The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1939, Page 10, Image 10

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    .9 i 4
Btehlisht of Social Season ;
Will Thfliitfriral Ball
"Tf" V'"''"'' ' i' J. t , '- "" vV".
All otner .social evenui ui mc cv
. il um..t mwamAr! rmlT. nlannpd for tomorrow niirht
; uTthf armory wid Crystal Gardens, by the city or Salem
in herior of Governor and Mrs. Chartes A. Sprague. The ball ,
will begin a series of ociar events planned for the new state '
'officials and legislators and their wives, -
Brigadier1 General Thomas Rilea is ' in charge of ar- -
' rangefnents for the ball which will immediately: follow the ; ;
: . ..niiVn VaTvk-t VteJA in the rrifn1 hniMirnr. '
'gUVCUlvU B XCVCfWVM u v., life - -. ,
6. .The official party will include Governor and Mrs. Charles
A. Sprague, president of the senate and wife, the speaker of
the house and wife. Secretary of State and Mrs. Earl SneD,
State Treasurer and Mrs,1 Walter: Pearson, Chief Justice and
Mrs. John L. Rand, Major General and Mrs. "George White,
Mayor .and Mrs. W. W. Chad wick, .Mayor and Mrs. Joseph
. n.n. Tnrlanl Mi anA Wm.' V. R Kuhn. Mr. Fred
: Lamport is in charge of the official party. . '
v Grand March on Arrival of Governor
1 Dancing will begin at 9 o'clock and the grand march
tht Arrival of Governor and Mrs. Sorairue
and the official party. They plan to leave the statehouse hn-
' mediately following the reception, which is over at 9, they -
will be brought to the armory with a motorcycle escort. On
their arrival attention will be sounded, they. will be escorted
m by the master 01 ceremonies ana mmiary nonorg ior me
firovernbr (four ruffles and four flourishes) will be sounded.
; Following the grand march, let by the officials and their
- ninao anA tnHnmoA hv in oniAOo t htk "TtJirtv Will fftl thft
. . 1 A 1 - lf tDitl.wiaMa
orcnesira. who vmy vorxuii, jmjt wguu. ? uauci.ra .
quartet Will sing 'Oregon's state song, followed by the Star
Spangled Banner, and dancing will begin with a waltz, x i
: I r . v Dinner Parties Precede Bail : '':r
Numerous dinner parties have been arranged to pre-
ede the ball and reception in compliment to the many out
of-town folk who will be in the capital for the occasion.
w Governor and Mrs. Charles" A. Sprague are entertaining
at dinner Monday night preceding the reception and ball at
their home on North 14th street. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sprague
of Seattle will be here (or the inauguration ceremonies and
will be guests at the Sprague home.' f f l; '' .'; '
Major and Mrs; Kenneth Rowntree have invited guests
to a buffet dinner at their home in Kingwood Heights before
the ball. Covers! will be placed for Major and Mrs. Thomas
Everett May, ! Brigadier General and Mrs. Thomas Rilea,
Colonel and Mrs. Clifton Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Russell,
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. William Burg
hardt, Captain and Mrs. W. F. Zimmerman of Oswego,- Mr.
L. C. Hussa and Mr. and Mrs. William Williams of Portland.
' amjI ILYva Tln T Tllitt- ttMaiA linn n
their I Marion street residence in compliment to a group of
out-of-town folk who wlil be here for the ball. Their guests
will-be Mr. and Mrs. Howard Latourette, Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crout of Portland, Mr. and
v Mrs. Ben Dorris of Eugene, Senator and Mrs. Dean Walker
of Independence, Senator and Mrs. Ronald Jones, and Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Maison.
Mr. and' Mrs. Merrill Ohling are entertaining a group
of their friends at a large dinner party before the inaugural
balL Covers will be placed for 33 guests.
: I . Many Out-cf-Totcn Guests
Mr. and Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead will be hosts for
a dinner party at their home on North Cottage street in
honor of a group of out-of-town folk and Salem couples pre-
: Walter E. Pearson, Senator and Mrs. George Chaney of Co
quille, Representative and Mrs. George Duncan of Staytbn,
jut. ana juts, xsavia r-ccies oi.roruana, ur. ana Mrs. vernon
A. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pruitt, Mr.' and Mrs. George
The Eaglewood ITA will hold a meeting p-
at tne tcboolaoiise on Tuesday at I o'clock.
