.PAG2 TWELVE The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orea. Scndaj Marnin, January 8, 1S33 Salem Market Quotations . , . , raorrs i - CSaylBg Mcm) (Tke price below eapplled by focal groeor are ladieatWe of tbe daily market tncat paid to growers by Salts bsjsrs oi ere ael gesresteed by The State aaaa i . - -- i Apples AU varieties. 0 graSa, few sa. 0 a. ' Baaasss. lb stall 06 Bssds - firspefrait. Tun piaka, ... ., 8.7 . . Begalar 100 Dm to, fmh,. lb. , , ' Lestoaa. rat , . .6 Orsares, arata w .S.2i to 8.50 ,n VX0ETAJtL&4 . ... (Barlag Prices) Beets.' 4o. .40 jM .40 l. t.T .30 8.50 i 4 .40 .40 AS ' .15 .40 1.50 .30 Cabbage lb. Canota.1 local 4a Canliflower. Portias Celery, i Dub, erst , Calary Hearte, io - jettace. uaur Oaieaa. seillag. 10 lbs. Ka. M Iba. Grera oaieaa, dos. m Radishes, 4u Psppers, greoa, Calif rare My, . Potatoes, loeal awl. 6C lb. bags. 8 iaaeh, Tcxsea , Danish. 4o. Rhkar IV i.&o .o . .. , - ,r , .01 H .40 iitih Taralpe, dos. (Ttiet ptU J ladspeadsnt eacklnf. Blast - -i to graver) -Waleute -FranqDottee, laser. 12a: ao- Jiaat. lOej easall S ; orchard raa, ta 10. Walaat aiaau 83 to 80s lb. , ritbrrta Bsresleass, larrs, 13 Us; fsa ty llHc; babies, lie; orchard ma II to 12a. Doc-ill- 1 aciit higher. (Co-op Mm to Grower) Wstaata Price ran, depending apaa way acta ma la 14 different f red at, 11 to l s. filberts All woved eat, ! . HOPS t (Bavins Pilcai) Cleettra. Bossiest. 1937. Ib. 10 to Claatera, lSg. lb. SO to JS .si rnggiaa. top I WO fOOh ABO blOHAIK 4 (BarUs rnceel Waal, median, lb. j j . Jit . .n Coarsci lb. Lamba lb. Mohair, lb I boob amo ruuiiiai (Bnylag Psleas af ABdraaas's) Larga ! aztra , JO bidiaa aitrai , , . , ,., - JO - - Larga ataadarda .18 ; Pallaia .15 Colored . frya . ; ,, .14 - Cetarad atiam. lb. .15 ' Wbita Lagbana. lb. K 1 .1 Wbito Lagbaraa. frya .IS Wbito Ugberaa. lb. Ka. - JO Hoary baaa. lb. .15 Roaatora . .. -Oi i UTSSTOCX (Baytag ariea far Bo. 1 ateek, baaad oa aiadlttoa a aad aaiaa toyortod ay to 4 p.m. taiba, to , , , , ., 7.75 Ewaa, 9na to S.00 Uocv to , t.00 - 10-150 Iba. o to 7.T5 110 00 Iba. ., ,,7.85 to 7.50 Hogs, top (Midgat Marbat) S.00 Bowa ' 0.00 . Baal i Ml 4Ki to 00 Ball to J0 Haifara Tap Teal. lb. Dairy trao aowa .5.00 to 0 00 .8.00 ta 0.35 .1.50 to 4.50 Dreaaad vaaL lb (Midrat) .13 MABIOB CI AJCBBT Baylag Frlo Battorfat, A grada J 8 Lagbara baaa. atr H lba.- .10 Lagbara baaa. aadar t Iba. .0 Bprwgwra CoWrod baaa. avar f Iba. - 44 Btaga. lb. .00 Old Booatora. Ib. .05 BoMto. a rbat -alaa. Na S grada 5a laaa . BOO FBICXB. Largo axtrti' JO Largo ataadarda . - .18 Madiaai astraa .1 Madiw atoadarda 40 Uadargradta .13 Stoclcs and Bonds STOCK ATBBAO-B ' Jaaaarr 7 . Caaipiltd by Tba Aaaaeiated Prat SO . 15 15 00 M ladaa Raila Kat I Cbg. D .7 D .4 fetarday 75.0. 13.4 PmiMi day 70 bfoeiU ago 71.0 , V 20.0 Taar ago . 04.3 ... 30.7 19t- aigb 79.0 ' ss.s 1931 89 low 49.S 13.1 DUI D .1 0.9 0.9 84.3 84.1 7.9 J4.9 Stocks O . 53.4 t.9 50.3 44.0 54.7 3.7 BOB T AVBBAOBS 10 10 10 10 Forga A .3 03.7 S3 5 03.7 7.0 07.0 59.0 Kails Indus Ctil A .1 A .1 98.9 93.7 98.9 93.0 98.9 91.S 7.5 91.1 100.1 95.1 .93.0 05.0 Kat I Cbg. D .1 Batardoy 01.4 -Praat a day OLO ' Taar ago - 70.3 1989-99 alga. 70.1 199O90 . tow. 40.3 E.Phillips Envoy 1 AnAmazing Novel of World-Shaking and theMan THrrstforPowerThreati ( -a . -a 1 as m -aaa. - at -. .v. 1- 1 . f ened All Civilization! 3 i ... . A. ;f interest ' -f " DonVmLait, 5 Beginp Thursday in ; i he Oregon Statesman Grade B raw 4 per ceat gaUk. Salem bask pool prleo) $3,170. - . Co-op. Grade A butlertat . price, FOB Sales. 28c. ' . f Milk baard oa aeU ataatbly battarfat araraga.) Distributor price, f3-S2. A grade batterfat OellT ered 28; B grade 27; C trade 22Jt . . A grade print, Sic; grade SOc. B Psllats 4J OBAXV. BAT ABD S W boat, par baabal, Ko. 1 wbito, . " aackad - : ; .45 Bad ! 