r .. j jl -s A k Tilt t :" . - f Oaffied Ad JHtaong VmcK: MesMts -to Mtiiffit Buffer amdl Seller 9 SJ ' Statesman -v ' Classified Ads " Call 9101 Classified' AdvertlslBs; Single Insertion per iine...lOe Three insertions per line.. 24 Six iniertlon per llne.....We Ob month per line. .. .ll. Minimum chance ....... . X3e Copy for this' safe seeepled sstli 4: JO the imrnf before paalirati-B for elaaaifWatiea. Cwf receded after this tiawL will be n aaaer toe hcaa lag. 'Tee Lets IS Classify." f TV 8Utemaa mni s s itinas cial reapana'hHitr far irrm wates ,mj ' appear la B4erteemeta p lisaea ia ita eeroaat. aad ta eaecs where this paper U at faalt will re- Rriat that part ot as adrertiaeaicul which the tjrpeZTPhrl ajiatake The SlsUtsiia mertti tke right Is reject gsfaltenabl seftatiiisgi it farther reeerve the right to place all advertialag aader the praper elaeeifl. A Bla4 Ae a U eaUta4a StataaaMB box auaibar for. aa ad jriii la for taa pro taction of tn aoV vartuar mA aaaat taaratore a aa mnc fey Uttar. Taa SMtesaaaa ia at fct abartr ta aMralca iaferaaati aa to taa Mcatitj at aa advarbaar aalag "Blia"' ai. : --rr" Livestock '1 DKAD AND wortnlaaa borsea. eowa. picked ep free. Pn. coiioci mi. oanna. Montgomery Rend. Wka - Help Wanted CASH IN ON SPARK T1MB $30 W EEKLT OR MOKK Uiw Grow muahrooma HOME. Cel lar, ahed aultabta. We buy. aSe Bk. TaaT' rouna ouatimai. --". A made by Mr. & In few weeks $OlU 8PARB TIME. Guaranteed. - Materials Ealafcv 1S31. Writ fnr WREB BOOK. Waahlnaton Mushroom Industries, Dept. 49S 99 1 9 tnd. Seattle, Wsah, tfyi.n nn.n -r --"." M SURPRISING,- NEW mushroom rais ing facta from world" a largest com pany. Book free, i United, i 9849-B Lincoln Avaj Chicago MEN. WOMEN Make $30 weekly growing mushrooms for : ua, cellar, bad. Tear around. Writ today, free book. Western Mushroom On, Dept. D 4. Portland, Oregon. Help Wanted Male MECHANIC. MUST have tools. Ino, 1174 Edgewater, West Sslesa.: Help Wanted Female - WAJITED OFFICE girl experien- - ced ta bookkeeping; sbortnand and typing. Box 334, SUtesman. ' ajtri mjruiji ui i rr i m aj-a - WANTED MIDDLE-AGED woman for light hakp. Call 1351 Bagiamw. vnim mm nmai fraa and no ta 92S weekly showing famous Fashion I Frocks. No experience neeoeo. . rta eanvaaaing. No investment. Send age and dress sise. Fsshkm Frocks, Dept. N-33S. Cincinnati. O. ' SELL PRESSES, low as $L24. Hun dreds seasatloiial barssJns. Actual aample fre. Sead dress sise, ace. Har ford. Dept. 72 3S, CinclnnaU. Ohio. TTNTNCUMBERED LADY, taks in- teres and nasnagameat to small apt. , Bee) me. SSS a. cottage. Jauoa. Sitnatiom Wanted ALERT. SOBER, experienced tana and dairy band wanes $11 per month A good home. Local references. Boa 844. stat - sriJiHtJt MIDDLE-AGED lai wants housalieeplng position. rTt 977S. : ; :: EXP. WOMAN wants br wrk. CS4S. ..' - - -ti. EXP. BEAUTY operator wants po- sltiask E. Snrake. Mahrt Avw Salem. eMaBsaBsskeBkesk WANTED HSWK, Salem or vfctn Itv br ynung. exp. person. Can give ret Zola Houghtaling. 91 Whitman, Ore. ; - -::.-.. I - I For Sale Miscellaneons SUN-FLAM a. OIL beater. $28JS Bsgg Bros, S3S Court. , HOTFOINT RANGE, used, $1S.S8. " YEATER A BUSH , r 12S North ConanssrcJal ' BCLCRKST. SUA vn ua nwm num s and t ealaiwenMmta, 2&e. Coin -only. OuaJ-1 Ity neture Co, bob mtx, jreruann. TRAIL2CR RESTAURANT, bouse traUera, carry alt and stack. Ford ptck- 'BP. sungrs xrsiier axen, sir n. srons. OAS RANGE, regular $205.99 new. at 311.1a. -- - - . YEATER A RUSH CtX. i . - 12S Kortb ComnssrrJnl - -j: ADDING MACHINES, typewritsrs. its. irslis. sales, rentals, re pairs, Boca TypewrUer Ex, 469 Oatrt. FILMS DEVELOPED. 9 prmts snd band colored enlargement. 25c Coin. Oregon Picture Co, box 4299. Portlaad. USED FRIGID AIRE, man like new. $ss.ee. YEATER A RUSH CO. ,J 121 North SODA FOUNTAIN. 