1 i ' - in, i i i 4 . . ..j !...' 1 . ' . 1 . " '." ' ' ! " r CM Quick Results to Botihi Buyer land S ellej? Jttrirag Statesman t'- V . " f - i t p Classified Ads ; 4 Call 9101 ! Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line... 10c Three Insertion! per line. .20c Six Insertion! per line . . . . J30c One month per line. . . . .11.00 Minimum charge I. . ... . . .23c .Copy ter-tale page- accepted eatit 4:S0 tae rtmuiug bfon pabliratioe lav Iassifiatioe. Copy received after (kit time will be ram esser the heed tag. "'Too Lsle I Classify' j ' Tha 8UWtma assaaea ae ftnaa eial responsibility for arrara waiea i; !, appear la (advertisements pie Itshed la ita column, and la tiara where Uis paper; la a faalf will re- rriat that part jet aa advertiseiaea i walee tha typographical aiistake ocean. - ' ' i i iTse Statrtmsa reierrea tbt r'frt it raj act eaettioaable advertising; it farthar leaams ;tha right to place l edvertisiag andev tha proper daaai'i fltlM. . II i - I - " I r 1 1 - i . T"" A "Zb4' AA aa ad eontsiatst a Stateaaua box aasiber far aa ad freee la for tha protectioa af tao ed vertieer aid bms tharofara aa worse by letter. Tha 8utesaua ta est kl aberty teeivalfe informatloa M to the identity af aa advertiser esiag a "BUad'f ad.; Livestock DCAD AND woruiiaae boree cows. picked up free. Ph. collect e.i 1. Montgomery Rend. Wka. Auctions BIO AUCTION Thursday j nigni. .. . k s i K. Wood nr Auction Market Furniture and funiUhlngii of two- Salem homes. . . ana "WOOPRI, Auction eera. rn. Help Wanted CASH IN ON SPARE TIME ojh-jtk-I.T OR UORB EARN S.ll nuthroami HOUG. Cel- 1 hrv ahed aul table. We buy. 0e IK Tar round bttstnesa.! eVinmdr br Mr.i S. In few! weefce Snltl spiRRi TIUE. Guaranteed. Mutcrlala.! fCstab. 131. Write for FlieS BOOK. Washington Mushroom Industries. Dept. 4s . toil 2nd,; Seattle. Wash. Help Wanted Female "WANTED MIDDLE-AGED woman for Itcnt bskp. CaU; I3ai aagmaw. Situations Wanted ALERT, SOBER, experienced farm and dairy hand wants Ho per, month A good home. Local references. Box SIC. Statesman. , - i EXP. WOMAN wants hr wrk. 5. . j , -arfwaf- ru-Lriikaafwl a a aijaa aa afc EXP. BEAUTT operator waints po aitloluf E. Shrake, MaiJrt Ave! Salem. WANTED. WORK as practical nurse or maid. Ref. 4S4 University. ! rtrtrn-njxjxj"uirtjirtri r i a ai a aaaajdk WANTED HO0R work, 9 B. lath; For Sale Miscellaneons DALTON ADDING machlneb $34.50 Large National Cash Reg.-4-l6S.7S. A nn F:wtrlr Washer $10.T5. Santlary . WasH Tub pr. 13.83, Ranges $a nfl up to 7 Heater a tl and UD to 7 Thor Electric Ironer $18.93 128 Chr-sler--f34.e. ComDutin Scales S14.7S. other Barealns Galore at F. N. Woodry's Auction Mart. Id N. Summer, to Hollyiwood SUN-FLAMS. ! OIL neater, j S29.50 Hogg Bros 325; Court H BEICRKST. LESS than cost 9358. ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash registers, scales, sales, rentals, re pairs. Roea. Typewriter Es, 458 Court artr-LruijKriJvW'oi'yv"a "" SODA FOUNTAIN. 479 Court St aviaBawaaeaaeBaSaaseaeeaMpaeepeasaaajsaaaaBS VACUUM CLEANER, used 3 mo.. 12.50. 