PAGE TEN Ilia 02EG0N STATESMAN, Salerv Oregon,! Wedaesdaj llorainx, January 4, 193 4- r2ayor Names - Committeemen Alderman O'Hara Chosen to Head Committee on . Police; Traffic i : : i .:'.!' ; SeVenteen standing council MmnitiMi to : administer ." the city's business during the eom- tag year were appointee py major W. W. Cbadwick at his first meeting a the city's exeeutiTe. : rtt OffaraJ dean of the council, wm appointed ehalr- biu o( the important commute en police, traffic and license, and Mtafiuut chairman of the ways and means committee; while Ross ' Goodman,' former police commit ' " tee chairman, was assigned - to head the fire department commit tee, f ' -"""-V ;i j' ' ' v The appointments were aa fol- ., low: : J li '-.-'If' . i.Mniiti iiiil !rnrrent ' Ex penses: Arthur 0. DaTlson, Da- Yld. O'Hara, o. u. tear . Airport and Artatlonij Frank IB Loose, Lawrence K. j Brown, Wil lis Clark. . i- N Bridges and Approaches: Willis Clark. 8. B. Laugilin, I Frank P. Marshall. r 1 "-h " 1 Building - Regulations: James H. Nicholson, C. F. "French, Frank P. Marshall. , - I s : lire Department:! Ross Good man, 8. B. Laughlin. Glen Gregg. Health and Sanitation: Mrs. G. T. Lobdell, E. Bl Perrlne, James H. Nicholson. i Lights and Electric Signs: Law rence Brown, Fraik E. Loose, f Mrs. G. F. Lobdell. I ' Ordinance: Si ' IB.-. Laughim Derld O'Hara. C F. French Police, Traffic- Herniations and licenses: - David O'Hara. Fransrt Marshall. James Nicholson Printing: Mrs. G. F. Lobdell, D. O. Lear. S. B. Laughlin. Public Building and Incinera Frank Loose, Frank Mar tori E. B. Perrlne, Ross Goodman. j Public Utilities shall, Glen Gregg, Lawrence " Brawn. Public Parks. Plarrround and Band: C. F. French. Ross Gcod- man, Mrs. G. F, Lobdell. j Rules and Revision of Minutes: IX O. Lear, Arthur, O. DaTlaon, .Lawrence Brown. J y.i...- 1 Sewerage and Drainage: - Glen Gregg, James H. Nicholson, Frank Loose. ,- .,. . I k i . Streets: E. 0. perrlne, D. Q. Lear. Willis Clark. I Wars and I Means: D a v 1 d O'Hara, Arthur O.t Davison. Ross Goodman. Jim Smith Again At County Office Jim' E. Smith returned , yester day to the countyl couit'a office to assume the! position of county commissioner j to "which he i was elected la Norember. He quit the gam position Toluntarlly four years ago after 1? years in of fice. 1. f - '".! ' The sew commissioner's first official act was the approval with other- court numbers of bonds for Constables. Harley Johnson of Mehama, Albert M. Amo of Ellvertofl, J. T. Jones of Jefferson j and j W. C. Miller t , Hubbard and tJustice of the Peace E. E. Howell r Jefferson. Commissioner Smith ordered hi desk transferred from the private room j where it had been moved by Leroy Hewlett, his pre decessor, to the Icocrt chamber where Judge J. C. Roy 8. Meleon business, - j Siegmund and transact ( their Eastern Educator To Speak at WU Dr. t Harold S. Qulgley, head f the political Science depart ment at the University of (Minne sota, will $ be the guest speaker at the Willamette university cha pel exercises Thursday morning at 11:20 o'clock. pr. Quigley is Yislting In Salem and is the guest f his I parents. Rev. and , Mrs. Georg H.Qulgley ; Dr. Quigley holds bis j PhD trom the University of Wisconsin and was a Rhodes jscholcr at Ox ford university. He has. lived and taught in the orient and is a well knows authorlatlve on f our; rela tions with the far east. Dr. Quig ley is editor of nume.ous books a far eastern affairs as well as lecturer. -His subject for. the chapel address is "What Chance Baa Chtaa., r.ff just Lucky? AUbousa ttiountaineera called lus , feat the "most remarkable ta t Llstory of soountain climbing on . .tils continent, : Edwin Matsom ..(aiove), C3, of' Denver, who was the first to scale the sheer east face of 14,255coot Long's .- Peak in winter, 'called himself , .rjust lucky,?, , i m i ill i L , - 1 Wreckage of This wreckage' is all that remained after the Hamilton Field, CaL, bomber crashed in TJniontowa, ATuu, bringing death' to seven aboard. Investigators are stodylng tbe theory that tbe ship mar have been de stroyed by bolt of lightning. Possible sabotage also was being probed. When the huge plane crashed It exploded; blasting; wreckage and bodies over a 00 yard area US photo. ' at Prison Damaged by Gale i Monday night's high vlndhere ripped the roofs off from three flax sheds at the j Oregon state penitentiary, and cuused other lees serious damage. Tbe loss was estimated at $9000. Part of one roof was carried tor a distance of more than 500 feet. Officials said . all three of the sheds would have to be re built. 