The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 04, 1939, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salezx, Ortroa, Wednesday Monday January 4, ; 1S33
jLocal News Briefs
- Si te IJcene--Cupld rot,
eff t & good start for 1SU lath
WBlamett yalley, according to
lcmx nst f marriage license is
au4 ty the Vanconrer, Wash., bu
reaac .There are to LeRoy P. Krue
ger, Salem, and jMabeth A. Carter.
Albany; Charter H. Knuth and
Edit E. Jorgenson, both of Sa-
Salem, and Hazel N. Harris, Ore-
cos City; Raymond L. I Holmes,
Albany route I, and Helen 0.
ClelaaeV Tangent route 1; Clifford
WV Steels, Sllverton, and Lydla E.
Klnx of Carlton t Kenneth E. Dod
son and Rohna jMoehnke,,both of
jaoasneutn; josepn jwirnwa, 01
Ecies and Emma L. Daatal, of Mil
waukle; George p. Mabrg, Albany,
mod-Viola. M. Robertson. Portland:
Edwatat A. Scott and Violet I
Dlehnv both of Monmouth; How
ard R. Andrews and Velnla I.
Clayton, both of Dallas; Lyle w
- Geede sad Delilah R. Ames,! both
of Tam City; Gall S. Newsome
and Mary I. Ollyer. both of Cor
TaHis; "Willie Steagall, Spray, and
La Verne Strlckler, Lebanon;
Charles- J.-Sandsness and Leona
B. ; Cnmmlngs, both of Canby;
Howard R. Detrlck. Dundee, and
Madeline F, Roth, Aurora, ana to
Erwin W. Allen, Shedd, and Cora
i L. Clark, Tangent. ;
Lots Florist. 127 N. Lib. 9592.
Fonun. - Scheduled B a a k 1 n
Wright, whose expert leadership
combined -with a fine delivery in
l roe southern accent, has j cre
ated much interest in Salem an
dienees, will conduct another of
a aeries of public forums in the
chamber of commerce quarters
tonight at 7:45. His scheduled
topic 1s: "Politics ana rpmic
in in the Deep boutn.
Auction, iThurs, nite. Woodry's,
Co-ep i Committee A meeting
of the Farmers Union marketing
committee is slated tor i:
o'clock this afternoon at th
chamber of commerce rooms.
I Bortle
Rena Bortle.j 54, at SeatUe Jan
uary ,1. SurriTed by aunts, I Mrs.
Mary I Stiff of Salem and Mrs. J.
H Harper ot Spokane; cousins,
Herbert L. Stiff ot Salem. Mrs.
Freeman Dow ot Salem, E. L.
Stiff of Albany1. Ralph and Harold
j Harper; ot Spokane. Services wUl
j be held from he Clough-Barrick
u chiMl Thursday. January 5, at 10
a.m. Ilntermenit City View ceme
At the residence, route six, Salem,
v - tJ.i. ei.nffa, fl froA
78 years. Husband ot Josephine
Stauffer and father of Joseph
Stanifer of Albany, Dan Stauffer
of Salem. Jacob Stauffe rot Chi
caro. UL. Mrs. Lydia Hofstetter.
Mrs. CaroUne Hanry, Mrs. Emma
Hersch and Miss Alma Staurrer,
all of Salem. ! Announcements lat
er by the T. Rlgdon company
! ' Hoffnell "
Klicabeth Hoffnell. late resident
of Turner, passed away in this city
Jannarv S at the age ot 61 years.
Wifefct William B. Hoffnell of
- Turner, mother of John Morris of
- Laxlnrton. NeUle McDermitt
ot West' Virginia, Robert Morris
of California. Ohio, Thornton
Hoffnell of Calif ornU, Paul M.
, Hoffnen of Due or,' Calif. Six
grandchildren) alstf surriTe. Me
morial serrices will be held from
. the Rcwedale Friends church Fri
day,! January 6, at -J p.m. Rot.