00 Oats, gray, tea .89.00 to 80.00 W ft I to J" " Food barley, tea t 00 14.00 14.00 15.00 to 10.00 .10 CMer bay. tea Oat and VoUb bay. toi Alfalfa, taa Alaiko Cloror. Ib. Bod Clovei'. Ib. 1S to .14 Egg MaU. Na. 1 grada. Ib. bag 1.00 Dairy faad. 80 lb. Ug 1.30 Baa Seratcb faad T 1.75 Oraekad Cora .. 1.75 Whsat i 1.30 Wheat Declines In Late Hours Recovery at Beginning Is Wiped out With (Hose Lower CHICAGO, Jan. -(SVWheat rrlces declined in late trading tqday, wiping out eprly gains of as much as cent and clos ing slower compared with yesterday. ;- The market staged a recovery movement at the 9 p e a 1 n g. strengthened by firm Liverpool cables and failure f expected precipitation to materialize in the domestic winter wheat area. Forecasts promised no important moisture relief in the southwest With the exception of the south ern portion of Kansas where It was unsettled, generally fair weather was predicted tonight and tomorrow for Kansas, Ne braska, Sooth Dakota and Iowa. This held prices higher during most of the short-session. In late trading, however, buy ing support diminished and weak ness in securities tender to bring Closing Quotations NEW YORK, January 7.-(Today's closing prices: Allied Stores .. American Can . Am For Power. Am Power Lt. Am Rad Std San Am Roll Mills.. 10 Coml Solvent .. 99 Com with ft Son. 3 Consol Kdison . 4 Consol OU 11 Corn Products . 20 Cnrtlss Wright . Am Smelt dfc Ref 60 Era Pond de Am Tel ft Tel.. 151 Doug Aircraft .. Am Tobacco B. . 89 Vi Elec Power ft Lt Am Water Wka. It Erie RR Anaconda . , Armour 111 , Atchison . . , Barnsdall ., Bait ft Ohio Bendlx Avia 33 6 39 18 7 21 74 31 29 7 17 1 8 6 93 45 23 12 31 80 General Electric General Foods . General Motors. Goodyear Tire . Gt Nor Ry Pf.. Hudson Motors. Illinois Central . Insp Copper . .' . Int Harvester . . Int Nickel Can. Int Paper ft P Pf Int Tel ft Tel.. Beth Steel ..... Boeing Airp . . . Borge-Warner , Budd Mfg California Pack. Callahan Z-L .. Calumet Hee . . Canadian Pacific Kennecott . LIbbey-O-Pord J I Case Loew'i Monty Ward . . . Nash-Kelv .... Natl Biscuit ... Natl Cash NaU Dairy Prod e o a i Caterpil Trac Celanese I a) Certain-Teed Ches ft Ohio Chrysler ... Oppenheim's NEW DAILY SERIAL, Extraordinary -Events Whose Titt happens when an unseen force seeks to disturb the ssi 'equiUhrinm of European 4liplaac7iwhle3 all ciTilizationf E. Phillips Oppenheim's ENVOY ' EXTRAORDINARY tmfolds a stirring, tale of the frantic efforts to hold the dogs of war in dieck. It achkres new peaks and thrill ia the iiiiaatable Op'itoihom Wnner. 6HiW'?j'jS9b- Initial Week's Trend Is Down Pivotal Stocks Show Loss Fractions to More Tian2PoinU ; NEW YORK,' Jan. 7-(ffV-e stock market generally . ended the first week of 1939 on a. de clining trend, with pivotal Indus trials and rails losing fractions to more than 2 points. The brief session started oat well, ' with utilities, rails and specialties attracting buyers. The ticker tape loafed during the greater pact of the time, but last-minute selling of steels, mo tors and other leaders quickened the pace appreciably. Even the favorites gave ground at the fin ish and only a handful was able to emerge with modest advances. Average Off J& The Associated Press average of 0 stocks was off .S of a point at S2.4 and. oa the. week, showed a net decline of .8 of a point. Transfers today totalled 632,910 shares against 853,190 last Saturday. With financial minds apparent ly somewhat confused over the administration's latest spending program, the suggestion of new taxes and opposition of the law makers to the fiscal proposals, traders shifted