Boom will b open from 7:30 to 8. Follow
ing -the bnstneBs" meeting n .informational'
program will be trtn, with Dr. Vernon A.
PoufU discnssinc the work of the MTion
Coonty Health aaaociatlon; Mr.; A. E. Holr
: comb, relief administrator, talking on -i'ChUd
Guidance," Miss Helen Wilson ot4he school
. system . dlscneslng her work I as .tntor and.
Mrs. Carol Blake, 4tn grade teacher speaking
on "Alms of Education." The 8th xrade moth-
era will be in charge of refreshment. -
, - -. - , , , ;
The meeting ol the Disabled, American
Veterans and ahe - auxiliary has been post-
, pond from Monday to Wednesday on acconnt J
of the gorernor'i balL ' : " I
': "- Saturday, February It, has beea anmowtced
as the date for the next Subscription dub
dance at the Marion hotel. ' U
4 t
.4 ii "?Jm
I 4 :;!
i ,i ti .
- Mrs. JL C Findley will entertain the .
Alpha lla : Delphiana' in her , home . at '
f : S 0 on Tuesday morning. Lunch will
follow the meeting at which England's
J Oth century dramatists ire discussed;'
Tonics will be taken by Mrs. Hugh La-
.tham, Mrs. Vernon A. Douglas, Mrs. M.
C.i Findley, Mrs. Kennetn Mnraock,
Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Oscar Panl-
- son and Mrs. Charles Krosier. Mrs. W.
T. Jenks will talk on current erents.
: ;..- , .: ..j . -j '-:
' TJbe Beta Chi Mother dab win m.t
at the SUte atreet chapter house Taes
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A fruit
and'elly shower wUl be held for the.
aorority. Rer. Robert Hutchinson of
the First Congregational ehurch will
give a travelogue on Ireland. The com
mittee : in, charge of .the. tea .hour is
Mrs. O. A. Maey, chairman, Mrs. D. A.
Hodge, Mrs. Frank Power and Mrs.
E, T. Barnes. . -
! i i
f 1
.: ''wvv a; ...
- . lWc if" v - " "t
' ' ' . x - j! C ' V '
''WIJss S ' "T
Knoten, Mr. and. Mrs. Warren , McMinnimee of Tillamook.
Miss Lucille Brown of Beaverton, Miss Barbara Earle, Mr. fiiZ
Joseph Campbell of Beaverton and Mr. Cecil Edwards. "L"Ai
ss Sherman
ur, ana jam. a. u. wooamansee wui nonor a group or WT JO. j
out)f-town guests at dinner at their State street home be W eQ SatUrdAY
' fore the inauirnral ball. The Vinnnr onipsfa will h TVr and J
To Mr. Wray
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee will honor a group of
fore the inaugural ball. The honor guests will be Dr. and
Mrs. Monty Bettman and Dr. and MrsMiarold Cess of
Portland. Other dinner guests will be Dr. and Mrs. Edward
LeboldMr. and Mrs. Lynn Lambeth, Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Prime, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Karl
uKuuexu. - , , wedding last night at 8 o'clock E. B. Eastridge art to be host-
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson and Dr. W. B. Morse will when Miss Elaine Sherman, esses.
entertain with a buffet supper party at the Wilson home hter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles
The Ladies Gnfld of th Amer- tndie hy Kennell-ElUs.)
lean Lutheran church, meeting
on Wednesday afternoon wUl in
stall as officers Mrs. R. J. Ser
erin,' president; Mrs. O. L. Lien
dahl and Mrs. O. Sedarstrom,
Ylce-president; Mrs. J. Cooter,
secretary; Mrs. A. J. Olson, fi
nancial secretary, Mrs. G. Fake,
treasurer and Mrs. . Melby,
TO BE HONORED by the city of Salem at the inaugural
ball is Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, wife of Oregon's new governor,
who la pictured here with her daughter. Miss Martha Sprague.
