesmsa. . CAFE DOING good business. Near Salem, eaninoed. Beer, restaurant 1100 win handle. Box 117. SUteaman. RESTAURANT. BEER A wine the only . one fe good valley towu.. sum price 41 zo. --, - 221 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2414. ---- - -AUTO COURT - ,: RTTU'.rN'O. OI7T. asrTtbbia? auto camp on 99 E: 4 cabins furnishedVl Mtmt-n ... hMf A him rnaea -wHb f"- ing quaneie two booting rnaile f vmo aww ow, w cwam, ixV l.M. ih. Ir. . nant-ma. iarce sceptae tank, electric water ys - two . on pumpa. Two point Jobs on bundlna Uat year. Also M Chrysler I Airflow Hedsn, tun price si7e. uui at sacMary, w, i For Sale 7ood DRT 2nd GROWTH wood tor sale. 4 ft or aawed. delivered ta B 1st the tarns. Phnsw JVnWs-f TOK GOOD DRT 2nd growth i J&. rssrwick. 4S1Z. DRT SLAB. growth, Pb; 1700. BLOCK WOOD. ffeened fuTL lamed. delivery. teg Supply CO. iPh, m 254 DRT WOOP. Pbons .till. -DRT ASH A made. 11.8 ed. II ta. sec. growtn. saAs. rn. lait. ; CRXetdTt FIR, U'Pb. 711V i" 1 n - iiTn' r,-. m.ri nxri i iri.f-i). j A-l D2T WOOD. $349. Ph. $334,. For Sale Used Cart TODAY'S BEST BUYS! Pick Your Choice, Then Come In and Try It. We Demonstrate. - 1937 Bulck Brin ' Tour In Se- '.I'." T" " " T"" 'na' dark blue ftniah motor per- feet stock No. 117 priced only. . 9 i . - - ... -imam nnusr a iwvai ajcia APiaiiaiai 1 Buck 4-door Sedan original iimsn in xu condition mo- tor Just orerhauled in our own atmn .. excellent brakes good tires. aoor A bargain for only vOJ 2 1Q97 Ford 8S DeLuxe Touring So- uan rcuo neater, nanai dan radio heater, naoal uuu cviuiumenu epeciai oil nam v'ci urn 11 wnui Bpnna; whci- T'zrt- lea unian - ana upooistery absolutely In perfect condition. $535 today Cheapies im Plymouth Sedan ..! 15.0 1Z9 Ford Coach a dandy 192 S Chrysler 3-D. Sedan . 1Z5.0 11.50 TES! WE TRADE. CONVENIENT TERMS OTTO -J. BUICK 388 NORTH COMMERCIAI. STREET weyrsrrrsiaja SPECIAL For This Weekend 1934 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN Trunk loads of extras new paint new rubber. Very clean inside and out Our Price $298 You couldn't buy this anywhere for less than $315.4. OTHER REAL VALUES 1121 Dodge fast Tour. Sedan, runs 1931 Durant Coupe extra good 1111 Ford Town Sedan 1130 Ford Deluxe Coup 1919 riymoutn Henan 1121 Star Sedan a dandy 128 Reo Sedan, the Interior of this car looks like new, low mileage 1121 Chev. Sedan extra good tires A bodjl 1121 Chevrolet Coach , 1SXB Fnnt T?nrit.r SEE THESE OUTSTANDING BUTS AT SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. 438 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET Bargains 1135 Dodge 8-w. 84. :$445 . 115 - 115 . 115 75 1914 Dodge Sedan 1930 Dode Sedan 1911 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 1131 Plymouth Sedan 115 125 11 115 I tail Kkaufl Wtfutaasa, ZZll J(t0 Chevrolet Coupe' MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM PRICES RANGE FROM 115 AND UP T TERMS A TRADES HERRAIX-OWENS CO. Used Car Park Opp. Stat Theatre PHONES llll - ij-Lri. i.nj .n-r.----"--- -------- 1121 FORD ROADSTER good con dition. $15.00. 1570 & Cottage, For Sale Wood GET YOUR dry oU Or, 1171 H. trth. E HoUoway. . - . . BONE DRY oak, $1.71. Phone 410. : OLD . FIR, 15.00, ttmbs,' ll.Ot, sec, f.50. ash II.04V Ph. 141. 