Walter Cook will officiate. Con
- eluding serrices in Rosedale cem
etery under direction ot the Walk
er V Howell Funeral home. j
Larry Gen Weathers; infant
ann of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Weathers: of. toute 7, Salem, Jan-
uar- 2. at-the age of three days.
Survived by parents and grand
parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Jim jonn
son and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley
Weathers; all of Salem. Announce
ment of funeral later by walker
4 Howell.
RMrn -G. iBrowh at Oakland
CallL, January $ at the age of
7 a Tun. Survived bv sister. Mrs.
r. M. CerinS of Oakland: . half -
sUter, Mrs. (Jretchen Johnson ot
Portland; half-brother, Kenneth
Brown ot California; stepmotner.
Mm. Kittle Brown ot Portland;
sister-in-law, Mrs. H. H. Ollnger
f Salem; cousins, Mrs. Folger
Johnson ot
Jessie Bass
Portland and Miss
of Seattle. . Serrices held
fromthe ' Clough-
Barrick chaoeli Thursday, January
a, at i:s p.
v: . jKarstem .
jars. Anna uusten, January s
at the residence. 1244 Lee streeL
at the are ot S7 year. SurriTed
by on. William, Hugo.' Lew and
Walter Xarsten. all ot Salem, and
John and Albert Karsten, both of
Manntnr. - Iai: daughters. Mrs.
Katherine Walcher of Eugene and
Mrs. Minnie Gnstafson of Qoid
wni firm' tnmr hratbera.- John
Opperman ot Manila, '- Iowa, Har-
. I- . . . mm
Tey upperman oi aunneaoui, n tu
1am Opperman - ot South' Dakota
, and Albert Opperman ot Manning
Tonight and Thursday
And v ..Unl fl
Special SA Revival Rev. W. E.
Cox of the Portland Bible Instl-
tut will lead a aerie of meetings
for the I Salration Army commen
cing v tonight at 7:10 p. m. Rt.
Cox 1 well known on the Pacific
coast, harlng conducted serrices
for many years In Tarioaa ehareh-
es. He is a convincing speaker,
bringing a sane,- wholesome mes
sage. Special music will be pro
Tided by the 8alvation Army band
and songsters. The pnbuc is in
vited. I , ' ; j
Trees topped, pruned, 7892. i
Two J Cat Hands First ; aid
men yesterday treated two pa
tients for severely cat hands,
Klasa causinr both injuries. Earl
I.oore, CCC enrolee at the neaa-
onartera on the penitentiary
toad, suffered a badly gashed
hand when he shored it through
a window. Harold Holland, 15,
ot 895 Bellevue, required eight
stitches in a hind he shoved
through a swinging door at Les
lie junior high school.
For lowest rates on farm fire in
surance, see Wm. Bliven, 215 Ma
sonic Bldg. Ph. 7906.
Two to Build Building per
mits were granted yesterday for
two new buildings, being written
to Ed Forward for al-story,
$3750 dwelling at 1595 Norway,
aiid to Amanda A. Wicklander
lor a one-story, $1900 dwelling
and garage at 1115 ura!. Other
permits were to: Roberc Sulli
van, to alter and repair a dwell
irxg at 2305 iNorth Liberty, $200,
and Ray Stumbo, to Tepalr a 1
t.tory dwelling at 930 Tamarack,
$300. ,
Pequot Sheet Sale at Miller's!
Psalm Illustrated The Shep
herd Psalm illustrated is the top
ic for the Unity Class, meeting in
the Marion hotel. Wednesday
night. Miss Olive Stevens Is the
leader. .
Iowa: sister. Mrs. Bertha Vehrs
of Manning, Iowa. Funeral an
nouncemenU later by the Clough
Barrick company.
j Albert
Josenh H. Albert, 70, at the
residence, 245 North winter
treet. January 2. Survived by
widow. Mrs. Jessie , U. Aioen;
daughters, Mrs. Mary Jane Eoff
of Salem, Mrs. Josephine Albert
SDaulding of Dallas; sisters, Mrs.