to the selling side. Utilities Bolus Utilities were resistant most of the time as the theory was expounded that congress possibly would balk at appropriations for public-owned power plants to compete with private companies. In addition, earnings in this field continued favorable. The British pound recovered sharply during the latter part of the week when the Bank of Eng i-ii u anuica more wau oi.ovv, 000,000 of its gold (at the pres ent market value) to the British equalization fund as a means of lessening pressure on this cur rency. in selling by some eariy buyers. Wheat closed off. May July S9H-H: corn off, May 53V4-, July 54- H; oats unchanged. May SO. July 2s; RyeJ4- lower. May iyt, J my 48 ft; iara z to b lower. 10 Natl Dlflt 27 IS NaU Power - Lt 1 314 Northern Pacific 13 V 9 Packard Motor . 4 J C Penney .... 7S Phillips Petrol . 41 151 Press Steel Car. 12 72 PubServNJ ... 32 N. . 11 Pullman 11 2 Safeway Stores . 30 41 Sears Roebuck . 73 39 Shell Union ... 14 48 Son Cal Edison. 24 3 5 Southern . Pacific 19 28 Stand Brands 7 8 stand Oil Calif . 18 StAnd Oil NJ .. IS Studebaker .... 5C Sup Oil 46 Tlmk Roll Bear. 48 Trans-America . 28 51 .7 3 61 7 88 28 12 50 87 , 8 28 12 60 8 Union Carbide 41 United Aircraft. SI United Airlines. 50 US Rubber .... 49 US Steel 8 Walworth 28 Western Union. 25 White Motors .. 13 Woolworth .... I 1 m ill! i - f MM 1 " i i i ; 1 i ; af I Qu PBOOOCa EZCBABOB ' fOBTLAJiD, Owl, Jib. !.(Ar). Dairy arodaea prleo : Buttorj Extras S7; ataadarda S7; priaio toato t7l flrata 17. . . . , , . Battorfat tsib-tt. Xggs: Largo extras t2; largo ataadarda 31: axdiaai oxtraa XI; aaodiam aUad Mi xo; aauui oxtraa SO; Cbsats: Triplsts 14; tost 15. pi Portland IJvestork PORTLAXD. Oro.. Jaa. ; t. .(AP) (US Dapt- Agr.) Haga, Satarday aoao, (or weak M00. Comparad last Friday, a-trkat aroaad tSo bigbor; woak'a balk 184-115 lb. drlToiaa 8.10; few htto aalaa ap to S.6t;aarly top carload lota 8.35; over Jsad aadar woid'tts BoaaUsad 30a and moi. Paekiag m-s aboat stosdy atoatly 0.00-4.J5, (aw to 0.50 aad batter; foodar pigs f.75-.. v,; . -.:-. . Cattla, Satarday SO. ao 'sales, tor wbak 31 JO; ealToo, 8atarday aoaa, (or week 135, eoatpaced laat Friday, stocra atoady to atroag. helfora stroag to 35o higher, eows 35 to 50o ap with (at cowa ap aaost; balla; stroag. Tealera 60s higher. fU PORTLAND, ' Oro.. Jaa. 1, (AP) (U p- Atrteauaraj. - Applet Orecoa Deiicioas, atadium ta Urea axtra ; laser, L60-1.7S; faaey, 1.3S 1.50; O (Tsdo face and fill. 80-Oe; 8pit seabergs. Aadlaaa to Urga extra faaey, 1.30; fast?, 1.35-1.83; Nov tost, Ma dias ta lares axtra faaer, 1.50-1.75: faa ey. ..os .ou; o grada laea.aaa fiU. 50- COa.1 WaabiBftoa DeheJoaa, aiadinni ta larra axtra: faaey, 1.85-3.00; faaey 1.60; Winesap, aitdiam ta larra axtra tsaer. 1.80-1.75; jfaaey, 1.50-1.60; Borne x, 0 rrada faea aad fill, 75-85e; axtra faaey x.aa--.av. i Artichokes Calif- 3.00-3.25. AroeadoS Calif, faarta. 1.60. Baaaaaa-i Par aaaea, &-5Ha lb.; aauUl wia. aii 'ae. -Besas timss, 1315c; lis. Valentine, I0-12C. ( Brniwla Sproota 12-eap, S0-95c. Cabbaco OragoD ballhead. aaw eratoi 3-3.25; ordiaary 1.10-1.25; broken lnfa, i--e; icea ---e. Canlif lower Local, No. 1, 0e-1.00; No. 3. 50-35; Calif. 1.0O-1.15. Celery Oreron. Utah typa 1.40-1.50 ar era to: white 1.75 3: hearta. fey.. l.OO- 1.35 dos.;! Calif., Utah, 3.50-2.75; waits, 3 50-3.75; hearts 1.25-1.40. Cltraa Frait Grapofrnit, Texaa marab aaedleaa, S.35-3.50; Arixona, fancy, 1.80 3.00, choice 1.75-1.85; Morida, 54-64a, 8.00-3.35. i Lemon Fancy, all sixes, 3.50-5.50; tkoice. 3.75-8 60. Umea. flats. 1.40. Orancee California navala. all alios. 3.65-8.10; fancy 126a, 3.75; eboiea, 1.85- 2 25. Taarerlnea Calif.. 