-PAGE TEN Tia G2EG0II STATESMAN, JSalea, Orec Thursday Uonbtz, Jxaxaij 1919 ! - ... CBoytas Meat) (Tha price bUw sapplied by a local treeer are tadieatrre ef the daily market Cicee paid U grewem kf hlw beyers are mot raarsateed by The States as.) Applae All Terietiea. 0 grade, per be, 40 45a. -. seaaaea. Ib, ra stalk .0 Heads ... , . Calaroe i . Brapefrait, . Texas isks 8.75 Bagels ' : Delee. frees, lb. A v - beoaoae. . srala , ,. 4.50 are area. Crate z.ia te VSOBTABUa , (Baying Pricea) via. 0 , .09 : s.is . 1.24 i. Cabbage, Ik. Darrats. Calif, art. e3.75 3aaUflawec Pcrtlsad Celery. Utah, erato ,,, te Celery Heerta. des , , 1.30 9.00 u 3.00 betteoe, UaiiL. )aieaa. boiling. 14 Iba. Ba. f.14- ; .45 i as .40 1.50 v .60 1.00 ( 40 : AiVk A9 H IM.- Ireew onions. Bedishea, do. Peppers, green, Calif. , rersiey Patau ea, Ueal, ewt aa id. aega. plaacb, Tessa, LU, Aril. Daaiab. de. Bsbaerd, lb. , raraipa. MRI (Mot fU by Independent pacttag stoat - , " ' Brewer) ' ' : I Walaata rreacjeettea, faaey, mi Slaaa, lOei aaa J I Sc: orchard raa. 8 ta 10 Valxt aaaata IS ta 80c lb. - niberte Bsreelonas. Urea. IS Mat fan cy lifter babies, lie; erchara raa a 12a. Doehllly 1 cent bifber. - Oe-ow Pileoa ta ecoworl Walaata Friea range, depending apoa vay aata raa te 14 dUXaraat fradaa, la lla.. . . - . i. i , . rUbarta AH Bioa4 aat, .'- v - Borb - (Snylar Meat) -Claatara, aoninal, KIT, Jb10 to .It ' Cla.tara, 193a, lb. , - 20 to M fwf glaa, lap Jtl . , . WOOI. AVO MOHAIB , - - (sariac rneaa) Waal, aaeainm, lb. Caa rat, lb. , ' ., Laaiba. lb. , .ta .14 A btehair, lb. Eooa aitd roox.TST (2aytf Trtcai at Andrtatn'i) a extra .... AJ a4iajB extras , , .15 ir( ltaadrds , , ,,,, . J4 iiata . u lolorai fan - J "Envoy synopsis ; - World-Shaking events are near when If atuda, Countess of If stres sor, meets her handiome bachelor aoa and heir, Ronald, soon after one of bis long and. mysterious journeys sbroad. He chides her gently for hiring foreign servants. Sir Ronald (Lord If stressor) has but started a rest on his rich coun try estate when an unconscious man Is found not far from the Great House., . Ronald's younger sister, Ann, Introduces him to Mademoi selle Elisabeth Stamier, a beautiful Austrian who is her new compan . Ion. ICatresser recalls seeing her before. She tells him that her noble family, like most royalty, has fallen into evil days. . . . That night, ICa tresser and Pr. Andrews, motoring to the surgery, just miss a smashup - .. f aw Hw5iiftatat4ataS' J I JLS !UaJ - "J n I , ;;,- irt?V . fill rThere was youngaT,womsmaraTad the slagfi ng Victim. " thought 1 saw bar leaf oet;the coat". with an automobile that speeds on without slackening. Sir Ronald rec . egnUea the patient as one Pergua. . and the latter says he was slugged when carrying a secret message to UatresMr. ' - . . .nCILlPTER Vn i-.