At the right is Mrs. George A. White and at the left Mrs.
Earl Bnell, both listed among the distinguished guests at the
brilliant affair of Monday night In the circle is Mrs. W. W.
Chadwlck, wife of Salem's new mayor and one of the official
hostesses. (Mrs. Snell and Mrs. White photos by Jesten-Muler, other
Seen and Heard
Sorority Open Houses on
Willamette Campus Is
Event ol Weekend
Outstanding events on the Willamette university campus
" ' last night were the annual sorority open houses and the inter
By jertme tjpston Mrs. Thomas Drynan . ... in the fraternity dance at Castillian hall.
- A ROUND OF ENTERTAINING dining room together were Judge Delta Phi at Home
la promised for the next two and Mrs. George Rossman . . . the- . .u. u. j, j n o
vr mrr 1 montha following the opening of Gardner Knanoa and Georae Rho- ine weiwrmsoromy openeu its uour ixrsi i rum two
m i . . AAuwutob jyvwvvy.1 III K Mill nri. DOucI BLi Ulil. ...... .
church was the scene or a lovely j. Cooke, Mrs. B. Kolbe and Mrs.
the legislature .... Numerous tens ... Dr. and Mrs. David B. O Clock With MlSS Carol Clark greeting the guests. Miss Uiive
dinner parties will precede the in- Hill and Dr. and Mrs. William H. Clemes Introduced to the recelr
augural ball for Governor-elect Lytle ... mothers and their ing line which Included Miss
and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague Mon- daughters together . . . Mrs. Verna Vosper, Mrs. ' Fred Alban
! day night and earlier in the even- George Pearce and Miss Helen and Weil, Professor and Mrs. E. C.
P. 1 . ing society folk will attend the re- Dr. Helen Pearce ... Mrs. Prince Richards, Miss Juno Bras ted,
rCSlQCni S eeptlon in the governor's suite in Byrd with daughter, Betty, Just Miss June Johnson and Miss Lois
tne capital ior wnicn Mr. ana back from a stay in Victoria, BC. Burton.
Mrs. Sprague will be hosts ..... ... Mrs. Robert Brady and dairgh- The serving table was centered
A large number of out-of-town ters, Carolyn and Mary Ann . . . with a French bouquet guarded
folk will be in attendance at the Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs with by tan yellow tapers and other
ball .... This weekend legislators Flavla and Hume . . . . Flavla en- French bouquets were arranged
wUl arrive in the capital to take entrained later in the evening to in the living room and on the A wedding ot more than ordin
np their residence during the ses- resume her studies at Pomona ball table. Miss Grace Elisabeth ary interest to Salem folk is that
. , . , t . aion . . . . uaies are aireaay oeing college . . . ."Other guests . . . Smith presided at the punch of Mlfs Ellen Frances Gadsby,
Plans are being formulated for marked on the calendar for social Rat. and Un ncAs Swift hni - Aaautinr in th aervine ii.n.hta, nt Mr. nA vr nn
Street will be the scene Of a no-host dinner party before the bride's parents sang the same P18, nBnj Pre,IdJ?'', A Tent to honor the new first lady Mr. and Mrs. Custer Ross . . . Mrs. were Miss June Armstrong, Miss Gadsby of Portland, to Mr. James
reception and ball: The guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert B'. "At Dawning" and "O Th. "Sfvl Jjf lLnaSS7 J r nd the leSl8ltor,1wlTe"- , C. D. Gabrieison and Mr. Carl Ga- June Charboneau, Miss Elizabeth Lowell Emmett of Portland, for-
DneiBon. ames, miam aiiu uwuuu meriy Ol ciaient, son ot tun. au
ROMANTIC NEWS continues to and Miss Eleanor ferry. Emmett of San Francisco, former-
n41118 ffUP J!rndr? r Mr. Lester 'e. Wronof Mr!
