I - 11 4 I PAG3E2GHT, , -l.." V " "Tht OnCGON STATTSMAN, Saleia, Oregon. Scnday Mttralng, Jitaia, 1 V - lUitn ;. .: . ....- ... ..A...Z : . . :. -v Tl o M -TY1 " n9 ' . " " r j - 1 : v 1 ' t i;.:r Y: ' "1 -.-.'.j V. . . V V yfll - -' . - ' . X m ' Af - tl -p. S tP" m r e .. , . .. . . -i . - f -- - 1 : : ' - Amdr Uenderm dcftl. driver of the Nuh Ifaretto 1m th Gllmere- Yosemite m, receiTe faudiome sIlTer treph from J. O. Pfelf er, 4 CUmoM Xflcial, for wtaatejc first place la bis price cbw, ' Hl etf . HMde a average of 21.23 aofles per gslloa of Bed lion puoltne la the moaatsmeae mileage test.' tBenaett IIIII. abore left, drirer of aa Overbad ta the GflmoreToae mite ram, is pictured aba ve reeemag, a tropiiy m rlcter n uie "Clan A price divisloa from a W. EUIa, Gllmore efflclaL The Overland made aa average ef miles per galloa of Red Ilea gasoline hi the greeulag stock Stoilebaker Cotamaader woa the- coveted Sweepetakes Trophy hi tho Gllmore-Yoflemlte raa vhea tt achieved a ooamlia average ox 4 HcrWtak Alhe left) asststaat tnaaager moraw nreseats I P. Batts, driver, of a tonnniles per gaDaa la the AAA supervised event and aa ao taimtj wtaniflmwawiBw- taal average of 23.779 miles per gaUoa of Bed Lfoa. Earl B. GO- raa. Packard made aa actaal average more, president of the Gllmore Oil company, is plet ar e d above Bed lAfm gasoline la the epie stock car right, awarding a trophy to Driver William C. Ifartia. . , of refined oil sales for Gii- Faekard 120, the cap a-hich M I of the Gnmore-Yosemite of 144 miles per gallon of High Scoring for Card N Qnb'a Afternoon Goes ' to Mr. E. Crablree LYONS Uxm. Hugo BaUea and Mrs. Earl AUeavaere bostesses to the Wednesday Afleraooa - Card elnb at the Allen home with a 1:S0 deuert 'luncheon, frith high score going to Ural Bverette Crab tree and others to Mrs. Percy matt and Mrs. Paul Smith. George Nrdlgger is in the Leb anon hospital with Injuries caused when he was struck with a log. H Economy r - Am TmMirt in tho II As Proven in the Gilmore Yosemite Test Run . Comfort!! Beyond Comparison ivith tKe TnTOH'TT-I'PTD "PVT.1" (Exclusive VViJAaiAU4 JLI X JLl with Nash) J Imagine "Tuning In9 Your Weather! ! ! . If a uncanny a kittle dial in this new 1939 Nash beauty "tunes in" spring weather all winter long. And with its new terrific 99-h.p. engine, - Nash is the best boy in town. Just look at its low price! Just Look at This r Low Price Delivered Here! This Four-Door Sedan . . , Including Standard Equipment and Fed eral Taxes Optional Equipment 811ght Extra Cost) ' See This Sensation Today at 3S5 N. Conmercial St. Phone 3734 TnickWeek"Now Current Over US Cherrolet Company Dealer DispJara Being Held JanVl4 to 21 DETEOIT-Ias the world's largest producer not only of pas senger cars but of trucks, Chev rolet is taking the Initiative this month in a move designed to focus Interest of' commercial ve hicle users on. (heir transporta tion needs. The program will take the form cf a National Truck week, January 14 to Janu ary 21, plans for whlch are be ing completed now by W. E. Fish, commercial car and trnek sales manager of Chevrolet. The company's entire organi zation, wholesale and retail. Is enlisted in the campaign, Mr. Fish said. Details of the oper ation were worked out nere De cember 20, at a meeting of re gional truck managers., repre senting the wholesale organiza tion from coast to coast. Thirty thousand special mes sages hare gone to fleet users from coast to coast in advance of the event, inviting them to view the special truck displays everywhere. In many instances. manufacturers of equipment are cooperating in the program, ex hlbiting specialised equipment like that which made Chevro let's big space at the National Truck show In New York One of the main interest centers In that exposition. Nemo Sewing Glib At Wampler Home HAZEL GREEN Mrs. Louis Wampler and Mrs. Henry Bruen lng were Joint hostesses to the Nemo sewing club for an all day social meeting at the Wampler home. Present in addition to the hostesses and members were special guests Mrs. Lee Dow, Mrs. Edward Kuenzt and Miss Clara Brnenlng. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Henry - Fialey are moving to their home recent ly bought from George Tkatch. The farming land and strawberry field are reated to Mr. Lowery. : . The W H. WUiiamson tamUy have been : having the mumps. Conald .and Alois are able to return - to school, St Joseph academy, and St. Paul, but Wil liamson is seriously ill, . having had a relapse. : ... ... mm )mj mm Reelect Directors Of Mutual Phones DAYTON Harry ghtrmaa and W. I. IT Ren were reelected di rectors of the Dayton Mutual Telephone company at the an nual meeting and dinner Wed nesday. Fifty-five folks attended; I. T. Nsvlor. engineer from Salem, was the main speaker and save a sranhle comnarlson of the growth and strength of the Dayton company with other com panies of the state. The board of directors will elect officers January IS. mow no Blessing To Packard Racer But Car Comes Through in Economy Run With Honor in Class Much has been written about the heantv of snow but from all indications L. P. Butts, Packard driver in the Gilmore-Yosemite economy run, could more than fin a volume on the hazards and general dlsagreeableness of a blizzard when one is trying to set a new record for speed and gasoline economy. Butts, and his Packard 1X0, in Mimnatit with drivers from all over southern California In other popular models of stock cars, set out from Los Angeles to compete In the famous Gllmore economy ran. Much snow and heavy weath er was encountered before the race was completed out the sturdy Packard 120 made a fine show tar in Its class, caoturing first honors for time and gasoline consumed. An actual average mileage or 81.84 miles oer ration was re corded by the stock Packard ac cording to Lynn Lambeth, mana ger for State Motors, Inc., local distributors for Packard. Lambeth pointed out that this was an ex ceptionally "heavy" trip both from a weather, as well as a "rrade. standnoint but Uk suite of obstacles the Packard came through with flying colors. China War Zone Sailor Visiting Fred Strake, jr., Stationed at Shanghai With Ship, at Parent's Home BUYER Fred Strake, Jr.. ar rived faoms the last of Decem ber and Is spending three weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strake. This la his first visit home in three years. He is with the US navy and was stationed at Shanghai. China, and tells many war experiences. His ship, the USS Augusta, Is now at San Francisco. Mrs. Milton Bolter has been under observation, because of an appendicitis attack, at the An derson hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dodson were charivaried by S friends. Baker's Relatives Injured S. L. Baker reports that his brother, Lem Baker and wife of Portland are both in the Mc Minnville hospital because of se rious Injuries sustained in an ac cident when their car skidded, turned over three times and landed in a ditch. They were on their way here to visit with the Bakers. The boat owned by Alfred Fllckinger now at Depoe Bay, was washed upon the beach but uninjured by the recent storm. Mr. and Mrs. Fllckinger made two trips there to see about it. D. J. Purvine recently deliv ered a 18 5-foot pole to the Inde pendence Sand and Gravel com pany. It will serve to swing gravel buckets for river opera tions. Stayton Gardener Meeting Thursday STAYTON Mrs. H. A. Beau- champ will entertain the Stayton Garden club in her home Thurs day, January 19 at 7:30 p. m. A chapter of the book oa the study of flower arrangement will be reviewed by Mrs. Earl Miller. There will be a discussion of continuous blooming of peren nial border. WHAT WOULD