-. "When 1 tried to drive the ear, however, I found that my head was going around so that I could scarcely steer. I got some water and bathed say head and tried acaiabut after a mile or two I want straight xnu the ditch, 1 was close here then . but It was no good my trying to . drive the ear. I triad to get lore a foot and I was within sight ef the house when I had to climb a gata. That's the last tsg I "ToH me, wist wtra you brinsSng - to mer" ; - --t - .; r , ' "Just a ktter-r&t!Mr a long one and a portion ef It txpowriUeB. It was wrarped Bp ta a piece ef e3- cloth . : "Did the man, a. the xoad gat away wiut nr "He i'i not," was the fervent an swer. "Yea wCl find the tetter in my inside pocket. I am only pray. teg that you wa take It away with you.".,- v . ;", -- -v!., ".H'.;' ' "I wH do that," Matrester pTonv " iseo. ' -x.z-.sr au,- no aaaea a iiTU core UzZljt "the tail test spe cially la our sort ef work 1c whether yon fcrirt ft cT or not. ' Yccr I'.b wsi t3 ir! zz.tttt L'ltx to no r iti Izzs ti yea Live dene It tli f . Lla iT?f yea sesx t live r : . i era t tir-sttsa G Grad B raw 4 milk, Balem Urnie pool prlco S2.10. ' - Co-op. Grado A batterfat price, FOB Salem, 28c (Milb baaai aa ' aaari-awamr . battarfal aarafa.) - , -r lMatribator' price, f2Ji A srado -btterfa4ellT ered 20ci 11 crade 24c; .C grado 20c 4 ,- . A grado prlat, 20c; B grade 2SMC . OalaraJ BMlaa, lb. 45 .IS J 4 MS .04 WbHa Lacbana. Ik. aa. 1 Whlta Lafbaraa, fry Whlta Laibaraa, lb. Ha. 8. Baarr baaav !.'; a tfra ?, U7XSTOOX raavlajr arlca tarn aw X al iiailMaai aa4 atlaa rayarto 4 p. a.) t - I, Lamba.' tap Ewea Han. In . r; to .1.00 ta S O . 4.00 1I0-150 Iba. M ta i.ia -. ? 110-100 Iba. ta T.40 . Sawa ; 4.00 ' Beef aawa 4.40 to 4.00 . Balls A Ka ta 4.50 . Haitera to 4.00 ; Tap vaal . 4.60 ; Dairy typa aawa 1.10 to 4.SO Dreaa4 Teal, lb. (MUt) . .11 H Hon. top. (Hid ret Mkt.1 B.IO MAJUOa CaMMlKI Batterfat, A fra4a Baylag Frlaa , .,. , .30 Ibe- 40 Iba. .04 44 bagbara beat, aar I ft Laghara keaa, aa4er I gpnagers , Colored kesa, aar 4 Bun. lb. . Iba. 44 .04 Mi Old rooatera. lb. Beiaeta. market ealne. Ko. S grada 8a eoo) rxicxs Larca extras 4T .14 44 41 41 Larga taadarda . If aWfaat extras , Medinai standards Didergradea ........ Fallals 41 GKAIV. HAT and SEEDS Wheat, par bnshel. No. 1 wklte. aaeked . .48 Bed : 5 Oats, gray, top. .29.00 to 80.00 Whita 00 Feed barley, toa . 21.00 to 18.00 Cloeer bay, ton t , Oat and Vetch bar. toa .14.00 .14.00 Aljfalfa, toa 14.00 14.00 By E. Phillips Oppenheim "Would yon mind?" he begged. "The doctor said I might have a drink if I woke up. It is on the table there," said Fergus, the badly injured stranger. Afatresser poured some water Into a glass. The patient sipped it greed fly. . That's better, sir," he sighed. "I am. beginning to see things more clearly. You are Lord Ifatresser, aren't you?" "Quite rignt" "I wonder, would you mind going over to my coat and helping your self to the letter. It's in the Inner pocket.' ; ; "You're In a hurry to get rid of It," Ifatresser remarked good humoredly. The man on the bed raised Um- self slightly and clasped his head with both hands. -i ra $i ? "Of eoarse,"-.b skiMwledgadv.aI am half crazy. . I know that. But everything seems to have gone so queeriy with ma sinee 1 got that knock on the head, t This evening I was sleeping quite peacefully and I seemed to have a sort ef dream. ... There was a woman ot the eld lady who put me to bed and sponged me whan I was brought here, but a younger woman dark. I thought I saw bar lean over the coat and I suppose X made a noise, j.e She came ever to the bed and !