1.10 boadle. Cranbarriea H-bbl. Wash.. Ore., He- rariaada 8.50-3.75: fair. 8.60-8.25. - Caeambera Hothoate, par doa faaey 1.50-3.C0: No. I. 75e-1.00. Irrplaat-t-Cahf- 12-Us lb.; par lag. 3.00-3.15;, Fla., 3.50 2.75. Qrxpoo- California, Ing boxes, Emper ore, US No. 1, 1.25-1.50. Garlic Local, bast, 7-Sa lb.; poorer 5-Ss lb. ! Lattaea California, S doxea, lead, 3.00-3.50 ; 6a. 1.6O-3.0O; dry, S doa... 3.50 3.75; Imperial, ieed, 4-6a, 3.50-2.75; Ariiona 5a, lead. 3.50-2.75. hfaehraome Caltirstad, 1 Ib., S0-85e. Oaioaa-t-WasbJagtea yellows, 60-poaad sacks. 65-7 5e; large, 80-S0e; eomsaercisl, 60-60e; Oregoa Labuk yallowa, 50-pocad aaeka, 75-90e; 10-poaad aaeka, 17-lSe; hollars. 60-poaad aaeka, 56 60a;- 10-poaad Bark a, 14-15c; aeta, brown 4Hc Poors Orafoa. Boea- tooaa. $0-60a; sx fcy 1.35-1.85; Aajoa, ax. fey., 1.40 1.50 80-88, med 1.25 1.85; H box, 70a; Winter XelBe. orchard raa, 60-75e; Comiee, an fey., 3.85-S. Poai Nominal. Fsppsra Calif., rreen Iota. IUO-1.40; loose, S-lOa lb.; Florida, 16 18c Potatooa Orogoa. loeal Baaaota aad long whitaa. No 1, 81-10-1.15; No. So, 60-poand sack a. 374 40a; Dasehates No. 1 Bassets, 1.25-15; Klamath No. 1 Bas sets, 1.85-1.50; No. 3, 60 lbs. ,45-50; bakers 1.70-1.80; Wssh BnaaaU. 1.25 1.85 bakers, 100 poaads, 1.60-1.80. Bhabarb Calif , L50-1.60; Ora 1.1S 1.25 for 15 lbs. Bhabarb Calif., 50 lbs., 1.85 1.45. Sruaik Oregon Ifarblehaad, 1H-Ic Bwnt i PoUtoea Oalitorata. 60-aonad crates, 11.60 1 60; No. 8. IL20-1.80; Loaiiiaas ysms, 1.50-1.60. Toaistboa Oregoa hothouse 16-20elb.; Xex 3.25-8.60. . -Dinaeb Oreroa 1.10-1.20 orsncs box; local 85e-1.00; Texas. 140-1.50. - Baaehed vagstablaa Oregoa. par dos. baaehee: Baeta, 35-80e; carrots, 45-50; grsoa onions, 85-BOe; parsley, zv-aae; Jsp rsdlibes, 45-50e lag; rsdiihss, wister, 30e; kale, 80-B5e; Meka, so-Be; rnraips, 35-80s por doaoa ; . eolary root, . 60a per doxea; broccoli, lugs, 40-45e, 50-5e por doiea; California parsley, 85e: Swiss ehsrd. 85e dosea ;radisbss, 80-85e: broe eoli, 6Mi'-6e poaad, 45a doaoa haaehea; carrots, 45-50 aoaaa, S.40-S.50 crate. Boot ivtratabiss uarrots, rags, v- dse; sacks, 1.00-1.25; ratabsgss, 1-25- 1.50 haadradwaight; beats, l.io-i.-a; so- 40o for rags; tarnips, aoo-1.00 par ewt.; lags, 35-400 ; parsnips, 40-45e lng;horao radiab, SOe por poaad. i immmY ENDORSE IT. i . , . VAH.-T.0E!' Says Rer. U. S. Crowder, i Retired Methodist Epis copal Blinister and Resi- - dent of Salem 16 Years. He IV Also a Widely- ; 1-nown Bfason. Read His Sincere Statement! " Gardeners' 1 Mart SALEH IIIIIISTER SPEAKS! REV. CROWD ER'S STAT MI am 8 iarS ol qc aad ' was la the Mlmlstry forM years ; anatil I retired ta 1028. For the past 16 rears I have lived la Salem. I stm take aa active part la Masoaie work aad I hare Btaay Meads an error thto wiclalty. I first took Vaa-Tage Uedicine S years aco aad lt gave me ' splendid resmlts. ; It helped Bay digestiom greatly aad I took aa sejveral poaads VAN-TAG s CamnABad of mora than SS tagr-ients, includ ing 21 of Nature's Finest Root aad Hsrb .E-tracta. It Is almost like several medicines In one, tor it 'acts aa a laxative, stomachic carmlnatlvo and diuretic all at the 8 AMS ' TIMS 'mymm It acts aa aTlaxatlvw. Iialnla ta deaxtsa bowels ta a mild, gentle way, without harsh, drastle action or -painful griping. Thus H aids ia relieving spens - of headache, dizziness, a a i s s a , fcUlouness, coated ' tonrna. Khl ! tnnr atonxach, add tndlgeatlon and srswiy ioi( OM t8 SlUggUa bowe acUoB. . ' V - f VAN-TAGE expels gases from stomach and-bowels, often giving quick relief from atUcka of gase ous indigestion, bloating and gas pains. It stimnlates digesUoa: in creases appetite. By its diuretic ac tion ft helps to dilute and flush out irritating .'add wastes which may accumulate