1 14. oak. $ DRY OLD fir. $1.14 twed knots. 1L: 1 in. old fir llmba. It hardwood aU kinds. Ph. .CI70. Prompt delivery FUEL ON eas payments. He down payment 1 months or longer to pay. First payment lOxdays. Any amount any kind, Fult mesnre Chit I. Smith. TeL UU. lisp is. cnuren. - I CORDS OF good dry ft tad growth for $11.10, Pb, TIM. NO MONET, down, I mo. to pay on 4 -cord - lots, all kinds. W. L, Graea. 412 N. 21st Phon 5370- DRY ASH.' $1.10, oak $5.71. P. 1701, Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, Sproed. Pb, MIA WOOD SAWING, 50c. Il-fn. I42L ' Persona' lAaXtt tlKTH WHILST sweet- teart husband, wife for rou. bos i a its. A tageleav fiR urmry i - Writ. Earvntlaa-c au- merologist .Give birthday. Complete 1 ro tw Tit. Salem. Oregon, 4 . !a, iam, rm . reading. 50e coin. Maoame- ioa ioe. - Csu-ds la this illrectory ,'emc fjHbJy basis oaly. Ratei f I per Haw per aaoatb. Anto Brakes c.?. t MOte Panes. .171 ,8out . Gnmmardai Bicycles ' BICTCLES. NEW and rscondlUoaoA Bod t. & Fender ' Repair i gOR BODY A FENDER Watrsvsur , 1 . .1. ..i, ..i.ni j ,Bto painting SEE th BerraJl-Owwa I 111 41 rjml WL Pbona XI SB. 2 ! I rr . . - ..- ' l.. CJlimrteY. SsfCCP T i I rsiLE PHONE 448A larwai se. Xlilropractors bar a tv sccrrt pa chbpt f XL KoTls, Rssv 979. . -. . Electrical Repairs ELECTRieP-EFRIOERATOR A aome IsppUafHW re' .n- serrieo, llil N, Ce aum, rn. iAi : .' . 5 itt yExcaTttlr'T CXCATATtNtl CP all' tads - S mats dag Dirt hauled or snored. 1 rt for sale, Salsa Saad aa4 Crawl Ce XT. SAtXU tlortatA 1489 sswater For Sale Used Can i e9. Terraplajoa . Custom WwU . dan. formerly owned by waQ r ST? TLZT "'- enecked ud ft k. . Good.-, tires and finishelectric hand, ; beater, -.c t TT I7J 4 -Eight Touring Sedan, In fine I 11 - r - - at a eondiuoo low mueaxa almost tlraa radio, hctcrhrn boilt-in trunk Ugbt brown- tin- aTrr ish "' ' JylUJ 1 fo Otdsmobue Touring Sedan lVdO Urge built-la trunk good Him mwtA mUnilM mo. nuohl 1 QOfZ Etodge Sport 4-Dr.-Sedan rsv XzfOO dio. heater. bvdranUe brakea. .iruo.xVpSuccc generally- very good value. $545 only 112 Bulck 2-Dr. Sedan -I 25. 11.11 1IZS Chevrolet Sedan WILSON CARS PHONE S4IJ, --aTrTT imtfmXmyvnflnffrA like a watch f 40.01 125.0 175.00 155.00 120.fr 35.0 C5.00 85.00 45.00 130.00 PHONE 4473-4115. PRICES DOWN! $ A VE Get Your Car at These Low Prices! STOCK WAS NEVER BETTER PRICES WERE NEVER LOWER 37 Hudson Custom DeLuxe Sedan $765 37 Terraplane DeL. Sedan 725 37 Terraplane DeL. Brougham ... 550 37 Ford DeLuxe , 2-Door Sedan...... 495 36 Hudson 8-Cyl. DeLuxe Sedan . 650 81 CHEV. MAST. CPE. 1 PLYMOUTH DEL. CPE. II FORD DEL. CPE. .1471 -145 .1191 .$450 25 STUDE DICT. SED. II TERRAPLANE BROUGHAM $115 15 STUDE COM. CPE. MT II PLYMOUTH DEL. CPE. II TERRAPLANE PICKUP II BUICK MODEL 4 SEP. II HUDSON DEL. CPE. 14 PONTIAC COACH 1125 15 45 278 1125 Th above ears hay Iota of extras on them: reconditioned snd "personal ly endorsed" with a written guarantee. 8 SPECIAL BUTS 21 Durant Sedan . 20 Hudson Coach 10 Essex Sedan - .$12$ -IMS -$ M STATE MOTORS INC. HUDSON A PACKARD High at Chemeketa Phone 1400 ! Open- Evenings and Sundays t SACRIFICE LATE '87 WlUys DeL SedU fine cond. 2054 N. Cap. Ph. T1I4. MODEL "A" SEDAN. - First class condition. Marr, 17th A Market . 