-- If a awfully hard to expiate! One moment the woman was looking down at me with great angry eyes and then she sowmedjto float away, e . 1 felt a prick ta my arm. . . . I opened nry eyes and she was still there, thai I stent acain. as atoned until just now when yon came in. uoai uow the room swimsr x"Dont talk any soore" llaxresaer It seemed a' needleas eeimnand, far the man had dosed his even and was breathing heavily. Ifatresser crossed the room, picked up the Norfolk jacket and thrust his hand Into the pocket which Fergus had indicated. . He brwught eat two strips of cardboard cut through the middle and a sheet of oilcloth cut into four sqtiares, The place where the letter had been was clearly in dicated. But there waa no letter! . ITitrtsaer stole back ea tiptoe to t ;1 J"errr3 had elcsed tie eyes t4 sveaed ta be su3 coxisg heav Cy Cautiously hia visitor stretched out lla -.hani. atatmotl. r'--i 'm Esstraordinary YTlisat Stages Big Recovery Marked npMore Than Cent r for Best Gain in Past : ' f twoeekt CHICAGO, Jan. 1 S. - ft The wooat market stasod Its beet ro eoTery In two ; weeks today - as prteos rooe mora tkaa a cent a ba shel on ' reports of improved de mand aborad for wheat offered. In the International trade. -. Althoach no new domesue ex port bosineas was confirmed, salt of Canadian wheat were the best In aeveral days and buyers at Liv erpool were reported taking new Argentine train at firm prices. ..Indications that Argentina Is not preasing her huge exportable sarplns on the world market but is selling conservatively as as not to depress prices was encouraging factor. Clear weather over most of the grain belt also sided the buying side. Wheat closed at the best levels of the day, with buying Improv ing in the final hour. Prices were 41 higher than yesterday, Mar itK-. Julv OTb-tt. Corn was slower to higher. Hay Sl-. Jnly oats unchan ged to, up; rye - higher; lard 10 to IS higher. Laudahl Is Home .. PIONEER Kenneth . Landahl, who has been in the hospital in Dallas - for two weeks, returned home Monday. , KAlsike CloTer, lb. OS to 41 Has uioTsr, ia Egg mash. No. 1 rsda, 80 lb, Dairy feed. 40 lb. bag Baa aerateb feed 44 bag L40 i.ao , i, l.S. - , 1.T5 1.80 to 1.40 Cracked Wheat . small object which seemed to have rolled an inch or two under the bed. He turned It over between his fin gers. It was a clinical syringe, cu riously shaped. He looked at it mora eloeely. - After all, it might be harm less. Suddenly Fergus spoke thickly, eagerly but there was a sort ex film over his eyes and his voice was indistinct. "You have it all right, sir?" Ifatresser thrust the oilcloth, the cardboard and the syringe into his pocket. "Everything all right. Fergus." he said. "Try and drop off to sleep if you cask" -? , The man on the bed drew a sigh of relief. His breathing became more regular. He slept. , SbakBasBBaaMtaasaa ' " -?t The doctor was in the Inner sur- gery making up a bottle of medicine. . Matresaar