479 Conrt 8tv VACUUM CLEANER. $lt$s. 1441 N. Conrl. USED MAYTAG washer, fully rt , cowaltiOBtd. 03100. , CseA Ono-Mhrate washer, t3XS9. YEATER A RUSH CO. - . 12S N. FOB SALE 48" oak dtnlng table, r extension snd chairs, $25. Model Si. l-tobe Zenttb radio, automatic tun teg. SZA. 47S K. Casatol 8treet. i FILMS DaTVELOPED. 9 prints each good BeattvcL 25c coin only, port- land rent Co, box 4212, Portland. Ore. ADVERTISINO . Teaters AdterUslag BspresjgBUtitsw Ban Co, UA Awsetao. Eastern Advertising ; tUprununtatlsoa unrnu at mason. VerfeJDotrolt, - Sarered rt the rator7jo et Antsst Oesen. m'IiiimI Casss Meanw. rusv SlM i aaatasi StrssS, fffkx SB) smt -i " EUESCRlHTtOM P.1TT"! UH eubscrtpUott Eates tn Adraac wun : ta-egant Dnlty and Bonder: Mo. tfeeats; S Ma. SMS: S fcW $3-S: i year ! ausen neto SO cants per ' er $16 tor I year tn advaaee Per coiy 9 reals. Newsstands 6 rests By city Carrion 69 rents a month 1.29 a year In advance la Marion Eloney lo Loan i NOT PRIVATE ! CONVENIENT rSIENOLT PERSONAL haa aaade apeeUl arranmnu to isaka Pareoaal ! Loaae -op te 3 tha qulckaat poaaibla tlmo. Qu4Uy, ot eoarae. Bithoot tha kiad ot as curttr ordlaarilr require a lac w bora. No parmoat tar SS daya araa toncer tf jrou choo thea just smalt coBaaiat atK1x amonnta - Come ta or poena 1 !: -i: -5 -. .---i. - v . Cf! A I RooB It. Kew BHb Bid, Sad IToor I 1J 1V7I-I StS StaU Strett at Htgtt ta.Satam. Orrgoa I FINANCE CO. HERE'S FOR $10 to To Pay What You Owe Can our numey aarvk-o to alart tha NEW YEAR freo from debt If pay. J down, rent $30. S rooma and bath up- ffin! nd low mlleaxa. Yta ramark-t- are too high on your car. furniture, livestock, or other mnnthlv Win. I ataira. rent 820. Near senior high .ffr C .HAL. ISrL stents-1 tracts. SEE US Wo ar oftj.n able to reduce them one half, or more-end yet adranra you addttloaal cash. . . I ---- ---- , , , DAI without oblliptUoo. PEOPLE'S FINANCE Co. Rm. 201. First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon . - - For Rent Rooms LADIIU Ph MIS see H 'Oaetace CLOSE IN. heated. 954 N. Church. LADT TO share say Ph. SS. SHOWERS, ante, ht, does tn. 951 1 ATTR. R1C, flrepL 959 S. OotUga rURH. RMSL. private en trance. 73S rsrry. rn. lies. SLEEPING ROOM. gar. S7S E St. LARGE HEATED Sleeping rooms with home privacy, near capltol bulldinga. 1144 Center. Room and Board RK, BD steam beat. 11SS Oak. TRT MA Bowen's famous meals, s real home. SIS Bellevue. Ph. 8747. FOR - MEN Showers, new - modern home, cloae In walking distance state offices. Also table board. 450 Marion. ekeakesBseajaBsessnkenks S BLOCKS FROM statehouse. large room lor two, steam beat, use Oak. fn, 7iee. RMS. BOARD High. tf desired, 441 N. eBsasnk4eaekBaeaBae RM, BD laundry, $25. 455 N. Cot For Rent Apartments X-2-9 RM3, $S up. 1910 S. 13th. CLEAN 9 ROOM turn, court apt. wtta private) bath, tanadry. gsraga. bus Btrrice.' 1817 Lea St 9 ROOMS, fumlaned. bath. Aecom- todatlons lor trailer nooss. lf Waller. i SEE FISHEH seta. Modernised, newly decorated snd roomy. You'll be delighted. Oak and & Commercial. - MOD. 9 R. APTS, 244 Marion. 9 AND 1 R. APTSL. S3S N. Uberty. 2-2 FRN. RMS. Oar. 1421 N. Church. RM. FURN, ant. very reaaooa UN wt nr. avaUabla. 1299 Oak. Tel. S27S. r I esaSssaiasnaaSjsBaekse APTS-a HOUSE!, srtAtltaV TSS N. Oqbl abSBkenjsBsanM JOULL. WRJ. apt. 645 Ferry. eheeenaejhiitjesa " FURNISHED APT 770 8. Comt FURNISHED 9 ROOM apt da jay TeL 7749. 444 N. Church. SMALL APT 250 8. Cottage. LGE. MOa trailer baa. 250 8. Cot SMALL APT, adults. 2112 State. i hm. uruBK. rront anc iisnis I i .. . r s water. 12.SS. SSS. 8. 