la Sluggish kidneys. Portland steers aiostly 7.80-8.65, psrt load 8.75; oommoa steers dowa ta 6.00. Mediant to good heifers S. 7 5-8.00, eonuaoa grades 6.SO-SX60; satters downward to 4.50 aad below law ratter aad estter cows 3.00 4.60; oomatoa to atodlaoj grades 4.60 S.35 laelading hoary HelsUias So f.00; good hoof sows 6.00-6.85; halls 6.00-6-15 ; ratters down to 4.50 ; eboiea vaalara atoat ly S. 00 session to asodlaai 6.00-7.60. Bhsop, Satarday aoaa, (or week I860. Compared last Friday fat lambs stroag, instances S5e higher early, owss meetly S5a higher: goad Uohoseo fed 'aroelod 1 to 101-lb. hmba t.SO-8.65; track-lna aaaatly 7 .76-8.00 -lew to ai5; ooanaoa ta Stodiass grade. 6.50;: good" t eboiea owes 3.50-4.25; eamssoa dowa to 2.00. i Portland Grain MBTL15D, Ore,"" Jsa. r 7. (AP) Wheat: r Open High Low doss it sy .r 6s h ' 68 h 68 h Cssh Graia: Oata Ho. 3-38 lb. white, 87.50. Barley, No. 3-46 lb. BW, 38.00. Cora, Va. 3, XT saipnunts 36.50. , Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white 68; west arm white 68; western red .88 V4 ; hard rod winter ordinary 64;. 11 per coat 64; it per coat 66 13 per. ceat 69 ; 14 per coat 75; hard white-Beart ordinary 68; 13. por coat 68; IS par ceat 69; 14 per ooat 70. Today's car roceipta wheat 26; flour 11; eora S; oata 8; hay 3; a-Ufeod 8. I'ortlaoil Produce PORTLAND. Ore, Jaa. 7. (AP) Country aieati Selling price to retailers: Country killed hogs, best botcher aader 160 lbs. 11-llHe; reelert 13H-14e lb; Hght aad thia 10-12e lb; heavy lOe lb; lamba 14-16a lb ; owes 8o lb: bulls 10 16Vka lb.; cutter cowa 6-9o lb.; eaaner cows 7-8e Ib. Lla poultry boylng prices: Leghera hroilors lit I In Iba. 16e lb.; 3H Iba. 16c; colored springs t U l lbs 15e Ib.t over SVk lbs. 17s; Leghora baas or or 8 lbs. 1415s ib.; andsr tk lbs. 14s lb.; colored hens to 6 lbs 10a lb.; star 6 lbs. 18e lb ; Na. 3 grade 5e lb. laaa. Tarkeya Selliag prices; Dressed, aew erop hens, 27-28e lb.; toms, 25-26c lb. Baying prices: New bens 24-25e lb.; toms 33c lb. Potstoes Tsklma gams 1.30 cental; loeal 1.00 1.10: Deschutes gems. 1.20' 1.40 cental: California sweets, 1.25- 1 60 for 50-lb. crate. Onions Oregon, No. 1, 1.20-1.80 eon tal: Tsklma 80-40c per 50 lbs. Wool Willamette valley, nomial: me dium 33-23 lb.; conrse and braids, 33-33 lb.; lamba aad tall so lb.; eastera wo mb 18-23 ib. Bay Selliag pr'c" to retailers: Alfalfa No. 1, 16.00 Urn; ost retch 13.00 toa; gon 10.00; Do valley 14.00 toa Portlaad. xtopa aaw erop Clusters ze io; sag- gles 23 lb. liohair Nomlasls 1938. 36-27 lb. Casesrs bark Bnylag pries. 1938 Doel 6e lb. Sugar Berry and f r a 1 1 , 100a, 4.70 ; bale 4.90; beet 4.60 cental. Domestic floor SeUiai price, city do- llTory, 1 to 25-bbl lots: family pstsat. 49s. 5.55-6.15; bakers' hard wheat, act, 8.70-5.15: bakers' blneatem. 4.05-4.40: blended wheat floor, 4.30-4.55; soft wheat floor, 8.95-4.05; grshsm, 49s, 4.30; whole wheat 49s, 4.75 bbL Wool in Boston BOSTON, Jaa. 6. (AP) (US Dept. Agr.) While the volaxao of business was inclined to taper off ta the Boston wool market todsy, - sizable weights of greasy shorn domestic wools eon tinned to mors at stroag prices. ., N. Santiam Phone Board Reelected NORTH SANTIAM The North Santiam Mutual Telephone line's board was reelected at Wednes day night's annual meeting and it was voted to continue the small fee charged tr nse of telephones by non-subscribers. The board Is composed o ; George Howard. Albert Keithly ' and Glenn McClellan. The Jolly Neighbors - club elected officers at the home of Mrs. Roy Reeves on Thursday with Mrs. Clarence Garotte nam ed as president, Mrs. Arden Ham mer, vice-president; Mrs. Louis Scofield, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Walter