1 If there was any material dam age to the flax stored in the sheds this will not be deter mined definitely until it has been sorted by; prison inmates. Some of the flax was said to have been soaked byj the rain. ' ' Officials said the high wind in the penitentiary district might have been the tail-end of the so called cyclone which struck in dependence, Polk county, a few minutes earlier. Audit Completion j (Due During Week - ! The detailed audit made of the Marion county treasurer's office during the past three weeks has not yet been reduced to writing but probably will be completed and 'filed with the county court before the week closes, 8. W. Starr, chief of the auditing divi sion of the secretary of state's department, reported yesterday, i The grand jury, which will study the report in connection with Its investigation of the f 23, 03 S discrepancy alleged by the auditors to- exist la the treasur er's office, will reconvene today and attend to other matters un til the supplementary audit is submitted. Program, Dance On Elks' Slate Entertainment unique in char acter will feature the program at the Salem Elks lodge, Thursday, January 6th, when the members of tbe Salem Indian School will give Indian dances in native cos tume, tribal songs and boxing and wrestling matches. The program is being furnished through the courtesy of Paul Jackson, school superintendent. The next Elks club dance will be held Saturday night, January 7th. These dances have proven very popular. They are carried out in night club style and reser vations for tables must be made in advance, for members and their Invited guests only.' Scojuts Slake Hike To Mountain Lake Three scouts. Bob Day,.; scout master of troop 2, Cliff Lents, assistant scout master, troop 4, Starr Reed,; explorer scout, troop 4, and Mr. Chamberlain took an Interesting trip to Camp Pion 0 !N5 I N I . . - . JU JJANKLNG SERVICE at the United States National forms, one of toe important working parts in this community V f business, indnstrial and agricultural activities, -also in indi-j miiiu uiruu as pivTHics we wus inu ireqnenuT we means for handling countless types of transactions necessary in v making money 4-nd in safely conserving one's jresourcea' ' V welcome the opportunity, of showing you how it is possible to gear toe eexviees - ; alen Dsrancb of Bomber That Claimed 7 Lives eer, over the weekend. They left late Saturday afternoon and stay ed all night at Marlon Lake. They skied six miles into Mar ion Lake from Marion Forks on the- North! Santlam1 highway where there was six Inches of snow. At Marion Lake there was 30 Inches snow and at Camp Pioneer over 30 lnchts of snow. Weather conditions were .ex tremely bad and they were at the lake in the midst of winter thaw. i Mother of Three Admits to Guilt Helen Reid, mother of three children, including twine less than a year old, pleaded guilty in justice court here yesterday to a charge of obtaining money by false pretenses and is bound over to the grand Jury. She was returned to the county deten tion room in default of $1000 bail. The J complaint, signed by R. B. Duncan, charged Mrs. Reid secured $320 worth, of furniture from the H. L. Stiff Furniture company last September If and gave a check In payment al though she had only $60 in the bank. Her husband, George Reid, a ho is serving a 30-day Jail sen tence In the Clark county jail at Vancouver, Wash., on a check charge, will be returned here later to face a eharge of passing a bad check at Sally's shop here. Lane PUD Report Is Due Thursday i : A report of the state hydroelec tric commission on the feasibility of the proposed Lane county peo ples utility district will be re leased Thursday, C h a r l.e s E Stricklln, secretary, announced Tuesday. ! The proposed district would in clude virtually all of Lane county except the city of Eugene and ter ritory) already served by Its mu nicipal electric plant. Kitchen Removed To Mother's Home Robert Kitchen, who was se verely injured last Nov. 19 In an auto-truck collision near Brooks that was fatal to his younger bro ther,. Marshall William, and