13th. I S R. FURN. npt, 733 Cheaaeketa. HEATED. AIR cond.. wat, Uchts. $18,50. Private bath. gar. S4S5 State. asnksfnskstjSBnaenB I 9 RM. FURN. apt, 709 N. High. ekfkssssnssksssnisnbsn TORN, t RMS., beat, lights, water. ay, ess. w. vproaa. S ROOMS FURNISHED, 974 K I Church. - I B. TOEM. APT, lights, water. wsanar. ms vauie. miiiiwwwmii.i.v(mwww S-ROOM FURNISHED. With water. walking ,. distance. Inquire f 69 N. Front upstalra. 919L S-SOOM linn m, plaaa ta. Fm'l Prtvnto bath. In duplex. Phone S1S. 2-ROOM NEWLY turn. Heat water. tefilgssatoT. garsgs. - Adults. 991 N. I Cottage. - 2-ROOM FURN. apt Private STound fleer, garage.? Pbena 6S0L dVRif. HTP AAHtMo 4Zi If. Wtetsv; skjsaSBnsBnB FURN. APT. Adnlta. Maytag. $S.54 B SZ M. OBpttOt 4-ROOM FURN. ' npt Private bath nd rarsjre. Adnlta. only.' 1S2S . N. I Church street " -.-.r,r. a ua w . . . ! . . M " , w, m. v.. e-nn"l. Its, wt, $18.50. Adults, Ph. CZSS. For Rmt Honteg 4 RM. DUTTJCX. BsbtB Bud onto I turn, . zisr. . i Court cot, fraa-. 784 N. Cot. MOD. 4 R. Apply 27S7 & Church. $22.80. Ino 4 iik v. Vt .. . la2N. Capltot ROOMY 4 ROOM bouse, large sua aMMNMIMMMMAMMMMMIIMMWMVI 4-RL HSX. UXE new. dr. beater. flrepL Hdwd. floors, gar. $21. P. 737A l SUB. HOME, 4 sat out Built-ten, bs anSi!C7 SLnUe' ll-M lag. 068 K. Summer. f UllJa.' aUWs ,$E9U)8 SSi a '- U-W Modern snbusnan. sxi.se. raaom ill. wwwwaMMMMMMMWMMMnMMMMMww Automatic sae tornswe. S3S. 15 SS i Madison, - ' ' awiwwaaiaawaaawaaea S-ROOM STR1CILT tnOdem bOUSS. I oil bnraeT.-near towa. '. as. nortn, ssa, s-ro aMraiwwq.. seotn. SaO. T isass. Fab aaa sat ' atln, anfurnlsnod, f4. a-rooaa ranawa an - pux. ense zn. sts. ; . . ... - 477 Court Street ; 'IdOrjIOttf S-ROOM bungalow. eesMttttoB, wtreA2or..slctrIe rsngs. I Adults. . $2$. Loeatsd 431 K. XSth.a H, SANDERS, 119 So, lCgh-Ill I inquire i n. mbwo. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, partly form, f IS. Immlra 0RslUyS ShOO EhStV 1$9 & Liberty. ' U-J-IJ-I.---J ii 'i t.pnnir rsRTNSl. Hants and water, 96.80 and 80 mo. Sunny side. ITi. tt I. Money to Lean TOO LATE ta borrow that ztrm cash yo Bead wnr te eenaoIUate . thoaa old blUs and start the New, Tear risht t OS bm. repars $ t ta IS I T.1T bo. ropaya ! ta IS ; is.s BMW man list ta is Slttt , rapara i. is i , i rwws mi : v i t4 ROOMS. BATH, electricity, plaa 8TATE LICENSE NUMBERS 8-1 IS U ICS I tared, (arase. On good travel atreet - -, -1 rsrsTaraOr aTi r j u uuuijl MONEY YOU $300 r w M.iwMtv wwr mim Phona 444g S-21S State License M-22S '""' '" i-i-i-mrinj-iji, uuuu FURNITURE LOANS UP TO $300.00 Repayby Week or Month 20 MONTHS TO REPAY i w n Also Loans on Personal Notes and Automobiles STATE FINANCE CO. CCHILDS A MIIJ-ER-S OFFICE) 3-21 S Phono S2S1 M-222 144 State Street Salem. Oregon For Loans $10 to $300 General France Corp. SALEM'S OLDEST and largest tnde Bondeat company.. where your preb s receive cooaaaarauon after as I weU as before the loan ht mad. In tb past eleven years more than I S0.000 borrowers have profited by ear financial nsip and savtca. Payment plan is arranged I m I xo ui your income. :noredtaeel; cash at once Repay any day, week er month te reduce the cost 226 8. Commercial Street Salem. Oregon - 8-1 2 S First Door Sooth of Ladd A Basil Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location SI6S . Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED Money ta buy now or used a Private money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 2 months te repay. Roy H, Simmons 126 a Ooimrcial St, Salem SICS - - UC. NO, M-liZ rciTKKAL. nousiNO loaae) build MTIaanesi hofne. buslneaa nroai States "! Kiita ise MssaaMr warn arnwB vr n.r sbb raw sse a v . On 1st mtsa. H. P. Grant. SIS CaBri. Loans Wanted WANTED PRnrATat unmr TO LOAN an rood Salaaa real aav uue. win pay Interest. - W. a. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 114 & Liberty St Phone MIL " " , 1 -n - n.