ernor's ball. Guests will be Mr and Mrs. 0. K. DeWitt, Mr. and Mrs. L. e. Wray. key. James
and Mrs. Rex Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Hughes, Mr. Mniigan performed the ceremony
and Mrs. Albert Gille, Mrs. Walter Barsch and Mr. and Mrs. tt presence of . large num-
Qyde Mason of Seaside. Thi aa? hlnk'wuh
t j m. j -r n , - The altar was oanked with
S611 Mrs. Bruce R. Baxter Will preside at dinner white snapdragons, lilies, fernery,
in compliment to a group of out-of-town guests at University and white cathedral ta
hOUSe preceding the ball. 'Pers in candelabra. Mrs. Elmer
-Ti-ftw,nnr xrM tv. ti . c ' Brown of Portland who sang 25
-uim jjcit.cj uu nvi m euimiier TeArfl aro at the weddinz of the
Dance to Be
January 30
Miss Gadsby Is
Married to
Mr. Emmett
filriri Mi. rxA Ci U rvH .-j iff- t'x. Promise Me." Professor T. 8. Ro- '"V" -FATMJfiH ximjc iMerrm crary)
f :r? .T? ?T - - r 1U.11&. v i j, .v. on lie same nignt at tne Armory rreeted the nesta at the charm.
mM m uwcu uicvruiuK uiq wio" . - . "
AlThrio-fit nf Pnrvnllia Tn OTIff fva Dalnh fnmnkull nA Iff
r TT t-ii -. . i. - ..... . mvij ,
the accompaniments and . . Qrden- r?cecd ing at home for which Dr. and hold the spotlight among social
No-Host Dinner Parties
Ti amI irtyl DaAMa 1v a Qalom. Tl fnarriflPA WftA
, , ... w o hwow aacui vui iuuu vi v - -- -c "
wedding marches. " , ,,f" e" ". . ,,1.1 Mrs- Bruce Baxter were hosts circles .... This week Marguerite The Beta Chi chapter house on solemnized last night at the home
The bride who entered on the . rrm1.,'1 be need to fight tt uniTersity house on New Year's Smith announced her betrothal to State street was open from 7:30 ot the bride'a parents in Portland
arm of her father wore a imart f . K7 3 ... T TOJS2 p ere ... . One of the grandest at- Robert Reider . . !. . and in the to 8:30 o'clock. Miss June Aaah- at 8 o'clock with Rer. Lansing E.
t: A large, group Of Salem Couples are arranging fQT eostame salt of black wool with tlL.V tivL Jit Si 7 . f"rl elTen attrmK tne Holiday mail this week; friends receWed cim greeted the gnests at the Kempton officiating in theres-
' " DO-hoet dinner at the Spa at 7 o'clock nrecedinir the hall Tn Pralan lamb trim and matching t IS! 17. .,1 season with OTer three hundred cards from Frank Pemberton and door and Miss Joy Cooler passed ence of members of the two fam-
. , uu-uuBb uuvkt vae opa -aocic preeeoing tne Dall. in with fBBChu trim and black eUtae,1 to Marion county. Saiem folk attending .... The af- Dorothy Ellinger announcing they cut the farors. Miss Mabel Lena Ulee and- close friendx including
I . . ' . IVAWiiuuea on rage ll.) ' atceessories. She carried a colon Vernon A. Douglas heads fair was arranged in compliment would be married on January IB introduced to the receiring line sereral Salem folk. f
lal boo net of wine, f nubia and the general committee In charge to Dr. and Mrs. William Ballen- Both are former Willamette which Included Mias Suxanne '- vTha tows were exc&Aced be-
piak roses and lilies-of-the-Talley. of the ball. Others members of tine Henley ot Los Angeles who students .... Dorothy is a Beta Curtis, Mrs. Charles McCargar fore a large mirror which was out-
" Mrs. Irar Hanson ,waa the tna- tte executiye committee are Bri- were house gnests of the Baxters Chi and Frank a Kappa Gamma and Dr. and Mrs. Cheatar Luther, lined with a garland of whitened
iron of honor and wore a black adier General Thomas E. Rilea, during the week ... Mrs. Henley is Rho . . . . Another Willamette The long serrlng table - was boxwood' and white cbrysantho-
" aUk afternoon frock with match- MJr w W. Chadwlck, Mr. Jer- a charming blonde and rery pleas- coed, Phyllis Dennlson, waa mar- centered with an attractive ar- mums.' The drawing room was
lag . hat and accessories. Her cor- ro,d Owen; Dr. Floyd Utter, Rer. ing to meet, ... she wore a black ried recently to George Shaw and rangement ot yellow narcissus, decorated -with white flowers and
aage was of roses. Misa Eleanor George Swift, Mrs. Darid Wright, satin; gown i with r low decollette are residing inl Moscow, Idaho, chrysanthemums, a n d daffodils ; lighted with white candelabra in
Sherman, lister: of the bride, waa zn' Geor8e Moorhead, Mr. V. E. and straps over the shoulders . ; . where Mr. Shaw is a senior in for- forming the sorority pledge pin erery window.