111? LINCOLN-ii I PHER SedU low mile, perfect cond., $795. Phon 756$, Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WEIDER LAUNDRY III & High Tl 9138 Massage TREATMENTS AT honss, Logan. Ph, 4819. - ' " , Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress factory. 'NEW MATTRESS made t ordi old remade : carpet rieanmg ab sag I fluff rug wearing , S. ttlb A WO- bur. TeL SL OTTO F, SW1CKEH Et. I91L . ' ' CAPTTOL, BEDDING CO. Pbona 441. fc'WARXOCir. Jrv Work guar. SISff, IMntlna; : rams, sooca or any bubo n anas, oau Tbe tlslsssiiaa Prtatlna De art 111 a, Cuaiiasrrlit -Talav 919t ( -. -'- :. - . 'j .-, ; SALEM TREE' Tat IIFt, i FOR LOCAL sea, bums. oO. call Sill 1 TrasWer Co. Trucks to Portlaad daOr .Vacuum Service.. AUTUURT2ED HOOTI R- mlaa AS raksj serviced. Vac to Tent MrWjUl. iiogg Srosv !, IL7V 1 Misjrsjss Directory For Sale Used Cars o ulstanding Values AT USED 1938 FORD CLUB COUPE 1938 FORD DeLUXE TUDOR 1937 FORD COUPE 1936 FORD COUPE .. .. VALLEY MOTOR CO; ; 1$ TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP HERB MISSON LOT MARION A LIBERTY BEN DRAGERj ; - i -i-rrrrri-rvirnnrinri.rxn MODEL A MOTOR. 19.600 miles. $25 or $18 smd your old motor. Drive It and you will buy IS Box 221. States- 14 PONTIAC COUPE, trade for pickup.. 1195 N. Liberty. we.wiee.wwwMKWMwe.MwM CHRYSLER SEDAN. IIS. Call 941 between 5 p. m. and 1 p. m. or 755 Ferry, Apt I, after I p. nv . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITOR'S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by an order of the Count? Court of the County of Marion. Bute of Oregon, duly made. rendered and entered of record ir said court on the twenty-first day of December, 1938, :ARY LACHELE was -duly appointed as the administratrix with the will annexed ' of the eaiate of CHRISTIAN LACHELE, deceas ed, and that aaid Mary Lachele has . duly qualified as , such ad ministratrix with the will an nexed. All persons having claims against said estate herebr are required to present the same. duly verified, to said administra trix with the will annexed at 214 United States National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date f the firs; publication of this notice. Dated and first published tho twenty-second day of December, 1938. MART LACHELE, as Ad ministratrix with the Will Annexed of the Estate of CHRISTIAN LACHELE, Deceased. CARSON 4k CARSON, Attorneys for Administratrix with the Will Annexed. D. 22-29; J. 6-12-? ). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That' a special meeting of the members of the SALEM MENNO NITE CHURCH, a corporation, of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, L to be held at the church lo cated on 17th and Chemeketa Streets In the City of Salem. Marlon County, Oregon, at the hour of 8:30 o'clock p.m., oa the 1 day of Feb., 1939, for tha pur pose of changing the name of a&id above corporation to EVAN GELICAL MENNONITE BRETH REN. The above notice has been sent by order of the Board of Trus tees. Dated Jan. 16. 