-i.nnrj- LOANS W AfTTKO sat tans and sir 'OOerty. Beore borrswtun knantra a Financial WE HAVBi (ban thai ret en savings and br Sk W as 1140 iMntnat PMaval ShtvlrHrs A Loan Ass's 4S4S 142 A. liberty St. For Rent i MMWIMMIMMMIMMMMNWMMMM orrtCS SSmtMn SSI State street li, mil te Tea. I7II HOUSES AND apts, aB khads. all rnrn. and nalBrn. mrcy uu- S5S Maxkaa. For Sale Ueal Eslate BVtl. Lfrra GOOD LOTS en paved atr iloti $2 et sacetlon, Price i nr saantkv ' W.H. GRABENHORST A COU .REALTORS ISA a Lsnsrt St. Pbens 9449 BEAUTIFUL NSsW borne, soburban. 9 109 down. 835 month, rlgnt psrty. carle . Anransa ii ; susoaas : smuc Phone eiStV-ZO. START THE asw rear riant Buy new modern 9 bedroom hovne. WIU JT. I awwaia numr - ia m j Torm. Owner. Ph. SMS. MOD. S R. BUILT for convsnlenca. air-conditioned heat Double bath. Priced 81400.ee less than valuation. Located 660 N. XSnd SL. Peter Joban- ssn, owner snd builder. 127 ACRES MOST aB he ewtt. SS acres bs crop, an good mtoa. 9 I ho,,. a barm. Want to ex piate suitable for I aa Sas hr aaaas I 1M ACRES 1 19 acrse tn cult. I rm. I Sjanaa Bnt ha,. Wm nnhiiin trtr 1 . so ACRES vkh I m house and I sera near PaKna oai saved road. Price I ansa Wm . . . h will mt I alvrm Affrmm.m T l Um I room houss suitable for anaHsasnta Xrtea SISOSl Win I ehaasw eonlry for vacant lota, 1 , ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC, " ! ;uo North Commereisl 8t NICE OLD-FASHIONED a borne. 12SS So. Liberty, let TSslsS. roona zor anocner nouae. sssssw Trsoe smauer vtnee nortn. PRICE AND LOCATION f EXCELLENT t ROOa MODERN wUh unCn. us - I stairs, located 4li Marion, heart of "'- 1 -" 1 C H. SANDERS. 119 So. High Phone iUl Fbf Sale Real Estate TOtJR KEW TEAR'S OPPORTUNITY Seteet year baUdlaa lot bow. Wo Kara nuutjr to chooaa fronv dty lota 1100 and ap. Saburban atre. SSOO. eee atra. juua wiin - - cmiXMt A killer. Realtors St SUta gtreet . i?08; 1 I START TOCR NIW TEAR RIGHT Buy this C-rooa, plastered house, basement and garage, SOxlQ ft lot. price 1 1 see wfta e em, its per otn. tseo- atra. aaiis wiin CHULDS A MIlXfR. Realtors S44 SUta Street , . . i Phone S1C1 A GOOD lot Jnat off SUU street Pavement paid for. Price only o. Wm. A. Noyea, Sift Norway. Ph. S4. Priced at S1200 ?,t200 down, balance like rent. Wm. A, Koyea, 910 Norway. Phono 8S4. i SACRIFICE SALE. East front lot I N. 24th street near State, with im- nrovemMita. concrete walk, navad street for only 93 5. Homes building on adjoining lota. Phone 885 i. Owner 75 Rural Ave. FOR SALE OR TRADE SSSOO duplex. ; 4 rooms : and bath schooL Will take fn car or I50S cash as down payment See Mr. Potter with WINNIE PETTTJOHN, Realtor 477 Court Street NEWLY PAINTED home. S rooms Y and bath, cement foundation. wood - ahed. nrtuct' adjomina. water, etec- tricity. Clear title. ; Owner leaving state. Must sell. Price $850. Harold Olsen, SUverton. S-ROOM HOUSE with bath. North Salem, paved street, good residential district, trice sizao: aown. Terms. S-room modern bouse, piped furnace. very Kood location. Built by owner for own home, bare left state. $3500 ; $500 down. $25 montm R. A. FORKNeR - H. T. TJEBER 1SS2 N. Capitol S137S. S-ROOM bunsatow In fine conanion. ctatn, nrepiace, sarage, pav- tng paid. Good location. 3oe aown. s-room icngiisn Type home. Basement, furnace, fireplace, nice lot. S300O. $4500. S-room English type home, blocks from high school Living room. j dining room, nook, 1 bedroom and bath on first floor. 2 bedrooms, toilet and lavatory upstairs. Oak floors, basement, furnace, fireplace. MELVTN JOHNSON. Realtor T25 Court Street Phone 372S FIVE-ACRE BARGAIN Located near Liberty. Good roe A I All In bearing orchard. Corner tract soluble to sub-divide. Price 1750 ; $50 down, balance SIS per month. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 124 S. Liberty Street Phone 6469 Kxriangc Real Estate 66 ACRES. 6 miles out 25 acres cultivated, S-room bouse, 15 aerea timber and pasture, creek, spring; elee-. trie water system. Price $4500. Trade I for Salem property. 1 WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 477 Court Street i For Sale-Farms SACRIFICE 7S ACRES. 21 m cul tivation. IS acres ii niias 2S Fran- ouetto wainuta. family orchard. onownT$ 1 s"'month!Tas. h Clark. Beats 1. Box 6, Camas, Wai springa. good fences, new barn. $2500. J. Waah- tncton. 200 A. DAIRY OR srain farm near Sown. Priced to sell at oncei Tsrma Cars Statesman, Box StT. i 17 ACRES. Kstser district. S ssfles zrom saiem. Excellent son. i a, in cultivation, 1 A. grovs. lit logan berries. IK A. youngberries. lL A. red raapberriea, A. Marshall straw beetles, SS Royal Ann and Lamberts. Ill to IS years old. Cherries and ber ries ta high state of cultivation. House, barn. 3 eowa. 9 pigs, 1 borne, chickens and all farm equipment. You can't go wrong on place. Price $3509 ; $509 down, balance $30 month. K. A. FORKNER - H. T. UEBER 1S5S It Capitol: ACRE WITH NEW HOME Located doss in. Hardwood floors. cedar aiding; pressure water system. eptic tans, race sues: only szzt down, balance S2S.S0 month. 6 in terest and yon better hurry. O. E. Rae. 1665 N. Cottage. Pbone $761. S2-ACRE BARGAIN Variety of besrlnsr fruit, excellent spring water piped to buildings, grav ity flow. S-room hones with large at tic, plumbing. Fine view or the moun- sa Necessary outbuMtasra Price for QUICK SALE S22SS: SSOO. down. balance easy terms. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST; A CO. Realtors 124 8L Liberty Street Phone 4468 Aerease SPECIAL CLOSE IN ACREAGE Distant owaer saysisea hla l-ecre tract desirably located close tn on .paved road. Caa be aubdividad. Price sizes. Terms caa Be Brraaaxeo. gee Mr. Bartlett wttb CHI LPS A MILLER. Realtors - 944 State Street i i Pbone 9261 kaeksnsenssksahoabjnjs -A BARGAXN ! -room house wttb acre. T miles Mth an Rhrar road. Good water, elec tricity available. Imnssdlate pessis ston. $650. bnlance like rent Wat. A. ; Noyes, SIS Norway. Phone S364. sebseksssassBnaaSba 942S9 STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 19tt acres 6U miles out S-room I bouse, attic, basement electrie water I S acres hi besrtoST fruit ana swsr wfA l inclodo electric ranssk Friaidslrs. wasnmc saacbitte. electrie hot water heater, and ether exceuent rar nature, or nea anfumisnea. S?SS; Mr. Potter wtta WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 477 Conrt Street 944, ACRES' need taad. located CUst- tar stntHm, north en Oragon Electric railroad. 2 A. filberts, produced 1800 Iba. this year. Several walnut, peach and cbeiiy traaa, T inuaa eotenial bua galow, ftisplncs. be Baalist, slot trie water pomp ana tuner Buudingx, im mediate pnaaaaalma. Best buy we have today. Bui i wiled by sdeo Sotata. Ton will aot be dtsappoteted In this borne. Price SHOO. Part eaab. babuar terms. See today f ross 1 to S p. m. I wfll bs trsaiiH with Mr. Llndawenw rtter ap-I pointment pbone S4Se. 1 f ACRE. bouse, lights snd water, north, $SS0; $280 down, $10 per sssntK 6. 4-rooes modern asnssv sssaiBint. rar- nsce. fireplace, navtag paid, $2SSw; 11 ZOO down, er trae for ase about -aame) valaa - C. J. JACXaOStV S41 U ACRE so highway 95. bungalows a 1 ZI7. --it- 29 A, t ssSae uesnkaeat et Brooks. S A. cleared, 1 A, beaver state. 1 A fruit 9 rssss boosa ETTcUeat aoQL sxeee t . see a..MA SS i, SS A. rood soil, no waste BARGAIN. $218. . v ;t iloeMiT to ssau at S per teat, j ' ! MELVTN JOHNSON, Ben TXS STXS Verted ltz Ectata OfTEB WllrfID ' - ' We want your b offer on 12s 1 aere. ranch loeatsd south. ea the. Pa cific highway, , . ,W. H. GRABENHORST Ss CO. ) i Realtors -! 