watched until ha had fin ished, then he drew hint bade into the cosy sittingroom. . "I am going to let you into a secret, Andrews," he announced, "Your patient upstairs was bring ing a rather important letter down to me from an official source In Lon don. He was attacked on the road but he seems to have got down hero all right." "The devil!" the doctor mur mured. "Has he handed the letter overt" "He thinks he has," Matresser re plied, "but aa a matter ef fact he la .uaTrti. hasn't stolen.1 It a; ppears to have beeaj I cant follow you," Andrews said simply. "Trifle confusing, IsaT ttrn Katresser observed. Well then. 4 this Is what happened. ' Fergus his name Is Fergus told me ia which pocket of his coat to find the letter. I searched that pocket and I found the oilcloth in which tho letter had been enclosed carefully eut open, also the pieces ef card-' board. Tho place where tho letter' should have been was there. The letter Itself was gone." I "Who does ho think could havo got at ftT, f-i r , "He doesn't know that it was not there," Matresaer explained patients ly. "Listen, Andrews. Tho man's 13 Tm sure ef that. ' He aeeda sleep and rest. Be would not get either if 1 told aim that the letter had been stolen. , I let him think, therefore, that it waa in my pocket and that his job had becasafaly ae complishod. Toa must back mo up if ho asks any questions." i , "If the letter was of any import tanco," the doctor observed, "you arw-bdngvory decent aout tt omoltteTCSSULo . -": - - - -.- v- "Ko at an. There is nothing to bo gained by worrying Pergna and I am not at all sure that he ia poll ing through 4uite as well as yea1' think. : However, that's not the point for tho moment. Accepting his story of the whole affair, which I am wiUisf to do without reserva tloa, who is there who has had a ehanco of stealing that letter!" :.,..(Te'fc4j exmtiuned)l a FBODDOa rOSTLAND. Orau Jaa. 1L tAVi Dairy prodae prieaa: Batter j Xxtraa 14 j atamdarda S41&1 piae firsts i Unto S4. ". tsananat 4ii, Xna: Larxa axtras SO: larca ataadard. It: asodiaaa aztraa 14: aaaditua ataadarda aaj-asaau axsraa a?: aataii aatais 11 -: Cbaeaa: Trtpiata 1SH; ,iaal 14. Portland Uveatoek rOBTLArD? Ore, jaa. 14AAF) T7BDA) Hogs : Keceipta, 500, slow, 14 14 lower tbaa Taaaday STaraga, sa4 ebelea 144-814 lb.'driaiaa 4.00-10, ear load lota ajaatabla 1.35, S14-4S lb. batch ers T44-40, few Ugbt lights T.84-40, acUag saws 4.90-40, leader pigs searee 7.SO-4.0O. r ' Cbttlar-Beeeipta. ICO, aalraa' 15, 4a aaaad aarraw for lower grade atfariaga, sales weak to shada lower, sataa' bids eft 14 aad saara atv eattor to aaauaaa cewa, adiaat-goad fad 'sleets aaetabla steady at S.00-S.0O, few eeiana beifere 4.t4-.4, good light baifars eaatobla 4.00, law cat tar aad eatter sows 8.00-4.00, law eat atom, batchers 4.14-74, fat. dairy type aawa ajaatabla 4.00 and abara, geed beef cows aalabla 4.14-74 aad abava, balla 4.00-75, good beef balla 4.15, eemaioa xaediaai vaalara- 4.00-4.00, ehoiea aaetabla t.00-40. Sheep: Beeeipta, 100. aetiva, few aalaa ataady, rood-eboice tracked la lambs 4.00, earleed lata eaotabla 4.40, add yearUaga 4.00, alder vetben 4.74, slsafhtor awaa aalabla 444. -..t,..,.