Blanche Rogers of Salem, Mrs
Myra Wiggins of Seattle: brother,
Harry E. Albert of Portland;
grandchildren, Joseph Irwin Eoff
ot Salem, Doris Helen and Jean
Holman Spaulding of Dallas. Serr
ices will be held from the First
Presbyterian church ! Wednesday
January 4, at 10:30 a. m., with
Dr. Henry Marcotte and Dr. Bruce
R. Baxter officiating. Clough-
Barrlck comoanr 1rlll be in
Bayne :
John Bayne, 75, at a local bos
nltal January 1. Late resident ot
414 Bellevue street. : Survived by
widow, Mrs. Althea B. Bayne;
daughters, Miss Agnes C. Bayne
nf Salem and Mrs. : Florence a
Mathews ot Portland; son, Ken
neth Bayne of Salem; brother,
William Bayne of St Paul, Ar
kansas; four grandchildren. Serv
ices will be held from the ciongn
Barrick chapel Wednesday, Jan
nary 4; at 2 p. m., with Interment
at City View cemetery. Dr. W. C.
Kantner and Rev. Robert Hutcn
inson will officiate. Ritualistic
serrices will be in charge of Sa
lem lodge, No. 4, AF, & AM. Cas
ket will be open to friends until
2 p. m. Wednesday.
III. ..IfhiWi
I if V.--. r
Tobacco! Cache Foand A each I
consisting of is , boxes of cigars
and t six i cartons fi of elraretus, I
fonnd near the Base road abottl . " 1 '' ' I ing set for 10 a. to January I, pe
a mile and a half west ot Ro- C1-. EjJL s - 1 ltltion of A. J. Barham, admlnis-
dal yesterday by a boy who noti-1
tied th sheriffs otflc. has not!
a yt be ai identified with any I ,
blackberry bushes. - I
West Salem Meeting Wst
Salem Townsend club No. 1 will
resume its ' meetings Thursday
eight, January 5. at the city
halL Speakers and other
ipeakers and other pro- two montU by circuit Jndge L. G. I
numbers aaye jbeen Ml.miU.. h.A. mtmrXmr. Dates
talned for the meeting,' starting I
aitd th. nbHe are ri tA at-
slid t
tend : v"
Clak a Tonight A. busineaa I
Srr"S. S.JSre-SS
rr,"k.,t.r V "rr I
- 7n .! xn -v I
land school. The Keuer quartet
ill sine iahd readinca will be
mesented Mr. Harrr Green.
; I
Pequot Sheet Sale at Miller's!
setter, a maie: is in ine aaiem i
i;.ii,i.;.i TiT-i f ,.
" r: ;, r,r;;r." I
there Monday when picked up,
suffering with a, broken leg.
Round Table Meet The month-1
iy Scout Master's' Round Table
discussion will be held tonight
at 730 o'clock ' in the fireolace
room of the: public library with
Rex Sanford, district commission-1
er, presiding,
Ladd Gets : License A marriage 1
has oeen issued to Tnomas w. 1
wv 1
LaddJ 62. Salem, and Ora Ladd, I
59, Eugene, according to a dla-1
ratch from Crescent City, Calif.
Sanderson Tuesday was appoint-1
by Gorernor Charles H. Mar-j
'n-i.w. . .
tin justice or toe peace oi tne i
Freewater district.
Chimney Fire A flue blase at
104815th street was extinguished
yesterday by firemen.
9;n TAAfr;na a.
TT I of rlianihoi.nZ Z Jr. "
Held at lhainner inhuman treatment alleged.
' .... .1
Two hundred and sixty meet-
tags were held inthe chamber of
commerce rooms by rarious clubs
and I organisation ot the state,
county and city daring the last
four i months of 1S3S. Manager
Fred D. Thlelsen report.
The heaviest use came daring
October, when 8$ different meet -
lngs were held at the chamber:
Glenn To Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Glenn, Rt, 2, Salem, a daugh -
ttr. i Mtrr Lee( born December
29 at the Bungalow Maternity
Jackson To Mr. and Mrs, Al -
bert L. Jackson, ; Monmouth, a
daughter, ioris Ann, corn ue -
cember 23 at the Salem General
hospital, f i j
Basel To Mr. and Mrs. Henry I Products company et al; demur
A. Hazel. 2130 North 4th, a aon, rer to answer defendant P. N.
William Dale, born December
2S at the Salem General hospital.