1441 N. Coral BIG AUCTION Thursdays night T:30 at the FJ . Woodry I Auction Market Furniture and furnishings of two Salem homes!) F. N. and 'GLENN WOO DRY, Auctioneers. Ph. 5110. PEKINGESE PUPS. Reaa. if taken at once. 130 Laaaj Ave. j ; Miscellaneous ij BEAU. FAC. krarier,; mod, kmplete borne. A snap. 1(19 N. Front Salem. rsj-rnaii-ar'iri, " - - m m.m KALSOMINEJ AS low as 13 room. Winter prices. Painting. Phone 4920. For Rent Rooms l-APJ KS . PH Mt S9 H Cottage SHOWERS, abto. ht, close in. 351S, ATTR. RM," irepl. $$ 'a Cot tag I SLEEPING BOOM, gar. 7S E St I LARGE HEATED sleeping; rooms with home Brivacy. ..near capitol buildings. -1144 Center1. - 1 OR 3 FURN. bskp. rail. Lights, water, $1 $1 i3f N. 17th. N NICE BEDROOM for rent $2.50 per week. 4a N. Bummer. Room and TRT MA Bowen's mmous meals, a real home, SIS Bellevue. PhJ S7I7. snrtR WFVM.Mi new modern home, close In walking distance state offices. Also table board. 450 Marlon. ' asgaeseeaaaeiheaMsaSsa ! MS. BOARD If desired, 441 N. High. I RM.. BD lauhdry. $25. 455 N. Cot R, A a, LADY, 411 N. Cottage. For Renti Apartments k if 1-3-3 RMS. ( up. 1110 tk, Mttt FURNliaptJ $2.00 iwk, gar, available, 1290 jOak. TeL 527-. - 4'OitfioiiQ0tiilemaa ADVERTISING ! Western AdverUain RepresenUUeee ,. . Fencer-HaJl Co- LtA rrartHarn. 1 1 Aneeiee. Seattle Xastern i Aavertlslns; nepresentatl?ea i Bryant' Qrlf ftth A Broaaooj, tne Cvtcago. New Tor a. Detroit t Hoatojn. '' Atlaata K SteTed at tae I'mnotTUm i Seleet On, ee teeoed Ctau Jfitter. Paa- nsaee every atoram eeceel Jfeadaa. Itasiaeea ! ttt Seat Coawsrclai ree - - r-.i..- I-. 4 8bBscKikn:iuN ratbSi V MaO Subecrtptloa Ratee in Advance Wlthla Oregoa : . Dally and; Sunday: Mo. SOeenu; 8 Mo. $I.M: Mo. $2.40: 1 year Si So. elsewhere ss eente per Ma. er It 00 Cor I year tat -advenes. Per copy S cents. Newestaada 4 cents Br Cttv Carrier s CO cents a month. $7.10 a year ta advaace ta Marloa t1$j Board and adjaosat acustlaa. - Money td Loan NOT PRIVATE CONVENIENT FRIENDLT - PERSONAL haa made . special arrangements to make Peraonal Loaca tm to $300 In the quickest possible time. Qubtlr. f, nnrw. withnnt k vini af curltj. ordinarily required elsewhere. No yon choose then just small conrenient today. . t ... ;. PERSONAL Room FINANCE CO. ! STATE HERE'S FOR $10 to To Pay What You Owe ments are too high oa your ear, furniture, livestock,, or other monthly eon- tracts. SEE VS. We are often able to reduce themnl hair. nr m' v.t tracts. SEE US. We are often able to reduce them one half, or mora and vet lanim jw auauiunai cn. Our low rates and aaay terms win PEOPLE'S FINANCE Co. RmJ 201. First National Bank Bulldlna- Salem, Oregon For Rent Apartments SEE 9 FISHER acta Modernised. newly decorated and roomy. You'll be delighted. Oak and 8. Commercial. modausfotflraiuw use.ACHT(i Waller. CLEAN 3 ROOM furn. court apt wiu private oatn. launary, garage bus service. 1317 Lee St APTS, HOUSE, adults. 7SS N. Com. SMALL FURN. apt, $4$ Ferry. FURNISHED APT.. 770 a Com'L FURNISHED 3 ROOM apt cloae I In. TeL 7743. 404 N. Church. SMALL APT.. 2S0 & Cot tare. LGEL UOD. trailer hae. 2S0 S. Cot. SMALL APT., adults. 2183 State. 2 "RM. FURN. apt.. 700 N. High. 2 ROOMS Church. FURNISHED, 874 N. 3 Jt FURN. APT., washer. 353 Leslie. lights, water. 3-ROOM MOD., very close In. Furn. Private bath. In duplex. Phone a 825. 3-ROOM NEWLY furn. Heat water. refrigerator, garage. Adults. 091 N. Cottage. 3-ROOM FURN. apt Private shower. ground floor, garage. Phone 6S07. J-RM. HTD. Adults. 