Hatch, sergeant-at-arms. The next meeting will be with Mrs. M. .V. PhilMps. '' A WPA class In pastel paint ing and basketry was organized last week. Seventeen students signed for the classes to be held Monday nights In ths school- house. . V KME St of wdgfat aad felt much better ia every : way. Siace tbesi .1 woalda't be wtthoiit Vaa-Tage becaase I kaow what this Great . Hedictne wm do.; I. heaitfly atdorse Vaa-Tae. It Is truly a Oae -nedictae! V (Signed) - . - ; . r TJIysses 8. Crowder, 883 EOktpphig 'St ' '"Oregoa j5ct ; " , 1 1,700,000 soldi. SUFFlCR-CRSI Over 1.700.PS0 bottles of Van-Tage.havo.been sold tn the past S . years, at an average raU of more than a HALF - MILLION - BOTTLES TKAR! There MUST be a reason for such a tremendous sale, and the reason is thU:yan-Tage.haa proved itself to , be a medicine of REAL MERIT! M. Thousands of men and women ta alt walks of life have '.taken Van-Tage and found such welcome relief, that theyrhavercivea this medidae i their fcJjftest; endorse ment Many of your ownJriends aad aeighbors tight here fat 8alem are praising Yaa-Tage. Ask them about this Great Medicine! -A Special Van-T-g-e Represen UUve, known 'as- the VAN-TAGB Man, is now at Fred Meyer Toi letry ft Remedy Shop. IIS N. Lib erty St. Salem; daily meeting crowds of people and Introducing and explaining this Famous Medi dae. See him TODAY and find ont how Vai-Tage may . HELP xoux . - -; J" .";." Rieder Gives Pnining Tips Extension Grcular Is Also Available at County Agent's Office ' Pruning "suggestions for fruit trees are 'given In si extension circular No. 320,' written by O. T McWhorten, just printed and' now available at " the county agent's office,' according to "Robert VE. Rieder, assistant connty agent and county horticultural inspector. . The subject of pruning fruit trees is a regular Question as soon as the autnmn leaves fall, and is one of the oldest orchard prac , tlces with which the orchardlst must deal. - In regions of mild climate,, prun ing can be done almost any time after the leaves fall. In the colder climates there is evidence that when severe or cold, weather fol lows, the December pruning, the trees are damaged sometimes be yond recovery. Injury ia said to be more severe when large cuts are made. Delay Sometimes Best Time of pruning will depend somewhat upon the -amount of pruning the grower has to do. When pruning can be delayed un til just before the growing sea son, conditions are more favorable for the healing of wounds and the recovery of the tree. Rieder advises that care should be used in pruning as hasty cuts often result In the removal of bearing wood that should be left in the tree. Any removal of vegeta tive growth will be at the "ex pense of production of fruit The tendency has long been toward too heavy pruning rather than too light. Other Tips Given . It should be remembered that pruning cannot replace proper soil management, and as long as the tree makes a good growth, to prune heavily is to reduce the yield. Many phases of pruning such aa pruning young and old trees according to the system desired, according to .the variety and soil conditions, , are discussed in this circular. The circular may be obtained by request at the county agent's office. Douglas Speaker At Women's Meet . WOODBURN -The regular meeting of the Woodburn Wom an's club was held Wednesday af ternoon at the library. Mrs. George Moorhead, Salem, chairman of the committee on public health of Oregon State Woman's clubs, talked on the Marion ' county health unit and stated that this was one of the outstanding counties In the han dling of tuberculosis. Mrs. Moorhead Introduced Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, Marion county health