Doty To Mr. and Mrs. Thorn -
as J. Doty, 1690 North Cottage,
a aon. John Gary, i born Decern-
ber zv at tne eaiem uenerat noa -
I Mnrray To Mr. ana Mrs. uoy
u. Murray. Kt. z saiem, a oaugn-
tr, Winifred Elizabeth, born De-
cember ZS at the saiem uenerai
hospital. 1 : !
! Garrison To Mr. and Mre
Lawrence E. Garrison, Aumsville,
v aon, Lawrence Edwin, born De-
ccmoer i at me .ueaconess no -
Pitai. ; j
I smitn 10 sr.' ana but, w
wood L. Smith. Gervals, a daugh
ter, ' Mary I Lee, born December
25 at the Bungalow Maternity
V Jiff V- ' Wt Bcott ax
sH.m 1 1 tlT IVi fltt P1H2 V"-
JUiiiaxir y iiauiva w i
r" -I, Tl i
- , - I
Nine Case. WiU Be Held
Dorins Next 2 Month .L
Daring Next 2 MontliA
by Department i f
Nine equity department cases I
wcid ssesa a,aa mAaeaha uis ss
- - i
. A r m -1- f..HMjiA r. it
" fw.uv.
change t. Truek Insurance a.x-
cauuf;rfi., nui.fciu.r
son: Feb. , Meoonsias rs. ironit .
vVYl. . Ble.: I
rh a.4 matter of Elder e
tate; Feb. 27, matter John Pe-
ter Schaettr maroianship; larcn
1. Savaae ra. Miller. ; - I
in rw.tiinv hnitinr . hla I
.,, iionaeeieantnr. continued I
- . i
cer; Marshall ts. Maranau. irice
vs. Vlnyard. Beechler ts. Parrlsh,
-Ting, and U239.S7 ; In
vs. O'Brien. Marion connty vs. I
Peoples Cooperative 1 Telephone l
Co., McClnre vs. Hage, Burgoyne I
its. Burgoyne, Farrin Ts. Farrin.
j Havemann ts. Scamanj Carter vs. I
I Carter, Evans ts. Miller, Curtis I
ts. Leedy, matter or revocation 01
cream testers license 1 ror u. n. 1
reisers, lag sauaay, .uaxier va.i
Baxter, Chiidera ts. KSTanaugn.
j j m v,iinipninH: nnnrninr. u m uiTiaiun 1
vl, S,,;,C f I
miiiincu niuiincui 1
; ; I
iri1 " case y.
cjvinney tgmSi w!ruB.t,
"r w" "u
n ... w .
of Meda Passage vs. Kathryn
Gunnell, for recisslon of a con-
tract to ouy tne unnneii-nouo
photo studio.
Circuit Court
Charlea Nelson Marshall va.
Anna 8. Marshall; answer and
croaa - eomnlaint aakinff for dl -
voree. custody of minor daughter.
Z .. tnA .ti ..4
25 a month for the child's sup-
"" ... - '
complaint for divorce, custody of
two children. $30 a: ntonth for
their support; crual and i Inhuman
treatment alleged; married at Cul-
bertson, Mont, in 1924.
Delia Fay Hackett T. James E.
I Hackett; decree granting plain-
tiff divorce, custody of a minor
1 son and $20 a month for his sup-
I port.
Fercy . sparnawK ts. Sidney
v . . .. .
elevens ei ai; oraer xixing
nlaintiff'a costs at 142.70.
Ora D. Burrls ts. Salem Gener -
jal hospital; answer alleging any
I inlnriea tmMtmI hf nl.lntlff--wpr
I not defendant's fault because she
retained her own nurse and, fnr-
I ther. that, beinr a charlUble in -
stltntlon, the defendant ia not re-
1 sponsible for its employes or
I agents' acts.
I M. T. Molsan rs. Salem By-
Yerda L Arms rs. Arthur W.