435 N. Winter. 4 R. APT., adults, 1591 Broadway. 2 ROOM FURNISHED apt, water j and lights, gentleman preferred, 580 N.i Liberty. Tel. 4494. essehsaaaeawsaaafsMMaseWaasasasaaaa NEWLY FURNISHED, close in. 030. 897 North Commercial. 2 RMS.. Hi., wt.. gas. ht. $15. 3-rrrm.. Its., water, 318.50. Adults. Ph. 6288. FURN. APT. Ph. 8753 or 9111. 3 R. FURN.. HTD. 815 N. Winter. FURN. APT., adults, 1207 S. Com'l.: CLOSE IN 5 rm. furn. apt., ground Iloorlnq. upstairs, 7a 1 N. High. -.nr- jj-u-i !.-iru-i-runn.-Ln-t MOD. 3- RM. furn. flat, water and garbage. Close in. 318 mo. Ask for Mr. Rlnehart, 640 N. Com'l. MOD. FURN. or unfurn. with ga- rage. West Salem. TeL 7551. . 3 ROOM APARTMENT, 355 So. 14th Street, j For Rent Houses 4 RM. DUPLEX, lights and water rum., 39S N. Z 1st. Court cot, frig., stove. "734 N. Cot. NEW. MOD. fi R. house In N. Salem. $32.50. Inq. owner, 1520 N. Capitol. 4-R. HSE.. IJKE new. cir. heater. flrepL Hdwd. floors, gar. $25. P. 7374. NEW MODERN . 4 -room house. Automatic gas furnace. $30. 1530 Madison. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, partly furn.. $25. Inquire O'Reilly's Shoe Shop, 180 SJ Liberty. FURNISHED A UNFURN. houaei H.. P. GRANT. 529 Court Street 15 RM. FURN.. gar., 1445 Mission. NEAT 4 RMS.. FIREPLACE, OA RAGE. Move In Jan. 15. Two adults. S18. BUDROW REAL. ESTATE- PH. 6 MODERN S ROOM duplex. $30. Va- I cant Jan. 16. TeL 74 if. i , K.R HOITSTC AT 17S ft. ISth. 111. Ph. 7364 or call 2160 State. For Rent Farms FOR SALE or rent S A. and bldgs., Rjt 4, Box 148. old highway south. For Rent HSE8. A APTaV, all kmda, an prlcea. iOKKIt.'sl KiHlaia 1SI State attest Inoulre! mom t0 Tel 3713 I HOUSES AND apta. all kinds, an prices, i Furn. and unfurn. Percy Ull- maa, 454 Marlon. For Sale Real Estate 4 T RM. B E AUTI FULLY furnished. Hdw. floors A doors. Modern through out Outbuildings. 14 A. A beautiful country home one mile from city Um Its. Stocked equipped, saves down, balance easy. Price 9aoe. . 4 nam, modern. n a. is imn m m . - m nnta. 9 ml out. The fruit A nuts wilt help you pay for this one. $1500 will handle, aad the balance easy monthly MTTunti Prtee 24354. i - ' i i llH. STAMBAUGH ! Phone 9J11 313 Oreg..Bldg. tuwtfiO. litrra 'i OOOO ived street, esces - 44. 2S down. $14 teat location. ser moot a. J 1 . .-; 1 i W. H. ORABRNHOBST OCX. ... ' T ' 1 r REALTORS 124 a Liberty St i Phone 41$ t' BEAUTIFUL. NB.W bom, subarbesj. $144 down; $45 montn. ngnt parry Carle Abrama, 1 411 Masonle Bldg. Phone 4154-7614. 1 : A - biji.ii.iLixjtixjni-inonnj-irii-M-im- -i- ------- f, START THH new year right Buj asw modern S bedroom i bouse. ' Will decorate - Interior f to suit . purchaser. Terma Owner. Ph. 554 A i x tiiae.es jttsx OFT B. i CeounercIaL - modem home. 4 . bedrooma, bemt, garage, wonderful view, 1200.40 down will haa- S2164.44 Close to the capltot bed- ,1 I rooms, iwio, zurnaca at 1 T rage, $154.44 wUl handle, oeverai oiner soou uuj a. P. H.. BELL. 42S Oregoa Bldg. urrs-an pi Prlce-n Rloney to Loan TOO LATE to borrow that extra cash too need now to consolidate those old bills and start the New Tear right 9 .tJ moi. repays $ la; I moa TJi mo. ropaya iiot ta li $1S. ma reoars ill la 11 ILU mo.. repays SUt la IS moa. payment tor days eren longer If monthly amounta. Come to or phone . i ... - . ,.