1929. Dr. R. Doerksen, Chairman Darid Hamm, Jr, Secretary D, M. NlckeL Treasurer. Jan. 19, 1939. . ; 12 VA 13 WA Cross Word Puzzle 77a 16 12J 22 23 2Z 26 21 SO 31 3H 1351 3 SO 3t HI H2 V3 P77 3 By EUGENE SHEFFER HORIZONTAL l--eadn r 1 atrursie ' dJarrotf S-atate of ; 41 arpropriaU i" - ( tnacnaihTiry . ij.i. -,t - TJ i ' . mm mini lS-PenU i6 tesUsinad - '14 eTinniBttoy 49 pose for a U 18 stopped; '- portrait . ' 4. -. ' tenporarny dty of v'IT ireeertaia. Nsradi Nerad ' It innnbeT l2-JrsiAa fiy ; n- foafTka - part TO .tnitie Z eqnsl tt maHea , -1 sowed bj1' yjerewiii Ss a r-tn - -eity - , 27 divest t taflrffy j Article j 23 AltofTxrris j I i s add F Odin muz E mu V- t .tTreerj.; I i t: . :rras -r f y faValdl For Sale Used Cars i.tj x .j aa I'-JOA CI ..f. THE GAR LOT . ' ra j ...$685;: 15: .. .. -2931 -:i1 LEGAL NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF" APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that tner undersigned has been duly ap-'' pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, tor the Coun ty of Marion, as Administrator -of the estate of J. B. Underwood.de- ceased, and that he has duly qual ified as such Administrator; all, persons having claims against tha:'; estate of said decedent are noti fied to present the same, duly ver-' Ified, to me, at the office of Wal ter S. Lamkin, my attorney. SOS Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon f County, Oregon, within six months' from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 4th day of January, 1939, RALPH UNDERWOOD, Administrator of the Es tate of J. B. Underwood, deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. J. 6-1 2-1 9-2 9-F. 2 BIDS WANTED SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET. FIXSHER The undersigned will receive sealed bids at the Office of the City Recorder, City Hall. Salem,;; Oregon, until 6 p.m., Februarj 20, 1939, on the following: A 1000-Gallon Fluaher tonk;; mounted on not less then 'lHf Ton Truck Chassis, equipped with" 7.60 by 20 tires aU around, wltti dual tires in rear. Flasher tor be ( complete In all details with "a 90 day-guarantee. Bidders shall , submit complete specifications; together with all necessary ttw ; Ing to fully illustrate the unir on which bid Is submitted-. The City reserves the right to accept any or reject all bids in the Interest of the City. A. WARREN JONES, City Recorder, J. 19 Maxteell Reports Sale Of Oak Grove Property Sale to John McRaa of SI acres of farm land ta the Oak Grove district was announced Wednes day by Ben Maxwell, who said the property had been owned by de scendants ' of -Ben- 'Haydeu, of whom ha !s- one,- sine 117. Ad joining property was sold a year .jot ao ago by Miller .Haydea i: 'A n to 2H 21 2f3 2f 21 32 33 Bswwssawawawl 37 HO HH H6 HI WO 5M 52 'A V. 'A M-toward the mouth IS S SI a S Eart Indiaa Rwaeyol aceomt lthsrTy:y " in opeoing in - t&allB'-'f ll-4mitator II hsTfaaeta ; IS rancor ? ' . 2MDotchedea tled4re--'-',v tlfruit .;--yi)7 ' ' tl sea caxjet n distsnt-y.v&r n : stsllr. VrXTICAL 1-wbeded , , Tabid S number j.,. placard Spanish t . heye . fomUtrrt ' efeither - of the To paiaul Uaitai . 1 i EtAtes tyrant - ti soMioa to yea- tad 31 n aAa tixu . . r-- wteFesa0Brew5ef - . n iirn taTy-T , ' : . drrisio .: ' V iU labor tsx.k tweath -4l-ncf the" -'..V- Great Slakes y . Q rornhinreg -. r - '. form t air. -4i comLIniET -f jmi wiJi -.' r 47 rTilaa' tit T A 'if-i i i ' i zint Jill '1