the maid of honor and wore a Kuhn, Mr. Braxier Small, Miss Mrs. Baxter also wore black with estry at the UniTersity of Idaho with black letters. Other season- v 9 bride, a loTely brunette,
. wine TelTet afternoon frock with RoTena Eyre, Miss Maxine Buren, white fur trim i . .. Mrs. Wmiam .... Phyllis Is a graduate of Wll- al flowers graced the receiving WOre an exQuislte gown ot irory accessories and corsage of Mr. Gerald Mason, Dr. Hugh. A. L. Phillips who introduced to the lamette where she waa a' Delta rooms. , Miss Helena Schneider, utln which had been her moth-
Vplnk and whiter Toses. . - n :.: Dowd. Mr. WUliam Gahlsdorf, Mr. line was stunning in aU black.... Phi and later graduated from St. Miss Phyllis Phythlas, Miss.Hel- wedding gown. The dress was
Mr. Irar Hanson serred as best, W"Uam Entrees, Mr. Bqrton Many of the guests wor.e formal Luke's hospital Jnj Spokane ; ,r; Bennett and Miss Mary , Vir-- fashioned- prineess style .with in
man for Mr-Wray. 'Ushers were ,Crf Mr Oscar Olson, Mr7 C. A. dress but an informal atmosphere She la now a laboratory technician ' tlaia- Nohlgren presidoo at the sets of rose point lace and a full
c Mf. Rupe Park. Mr. Gilbert Heald, Suing, Mr. Barney Kenworthy. Dr. reigned amidst the crowd and in Moscow. J.-fr----v punch bowls.. Coeda assisting in eourt train. Her long tulle yell
Mr Harold Fleck,- Mr. Robert B.-F. Pound and Mr. O. I. Paul- just aa many men were noticed DELIGHTFUli TEA g I t e n a' the aerring were Miss Doris wag held in place by a tiny rose
Teeteri,'tMr. William -McDpwell, ion . - s. and aU enjoying theinaeltea . , . week ago by MraJ Willi am' H, Sonthwick, Miss Jerry Frigaard, poInt lM cap ftQd the carried a
Mr. Charles Roblia and Mr.' Pete Committeea appointed by Dr. Mingling" with the jrueate in the Burghardt and Miss Ruth Fick at' Mi88;France8 Harris,. Miss Flor- bonqnet of album lilies.
Geiser, - ".- Douglas are: haH and anslc. Bur- drawing room .v.; TMrs. Paal Wal- the former's onlej; .vi Ruthwaa "n GUo. Miss Barbara Hoi- : j8g Margaret Gadsby was her
Receptloa ia Cmrrier Room ton Crary; decorations, Oscar Ot- lace In deep Violet satin with in the capital during the hoUdays Mngworth", Misa Mary Jo Gaiser, 'g oniy attendant and wore a
. A reception la the Carrier room son distinguished gnests, Gener- matching Telret: Jacket, and ' her from Portland where she is teach- J?18 M1", Slegmund, Miss frock of chartreuse chiffon made
. followed the ceremony and mem-, al Rilea; publicity, Jerold Owen. " hair done . hirh ; . i . with Mrs. ing thU winter J i . Many-burn-Ip8 Duf?' M,Ullcr,a'W with a lace bodice- and full hout-
h hridal party receiTed Earl Goodwin and Jira.. George WaUaee, waa her honao guest, Miss .ing white taperai east a aOft lowlterB n?. lnr;UI?, Bnnetu " fant skirt. 'Her flowers were of
v gues.iTno serring tawe waa Mooraeaa; tickets, William i En-;; Edna sterling of Seattle, wao orer the rooms VhoUday greens a ? .VT ptak rubrum liUes.