-v. .- :-: , lit, NewBllgb Bid. Sod Floor lit State Street at High In Salem. Oregon .;' PHONE SUt . r-;V j LICENSE : NUMBERS 8-123 Mill MONEY YOU $300 help you. Inveatlsate our service TO- Phone 4440. 8-213 State License M-120 eawsasjaaj ai st aa as mm m .jyjjy FURNITURE LOANS UP TO $300.00 Repay by Week or Month 20 MONTHS TO REPAY Also Loans on Personal Notes and Automobiles STATE FINANCE CO: (CHIIJ5S MILLER'S OFFICE) IS-J10 Phone 2l M-I22 344 State Street. Salem. Oregon For Loans $10 to $300 SEE General finance Corp. SALEM'S OLDEST and largest Inde pendent company,- where your prob lems receive consideration after a well as before the loan la made. la tha past eleven rears mora thaa 20,000 borrowers have profited by out financial help and advice. n . i . i raymeni pian is arranged j r uuDi.ui. to fit vour income. NO RED TAPE CASH AT ONCE Repay any day, week or month to reduce the cost 131 S. Commercial Street Salem, Oregon S-138 First Door South of IJadd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location Phone 41(8 Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED Money to buy new or used cars. Private money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 months to renav . Roy H. Simmons t IS S. Commercial St Ralem ' Phone 91 88 Si Lie No. M-1S2 k . -,- - L1-LnnJ FEDERAL MOIIHI Wfl ln.B hnlM eflnance homes baslnem urop Ratee nofmiam m ciua, isc atssonie Blda Loans Wanted ; WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on rood Kalm .l Ute. Will pay 8 lnerest v. M. UKABENHORST A CO. RKAl.Tftns 134 & Liberty St. I Phnn. Cit LOANS VA.vrL on farm and !t .lZrm oorrewmg inquire at na wains a HODartS i -! Financial 'R HA vis never bald Uu thaa thlsl rste on savings and tnveetmenia j Insured $5000.; i Mutual Federal Savings Loaa Ass's Pbone 4954 j 141 a IJberty St For Sal3 Real Estale SACRIFICE SALE. East front lot N. 24th street Bear! State, with Im provements, concrete - walk, paved street, for only $350. Homes: building on adjoining lota Phone 8454. Owner isa tturai Ave. I S RM. HOME oh Fatrmount HilL : Gd, view. Owner, 1853 Fir. aHkI AT" . A mir' K L.u.. I TeL tfZZ. NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL 6 ROOM PLASTERED house, paved street walking distance to i business district Price $1800 with $100 down, sol fit per montnj ; j SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS a MILLER. Realtors 1314 State Street . Phone 924L NEW MODERN S room borne. S3.- 450. $354 down and 826 per month lncrudaa taxes, interest. Better hurry. a room modern Home, heart of Sa lem located 445 Marion. VC. H. SANDERS. TeL $121 J I w""w.wowwwwwwww I BRAND NEW 2 bedim, home, hdwd. I floors. Ex. loea. Snap, $2444, $254 I cash. I ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 1 12 LAdd Bush Bldg. Ph. 6445. I ROOM HOUSES, electricity, water 1 wun acre up to ova acres, 1700.4$ 1 and up. $54 44 down, $1044 per month racnraina uteres-. 1 1 New 4 room bungalow, one sere of ground, ciose to acnoei, small down payment, balance like rent RICH L. REl MANN 14? 8. High Street! . Pbone 44. eieasejaTseasTssaasejesaAse 3 RM. NEW house, barn i A chick. nouse. About i 1 A. I good soiL north 1 mile.