Glen Nash, yesterday was mdved from the hospital to his mother's home. Other than being weak from his month and a half hospitaliza tion. Kitchen was reported In ex cellent condition and spirits, Ex-Offidah Being Held In Union Fund JShortage OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 3-fl)-Gordon Fowler and William Tyr rell, former official of the AFL General Construction and Labor ers union (local 3 0 4 ), were ar rested oa charges of ; joint con spiracy iand grapd theft today la connection with a shortage in union, funds.. . ,.k :C;:';.;: j. wHimiiiv SERVICE ox tela sank to yumr own parnenlar repireaaesjts. Soilless Garden ! Club to Organize , Soilless gardens, interest in which is reported increasing in Salem, . have made their appear ance here and a public meeting to organize the Salem Chemical Gar den club has! been called for Thursday, January 5, at 7:3d p. m. in the public library fire place room. Earl J. McLaughlin of 864 MU1 street, who Is , forming the club, states that the1 organization wiil provide a local agency from which those interested in chemical gar dens may obtain information on how to mix cultnre solutions, use of containers, and general help. It is claimed, said Mr. McLaugh lin, that 25 bushels of potatoes have been grown over a wooden tank ten feet long, 30 Inches wide, and ten Inches deep. Spraker Will Edit Paper at Stayton ! 8TATTON, Jan. 3. Purchase of the Stayton Mail, weekly news paper here, was announced today by Lawrence E. Spraker. The pur chase was made from Hal Cuff el, who has operated the newspaper for three years. i Mr. Spraker, who previously published the Condon Globe Timesfor 11 years, has been pro prietor oi me star tneatre nere since September, 1937, and will continue to operate that business as well as the newspaper, with the assistance of Mrs. Spraker. . They will publish their first Is sue of the newspaper this week. State UCC Office Starts new Year Start of business for 1939 Tues day found the state unemployment compensation commission's bene fit fund just $678 larger than on January 2, 1938, beginning of the benefit payment year. Tuesday's balance was 15,824. 230. A year ago it was $5,823,552 During the year approximate ly 93,000 original claims' were filed and of'these 80,000 were al lowed, f Total disbursements to eligible covered unemployed workers was $5,916,398. This amount was dis tributed in 532j52S checks and the job insurance was participa ted in by every section of the state, officers said. Garner P-ays Call On Sen. Holman - United States! Senator Rufns C. Holman yesterday " telegraphed Governor Charles H. Martin that Vice President Garner, democrat, called on him. Holman is a repub lican. , ; Governor Martin said he previ ously had requested Garner to see Holman "to bring him Into camp. a if iMniirrnv A a j mum i ii i i c nrcniriiiTiinc i 2A IHlairl AT ! ! 1 .1 - - , 1 I Cigar Store's Safe-Gracked Burglar Takes 9115 From - Pastime's Strong. Box Irat Cute Hand The Pastime cigar store at 121 8onth Commercial, operated by & B. CaldweU and F. T. Price: was burglarised of between tile and $125 in cash early yes terday morning. The burglar was believed by Janitor Fted Hoff man to have . been frightened away .when he came to work shortly before S o'clock. ! .Fresh : blood, apparently from a cut hand sustained by the bur glar in breaking in through a rear window, coupled with the fact that the burglar did not take another money bag con taining between $400 and $500, leade both Hoffman and inves tigating police to the belief that the. intruder was at work when Hoffman entered the Commercial street door. i The money was taken' from the safe after the burglar had work ed the i combination. Blood was cn the floor near the safe and a trail of blood led from the safe to the rear window some j 50 feet from the safe. That the burglar was familiar with the premises was believed sbown by the facts he jiggled the pin from iron doors that sep arate the rear of the building from the card rom, that he made use of a ladder kept in the rear sector to climb up the 8-foot window, and that he knew the location of the safe. A city officer said last night finger prints had been obtained Belloni Is Made UCC Deputy Here George A. Belloni, formerly in charge of the state unemploy ment compensation office at Marshfleld, is now in