114 3. Ltbertr Street Phone (661 Fcr Sale Ucsd Can Chevrplets PRICED TO SELL We Have 2 Coupes in line Condition J ; 1SSS Runa. arooA.- has ' fin tires - and looks the ' 1S3S la better Ahaa average eon diuoa. Radio, baa tar . and . . : da luxa aouliunetit. New car appaaraac , .SSSS L. B. HARRIS MOTORS OVERLAND A WILLTS DEALER -Used Car Lot 12$ Marion Street Phone 17931 OWNER MUST SACRIEICat 1SST CHEVROLET COUPE. If you're look ing ror a good ae new used ear, new thly piyat, cm ba arrai tf lired: rTT orVton atlSL stoat First National Bank Building. 'SS LAFAYETTE 4-DR. Sedan, $34S, lA - 1. Tako cheaper car. SIS S. SZnd. 1S37 FORD z-DOOR. A-t condition. If taken today. $160 will handle. Ino, DeWltt's Fruit Market. Cottage at Ferryv r - - '34 LAFAYETTE sedan, perfect condition, $500. By owner. 1227 Court Business Opportnniliea GROCERY STOCK; fixtures and lease, bargain If sold at once, (15 N. 14th. RESTAURANT AND grocery, living quarters, Al location, $1659. 179 & liberty, phone 7113. 100 FT. FRONTAGE on SSE north. Store building 30x0 ft, 6-room house. 4 -room house, S-room apartment city water. Potential income $ss per month. Owner must selL For further par ticulars see WINNIE PETTTJOHN. Realtor a 477 Court Street For Sale Wood BONE DRY WOOD, Ph. 6669. GOOD WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 9560. S CORDS OF good dry 4 ft 2nd growth for $11.50.. PJw 7S60. - DRY ASH A oak. $5.76. Ph. S7S9. NO MONCT down. S mo. te pay en -cord iota, all klads. W. X Graen. 412 N. 21st. Phono 5270. FUEL ON easy payments. No down payment, a months or longer to pay. First payment SS day a Any amount any kind. Full measure. Chas. E. Smith. Tel. S22L 115 N. Church. DRY 1S FIR, $5. Ph. 7152. DRT Snd GROWTH. Ph. I2TF1A ksBbssisBsiBjasgessSass A-l DRY OLD FIR. $6 09. Ph. 1254 a4seWjBBnBkBsss eTOR DRT ate growth. fhon 4SS7 DRT WOOD Pboaa 4SSS. E. Bole. 40 7f" LOAD 16. IN. min. Dry mm 12.76. 16 In. dry 2nd growth. I $4.00. 123 cu. ft. bulk Ids. Ph. 17F31. OLD FIR, $5 ; 2nd gwth. 4-ft Itmb. Ss. oak. 14.50, ash, j $s, knots. $4.50. Pbone S45S. GET YOUR dry old fir. 117$ N. 17th. E. HoUoway. DRY OLD fir, 1 5. 00 sawed knots. $6.00 : 16 tn. old fir Jlmba, $6.00 hardwood all kinds. Ph. 6370. Prompt oeuvery. WOOD. SSS N. CHURCH. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. 60c, lt-ln. 7491 WOOD SAWING, Sproed. Ph. 6SS3. Peronal LONBLtT "WORTH W HI tXT ewest- Heart, kusbaad, wife for you. Bos TI m anneiea i y GORDON FLEMING, psychologist ana- numsroiogtst. Kssatngs aaiiy here ror- a limited "time only. 444 B High. TsL 460A WANTED ORIGINAL poems, songs. for immediate consideration. Send poems to Cohtmbtea Mosie Publishers, i 1AO, Dept. Exa, Toronto, can. Bxisiness Curds ha thks directory os s SBMstthly bawta only. Ratet ft per tbse per mouth. AND GLASS.: eat N. Portland RA Anto Brakes Mike Panes. 979 South Osestberelal ' Anto Repairfaig ? LEWrEfS AUTO REPAIRING. Day , and nlgnt sanies. Ford and Cbev. apactnllat. Itemaayer amrsga, SSS Z. High, TsL 9 ISA : - Carber Service LOO LAKaT. I99S Broudway. OieyeU I SLkFi-fTv a Hv.WM.ar,nH Body & Fender Uepair FOR BODY A FENDER rooaUa. at.li tries, ssat covers, glass replacement ante swtntlngwSEB the HorraH-Oajasi Co, US S. Osntl aX Phono S1S9L Cabinei Works 2I Court St Chimner Streep 'XV TSajEPHOKS 44SA; It St Chiroprsctora 1 DR. O. t, SCOTT. PSQ Cbtrooraetse A, REALI 886 JV High, Tel. Rae. 9619 : EXCAT ATI NO OT aB mesne dug Dirt1 hauled or nmved. Dirt for aeJs. Salem Sand sssf Crxrei Co 9491'.. Florists- Brehbaupt'A 447 Court. - Phone f9t ST. SALEM 144 Racing Shakeup s e-BjaBB-BesejsmnBBnn ePaBBBBBBBBBBSBSSa . 4se.S.