- Portiand Grain POBTLAXO. Ore. Jaa. liv (API Oralat Wheat Opaa High Law Close Hay .as ea aa ' ea . Oats, Na. t-14 lb. white No. 1-44 lb. B. W. 88.00. - Cash grata t 17.50. Barie; ey. Cm. Ia X-E. T. ahiD. 86.50, Cash wheat ibid): bow waits as; westera white 48; wee term red 47. Bard red winter ardinery 44;- 11 per cent 44M; at par eaat 64: IS par cant 40; 14 sar east 78. Bard whit Baart or dinary 49; 11 per eeat 49; 18 par cant 71: 14 per cent; T - ' Today's ear receipts: Wheat 38; floor 11; corn 1; oats 3; hy 1; millfeei S. Portland Produce) PORTLAXD. Ore, Jan. 18. (AP) Casmtrr meats Sellinr nrtee to retailers Ooantrr killed boca. beet botcher ander 140 Iba. 10-lle: yealers 14 lb. light and tbla 10-lle lb.; beary lOe lb.: lambs 14a lb.; awes 7-8e lb.; bolls 10 10 H a lb.: cotter eowa-8-9, lb.: eaaner aawa T-Sa lb. Ua pooltry boying prices i Laghora broilers 1 to 1 lbs.. 14e lb.; 3 lbs. 14e: colored svrinrs 3 to 8Vh lbs.. 14c lb.; ever 8 Iba. 17c: Lagbora bans arar SU lbs.. 15e lb.; onder SH " . ic lb.: colored hews to 4 lbs- 19a lb.; over 4 Iba. 14c lb : Me. 1 grade 8e lb. less. Tarkcya Selling prices: Dressed, new eroB bens 84-34e lb. : tons 26-27e lb. Boy inr nrices: New bona 15o lb.: toms 25 2s lb. Potatoes TaUma fasts L10 cental; local 1.00-1.10: Dasehotes gems. 185- 1.40 cental: Klamath Falls No. 1 Gems. 140-1.65; CaUforaia awaeta, 1.40-1.60 for 40 lb. crate. . Onions Oregon, Na. 1, L50-1.80 cen tal: Yakima 80-40c par 80 lbs. Wool Willamette r alley, aemlal; a 4tn 12-2S lb.t coarse aad braids. 33-34 lb.; lamba aad (ail 30 lb.; aaatern Ore- POLLY AND HER PALS LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY TOOTS AND CASPER SKITX)ER AMD 5 HOLLY: ARB n W?PERATtTLV IN LOVB CASPER! I ASAROMEO.I VVTT-S1? I LVwVL,MAaSSE SHOWED I amA u fa m V PUNKPERK y ftr'whr WOTO RED PaVKSERNAILS- ANM -4JsN' I MER THEy' WUZ JlST AS . ' 1 1 YUM V ASTMBHOWI vT!v J V PUWTV AS TWO RSTFULS MICKEY MOUSE Somebody's Ticketing" the Place! " ' By WALT DISNEY " ; ok 9a-w oaooy oo tor 9TA1. ffl 1 r, "M iwy tvsocy o and honest I and X oiot you VJOUUP tor J It ! I WMT "TO S6NO AM SNNOCtVCT s - j wjm m - r ' at am - t. THIMBLE TIIlUTOltsjrlng Popey t ITpleash h AJfsvl i :rv i Portland at gM 14-8S-A. u H. Belli a arise to tetaOarst Be. L 14.00 tost aal vateh 13.00 aleyer 11.00 tern: timotby. cm laVOOi-D aaiWy 14.04 Oro- laa rsrUaaA. Heps ' Saw arm Castors SO lb rag- den ss ta. - Mr Bo-Ualr ma. IMT fa, -" Caaaara tara-Baylna fciea, 1SS8 eel 4a Da. t ? ' e glr--lWry and fralt, WOs, 4.90, Bala i.0S; beet 4.40 cental. - ; Pamsrric flewr SaUiag artaa. atty 4 Brary. 1 to 14-bbl. lata: Fasmify pateaf, 494.5444; bakaca-hard wi4t, aet. 70-5.15; - baiars' alaaataam, 4.04-40; blended wheal floor. 4.80.44; ajft wheat floar, S.9S-4.04 graham. 49s, 4.80; whole wheat 49a. 4.74 bbL .r ' Wool in Boston BO8T0H, jaa. XS AP TJSDA) A aaodcrato vwtanw at boslaeas was being traaaaeted aa domestie wool ia Iba Baa Sea market today.. Aetaal aaUlng prices was act shewing macb cbamge baa- they vera vary 'irm. Holdara of aoaaa wools ware trying to sacars slight adTanees ta S rices. 