charge of the UCC division of the Salem state employment qffice at Cot tage and Ferry streets. Instalment. ilUpT Oppetihei m's I ,4 NEW DAILY SERIAL ( f , Norse GirPsBravery Lauded oHuuiuu miki, 10, uaHguicr m vapun liernnara jjarscn oi me m fated radio-leas Norwegian freighter Smaragd, was landed recently for her bravery fa keeping the spirits of the crew baoyed while their Teasel was adrift in a gale 000 miles from Norfolk, Va. She sang songs and cheered the men while they were facing a losing : battle with the raging elements. Id photo, j - Belloni succeeds J. R. Weller, transferred j to centra! office headquarters of tho commission. The new chief deputy served two years in the Coos.Bay sector, one with the employment service and one as chief deputy of the claims section. MarchfieH is one of the busiest offices In the state. Rand New Chief Supreme Justice John L. Rand, for many years a member of the state supreme court, Tuesday became chief jus tice of that body. He succeeds Justice Henry L. Bean, oldest member of the court both with relation to age and length of service. The weekly batch of opinions, usually handed down on Tuesday, will not be released until Wednes day, officials said. 6 ! ! y, I taking plan GST ! Once again E. Phillips Oppcnheim scores with an amazing story replete with stirring adventure, breath-taking mystery and romance. You wijl recog. nize Hillstrom of Germany, Tring of England, and Cbrletti of Italy. Your scalp will tingle as you see the weaving of a "web of worlddeintiiffSe threatening all civilization. Follow the Envoy Extraordinary the tangled threads of destiny; follow him as he escapes death ENVOY EXTIORDINARY will hold you enthralled sgins Januajcy jjj 1 ' . .' """ -;Vir " -f . ." ''t.'.'v " '"-.''"'V.-.i'r.s, ' ; .-'J-.r'-'J t'i ' ' Drivers' Gasses To Wind up Soon i . . ' : A practice drive under police supervision is scheduled! to wind up instruction In the safe driv ing school which has been held here for the past six weeks under the sponsorship of Secretary of State Earl Snell. with the adult class assembling at the Smith street entrance of the fairgrounds at 9 a. m. Saturday and the high school class one hour later. All those who attended the classes hare made marked prog' ress, according to the instructor, and many of them have become proficient enough to take a test for- an operator's permit. Since the first class they hare learned and practiced starting and stop ping, backing, turning, signaling, parallel parking, and starting on hills. 'An amazing novel of love, ruthless intrieue, to seize world V. i ! - l! .i; 4 PM Hendricks Is (Continued from paga 1) -toning commission, Harry 17 Dr. H. H. Ollnger, Dr. Jobi IV Lynch and Clifford JC Parker to' the boxing and wrestling commis sion. Alderman Willis Clahc sue-' ceeded Fred A. Williams as the council's member of the boxing body. George H. Riches was re elected to tbe park board. j New members of the council again raised questions oyer the issuance of beer licenses but 1 16 applications recommended by the license, committee were endorsed. Four others were referred to the committee. - A I Thw city -closed lilt . with $$5,542.14 cash on hand and all funds except one in the black.! A $104,783.11 overdraft was report ed in the bond and interest fund in City Treasurer Paul H. Hsu ser's annual report. - j The boxing and wrestling com mission & reported receipt of $1566.48 for the past year,' with $500 turned into the civic emer gency fund. $627.25 paid out for expenses and $439.23 carried over to the new year. i Oaths of office were taken be fore the meeting by Cbadwick, Alderman Glenn Gregg, successor to Fred A. Williams from the sixth ward, and Alderman A.j 0. D. Davison, who succeeds W. Evans from the fourth. Salvage in Hose; Becomes Possible i . ' ! Possibility of milady retrieving dozens of pairs of silk stockings she formerly discarded because! of "runs" became an actuality i re cently ! with the inauguration' at Miller's of a special new depart ment for hosiery mending, oper ated by -Miss Gladys Poe, an ex pert hosiery mender, formerly as sociated with leading Portland stores. Miss Poe Is considered one of the I; few experts in the art) of "run" fixing who makes the stock ing look like' new. adventurous and a breath- power- as he unravels and finds love. through every "'V ..' '.-.. ! I 3