-$1000, terma -p ,:" -; S rat, bath. lara-a lot frait walk ing distance, i 81500. 4204 , down. SIS month. -! .1 r. 4 rms., bath. large lot walking die tance, SlsoOjisioo down, sit mo. S. U. BTAHBAUUH 1 phone 4411 ; ; 212 Oregon Bldg. i ? , - 4- NEW HOUSE 4 ROOMS. LARGE Mvtmr room, oak floor, 1 1 alee bedrooms, attached ga rage, elee. water system. 14 acre. Lo cated east near Four Corners, $2504, 1250.04 cash, balance 122.54 per ma SEE ALFRED DUUBLCK . 147 N. Commercial Street For Sale Used Cars Mayb Our Prices Are Not Ai'ivays the Lowest . But ! I We Believe We Have; the Best Used Cars in Salem ! OTTALJTY IS REMEMBERED LONG AFTER! PRICE IS I"UKUUlll. i I Check the cars we have listed for quality in (heir respective price classes. i - i '37 Hudson Custom $ed. 137 lCITaDlane DeLUXe I ' i Brougham 37 Ford DeL. 2-Dr. $ed. E '36 Plymouth DeL. Cupe '35 Stndebaker Diet. Sed. '35 Graham DeLuxe Sed. '35 Packard '120' Sedan OUR CARS ARE UNDER COVER NOT WEATHER "BEATEN SALE'S LOT MERCHANDISE! AS MUCH AS 24 MONTHS TO PAY ON SOME STATE MOTORS, INC. Dealer For High Grade Motor1 Cars HIGH ft C HEM E KETA FOR 11 IKS. OPEN EVENINGS OWNER MUST SACRIFICE 17 CHEVROLET COUPE. If you're look ing for a good as new used car. new tires, and low mileage, at a remark able saving, see this buy today. Small monthly payment can be arranged If desired. Pb. 444S or stop at tun. 20 Ftrat National Bank Building., 36 LAFAYETTE 4-DR. Sedan. $345 A-l, Take cheaper car. 815 S. 22nd. NOW WRECKING: '33 Plymouth Cpe.; '31 Chev. S rdstr. : '31 Hupmo- btle 6 : '30 Chrysler "70" sedan ; '25 Nash "400" series. Used tires A tubes In most sizes. 1 set 16 Inch Ford wheels. ACME AUTO A TRUCK WRECKERS 430 South Commercial? r Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE BEAUTIFUL 5 ROOM house, mod era in every detail, oak floors through out mahogany woodwork, tile In bath room and kitchen, basement furnace, fireplace. Street paved and paid. Close to high school and state office build ings. Rightly priced at $4500. Will I iraae xor s Dearoam nouse or accept KOCKi p"- err. Mr, Fills with i CHILDS' A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 For Sale Farms 1 i .. SACRIFICE 70 ACRES. 351 in cul tlvatlon. 10 acres prunes, 2$ Fran quette walnuts, family orchard springs, good fences, new barn. 82HOO, 8150 down. 115 per month. Mrs. H. i Clerk. Route 1, Box 6, Camas, Wash lis lull. i 100 A. DAIRY OR grain farm near town. Priced to sell at once.i Terms. Care Statesman. Box 347. ESPECIALLY FINE LAND 40 ACRES WITH modern home, fil berts, 15 A.' strawberries, loftans, etc. Paving, best soil In valley. 3SQ00. H. P. GRANT ; S29 Court Street Tel. 6744. FARMERS ATTENTION WE HAVE a fine valley farm In the Pratum district consisting ot 40 acres, 10 acres hops, family orchard.' running water, good set buildings, wood tim ber, good road, offered for 37500. To aee this CALL Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 100 A., 50 A. IN CULT., I running water, good timber pasture. Stock ft equipment. Everything for less than ?50 per A. Terms or will exchange for acreage In Polk or Marion county. H. C. Shields, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8902 Acreage MODERN HOME ON 10 ACRES of very fine land, not far out 15000. One half cash. ti. f. OKAM 529 Court : TeL 6744. 