6aa4 rcnrb coenWng langfas. iaa tacrltory waala, ia eriginal haga ware aaatsd at Tit '- aeeared baaia, .bat recent aalaa hare been ateatly 48 to 49 cents, aeoored baaia; Stoclcs and Bonds . Jaaoary IS -STOCK AVXBAaXS CompUod by The Associated Press 90 15 19 90 Iadas BaiU A.1 91.0 11.9 30.4 19.9 33.8 12.1 40.5 19.0 UtU D.l 87.0 87.1 S4.8 83.2 87.8 34.9 54.0 81.6 Stocks Net cbg. . Wed. Pre, day JL1 Uncb 41.6 74.1 74.0 74.4 64.8 79.4 49.3 51.4 Month ago 50.9 46.0 54.7 33.7 75.8 41.7 Tear ago -. 193 89 high 1938-89 low 1937 high 101.4 1987 low 87.7 BOND AVXBAOES SO 10 10 10 Forga Uncb Bails A.8 60.8 60.5 Indus Uncb 98.9 98.9 98.1 97.5 100.8 93.0 104.4 95.5 40.0 98.9 Ttil D.l 93.8 93.4 91.0 90.1 95.1 85.8 102.8 90.3 64.6 102.9 Net ehg - Wed. Prer. day Month ago 62.6 62.6 -57.7 -65.6 70.6 -46.2 -99.0 70.S ..45.8 .101.8 62.3 66.8 Tear ago 1938-89 high 1988-89 low 1987 high 1937 low 1933 low 1928 high 67.0 59.0 74.7 64.3 424 100.5 Turkey Price Firm PORTLAND, Jan. 18. (A3)-Firmer prices for both buying and selling prevailed on tho turkey market today. There was a good demand. Both toms and hens brought around 25 and 26 cents a pound. Slate Special Service HUBBARD A special service for the younger people of Hub- -vouf EMTEO ajy youMO ArroRny. easjacttMOvAei nA4. finBAl 1KB. WHAT MM AN IMPORTANT . i ; ' ASJQMT HAVav HAppEHBD TOT MS a. APi pit THSY5UR6ARE, TOOTS! AtL.: -TMcTY THbSK CP - TALK ABOUT v BEACH fJTHEK 'isk Lap tsSo Day on Street Ends in Composite Average - Same " Tliroush Transfer Hit t" 4-Month low " ; NEW YORK.. Jan. XMJIV-The atock ' 'market, usually the I pace setter In the money arenas, - was outdistanced' today by an uphill aprint In wheat and in US treas ury funds, v - '' Spocnlatlvo forces became dead- blocked la the taaale over share prices ana an eariy upturn sup Bided: Into aa aimless drift, leav ing most issues only fractionally changed at the finish. 1 Most actively traded treasury obligations, ' however, ' sold at peak prices ia an extension of tho new year, advance in that sector 'of tho financial front Tho federal list, bond men said, seem ed to be buoyed by market re action to tho congressional swing toward limitation on relief spend ing as well aa by a big January Increase la idle bank funds. Speculators Desert Accustomed to being guided by the trends as they show up on chart lines, many speculators de serted the market when leading shares bogged down. Analysts noted fluctuations lately have become progressively narrower, with the market meeting fair support as it returned to the No vember lows. The day's result was a draw, so far as the Associated Press composite price of 80 stocks showed. It was unchanged at 51.8. Transactions totaled 628, 160 shares, the smallest since September 22, and compared with 823,730 yesterday. Mart PORTLAND, Ore., Jaa. 18. (AP) (ua wept. Agneoitors). Apples Delieioos, meainia to I g a ez fey. 1.60-1.75; fey, 1.25-1.50; O gTade Par, 40-60c; Spittenberga, med to large fey, 1.25-1.85 Newtons, med to lge ez fey, 1.50-1.60; fey, 1.85-1.40; nnclass bard and vicinity will be held Sunday morning at the congre gational church, sermon subject: "What 1 That in Thy Hand?" Hard to Digest! Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star! rS RnSYniMATTK -S3 (3e OOVWJ CA-TCH THATSC64BL, 6UCM A pCtfSuASitAC Anre A4X-wmsl4 ano you hams. TO SC. CUU& TO WHAT ' b is i il l j in i i y vn. i r I H H II t-i I IMwa. HI I II II X ail I ii i 'i i i vwr rviRsi.' I ISi'. .t i i ri v7 ii the Verge of a Startling Discovery t I !OOONiAiHT,AL. DEAR A I XT V B afsav aV BaWVa j r Standing Roorn Only ns rs 1 1 NITWYORK; ; Jaa. 18 I AP)-TceTs clcator pHces:.- -Al Chem A Dya 14 Common ft Sou ..1"4 Nat Pow ft Lt ...8 llllod Storea .;.10 Conaolid Edison .IS North Pacific ...12 Atnertca Can'..MCon,Udated Oil Motor .. .4 Am For Power ... Cora Prod .....65 J C Peaney. .... Am Pow ft Ught iHCurtias Wright . . PhlHlps Pet ... .40 AnvRad fctd Saa UiDa Pontde N ..14tA Pressed Steel Car 13 4 Amer Ron Mills . It Doug Aircraft t . 10 Pub Serv NJ . . . .33 An Smelt ftBf ,7Ble-Pow ft U .11 Pallmaa 37 Am Tel ft Tel-, ;X5 I Erie- RR l . . . . .... 1 Safeway Stores . 33 Amer Tobacco BS$Oen Electric .:. 41 . Sears Roebuck 71 Amer Wat Wks 14 Gen Poods ; , ....39 Shell Union .... 1 4 Ansxondaa....ll Oett. Motors ....47 Soa Cal Edison . .25 Armour HI Atchison' .... 3 S BarnsdaU ......17 Bait ft Ohio . . .'v7 Bendlx Avla ....73 - Beth Steel . ; . . . . 31 Boeing Alrp r. Borgo - Warner .29 -Budd Mtg . . 7 CaUt Pack ...,17 Callahan Z-L .....1 Calumet Hoc ... .7 Canadian Pac ...5 J I Case Cater Trac .....46 Celanese ........ 2 2 Certain Toed . .11 Chesa ft Ohio . ;.36 Chrysler 77 Com Solvent .... 11 ff, 50-60e. Wash Delieioas, ased to lga ez fey. 1.84 1.90; fey, 1.60; wiaesap, ased te lge ax fey.' 1.40-1.65; fey, 1.44 1.44; Borne. 0 grade f f, 75-854 ; ez fey, 1.85-1.55. Artichokes Calif.. 3.85-8.00. Aroeadoa Calif, foerte, 1.40. Baaaaas Par bnncb, 4 8a lb.1 small lots. 4 se. Beaat Nomiasl Brossels Bprouta 12-eop, 75-80e. Cabbage Oregon billhead, aew erataa 1.40-1.74; ordinary 144-1.84; broken Inge lA-2e; red 3-2H. Caollflower Local, No. 1, 80-95e; Ko. 3. 50-55 j; Calit, 1.00-140. Celery Oregon, hearts, fancy 1.00-1.35 dos.; fair, 74c-1.00; CaUf., Utah, 3.34 9.50; white, 1.85 9.00; hearts 1.00-1.15. Citrna Fralt Grapefruit. Tatas marsh seedlesa, 3.75-3.00; pink, 8.00-8.25; An ions, fancy 1.90-3.00, choice 1.60-1.75; Florida 64-64 s, 9.00-3.25. Lemons Fancy, all sixes. 9.80-5.60; choice. 3.75 8 60. Limes, flats. 1.40. Oranges California nereis, 844s, 3.85; fancy 126s, 3.60; other sisea 3.44-840; choice and PP, 1.85-2.10. Cranberries H bbL Wash, Orsw, Xa rarlands 8.50; fair 8.00-3.25. Cucumbers HothoDse, per dos, fancy 1.75-2.00: No. 3, 75e-1.00. Eggplant Calit, 1112c lb.; lag, 100 3.15. Orspas California, log boxes. Empsr era. U8 No. A, 1.25-1.50; few 1.75. Oarlio Local, beat, 8-10s lb., poorer 5 6c lb. Lettoee California Delano dry, 8 doz en. 1.34-1.60; Imperial, iced, 4-5s, 2.24 3.50; dry 3-3.25; Arisen 6a, iced. 3.60 3.75. Mmbrooms ColtlTsted, 1 lb., 8 0-1 5c Onions Washington yellows, 50-poond sacks. 