HAPPHi ToYOlJ IF A TEE GUI' OUT AT 60? rotrn u SAiut with hudsons EXCLUSIVE AUTO-POISE CONTROL VHY? Because thi revohidooary awirhsnicil lavcatioa (patent applied foe) satomsticaUy helps to keep wheels oa their couns-oa rough roads, la heavy side winds, ws wbiu tin hUvn. . The operatic of AUTO-POISB CON TOOL does not require special tires, tubes or extra topipsneaf of say kind, It k staadard at ao extra coat oa all 1959 Hodaoa rasaiigq cart; NO OTHZ31 CAR HAS ANYTHING UKX IT. 5; ' " WHAT WOULD HAFPEU TO YOU I? HYD3 AUUCS SlDDEttY FAILED? YOUTJ U SAFEt WITH HUDSON'S ' Exausrvs double-safe bxakes WHY? Becsote, evea if hydraulics shoald sad denrjr fiul through accident or service aegfcet, the driver of a Hndtoa put fmhtt frtbr tb jMwees ptdmiuA STOP&Thsaks to Hndtoas exclusive DoabhSafe Brakes tro braking rrv 1 ssms (fiaest Bcndiz Hydraulics smd a separate reserve mechanical system) working automsd-. cally from the mm foot pedaL Many letters ia oar files tell of aeddeaxs prevented by Double, Sam Brakes, staadard ia all 1939 Hudson, '. ' r ' ni'il A D "e witzon i 12 rwctD down with nX0staaitI0l7 tW. Sw SD2S sad wp tm Cmmtr, CM , US M. tn tU see S-ta. W. S. YOU'RE n rn 2,a n gp; : im a Li LJ : - - - i- e.:jm m zztitn m v cu:soa ccusm ciij six nssT - L5 'iivy lsv r.a i? u C3. nnc.,- - liiga as. wjcraeatHi , - , . - v . .. , rnone B1W : i AmKmwt H VSLD CAR BUYEXST DMSft Bria are &4rJW and Arnf-P CcrWk available at - T " tmall cosron all 19?&; 1937 and 193S caw boilt by Hadsoal " " - Phone MOO; A" 1 West Salem Has Gain in Population WEST 8ALKM PopulaUon of West Salem Is 1222, which rep- reseats a S per cent increase over late December, 1927, according to figures compiled or City Re corder R. E. Pattlaon and City Engineer W. L. LaDue. The figures are based oa rec ords contained In the city water books. Population a year ago was 1120. Propose Billboard Zone at Jefferson Mayor Epley Suggests All Sack Ads Be Bloved to Dty Limiu JEFFERSON The Commun ity Booster club held its meet- log Tuesday night in the elub rooms. Mayor Epley gave a talk, suggesting that billboards advertising Jefferson and com munity, be placed at the city limits entering Jefferson. The dues were changed' to oue dollar per year. The home economics elass of the Jefferson school will serve lunch at the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Barl Lynes and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wied left Wednesday on a 9-day motor trip to California, going by way of the Redwood highway. Woman's Club Meets The Woman's club held Its meeting Wednesday afternoon St the country home of Miss Mar guerite Looney, north of Jeffer son. Plans were discussed for a li brary benefit to be held in the near future with Mrs. Herbert Looney, Miss Marguerite Looney and Mrs. Karl Steiwer to make arrangements. Two poems were given by Mrs. Hal Wiley and the book review by Mrs. M. D. Loo ney. Mrs. Hal Wiley, Mrs. D. H. Looney and Miss Olive Cooper assisted the hostess. Nash on Increase In Future Orders Effort to Keep up ' TOD Tax Plant, ays Head of Coast iArea Advance orders lor new Nash cars for January nd February have more than dotfbled the or ders for the same period a year ago, according to word v received here yesterday by W. Wj Carter, local Nash dealer. A wire from Milton N. Larson, Nash Pacific coast regional man ager, stated that orders already on file would tax the plant ca pacity to produce the number of cars sought by dealers and pros pective Nash owners. Larson, In his wire, pointed out that production in the automobile industry for the week ending De cember 10 topped the 100,000 car mark for the first time In 16 months. Nash, he declared, is only one of several of . the major manufacturers which are strain ing to keep up -with the flood of orders. Nash this year, with the sen sational automatic "weather eye" for winter driving. Is winning a greater reception in this territory than ever before," Carter said yes terday. - Barber's Shop Is $25 Loser, Dallas DALLAS Lyna's Barber shop hers wag burglarised sometim Thursday Bight with 25.60 ta ken from the cash register. Entrance was gained through a back window of the shop. Noth ing else was taken.