officer, who was the main speaker. Dr. Douglas talked on "What Is New in Medicine?" Refreshments, were served by Mrs. F. W. Settlemier, Mrs. Ella Hall, Mrs. Elburn T. Sims, and Mrs. Walter G. Miller. Mrs. J. Melvln Ringo and Mrs! Blaine Mc cord presided at the tea tables. Members of the Junior club were special guests. Mi Hood Is new linn Relief Head ALBANY Monday. January 9, Mrs. Brenda Hood will be In charge of the Linn county re lief office. Mrs. Hood -ucceeds Mrs. John Whitelaw who has resigned and is leaving for Port land to Join her husband, a field representative of thr state re lief committee. Mrs. Hood has been with the office for several years, and will be In charge until a successor for Mrs. Whitelaw is appointed. No one has been selected to take Mrs. Hood's place in the of fice. March 18 has been net as the date for the annual pig feed of the Linn Voiture of Forty and Eight, and plans for the event were maae at a meeting this week. J. P. Alexander as chef de gare has appointed . committees to . take charge of tie various parts of the program, i nd the committeemen - have already started in .with the via 7 ta.mits ..the banquet , this year an put- .uuaaingL one. .-.-. - f . . - Btdgar General Genu Kloola FetkoSt Gam. 2lcola Hadji Petkoff has -been selected new head of the ; XJalsarian army, repladsr the re-, rtrf oe-4wo(d Jordan Peeg. . . I -: ::::: ; k i ;' "" ') w -s V 4f 1 I. Attacks Grandma ! i " s v-C Maple Hettoa After a hearing for 12-year-old Maple Helton at Williamsburg, Ky Acting Judge Joe Feathers reserved decision as to what win be done with the little girl who has been held in Jail since her grandmother was badly beaten. At the time of her arrest Maple was quoted by County Attorney Walter Smith as saying; she at tacked her grandmother with the hammer because she said Maple's father "ain't no good." Series on Cooking ! G To Open Tuesday DALLAS The becond series of meat cookery meetings In Polk county will be held next week, according to County Agent tV. C. Leth. Miss Licy Case, nutrition specialist at Oregon State college, will acquaint wom en with the latest information on meat buying and cookery. The program followed by Miss Case Includes a demon-tratlon of the various methods of meat preparation and cooking from 10 to 12 in the morning. In the afternoon she discusses the buy ing of meat and. the more eco nomical use of the various cutr of meat. The series scheduled next week is on lamb and pork. The complete schedule of meetings for next week,-together with the chairmen, follows: Janu ary io; West Salem call. Mrs. William E. Knower. chairman; January 11, El kins schoolhouse, l-r. Charles Bowman, chairman; January 12, Riekreall grange hall, Mrs. George Van" Santen, chairman; . January 13, Bajlston community hall with Mrs. George Woods as chairman. Shaw Event Tuesday SHAW The Women of the Immaculate Conception parish are sponsoring a card party on Tuesday night, January 10. Everyone is cordially invited. Cross Word Puzzle SO 21 SO 33 3 36 37 WlZaZWh H I I I W I I I to By EUGENE HORIZONTAL' 42 effeminate ' boy 44 boy 45--pronoaa 45one spot 47 -comlstivs of either . 43 symbol for . eerinm .' Wdrinaef the cods ' aoraer - tfrWla,,;: Il-gennsof , '-r- herbs ' XS-that wUeh ; ttsheiaUek I 14-4nsa'ss-ck- li aqufa ? lT-ynxboI for " taataldoa " 11 ypof r lea over ;II eomposl- tions for two vokes U-shield ;' t3 " playoa , words ' 14frreposition 13thosein tpowif"" tf sTiirs off z the ends - Herewith is r "i wii ; -iriver . - tl i pieces eat Ss-Javelia . -S34obliiif -hack f . . doth ' J5-altof nl troosadd . XS disabled phyaieally , S9 pastiy ' 4 oarrativ 41hest ' ; m4Trfv I a- 1383. ttKka ; ' Statesman I Classified Ads Call 9101 - Classified Advertising js. Single insertion per line.. .10c Three insertions per line.. 20c Six insertions per line ..... SOe One month per line.'