45-75e; large, 80-90e; commercials, 50-8 Oe; Oregon yellowa, 50-ponnd sacks, TJ8 No. 1, 74-90e; 10-pooad sacks, 17- SOMBOCfY BSEtw f x vriarreH her I r T SMJSJP CHANCE X S4T. 1 I I BECAUSE NOW PU3RA 19 GETTli' 1 (MKrefiSySHB '.IP fWAbtoVWERSMS . I I VaEU. AN X AWT &CAEO NO AOfUS-J k ANOuToopert yjoe si J I an- Acrtvas a lots fu I H m 'aT M TSh,l - I .jaal I'T-vaal I AT: 'lk v mi X- JP": - II i never nottceo"thoss Burnt matcres on the edRLT, FLOOR WHEN X W1MPV YA DID SO PkinKcP BECAUSE I FROM THS DESPERATE FOUNTlr46 OP VOLVT AGAIN: et a Qu otations Goodyear Trre . souin raciiie . . .is :b Gr Nr Ry Pf . . .27 Stand Bran da . . . . 4 ?4 Hudson Mot ....7 SUnd OU of Calif 28 ininols Central ..18 Stand Oil of N J 50 Insp Copper . ...15H Studebaker 8i Interna Harv ". , . 55 Sup Oil 2 Int Nickel Can .53 Tmkn Roll Bear .48 Int Pap ft P Pf .47 Trans-America .'.. Int Tel ft Tel ....8 Union Carbide ..88 Johns Manv ...101 . Unit Aircraft ...3t Kennecott ......38 Unit Airline ...12 Libbey-O-Pord . .61 US Rubber 46 Ugg ft Myers B 103 US Steel .......64 Loow's 48 Walworth 8 Monty Ward ... 49 Western Union . . 23 Nash-Kelrinator .9 White Motors ..12 Nat Biscuit .....25 . Woolworth ..43 Nat Cash 25 New York Curb Nat, Dairy Prod .12 Cities Serv Nat DLst 26 Elec Bond ft Sh 18c; boilers, 10-poond sacks, 14-lSa; sets, brewn. 4-5 'Ac Pears Oras-aa. Boaa. tooaa. 60-60 ; ex. fey, 1.24-1.44; Anion, as. fey, 1.40 1.44 SO-SSs, ssadL. 1.34-1.88; H hem, 70s; Winter Nellis. archard ran, 60-75; Comiea, ez fey., 9.85-8. Peas CaUf., 9.84-8: 1012c lb. Peppers Fls, 13-14c; crates 4.35-4.50. Potatoes Oregon, local Bassets sad toag whites. Na 1. 9144145; Na. Is, 40-poaad. aaeka. 87 M 40e; Deaehatea Na. 1 Bassets, 1.35-1.34; Klamath No. 1 Has sets, 144-1.50; Ko. 3. 50 Ib.a, 42-45c; bakers 1.701.80; Wssh, Bosssts, 1.15 1.85 bakers, 100 poonda. 1.60-1.80. Rhnbarb Wash, hothouse, ez fey, 1.80 L90; fey, 1.70; choice, 1.55-1.60; Ore., ehoiea, 1.50. Sqnasb Oregon Ifarbleaead, 1H-Hi; Hnbbard lH-8c; Bohemian, logs, 40-60; Danish, 1.10-1.25 Swrot Potttoea California, 40 pouad erstes, L50 1 60; Na. S. fl.20 1.80; Loaisiana yams, 1.50-1.60. Tomatoes Oregon hothouse 16-20e lb.; M 93.00-8 25: Fla.. as is, S.SO-3.75. Spinach -Calif., Imperial, 40 lbs, 2.00 3.25; Ore.. 80 lb. crate, 1.50. Bunched regetablea Oregon, per dot. beaches: Beets, 25-S0e; carrots, 35-S0e; greea onions. 25-80 ; parsley, SO 25e; Jap radishes, 45 50c log; radishes, winter, 20e; kale, 80 85c; leeks, 80 85c; tnrnips, 15'30e per dotca; celery root, 40e per dozen; broeeoli. lags. 40-44e, 60-65e per dosen; California parsley, 85-40e, Swiss chard, 85e dosen; radishes, 85-40e; broc coli. 5-fle pound, 45e dotea bonehes; carrots, 45-50c dos.; 3.25-8.00 crate; tor nips, 65-75. Root regetsblea Carrots, logs 40-50e; sacks, 90c 1.15; rutabagas, 1.35-1.50 boadredwaight, logs 45 50c; beets, 1.10 1.25; 85-40 for lags; turnips, 90c-1.00 per sack, logs, 85e; parsnips, 40-45 log; borseredisb. 15c lb. By CLIFF STERRETT By BRANDON WALSH t 3UC6S lM NOT AS SAO AS X VJUZ,. By. JIMMY MURPHY IN HERS ? Wait UNTIL AL ' DISCOVERS THS DR0WM EMVELOPtS is ON& .FROM i HIS SAFtt. LEFT! 7F? AM , "i . v ; . -. - - r2FO) ONI - $3 f siaiatsi Iscktea mi. at ana 4 f-iJ Ir-Vx' tOs?ii, a - a Li Cr.t i- r."il TXw.