I Arms; formal divorce decree.
I granted defendant; plaintiff gir
I en custody of a minor son and de -
1 ienaam oraerea to pay siv a
I monin towara m cnua support.
i John Toeiie vs. mm ma uurts;
aemurrer overruiea.
! Freda E. Wagner ts. Terslllejto which; was added $4.50 costs
Dejardln; demurrer sustained;
1 0 days to amend.
i Probate" Court
J R TTnriarwfWuf aatata- nritcrt
i appointing Ralph Underwood ad-
1 minlstrator of $1500 real prop -
erty esUte and C. R. MeClellan,
It's a whirlwind of romance-on-tht-runl . It's a Hur
ricane of laughs! ... It's a Tornado' of tropic trarell
... It's a Typhoon of whirling; tarffl-packed1 action!
rS T
-v-. ; -t:::
HIT. NQ. a.
. mncle Sain, the
Good Neighbor
Jo Scott and Herbert Martin ap-
. Walter J, Barhaa estate: hear-
trator, to sell real property.
Leland C. Wellman esUte: or-
der approving final account of
"JE00 - :tris
IJohn Znbex esUte: appraisal.
f 14St.2S. by Joseph Zuber, K. A.
Dltter and George H. Bell.
. . '
""T Nebion EarlaM Dane
n Roy Nelson, Earle-M. Dane
a. . m mmmmk. a &
inn lwai unni. irninuiii:
lolnt will Imtm MtAta tn widow
... . . . ....
tort me ana resiaae to six caiid-
M RH.tnl .t..- hMrnr
8. Bristol, administrator.
I Charlea E. Kaufmann esUt:
Hannah A. Kaufmana named
jf Elenor
uon witn real property saie.
Closins decrees: Bessie Jane
Temple, estate, Averill J. Mitchell
, noa-
Winifred Dayton Lewis estate:
checking , accounts at Ladd A
Bush bank, $7000 in treasury and
postal savings certificates, 12000
in real property and balance in
automobile, personal effects and
$95 worth of fire arms; George E.
waters, E. c. Halley and Arthur
h. Moore, appraisers.
Oiarriaee L.lCenSS
I Lester E. Wray. 22. UbulaUnr
. ana ranees aaame oner-
tMati 1 w . w w k 1 wrr r nr ksiaih i
S""' I 1
( ; justice won
James O. Rose; pleaded gull
ty of larceny of bicycle, from Bob
I bation.
Eddie Elmer Ferrenburg; $1
nce iniDenaea. bix mouu orv
i flne defective muffler.
I. Lloyd Peter Henry; $1 tine, 11-
legal headlight.
Clyde William Weaver; contln-
ned to January 10, defective muf-
Ernest Carl Elfstrom; $1 fine.
I TTmr r. Harrold: tl fine, de -
defective muuier.
fMth. muffler
'"vnald C Hinds- S4 fine no
1 v.-W- 1lAAn.a
I -
t 7 i nV automobile
C1,J J J, " 5ii.
catinr lienor: $250 ball furnished.
Grorer L. Bellinger; $1 tine, no
w - -
..ii iio-fct
Mnnirinal rnnrt
Edwin llcClond drnnk: SO
day auspended to .on year's pro-
I oauon.
I j M J . an f . wa ana.
ww uw. "-"
I Tended to leave town.
I Jack Clifford, drunk; 30 days
i suspended to one year's proba-
I tlon.
I Gordon! Lewis, drunk; 30 days
suspended to one year's proba-
1 tlon,
i i
Obsolete license
Using Is Costly
Motorists who neglected to buy
11)1 antAtnnhtl l!inae tiN
1 tnnnA their delar Ttrtnallrl
tripled the cost of the plates.
Four who pleaded guilty ln sa -
Mem justice court to driving with -
cut new nlates were fined S each.
I apiece. The four "were Jasper J.
1 Russell, Christopher Moran,
1 Thomas Henry Harris and Harry
AnthODT BrOCkimO.
The Salem atate police patrol
1 office reported so arrests on u-
" cense lac charges.