. . . .$1.00 Minimum charge . . . '. .... 23c Copy for this pass accepted aaill 4:80 the ereaint before publtcaii"0 In- e-Bsaificatiom. Copj reeoio4 after this 'time 'will s na aader tho head lag, "Toe UU te Classify.'. - . - too Statoamaa sesames" ao Rnsn ela reeponslbility or errors - wSieh stay . appear ia aSrcrtisemaata pb lishsd ia its columns, aad ia eases where this paper is at fanlt will rs prist thst part of -sa adrsrtlsemeul ta which tho trpoiraphiesl mistake - The Stateamaa . ressrres tho njlt 4 reject onestiensble sdrertisinf ; it farther ressrres the rlfht to plaea all advertising aader tho proper alassi'i aatioa. A Blind' AS an al eontainla. a Stateamaa Vox aambor for aa ad dress is tor the protection of tho ad vertiser and most therefore he sa swered by Isttsr. Tbs Stateamaa is aot t liberty io dirolge in format lea as to tho identity of aa advertiser asiag a "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND woruiless horsea. cowa Sicked op free. Ph. collect 8411. Salem, lonucomery Rend. Wka 2 JERSEY HEIFERS, 14-17 months. Bee hives, hand cream separator. Tel. 83F1S. WANTED DA T old calf, :60 Cen ter. TOGGENBURQ BILLY coat. 3 years old. Pries 83. Tel. C82. 1 1 CO Waller, Salem. ' Heip Wanted CASH IN ON spare: time Aon WEEKbY OR MORE EARN. $DU Grow mushrooms HOME. Cel lar, shed suitable. Wo buy. 38e . Ib. Tear round buslnesa made by Mr. S. In few weeks OiU SPARE TIME. Guaranteed Material- Estab. 1931. Write for FREE BOOK. Washington Mushroom Industries, Dept, 411,' 3013 Snd. Seattle. Wash. EXPER. STEXO. and bookkeeper. Give full particulars and salary expected.- Box lit, Statesman. SURPRISING, XEW mushroom rais ing facta - from world's largest com pany. Book free. United, 284S-B Lin coin Ave., . ChicastO. - - i ir-i...-iiJ.B-ii-r-in.n n n nxxfit WANTED. TALENT of all kinds for professional entertainments. Auditions given. Phone 3S35. Help Wanted Male ABLE MAN to distribute sample, handle coffee route. Up- to $45 first -week.' -Automobile given . aa. bonus. Write Mills; ll Poplar, Oakland, Cal. Help Wanted Female"" NEW OPPORTUNITY for women. No canvassing. So investment. Earn ap to 123 weakly and your own dresses free. Send ago and dress size. Fashkns Frocks. Dept. N-1058. Cincinnati. X TOUR OWN hosiery and up to $21 a week Belling famous double-wear enaa-proofed chiffon silk hosiery to friend a. Write for actual sample. American Milla, Dept. R4114. Indi-n-apolla, Ind. SELL, DRESSES as low as $1.24 to trtmikAm aP ri-lafi- iinnaAaBB-ra Kt write fully. Harford, Dept. $483. Cia clnnati, Ohio., r.i-uLriA WOMEN WANTED. Address our catalog. 3e each paid in advance plus bonuses. Everything. supplied. Free de tails furnished. Royal Products GPO box U4. Brooklyn, N. T. WOMEN EARN SLS doxen sewinat dreasea. Everj-thing furnished. Mate rials cut, trimmings and instructions Experience unnecessary. Write, Qual ity Dress, Church Annex, PO boa 3. N. T. SHEFFER VEJtiiCAL 1 crime 2 sun god - 5 Biasenline name' 4 table land I Hebrew name for God 6 -divisions 7 one of the -Great - -:- .Lakes. 8 cnitof work note of the -'. sesls 10 planet 11 implied IS Hind qneen 1 bodies sf " water -1 receptacles J3 some' r" 2 foolishly - fond. IS motto " pictnra . . ' ' comedian . 27 -ward off 2 rain as " dear nrofit the solution ts yes- S-doJl finish - 82 expires 3 adorned J3 24 -remained -85 Scandina- . vian foblia 28 follows the ' trail ef 27 condoded 89 wharves 42 -begone l - 43 emblem ef . jk-J. snbjectioa 4ft---con8raod " 48 cloth , SI symbol for - ' copper -82 eymbol for -aatnariaia -53 cote of the seals: : sLTIT L E NAIN1A