20 A. N. OF SALEM, house- A barn, $1000, $250 down, baL easy. ' 2 A., house, barn, hen house. In Mill City, trade for property around Sa lem. ; p IS A., new 4 R. house, all In bear ing fruit $2100. Some trade. IS R. boardlne- house, furniture I lease, $550. Rent $30 per mo. : Close to state house. A. C. JENSEN S 228 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 3414. For Sale Wood S CORDS OF good dry 4: ft. 2nd growth for $11.50. Ph. 1860. DRY ASH A oak. $5.75. Ph. 9703. 411 N. .list, paone SI7D. i FUEL ON easy payments. Na down payment 5 months or longer to pay. First payment 30 day a Any amount any kind. Full measure. Chae. k. Smith. TeL 611 L 1150 N. Church. DRY 16 FIR. $5. Ph. 715S. UKt ImI UFHIWTK Ph. 1 17 FIX. eaeieaTsestMasaeatMaaaaejp A-l DRY OLD FIR. $4 44. Ph. 2354 SetsaaeaaweaaKieaeae-t, FOR DRY see. growth. hone 4527 DRY WOOD. Phone 4466. j E. Bole OLD FIR. $5: 2nd rwth. 4-ft Itmh. $5. Oak. $6.50. ash, $5, knots, $4.50 raone sss. 1 GET7 YOUR dry old fir. 1 1175 N. 17th. E. HoUoway. ! DRT OLD Mr. $5.00 sawed knots. $4.04; 14 in. old fir limbs. $4.00 hardwood aU kinds. Ph. 4370. Prompt delivery. ,1 I WOOD, $64 N. CHURCH, j Wood Sa vying WOOD SAWiNG, 40c. 14 tn. 7421 1 WOOD SAWING, fjproei. Ph. 5882. Lost and Found LOST. MONO AT St Bernard dog -reward." Pbone 4412. . S LO ST REFRIGERATION service 1 tool kit. Call 37$ reward. -! Prrsonal I ' LONELTT -WOKTH WHILST sweet- leaart buaband. arife for yoo. Bos 74 Angelea Legal No. 27,721 . I j IN THE CIRCUIT COURT . OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF MAR ION, DEPARTMENT NO. a SUMMONS . MAUDE JACKSON PAGUE, 1: Plaintiff j -i ' VS. I MART CROWTHKR fiPENCE. E. W. SPENCB. K. P. CROWTHKR, MRS. PAUL. E. CROWTHKR. RUTH CROWTHKR BARNES, W. E. BARNES. MARGARET ELLEN NELSON, OLIVER CROWTHKR, MRS. OLIVER CROWTHER, HOPE THADEN, ROBERT THADEN, A. A. CAR PER, EDITH L. CARPER.! and OLIVER CROWTHER, ADMINIS TRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF BELLE S. CROWTHER. ! DE CEASED, Defendants. To Mary Crowther Snenee. E. W. S pence, K. P. Crowther, Mrs. K. P. Crowther. Paul E. Crow ther, Mrs. Paul E. Crowther, Ruth C. Barnes, W. E. Barnes, Hope Thaden and Robert Thaden, you and each of you are hereby noti fied to appear en answer to com plaint filed againat yon on the above entitled cause on or before the 4th day of February, 1939 and U yon iail to so . appear an an swer to said complaint, plaintiff will apply to the court for the whole of the relief prayed for in her complaint and a decree fore closing plaintiff's mortgage upon the following described real prem ises, to-wlt: Business Cards in tbn directory run oa a monthly basis only. Rate; $1 per llwe per month. Auto Brakes aftkd Panes. 371 South Comn.eiclaL Auto Repairing LEWIE'S AUTO REPAIRING. Day and night service. Ford and Chev. specialist Ramseyer garage. 250 N. High. TeL 5189. Barber Service. LOU LANE. 1005 Broadway. Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW and reconditioned. Ha-ry W. Scott 147 S. Com'L T"h- 45lt Body & Fender Repair TOR BODY A FENDER repairs.