-- v.:v .;.1.:.Ai-i..... j V A- ' ml Climaxing the bitterest feod California's racing hi story t rksliitna W. TtnrV--aJMtwJ tea- tiered his resignation as Horse nnrtng board cnairman to uov - .nnwWt (Tniheirt: oisesa re - cently. Normaa W. Church, be- r. 1.MU. eanttalJst and " aw ar snortsmam and Bnrke's arch ad - man.- will h named hi his Dlace. It was reported. UN photos. Chinese Hospital Burns After Raid SHANGHAI. Dec 3l-(JP)-CU aese press reports said today the Southern Baptist hospital at Kwel- lia was damaged by fires which followed a Japanese air raid on the Kwangsl province capital last rnursaay. Baptist headaoarters here could not confirm the reports Immedi ately. The headquarters was at- tempting to contact officials of the hospital, operated by fire American missionaries. Legals NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING In the County Conrt for the Cown- ty of Marion, state of Oregon, IN THE HATTER OF THE ES- I?' JORGENSEN. DECEASED. Notice, is hereby given that Ira W. Jorgensen, Administrator of the estate of H. E. Jorgensen, de ceased, has filed his final account ia the county court ot the County ot Marion and that the tth day et February. 1 93 9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. has been appointed by the court for heating ot objec tions to - said final account at which time any persons interested ia said estate may appear and file objection to same ta writing and contest the same. Administrator ot the Estate of H. E. Jorgensen, deceased IRA W, JORGENSEN, Reyes A Page, Attorneys for Administrator 1 20 U. S. Natt Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon. Jaa. l-S-ls-Xl-29 Directory Ldmndries mn watts? aura I lnunsv THE V? EIDER LAUNDRY '! 2U SL High c .. Tot, 9199 Kfagannes SATS MONEY en nxsgsxtnee. Ph. T9SA Mra. Paul H. naasss, szs Mattresses SALEM' FLO rr-RUa and Mattr factory. NEW MATTRESS made te erda . eld remade) carpet cleaning, ste ins; fluff nag weavtoc. & ISth A Wu- bnr. Tst S44L OTTO F. S WICK KB CAPITOL SSCDDtNQ CO. PbOBi S0S Painting and Kalsonilnlng KAISOMINE. AS low as 99 re Winter prices, Pntetteg, Phone 4S3S. Printing FOR STATIONERY, eards, ,-rmpnlets pruginins. books or any aand i nr tec call The StaUsmsa Prfcetteg Battsssnt, SIS S. OsuunetchiL Ten PISS, p- . ., :-, , - k' Transfer CAPTTAL-CtTT State St. Tst 777S. Distrtbatlng. warding and storage eus specialty. ratea r . FOR LOCAL er distent sgssnrnae oP. sail S1SI Tn safer C Trncks te ;r.' Vacunni Service AUTHORIZED HOOVER antes . sal servteev AO spake serviced. Yacmsas to res, sir; wan. Hogg Well OriUiri a a. trrsT, Rt cbos $$a r-.tisn Wet isexnesta ROCKTITE APPLIED ugansst sure or ssepsgs te all masonry. Fib Hitler Loolis on 1938 as rmM Tear of Richest Harvest' T He Says in Message to ; V Whole Nation m 1 .. BERCBTESaATJKN. Germ any, Dec IO-(jp)-Adolt Hitler tonight termed it'St Ut ""rear ot the richest h arrest la oar Alstory in a New Year's message to the na tion. : :. - . At ta same time the fuehrer et expanded Germany set as tasks tor the BAttoa darlag ItSS the contlniance ot basI education ot the Oermaa people, the strength ening of the army and execution v v& vu. kvw-jvw . ywa w . wr I , Bomlc self sufficiency.) :r j j ut zornign auairs, ne sua, - tier many 's coarse has been destined gad sized ...the bit gal to as which ariaa oat of oar friendship for fascist Italy are dear and un- breakAtle." ; ; -i--- ' Appensemesit la Wish : The message, released through DNB, the official news agency, also made ' clear that ' Germany's coarse was "gtlpalated by the anti-communism pact with Italy and Japan and added: "But we hare only one wish that we may succeed also la the coming year to contribute to the general appeasement ot the world." He said Germany's greatest for eign political problem had been solved and expressed gratitude to the nation "which helped solre without war the European ques tion (the Czechoslovak e r i a 1 a ) which had to be solTed." Extends Thanks to Italy The fuehrer, assured Italy of our understanding for Premier Mussolinl'i historic role In main- 1 u t.u ym jm. . 