-. . Officers are working n the case, but, so far no arrests have been made. WPA Supervisors Visit Rural School PIONEER Mrs. .Neva Poor man and Mrs. Emma Wasson, WPA cooklna supervisor ef Sa- flem. Inspected the Pioneer school hot lunch project Friday. Mrs. Clarence Dornbecker hon ored her daughter Mary Lou with a birthday dinner Tuesday night. Mary Lou was eight years old. Those enjoying the dinner were Mrs. Geo. Curtiss and Mrs. Ar dath Domaschofsky of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Domaschof sky and children Jean, Mildred. Jo Ann, Rex and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Curtiss and children. George and Maydene, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dornbecker and child ren Ruth and Robert, David Al len, Curtiss, Fred and Mary Lou Dornbecker and the hostess. Hodsoa's aew Dash-Locking Safety MoodV like aa airplsa door, is hinged at the front and cannot alowopea Decaase wmu oiu j teoui to close tt tighter. Locked by a latch operated from the driver a seat, theft of ear or parts Is mlalniked because who a the car & locked the hood Is locked. Phota shows J. A. Purdy, Director of Safety for the Michigan Mutual liability company, potntmg out the safety features of the hood to Captain 1L D. Ator and Stewardess Agaes Speace of the America Airlines. """ " : Another Teacher Added at Valsetz VALSETZ- Miss Virginia Lay ton, Monmouth, has been added to the staff of teachers hero and has takes over the first grade. Several persons here are suffer ing from severe colds. Miss Kath leen Dahl Is confined to her boms suffering with the mumps. Mrs. D. Hogan was reported recover ing from the same malady. Rhea, infant daughter of the Hmaults, who was taken to a Salem hospital suffering from ear Infection, has returned .home. The school Improvement club met this week and will not meet again until February 6, with Mrs. Max-Kelser presiding. Lebanon Teacher Denies ; Story, of Her Marriage - LEBANON The reported mar riage of , Miss Grace . MeAullffe. Lebanon school ' teacher, - and Leonard Hudson of Sflverton was erroneous, she has advised The Statesman. The date of their In tended marriare has not been an nounced. , Beauty . . . . . Performance .... Economy ... ...... THE LINCOLN ZEPHYR is acknowledged to be the style leader of its era. It has turned modern automotive de sign in a new direction. Beneath the car's graceful streamlines, in closed types, is the first structure of its kind the unit-body-and-frame. Steel panels are welded to a steel truss type framework. Powering: the Lincoln-Zephyr is the Vtype 12-cylinder engine giving out standing performance with unusual economy. Performance is brilliant. The 1939 car has hy draulic brakes. Six body types, eight colors. Coupe Sedan Coupe . 4-Door Sedan 01623 01633 $1664 An Prices at Salem - VALLEY MOTOR CO. ' 375 CENTER"ST- "Over 20 Years of Friendly Service" . : :--k.'.V :'' ...... Ii '' . ' i . i S 1 i.jWmU v-a ,.0:., .sMjtJiM-mmm, . h.v. . js. , MassaiaaasBSsl . ; 1 n nnnn n mm on Once Blore PACKARD T7INS IN THE FIELDS Over the ; fierce grueling test rtm 'from Los Angeles to Yosemite National Park PACKARD proves its superior stamina and " ; operating economy in the sensational Gilmore Ecbtaomy Run." ' ; . . : . ; ; ' . ',- -21:84 MUes to the Gallon ' . y Speaks For Itself ! ! i 4 ' "i !. -mm' - " - i . - - as ma nan rno Uwnt Una ;., ., . Delivered Prices at Salem Fully Equipped : Six Scdcn ; . 01323 Cix Ccrpo . . 01233 52S Chemeketa STATS MOTORS Ml i : 8400 ; U