- Uo trim, aeat covers, glass replnrement auto painting SEE the HerraH-Owea col. ZZ S. Com I SL Phone Skft. Cabinet 'Works Court St Cabinet Works, 219 Court St Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Notthness Chiropractors DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor 4 N. High. TeL Res. 57t Excavating EXCAVATING OF all tlnds Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt ror sale. Salem Sand aad Gravel Co Phone 9408. Cross, Word Puzzle i 2" 7 "s T a To" 11 12 s ?,6 n 10 27 I 2Q 7Z 21 30 33 M 33 36 37 3 11 M Z --.ry. & By EUGENE aOKOOXTAl. 14 Whet It Make 14 " 14-BjsjbMltsratekel :14-Mire ' 21 Cloaa Oxetly XI Posed for a portraft tS Vtiusas U Bulss wtth tee team 27 Tareads tetreeueai bonesta tae skla 29-Cauabets a ss Driak eaataiaiag akohol .48 Talhas $ Goddess of canard 41 Certain 44 nimaiaatal 44 Wset Creak - fahlaaT e Taaa (LUa) . 47 Printer's BMasur tl-Ltngssge ef tae Iras keek of tS Bymaol 44 4a what state Is ML 4 Was alew a eraxaaasat sewed aWtesat S Note ef the 4-Grewehl 4 awtrmsS m. - ' !: 14--aiiaae a mill ; lWWaoOy , i. r 1 SUikas -ft. '-li. 17 41 oath IW Sj-faacSs 4swa rJ Strait is a .!S?f,a?-.... Tg" - - Tiiti fuTiai Trt amaei wttti rjatafla imt rasttisiil-ial ST-sw asdAareat esdr rarncAL Fifty (S0) feet oft of the South side ot Lot Three (1) la Block No. Five (5) la Frlckey! Addi tion to the City of Salem in Mar Jon county, State of Oregon, as said lot is shown on the plat of said addition now of record in the office of the recorder of convey ances f or i said Marlon County, said Fifty (SO) feet to be taken off of the south side, of said lot, the fall leagtb thereof. - r- ; Ton are' notified that on the 3rd day ot January 1939, the Honor able L. G. Lewelling. Judge of the bore entitled Court made an or der of the city of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, authorizing and directing this summons to be Served, upon you by publication thereof once a week for four con secutive weeks In the Oregon Statesman, a newspaper of gener al circulation, printed end pub lished weekly tn Salem, Marlon Connty, Oregon and possessing all the qualfiicatlons required by law for the publication of sum mons, the first publication of this summons being made on the 4th day of January, 1939, and the last publication thereof being made and the same will expire on the 1st day of February, 1939 and you and each of you are required to appear an answer said com plaint on or before the 4 th day of February, 1939. KETES A PAGE. Attorneys for Plaintiff SOS U.S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon. J4-11-18-2R-F1 Directory Florists Brelthaupt'a, 447 Court Phone 5304. W. SALEM FlorlatA 1400 Edgewatet Lanndries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 242 & High TeL 9124 Mattresses SALEM FLOFF-RUU and Mattreea factory. NEW MATTRESS made to ordt . old remade: carpet cleaning, sia- lag; fluff rug weaving. & 13th A Wil bur. TeL 444 L OTTO F. ZWICKER El. 191L CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4942 Printing rOR STATIONERY, cards, r-rmpbleta programs, nooks or sny kind ex print tag. call The Statesman Printing De partment 213 S. Commercial. Tele phone 910L Transfer CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 221 State St- TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get ou rates FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner oiL call 3131. I ermer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dslly VA$CUUM SERVICE AUTHORIZED HOOVER service, sales. All makes serviced. Vac. to rent Mr. WalL Hogg Bros, or Ph. 52F2. Well Prilling" R A. WEST. Rt 6. Box 444. ". 