It's a SwcU Show!
V.'fTII ;
as r: : : m-r : ; hi:tt ...i
Farmer Union
Plans Hospital '
L. ....... -..,Lrll :
Assoc lAtion Would Build
$80,000 Strnctnre as
1 Headqnarten
Incorporation plans for the
Oregon Farmers . Union Coopera
tive Hospital association, whose
headquarters will be In Salem,
were approved at a meeting here
yesterday and tentative plans tor
a $71,000 to 180.000 three-story
hospital building studied. Arti
cles of incorporation will be tiled
In the near future, Herman E.
Lafky, Farmers Union adviser,
The cooperative hospital will be
located nearest to a majority of
the ; association's members. To
date sites in Salem, Mt. Angel and
McMlnnvllle have been consid
ered. ' Officers of the association are
S. Hamrlck, Salem, president;
Eben Ray, Willamina, secretary
treasurer, and directors, Harley
Libby, Jefferson; W, L. Cham
bers. Linn county; Dr. Edgar S.
Former, Salem; Joseph Bernt. Mt.
Angel; Ernest Werner, Silverton;
John Plass, HiMsboro, and Peter
Zimmerman, Yamhill.
The articles ot incorporation
will empower the association to
contract with physicians, sur
geons, dentists and nurses for
services to its members at reduced
cost, patients may be accepted at
:Z"' . "7i r"' w.i HY"t 1
11 a. 1
plaM fop tne propOBed building
. .
were drawn oy r. h. struoie, sa
lem architect.
fi CI
Trucking Rights
ReTlval of a bill to exempt
farmers from the operation of the
motor transportation act will be
sought at the coming legislative
session, a joint Grange-Farmers
Union legislative commltt
1 agreed at a meeting here yester -
day. A measure similar to the
Ellis bill which died ln committee
I at the 137 session waa favored.
it wonld mnt th fim th rirht
to transport his own produce with-
I out being aubject to th nubile
u"tieg commission.
I I'AMirtHfaafaan t k
mwuM ircuu'" l u .
uiwuin wen agn igmvHtu ua
?i"tr"it!"luV"" 81
Plass and Zimmerman for the
Th rodii ilu dlwnuil nawr
I ' 1
1 district legislation hnt announced
no conclusions.
Hazlett Retails
Corporation Job
Governor Charles H. Martin
I Tuesday announced the reappoint-
ment of James H. Haslett, demo-
crat, as state corporation commis-
Haslett was appointed for a
four year term ending January T,
if 3. Prior to entering the state
""i" ,Haile" Practiced Uw at
ngga wre r. n wrrer UB lira
in the state senate. Haxlett orlg-
""7 w yjwuim siaie corpora-
1 uwu -cwiamuaiuuer m in
1 un aammistrauon.
Starts Thursday
ssdhspss arts mnst fssw.1
th air. Is a.
Tsk r sri far sTs CCst
. Cssst a4 ssfsy ttw stars sad
f s
-Ghost Town RidenT
. . See M l, '
r tn sewsuui snuua amu
v r- .-x" Plas
11 r . COCBTi ..Wis,
Call Board
1 ciiK'jvd i '
Today-l,Th.iH;k "foe Every-
thin?" with Jack Oakie,
AdnlnTiP M: !i Inn Jack Ha-
ley, ana Arvn w neian.
Friday- L or, itt Young.
Richard Greene In "Ken-
tucky," filmed in technl-
Today Double
Tro Win Am- with
Frederic March an" Joan
Bennett and "Exiced'
with Glenda Barren and
Otto Kruger. '
Today 4- Double bill, "Heart
of the North" with Dick
Foran and Gloria Dickson
and "juvenile C o i r t "
with Paul Kellr and Fran-
Via Ttarrn ! oh an tor 1(1
Dick Tracy aerial.
Thursday Double bill. "A
Man to Retnuuber" with
Anne Shirley and Edward
Ellis and Bob Baker in
"Ghost Town Riders."