.centered with an arrangement of tress: public relaUons. Dr. novd looked lorery In blue creoe with were used in the auest room, and r At the Alpha Phi Alpha house . .:
r lluea of the -alley and paper Utter; auditing, c. a. Suing.
white tapers. Mrs. Bruce R. Bax- U w
ter presided at the coffee urn and Hal Hinhard Anwiliarr
Mrs. Elmer Brown cut the bride s " "ura AllXlliary
cake. Mrs. Walter 8paulding and Has ' Installation U
atra. verne au assisted In the
on 'North ' Summer street Miss
Large Reception - , .
Mr. PhUlip Fields waa best man
: neaaea giraie . . ... Mrs. itoy-s. yioieu and narcissus -t were ar
. Keene in bnrgandy - lace . '. . . In ranaed - on the teal Uble i . " The
' the dinlng: rooni gneeta serfed hostesses receiTed' their guests in-v." iA. Zj..J i thS A large reception followed the
themselres to hot punch, cheese, f ormaUy in the liyihg4 roomV; "-,R?!ka
crackers and cakes . . , On . the Mi BurghaMt woiw black with IMifc white can-
r?""f ! - neiai ciow )acxM and Misa Ficki 7"ZT, w.7r;fT
' - . v.w.u uu ia inir,AA Mloa M,rnrli JanM U,CB sua dowis ot- mixea spring
nnnnmnt Af innr ntn' irnrn, t.Mn. i.v mCIUaea -MBS MarjoriC Jones, . . , ... . . ..Lj.iT . - f. Hal Hibbard anxUiarr met lW bTnd larb .rX .V ZJZi-VJZlZ
iSiL brM cLry eorered ed bf yeUow Tapera in ailrer can. JiZtt&aS& TMrtT: 52JS' ISSnaR-nSS. nower. rnd tte gland around it
Mar? ifETll "i1 fll8-h LJo"Imm meeting delabra i . . . Orer the bay window ?rharlea Orey pdnd the last 'hour fnfhiw.. irS waT of narclwus, freest and hy-
Mark, MiaaJLlthea Brown of Port- and installation. Mr.. mKth -t nf ti rnnm wi,Jm..v - 1- "he dining Uble waa etrecure TTX. CTBMW . '
land, Mlaa Adele Eay.-Mtaa Maxine Green .wm the garlands, of spring blooms
w"An;taUni"aurthTeC Set of Jsnapdragon. entered th, areas of dusty row Uce and a cor
r-Ii- Vir TSL" ",n tu, erry; enapun-Ethel Welch; -his- when we anrlTed were Mrs. WU-; son la powder bine erepe and Mrs.
. Wi aius Jrranees Tlrxinie Mel- torian. -Jessie Tirthutn Mnii: n.-.- rvi i w hin. r n.wii.n..-i
ton. um n.,H n,n.tun, . i. . V?r r"" "I t r w the nnn eh howls. Serrinc were trip to un vauey and for tratei-
:ri Y'. -;; ima.: miagled ; with . the m, Rom Ann Gitaon.' Mtea Marl: lag thelbride chose a hrown snede
For her daughter's wedding
taoera in the center. A hon- Mnu eaosoy wore a noor lengtn
Z1U1U Vicrrca of CUncUoa la Mrs. E, B. ratlaad.
tit rrosiiaent members ot the house of rcpreaenUUTeswho
tzicrj tUsa attest the g5r;raorj ban ea Koaday' sight.
' he.BSn2.5? - J ' aJ,: 6fJ; trearrri5ir,ted ihoea;'r.;,Wli leavlac MraTibtae who waa home for the holi- "d . e e. t Ilds f orchid coraage.-Thi7o
r , -co7 11 ,.MSUtBtn Jewell. .r , Coach. Roy Kecne were Mr. and iTara to Jage 1, CoL 11