114F4 SHEFFER 24 Variety ef rosy spiaol 44 VeUele 44 Declare 44 Ceia ef Tarkey 48 Faar Cysts 44 Gsta as ehs 42 Part ef -4a W It Oseef tea UaJUi (aaer.) Herewith is tbn sohxtkm to yet- terdsy a puzzle. ' .. y. -, .... - J klelorlAltN6rolAkl II What paslaails 4 the Snack Sae wee the seana af a ma war that ligaa Sa 1444 T 14 Waal tewa ta Caaaattlrel wee tae sease ef the leases "ataaaacra ef Part GiknlTI 87 Caaea at saarise saafls I Urn tae eats aether 41 Beast esehAla,ay NOTICE OF BOND SALE Notice is hereby riven ' in a t sealed bids will i receive! by tae k undersigned, at : the boar of t o'clock P. M. on the 14th day of January. 1939. and immedi ately thereafter publicly opened oyme scnooi i District Board lot School District No. 73, Marloa Cccntyi Oregon, at the v school- house thereof on R. IF. D. a. Sa lem, Oregon, f or an i s s u e i of bonds of said School DittricL : in the amount of S2000.fl)r Heing a part ot an issue ta the amount ot $iz,oo.oo. said bonds to ;be dated. february 1; 1939, and; to mainre; aerially in numerical Or der as follows: -i - ' ! ' '.! $1000.90 on August 1. 19S0. tjoou.00 on August 1, 1951. Said bonds to bear interest at not to exceed the local rate therefore, payable semi-annually. principal and interest payable at the office ot the Connty Treas urer of Marlon County, Oregon. or at the fiscal agency of thd State of Oregon In New York City, at the option of the pur chaser.! r ! Said' bonds weret j duly cutho- rlxed at an election held cn the 25th day of June, 1938. j Bids must be accompanied j by certified check in the amount ot $200.00. i The I Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. r ' : LUCY M. SIMPSON Clerk ot School District No. 73, Marion County, I Oregon. E. L. CRAWFOD j Attorney for District j Salem. Oregon. D. 21- 8; J, 4. Daughter Weeps , -.. -r ft c ys Backed by sorrow, Mrs. Helen Angnlll of Sam Francisco is ptctnre near collapse at the preliminary hearing in Los Angeles of her .fa ther, William Spfneni, 58, who is charged with, murdering his wlfy' Mrs. Rose SpiaellL Comforting the stricken wonts is her brother,- wmiam Spinelll, Jr. According to police the elder Splnelll maroerea his wife, dismembered and burned the body la am iaciaerator. (na). v . . ; .Just Thonc 9101 1 ii R oaocatuevft vaat Buy OREGON -MADE SALES When you need sales of any kind, justj'phone 9101, and oar repre-1 sentative iwiH call. We assure you quality work,' prompt service . Cafe, Checks tlimifold Forms Foldpack Forms; Roll Forms . Interfold Forms stateshan publisi:i;:g CO. 215 South' Commercial Istriet ..Vi"? - Plans Long Hop "aWBBBBBBBajBB ? :::.. . it j .V.-.V.-.. Owes One of the outstanding women flyers in the United States, Bessie Owen, discloses in Los Angeles, ' where she is pictured, that she will fly to South America and up the seldom-explored Amazon river 1 after rompetinx; in the Miami, FUl, air races, j Miss Owen said the trip would be planned as A pleasure flight. as Dad Accused BOOKS books or manifold forms at right prices. C , ,y is , A . ' : . v. - f. e ' T V