Today Double bill. Sonja
Henie and Richard Green
in "My Lucky Star"' and
Rod LaRoqne and Astrid
Allwyn in "International
Crime." Mickey Mouse
cartoon. j
Thursday for! adults only,
"Assassin of Youth" and
"Spy 77" with Gieta Nls-
sen. 1 - i
Today Family night,
double bill, Edith Fellows
and Leo Corrfllo in "City
Streets" and "Bulldog
Drummond in Africa" with
, John Howard and Heather
Friday Mickey Rooney and
: .rt.T. :
Rites Set Today
For John Bayne
1 I
Funeral services for
Eayne. prominent Salem
who died here! Monday will be
i.nntnotAi t n.m. from the
Clough-Barrick ;chapel. The Rer.
Robert A. Hutchinson and Dr.
W. C. Kantner wiU officiate
. . w
I Honorary pallbearers sto jus-
.! Pcrrv KalleT and Georae
Rossman oi th state supreme
court; Dr. R, Lee Stelner, G,
G. Brown. H. N. Hoover, C. M
Inman, O. L. Fisheri R. J. Hen
dricks. William Neimeyer ana
Walter E Keyes.
Eccles in Capital
To Assume Duties
- i -
David W. Eccles, Portland, ap-
( pointed executlre secretary and
I state budget director by Governor-
elect Charlea A. Sprague. arrived
I her i Tuesday to aasnm his new
duties. His official term win not
We Shndder to : I
Think It Can "J-i--.
Happen to Oct whtA.,
Sons and S v
DaughUrs! ,) V
JDies in South
- .. . a... s ..
Was . Executive of State
Land Board or 33
j x Years in Salem j
I !.'' " I'
Seorge G. Brown, 70, execu
secretary ot the Oregon state
land board for S3 yeare, died in'
an (Oakland, Calif., hospital yes
terday morning after an , oper
ation performed Saturday He
wad taken ill shortly after arriv
ing! ln Oakland where 1 he had
tone on Dcmbr 15 to spnd th
holidays with a sistre,' Mrs. F.
M. Cerini. .1
. Mr. Brown, who retired two
years ago from the position of
secretary of. the land board, had
been connected with the state for
over 40 years.
j Service Set Thursday .
Services will be held from the.
Cloaga-Barrlck chapel Thursday.
January 5, at 1:30 p.m.
Born in Salem, March 25,
1868, to J. C. and Narcissi Wal- '
do Brown, he was the -son of a-
pioneer hardware merchant and
the nephew of Judge John Waldo -
and; Judge William Waldo, early
Oregon jurists. He married. Miss
Ruth Matthews 48 : years ago.
Mrs. Brown died Aurust 4, 1926.
j Active In Lodge
Mr. Brown was a past grand
master of the Masonic lodge in
this state and alsaa member of
thej Scottish Rite Masons, Knights
Templar and Elks, j He was a
member of the First Congrega
tional church.
Survivors include: his sister.
Mr. F. M. Cerini of Oakland,
Calif.; half-sister, Mrs. Gretchea
Johnson ot Portland; h.-.lf-broth-er,
Kenneth Brown ; ntepmother.
Mr. Kittle Brown of Portland;
nepbew. Earl Brown ot Califor
nia; cousins. Mrs. Folger John-
con ot Portland. Miss Jessie Bass
Seattle; sister-in-law, Mrs. H.
Ollnger of Salem.
Xounger Chamber
Hears Hutchinson
Rev. Robert A. Hutchinson ot
the First Congregational, church
of; Salem was the speaker for
the junior chamber' ot commarc
luncheon meeting held Tuesday
in the senior chamber rooms.
His theme tor discussion was
'The Recipe For Success" and
was woven around the three fun
damental virtues making up a
successful career vision, roU
tien and j venture.
I Ha praised the formation ot
the Salem junior chamber, which
las Just recently been organised
and commented on the usefulness
this body has been In other cit-
fo. j -. .
begin until January t.
Governor-elect Sprague said
Eccles arrival ln Salem Tuesday
would giro him an opportunity to
become familiar with the 1S3
40 budget prior to th tim th
lit! legislature conrenes.
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