1 and .extended the nation's thanks to the "other statesmen (Prime I Minister Chamberlain and Pre- I - - s -w js a s . 1 uuer uaiauierj wuo u wis year, together with us. undertook to I seek and find the road to peaceful buibuuu ok io uueauuu . w a i c u brooked no delay.' Lehman Is Sworn in, Governor Fourth Time NEW YORK, Dec. 31-V-Her- bert H. Lehman was sworn la as governor ot New York today, first ia the history ot the state to take the oath for the fourth time. It also was for the first four-year urn Czech Paper Folds PRAGUE, Dee. Jl.-UPV-One of the world's oldest newspapers, the Csech ' Praxske Noviny. which boasted aa age ot 259 years, dis appeared tonight la the swell of change which hit Czech o-Slorakla after the Munich settlement Msuriage It Secret Phyllis Denison, Salem, and aZZJZ Z vl- I d8bnM.gTrc;nyJter! day at Davenport, Wash- accord' ing to an Associated Press dis patch. Cross Word Puzzler '. i . . llil- fill1' sir bL(itNE SlitH-'lvK mMUZONTAL 11conditioB suTeetedby - rnfital r ' . aVvnlopmetit 41 ehom - . - - 4--og who , factor 11 follows the I , trail of 11 literary ' i - exOeetaom . ' 11 miHriooa ,.; sets pasi . inwraoow. t7 the Iff long airrnw f inlet verdant ITsthmtlMBofattiottte: k!Jtr VIsJoAlCr Inrssssl ZriZioatr -ft- i SVUMB TItlp . tJ-sAngio- LaBjaa 'baa :-(--' t II CAlSlS O-titI U --rulsta . . souars t S3 downpour tft! ijZJtr; i vmxes tt icontea 1 T" :fwrary T - tikrtnAS' , ' ,, E9Tti5t ULL irrtsrsnu WPA Head Now, to wfaoeS::-K';:Jp:' CoL F. CL BjUTmftea A new picture of the new Works Progress Administrator CoL F. C. HArrington, shown at his desk tn Washington. Colonel Harrington, who has been an assistant, suc ceeds Harry L. Hopkins, the new United States secretary of com j mercc oe i i -1 i ' i a i i i Doembecher Case Up Again Tuesday PORTLAND, Ore., Dec tl-iPy-Another attempt to iron out the dispute between the Doernbecher Furniture company and its 1100 employes will be made Tuesday. The furniture union Friday turned down a company offer em bodying a wage cut of approxi mately five cents per hour. Thd plant has been idle for several weeks. '' .: ' if r - Firtt Work Started on New Structure or OSC PORTLAND, Dee. tl.-VP)-Among three Oregon PWA proj ects started today was constric tion of a $(0,600 agricultural en gineering building ' at Oregon .. State college to replace a build ing destroyed by tire last fall. -' Lift Jerusalem Curfew JERUSALEM, Dee. 11.-V British military authorities today lifted months-old curfew regula- lions In Jerusalem's new city to enable inhabitants to ' celebrate' New Year's eve. The curfew was -invoked as a precaution fa the . Arab-Jewish strife that flared Jaly 4. , cherubk- t fsther t -one spot 10 erckwiasU eadreprsw. entatrvs 11 bulk . ,. -IS sensitive , tepaia U make sou- "' PtibU t. seaslUvIty IdoQ - edgiasr rearrsins , W-wiBow ' VXR llCAL . i ( lHaaxine fish ... I mssmlin I si siing ' letter . r wt iBwTta i. artide f- ti iMiiiUiifn fort: with M implement - aaoSBsrsaaBaeV v - --Vk5SB ta i erirple , a una rrjt . mm drwiufre meat 44 p repeal tkrj . ir t r;r - .Jii;r eBbrv :LL.i 4W4ainJse ; ; real-estate - - " - smaaaaa. ? . ' wseanuVaU. :asp eBBBBUbBBBB - -H-s.i.--SWerASJ s , A cathis ptaee t W imisif st $VmaII uieea ..t?s "t tnstiumejBi q sjgua ' y ? sf rock . pj Z23-dao : . fi ' is7iiiiVs ' T eaueugJ 1:4 tS eiauoeji .4 J-'at Sl'l"h''"1 !,$ U Greek IsttAIV ' - the scale